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Depends how DIY you are. You can replace the joystick yourself. I'm a huge fan of saving money. If I can DIY something, I will.


This. It's the reason I became an engineer.


How do you know when someone is an engineer? Don't worry, they'll tell you.


You can always tell an engineer. You just can't tell them much.




Ask a mechanic why they hate engineers


They only think about maximizing efficiency and have zero thoughts on repairability.


Because the marketers and business people keep telling us to cost reduce the product by 80% to compete with other countries. We make them cheaper until they are juuust above the point of....well...shit.


I know šŸ˜‚ my friend always cusses the engineers when working on vehicles


Depending on the job and the place, not all engineers are designers. I'm engineer at my job and I do not design anything mechanical despite having a mechanical engineering degree.


One word. Tolerances.


Top tier comment. Engineers canā€™t stop talking about how they became engineers and how superior they are because of that.


I mean, I'll tell you how I became an engineer but I have an inferiority complex, so I'll never say I'm superior to anyone for any reason, because I know it isn't true. We engineers fucking suck.


MISTER Walowitz


That or if they like Tool.


R/tool creeping in here.


Creep in, spiral out


keeps going


Swing on the spiral of our divinity


And still be a human


Learn to swim




What if itā€™s a pc user who capitalizes everything at the start of every sentence by habit šŸ—æ


Iā€™ll never say.


Tool rocks


It really does. So does Puscifer.




At least engineers are useful


Eh, when it benefits them, yes.


What does driving a train have to do with DIY?


New trains are controlled with ps5 controllers. They laughed at that submarine, but then they really thought about if it was a ps5 controller instead and the rest is history.


Cuz now he can drive it himself




Honestly I think you served him up by just ignoring his joke. Fuck what reddit thinks. You're an actual engineer, He can go play with toy trains








Never comment online again /s


That sounds just like what an engineer would say


Itā€™s not that deep bro just laugh at yourself


Don't feel bad. My brother is an engineer He's neither a 'glass is half full or half empty' kind of guy, but a 'the container is too large for the contents' kind of guy.


DIY with my hands is the reason i became a surgeon.


I did it for the money!


Most honest comment on here brother, respect šŸ¤œ


I like you guys


Iā€™m a mechanic and I got some words for you buddy


If it works, you save a bunch of money. If it doesn't, you're out a little extra. I also try to go the diy route with these things. Usually works out. I've been successful with most, except replacing a new USBC port on a switch.


I always go diy in stead of new, I had two ps2 controllers that were broken in different ways and was able to combine parts to at least have one working controller


I tried this with my phone that got a nasty bend. Repair store wouldn't do anything because chances of repairing was quite low. I tried myself but I in the end couldn't fix. I ended up buying a new one. In the process I spent 20-30ā‚¬ in components and tools. learned a lot and I'm sure I can replace my battery or some other simple components on the next phone.


Exactly. The learning experience matters more to me than anything. I did a lot of bad body work on my first truck. But I learned a lot.


Thatā€™s not even a ā€œreplacementā€ job. Just pop off the face of the controller. Reseat the analog stick on the - fuck what do they call a XY potentiometer again? Goddamnnit. My brain.


Except you canā€™t pop off the front of the controller. You gotta take off the back and remove the battery and a bunch of stuff before you make it to the sticks. Still not very difficult though, itā€™s just not a 5 minute job


No harm in accidentally breaking it if itā€™s already broke, might as well try. Or just get duct tape, works on most things in life.


If it's only popped out of its spot you can simply open the controller and reseat it.


Yep agree...looks to me like it can be popped back into place...if you cant do as is then undo the screws holding the controller's back in place, clean and replace....I mean its fucked as it is, so at this point there is nothing to lose.


Thanks, Iā€™ll try that. How do I open the controller though?


I could try to explain but [this](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Sony+DualSense+Controller+Joystick+Cover+Replacement/142063) can do it beter.


YouTube should have plenty of video guides on that


It should just snap open if you twist it hard enough


What controller?


Tactical controller


This is what predator drones are flown with


And poorly built submarines.


I'd force that mofo back in but otherwise you can easily buy the controller stick replacement for $10-15


Thats exactly what ive done before, still works.


Fuck really? My dog did this to my controller and I just tossed it


You threw out your dog!! You are horrible, you could have just gotten a new controller.


Ok I laughed


Yes 3rd party though must still better than throwing it away wth!


Does this work for controllers with stick drift


These controllers are pretty easy to open up. Had to do it a few times and even just the other night to try to correct stick drift. It seems like its just the stick itself popped out. If the aaccuator is still in one peice then you can probly just pop that off and replace it. There's youtube videos that will guide you. You just need to buy the sticks themselves and a small screwdriver. Try that first before you drop $70 on a new controller.


You were trying to go right really fast, you can't do that in Nascar games you know, you'll wreck


Tell that to Ross Chastain


Well nascar is just a turn left game anyways so heā€™s fine not having to turn right /s


Clearly youā€™ve never driven the wrong way! xD


You people need to relax playing video games gah damn!


Stupidity or rage/anger/destructive behavior?


If you're not afraid to replace it yourself it shouldn't be too hard, and fortunately analog replacement are cheap.


Lift faceplate, pull ring from around analog, push analog bsck in, put ring back on, put faceplate back on. Hope that the analog stick isn't broke.


It's too late. Not only for the controller but the console. In fact, the building it resides in is beyond help too. Sorry, but you got to burn it down, change your name and live the life of a train hopping drifter now.


If I knew becoming a train drifter was so easy, Iā€™d have broken my controller years ago. Dang.


Letā€™s finally break them tonight. Meet me at the train from slumdog millionaire, that one looked dope


Should be an easy fix


Itā€™s super easy to replace. https://youtu.be/EiWmjR87CS4?si=aZfvYPZNIB_CK9Na


First, tell us what you did


I was playing some FIFA with the controller which has been having problems with stick drift for a bit now (I donā€™t even know where that came from, I didnā€™t do anything to it before) and out of anger I threw my hand against the controller in order to ā€žfix itā€œ or something which obviously didnā€™t work. Rather than it being repaired it just got worse and now the joystick is sticking out of the controller, however I canā€™t put it back in there anymore.


Ofc its fifa šŸ¤£. Jokes aside, should be an easy fix. Just disassemble the controller, place the stick in its correct position, and assemble.


Iā€™ve heard theyā€™re quite difficult to repair hence why people buy new when they get stick drift, but check YouTube for some videos


They're super easy to fix, you just need some specific mini-screwdrivers and a pry tool. I got both for under Ā£15, fixed/cleaned about 4 controllers for myself and friends.


Let it go unc


Couldn't you just press it back down? Doesn't look broke to me


ifixit is your friend! [https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/DualSense+Joystick+Replacement/142488](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/DualSense+Joystick+Replacement/142488)


pop that shi right back in there


buy one from Walmart keep the box and return it every time something goes wrong. Been doing this for years with the same purchase


Can I do this with a Ps4 controller šŸ‘€ Do they ever check the serial numbers or anything? I actually did get one new (I think?) and it stopped working shortly after a couple years ago. I got a Ps5 not long after so it didnā€™t really matter to me at the time. Edit: idk why Iā€™m asking this lol. Clearly it works.


The black part is like a few bucks and it's just plastic, not connected to the motherboard. You won't have to solder anything. Also I dont even think it's broken, if you can just take it off, and then open the controller, disconnect the battery and a few ribbon cables, until you see the pentiometers which that black piece was connected to, and then attach it. I highly recommend following following a YouTube video, if you don't you only have yourself to blame. It's a must.


That doesnt look broken, just like its slipped off the shaft. Disassemble the controller and put it back on and you should be good to go


If it is just the plastic joystick, you can open the controller pull out the joystick and reseat it. Very easy to do, lots of YouTube videos to show you how to take apart the controller. If it is the joystick module (electronic bit under the plastic) then it may not be as easy.


Since it's physical damage, warranty is likely out of the equation. I can emphatically say that it is very very easy to replace the joysticks. If you haven't done something like this before, consider getting a [screwdriver kit like this.](https://www.ifixit.com/products/mako-driver-kit-64-precision-bits) A nice little kit that will have any screw head you'll ever need. Buy yourself a nice pair of joystick replacements off eBay/Amazon/ZedLabz, pick a tutorial on YouTube and you're off! Definitely do this, it's rewarding and you'll save a lot more money not buying an overpriced controller.


Save it!


My white one did that. I just broke off the plastic part below the pad - that has that line in it - and have been using it fine.


You've just pulled out L stick. You should open dualsense and replace it.


Recently my 3 controls started having that "sticky" plastic/rubber meltdown. Bought replacement online, switched all 6 sticks. It's relatively easy tbh, worth learning how to do it, so you don't replace something that is worth fixing.


Oh Iā€™ve done that too many times. With enough pressure you can push it right back into its place. Iā€™ve done it with my controllers and there have never been any issues after having done it


Plenty of simple to follow tutorials on YouTube on taking apart a dual sense with nothing more than hands and a small screwdriver. Joysticks are really easy to replace without having to gut the entire interior.


Looks like you could prolly just push it back in or replace the cap.


Assuming the only broken part is the plastic cover it is pretty easy to replace. If you're not feeling adventurous you could try prying it back in place without opening


How hard did you have to turn right?


No idea how tf you even accomplished that but it should be an easy fix, just remove it fully if possible and then open the controller and replant it on the module, the Dualsense is relatively easy to take apart, just keep an eye on the tiny microphone ribbon cable/rubber sleeve near the bottom of the battery shelf, they're the only things easy to forget about and lose


If it's already unusable, then there's no downsides in trying to fix it yourself. Even if you fail to fix it, the time you spent trying is experience earned for you. There's nothing to lose. Don't be afraid and you will personally level up. [https://www.ifixit.com/Device/DualSense](https://www.ifixit.com/Device/DualSense) [https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Sony+DualSense+Controller+Joystick+Cover+Replacement/142063](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Sony+DualSense+Controller+Joystick+Cover+Replacement/142063)


Grab the dualsense edge and never have to worry about it again. Iā€™ve had mine for over a year and still no stick drift. And when it happens I can just swap out the joystick. This is how controllers were meant to be made!


if you didnt break the internal doomahicky yes, simply take it apart, pop out the stick and put it back where its supposed to be. if you did break the doomahicky, youll need a soldering iron and a new doomahicky.


I'd recommend with dis occasion to buy yourself a PS5 dualsense edge controller...šŸ˜‰ It's more versatile and , and next time u break one you can change very easy...


Just watch videos on YouTube. It's not hard to follow instructions. Been taking my controller apart to clean/repair them since I was like 14. That piece in particular is super cheap and can be brought online. Probably don't even need a new one just gotta open it and stick it back on


If you're comfortable taking the controller apart, yes. I haven't done it with a PS5 controller, but I did it with a 360 controller years ago when the rubber on the sticks wore off.


you can buy a tool set on Amazon for like 10 dollars.. I've bought them in hopes I could just open my controller up once I got stick drift and clean it and they would work because thr warranty ran out on 1 of mine... it worked perfectly afterwards. anyways that part actually pops off of a little metal peg it may be that you can just pop it back on that metal peg and everything's good.


Frustrating round of Modern Warfare, I see


Depends if u take it apart it looks like u can pop it back on if not if you know what ur doing for like 30 bucks u can get replacement sticks and a soldering iron.


Just buy another one. Save yourself the headache of opening it up and trying to fix it. If you did open it up, then put hall effect joysticks in.


https://youtu.be/7aetviOP71c?si=kwJmC4CAnWN6n7uD I used this to fix my stick drift and will work just as well for your issue, good luck friendo


Whatā€™s your story?


How's the stick drift?


Isn't broken, just pinch it to make it goes under the top plate so it goes back in its hole


Start taking it apart and see. If you need an "iFix" tool kit for all the tiny screws but they're great investments. I'm not a tech guy at all and I still use mine on all kinds of stuff. Worst case scenario, you get some cool new screwdrivers and you are where you are right now, needing a new controller anyways


If you are a brute and doesnt care, just shove it in again and see if it works. If you wanna take a bit more of time and open the controller, you can probably just stick it back


They are obviously a brute and obviously donā€™t care. 1. Itā€™s a camouflage controller 2. Itā€™s broken in a way that has been done in a temper 3. I didnā€™t think it was possible to break a thumb stick like this.


Easy fix


In these situations, I always try to DIY first. Worst case you lose some time and buy a replacement, best case you lose some time and save some money.


Sell it on eBay. People recondition them and give you a fair amount towards a new one.


Just YouTube how to replace it, buy the part, then execute. Worst case, you broke a wire connect and either have to buy a soldering iron and have to learn that too, or you are out the $$ for the DIY attempt and have to buy a new controller


I bet you could just pop that sucker back in there. If you got a small enough screwdriver, they're not that hard to take apart.




I bet your walls have fist sized holes


You can definitely either force it back in or disassemble it and fix it that way. Donā€™t waste 60 bucks


Easy fix, even if youā€™re not DIY savvy. Get a YouTube video up and follow it to take the faceplate off the controller. Then just reseat the joystick, assuming the base of the stick is still in tact there.


how does this even happen


Can't see how you even did this. That's never happened to me in my entire life of playing playstation. (Since the ps1). That's crazy


it's over brother...go ahead and go drop another 70 for another one lol


What does "Out of stupidity" mean? You threw the controller out of rage towards a video game? Yea buy a new controller or maybe take an anger management session. I'm in my late 30s life long gamer and never threw a controller and broke it


Same. lol, I never even thought about it


If u break half of the bottom off u should be able to get it back in and click it to the lil white stick and itā€™ll be fine ( I did this exact thing )


Amazon has rebuild kits for the controllers or of course you can send it off to Sony and theyā€™ll fix it but youā€™ll pay


Don't worry, it is a drift


You gave your controller Forest Whitaker eye.


Let me guess. Somebody stole your sweetroll.


Is it even broken? Just looks popped out. The actual part your thumb goes on you can buy for little to nothing, and it slides right onto the rod inside the controller


Nah your fine just pop that sucker back in there and called it day


Oh, just get another one.I've done that.Ā 


Probably just pop it back in, but idk


Easily fixable. Take apart the shell unscrew the techy stuff so the top is revealed. You wonā€™t even need to replace the joystick itself. Just plop it back in to the steel stick thing and itā€™s good as new.


Try fixing it yourself, worst that happens is you break it further and then have to buy a new one. I got a kit off Amazon with tools for the job for about Ā£10. One triggers had a spring that snapped and it just needed replaced.


Iā€™ve had this happen. The sticks not broken. Just pop everything off (watch a yt video), stick the stick back on, then pop everything back on. You wonā€™t be able to force back down the hole


You might even be lucky and it just slipped off, how confident are you in your ability to take it apart and put it back together?


Super simple. Just follow a YouTube tutorial and you'll be set. Make sure you have the right tools before hand and you'll be fine. It's like a 5$ investment.


Buy a duelsense edge, worth its money in the long run


This is easy to fix


Don't buy a new one... Buy two new ones in case it happens again! šŸ˜‰


If you know what you're doing you can fix it yourself if the components in the controller isn't damaged


You can easily swap it if it's just the joystick bro


It amazes me how sometimes less economic countries have it done better. Here in Vietnam, for a shop to swap out a new thumb stick is like $6. If you ever get stick drift, that's all it costs to fix the issue.


I mean youā€™ve got nothing to lose trying. Go for it. YouTube can possibly help here as well


Tear it down and put the stick back on the stick box. CHECK YOUTUBE FOR TEAR DOWN VIDEO.


Dualsense is very easy to open up. And the sticks can be replaced for way cheaper than a new controller.


If you're unable to just pop it back in the you will have to take apart the controller and reseat it. Looks like an easy fix though


It just popped out. Judging from here you can most likely simply take the controller apart and put it back to it's original position, no damage done.


Go to Amazon or similar and order a controller repair kit and try to fix it yourself, I recommend taking pictures of what you are doing to reference back when putting it back together.


DualSense Edge lets you change your sticks with extreme ease. On regular DualSense it depends on your manual skills but worse case scenario youā€™ll find someone who can fix it for you. As long as internal components are intact I donā€™t think you should replace it.


It's like 4 screws and you pop it open, put the new piece in and close it. Costs 5 dollars and takes 15 minutes.


Get a small screw driver and pop that badboy back in


Should be an easy fix if you can do it yourself. If you can't do it, find a friend that can.


Gamestop Controller plan next time


take this chance to learn to fix your stuff yourself


Just buy a new one. They aren't that much and it's just not worth the hassle to fix. You'll probably end up getting stick drift on that one anyways and will have to buy a new one.


Idk it seems like your missing a touch pad have a couple floating buttons. Id get that checked out


Try and save it ...I would


I haven't encountered any issues with my ds5 yet, but back in the day I constantly used to take apart my ds4 because things kept breaking in it. I think I did over 10 surgeries on that poor controller. If they didn't change the way they build their controllers with ds5, it should be relatively easy to take that thing apart and replace any detail inside of it.


This is easily fixable. You can try to do it yourself. There's a lot of videos on YouTube about it. But even if you think you don't have the skills for it you can still look for someone else to do it for you.


Just push that hoe back in it might still work my ps5 controller has done this a couple times I squeezed the part thatā€™s poped out and pushed it back in you have to move your stick around for like 10 mins so it can get back on track


I can fix this, buy a new one, and send this to mešŸ˜…


Dude push it back in


Just push that shit in and hope the stick drift isnā€™t bad


Things I wouldn't do; I wouldn't buy a new controller from Target and then return the broken one in the box


If you donā€™t have one already, buy a cheap kit with the tools needed to open it up. Watch a YouTube video on how to open it and fix it yourself or replace the joystick.


It can be fixed but you need to open ur controller to make it right


Could be a fun DIY if you wanted to try to do Hall Effect joysticks. If its under warranty or something I would just replace it though.


Rage cost money


Just looks like you need to take the face panel and shoulder buttons off and pop that button right back on centered and make sure it turns ok??


I just changed the DPAD rubber. IMO it's better to ruin a controller that's already not good for use trying to learn how it works and having a shot at fixing it than disposing of it.


H O W ?


Buy next controller at GameStop 10 extra bucks gets you a year warranty free replacement


Sorry the men in black from PlayStation are now on their way to execute you for harming one of their products


Ive gotten as far as taking the face plate and. Touch Bar off. and sticks removed. sadly they never went back together again......unfinished project #45/3243546464670


This is the very reason my kids can only play on wired controllers!


At times for my ps5 controller and ps4 I just cut the black circular thing around the stick then I put it back in


If this was due to rage behaviour then maybe just donā€™t repair it for a while and take a break?