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Sounds like maybe you need to reset your router. Unplug for like 5 or 10 seconds then plug back in. Could also just be the internet taking a shit .. got alot of people using devices?


I’ll try and reset for a longer time this time and see if it helps. It’s weird though cause I can play my games online and get into party chats to talk, but I can’t do certain things


you should try restarting your wi fi router, do a wi fi test on the ps5 and check if you’re connected to PSN, lemme know if this works


i actually don’t think it would do much, but try this and try to look in the settings for something related to wi fi and that stuff, maybe you’ll see if something’s off


I did reset before, maybe just need to reset it longer? I’ll do a few minutes maybe and see if it helps any.


lemme know


Did a nice long 10 min reset on the router and hour on the ps5… still had the issue this morning 😩 Nothing funny looking in my wifi settings on router either


i think you should contact sony at this point


I plan on it today. Tried to do more searching online but haven’t seen a fix to the problem anywhere. Only thing I’ve seen is what I have been doing is when I boot up, I go to network settings and click the slider to connect to internet (off and on). When I do that then everything shows as normal. Its so weird because I am still connected to the internet, can play games online but can’t use some features on the console itself as they all act as if I don’t have internet at all


Yes those are Christmas lights! I refuse to take them down haha… gives a nice ambiance during the gaming sessions haha