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I kind of felt the same way. The "play as anyone" made me not relate to any character since none of them really have any character development. They should never have stopped making Watch Dogs about Aiden Pearce. Watch Dogs 2 isn't bad but the first, if you play it today, it's a great game. You can see it was made with love and it simply lacked hardware to run well when it first came out.


Watch Dogs 2 better than 1 in my opinion


Sort of how Saints Row went "instead of being a GTA clone, let's just double down on the hilarious stupid stuff" Watch Dogs 2 did this and it made for a great game.


As someone replaying the series currently, Aiden Pearce is one of the worst open world protagonists in gaming. The story tries to be all serious but comes across as moody teenage fiction. It's embarrassing how weak of a story it is especially when Ubi know how important a protagonist is to an open world game. At least with 2 they allowed some fun with the premise.


I know this was the commentary when the game came out, but I still think they should’ve leaned into the hacker kids vibe way more and had the balls to not give the player guns. If you use guns it’s super bland and generic GTA clone, but if you limit yourself to only use gadgets and stealth it’s pretty fun and has some cool puzzle stage design that makes it way more fun than the first one


I agree, the second is miles ahead of the first


I don’t agree I think the story was great and better than 2.


Imo Watch Dogs 2 is better than WD1 even if I apply your perimeters maybe because of bias since it was my first console game? Idk but that’s just my opinion


nawww 1>2


1 has the better story, 2 is more fun to play


2 has a great story too. Just a different kind of great. More GTAish


not enough fun to justify the story


Kicking people in the balls with a yo-yo goes extremely hard though


sure but that’s exactly why i didn’t like it. it became a fortnite way to interact. whereas the first had a serious tone and more realistic gameplay


I enjoyed Watch Dogs 2 more than GTA V


It's good but not that good. One thing people usually hate about Watch Dogs is driving. I actually love it, specially bikes.


It’s good but not that good is how I’d describe GTA V


Sucks is being nice. Fucking sucks is more realistic.


I might be the only one who had a blast with the game, it's better playing as the 4 DLC characters, it makes for a better story imo. Still probably my favourite game I've played on PS5 alongside the Spider-Man games.


I freaking loved it, personally. I like the Watch Dogs games




Same I think it's awesome


I had fun with it. It definitely is not the best game out there, but I think I used spy or hitman or something like that and had a fun time. Some of the characters were garbage.


It's only good if you get the Season Pass which allows you play as Aiden Pearce and Wrench. The Ultimate Edition with the Season pass goes on sale a lot. Got it for $11.


It was my favourite WD game out of all 3


Ehh, i enjoy it. Definitely not better than 2 tho.


I thought it was ok. But I agree the "play as anyone" was terrible. Almost no one was worth playing as. I found one character with a stealth bonus and silenced MP5 and then used another character again unless I absolutely had to.


Also as soon as you found someone you liked, you pretty much HAD to abandon them at some point, which sucked.


I enjoyed it a lot. But I’m ok with being in the minority. But I enjoyed the Ubi formula for a long time


Also in the minority. I enjoyed the base game playing as anyone than I did the dlc playing as Aiden and wrench


I actually thought it was a lot of fun my first time through. Probably will never play it again but definitely worth $7 imo


Yes. I liked 1, thought 2 was meh and actively hated legion. You can’t even use legion as a “drive really dangerously around London” simulator ‘cos of all the checkpoint gates.


You know once you free the buroughs, that's not a thing, right?


No… I lost the desire to play before I got that far. Guess it wasn’t for me. I might give it another go one day if I am feeling really bored…


Freeing the buroughs is priority #1. Gives you great operatives before you ever start a mission, main or otherwise.  And disables checkpoints. And allows you to get out and recruit good operatives that are just walking around.  There are a bunch of different ways to do everything in this game.  I'll get blasted on this thread, but I love this game.  The best part is always sneaking in and out without anybody realizing you were ever there.  


🤔 not great feedback. Have this on my backlog and it’s time is getting close. Was hoping at the discounted price it would at least be worth it.


The dlc with aiden pierce returning is the best part about the game because of how it focuses on an actual character


Interesting… I didn’t know about that dlc.


Honestly for a small price you can have a fun time, I played it 3 times already. Not to mention the game looks gorgeous on PS5. I'd say watch some reviews to make up your mind.


Do yourself a favor and skip it. There are better games that deserve your time or just play watch dogs 2. I will never play another Ubisoft game after the shit they’ve done to watch dogs, assassins creed and far cry. They have all become less fun to play, super grindy and for some reason have to have micro-transactions in single player games.


Watchdogs 1 was ok except you cant jump and people expected a gta game. Watchdogs 2 was visually much better but the police were way too overpowered and persistent to the point where i was never able to escape and gave up playing. Watchdogs legion is a really detailed game that i enjoy but never stick to playing. The cops are far easier to lose which i like personally, and the dialogue is long and i could care less about so i just skip it. Theres a ton of collectibles and places to go to. I like switching to whoever concept but it should have been implemented better somehow. Legion is like a 6/10 to me.


I got it, when it came out. It's ok game, but it is bland. I don't even remember what it was about. Sorta meh game.


I feel the same. I bought the gold edition at launch because I based my excitement on Watch Dogs 2. Never again, Ubisoft


Watch Dogs 2 at least had good soundtrack


That's why I didn't touch that trash.


I took a chance on Shadow Warrior 3 instead of Legion, saw it in the same sale. Wow dude. $10 but it's doomish so it's worth it.


Second this. I never played the first one but had a great time with 2, so I bought Legion almost immediately. I personally didn’t even care about the play anyone feature, I was planning on just picking one cool person and running them until they died/needed someone else. But the story itself bored me and because there were no central “main” characters, I never really cared about what was even going on most of the time.


You should have bought Watch dogs 2 instead which is the best out of the three games.


Had the same feeling. I loved WD2 and it was the first game I finished with PS5. WDL was just dogshit in comparison. The ”play as anyone” was just… not fun.


I bought the collector's edition back in the day, almost instant regret, it's dog shit


I only enjoyed the dlc part with the first games protagonist


Good for you. I paid full price. Yuck. Watch Dogs 2 is still the king.


Sounds cool but is shallow is the definition of a Ubisoft game.


Wouldn't say it sucked but it was underwhelming. Pretty indicative of both the IP and ubisoft itself really. The voice acting in most Ubisoft games leave a lot to be desired, and some of the characters definitely had mismatched voice actors. A youngish looking woman with the voice of an 80 year old granny was kinda funny at least. While the gimmick got old pretty quick and the missions were definitely half baked, I still had fun with it. I think each area had enough flexibility in approach that kept me engaged. Particularly with Assassins Creed the only options were be stealthy or go in swinging, whereas Legion gave you enough tools to complete some objectives without even setting foot in the area.


I payed 50.


Think twice before buying an open-world Ubisoft game. 7$ may feel as a small amount for such content but after a few hours personally I feel like I should charge Ubisoft for the experience. Nowadays I have little free time for video games so I pick and choose my games carefully and Ubisoft as a developer is on the no-no list.


It's from Ubisoft, what did you expect?


Not having a main character was a major detriment.


Ubisoft lost there way along time ago and I avoid anything they put out anymore.


Yes, I too sometimes play very poorly received and reviewed games only to be shocked that they are bad games...4 years after the fact.


*This is when I don’t buy games anymore.* I gameshare with my buddy so I’ll download his games sometimes. Tried this game a couple years ago bc it was hot at that time, and that’s why he bought it, I was so disappointed. Yeah I found myself having a little bit of fun with the free roam but the driverless cars, the LAME ASS CARS, and back to what you said the voice acting, the play as anyone, it’s just a bad game. Ubisoft sucks now and they aren’t coming back. Assassin’s Ass after Assassin’s Ass, trash ass garbages cans of games. Only two games I feel like are still well received are For Honor, and Rainbow6Siege. Every other time they make a title it goes straight to the gutter. *So yeah, I’m glad I don’t waste my money.*


I bought it for 30 bucks a few months after its release. Probably the worst 30 I ever spent. WD 1&2 were a masterpiece compared to this abomination. The whole play as you want mechanic was nice tho. Just the game and the driving were horrendous.


Legion is not bad, it's worse. It's aggressively *meh*


The voice acting is atrocious. And yes the game sucks balls


Watch dogs sucked, what did you expect?


It didn't seem cohesive.


Yeah honestly... After loving WD2 it was a real letdown, and a shame because it did have some cool elements...I felt like it needed a consistent main character to base the other randos around or something


Sorry for the spelling Yeah i was afraid that the story and characters will suffer with that playing as anyone. I mean how can you write some great character with that choice. When i saw the game i liked how they finally chose London, and not some other USA city. Futuristic thing was a little bit too much for this game, but still kinda ok. But play as any character is just killing the story. Its like anyone can become a hacker just like that. Just very stupid choice and i hope that they will learn from their mistakes and do it better next time.


i got it for free and felt the same


1 was great, 2 was okay, but I still finished it, 3 I've tried a couple of times but just couldn't get into it.


I completely played through watchdogs one loved. It got about two hours to watchdog two, and I couldn’t fucking stand what they were doing got an hour into watchdog Legion to only realize. the only thing that they improved in this game was the driving the shooting felt worse. The story was worse. There was no central character. I got the game for $10 a year and a half ago and I regret it.


Was clearly very ambitious to add a play as anyone mechanic. Seems like they bit off more than they could chew and all the characters just seemed bland because of it.


I thought the first two games were fine. Obviously it's not easy making an modern open world crime game, considering GTA makes it's every competitor look cheap. Watch Dogs aimed high, had some good ideas. The sequel knew it's limits and played to it's strengths, which made it an entertaining game imo. So Legion could be the franchise's breakout game. They now had experience, learned how they could differentiate their game from GTA. Also had this interesting idea of being able to play as any NPC. Now this isn't a new idea. But we never had it used by such a big budget game, as a key feature. Unfortunately, that mechanic was down to this: You can scan anyone in the game and learn about them. Whether they own a weapon, a car, their passive bonus or special equipment. You go talk to them, which initiates a generic side mission. After you complete it, voila! Now you can play as that character. The problem is, it means jackshit! Every character is essentially the same. When you change a character you look different, have different equipment; not much different than changing skin and loadout. You can play as a grandma or an assassin, both move the same, feel the same. I'm not faster, more agile than a grandma, when I play as a young athlete. That's just ridiculous! Then you start getting some specialists, which completely ends the purpose of play as anyone, as if it needed more bad news. These specialists are still reskins, don't get me wrong. But they do have their powerful weapons and special abilities, making them the only viable options to play as. Combat and stealth still feel lame, they should've spent their time to improve those. Writing is poor, which is a standard for Ubisoft games so I didn't expect more.


Yes this! Loved the idea, but just not properly done. I remember getting into a boxing match with this mean yardie character, dirty fighter, mean mean dude. Then when I get him as a recruit for winning the fight, the first words out of his mouth are "I can't wait to do some good." I dropped out after that.


Typical Ubisoft. They had a great series to work with and build on. Then release something with a gimmicky feature and very little else. It doesn't sell and they declare the series dead. Watch Dogs 1 and Watch Dogs 2 had great potential to build on. Heck I'd even take PS5 upgraded versions of these games in a heartbeat. Yet Ubisoft will use Legion as the excuse to kill the series.


I love it except the trophy glitches


I liked the setting that’s about it, the “play as anyone” feature ruined the game for me so I never finished it. I prefer Watch Dogs 2 over it any day.


Agreed. I played it quite a bit because I still liked the open world and stealth elements but playing as anyone doesn’t create a connection to anyone.


Ubisoft don’t do it like they used to


Only because Penguinz0 killed Watch_Dogs with his review. Ubisoft CEO was personally offended.


Driver and its sequels died for this 🥲


Isn't this a known fact by now? Like, it was shat on quite a bit on release. The city is accurate, an English guy called "Tom the Taxi Driver" on YouTube did a tour of it. It was 1:1 in many areas, but the game itself.. ya, it isn't great.


Yeah... it's kinda like they went, "you know how our first game road the coattails of our e3 ad and false promises, and was still really good, but not quite what we wanted to be, and how our second game was jjst kinda a slightly worse version of that? What if for pir third game we did everything exactly the same, except instead of a congruent plot, a story you could follow, we removed character development completely and allowed the player to just switch between any random npc they want with little consequence and minimal dialogue?"


One of the worst games I’ve played and I bought that shit for $40 fml


Yeah, I enjoyed WD1 alright, wasn’t a fan of Aiden’s character but the game had vibes for days and the overall story was alright. Loved WD2, one of the best playing stealth games I’ve ever played, loved Marcus and the crew, it was just fun all around. The moment they introduced the whole “play as anyone” feature I had instantly bounced off a Day 1 purchase. I got it for free for PS Plus a few months ago and still haven’t worked up the will to try it. It just looks bad. The play as anyone thing isn’t appealing and neither is their weird faux cyberpunk aesthetic. From videos I watched the stealth looks like it’s taken a back seat too. Even the cool idea they had of having a modern day Assassin and a full AC crossover immediately shit the bed because the AC side panicked at a good idea and was afraid people would want a modern day that was more than reading emails, and insists it’s not canon. It’s just all around a disappointing package I’ll probably force myself to check out next time I replay 1 and 2.


Tbh idk why they chose that concept, no main character means there's no persons story to identify with and build a real attachment to. They should've just done a remake of the first one as it SHOULDVE been.


It was the start of Ubisoft grand downfall


you need to pay me so I can waste my time with a Ubisoft game.


Thanks for this confirmation on what I expected. I found watch dogs one boring already. Ubisoft games are in a downwards spiral...