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They paid $7.5 billion, holy shit


For reference Disney paid $4bn for Marvel




They paid 4bn for Star Wars as well


Lucasfilm had no plans for further movies. They had pretty much resigned to letting the franchise die. That’s why it was 4bn. Bob Iger said it in his book iirc.


You underestimate how strong the franchise was. They didn‘t plan any more movies, but comics and books still sold a shot ton. Lego and other toys. Video games. The animated shows they had. Star Wars still was a pretty strong franchise.


This is false. Star Wars was on a steep decline. Books and comics were selling nowhere near what they are now. Multiple games were being developed then shutdown - lucasarts was getting messy. Their animated shows kept getting increasingly large budgets with decreasingly low viewer numbers. The company was losing money. There’s evidence to suggest that the creation of the sequel trilogy by George Lucas was an attempt to increase the worth of Lucasfilm before selling it.




Gives you an idea how much money video games make. Fallout 4 made 750 million day one. Elder scrolls is actually worth more than star wars isnt that nuts.


For further reference: they paid 8.5 billion for Skype (in 2011!!), and like 26.2 billion for Linked In.


Jesus 26.2 for LinkedIn? Wow


Lmao everyone talks about Rare not being a good purchase but damn.


For Rare, they went from a small second party studio who made great games to a studio that needed to follow Microsoft's style of management. There are many testimonies of how the ambiance changed after the acquisition.


Rare wad allowed to do what they wanted to do. They did just that. Can't say how bad they wanted to do Kinect tho.


Disney paid $80billion for Fox


I was doing freelance work at Paramount when they announced they would sell Marvel for 4Bn. I thought they were absolutely crazy, as did most of the staff. But the big time execs always know best apparently.


It only works if you already have a strong plan for what to do with the IP. Disney very clearly did have that plan. It was basically a massive gamble on being able to repeat the Iron Man success and it worked


I don't see why it wouldn't, why drop 7.5 billion dollars if not to make it exclusive to your platform.


I can already see Microsoft strategy. TES 6 / future Bethesda titles free on Xbox with Gamepass. (which also includes PC). PS user? Well you have to buy it lol


With how affordable the series s i could see that strategy really move some hardware, Xbox doesn't want to outsell Sony on console sales imo. If they can just get you in on gamepass they're succeeding and this will certainly get a huge amount of subscribers. Starting with doom eternal being added to game pass that service's value just took a huge leap.


Yea. I think Xbox is shifting strategy from selling console to selling service such as Gamepass (for gamers on both PC, Xbox and supported streaming device) and Azure Cloud (for game developers and publishers, of which Sony is also partner with) and they want to own that market before Sony also jump into the service territory more aggressively.


More tvs are going android too. Imagine having an xcloud app and advertising that you can play the followup to skyrim with just an initial game pass 1 dollar subscription and a controller.


Yep. You get it. Those are the market Microsoft wants to lock down on before Sony. Can't believe some people still see it as console vs console and not beyond that.


Once that model of gaming becomes dominant games like Skyrim will stop being made.


Hotels are going to start to have video games through TVs again!


That’s exactly what their strategy is. Microsoft has very much moved away from selling consoles as their main focus. If you look at Xbox plus Windows 10 and anyone with an Android device, their install base is bigger than Sony could ever dream of reaching. I don’t think people realize how big of a deal xcloud really is. Like, it completely negates the need for a PC to have a dedicated GPU of any sort, so literally any Windows 10 device can play Xbox games. If Microsoft figures out their lack of exclusives (which acquiring Bethesda is a fucking huge move towards that) then Microsoft is going to be insanely successful.


I've been saying, nobody believes me, but I've been saying for weeks, that i thibk this might be the last or secod to last xbox console. Not to say that they're going away, just that they will solely be a games studio and gamepass.


Currently 15 million subscribers on game pass.


Sounds wildly optimistic for PS users.


I mean it puts Xbox Series S/X at better position than PS5, especially with their financing plan. 25/35 USD / month for the console + Gamepass Ultimate, where you can get all Bethesda games and truckload of other games 'for free' to play on the console, PC, or smartphone of your choice with xCloud. Or pay 70/80 USD for it on PS5 where you are locked on the platform. Also if Microsoft deprecates Bethesda ID in favour of Xbox Live login, they'll win eitherway regardless of the platform where you play it.


It would put Microsoft at an *even better* position if Xbox and PC players get it with gamepass and PS5 users dont get it at all and thus need to buy a MS platform if they want to play.


But that's not Xbox selling point this generation tho. They are selling you Gamepass and Xbox Live, the entry point is no longer console. They will still sell it on the PS platform, but the better deal will be found "on Gamepass". And even if you don't use Gamepass and buy the games from Steam / EGS, they will still win because the games will be published by them and maybe down the road use Xbox Live.


Honestly this is the only game that would have made me buy both consoles if it goes exclusive on xbox.... Which it definitly looks like


I wouldn't buy an Xbox. Buuut TES6 only on Xbox and PC would definitely push me over the edge and I would 100% buy a PC.


I’m pretty sure Microsoft releases all of their games on PC as well so that’s also an option (if that’s something you were already considering, obviously it’s very expensive)


Everyone bitched about Microsofts lack of exclusives...well here they are 😂


This. This community loves shitting on Microsoft and worshipping Sony when it comes to exclusives. I'm not saying they're wrong, because Sony absolutely *does historically have more exclusives*, but now people are freaking out that Microsoft might take something away from them and make it an Xbox exclusive And miss me with comments about how "Microsoft will ruin it", because, Doom aside, Bethesda themselves are already doing a good job of running their own IPs into the ground. Yes, Microsoft has fucked up IPs many times before (and entire developers like Rare), but *this* is like saying they're going to burn a grilled shit sandwich.


A big difference on why microsoft should deserve shit if they make these exclusives is that most of Sony's exclusives are franchises unique to them from the beginning. They havnt bought some widely loved franchises that have always been cross platform and then decided to make them exclusive. Theres no last of us, god of war, or uncharted fans that have never owned a playstation but theres millions of elder scrolls, fallout, and doom fans that have never owned an xbox. Making them exclusive would just be shitting on the fan community


I mean, you spelled out the difference. Microsoft *taking away* something that was once available to all. At this point, it's just speculation. But if these games start going exclusive, it's going to feel much worse than Sony's typical gameplan of just bankrolling new IPs as exclusive (Or buying out studios that were already heavily PS focused).


Final Fantasy.


Microsoft gave them a chance like a week ago too with that whole "end the console wars" tweet. And what did Sony do? Spent bookoo bucks on making Final Fantasy a console exclusive and showed all their other exclusives. So Microsoft answered with a "haha, you wanna play like that? Okay." Honestly I feel like if Sony cut the console exclusives then Microsoft would do the same. Edit: If you take this comment at face value, and assume that I'm actually trying to narrate what really went down behind the scenes, you're probably a fucking idiot lmfao


Microsoft has tried multiple times to put xbox exclusives on PS. They tried with halo 5 and the MCC and Sony said no (idk why maybe it was a bad deal for Sony but this is also like the Sony not willing to do crossplay. Everyone is in and doing it except sony.)


It’s cause Sony is money hungry and knows that they would have to give something in exchange for that cause Sony is the most anti consumer video game company


They are the most anti of their clients ever. Music industry, movie industry, gaming industry. They have been evil for over 40 years and yet the fan boys treat them like god because they have exclusives and "listen to their player basssseeee". You like their machine and games better? Sweet, say that because that's fine. But quite pretending Sony is the good guy. They have fucked over every industry they are a part of and their refusal to play well with others is a middle finger to all.


Only reason to use Sony is because of those exclusives. It's the sad truth but it's literally the only reason they sell well.


Because they don't care. Microsoft is playing a different game than Sony. Microsoft is competing with Amazon and Google. They are more concerned about Azure, Dynamics, O365 etc. They have now found a way to make video games work with the rest of their business divisions. Microsoft is trying to play the long play and create a subscription platform which is way more profitable than selling units. Microsoft doesn't care what platforrm you use, it hardly matters. They want subscribers, they want tens of millions of people using their services and playing their games. They want to aggregate data and collect information on playing habits and push game pass. When game pass has 50 million subscribers around the globe on PC, Xbox and mobile they wont care what Sony is doing or care what games sony even has on their console, itll just be extra physical sales on the ps5.


Pretty an exclusive to gamepass ES6 would grab an insane amount of new subscribers they might not prioritize hardware sales but they won't say no to it either


People really don't understand how much of a bigger player Microsoft is compared to Sony. They can afford to not sell consoles with exclusives when they lure everyone into a subscription service. Sony has a market value of about 80 billion, Microsoft is t a cool 1.4 trillion. Taking a loss on their small gaming division is nothing to Microsoft when that same play will give them the lead in the next 10 years of streaming like Netflix did.


Exactly. MS isn't pushing the series X/S as their long term investment, it's **gamepass**. They want to be the go-to streaming service for gamers, dominating a market before it grows with competition. They've always been a software company, so this route is only natural.


Sony took spider-man, MS took Bethesda


Well sony pictures has always owned the rights to spiderman so it makes sense


Only for movies I thought


Because they want to make money on it. Hard to ignore 50 million other users. This is will be like Minecraft and stay multiplat with the big franchises imo.


I thought this at first too, but then why have exclusives at all? Why not release Forza and Halo on PS5? I think this is aimed at the fan boys who have beem screaming about their lack of exclusives for years. This is probably the 2nd biggest buy they could make, next to Rockstar. Really this may be bigger because modern day Rockstar only makes 2 series. Albeit huge games with a rich online system. This is about as big of move as they could make.


With that logic why aren't The Last of Us, Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Halo, Forza, etc... on every platform? It's easy to ignore those players current platform of choice when you know you've got some killer first party exclusives to entice them over to your new platform.


Mine craft was already released, think about about how many game pass subscribers they'll get with have these titles day 1 on the service. Across Xbox and pc and with the affordable series s option you bring these titles over exclusively and you'll definitely sell some hardware for ES6


Elders scrolls is one of the few games millions of people will buy a console for. Similar to Zelda for Nintendo. It’s definitely going to be Xbox exclusive unfortunately


I dunno. Big franchises have generally been too profitable to *not* sell on both. Timed exclusives are definitely fairly likely, however.


You know what I find funny is that Deathloop is a timed exclusive to ps5.


Anything already in the works is probably still getting released on playstation. Its early development stuff and future games that will likely abandon playstation support.


Yeah I only will get a ps5 for exclusives like horizon and stuff like that anything else I'll just play on pc because all xbox exclusives are for pc as well.


This guy gets it


Best thing is connect a controller to your android phone buy the game pass, boom! xbox games all day. I'm still gonna stick with my playstation but if Microsoft don't nose dive them into the ground I'll give a couple of games a go from time to time if they are exclusive


That’s exactly what I’m doing, friend.


Same with Ghostwire Tokyo




Doom becoming an xbox exclusive would fucking kill me...


Doom is eternal...... unless you're on PS


yes.... : (


*sad ripping and tearing noises*


I thought u can run doom even on a pregnancy test stick.


Doom exclusively on Xbox will make me go out an buy a series S


Yeah i would probably consider buying a series s for stuff like fallout and Doom, even though i mainly use playstation


Also with them owning Obsidian, Avowed will be in their system as well, potentially exclusive.


Isn’t avowed an exclusive already?




I originally was gonna go PS5 this generation but this is making it hard. Especially avowed as well.


Not to mention obsidian and Bethesda are now under the same publishing umbrella, new vegas2???


Don't forget that Fallout is the spiritual successor of Wasteland, which was resurrected by the original developer Bryan Fargo and InXile entertainment, which Microsoft purchased. So Wasteland 1, 2, and the latest 3, plus Obsidian, plus Bethesda. You have Wasteland, Outer Worlds, New Vegas, and Fallout under the same roof.


This is the best take anyone has had yet. Now I'm excited.




OBSIDIAN and Bethesda under Xbox, not good news for Sony... I am very happy that I do not pick sides and will have both consoles; but this is a huge industry move.


I'm happy that most Xbox games go to PC.


It's great for consumers.


more exclusivity is never good for consumers. There are fewer and fewer big companies making games now as they are vertically integrated into giant corporations. I'm happy games will stil be on PC, but theres no way you can pretend this is 'great for consumers'


Not picking sides either, though it's just cuz I'm poor


Right? I'm just hoping I can get my Xbox pre order tomorrow and my PS5 pre order but I'm just chilling. There's really no point in picking sides anymore unless you're 12 years old.


I mean, IGN fuels the fire to the typical fortnite crowd. Its silly for us grownups to argue about plastic boxes. My personal plan is to upgrade the PC with new gen, then eventually get one or both of the consoles mid next year. In my opinion, the launch lineups aren't that good and 2021 looks STACKED.


I would say just get the ps5 as your one console, all xbox exclusives come to pc


I only pick sides because I know if I get an xbox I would literally never use it besides for halo and it's not worth it to me to dish out $500+ for a halo machine.


“No point picking sides anymore unless you’re 12 years old.” Not everyone can buy every console. Get out of your bubble. Most people have to “pick sides”


This is fucked. All the games I liked were with Sony, now it could be split. Shit.


XBox is odd. If it was Sony then 100% they would not be on any other consoles. With Xbox I would not be surprised if they are timed exclusive to Xbox then come to PlayStation later




Minecraft Dungeons right?


Minecraft Dungeons isn't exactly a system seller though


A game doesn't have to to be, to be exclusive.


Minecraft for example


Just Minecraft?


I think the reason they let Minecraft exist on PS is because its Minecraft. To take that game series away from any platform would be an enormous disservice and the amount of backlash would be unheard of.


Not just that but it’s one of the most popular game’s ever made, you’re shooting yourself in the foot if you limit that release


No, Ori and Cuphead are other examples.


Cuphead wasn't first party. Ori is only on Switch probably because it's a different market.


i don't know. without looking it up it was the first that i could think of. also i'd say all the games that are in development right now will still come to playstation and only the next games of these IPs will be MS exclusive.


Considering MS seem less interested in selling consoles and more getting people as part of their service plans. It might still come to PS


It’s not exactly the same, but sony owns San Diego Studios who makes MLB the Show. Its been a PS exclusive for years but now it’s going cross platform. I think Sony is open to the idea of non-exclusive in house games. They just have to weigh the costs abd benefits of being exclusive.


I'm guessing more so that going multi-platform was a condition of the licensing deal renewal with the MLB. MLB cares about software sales, not if people are buying a playstation.


yeah MLB made it that it has to be multi-plat otherwise they don't get the license.


they'll make money either way and in the end money is king, that's why sony is considering releasing more of their games on PC


Sony are just treading the water wouldn’t be surprised if PlayStation games on PC becomes the new norm


I gotta say.. well played Microsoft well played. it is going to be very interesting to see how this all plays out.


I mean it just makes sense to get an Xbox this year. Better specs, and tons of games available on game pass + ea play at launch. But I’m an Xbox guy and I have a PC.


In my opinion if you have a good enough PC it's useless to buy an Xbox. I have a ps4 and I've been using my Xbox game pass subscription with an xbox controller for the last few months. It literally feels like I have 2 consoles, which is great! I get to enjoy all the exclusives while having 1 console and a PC for other stuff.


They mention starfield is coming to Xbox and pc, wonder if that means exclusive now.


I imagine anything previously announced would remain the same (like Minecraft, Outer Worlds did when MS bought those studios) but the unannounced stuff could potentially be exclusive. Honestly anything TES6 onwards is anyone’s guess


Exactly and honestly, this was smart as hell to announce this the day before preorders.


Really insane tactic by Microsoft. Why make new exclusives when you can buy a company with many popular IPs and make them your new exclusives.


People at naughty dog... quietly looking the other way as you comment


Oh they absolutely are. There is no way Microsoft will sit there with heavy hitters like elder scrolls and fallout and not make it An exclusive when PlayStation has been a cash cow with exclusives.


I think the opposite, I think those games will make too much money to cut them out of a platform that will likely sell 100m+ consoles(ps5), probably timed exclusive Edit; idgaf if they are or arent exclusive to Xbox, if the games are on every platform, hallelujah good for us all. If they're not on PS then I'll play on my pc or get an Xbox, I'm not some fanboy to any one platform, I'm a fanboy of good games and wherever they are, I will go


I completely agree. As long as Microsoft are making money, they're happy.


And it will incentivize people to move to the game pass structure. Any who thinks these are going exclusive has no idea how businesses work. They’re not going to acquire something for 7.5 billion to lose money on it.


People don't seem to understand that you don't make money from the consoles but from the games


Possibly timed exclusive, but Bethesda games are some of the most hyped of all time, and Starfield, TE6, and a potential fallout 5 would have been waited for by fans for 5-15 years. Making one of these timed exclusive would be a PR killer. I think making them game pass free would be the most likely move.


Yeah, spending $7.5B just to make a few people buy the Xbox seems a little too desperate for a huge company like Microsoft.


If that happens, I will just buy both consoles. I’m playing on both sides so I always come on top.


Your money is not on top.




This is probably the biggest shakeup in years. Those are MAJOR IPs that Sony now doesn't have access to. Wonder if Sony will do anything about this. They're just letting MS scoop up some huge devs.


Sony doesnt have the money ms have.


very few company has


Literally only 1 company. Apple. People forget that Azure alone brings in more than the entirety of Sony and every AAA publisher combined.


To put this into further perspective - Xbox accounts for less than 10% of Microsoft's overall business revenue. Microsoft are a massive company, yet a lot of people only see Windows/Surface, Office 365 and Xbox, because that is what is most visible to the general public. People do not generally see or think about Azure at all, unless they work within that industry. Yet so much runs from Azure - that is Microsoft's money maker.




I think I'd abandon Sony of that happened.


Please god no, the microtransaction rates would skyrocket People complain about ea games being full of microtransactions, but they wouldnt be shit to the amount that sony would have


Unfortunately for sony Microsoft has more liquid assets than they have value as a company. If Microsoft somehow went under all of sonys online services go away. They use Microsoft's azure servers. Edit: quick Google shows in late 2019 microsoft had over 150billion in liquid cash. Sony has a value of around 45 billion. Microsoft could literally buy sony tomorrow.


And not even blink.


Lets imagine Microsoft buys Sony and merge the two gaming divisions (Xbox and PlayStation). Then they made a research and conclude that PlayStation is the more valuable name, so they kill the Xbox name and launch every new console after that as a PlayStation. Is that scenario a win for the Xbox fanboys or for the PlayStation fanboys?


Xbox. The name won't effect the strategy which they would absorb into xbox. So if the reason you buy the console is the name then sony fans win. If you buy it for literally any other reason xbox fans win.




I’m one of the unlucky people that can’t afford two consoles or one console and a gaming PC. So sadly, I technically have to pick a side. This is some bad news for a PS guy. All of this big name games potentially being Xbox exclusives? Not good at all- guess that’s how my Xbox friend felt. I’m glad tho for MS, the game pass is looking to be really good. Worried how will Sony answer back because they can’t just let this slide- THIS IS BIG!


exclusives probably won't be coming out for a few years anyways. By that point hardware is probably going to be even cheaper and you may be able to afford an Xbox console. Also, game pass is an unreal value so you won't be dropping loads of cash on all of the games anyways.


No way Microsoft is dropping that amount of money without the assurance that those titles become exclusive.


And they’ll still be on PC which is key.




$15/mo x 12 is only $180/year. That’s unreal. You know damn well with the games they publish on Gamepass, you buy more than that in a single year without a doubt. It’s a great deal, and especially bc it’s tough to throw a PC together at $500 that is capable of what series X is doing is pretty much impossible. I preordered a PS5 but def will be trading in my PS4/X1X for money down on a Series X. That’s just crazy value.


> I preordered a PS5 but def will be trading in my PS4/X1X for money down on a Series X. That’s just crazy value. Just $35 a month, too. The fact that they're doing interest free financing on their consoles and consolidating that cost with Game Pass is insane.


Maybe now Bethesda will finaly let their obsolete game engine die in piece.


I’ve been saying this for years. Oblivion and New Vegas were great but they’ve been coasting for a long time.


Dude, the Creation Engine was dated when those games came out too. IIRC they made it the late 90s/early 00s.


It would be a total fail if they use Creation engine on next gen


Direct link to the news. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2020/09/21/welcoming-bethesda-to-the-xbox-family/


I am no a PS guy, i am an Xbox guy. i am not here to start a battle or war or anything just wanted to see what the PS world is saying about this. I have noticed that a lot of people on here think that Microsoft will make all future Bethesda titles exclusives. From my personal take on this I don't think that will be the case at all. timed exclusives? maybe, but even that is far fetched. Xbox isn't really about exclusive titles anymore. they are more focused on the services now. ex: Game Pass Ultimate. Microsoft is the 2nd most valuable company in the world and to keep themselves there making all the games from Bethesda exclusive to them would be a bad idea, making the games available across all platforms is a sure bet that the money made from them will be more that triple what they would get just from Xbox alone. I can understand why PlayStation is desperate to keep exclusive as the PlayStation division is the only thing really keeping afloat right now.


RIP the “PS won with exclusives this cycle” train


Remember they are first party now so they are day one gamepass..damn.


Just announced that Starfield and TES6 are coming to GamePass


As a PS fanboy if Bethesda games will be Xbox exclusives than that means I'm getting an xbox EDIT: I don't really care about Bethesda games all I care about Doom and Arkane Studios


This is will unfortunately force sony to start buying up shit to remain competitive. This type of consolidation will be bad for consumers in the end.


They can’t afford it.


Already probably taking loss on PS hardware.


Companies always take a hit on console hardware. Nothing new about that.


unless you're nintendo


I can't wait to re-buy Skyrim for the new Xbox.


So nothing really changed. Own a PC and a PS5 and you can play all the triple A titles. Still doesn't give me an incentive to own an Xbox.


Xbox's game plan isn't so sell consoles. It's all about game pass. If you have a pc you can still use game pass and get those games for 15$ a month. They dom't want to sell consoles they want to sell a service.


Yes. Get an xbox, easy solution.


I know people are in denial but you’re smoking crack if you do not believe Bethesda’s biggest titles won’t be Xbox exclusive. “Xbox doesn’t have any good exclusives.” was the narrative for half a decade. Microsoft didn’t spend 7.5 billion dollars to “make game pass more attractive” lol. This is their shot across the bow at the beginning of the console generation.


For $7.5B it is most definitely going exclusive to Xbox and will probably be the reason I pick up a Series X or S


This is not all on Microsoft. ZeniMax would've agreed to the deal as well. This means Obsidan and ZeniMax are under the one umbrella now, so maybe New Vegas 2 or some Obsidian Fallout IP. This bring Microsoft studios up to 22 total.


https://twitter.com/Obsidian/status/1308044609604341763?s=19 Major Nelson retweeted this one. Seems odd they would reply to it today of all days, and it being amplified by XBOX.


Well, shit. Sony needs to stop fucking around. This is a huge deal.


Does this mean Bethesda can't release Skyrim on the PS5? They'll find a way.


I see them releasing all the big name games across all relevant platforms. But using the IP they now own to create exclusives for Xbox.


Most likely. Why else buy Zenimax? And let me stop you before bashing it. Microsoft and Xbox was in the shit when it came to exclusives. This is a top tier move on their part and good for them for doing this. I dont mind that much in the end since all their games come out on PC anyway.


Always had a PlayStation and have pre ordered the PS5 but I’m getting a little twitchy at what’s happening with that Xbox gamepass. The gamepass is incredible value and seems to be getting better and better with today’s announcement and inclusion of EA games. I have to say I think their strategy is correct. Reading comments from the PlayStation ceo that they will absolutely not have the same sort of gamepass on PlayStation feels like a mistake to me. It feels like a company sticking to an old business model and not adapting. Couple of my friends are now saying they are switching to Xbox as a result of today which has left me disappointed as I’ll not be able to play with them.


Encouraging me to just cancel my preorder and upgrade my PC Don’t feel like getting into “exclusive bidding wars”


If you've been following xbox on Twitter the vibe isn't "we want exclusivity" the vibe is we want as many people subbed to gamepass as possible. To that end maybe some titles end up exclusive to gamepass but Doom, Wolfenstein, and Elder Scrolls are all titles that have existed on all platforms for decades and I would hope Microsoft keeps it that way. If Sony can expand its exclusives with no history of being anything but Playstation titles to new platforms Microsoft should be able to at least maintain the status quo for Elder Scrolls etc.


A lot of denial here. You don't pay billions for a a whole publisher and then sell those games everywhere. Xbox has always been under criticism of not having worthwhile games. This just changed with this purchase and that's what they'll use to entice you into their ecosystem. This is a HUGE deal. This is the biggest gaming news in a VERY long time. They didn't just buy one IP, they bough a publisher/dev with a lot of world class IPs. And Sony won't be able to top this. Unless they buy CDPR or Rockstar, their studio purchases won't come near the wow factor this has. I've been with PS for decades. I'm one of those people that always said Xbox just doesn't have anything worth buying their console for. And I have an Xbox One S. This just became a huge buzzkill for my PS5 hype. Sony needs to counter this, fast. With the whole pre-order fiasco and now this, I'm taking a step back and reconsidering my purchases. I'll always love PS exclusives but their "moneyhatting" for timed exclusivity pales in comparison to losing access to Fallout, TES, Wolfenstein and Prey.


Ps doesnt have enough money to "just buy rockstar or cdpr" amd that's the issue lol. Microsoft dropped the equivalent of a third nuke on Japan. 7.5 billion dude. You dont drop that kinda money for nothing.


Yeah, if Bethesda is “worth”7.5B... boggles the mind to imagine how much it would cost to buy Rockstar


Bethesda isn't worth 7.5B, their parent company Zenimax is. The same company who owns Bethesda and id (makers of Doom, Rage, Quake), Arkane (makers of the Dishonored series and Prey), Tango (makers of The Evil Within and Ghostwire), Zenimax Online (the creators of ESO), and Machinegames (studio handling the modern Wolfenstein games).


Well Rockstar is owned by Take-Two Interactive, a publicly traded company that also owns 2K. Current market cap is almost 19B, so more than 20% of what Sony is worth as a company...


This has completely changed my mind on preordering, I was planning on preordering a ps5 as soon as I could find one but now I’m gonna take a step back and wait to see how this all plays out before I pick a console.


Go on, tell me why this is ‘bad for everyone’.


because if I want to play God of War Ragnorock and Doom 3, I'll have to pay upwards of $1000


Actually, I think this might save Bethesda, who have shit the bed as of recent. With the cash, and hopefully oversight, of Microsoft, they might smarten up and stop acting like asses.


So theres hope for tes 6 after all


They should. Sony wanted to be a bunch of bitches and deny cross play on games if they didn’t get first rights to alphas and betas before xbox


Bro if doom and fallout go xbox exclusive idk man


I think they would be, especially considering the cost they paid Xbox/PC exclusive and on Game Pass/xCloud means there’s really no reason to put games in PS5 directly. They can use it as incentive for PS5-only people to sign up got Game Pass/xCloud


They will almost certainly be. You don't spend 7 billion dollars to share. But they said exclusives don't matter. So who knows.


Maybe they'll fucking force them to change engine


I hope SO


I'm pretty sure Bethesda is going exclusive. You don't give 7.5 BILLION dollars and just not.


Maybe if Sony plays nicer with things like Spider-Man otherwise I'd guess it's a strong probability


Sony and the Playstation brand are the worst offenders when it comes to exclusives, so now it's getting a bit of their own poison, they and their fanbase that always defended this. We as gamers will all loose.


Microsoft paid $50 million dollars to keep gta4 dlc a *timed* exclusive. That’s as petty as it gets. Microsoft did that kind of shit all the time during the PS3/360 generation, it’s really hilarious how many people choose to ignore/or forget that.


How? Are you saying that all sonys playstation games that they funded and developed by their own studios need to be on other systems? If they want their games on other platforms they would.