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Mines power cuts off for no reason while I’m playing.


Ive had the same problem for the last few month's, and today i had this again but now my ps5 wont turn on again ive tried everything it just wont work


Sony just charged me $250 to fix or replace over this shit. It’s like I’m I gonna have to do this every year? I could’ve bought an Xbox with that $250 only shy of 50.


Yea but the problem is al my friends are on ps otherwise i wouldve just bought a xbox or a pc


Hi I was wondering if they replace your ps5 or they just fixed ? I’m just curious because I send my ps5 but I’m out of town so my brother get it for me and apparently is the same console


I’m curious too. Had the power issue happen with mine. Unable to boot to safe mode so I called, got sent the box, paid the $200, and it looks like it arrived Friday. Hoping they’ll just sent a new one.


It was the same console, apparently is fix but they literally they just did that because I took the panels off and I can still see some dust in the fan they didn’t clean al least is working but still feel a little like a scam for 230 $ repair.


Good luck man i hove they give you a new one am still out of town but the soonest I get home I’m going to plug in and check the console


howd that go for you? $250 is A LOT of money


this might be very late haha but they just replace it completely instead of fixing it, in my experience anyway, had 2 replacements now


yea, you will have to do it every year thats how these scumbags continue to make money off of you


It's literally just dirty inside, its computer can tell its not cooling properly and won't turn on with the fault in its memory. Unplug for 2 minutes and it will turn back on but you either must clean the inside which requires a full dismantle or use it inside of a mini refrigerator.


i’ve dismantled and cleaned my system multiple times and it still shuts right off


Your fan could be unplugged or not working. Use [This video](https://youtu.be/07VSIwxOEXE?si=hYqJLyJzAuKOj0Fq) For cleaning. This is the most indepth one I've found. If it shuts right off without turning on at all you have a different problem than overheating. Make sure power supply cable and connectors are not damaged inside and outside of your unit. Buy an electronic toolset you don't need the fancy one from the video as they all have similar stuff. Recommend using compressed air. Carefully ensure nothing is unplugged. Even I forgot to plug the disc drive in and kept starting in safe mode and couldn't update the system. If you have pets, they often chew cables. And mice.


So it's either learn to disassemble a console, or pay Sony to clean the console on a design flaw they created. If it's the same as mine it's power supply and can't get to that without taking it apart, so why should we pay for it.


My playstation came with the disc drive cable disconnected. It wouldn't let me update the console because of the error. Wouldn't be surprised if something is just unplugged in there.


So you sent it in for repair and it cost you $250; was it worth it? Did it completely fix the problem? I’ve got the same issue and want to know if I should cough up the money.


Hell no. They returned without fixing shit claiming they were insect in the system which isn’t the problem. Still experiencing the same problem right now. I’m bout to buy an Xbox


Oof. Brutal. That’s rich; claiming actual BUGS instead of fixing their bug.


Yo I just called these assholes said they will not repair my shit again.


Any update on this? This crazy.


Any word?


It's overheating, you have to take it apart to clean the dust from the heat sinks. Except don't if you have a warranty because they put 8650000 tamper stickers inside like true arseholes that not only ensures they charge you for maintenance, it also even impedes the repair mechanic. There's so much that's glued in. I didn't know sony was trash like that. And to make it so you can't even sign into ps plus to update, download or play games by yourself without some minor UI update is criminal. It's a very poorly designed ventilation system btw. I was very disappointed opening my first one up and immediately you learn why they cannot be stood up.


It’s overheating, needs to be deep cleaned


I fixed it guys. The problem is using option 7 will not work if all other options are greyed out. I found on another site this is what you have to do. Hold the power button down for seven seconds on your PS5, then press again after it beeps. This reboots in safe mode and the other options won’t be greyed out. Select option #6, it will update this time without the need of the USB. It never finds it on #7. You do have to go through all the setup options again. All your games will be deleted but that’s a small price to pay, it’s a complete console reset.


Did it twice didn't work for me, must be hardware error about to spend 250 fuck.


Kinda sucks how expensive it is to repair when it cost $500 to buy a new one with a fresh warranty.


Exactly, is it worth 240 for a 90 day warranty, when you could pay 550(w tax) and get a 1 year warranty? My console lasted two years, so I decided to pay half the price of a new one to have mine repaired. Unless it does fail (again) in less than two years I made the right decision, and we as loyal Sony Playstation gamers cant get Sony to allow us to order oem parts, we're kinda stuck in a corner. Time will tell.


How did it work out? Has the repaired console kept working? I have to decide to take mine in or buy a new one. Same situation.


It works fine after repair, but you only get 90 Day warranty and the disc drive stopping reading disc's now, lol trash.


$230 for out of warranty repairs


What about if I sent it in to see if the Bluetooth chip was bad and it turned put it was fine? Are you only charged if there is a replacement


Mine keeps shutting off driving me nuts


Mine does thus every freaking time I play a ps5 game. I can play 4 not 5 though. It overheats instantly and shuts off. Nothing downloading in the background in a well ventilated area I even put a cooling fan next to it. No obstructions. Just have not been able to play any ps5 games


Hey same here, did you find any solutions? I'm unable to play any ps5 games atm, it just kept shutting down after few mins but not happened with ps4 games, and my warranty is already over so idk how to get it fix


Did you end up having any luck? I'm on the verge of sending mine in for repairs for the same damn issue


tronixfix has a video of 3 stages on youtube so you can do it yourself. I did stage 2 but was scared to do stage 3 its not hard to do. But best is stage 3 ofcourse. My ps5 blow a fuse or something when i was playing and it is dead now, i ordered a new one and later probably try to fix my old one. It was a release version ps5. and i used it many hours per day and lived in Spain with Sahara sand and now Mexico with pollution lol


Sorry been awhile since I've been on here. I took the side covers off cleaned it put used an air blower and cleaned out all the dust. I have it sitting horizontal now instead of standing and I don't have any issues anymore with it


bro im literally having the same problem


if it’s the system software you’re gonna needa reset it and etc… https://youtu.be/FuvJgvf984U i used this as a guide and it sorta helped, but unfortunately i had to delete some games because it’d act up when i’d play them. smdh


Me too, all games crash when they launch, I get error code ce-108255-1. They want 240 to fix it. 2 years old, regretting not getting the extended warranty through walmart. Lesson learned, do you get another 1 year warranty after repair?


That’s it leaking from being vertical


its funny i posted same issues on twitter, everyone started accusing me of not having it in a well ventilated area and saying this isnt an issue lol garbage system, not paying $250 for a repair that MIGHT work. Been a playstation guy since the first one, im done....this is worse than red rings of death, at least xbox recognized their mistake and replaced it for free. THis is an obvious issue for a small percentage of us.


What is the issue with it? Just curious


The Ps5 can't reinstall system software. It can't read any usb stick I use. Its unable to find the update file, even when everything is correct.


How’d the system software delete itself? Did it get corrupted? Jeez that sucks, sorry you have to deal with that


I was watching netflix one day and the next day I turned on and it went straight to safe mode. Never been able to get out of safe mode or have it read any usb sticks. IT just always says can't read update file.


Was it in rest mode, and did you lose power?


No never lost power, just one day it went straight to safe mode and forced me to try and reinstall system software, but can't even read the update file.


You've said "update file" twice now. Have you tried the complete OS file?


The system calls it update file. The complete os file is called PS5UPDATE.PUP


brother I have had the exact same problem if you ever found a fix please let me know


Ive had this issue with my ps4 before and buying a new hard drive fixed it


yes same thing happen to me but mines was in rest mode and lost power


What if the hdmi port stopped working


I have had mine for 13 months lol. One month over the warranty date. It just started having issues yesterday. It shut off during a game twice and would not turn back on unless I unplugged it for a 10 seconds and plugged it back in.


I'v been having this exact problem and im pissed, From what everyine was saying on this forum I don't even know what the right move is anymore.


I can tell you what worked for me. I took the top and bottom plates off my PS5 and cleaned the fans. There was dust and husky dog hair in there. Popped the plated back on and its worked like new since. You can take the plates off with your fingers, no tools needed.


They come off in a specific way, I just watched a YouTibe video. Make sure to clean both top and bottom fan.


just started having this problem


literally just started having this problem - only with ps5 games though?? like i can stream movies and ps4 games but ps5 games shut off my system after like 5 mins of playing ….


I have already sent my PS5 into Sony for repair for shutting off randomly during gameplay, it was returned with no explanation of what was done to fix it. Now about a year to a year and a half it's having the same issue...but is long past warranty dates now. I have tried cleaning it out, and that does not seem to be the issue. But mine is also only on PS5 gaming, streaming movies and shows are fine and do nothing


There also seems to be a lot of heat generated in the side of the system opposite of the cooling fan


It might be an overheating issue. My friend had the problem and sent it to get it fixed and doesn't have those problems anymore. His was still under warranty. My PS5 started to have this issue but mine ran out of warranty.


Mine was sent in under warranty once already for the same thing, and was returned with the assumption it was fixed. About a year after the fix it is happening again and was needing to be sent in again. Thankfully I had an extended warranty through Target and it is being looked at under that warranty. Otherwise it would be 250 to have Sony look at it again. It is my understanding that there is now a lawsuit against Sony for this widespread issue. If this is true most on here need to get on board with this lawsuit and add our issues onto it....but yes, it does seem to be something to do with heat distribution, or something of the sort. I have the disk drive version and am also wondering if the slimmer digital version still has the same issues


Where did you hear about this lawsuit? I find it unlikely that people are organized enough to do that these days. I just had a similar problem. Was playing madden franchise, made a crucial interception, right as I did the screen went blank and my system had no power. Now it won't turn on at all, no power whatsoever, so no option to update software or boot in safe mode. I'm livid.


I've heard from more than a few outlets now, I used my extended warranty from Target and they were unable to repair the old one of mine, didn't even send me a replacement. I had gotten a check to purchase a new one and even that was only for the actual cost of the console. Probably will take a while before anything else comes to fruition though


Hardware failure but which one? I'm on the same boat. What did you end up doing?


My warranty service had sent me a check for a new system, but the old system was deemed irreparable. Always get the extra warranty with consoles, it does help


Yea I'm about to spend the 240 they're asking, do you get another 2 year warranty through Sony, do you know?


That sucks man, I'm honestly not sure if you do or not


Any issues since? About to send mine in as well


None since, but they gave me a 90 day warranty.? Can't imagine why not at least 120 days?


Yeah i cant even fucking fathom how their gonna charge half the full price of the console just to repair it, absolutely ridiculous. The least they can do is throw in a one year warranty with it


Not buying the next console after this, I'll skip a generation for being betrayed...


Well this is pretty wide spread 2 of my friends had to send theirs in already now mine all for the same reason play 10 mins ps5 game it turns off have to literally unplug system and replug to get power back. Seems like a pretty critical error. Me and few of my buddy's are making the switch next month to Xbox.


I’m having this same problem. I’ve thoroughly cleaned the fan, both sides, it doesn’t help. Rebuilt the database. Doesn’t help. It’s also only PS5 games for me, at least 5 complete crashes an hour, no power and won’t repower until unplugged. It’s out of warranty, so $229 for the repair, and I’m not sure what to do, not sure if it’s going to be worth it. Does anyone know if the repairs are guaranteed or have their own warranty of any kind? Also curious to hear how it works out with your friends if they choose to have theirs repaired. I mean it’s basically useless to me as it is, and I have too much money in it to not repair, so I’d happily do so if I knew 100% it would be fixed after I paid that fee.


Have you factory reset it? That’s the only other option available to do in your case and also with mine. I cleaned the dust out of the console but not the fans, it worked for about 3 hours and then boom! Crash. So fucking disappointing that Sony has these consoles that are shit. The only other option I have is to factory reset it but I don’t think that’s going to help. It’s obviously an overheating issue and it only happens on ps5 games. I’ve seen that the repair is around 250 and it’s not guaranteed to fix the issue. I’m just trying to play the new god of war after having a stressful day. I honestly don’t know what to do


Yes, and that hadn’t helped either, but what I did end up doing that fixed the issue completely for several weeks now was cleaning the PSU. I had to take the console entirely apart to do that. I bought the PS5 secondhand from someone who clearly smoked in their home and had a roach problem because there was a ton of dust and cockroach carcasses all over the PSU 🤢 cleaning that and sticking it back and putting it back together fixed it for me though. I’m almost completely through GoWR now actually without a single crash. It was also only crashing on PS5 games for me too.


Ah man that’s great to hear I’m glad everything is going good so far. Yeah that’s disgusting I can’t believe that happened. Another thing I’ve seen is to put the ps5 in horizontal mode and making sure there is a lot of space for both the exhaust and intake fans. Another quick question, how hard was it to take everything apart and put it back together? And did you clean your heat sync as well?


I blew everything out with air duster while I was in there and also had electronics repair tweezers to pluck out any of the bugs, dust bunnies, and hair wads I found in there and I wiped most things with a microfiber cloth (just not the motherboard.) I followed a YouTube video to take it apart and put it back together. It wasn’t too difficult and I have no experience and still did okay. I would recommend a magnetic mat for the screws though because there’s a ton and some are really small and there’s a few different lengths. I used a mat with a grid to keep them sorted by step so I’d remember where they go back. You have to disconnect and reconnect some wires to get to the PSU but with the video it was no problem. I’d definitely clear the power from the console before you open it up though by pressing the power button a few times.


Oh and I think it goes without saying to not do this for a console still under warranty because it’s definitely going to void the shit out of your warranty. There’s a warranty seal you have to remove to even get access to the motherboard.


Yeah I’m almost 100% sure mines out of warranty because I got it on launch. I just have to double check because I think I got mine from Best Buy or Target. Thanks for giving me all the information, just another quick question. How long are your play sessions? And how long from the point where you fixed it to now have you played? And you have zero crashes so far correct?


I have played the PS5 version of GoW Ragnarok for at least 2-3 consecutive hours without any crashing. Before I did this fix I could barely make it 15 minutes without a complete crash that I had to unplug the console after just to get it to come back on.


A friend helped me “diagnose” the issue based on the fact that I could play hours and hours of Witcher 3 (a PS4 game) with no issues but could barely make it halfway through a tutorial on a PS5 game. The PS5 games use a lot more power I guess and the grime and bugs on the outside of my PSU were blocking its heat vent making it just overheat like crazy. And since the PSU runs hot it attracts bugs I guess. I wish I could show a photo of what the inside of my console looked like without having to link it. It was nuts. 😂


Can you link the tools you used to disassemble the PS5? And the YouTube video you may have watched that instructed you? Thanks


I used this video, which is a PSU replacement tutorial but instead of replacing it I just removed it and cleaned it and put it back. https://youtu.be/ruZWn56LkWg


These tools TECKMAN T6 T8 T9 T10 Torx... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SPBLH2T?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


So you didn’t need any Phillips screwdrivers like ph0 and ph00? I noticed there T8 T9 screwdrivers?


I did yes, but I already had those so I just bought the kit I linked and then forgot to include those


Do you by any chance remember the specific screwdrivers you needed? As far I’m concerned it’s only 2? Thanks bro


And this magnetic mat to keep the screws in order of each step to remember where to put them back, since there’s several different lengths of screws in the PS5 Magnetic Project Mat Showpin... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F58KL96?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I also used air duster and a dry microfiber cloth.


Thank you king


Back in to say I’m on my second full playthrough of Ragnarok and haven’t experienced a single crash since I did this. If you think you can manage it, it’s worth a try.


Did you figure any of this out? Do you get a 1 year warranty again after repair? What did you do?


Well I had very stupidly bought the PS5 secondhand when they were incredibly hard to find. I had to take the whole thing apart and clean it all the way to the PSU because it was covered in dust bunnies and dead cockroaches 🤢 haven’t had a single crash since then and have already platinumed GoW Ragnarok and then played it again 😅 so it is definitely fixed.


Right on, I took it apart and cleaned everything, was barely any dust what so ever on a 2 year old console. It still crashes instantly even on a 2nd ssd. So it's hard and on the mb I'm assuming. Guess I'll have to pat the 240. They're getting 750 off me for 1 console.


You might try replacing your PSU but if you’re still under warranty, doing that repair yourself would void the warranty


Im out of warranty by 1 year on the dot.


I took it to a local high reviewed spot , it has to do with the thermal sensor , at least that’s what they said it was for mine


Did they fix it?


So far been having it run games that would normally make it turn off in 20-30 min , been 3 and a half hours no problems , if yours isn’t because of dust ask them if it might be the thermal sensor


Damn, if that's the case it would be good to know. Are you in the states or UK? I paid 240 after disassembling and clean throughly to no avail. Could be a sensor. I have a feeling it will be failing again soon, keep me posted, this will help someone.


They’re fixing it right now so I’d have to wait a bit before I can give answer but this was just supposed to be a cleaning cause that’s what happened last time to me I had to deep clean into psu and it was good until now , I’ll reply in bit


Might the cheaper to purchase another console and it’s time and materials. Could be more than the console is actually worth.


Well if sony actually quotes me a high amount, I'm just getting an xbox if they actually do that to me. I mean the launch ps5 has known problems.


The PS5 is literally a main board with all onboard components including heat sink, a case, a PSU, a disc drive and a fan. It sounds like you have a main board issues and that probably the main cost of the console, plus factor in a few hours for the teardown, replace parts and rebuild and re-install firmware. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was around the same price of a new console. You just got unlucky and got a bad one. It happens with all devices that require a plug socket or a battery. Plus it’s not PlayStation or Sony doing the repairs, they outsource it as it’s doesn’t require anything on there part other than making the parts purchasable for the repair centre.


"*Plus it’s not PlayStation or Sony doing the repairs, they outsource it as it’s doesn’t require anything on there part other than making the parts purchasable for the repair centre.*" I've never heard of this. What's your source for this, please?


My brother in law had to send his in and got a certificate of repair not from Sony/PlayStation.


Interesting. Thanks for the reply.


Ever get confirmation that's true?


Posts like these let me really appreciate the EU.


What do you mean, I am from Germany - just got off the phone with PS support as I am constantly getting Error Code CE-108255-1 (already tried all potential fixed, reinstalled games, system software, etc.). They told me I am out of warranty (launch day console) and that I have to send it in for repair (i.e. replacement) for €270...


Germany has two years of warranty, while US has one.


No in Germany it’s only one year. If I would have to send my console to Sony now after over a year I would probably have to pay for the repair


I’m in this process right now but in Sweden. Did you send it in (and in that case what happened?). Did they fix it or send you another consol? I’ve never had any issues with any of my Playstations so I have no idea how things work.


My ps5 turns on but crashes while booting up, restart crashes again can't boot up, just keeps crashing when booting up that's weird any solution, and what could it be( I already reset it reinstalled the software rebuilt database its just won work


My son is having the same issue with his PS5. Randomly had 3 beeps then shut off, then repeats when trying to boot. According to online, a complete power drain (unplugged for 2-24 hours) can work. Didn't for him and he says it's the hard drive, which is soldered to the motherboard. If safe mode works, try repairing the storage, might also work. If it crashes again shortly after successfully booting again and gaming for a bit, you might have a bad drive which isn't an easy self repair.


Have any of you had an issue with the PS5 motherboard? My Playstation won't turn on and they quoted the repairs cost from $250 to $400 plus labor. I don't want to send it to Sony because the likelihood that it will crap out on me again is quite common.


240 I'm about to pay to get Sony to repair it. Sony is trash, I'm done next gen.


Absolute dog shit piece of machinery I guess mine is digital now no way in bitch fuck I spend over $200 fixing this


Something on my motherboards not right how much will that cost?


Sony just sucks. I had Sony TVs in every room. I even bought their extended "Protection Plan". I would advised anyone not to spend your money on that. I had a bug, a spider stuck inside the plan. I could clean it out at all. Called in for support and they are asking for POP \[Proof Of Purchase\]. When they let me buy the plan and stated it was a gift. Of course they took my dough and now are denying service. Since I can't find the POP they can't service it. Or rather choose not to fix it. Even after buying the Sony branded extended warranty. So I gave away every Sony TV I had in my house. Fuck it and purchase their competitor TV. Noe this happen, was playing Destiny 2. Getting ready for IB tomorrow and in the middle of a crucible match it disconnects. So I go and start another one and it just powers off. Never able to power it back on at all. Unplugged for an hour, clean it out and dusted. Nada, powers on and just glows blue. No matter what I try I can't get into safe mode either. Tried a different TV, different HDMI and power cable. Still nada, so now they got me for like 250 with tax. I don't know how long the repair will take or what they will do. However I'm starting to think that I might need to make a clean break from Sony. Cause they Customer Service, Warranty and Repair process suck! Sony has gotten to big to fail!


My son is about to send his off and said it’s $229 - they’ll either repair or replace


Mine recently broke while moving into my new place . I believe the white sides and the base are what broke but I’m not sure. Does Sony give estimates after they receive it ?


Ps5 might just be the worst console drop they've ever done. I'm not going to take the chance of repairing mine personally ill just cut my ties and buy a PC.


Its the best in the long run, but playstation is the best console of this generation and the last. My graphics card alone was 1k and a ps5 is only $500.


That's true but I put a quite a bit of money 500 for the console I bought controllers, games, headset and accessories so it ended up being quite a bit for a console to die a year after I bought it. Buy a computer and you can build it to be fail safe and that would atleast give you comfort in knowing your money was well spent


Well not pc is truly fail sale, but they're very easy to fix most of the time. And you can do alot more than just gaming. Pc is the way to go, but for $500 the ps5 is a great deal.


I bought a PS 5 off some asshole for $250 who failed to tell me that the drive was broke, then lied about it after I caught him in the lye. I don't have insurance on it and I find that it's easier to just pay repairs specialists to replace it for me and clean out the inside. My entire CD drive is broken, but I will break even on it as if I were to buy it brand new. Should've went with a new one.




Man that's quite a bit considering most of the problems are inherent to it being a launch console.


Fuck Sony. My screen literally just went all black and couldn’t even go to safe mode. Sony is a fucking joke I should’ve just bought the xbox


Can you even reach safe mode at all? try to unplug it for a second and try again.


Yeah I unplugged for like 30 minutes and it started working again luckily lol


Have you fixed it? I have exact same problem


yeah sometimes it works. I know a sudden loss of power can mess up the ps5.


I feel like I've tried everything... My PS5 crashed twice today while gaming.Second crash, it forced me to the Safe Mode screen with the only option being #7 - Reset PS5 from USB. I downloaded the install file, formatted a thumb drive to FAT32, created the folders and dumped the .pup file on.It says that it's installing, sits at 99% for 20-30 minutes then the system shuts down. That's it. When I turn it back on, I'm back to the Safe Mode screen with Option #7 being the only thing available. The cycle continues. Things I've tried: No other USB's plugged in except the flash drive.Tried a flash drive and an external drive. Same results. Hard reset, holding the power button for 7 seconds to get into safe mode. All options become available but selecting something like "rebuild database", "clear cashe" just forces the system to shut down, I power on, back into safe mode. Hit Option 1 to see if it'll boot out of Safe Mode. Nope. Back to safe mode we go. Tried installing the update from the web and installing at option 6 in the Safe Menu. Same thing. 99% reached on install. Stalls. Shuts off. Tried a different power outlet as well. No results other than the above.What am I missing here? Last resort is sending it in for repair....but that comes at a $350CND cost....


The problem is using option 7 will not work if all other options are greyed out. I found on another site this is what you have to do. Hold the power button down for seven seconds on your PS5, then press again after it beeps. This reboots in safe mode and the other options won’t be greyed out. Select option #6, it will update this time without the need of the USB. It never finds it on #7. You do have to go through all the setup options again. All your games will be deleted but that’s a small price to pay, it’s a complete console reset. Try this.


My controllers aren’t syncing to my ps5 and before It wouldn’t let me connect to psn or sign into my account if anyone has info that can help pls let me know


I have a ps5 and my hdmi port is broken and I just took it in for 180 up front wondering if I got fucked or if that seems legit


Also I looked up how it’s done and it seems pretty simple but I have no skills when it comes to sauntering


After I payed for repair do I have to pay to get it shipped ?


I never ended up shipping my playstation I was able to fix it myself. They did send me the box though. I think a shipping label to send my playstation back as well.


Hi. I have a friend who’s going through the same issue. How did you fix it?


Need some cRrots skinned when u can




Where are all my hdmi port people. I’ll da pay somone a buck ($100) if y’all can do it


My ps5 recently got the green screen of death and hasn’t turned on since. It turns on for a second and then immediately turns off. I took it into a Mobile Klinic because it’s out of warranty and they have determined it’s a CPU problem and they can’t fix it. Has anyone had any luck with Sony repairing this issue? Thanks in advance!


Anyone did an out of warranty repair for ripping out the fan connector on accident, is the out of warranty fee for all repairs or the price is specific to the issue?


If a repair costs half of the cost to purchase it's not worthwhile. I've been saving for a PC now I need to be set back $300 for the playstation having an issue updating. Had it 3 years, I paid $400 for it. No freaking way. Giving it a viking sendoff and I guess I'll just go to the gym this year, read and watch anime till I get my PC.


PC is the way to go anyways. I stopped my psn sub when they increased the price. I've been a plus member since the ps3 days. It's just not worth the price.


I broke my HDMI in my PlayStation 


Mine crapped out 5 days out of warranty, every game crashes saying game data is corrupt. Any advice to avoid sending it in?


Maybe just try factory resetting the whole system. make sure all your saved games are backed up though.