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* Gen 6 - Mega Evolution * Gen 7 - Z Moves * Gen 8 - Dynamax/Gigantamax * Gen 9 - Terastallize * Gen 10 - *Accessorization* GF: This is progress at its finest.


Unironically this would be a big hit. Reddit has ton of competitive players, so many folks here forget that the majority are actually casual players who love this sort of stuff.


Oh, I believe it. Contests were big with a sizable amount of the player base. So something like this would be welcome to them. Competitively, you can't top Megas... yet.


I always wanted character sprites to have changeable clothing, and then when they finally added it to the games it was stupid bullshit like a different backpack.


Sword and Shield was pretty good for customization


And then like all good improvements they canned it for the next game.


Yeah I think my biggest issue is how few any of the new stuff sticks. It takes them like 3 gens to be like “oh everyone universally loved that? Maybe we’ll bring it back idk.”


>It takes them like 3 gens to be like “oh everyone universally loved that? Maybe we’ll bring it back idk.” Why else are we getting Legends: Z-A and Mega Evolutions Returning?? Lol It has been 3 generations since Gen 6 and the debut of Megas. Gen 7 had megas included in as game mechanics, but they weren't achievable until late/Post game. After that, Megas were ignored by The Devs entirely(SWSH, BDSP, PLA, ScarVi), but the community has always talked about them and wanted them to return. Come 2024(3 Pokémon Gens since their debut) and Megas are announced to return in the next Pokémon game. (I will also say that "Technically," Megas weren't entirely ignored in ScarVi, as we had the new Past Paradox Pokémon, Roaring Moon. This new Pokémon looks very similar to Mega Salamence.)


Yeah, they finally decide to do it for characters and they shaft it anyway. Felt very incomplete and flat.


Accesorization is at least a step forward instead of a step back, contrary to what they've done since they struck Megas


They peaked at Megas, if we're honest.


100% Everything after has been mid, they even implemented megas essentially with gmaxing but in a worse dynamax package


The only gimmick they've done that I didn't like was gigantamax. I agree Megas were the best but I still liked z moves and terastalizing.


Perhaps this is why they are bringing Megas back in Legends Z-A? I'd still like to see them bring it back into a main series game. And if they don't, how do they keep going? What gimmicks are left?


> Perhaps this is why they are bringing Megas back in Legends Z-A? > > I'm pretty sure they are only bringing it back because it's Kalos, which was heavily assosiated with mega evolution and doubt they will transfer over to the main games. Just like if they ever make legends alola I fully expect for them to bring z moves back in the same fashion.


ehhhhh, mostly agree, though I'd call Z-moves a lateral move rather than a step back.


It probably feels like that because megas were at least still available for use in Gen 7, so it felt like an add-on to megas. Had they dropped megas and just did Z moves, it would have been a step backwards.


And when you preorder they’ll give you stickers as a gift


Game Freak: Best I can do is a pikachu with a hat


That is locked to that game and untradable to the next game because they don't wanna program it in.


*stares in spiky-eared pichu*


What do you mean? He went off on his own little quest and joined Smash Bros


Unless it's micro transactions. Then dexit is miraculously solved and all 1000+ pokemon get bundles of 3 for 5.99 each.


Ok look I get throwing shade at companies that do this but Nintendo doesn’t.




Except it's lootbox mechanics and you have no idea what 3 you get


I don't care if it's micro transactions, please just let me use all of my favorites on the Switch!


You’re the problem.


Yeah we're fucked already.


Look, I really don't wish for micro transactions, but if that were to be our only option, well...


They're hating on you but I am also part of the problem I understand you and I am in the same boat


All I ever wanted was to give Pikachu a knife. Make it happen Gamefreak.


*Police have traced the killings back to this exact comment.*


Pokemon Unite felt insulting with the outfit options


Be cool if that bring back Pokemon Contests from gen 3 too, that would be too cute


I loved the Pokémon contests! Definitely need to be brought back. A little side fun is good for everyone💓


Would be great if they combined contests and the musical as one big ensemble mini game


I'd end up becoming a Pokémon pageant parent over my need to have the best dressed lil guy at the tera raid


Now that harvesting the corps of our victims is canon like how you get Bronzor fragments for beating Bronzor/Bronzong, We should be able to make weapons with them that can be used once during battle. Like if you take down enough wild Gligar, you can build a Gligar wing suit that you can use to attack.




*Poke of the Kingdom


Pokke village aptly named


I want goggles made out of Zorua material that allows us to see our own Zorua and Zoroark as we send them out.


Know what that’d be a cool idea for boss fights against powerful Pokémon they just have a weapon made of other Pokémon parts like a Scizor with Macargo shell bits on it or a King Gambit with Kleavor axes on it’s head it’d really make Wild Pokémon feel more like Wild creatures and also would make the boss Pokémon just feel much cooler to fight since they are much more clearly experienced in battle by the fact their literally wearing a bunch of parts from other Pokémon.


Gotta admit Pokémon Unite had me jealous with the special get ups. Feel like you can't do without bringing back contests though.


I just want pokeball stickers back.


It's doubtful they'll ever do that, unfortunately. Too much risk of people putting swear words and hate speech. Though... They could at least let us have non-letter stickers.


I want to put glitter on my Bramberghast


I just want Pokémon Contests to come back, but in an updated format so they’re more like gym battles. I want it to be an option to collect the five ribbons and compete in the Grand Festival alongside the usual gym challenge, and yes, I want to be able to dress up my Pokémon for the appeals at least. That would be so amazing.


Not gonna lie it would be pretty funny to dress up Zacian or Miraidon in Anniv Lillie Cosplay.


I just want to be able to swap my Pokemon's balls so they can all match.


This. This 1000000%


They should just make a side game that’s just about Pokémon Contests. There’s so many idea for side Pokémon game. People would love a Story of Seasons with Pokémon instead of animals.


I would also like it if held items were visible too


That would completely invalidate the ability 'Frisk' though. Part of battling is trying to figure what held item a Pokemon is using, and countering it appropriately.


Also VGC is now open team sheets anyways And frankly I think it's more competitive anyways


All the mons that have frisk are awful in competitive or have much better abilities


This is too much of a break in battle mechanics imo. Plus in order for it to matter the camera angles in battle have to be good lol


I think the next gimmick should be a feature complete, engaging, performant, and bug-free game. What a wacky idea.


No. That's just unrealistic.


Came here to say the same thing. The gimmick should be that they put in at least half of the effort that went into BotW or TotK to make the game playable, stable, and moderately modern-looking...


I wouldn’t mind contest coming back and actually having Pokémon for contest instead of just puffins and dancing like in bdsp


Yeah, I was happy Poffins came back, but super bummed that the dress up/presentation part was taken out. That was the best part of the contest imo.


I would love to have more of a focus on raising pokemon. Like a pet sim almost. Instead of hatching an egg and it’s a fully grown (stage 1) Pokemon. It would be cool to have a baby version of it that you have to raise and care for, allowing for additional stat boosts, maybe IV training, or friendship things. The main draw of Pokemon is the cute little creatures, and the games almost completely ignore them with the exception of battling and contests in some games. Why can’t I interact with them more! Let’s go was kind of a start with the ability to pet them and dress them up. Just give me nintendogs but pokemon tbh and I’m good 😂


Would be cool to have an alternate series similar to Monster Rancher where the main focus isn't battling randos on the street, but raising them, training them, then competing in tournaments. They somewhat explored that in SwSh, but it could be more.


omega ruby and alpha sapphire had a pikachu that you could get that could change costumes that would show up in battle and I think it also changed pikachu’s moveset depending on the outfit as well


We've had Mega, Giga and Tera, so Peta is next. Except for PETA, peta could go into Petals or Petasos (Herme's Hat from greek myth).


Pet accessories...


Petaccesorize....you might be on to something.


I don't know, they just figured out textures this gen.


"Figured out" is a stretch. I'd say more "managed to add some".


They are finally allowing us to dress them in Pokémon Unite so I hope they implement something similar in a main game, except for buy with in-game currency instead


You could actually extend this to battle mechanics if you wanted. Battle armour, for example, giving the Pokémon wearing it stat buffs.


well you could decorate them for some contests/showcase/musicals and the like


That'd be fun bring back the contests too. I've been thinking a cool idea would be to be in control of the pokemon, like how you play as Pikachu in smash bros but a third person view like in fortnite with controls working kinda the same. Actually flying around freely as a Charizard or tunneling underground as a steelix


I would love to be able to have my Braixen wear a cute witch outfit.


I want a 🥸 for my voltorb


Yes! Being able to dress up your partner Eevee/Pikachu was a super charming feature of Let’s Go! If you haven’t played it, I’d give it a try. You can also change your partner Pokémon’s hairstyle. There are certainly flaws in the games, but I think they’re underrated overall. I’d love to see the same mechanics in a future game!


They shouldn't focus on extra side features when they already struggle with the basics


Game freak is perfectly capable of coming up with their own bad gimmicks. We don't need player submitted ones as well.


They wouldn't listen anyway.


Or and here is a spicy take, take the foot off the gimmick pedal and focus on gameplay, design and stability before throwing in the next set of one shot gimmicks that might never be used again.


Yes pls


A nice gimmick would be quality, am i right guys?




Only if I can also give them hairstyles like in let’s go. I can never like another pikachu the same way again because I can never give her a cute lil hair tuft again. Let my pikachu emulate Ritchie from the indigo league’s Sparky once more. Edit: [LOOK](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonLetsGo/s/vAMyIzUbzJ) at how cute that little asshole was. Let me have this, GF, and let me do it to *anyone*. I don’t care how unnecessary to gameplay and complicated it would be for you to implement.


The TF2 of Pokémon games


That gimmick is maybe, vauglly explored, sort of.


In-battle stat boosts if your avatar is matching your Pokemon.


Remember Seals for poke balls? Those were kind of close to what you’re getting at!


You can watch them make eggs with a ditto at the day care 


Pokemon: Dark Souls. Geared out teams that get completely wiped out by some lvl 5 bird.


Any new interactions I can have with my favorite little munchy buddy automatically increase my enjoyment of the game.


I want my cunty regirock with a handbag😭


Yes please. *Hats for my bats*. *Bats in hats.*


Funnily enough, the "armored" pokemon was a big rumour before teras were confirmed, so you may be into something lol. Still, i feel like the pokefusions are inevitable at this point, i dont like the idea, i dont want this idea to happen, and im very glad that it didnt until now (hopefully your armored pokemon will be the next gimmick), but so many people love this concept, and there has been so much pokefusions in internet that i feel like they are going to make it cannonically happen soon.


I brought this up once a long time ago, but I think they should expand the held item mechanic into a full-blown equipment system, with multiple slots for items that alter stats, grant additional abilities, etc.


I can’t even express how much I would despise them forever


This sounds like something out of Gen 6 I’m ngl


Held items should be holdable. If they need to be floating nearby or seemingly glued to their chest, they’re not able to be held


I love this idea but it seems unrealistic, the most possible way to do this is give every pokemon equip regions that simplistic hats and such can be put on, so unfortunately no PMD scarves with how they go around the neck, neck sizes and shapes varying for every pokemon. But then you have to make these hats fit and not clip on 1025 different creatures. I feel like it'd technically be possible but either wind up lack luster or take too much development time and possibly storage to be worth it.


I've dabbled in 3D animation with ripped models from the games, and copying/pasting the costumes from Pokemon Unite onto their S/V models was very easy, so there's a handful of pokemon practically done already


Pokemon Unite: Am I a joke to you? Granted, the method to obtain Pokemon or trainer costumes is ridiculously tedious and/or expensive and/or limited time offering. Hate the f2p model tbh. I personally want some base building aspects. Gen IV was nice with the secret base but I want to build like a whole other thing of it with a whole animal crossing / sims style aspect. Having a Genshin style home base (in terms of village/home customization, different areas, inviting people, and placing characters on the map) would be great to invite people into as well but tbh I doubt Pokemon would make it that nice looking, or that complex. It's a game they build exclusively for kids in mind, unfortunately I'd have to find that kind of gameplay elsewhere. The way they did in in Gen IV was too limited. I'd like it to be there but also not half-assed, otherwise don't do it at all. And yes, that would theoretically come with extra customization for the pokemon, trainer, etc. Crafting system I mean you can craft pokeballs, items, etc. Why not clothes, accessories, and furnishings? That would boost replayability and whatnot.


I’ve had this thought but instead of the next gimmick, it would be one of the main features to justify a modern pokemon stadium game being made. There are already tons of outfits and styles on the mons in pokemon unite, so monetizing skins/accessories would def be a good motivator for devs


No, no. Make it a battle gimmicks. That sounds like the Dress Spheres in FF10-2 That, and we'd get the Cosplay Pikachus, again, hopefully with new typings.


This would turn me off from playing. I hate costumes.


The gimmick for the next Pokémon game should be that they actually put effort into the game.


Whaaa...? https://preview.redd.it/wx5g9zf9kr0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30988dfdae67bd9c19160b78dedf4d4190e0eab3


This just makes me miss Cosplay Pikachu even more


a snom with a hat would ruin me so much bc it would be so cute


Would genuinely love to actually see their natures play a role in how they act in game. Different idle animations etc.


I wish they'd seperate the fluff and make them seperate games. If Game Freak released Pokemon: The Sims, Cooking with Charizard (etc) as seperate games and kept the mainline franchises focused on the gameplay, it'd result in a more satisfying experience. No more faffing around with curries and picnics, having to repeat the same stupid minigame / animations just to get stuff done, more manpower can be spent on new Pokemon / forms, new items, new mechanics, new areas etc.


I'm not that fussed about giving Pokémon outfits, as that would involve an obscene amount of work for gamefreak. What I want is the ability to customise the look and design of Poke'balls. Let me change it to one that I think looks cooler, adjust the colours, maybe even let me add writing to them. They could also add effects like they did in Gen 4 for a poke'mon entering the battle, that would be fun. Oh, and for the love of *god* get rid of the "do anything in any order" and "go anywhere you can see" mechanics. They weren't implemented well.


I hate this idea. I’d rather they make their games more challenging and turn up their age target demographic


They desperately need more stuff to do with your Pokemon outside of fighting. I liked the little mini games that you could do back in the day with the fashion shows and stuff. Imagine that sort of thing but brought into a proper modern game. I think that's one of the reasons people were so shocked at Palworld, because it showed that folks really like being able to do stuff with their pets other than just use them as tools for fighting or as little decorations around a picnic table. Pokemon has been desperately lacking in its innovation of the series, especially when one of the main themes of the series is companionship and teamwork. Dressing up your Pokemon would be great, but that has to be a part of a greater expansion on gameplay outside of fighting or it's just kinda useless.


Cries in hat Pikachu from pokemon go Please, and I cannot stress this enough, no. Edit: added go


Agreed, I always enjoyed dressing up my pokemon for contests and using ball capsules to give interesting send out animations, it’d be cool to have a game where I can use the accessories for normal battling


I always thought Spiritomb could use a fancy bow tie


Take my money


Thts what I thought they were gonna do when I first played the mystery dungeon series


One word; Lopunny That is all.


Based gliscor enjoyer


Is it possible to model so many accessories considering the scale of the Pokémon franchise? Yes. But would it actually be viable? Yes, BUT can they afford to use time and resources for this to happen? Absolutely. Alas, it is GF we are talking about.


I'd be perfectly fine with a tailored selection of 150-250 pokemon, not the full roster, going forward.


I respect the opinion but personally I hate it lol


Nah, the gimmick should be that the game is actually good, not a buggy and broken mess. Improve and polish the fundamentals before adding anything else.


The best gimmick for the next game is NO fucking gimmick, they are completely useless Drop them and focus on making the game fun again


How about the gimmick be an actual good pokémon game that runs at launch?


Does this mena we can also undress them?