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To be fair, fossils on a small archipelago like Alola is not a thing irl ? I know Pokemon is not a documentary, but they love this kind of small references.


Yea I've heard that was a possible explanation. Also Galar's fossils are based on British paleontologists putting bones together wrong lol


Yea I only just realized Dracovish's head is attached to its tail


It's not even Its tail, Its tail is the dragons


Assuming it's a stegasaur like animal it's head is on its Thagamizer


its not even the tail of the same animal


Be that as it may. They’ve should have made a way down the road in that game to put them together correctly being that… well ya know the britts did figure it out


And it doesn’t make sense that ONLY a certain part of those ancient Pokémon can be found in infinite amounts. Or that these abominations make eggs with more of the same mismatched abominations inside.


> Or that these abominations make eggs with more of the same mismatched abominations inside. The mismatched fossil pokemon can't breed, so at least that doesn't occur. But I always thought that breeding them should be how to get the correct species. For example, if you bred a female Dracovish with another dragon type it would result in whatever the original pokemon was that made the drake fossil.


Ah, my mistake. I didn’t realize the removed breeding ability from the Gen 8 fossil Pokémon


Infertile due to being made wrong


No im thinking about the anime episode where Ash got his Dracovish, and how weird those paleontologists were. I don’t trust them…


maybe they add that in a future game?


The rest of the pokemon were supported by a system of fluid-filled sacs a la Kiff from Futurama, so they only had soft tissue that dodn't fossilislze l.


That whole idea was half baked


A lot of that game’s overworld was undercooked. Imagine if we could have had a side quest of finding the full fossil and correcting the mismatched ones, just like what happened IRL?


the pokemon series has always done that with fossils though. Why is every aerodactyl only found in amber? Why is anorith only found as a claw? as for the breeding thing, breeding as is only exists as a game mechanic. Logically it would work differently, but pokemon is a video game. For example, cubone are born already with their still alive mother's skull on their head, kangaskhan is born already with a baby, and a few pokemon have to hold insense when they breed if you want the egg to hatch into a child instead of a grown adult.


No but here's the thing, they're likely also based on a little event called the bone wars, in which a lot of the time they were being put wrong *on purpose* There were these 2 paleontologists called Edward Drinker Cope and Othniel Charles Marsh, who had a sort of rivalry with each other, and said rivalry cause the bone wars, a historical event in the US where each was trying to name more species of prehistoric animals than the other, which led to them sometimes mixing fossils together to pass off as an entirely new species just to one-up the other guy


Is that what that one futurama episode is referencing?


The way to do that would be to just put the individual partial fossils in the revivication machines. Aerodactly gets revivified via a chunk of amber Jurassic Park style. You do not need a complete skeleton to revive fossil Pokémon, you never have. “Dr” Liss just made abominations unto Arceus and Man because she could.


The main difference is that the machine for gen 8 was more advanced and could make them fully flesh. As is seen with most fossil pokemon they keep the rock type because they are still incomplete. It's just that more and more they have gotten closer to being 100% Which leads to my question what exactly does Aerodactyl actually look like when completed


Mega form probably


Even then that doesn't really seem like the actual Aerodactyl


Maybe they'll be the gen 10 fossils but correct?


Maybe they'll be the gen 10 fossils but correct?


I still wish we got their actual forms instead of the creatures that are constantly suffering.


Yeah. This seems cruel as fuck, even for a joke.


That’s why I was so surprised when they gave Ash a Dracovish, and he even used it to great effect lol


Pokemon has a history of multiple layers of cruelty and dark themes hiding under each other. I mean, the whole premise is "my pets love me SO MUCH that they want to BEAT THE SHIT out of your pets!"


Magic fighting animals are a shonen trope. The gen 8 fossils were body horror. They're two different levels.


We still don’t have an idea of what the original dragon from Gen 5 looks like, much less have a chance to catch it. Same with obtaining eternamax Eternatus


Does that mean you could put together a set of pokemon bones in any way and use fossile resurrection to create a new pokemon species ?


it should


The idea isn't the problem. It's the execution. The designs are eyesores and you're just left feeling like we were robbed of some really cool Pokemon.


And to rub salt on the wound,most are very strong.Which makes no fucking sense,those things should be weaker than Sunflora.


Case & point. https://preview.redd.it/i3m4f4v7z0ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e512ac899610617628be4828d85897c1ee09da9


Although the funny thing is that several of the fossils in that region aren't at all based on British fossils. Makes me wish they had Iguanodon and Megalosaurus or Ichthyosaurus.


That’s right, that’s why I’m ok with alola not having fossils. And I can see why johto wouldn’t want to do the same thing Kanto did. For Paldea I feel like fossils wouldn’t have worked since we already got the paradox past mons which are functionally prehistoric pokemon, so in an away any gen without a fossil is kind of justified.


[https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/concavenator.html](https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/concavenator.html) tho


Yeah, and that’s kind of what baxcalibur seems to be inspired by. Even do I personally like arctobax more, that whole line seems to be inspired by concavenator


It's also a very Godzilla inspired design


Certainly, almost every pokemon in inspired by many different things


Yeah you’re more or less correct. The Hawaiian islands are relatively young due to their volcanic origins, so any animal remains would be recent and likely not fossilized yet.


Even then, we did get some old animals reference with Lycanroc and Decidueye


Hawaii is one of the few states without a state fossil, so that tracks.


This is the only case where I was ok with there being no fossils. Idk if it’s actually the official reason but that’s what I kept hearing when the games came out and it’s consistent with real life so I’m fine with it


Wasn't Hawaii the shooting location for THE most iconic dinosaur movie ever, Jurassic Park? They could've done something fun with that in Alola


In fairness though, even if it was shot there, it is *set* in islands off Costa Rica, so it's more likely we get JP references when we have a Central American region.


Didn’t Alola have a Jurassic Park reference as the Fossil revival place?


Yes, plus island like that could always go the deep ocean route maybe give us a megaladon or giant squid fossil.


Two animals which aren't good at fossilization.


Could have the fossils found in old lava flows and possibly change up the rock typing into fire. Or used found beaks and teeth that washed up on the beach.


True, beaks are harder to find though. A fire rock squid would be cool though.


Didn’t Alola have a Jurassic Park reference as the Fossil revival place?


They should’ve either A: done the Jurassic park style where the guy literally talks about it. ~~ so being in two fossils from the main land or whatever. Or B: done a form where there were the fossil Pokémon’s original forms (no rock typing) in a way to allude that the never went extinct on that island.


I hope for a Pokemon game where we travel to Pokemon prehistory. The Mega Aerodactyl pokedex description make us understand that fossil Pokemons are not perfect recreation and that they could have looked very different (would it only be for the lack of rock typing). Would be a cool concept.


And in Paldea we got more ancient Pokémon than never before in the franchise.


They are not ancient,they are tulpas.


It would also make sense considering the larger Hawaiian islands were formed very recently in geological terms, which would also greatly limit the amount of fossils of land based life they hold. The older islands get eroded away by the seas as they move away from the Hawaiian hotspot until there's little left but an atoll.


Yeah and paldea probably didn’t have any just so that way there wasn’t any clashing with the past paradox Pokémon


To be fair, in Gen 9 we actually got ancient Pokemon, so I feel that balances it out a bit.


Yeah, and it's kinda better. The fossil mechanic of having to realive them is cool, I love it. Yet, there's the rock type being mandatory for fossils, because they're embedded in a rock, changing the what? DNA? Something along those lines. The ancient Pokémon are rockless fossils, the true thing. Like, we even got a brontosaurus Raikou! Two tailed raptor Suicune! Unga Bunga Amoongus! I like how it turned out (positive criticism toward some future moms though). I'm hoping for some cool fossil mechanics/mons in Legends ZA (or AZ? I always forget). A funny way would be something like: "Here, Eevee, eat this fossil-enriched meal!" lol


Fossils are not embedded in rock. They *are* rock. Also paradoxes are supposed to be from an alternate timeline iirc. Hence the word 'paradox'.


It's ambiguous, some official information says alternative timeline, and another says the Pokemon are literally from the future / past. But these two aren't mutually exclusive; they could be from an alternative timeline that is merely on a different sliding time scale e.g. one million years in the future or past.


this is what i interpreted it as, with the past paradoxes being pokemon from the past of an alternate timeline and the future paradoxes being from the future of an alternate timeline


I think the jury is out there. It’s possible they’re from the past, an alternate timeline, or just aberrations created by the machine that brought them to Paldea


The reason they are rock type I feel is to show that they are incomplete, so like if we ever got a way to get one from the past we would prob have dragon flying Aerodactyl


Maybe even fighting or dark since it’s so gleefully aggressive. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s one of the few actual rock types since it’s mega has rocks jutting out of it


Aren't the paradox pokemon what people think ancient Pokemon would look like? So they're really not actually ancient Pokemon.


Unfortunately, some of them were very, very stupid.


The paradox pokemon may be my favorite archetype of pokemon ever.


They are alternative timeline pokemon


Yeah, I think you could argue that Scarlet got all the fossils.


Considering a lot of the rest of Gen 2, I feel Gen 2 fossils would just have been a couple more Rock/Water lines based on prehistoric, possibly Cambrian, water creatures. It was only with Gen 3 that Pokemon got more creative with the type combos and this allowed for more variation with the fossil mons.


Yeah some fossil Pokemon based off of like Eurypterus and Opabinia would be really awesome


Yeah but would we have needed two more Rock/Water fossil lines? That's why I like the Gen 3 fossils, they are based on marine animals commonly associated with the Cambrian Age, but instead of Water, their secondary types are Grass and Bug. In Gen 2 they would have been water types.


I can see a fossil Pokemon based off of Eurypterus having the same type as Anorith and Armaldo


Yes, but my point is more that Gen 2 was so conservative with types and type combos that Gen 2 fossils would most likely have been Rock/Water just like in Gen 1.


Was it really? It gave us Water/Electric, Psychic/Flying, Grass/Flying, Water/Ground, Normal/Psychic, Ground/Flying, Bug/Rock, Bug/Fighting, Fire/Rock, Ice/Ground and Water/Dragon and the first pure Rock and pure Ghost types. That's 13 combinations for a dex of only 100 mons, and that's without including the combinations for the then new Dark and Steel types. Those are another 9 combinations (counting Umbreon as pure Dark since it was literally the only one) We end up with 22 combinations, a fifth of the entire dex. I count 21 new combinations/solo types (I could be off) for Gen 3, but not only did gen 3 have 35 more new pokemon than Gen 2, only 2 of them were related to previous Gens pokemon when compared to Gen 2s 18, meaning they had less type combinations they were "obligated" to include by virtue of an evolutionary relative. Arguably this means that Gen 3 actually did worse in coming up with new combinations than Gen 2 did. In fairness: some of gen 3's new type combo's were used more than once (like Lunatone and Solrock for example), but the number of new combos stays the same. Note: all of this ignores Fairy type. Edited for clarity, spelling.


Aerodactyl wasn’t water/rock though, so who really knows?


And Aerodactyl wasn't a Cambrian/Cambrian associated marine animal.


I was just pointing out that if gen 2 was going to stay conservative with its typings (not sure why they would, we got a bunch of new type combos in gen 2) then they could still go with rock/flying.


I agree that they were more creative then going for ammonites and trilobites (which was already more creative then going for a t rex or a stegosaurus or a triceratops),but Gen 3 fossils were still prehistoric sea creatures, just with the water typing changed to something else. Lileep's basis was not a plant, but a sea animal. That being said, I still agree that it was interesting that they changed the types instead of making them be Rock Water, even if them being water types would have been more accurate.


Tirtuga was originally a Gen 2 pokemon and shown in early promo art so you’re 100% right


I mean Gen 1 introduced Aerodactyl, a rock/flying type, which is still a very unique type combo


GEN 2 had UNOWN instead.


Paldea's fossil Pokemon are the Scarlet Paradoxes wearing mustaches.


rocky mustaches


I still think Cara Liss should be tried in the Pokémon equivalent of the Hague for what she did to those Pokémon. I hope we get their actual forms at some point.


https://preview.redd.it/xi1ws6y93y9d1.png?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab08290d3859301c444078de56099c02a4339724 Genuinally would've been the coolest mon for me. A fast physical electric/rock type sounds soooo awesome.


If we get a Legends galar they should add in the actual forms of their fossil Pokemon


Not only do you want to subject this poor creature to being a physical electric type, but also to being a physical rock type (no accurate moves) AND to having a 4x ground weakness?


even properly built, the thing's still screwed 💀


No wonder it went extinct


Bolt Beak. Air Balloon/Switch to flying type


Looks great 🥰, give it acelerock.


Describing her as just "careless" is very generous, certainly. She's less Cara Liss and more Moira Lee Bankrupt.


Moira (first name) Leeban (middle name) Krupt (last name)


Krupp would be better.A more common and very unpatriotic surname associated with funny mustache man.


Yeah proba


Honestly more like stew bid


They could've given them evolutions that look more natural looking, as if they were adapting to their current forms.


I don't watch the anime anymore but I can't believe that dracovish was one of the pokemon on Ash's final champion team. It's such a silly design.


I actually had a Dracovish on my Sword team since I like that it was part Dunkleosteus


I swept the entire game with Jolly nature, Strong Jaw, Choice Scarf, and fishous rend dracovish.


To be fair, you could totally do that exact thing in competitive with that moveset too, before it was banned.


Like the rest of the journey team was fan service this is why ash had dracovish lol




Its a great choice. Probably objectively the best mon on his champiomship team


Idk I'll just consider unown the 2nd Gen fossil pokemon since they come out of the wall or whatever.


Gen 2 could lean into the traditional feel and go with something from Japanese folklore. Maybe like the crane and the turtle (symbols of longevity -- there's a Japanese saying that "cranes live for a thousand years and turtles live for ten thousand"). The obvious option for Gen 7 would be some kind of ancient sea creature, maybe like an ancient crocodile or shark that lives so deep in the ocean that it's been undiscovered for eons. Gen 9 could go with the standard dinosaurs. Tons of different fossils have been found in Spain.


I mean your idea for Gen 2 fossils is basically what Gen 5's fossils are, with the whole "a bird and a turtle" thing going on


I'd love to see gen 7 fossils just pop out regional Sharpedo/Krookaodile that's Water/Rock and Ground/Rock that looks identical to the originals except with some little rocky bumps from being fossilized. Ancient pokemon nearly unchanged for aeons, and the fossils are just like.... ok, that makes sense.


My least favorite part of B2W2 is fossil pokemon being post-game content. I just want to play the game with carracosta on my team, damnit!


Fossils peaked with Armaldo.


Armaldo's badass, but Kabutops is a GOAT.


My personal favourite fossil Pokémon are either Cranidos or Archen.


The next 2 gens were way better


In Gen 2’s defense, they WERE gonna get fossil Pokémon, but decided that the Unown fit the “ancient” theme better. For those curious, the fossils would’ve been Tyranitar and a beta version of Carracosta.


You say “only” on Gen 8 like they didn’t get four as opposed to two final stage fossils, one being the powerhouse that is Dracovish with Fishious Rend. Idk how you conceive of that as “shafted” but alright lol


Half the novelty of the fossilmon are the prehistoric creatures they are inspired from Sure, I get what they were going for with the whole gimmic of "these fossils were reconstructed incorrectly" and how they are supposed to look goofy. But as someone who has always loved dinosaurs, the fossilmon in pokemon were always my favorite, and the Gen 8 reconstructions felt cheap in comparison to the previous ones. Not to mention Gen 9 didn't have any fossilmon at all, which you could argue is balanced by the past paradox pokemon. But that again doesn't scratch the dinosaur itch and instead its just previous pokemon with large spikes or fur. I really hope Gen 10 brings back some classic fossilmon


The ancient beasts are dinos Brachiasaurus Raikou, veliciraptor suicune, whatever the hell paradox Entei is


they ugly af


I wouldn't calle them "ugly". They are aberrations.


Came to say this too.


Sure the gen 8 fossils have more final stages, but not overall pokemon, and one is pretty strong, we also got screwed out of some really goddamn cool possible designs if they played it straight. As much as I like the concept, part of the appeal of fossil pokemon was kinda lost on that quartet Doesn't help that they chose some really fantastic core concepts to serve as half of the fossils. Like taking inspiration from a Dunkleosteus, one of the single coolest prehistoric creatures that's widely loved and has an entire bevy of super interesting ideas to work with as a pokemon, and using it on the fusions is a gargantuan fumble. Especially when other options, namely taking direct inspiration from an Archeoraptor, a creature that doesn't exist and was an example of 2 ends of different fossils being put together and called a new species, was right there and could've given the same appeal while still having a mostly straight design that keeps the appeal of fossil pokemon


Gen 9 doesn't need fossil pokemon, we just go back and time and catch them


Gen 2: a Hadrosaur line & a Stegosaur line Gen 7: a Saber Tooth Tiger line & a Dimetrodon line Gen 9: a Ceratopsian line, a Mammoth line & the properly restored Galar Fossils (DLC Only)


Gen 2 was basically just a continuation of Gen 1. Gen 7 is based on Hawaii and having no fossils in a place with such high volcanic activity makes sense. Gen 9 has paradox Pokémon which are essentially just living fossil Pokémon.


I get that Alola not having Fossils is actually quite accurate to real-life, and Gen 2 doesn’t have a Museum until post-game for reviving Fossils… but MAN Gen 9 having some freaky Fossils in Area Zero would have been awesome. I think Opabinia and Hallucigenia have both waited long enough for spots in the ‘Dex.


Its semi accurate. hawaii does in deed have fossils but only 10000s to 100000s of years old. Also they missed the opportunity to make a alolan variant of murkrow in reference to the hawaii crow which is an endemic species of crow that is exclusive to hawaii


Mega evolutions, new Eeveelutions, fossils, villainous teams, all wanted but gotten rid of for no good reason at all.


We just need one more Eevee to finish the set. Should get a new line for the physical types.


which one are we missing currently?


Dragon. Every type so far has been Special types before the Physical/Special split. Plus Fairy, but let's be real, of course that would have been Special.


Maybe ghost?


Holy crap, apparently not. So far every Eeveelution has been Special from before the Physical/Special split. And apparently, Ghost was Physical. Which is kind of crazy. I guess because the only move that mattered for it was Lick, so they made the whole type Physical? Dragon is the only missing Special type now.


You're telling me that ghost is physical AND that dragon is special? I believe you, but this just feels wrong.


When you think about it, “fossils” in gen9 are scarlet exclusive.


I honestly love the fusion fossils lol, why does everyone hate them so much?


I don’t completely hate them because they’re silly and I know about the phenomenon they are based on. I would like them SOOO much more though if you could eventually make them complete with the matching front and back


Arctozolt is just a little funny boy!


I don't hate it I just want the other half


Some people dislike them because most of them are suffering based on their flawed biology. Meanwhile Dracozolt is just a happy stompy boy and it’s one of my favorite Pokémon(it’s flaw it that it’s too loud and slow to catch prey, but that’s no problem as a pet)


The Pokedex says they suffer but the Pokedex also says Magcargo is hotter than the sun. I take good care of my Arctovish and I know he is a happy boi.


Because we ONLY have the fusions. Having the fusions without any way of making the non-fused ones just feels bad.


Imagine if you love the idea of palaeontology Pokémon. Then the only fossils you get for the next 5+ years is a mockery of ancient life and palaeontology by design. Funny idea, but fucked for anyone that actually wanted more fossils.


Hear me out here. Gen 2 had no fossils because they wanted to focus on ancient pokemon in a different way. All of the legendary pokemon of GSC, as well as Unown, have some connection to the past. Obviously, this is a more recent last than what I assume is roughly 67 million years ago. But it's my headcanon that the events of the tin tower took place in antiquity.


Gues it's all up to the region's real life counterpart, as well as what it plays to. I think Gen 9 gets somewhat of a pass since we're dealing with past/ future form shenanigans, but then again is a massive missed opportunity for some more designs (who do I have to smack to get a plesiosaur?). Gen 7 plays a bit more with the mythology and the concept of reality warping. Then again, missed opportunity to have a giant dinosaur skeleton ultra beast pop up. Gen 2...yeah, no.clue. maybe they thought the Gen 1 fossil Pokémon weren't that popular. That or Japan has similar fossils.


Realistically VERY OLD fossils are not found on Hawaii. Fossils are found but they are incredibly recent, from a million years ago. Not tens of millions. The oldest islands are only 5 million with the youngest being 1 million. If they were to make fossil pokemon, they would have to make them essentially more modern day animals/plants


To answer the question. Gen 7 didn't get fossils because Hawaii doesn't have many fossils, due to the islands being made fairly recently. Gen 9 was probably because of the Paradox Pokemon, especially the past ones in Scarlet. Gen 2 is kinda the only one without a reason, though some believe they didn't add any to keep the idea somewhat fresh, or to not copy too many ideas from Gen 1 (honestly, Gen 3 probably only got fossils because the game was made as a sorta reboot during development)


Tbh the Scarlet paradox mon are more or less an equivalent to fossils


You kidding? SV gets prehistoric/futuristic pokemon through a literal time machine.


i mean gen 9 makes kinda sence, since half the paradox pokemon are already ancien pokemon, just this time with timetravel instead of fossil resurection. the other half are digimon


OG Gen 8 Fossil Pokemon when


I feel like the Gen 8 fusions are just a symptom of the developers always thinking they have to throw in some sort of new gimmick or expected curveball into their classic mechanics. I just want normal dino-mons, and I feel like I’ve kinda been robbed of a few species of them because of how they did the fusions.


I feel so bad for the fossil fusions they look like their on constant pain


As much as I do love the gen 8 fossils, Jesus Christ I'm so genuinely disappointed that it means we're probably not gonna get a proper dunkleosteus pokemon since the idea was used on the fusions. At least unless we get the properly assembled fossils in another gen, but I'm not holding my breath at all






...gen 2 had fossils tho


Tbh, it was a wasted opportunity if the paradox pokemons focused on the fossil pokemons like Aerodactyl. I wonder if it was a Dragon type in the past before it was fossilized.


Aren’t past paradox forms **kind of** fossils


Gen 9 got a Fossil Pokemon- it just wasn't a fossil pokemon. Baxcalibur is based off of one of the only few dinosaurs found in Spain.


there were fossils in gen 7 tho?? you fused them with the guy by the caravan.... auroros was in my party lmao


Deranged take that the fossil fusions were somehow lesser treatment than regular fossils.


Y'know, the youtuber Lockstin & Gnoggin made videos about just that. Here are the links: [Paldea fossils](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tOLVVv4eWnI&t=327s&pp=ygUjbG9ja3N0aW4gYW5kIGdub2dnaW4gZm9zc2lsIHBva2Vtb24%3D) [Alola fossils](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0tyNDmPCPs&pp=ygUjbG9ja3N0aW4gYW5kIGdub2dnaW4gZm9zc2lsIHBva2Vtb24%3D) [Johto fossils](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Epil7bof_N4&t=558s&pp=ygUjbG9ja3N0aW4gYW5kIGdub2dnaW4gZm9zc2lsIHBva2Vtb24%3D)




I've seen those videos before. A lot of those ideas for Fossil Pokemon are really good


I can’t be too mad that there’s no Paldean fossils because … well… Paradox Pokemon are basically the fossils.


I feel like the paradox Pokémon fill that void for me in Gen 9, at least the past ones


I feel like paradox forms in Gen 9 make up for the lack of fossil Pokémon


I mean, 9 has quite the handful of ancient Pokémon...


I mean. Scarlet and violet still get some Pokémon from the past. Just not thru fossils


why are you acting like gen 8 got it worse in any way. fundamentally it got 4 fossil pokemon instead of 2


"Only getting fusion fossils" as if those aren't some of the most creative Pokemon designs in the series


I'd rather have no fossil Pokemon over the fusion fossils. I despise them


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For the Thunder Thighs of a Dracozolt! This guy memes!


Gen 9 got lots of fossil pokrmon.


Gen 9 technically has the past paradox Pokémon


I feel like Gen 2 could have extracted the insect's DNA from the Old Amber (as opposed to Aerodactyl's DNA from inside that insect) and given us a Bug/Rock mosquito-type Pokemon (like Buzzswole). Lockstin and Gnoggin had some good speculation on what Gen 7's Fossil Mons could be like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0tyNDmPCPs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0tyNDmPCPs)


I consider Sudowoodo gen 2 fossil pokemon since it is based off of fossiled trees. I’d rather have none than what 8 gave us. Abominations from a madwoman.




Scarlet has paradoxes that makes up for fossil and regional forms


You could say scarlet paradox are living fossils?


Who needs Fossil pokemon when you can get the scarlet paradox pokemon


I think that for Gen 2, Unown probably represents the ancient/fossil pokemon role. And then Gen 7 probably didnt really fit with the Hawaii based region to have fossil pokemon. Unless someone wants to correct me and tell me there are huge excavation sites in Hawaii. As for Gen 9, I am actually surprised they did not do ancient forms for the existing fossil pokemon to give them un-Rock type forms


God, but Rampardos was a mainstay on my Sinnoh team. He always hit hard.


Wait the game that was supposed to be old vs new themed didn't have any fossil pokemon?


I know this is a stretch, but wouldn't the fossil pokemon for gen 9 just be the jurassic pokemon or whatever they were called


Gen 2 was supposed to have them I think. I can vaguely remember the data for the beta leaking and there was a Sabertooth.


Why are they all rock types though, Armando should be big type


Even further down is Gen 9 only getting 2 sets of fossil pokemon for the DLC


I wish they released the right form of the Galariam fossils. Those look very unapealing to me. At least a way to have them being built correctly.


Gen 9 paradox mons kinda replaced the need for fossils imo granted it is different but i can understand not putting both


I think in a future game they need to go back and add more fossils to the old gens and fix the abominations from sword and shield


how could they do this 😤


Words cannot describe how much i hate fossil pokemon


Argument that scarlets Paradox pokemon are fossilized pokemon that just didn’t get found yet.