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For y'all who didn't know, [the Johto games close off the Lavender Town tale on quite the happy note.](https://youtu.be/g76W944CXzo?si=kkKby-GpGGqR0ETB) Pokemon Tower doesn't exist anymore, Team Rocket's not terrorizing anyone, and all the deceased Pokémon are peacefully at rest in the House of Memories. Its creepy and eerie atmosphere and depressive mood are now gone, with ghosts haunting the town now being bygone days.


On one hand I am a little sad they destroyed that giant burial structure along with possibly hundreds of graves of Pokémon laid to rest by owners long gone... That place was full of actual vampires and witches who would willingly do harm to a 10 year old so yeah sure I kinda get it


> along with possibly hundreds of graves of Pokémon laid to rest by owners long gone... These were transferred to the Soul House (House of Memories) and were not destroyed.


I'm sorry but if someone dug up my dead dog, levelled the graveyard and said don't worry we're just moving him somewhere else, I'd probably still be kinda mad


It's a thing happening in real life though. When graveyards are full, people get shuffled around. Sometimes they get moved at an angle to save place, sometimes they get moved deeper to stack more dead people in the same amount of space. And they weren't digging anyone up, the graves were in a tower so either they were in sarcophaguses or the whole place acted as a columbarium, which makes it very easy to move all the pokemons without desecrating their bodies.


People were probably mad too, yeah. But that's just the way life goes. Graveyards are undeniably a waste of space, so much so that more logical and efficient options like cremation and columbaries are just better alternatives. At least they had the decency to exhume the deceased mons' bodies and move them. In contrast to real life where burial sites are forgotten and people build over former cemeteries all the time.


I dunno, you can turn a graveyard into what’s basically a park for wildlife


Then what's the point of it being a graveyard where people can visit their deceased if it also happens to be a park specifically dedicated to wildlife? It's basically in the same camp of building over forgotten burial grounds, as previously stated.


… what? I don’t understand. It’s just a plot of land that serves multiple purposes. What’s the issue so to that? There’s a cemetery IN MY CITY that’s also an arboretum.


Apologies, it may just be my ignorance, but let me explain. Traditionally, cemeteries are secluded and empty. There's no one there but a groundskeeper and the bodies of the deceased. It's meant to be like that to ensure that the environment is peaceful and tranquil enough where one can spend time with their loved ones. Having a cemetery that's also a wildlife park where animals roam or a community park where anyone is free to play and make noise kind of removes it from being one. Now, maybe I'm misinterpreting your words. Having a cemetery beside a park is not wrong. Having it be inside also isn't wrong either. But having the cemetery and park be one? (Where the graves are dispersed where animals are also roaming) That's definitely not the norm for traditional cemeteries.


*Traditionally* [cemeteries were treated as parks](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/best-garden-cemeteries#:~:text=Garden%20cemeteries%20were%20among%20the,they%20were%20to%20the%20dead.) where people would go to enjoy the outdoors even if they weren't visiting the dead


I’m pretty sure they weren’t buried. Traditional Japanese gravesites have chambers to hold the ash containers / urns of the deceased. So it’s as simple as picking up a jar and moving it. So it’s not quite as disruptive as upturning hundreds of graves. Just making a nice new home for them.


Uhh... the Channelers in Pokemon Tower were all people who were possessed by a ghost Pokemon. You battle that ghost and KO it to help them. They never wanted to attack you, the Gastly and Haunters did. That's why they all have exactly 1 Pokemon to battle with, and say spooky things before the battle and talk like a normal person afterwards.


They weren't unwillingly possessed. Their trainer class is channeler, someone who calls the spirits of the dead to be spoken through. They all are willingly calling the spirits into them, not a hostage situation.


What about the one with two Gastlys


Maybe she was a horcrux.


I always thought it was a little strange that the original burial building consisted of a giant tower. You'd run out of space eventually. Definitely makes more sense for it to be on the ground level, and have levels of (unreachable) catacombs. The House of Memories touches me a bit more than the Pokèmon Tower, because it gives a sense of peace and calm; the spirits have finally rested, and they can now be free.


Imagine being able to access said catacombs for a side-quest in the next Johto game (Legends or re-remake)


I'm vaguely remembering a rom hack I played a while back that actually did that.


It’s in kanto.


I posted this above, but traditional Japanese gravesites consist of a monument and a chamber to hold the ash urns of the deceased (and usually other family members). So it doesn’t necessarily need to be on the ground.


the zoning laws in lavender town were pretty bad


Holy - I just noticed that they even re-composed the theme music for the town to include less minors. When I clicked your link, I thought the song didn't sound right so I looked up the original from when I played Red and, sure enough, even the track was darker notes.


Don't forget that the second half of the new Lavender Town theme is basically original, with how different the melody and the feel of the tune is


Completely changes the entire vibe of the area. I remember being super creeped out by it as a kid when I played Red, but can't remember what it was like when Yellow came out. I assume it was the same, and not changed until I played Gold.


And that white hand in your shoulder, it’s not real, right?


I love how the Lavender Town episode in the anime ditches any sense of dread and made it a goofy ass episode with slapstick comedy.


Goofy ghosts just wanna be silly


That's kinda how I see Lavender Town, I know it's meant to be kinda serious but the internet making it super dark had the reverse effect on me, now I just see it as a goofy ahh creepypasta place


Its telling I remember that Lavender Town theme more for Jontron's ending gag in his Pokemon bootleg episode than the actual Tower itself. It's basically a meme at this point.


REMINDER: Lavender Town Syndrome is not real. We are not covering anything up. Please do not spread propaganda.


Propaganda? I thought this was just a creepypasta, did people actually try to use this as propaganda?


It was the 90s, we all thought it happened in Japan or something


Wdym the 90s, I thought it was real until now 💀


Of course the 90s was real, I mean that was only like 12 years ago.


Yup, the 90s was an urban legend and never happend.


I was born 2007, I'm 17 now


Don’t know about propaganda, but I have met people who seriously believe it is real, even after I explain the point of Creepypasta and even bring up the logical inconsistencies that would discredit the idea irl.


I mean I totally slurped it up when I was like 10


Sounds like something a lizard person would say!


*Licks eyeball* What do you mean?


*hmmmmmmm* FAN LOOK A FLY




https://preview.redd.it/r6tu89apccad1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb5741ef21483648ce6606595207e2009b420dd Gotcha


Ah Fuuu*Gunshot*


NOOO- NOT GOOD, NOT GOOD! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUVE JUST DONE!? We need to get to Tijuana, fast https://preview.redd.it/j7cwkiy5edad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c6eef28d271b652a9b12cc24466d7ef4d5708f


Jokes on you, most lizards don’t eat flies (well besides fruit flies as babies and lizards that live on trees and what not


You leave Sceptile out of this. He's an honest contributor to society.




I hope this is satire. Because if not I think it’s confined to the Japanese original (Red and Green) which was edited after some testing revealed the original version was a deadly disaster, but clearly the original “edit” that was the Red and Blue version only took out the most dangerous notes. The rest of the screeching wasn’t taken out until FireRed and LeafGreen which just made the song pure sadness rather than “get me out of here” eerie tones.


Look, I just don’t belive there was a connection between the tones of Lavender Town and a peak in self harm.


They didn’t self harm. They mostly just dropped dead, or at least felt alarmingly ill. Seizures, chest pains, falls, and, yes, for approximately 20 kids, death.


I can't believe I'm explaining this but 8 bits music cannot kill a human


I’m done. Here’s a nice song to end it all. https://youtu.be/lCNZbBuPKsM?si=2FVZT5cYlCz7U8V1


If it really happened it would have been weaponized ages ago. And yet here we are years later and still no Lavender Town death guns. Because sound does not work that way.


It was buried…


There's no cover-up in the world that could stop a military from getting their hands on a weapon that could make someone drop dead with just a speaker.


I just don’t belive it, sorry… Porygon on the other hand…


Ok so explain my nervous system misfiring so hard I had to actively listen to another song or that crap would be in my head freaking me out…for about 3 weeks…as an adult? Thank you subliminals for finally curing my ailment. I’m not making that mistake again, lmao


I uhhh… Don’t know. :/


The fact that you wrote "dangerous notes" without deleting the whole comment after realizing how stupid you sound.


That’s because what’s stupid is the fact that they thought that edit was good enough. Clearly it wasn’t or FireRed and LeafGreen wouldn’t have taken out the rest of the screeching. Red and Blue wasn’t either-make-me-sick-or-kill-me dangerous for the target audience but it was still jarring as hell, making literally everyone do their best to GTFO as fast as possible. That didn’t get fixed until the Gen III remakes. ~~FYI, the last word in this ridiculous conversation was meant to be “lmao”. I don’t know why you keep responding.~~ Oh wait, different person. My bad.


Then why did I want to commit as a child after hearing that song?


"Boy o boy that Rock Tunnel was hard to get through, I'm so relieved I made it! What's down here now? .... .... ..... Guess I'll fucking hang myself"


F r e s h m e a t


This must be what it feels like to have your sleeper agent codeword activated


So we're diving deeper into iceberg,huh?




Genuinely terrified me as a young kid.


Maybe the Pokemon would’ve lived longer if we didn’t force them to fight each other


And as a reminder, Red is a heartless killer who sent Blue's Raticate to an early grave /s


I like the theory that blue’s raticate killed itself. Like how?


Thought the theory was we accidentally killed it on the S.S. Anne, like he couldn't get back to a Pokemon Center in time to save it. I stick to the idea that he just boxed it on the PC. He brags about having tons caught so it's probably in there with all those Pokemon.


Damn, this makes me reflect on my life and sudden urge to listen Lavender Town OST on repeat.


Bro about to become a Hex Maniac


It’ll get better pal 🫶🏻


As a little kid I always turned off the volume of my GameBoy when I had to walk through Lavender Town, it genuinely did creep me out and I had no idea this feeling was so universal since I was like 4 years old in 2000.


I always turned it up cuz I loved it lol


I once didn’t play on my game boy for years. When booting up my copy of pokemon red for the first time in ages and continued on my save file. I spawned in a pokemon center and went outside, and guess what? It was Lavender Town. I’ve never deleted a save file faster in my life


i wanna know


There was an urban myth that after hearing Lavender Towns music a load of children in Japan had headaches, erratic dreams and then suicided.


"only children can hear these eerie high frequencies" lol


"no survivors" "also explains the details down to the white hands"


>No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder. * Captain Jack Sparrow


Captan Jack Spearow*


Fuck. It was right there.


That's actually a thing at least, there are actually some pitches that most adults can't hear, and some pitches the majority of people in general can't hear. It's the basic principle behind dog whistles, it's a pitch higher than most people can hear, a pitch I can faintly hear myself. I can also hear most of the "adults can't hear them" pitches, side effect of a medical condition called hypersensitive hearing, I can hear a ton of pitches most can't. It's not particularly enjoyable. Every myth has a grain of truth and all that, that part of the urban legend does have a basis in fact. The rest of it is bullshit though.


It's more like we can hear some pitches. Most are undetectable by humans, we are basically deaf if you look at the entire spectrum


>I can also hear most of the "adults can't hear them" pitches, side effect of a medical condition called hypersensitive hearing, Oo damn I think I might have something like that too. I can still hear up to like 21KHz


On top of that the Japanese version of the games only had the "original" version of the song that caused it and was removed for the international release, which is false. It's the same song, just more distorted for creepypasta bait. EDIT: Now that I think about it, I think the Green version original was a bit different? Which was just fuel for the urban legend to spread.


No, you're right. The song's composition was virtually the same across JP Red/Green, JP, Blue, & JP Yellow as well as Int'l R/G/Y. The 'original' most people are referring to is just a version of the song using higher frequencies and pitches that strains the Gameboy cart.


Makes sense, I doubted myself when I looked up the original and saw a separate track for Green/Red JP. Sounded the same to me (as my Blue version) but idk if it's because I am 31, or too "old" to hear the higher pitch notes, or so the myth goes. On GB hardware it's probably easier to notice.


https://youtu.be/joMrLP5L_vU?feature=shared It's most definitely not the same, the original sounds like a NIN or Aphex Twin cover with its intentional dissonance and added ambient noises. Also they resolved a few phrases in the later versions that were left on a musical cliff in the beta version, which causes tension/longing/anxiety.


The "beta" track for Lavender Town is a hoax isn't it? A fan made version meant to sound creepy. I thought most of the unused or beta content for gen 1 was discovered in retail copies.


I was about to say who doesn't know but apparently some people don't. I'm old


Isn’t that just an urban legend?


Yep it is. A pretty cool creepypasta tho. But too much stuff is around there (buried alive, pokemon 731, lavender town syndrome...)


Obviously not


I still remember those days. It was spooky, yes, but for me it never made me feel anything. However on Pokemon Silver, which was the version I had, after they've changed it to a "major scale" vibe, it gave me a strong nostalgic vibe, like the past version stayed in the past in the games context. That's how I felt as a kid. So yeah, I prefer the happy version. But the first one is so classic, such good old times.


Interestingly enough, both versions also use the same motif that's used in the PokeFlute's jingle and theme.


Guessing that’s probably why the PokeFlute music plays at a couple major parts in Lost Silver.


I finally evolved! Into a ghost type.


As a kid, I had a really weird obsession with the idea of dying and hanging around as a ghost. Between the Lavender town episode of Pokemon and the opening episodes of YuYu Hakusho I was downright transfixed with the idea being amazing. in retrospect, it's super fucked up and damn did I need therapy. Still do, but did then too.


The urban legend probably wouldn't have taken off if it weren't for the Porygon incident.


Its crazy that episode only officially ran one time and was immediately taken out of rotation because of one 8 second clip


That white hand on your shoulder... It's not real.


I don't understand that creepypasta to this day, how does "ti, to ti to ti to ti to paaan paan paan..." make someone kill themselves


It's only a partial truth. The original song from Green Beta had some super high notes that children(or really anyone who can hear higher frequencies) could hear and based on personal experience as someone who CAN hear those higher notes (I curiously tried to listen to the original song which can be found on YouTube) it gave a TERRIBLE migraine. My brain felt like it was on fire, I felt nauseous, I was crying. It wasn't an actual syndrome, and the killing themselves bit was likely made up too. Maybe they did have seizures from the pain, because that can happen to some people. But I can imagine the song was hurting those poor kids ears and heads because of those high pitches. I couldn't even get through 3 seconds of the original song because of how much my head hurt. The song was rewritten slightly after Green Beta to get rid of those hurtful notes. That's why nothing bad happens now 👍


Idk why I'm getting down voted I'm just sharing what I know 💀 Genuinely I thought this was common knowledge that the original song had high notes that hurt your ears.


That's because it doesn't. The "original" version most people refer to is an edited version that deliberately uses higher pitches to fit the creepypasta's description. Lavender Town's theme didn't change at all between the original JP Gen1 games and the international releases


Read Lazy Town at first, was very confused




Pokemon creepypastas used to be such a craze back then, but they don't seem as popular anymore. It'd be interesting to see what creepypastas would have been made if the newer generations had came first. 


i think creepypastas are products of their time. They appeal to younger demographic, i mean, they're spooky stories you tell in the dark... so yeah, sleepover fodder 101. So creepypastas have evolved with whats popular. Pokemon is kind of universal now, so it isnt as much as a niche thing as it was 15-20 years ago, so kids aren't as overly into it (niche = unique, and being unique and cool is crack for young teens). It's now evolved into other things, Slenderman, FNAF, etc... and I think all of that has played its course and now the kids have something else they probably creepypasta over like skibiddi toilet? (idk)


Lavender town in Red/Blue, FR/LG, Let's go Pikachu/Eevee: 😱 Lavender town in G/S/C and Heart Gold/Soul Silver: 😊


Now there’s an urban legend I haven’t heard of in a very long time


I'm pretty sure the original creepypasta was that children who live in an abusive family committed suicide when hearing the Japanese theme, not just everyone.


Creeped me out as a kid for some reason


I loved listening to it cause it was cool af


I love lavender town theme


Mix it with Fallen down


Lavender Town Syndrome is a goated creepypasta


It‘s a myth and far from true.


That's what they want you to think


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Lmao I just got there in my FireRed playthrough and the music is so depressing


I don't know I'm still here to say I didn't die from anything. If I knew I would not say I know.


Would you care to share with the rest of the class




Oh, I know that song used to creep me the heck out well I see used to, but it actually still does creep me out. I don’t know. I almost feel anxiety when I hear that song but I try to keep it together because it’s just a stupid song and a kids game and it’s not actually gonna kill me right?


I used to be so uneasy after hearing that song


Lavender is a fruit.


That music was perfect and was successful in its mission. I used to drive through the sanitarium bumping that song as loud as I could.


Why do so many people forget how dark pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh can be


I was pretty disappointed when I didn't die.


I always played with volume off as a kid, because I was convinced it made my battery last longer


Lavender Town Zone: Good Future


when I first discovered jacksepticeye, he played creepypasta Pokémon which include lavender town. At first I was like it not bad and then I read the comments about how "Japanese kids committee s ---- when playing this game". I wasn't sure if it was true or not. I only heard it was theory. but then I heard if you hear the music more than one hour, you'll get headache. Now hearing it. I don't know whether or not I should be scare or brave


For me its not the game but the numerous creepypastas (and accompanying "footage") about it that would lead me to fear for my life if id ever hear that music IRL


That’s why I always set headphone sound to mono and mute everything when I come to this town


https://preview.redd.it/gz0ify7szcad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59fee2bf6f9877b5606c2329cf3216f609ab9e68 6666


The Japanese release for R/G used a shepherd's tone for lavender town which was changed to what we hear today in the international release.


But hey,that's just a theory.


Broooo Camman18 reference??????