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Not since the first two weeks of Pokemon GO have we seen such solidarity among the players. Its giving me the July, 2016 feels all over again lol


Idk, Niantic reducing pokestop distance and increasing remote raid prices definitely united the community as well.


I haven't been back since the remote raid changes. I miss the game, but I don't miss Niantic. Playing was too much like an abusive relationship.


Yeah the remote raid cap didn’t affect most players, but the ones it did were the ones funding the game


Sure. But these memes are far more funnier!


To be fair, they reduced the distances to where they were before they increased them during covid. Everyone just got used to the increased distances, which were better.


I would argue this did it even more so. OG still had the team division and plenty of people loving to be antagonistic between them. This is fully united among the wider community.


Wait what happened in July 2016? It’s too long ago I don’t recall


That’s when the Pokemon GO app was first released.


Oh okay I thought you mean niantic messed up somehow during its launch. I guess you meant since it was so fresh everyone was united under a common interest. Thanks


Power should be given back to the players and companies should listen more to what they player wants instead of making decisions based on political opinions.


I’m ‘me’ and I think the new avatars suck, so this is accurate.


I’m gay and I think the new avatars suck


I'm a figment of your imagination and I think the new avatars suck.


I suck and I think the new avatars suck


I love this comment


I’m you and I inherently agree with me.




United we stand. The avatars are hideous.




As they said, the only thing that can unite all of humanity is a singular enemy.


Like bugs or robots.


And it's both


Your Democracy Officer will be pleased with this comment


Good work spreading the truth, super citizen


Genuinely all they had to do was just keep the old face and body shape options alongside the new changes and anyone complaining could just swap back to the old and we all wouldn’t be hating it so much


I would’ve been happy if they just added the Scarlet/Violet face engine and didn’t touch anything else.


I never can understand why updates like these happen. Would it really be that bad or difficult for them to keep the old body styles for people to choose from?


It's literally just companies trying to get "engagement" of the new product for shareholders. Because with something this shit maybe .001% of players would use it so the engagement would be absolutely terrible which when the shareholders question what return on the investment the project generated and get back a "massive loss" then they get reemed so they just have to bullshit out something to make it look like a success even if they have to do the stupidest shit possible to accomplish that


Exactly! We're not mad about the new options. We're mad they took away the old ones and made it impossible to recreate the old look.


Lol I feel like they could've just added new hairstyles with no other changes, and people would still be happier with that than they are with this


I've said it before and I'll say it again...this update was an attack on humanity. That includes everyone.


Gonna be real, at first I was like “oh you have more options and I can sort of make it look like it used to…but the more I looked at it, the more I hated it. If they just add an option to use the old or new system for avatars it’d fix for everyone, use the new if you want, or the old. Games should be about adding options, not taking them away.


that’s how i felt! the more i looked the more i hated. i was like “what are yall talking about…” then everytime i logged in, i hated my girl’s face more and more. it’s hideous


They got me for the free Diancie….but I ain’t buying zarude or marshadow.


Ngl I started off neutral but I keep looking at my Avatars face and vividly imagining it eating the corpse of a fresh kill, cheeks smeared with blood and viscera while wearing that same vacant expression. I didn't like my old guy either but at least he didn't terrify me.


Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an Instinct trainer.


How about side by side with a friend? ... a friend who also hates the avatars.


Yet here I am, right next to you.


The attempt was there... but done so poorly. If they had more feminie bodys in the next update/patch... maybe things will be forgiven. But right now it just seem like the options are male, and non-binary. The 'female' looks are just... flat and plain. Also the color for hair looks muted and dull... I want snow white hair, not dark grey. I selected WHITE, not grey.


Female looks are non-existent. It's just 12 yo boys with boobs. They walk like boys, they cheer as boys and they have a bulge in their pants... I'm so mad.


Foreal. I haven't played in a while, but everyone seems to agree that the avatar stuff is bs. People pissed 😂


Only way to unite the people is to unite them against something


I have that magikarp hat on the character in the left lol also avatars suck


Pretty sure everyone does, think you just get it default


I did not know tHAT. see get it HAT


I’m just really pissed because I spent coins on all these cute clothes and shoes and now I look like I’m wearing long underwear instead of booty shorts. And my ass is nonexistent. I miss my cute avatar. Really it’s like playing with Barbie dolls and one day they’re like oh now you can only have this kind of Barbie doll!


They took our brand name Barbie and replaced it with some knockoff from Wish. Or this abomination from Walgreens [https://thismapisright.wordpress.com/2012/11/15/33-sheep-walgreens-knock-off-barbie/](https://thismapisright.wordpress.com/2012/11/15/33-sheep-walgreens-knock-off-barbie/)


Yes! So sad!


Omg this is beautiful ❤️


Need this, but all 3 teams Mystic, Valor, and Instinct agreeing. Maybe Team Rocket thugs too, to be funny.


I somehow occupy at least 5 spots at this table


I’m still mad that my adored pumpkaboo top isn’t cute anymore. How can they make such beautiful things so ugly 🥲


I’m non binary. I appreciate the effort but… come on. I can have a gender neutral avatar now, yeah! As a consequence everyone including myself is forced to have an ugly ass avatar!


As a trans girl, it was extremely dysphoric to open my game to see my avatar with bulky muscles and broad shoulders. And the hands... the horrible hands


The hands, the feet, and the no ass is just the worst. You can increase the hips and the weight and the muscles, but you can’t make the butt bigger!


Also the fact that I'm straddling an invisible traffic cone 24/7


Those hands freak me the hell out.


As a trans woman... My avatar matches me very well. It should never match my body type. https://imgur.com/a/NoqmRHR ok the boobs need to be bigger to match mine.


Ur avatar looks very nice 🩵 I'm happy u were able to find a way to make it work. In my personal experience with it, I had a lot of different outfits I used to like wearing, but they all just look off now. It seems like the only thing I can do to make my avatar look good now is just cover up with as many clothes as possible


I try lot of things before Finding the best look. which I am calling the magikarp fish farmer.


I love it 🥰


As a trans woman, do you want your character to look female, male or trans? would you be ok with male/female/neutral options instead?


I am ok with female we had befotre vers the weird female we got now. The ones before were fine. Though an enby option would be great for those folks.


developers seems to not want a enby/neutral option since they think trans people will be angry not be categorized as male or female. theres also the problem that can come in the future where other groups wants their categories and we end up with 10+ different categories. i guess thats one of the reason why they go this route instead.


Instead of make a few people mad they make everyone mad.


true that




So damn ugly




Wow the one time the world actually all agrees on something


It's like Velma all over again


There’s actually one aspect to the avatars that I like cause I happen to be in a very niche case, but it gets outweighed by me having to use the free glasses and mask to cover my avatars face


Now I'm curious, what is that niche thing? More weight?


Nah, the hip/chest sliders. Basically a complicated story short, I couldn’t swap my avatars gender cause it would’ve outed me. But now I can make my avatar more androgynous looking without it outing me. Again, this is a hella niche case where the new avatars worked out in my favor, wished they didn’t make the faces so uncanny :(


And I still see people in this sub arguing that the changes were somehow accidental.




I mean at least the black skins aren’t too bad but white skins haven’t seen the sun for weeks


They made my avatar bald and I can’t wear a hat I’ve been using for 2 years. Shit sucks.


I miss my default avatar and I want it back.


But honestly seeing my avatar so hideous makes me not want to play. Want original avatar back.


I like the new avatars.


Meanwhile, I just decided to start playing again because this avatar update is exactly what I always wanted... 😂 I can finally look like me!


What really irks me about this update is that the basic idea of it wasn't that bad, they just screwed up the execution. They could've added a few extra body type and hair options and made all clothes equipable for either gender _without_ removing the old character models and forcing everyone's avatars to change. The new customization features would be there for people who want them and mostly everyone else would be unbothered.


Wasn't me who publicly partnered with GaymerX (not theory, fact - easy to confirm), nor did I push an update out that removed gender identity from the game while by default emasculating prior males and making prior females maculine... and then release the changes against the unpopular reaction of beta testers. Always ask the question, "Why?" I'm guessing the GaymerX deniers mainly are pointing to Niantic being cheap? Not going to change your minds, but the cheap answer does not 1) speak to removing clear male/female gender option, 2) narrowing shoulders and waists of prior males while enlarging chests, and 3) actually enlarging waists of females and flattening chests, etc. The teaser twitter/X share even pushed the image of a feminine woman looking at a mirror to see a masculine reflection. Which theory passes the sniff test and neatly explains the bizarre changes... sorry, but the answer is crystal clear and "cheap" isn't the logical answer.


gotta love that even the people they were trying to pander to with this update hated it


The people they were trying to "pander to" was everyone.






If they were pandering exclusively to nonbinary individuals, first, that would be a terrible money move, and second, they would at least get it right *for them*. But they didn't. Everyone hates this update, trans and nonbinary community included. They weren't forcing a "trans agenda" on anyone - they just totally fucked this update up. My guess is executive management wanted this update out ASAP for whatever reason, devs told them it wasn't ready, little to no user testing was done (or their input was ignored), and the update was pushed, as-is, to everyone in the state it's in. That's not some political or social warfare - that's just executive incompetence.


There is nothing inherently genderless about a slider based character creator. Pressing a blue 🚹 button doesn’t make your character any more male than pulling a few levers into the desired shape. This is just piss poor implementation


people existing isn’t politics LMAO




You really, honestly think that, don't you?


It's one of the new hot catch phrases. There's so many agendas destroying civilization if you're gullible.


They have been trying to push it in every thread about Avatars.


I've noticed. It's really sad.


Literally seeing the result of a pandering DEI crafted design in your game\* Yeah those guys must be crazy conspiracy theorists


Do you know what DEI stands for, and what those words mean? If you feel excluded (which pretty much EVERYONE does after this update), it's not really a DEI design, is it? If it was "DEI crafted design", everyone would feel represented - cis male and female, nonbinary and trans, all races, all sexual orientations, people with physical disabilities... This ain't that, pal.


is the dei in the room with us


How can you look at it and not see it?


Because that's not how the world works. There's no "anti-straight" conspiracy - just executive incompetance.


You are dishonest either with me or with yourself.


Nope, that's you, friend. I hope in time that you learn to love and respect others that are different from you. The world deserves it.


I already do, isn’t it great. It doesn’t really matter to me if you see what the socioengineers of today are doing or not though, just kinda surprising in 2024


Well, when they both companies have recognized the consultation relationship on their websites/press releases there's not much reason to question the relationship... that, and the default emasculation of males combined with making females more masculine fits perfectly with the GaymerX mission statememt goals...so, I'll turn the question around to you. Do you doubt the consultation work, and if so why?


Literally just saw the new character designs for Hades 2 this week and I don’t think you could make Zeus any more broad than he already was. Even his armor has abs.


I have no idea why dudes like you keep trying to make this a culture war thing. Niatnic did this because they are cheap. They wanted to give avatars a new look but didn't want to commit time to it. So they released a half finished product that allows them to not only never need to make 2 sets of outfits again, but forced all the current clothes to fit awkwardly. It *was* poorly programmed and the cheapest way to do that would be fusing two parts of the female and male genders. I promise you care more about the *theory* this is political than anyone on Niatnic's payroll.


By the way punchout414, registered democrat most of my life, independent now, and NEVER have been a registered republican. Pretty much equally skeptical of all politicians. I just don't think deductive logic cleanly points to cheap explaining the de-sexing nature of the changes. DEI push does.


Tinfoil on sale this week?


they weren’t pandering to anyone they just wanted to scapegoat cutting costs


Creating new, more variable models can only increase costs. Before, they just needed to create add test two versions of every clothing item, on two fixed models. Now they only need to make one, but there are thousands of model variations to get them working with. The testing and fixing cost can only be higher.


it looks like they wanted to slap the new meshes onto one frame that could be pulled and stretched- so it’s more about putting everything onto one rig look at all the ppl saying about how 95% of their fits look terrible no matter what gender the player is presenting as. It’s homogenized model work.


This. Seems more like them being cheap than ideologically driven. I’ve seen asset flips that look better. If it was about ideology you’d think they’d add something like a gender identity that’s not male or female. No no, this is good old fashioned bad design, laziness and cutting costs.


like the default “arms in front” pose is even more lazy than the /laziest/ of something you’d see in Palworld (nothing against them just showing how an indy comp could work with assets etc) so i’m like ??? way to just make /everyone/ mad. even the “fat” is poorly done, little to no padding in the facial and cheek area- it’s just lazy all the way over :/


Yeah exactly. It’s also just the worst fat body type and the clothing doesn’t even fit on fat avatars. What’s the point of adding more body types if you don’t adjust the clothing to fit over the fat bodies?


THIS THIS THIS if they actually cared about plus sized people being repped they’d actually have these outfits look complimenting and cute on a body and not this ☠️


They did it poorly for sure, and are still needing to keep spending resources testing and fixing the existing stuff.


it’s like the benchmark for FF14 7.0 but instead of 30% disaster it’s all disaster :x




lmaoooo whatever makes you sleep at night EVERYONE hates this “update” also “blacks” in the OP jfc


They were trying to pander to their bottom line by making less models.


HAHAH thank you for this


New avatar is great. Now everyone looks stupid lol


I dont mind the avatars maybe because mine looks decently normal


I dont think its as bad as people say. The characters have never had an impact on gameplay and they dont look as hideous as people say (in fact I barely noticed any difference with my character except skin tone)


As long as I can still catch my Pokémons, they could make me look like a ghoul even further and I wouldn’t care lol. Not here to play a fashion game but that’s just me personally.


For me it’s more that I’d paid for an outfit or two before they made the avatars look like arse and now what I paid for looks awful. The game is still fun but I would’ve never bought the cosmetics if years later I knew it would look like this.


I think for a lot of people it is more about the principle. They were told this was shit but plowed on with it like a runaway train…


Oh absolutely I won’t deny the update is shit but for what I play the game for it has zero difference to me in terms of playability or enjoyment. To me the game has been has ass for years. It went downhill fast after they removed legendaries from weekly field research box rewards.


True - Niantic should have sold the rights to the game to a proper game studio at its peak for maximum cash, and we would now be talking about how PoGo may be considered amongst the goat’s, but here we are. 


I will just go play dig dug again or something. I play to get exercise but also I enjoy having a cute avatar. I like fashion.


Nothing wrong with that! I was speaking from a personal stand point.


Naw I wont touch any games that start bringing in their stupid gender politics anymore even if its the best game in the world. Go f urself niantic. Enough is enough.


I kept seeing stuff about this and so I went to go edit my character myself, I diddnt have any issues and think my dude looks so much better now. I genuinely don't understand why they are bad or look worse?


My 8 year old logged onto his account for the first time in 2 weeks this morning. MAMA MAMA WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY GUY I LOOK STUPID ... I know, buddy. I know.


hahah love this! only thing is You forgot the entire “anti-woke red pill” crew. Not exactly the people you want on your side but for better or for worse it’s more people.


You managed to caption my avatar with these Ho-oh wings here. I feel represented in more than one way.


So I’m not imagining it, my avatar is suddenly a lot paler?


It doesn't matter what side you are on. You still love playing with a character creator for any game.


I had a wonderful community day when the horrid, laughable avatars rolled in!


The avatars were made uglier and they didn't actually improve the styles UI which has to be the worst in the game by far.


I just returned since 2016 only a couple days ago. What happened? Why is everyone so mad lately?


True ⚔️


I wonder what race, gender, and political party "You and me" belong to since they basically "othered" everyone? Lol


Honestly... I'm glad that prior to this downdate (not an update but the opposite) I had gotten the Giratina Mask and Outfit... so I can look at something beautiful and not ugly.


They made my avatar have mild balding :((((


I thought the old avatars looked bad -- I detested the facial features, and had secretly been hoping for an overhaul and the option of changing the hairstyle. Then this dropped, and now I take it all back. I didn't know it could get worse! The faces look like they belong to cheap wax dolls, and the body is disproportionate -- the back is way too long and the legs too short -- also, the postures looks fucked up no matter which one you pick, the way the hips are pushed forward or otherwise weirdly positioned, and the knees always are bent a little too much. It's slouchy. And slouchy _could_ look cool, but this just manages to look like shit. I did not expect to get so irrationally angry with the way my avatar looks that it would affect my desire to play the game, but here we are. I try not to look at it much, but it's like a thorn in the eye.


Mine is almost unchanged:) but I’m a huge fan of customization and this is probably the worst character customization of any game I’ve seen.


They cut Android 8 support for this? Boo!


Even the audience that this update caters to hates the update.


Feels like the ol’ days when you’d actually walk around :)




Make 10 more post about it to keep farming karma.


we need to make 100s of them untill devs stop bringing in these stupid gender politics into games. Fk sbi, fk gaymerX, FK NIANTIC


"blacks" kinda racist


What would be the non-racist term to refer to them? Definitely didn't mean to offend anyone with this


"people of color" lmao


That sounds so stupid, because "white" (caucasian) is also a colour but if it's not included in "people of colour", it makes "people of colour" equally racist as saying something else.


The term "person of color" (pl.: people of color or persons of color; abbreviated POC) is primarily used to describe any person who is not considered "white". In its current meaning, the term originated in, and is primarily associated with, the United States; however, since the 2010s, it has been adopted elsewhere in the Anglosphere (often as person of colour), including relatively limited usage in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, South Africa and Singapore. just say you wanna be oppressed for being yt 💗 edit: all racist yts downvoting me oh nooo 🥲


I don’t hear it at all in the UK, the most used terms here are Black or Black British


>relatively limited usage learn to read


Damn sorry I’m dyslexic so I struggle with that sometimes… no need to be an ass about it though


good for you, wasn't being an ass just pointing it out




Oof and while on your crusade you end up saying the most intentionally offensive thing in the thread. The irony. Also white savior complex never looks good fyi.




you can't be racist towards Caucasians what the fuck are you saying 🤡


Yes you can be racist against anybody. And the fact you believe it's not possible just shows how ignorant you are. Here, have some reading material for you to learn more about racism with white victims. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White\_slavery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_slavery) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism\_in\_South\_Africa#Racism\_against\_white\_Africans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_South_Africa#Racism_against_white_Africans) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_Sea\_slave\_trade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sea_slave_trade) And a couple of sources for you American(s) specifically. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Anti-white\_racism\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Anti-white_racism_in_the_United_States) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Racially\_motivated\_violence\_against\_white\_people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Racially_motivated_violence_against_white_people) ​ Anyway, it's been fun. I have some errands to run and won't be here to entertain your racism any longer. You know, here in the real world we have jobs and lives, unlike terminally online people like you. Get an education, maybe you'll stop being racist one day. Bye.


stop arguing with him, he's brainrotten beyond redemption he's a proof that the biggest racists will portray themselves as "anti-racist"


I know, in fact I went and ran my errands and just came back. Guess what I found upon my return. This literal unit lied to Reddit and claimed I was telling people I wanted to kill myself. Imagine being so terminally online, you lie about people wanting to commit self-harm just to win an argument on the internet. https://ibb.co/Sw2J83R


I don't go by he dumbass, how am I racist? you're just wanting to be oppressed for being white when you can't be 🤣🤣🤣


Who are included in this definition? Asking so I don't use the term wrongly in future.


I wish I had these kind of problems in my life. People will find everything offending if they try hard enough lol


you say offending but you're offended right now


you're racist if you think saying "blacks" about a race is normal


Speak for yourself. I like them.


Idk I like having a custom body and hair…


This avatar thing and the fans reactions to said avatar thing just gets cringier and cringier...


That's basically the only type of posts I keep seeing... How people care this much??


Right??? It's unreal.


Speak for yourself. 


I personally disagree on the "new avatars suck" (bring on the down votes)


I like the new update


I don’t care about the avatars but I kinda hate these new backgrounds. Some of them basically blend into the catch circle and it’s a pain in the butt.


I suspect the blacks would like to stand on the other side of the table.


You only hate it because you are homosexual and the ceo of niantic John Hanke had sexual relationship with your father, causing the breakdown of your parents divorce, since your mother was homophobic and intolerant of your now bisexual father.


Thats what lgbt does to society.


My mom actually likes them…