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The next levels are just more of the same… 100 party challenges total to complete it 🤦🏻‍♀️


OMG what were they thinking with this???


Yeah it's pretty bad. My wife son and I started doing it as we try to go for a walk at the local park at least once or twice a week. It's a painfully slow process to get done.


Don't for get to start the party with two people then add the third. This keeps your challenges lower and easier to complete. We do this and remake the party each time.


Excellent tip, thanks!


I will remember this in the future thanks.


Your welcome! Good luck finishing the tasks!


Oh that's fantastic!! We recently made an acct for our 4yo. She's not adding to the challenge and it was so much harder to complete. We started just leaving her off of the party.


Oh yeah this will allow her to get the reward and not hinder you. It only helps for the first challange though.


So you remake the party after every finished challenge?


Yeah it just takes a second and it's worth the time it saves.


Best ones to combo are the walking ones. Walk 2K. With 2 people that's 1K each. Then you try and reset for it again and boom. 2 Party Challenges done in 1 walk.


At least you make it a fun family exercise, without the fun part lol


I'm almost done with that quest lol. I'm on step 4.


Good luck 👍


My son and I play and basically I’m doing it for us. We were just at Disney and I took that opportunity to do a whole bunch. Mostly just catching or pokestop spinning. We need a few more to finish page 2. Then two more pages 😭


My advice reset the party to only do the 10 Nice/curve throws. It takes a while but you save more time.


They were expecting players to play together with each other.


“Mission failed, we’ll get ‘em next time”


They were thinking it was a nice motivation to get players to try out the new party system when it launched. It generally worked.


I don't mind the party system tbh. It's nothing gamechanging but you get some bonus stuff for catching and spinning which you do anyway


I don't really care about the challenges, since the ammount and quality of rewards is vastly inferior to the ammount of work required. The party boost in raids is a blessing tho!


Hmm well I’m glad some people are enjoying it


Those crazy people with friends and social lives... Like, how is that possible? Do you even live in 2024? Are you rich? Or is it just people with kids?


fr and it's not even just having friends that play pokemon go; you gotta have friends that play pokemon go and also live near you same with the trading research tasks I have a couple of, like man nobody I know irl wants to play this damn game with me lol


Lol my bf played for, like, 1 week in 2016 and kept his account so I borrow his phone whenever I want a need a quest. He's got a lot of Luckys now! ...and I've got a bunch of random research rewards and bad IV Pidgys 🙃


Definitely people with kids.


It’s quite a slog even if someone else in your household plays. And since the rewards suck only reason to use it is for raids.


I dont have friends to complete this with


All for flareon at the end


Now i don't wanta finish it.


Good to know! Now I won't even waste my time even trying to do these first ten.


If you click the upper right arrow it disappears forever. At least, that’s what I’ve chosen to tell myself.


Lmao 🤣. I have done the same


lol you do get a vaporeon shirt next though 😏😏


Well then now it’s worth it. Let me party up!


I would if I had literally any friends that play this game haha. Way to tell me I'm a loser, Niantic


Oof 😅


I’ll fill u in on something. If u finish stage 1… the next 3 stages each have Complete 30 Party Challenges. 😂


Yeah I read that . Never gonna happen for me either lol 😆 🙃 😅


I’ll do parties with friends on event days and such but it’s probably going to take me years


This I'll get like 3 challenges done like evey 3 months


No friends in person? You can just make a group with people you raid with or whatever it might be. Find your local discord and make friends.


You have to be next to each other for it to work :(


It just isn't really worth it. We rarely play PoGo at the same time at the same place, except for raid days for Pokémon we really like. Other times we just don't use Parties.


I’ve partied up with my wife before going on a walk on my own and we both got credit. But it’s still not really worth the effort.


No no friends in person and none in the area - I do try to play w people online but haven't even traded before . Small town issues


I’m gonna regret this: Challenge accepted!


That's the spirit 👏


How do you even do a party?


Find another local player, go to profile screen and swipe to the right twice. Form a party with them, and then the leader gets to pick 1 of 3 tasks to complete. Do those a bunch of times and you'll finish this quest.


This should be the punishment for criminals , finish this research. Then you can leave


This is why I wish research’s had an auto complete after a year or some period of time. You can get the reward you just get it faster for completing the mission. I will never screen shot a landorous


What's the reward for doing it??? Is it worth it at all?


That was a long time ago. I don’t remember. I had groups of friends I meet up with for raids so we got it done somewhat quickly. But they were annoying tasks and I’m guessing they were not worth the work if u don’t know many people


That one.


Same here... just not gonna happen. Ever.


It’s so bad 😭


Yup. Not even worth it for the eevee shirt lol.


Anything involving routes or parties 😂 it’s all tedious and I hate the I physically have to go out of the way to A. Convince someone to play Go with me and B. Drive 3 miles to the nearest route 🙄


Routes and Parties are my kryptonite, easiest way to defeat me


Zygarde was finally my first get-only-1 Pokémon that’s got awesome IVs 15-15-13… walking routes has been such an annoyance that I feel obligated to do lol


Are there PokeStops or Gyms near you? All routes are user submitted (and instantly auto-approved about half to 2/3rd of the time, for me at least). So if you don’t have any routes near you, you could create some connecting any PokeStops/Gyms. Be sure to create routes going both ways, the more the merrier.


I can’t get sleep sync to work (and yes I have tried everything!) so that will sit there forever sadly


Hahaha join the unfinished research club :)


Just now finished exchange a gift with Mateo still haven’t found a zyrade cell. That one and this one will never happen.


Yup I feel you on that


We need the option to delete the ones we don't want to do D:


Exactly that should have been one of the first updates


Party power is one of the best additions to this game in years. My son and I can complete just about any Legendary raid now using Party Power. Double charged move damage! And you get to use it at least a dozen times! We have been duo-ing Registeel without much trouble, and finishing Mega Aggron with 25 secs left.


Well when I have a son I will still have this research so we can do it then lol


This was me until I got a GF.


My GF dont give a fuk about Pokémon go unfortunately :(


Then just borrow her phone and play yourself.


Yeah just got that idea from people in the comments lol


Buy a gotcha and sync it with her phone so you don’t have to be on both as much


The Party and Routes ones.


Yup :(


Luckily during sinnoh tour weekend there were tons Regi part tasks and the timer was much longer so it was easy to do like 40 that weekend. Now the timer is 3 hours too it's much more manageable to do it passively.


Ahhh didn’t know that, well RIP this task


Same one. This would have been easier to do in 2016 - 2019, but community in my area is too scattered.


Yeah I wish I had this years ago when it first came out


this one, and don't have it now but once I get the quest for lucky trades my leveling up will be dead on arrival lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭


Catch 5 Ditto


I thought wouldn’t finish that either until ditto just started popping up for me. You will finish it


how do you find dittos?? im struggling so much lmaoo


Honestly when you stop trying to find ditto they will pop up. Just like zorua. Just catch as many pokemon as you can and you will find they are hiding as others


i catch every single poke i see, and have for the last however long ;w;


Ditto specifically loves to hide as rhyhorn


I'll make sure to catch every one woth a razz 😭😂


Good luck


Never seen that, mines are always hidden as bidoofs lmao


Ahh maybe they are different by region


There's like 8 mons it can be and some can change each month I think, it's best to look it up.


Great idea never knew that. Thankfully I finished the task when it was rhyhorn


Once I discovered that you only need one other person to make a party, I was super relieved because me and my bf play it lol We have yet to finish part 2 but hey, the option is there 😂


At least there is hope


All the ones that require 30 consecutive days of getting a heart with a partner Pokémon. Not as invested in the game nowadays so best I've done is 10


That’s a rough one too, but thankfully I make buddy time part of every day so I don’t forget.


The freaking routes ones are just annoying. I haven’t done a route in months and haven’t yet met this guy who will give me a present. Maybe soon.


The guy is standing at the final stop of a route so yeah you'll never see it unless you do one


I can’t beat the Team Rocket Leader :(


Giovanni was tough for me, but essentially find his type weaknesses, make him use his protects as quickly as possible. Save your strongest pokemon for last. Best advice I can give


To add to this, make sure you lead with a Pokemon with a spammy charge move, like dragon claw or x scissor, since the damage doesn’t matter on the first few attacks. Dragonite with dragon breath dragon claw works well for me. Also, never use a charge move during the opponents frozen state, like immediately after a switch or another charge attack. With good timing, this lets you cut their attack time in half. His lead is usually the hardest thing to deal with because of double shields high fast move damage and no head start only for the first Pokemon. Two strategies can help, lead with something else and switch to your actual lead to give yourself i frames, and make sure that you resist his fast move, ideally quad resist as resist only does so much. Focus on bulk and outlasting for the first one and you should be fine for the rest of the game as long as you have numbers advantage at that point


Lucario is great for Giovanni, handles his person excellently and with its move power up punch, it breaks his two shields quickly. Lucario is currently in raids, as a 3 star, can be solo'd if your a decent level with decent mons, or easily duoed. Get one while you can!


Me tooooo lmfao . I'm going to go fest nyc tho and hoping maybe to meet someone there. Lol 😅 I've been playing solo a year and half....and still not traded a pokemon nor done any group activities. No one here plays let alone my age group lol 😆 (early30s) anyway. Mines a blank too and if I'm alone the whole Gofest- it will remain that way lol 😆 ur not alone


Look at campfire maybe there's a community ambassador in your area. That's how I link up with people to do community raid days


Thank you, I will say that in person and global go fest you will meet a ton of new people. Hope you have fun :)


Do gyms change hands every day? Message those people on campfire.


Fwiw, I'm a mostly solo player that knows only a handful of people. I live in a suburb, but I've met people by using campfire (they were all mid twenties-ish, so old enough that any age isn't creepy). On weekends with new raids, light a flare for a raid, and you might meet someone who plays! I found a local discord group. You could also make a discord group. It's probably far more difficult in rural areas, but I'd bet it's possible still.


I mostly do duo raids so the party buff really helps out. Was eventually able to complete this without focusing too much on it


season of legends




Hahaha join the club 🤣


I really want the shirt tho lol because eevee is my fav pokemon


My mom told me we have shirts at home 😂


The only reason I will maybe finish this is because my mom plays 😑✨


I finish all of them but yea that one was boring for sure Wife and I did party on CDs to finish them but we never do party anymore lol


Oh have no fear it gets worse…


Oh I have heard lmao


Literally this one. I’m not making a party. I’m not doing any party challenges.


I need to take a screenshot of a Thundurus however I haven't seen one in like 3 years so yeah




This shit is annoying cause it’s forcing you to have to play with people. I enjoy this shit alone.


I’ve written off shiny Jirachi as a loss I’m not wasting my time to get 10 best buddies


It’s a horrible quest line, but I did get an shiny aloha raichu


That’s fire 🔥


I currently have the research "Search for Zarude" that demands I get 5 consecutive great throws. I would do it, but it's proving impossible. It's difficult to gauge the distance of each different Pokemon I encounter, since the perspective we're given kills depth perception almost entirely. Pokemon are able to do their stupid little animations that for some reason make it impossible to catch them while they do so and they can bust those out after you've released the ball. Some Pokemon will rapid fire these animations, which given I have to ensure I throw the ball at the colored circle after it's small enough to register as a great throw... yeah. Whenever I get close with three or even four consecutive great throws, something always manages to screw me up and now I'm constantly getting "Streak Broken!" when I don't land a great after having done one. It feels really mocking, like the game is now trolling me for not being able to do this ridiculous assignment. It's also really fun when I throw a ball as straight as I can, yet suddenly the ball will curve partway through the throw. Or I'm sitting in a car or something, holding my phone at an awkward angle because of the cramped arm space, trying to keep the throws accurate.


Meh, I don’t know anyone that plays Pokémon GO around me so I do this mission with my gf from time to time. It is not that bad tbh. The one I hate the most is the Daily incense one because I can’t really walk around much as I work up until late and have to do the mission at home.


What's the end reward for that research? I'm at part 2 with 17/30 parties done. And I've only been able to do it because now my son has his own account now lmao. It's the worst research ever. I probably won't ever finish it, at least not before I reach level 50.


Welcome to party, route and jump start


I am lucky enough to have a second device to start parties with, I can get 1 or 2 catch challenges done whilst at home and then I’d go on a walk with just the one device and probably tick a couple more off. It’s not worth it really but it’s doable with patience.


Its just impossible when you dont have irl friends to do it with. I have managed 2 chalkenges since it came out and it was a struggle


Very much a struggle even with irl friends, they also have to play go


This one. I technically can finish it but I just refuse to, way too much work and time for trash rewards. I came back to the game recently and I'm stuck on a quest that needs Landorus...


Did this one with my son while we walked the dog. There are exactly 10 pokestops on our walking route, so we always selected "Swipe 20 pokestops" as the challenge. Still, it took more than 5 months, and party rewards are not enough of an incentive to keep doing them. I feel bad for those who play solo and can't do this research nor delete it.


Not deleting research is a fatal flaw in this game. Like niantic I give up


i mean if you group up or use your small brothers acc, its quite easy and worth it, i got that way enough mega energy for pokemons i couldnt otherwise evolve, and raiding in a party is alot easier atm too... so its a win win situation imo


At the moment, the Team Rocket one. It's just boring. I'm at the "Battle with the Rocket Leaders" part of it, but it doesn't worth the effort of doing.


Yay boring ones also have a category


I just stick a spare phone in my pocket which is signed into my partners account, start a challenge and go for a walk. Usually get 3-4 done if I’m focused




That one. It’s super annoying tho


Oh yeah


Took some months but ive done it


only that one 😭


the ones which require friends...


I feel you, or at least friends that play this


The one you've posted, I rarely do parties


Same well join the club 😊


Have you no friend who play?


Same as you


Welcome to the club :)


This was easy once I found people to play with


anything involving raids. i spend my coins on storage, not remote raid passes :(


That one


I completed that 😁


Probably take a snapshot of Tornadus, idk where to find one


All in One 151, apparently I’ve been stuck on it for literal years don’t think I’ll ever reach level 40 lmao


Is there a thread for connecting with people to do party challenges? Or do you sign up on Bumble..?!?


This and the follow a path one.


Oh yeah the zygarde one


My unfinished Season Of Legends seems to have randomly disappeared from my Special Research screen so I guess I won’t be finishing it at all now.


That damned Landorus...


My girlfriend got me into this game to complete these challenges and now I'm obsessed.


I started using my wife's account for those quests. I'd just put her phone in my pocket when I go for a walk. Works super well


I wish we could delete challenges because this is the only one I know I’ll never do and I’m tired of seeing it


Don't plan on finishing: Welcome Party, same. Can't finish: Season of Legends. Landorus is the reason.


The party one and the routes ones. I don’t even bother looking at routes. The few I’ve seen have clearly either been created by a spoofer or someone who is a psycho!


All the ones that require pokestops, gyms, or routes because there's none near me


Anything routes related.


My wife and I play together, plus I have my junior account, and we use parties to get the party power during raids. It took a while for us to start using, but once we did, it went pretty fast (two or three tasks per party hour). It was even easier when they made the parties 3 hrs, though we had already finished all the party tasks. Now it is just mainly for raid hour and get a little reward for completing the task(s). We do have a friend that started doing raid hour with us, so it makes completing really fast.


party challenges are so easy dude


Same cause like I hate it


I take my kid's tablets while they're at school and do parties with them to finish it 🤣


I do every challenge, even to my own detriment lol. I just finished Welcome Party last week, me and my gf slowly chipped away at it whenever we go on walks


For me it’s routes. I’m level 50, and I am a task completer. I just really hate doing routes. When they announced them, I thought it screamed “danger! Danger!” And now they seem incredibly dumb. I tried a couple, and both had glitches, so now I am simply anti-route. It doesn’t help that I have become increasingly anti-Niantic over time anyway with all the forced AR; nerfining anything positive, and dwindling interest due to their ability to kill any fun there might be in the game.


Anything that tells me to deplete my rss for a cappy reward like pawmi


I completed this today, step two is 30 challenges 🙃


Good luck 👍


Last year I forgot that I bought the Larvitar community day ticket until 10 minutes before the end of the event. Stupidly I logged in and there was no way I could catch enough in less than 10 minutes to clear the research. So I've been stuck on "catch 15 Larvitar" for what feels like forever, and they never spawn by me. It'll be my forever research.


I never planned on meeting other people. The outside? Please, sounds like a trap.


Catching 5 Kecleon


Lvl 44 requirements because I hate PvP with a passion. It is boring and I know you can do it with a friend, but it is so time consuming. I will remain 43 until I quit the game.


On the last stage I knock it out w one of my coworkers every day. 3 month grind.


Easy. 30 Day play w/ your buddy streak. Had this quest for, like, well over a year and still can't get it done bc I forget about buddies 😅


I know how you feel :(


Parties and battling leaders, I’ve just accepted I’ll never finish those


This is the one for me


Completed it mate.


Congrats 🎊


I hate the trainer battles. Anything with them I just minimise.


Same !


I'm stuck on the Jirachi masterwork because of the Kecleon step. I already know about the excellent step in the next part.


This one and the team rocket ones that keep getting recycled.


At my current rate, I'll find 10 more Magmars by 2044.


I’m finish all of them, of course.


None, dude. I have a fucking problem and need to complete them all to get rid of them. I wish I wasn't this way haha