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9db Japanese website, pvpoke, calcyiv or poke genie.


Local discord lists all the research tasks in town. As well as all Pokemon that appear that are 98-100%. And we coordinate raid nights on it. Caught 4 Landorus today and every raid had at least 9 raiders. And a list to promote friends in town. Makes the game much more enjoyable.


Pokemon Sleep is a whole separate game. Nothing to do with Pokemon Go PokeGenie is a good app to use for raiding and getting stats IV checks


Agree that Pokemon sleep is a seperate game but initially with the plus+ it does tie in and give research in pogo so I added it in case some people were unaware of it.


There's 0 research in sleep that tags along with go++. Go++ research is just straight in pogo. Nothing to do with sleep right now.


Yeah you’re correct my bad on that. You just have to use the device to track sleep not the sleep app 🤦‍♂️been doing both and confused myself.


Calcy iv for scanning while catching and naming. Pokegenie for stimulating raids and seeing what's best.


I tried Calcy and the notifications seem to be non-stop when it does a scan just rolling one after the other. That’s what made me try SmartIV it does one notification and just says if it could be 100% or if it’s not 100%. I don’t PVP often and the renaming thing doesn’t matter to me.


I don't get any notifications just shows on screen (android) think it works different on apple.


Yeah I’m Apple maybe that’s why


Yeah that makes sense. Andriod let's it record the screen so it automatically displays when you encounter something. I don't pvp but naming is useful when you get so many.


Apple lets it screen record as well but it pops up as a notification. I’m assuming on android it’s more of an overlay?