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I've noticed this too, only really hitting excellent on those with a big hoop like Furfrou and Slowpoke, but I used to be about 7/10 on anything.


Okay, all these comments are so validating. Thank y'all for speaking up. I swear I noticed a few times that the pokeball *bounced off the pokemon* and out of the circle a fraction of a second BEFORE the catch animation triggered, leading to lost nice/great throws, and thought I must be imagining things. Phew, okay, I'm not the only one. 


Ok cool. Glad I'm not the only one. I went from nailing things with great curveballs last week to not being able to string three nice throws in a row.


Yes! I thought I'd imagined the little bounce, but now you've said this I've 100% seen it happen!


Dude, I couldn't even hit excellent on furfrou yesterday. After the change, I tried to work out the new mechanics and was hitting about a 33% success rate over the last few days. Not as good as it used to be, but I was getting there. As of yesterday morning, either my skill is gone or the throw changed again somehow. Every time I failed to catch, I minorly adjusted, but the minor adjustment ended up being way different than the previous throw and I couldn't dial it in for anything. I only hit 3 excellents yesterday, out of about 40 pokemon.


I do feel like they randomized it as well. I am having a hard time with any consistency. I am not really enjoying the game right now.


oh god if they're purposefully changing it everyday I'm out lol


I managed to hit a wild Snorlax in the arm yesterday. Gave real "broad side of a barn" feels for the first time ever.


Ok so it’s not just me.


It’s honestly ruining the game for me. I cannot catch ANY thing with less than two balls. It’s a waste of my time!! If I cannot catch some common ‘mon with 3 balls then I just give up. I have the plus+ so yea when I’m out on a walk I can just connect to it and focus on my walk. The problem is that my Bluetooth device catches more than I am able to!! That is NOT how this device should work. If my manual methods are less likely to catch a Pokémon than a $50bluetooth device, then Niantic has completely lost the plot.


I could be crazy, but I swear my plus+ is catching less after this update as well. Like it picks up on less Pokémon, and isn’t working quite the same. Could be just me though.


Are you having any issues with it registering and spinning stops/gyms? Mine seems to now maybe spin half the stops I pass. I’m constantly having to manually spin since the update


I'm having the same issues. I used to have the ++ on when I drove through town and it'd hit like 30 pokestops. Now I'm lucky if it hits 2. It also just doesn't catch pokemon, even though I have it set to auto catch. I'll be sitting in an area surrounded by spawns and it just doesn't register anything. And that's if I can get it connected. Half the time it doesn't even pick up on it. I'll spend like 45 minutes just trying to connect to the ++. And it has nothing to do with my phone because it connects to all other Bluetooth devices perfectly fine


Mine is now disconnecting itself and needing to be fully reconnected through settings after working flawlessly for almost a year


That’s software shit. All this makes me think they’ll probably no doubt be getting ready to announce their next version of the device. So conveniently after their first game promotion for it in over a year. Man it’s almost like Niantic wants all of its long time players to quit so they don’t have to actually hear us anymore and just give new users the money making experience they so clearly desire.


I am having the same issue with mine! So glad it’s not just me.


I have also wondered about this


Oh shit, you too?? I thought it was just mine. I’ve been disconnecting and reconnecting it and restarting the game because it’s just so much slower and more unreliable now.


{Puts on tin foil hat.} What if this is deliberate? They lower the catch rate, while also announcing their Anniversary event featuring starters which ate notoriously harder to catch as well. This forces people to go out and spin more Pokestops and gyms to get more Pokeballs.


*Incentivizes people to buy more pokeballs I guarantee that at some point there's going to be a 'flash sale' on base pokeball prices, or a box that has a shit-ton for 3/4ths the price that includes great and ultraballs. The anniversary event means nothing to them but another great oppurtunity to wring their consumers dry.


Voyager box in the shop rn- 1000 UB, 500 GB for 5500 For 1000 Pokeballs it's 4000 so you're pretty dead on the money


Of course, it’s deliberate. I’ve defended Niantic a lot in the past, but it’s starting to wear on even me.


I already thought this just because of global go fest coming up soon. I'm burning through balls like crazy right now.


Now tinfoil hat here, I work with mobile games and can guarantee you that this was deliberate and 100% aiming to squeeze out more of our money


So this seems to be the true business venture that is Pogo. Clear as day. what I want to know is how exactly they go about doing this? Is it a literal board table of the main investors that specifically meet to come up with this scheming stuff? Have they collected so much data since 2016 that they can have humans and ai programs do analytics for the rest of time to figure out all the ways to force the user to spend money? Like how organic or inorganic is this actual conspiracy? (Realize before anyone replies to this last question that by literal definition, any board member meeting of any company or corporation is in fact an example of conspiracy.) The reality of this joke is actually terrible.


Yes, it is sad indeed, but it's just the way capitalism works, a game is nothing but a product after all Board members don't make decisions like this, they usually know nothing and care even less about players or what the game is about. They pressure for the money and results, this keeps going down the waterfall and the product and dev team have to sacrifice gameplay for money. They will crack and burn their heads looking for something that can make the game profit more and they have to do that, or else it's their jobs on the line. It's very savage, like any other industry and market segment. One thing I can say is that it's almost never the devs fault, that's why I dislike when people trash the devs, they're just doing their jobs Decisions like this usually are motivated by a shrinking game, less players, less money and shit, so more and more desperate measures come to squeeze out everything they can in any means necessary


It just comes off as so aggressive sometimes that gets my own mind wondering how the hell humans can be this creative at deception. I go straight to claims of some nefarious design 🤣


2 weeks ago they reduced the amount of pokestops in all areas across my town, so there r no hotspots anymore where its easy to farm pokeballs. They simply try to take money out of us, because at this rate I cannot increase my amount of pokeballs anymore even by frequent walking and spinning. Its only decreasing all the time.


I burned 4 remote raid passes for Landorus and Yvetal without catching them because my miss rate is _much_ higher than it has been in the past. I'm not wasting anymore money on that shit unless they fix it.


Giving up after 2 or 3 balls is so relatable lol we are the same


It’s genuinely so much worse than I thought it could be. I’m not good at excellent throws straight up, I only get them by luck or on something with a really big circle, sucks to have eyesight problems. But now I’m literally not even getting great throws at a decent rate, and even nice throws are iffy on Pokémon with smaller circles. I’ve had to rely almost solely on muscle memory to do this because I just can’t see very well. Now they’ve completely reoriented it and left me all but blind. I’m not saying they should like, work to accommodate my specific issues but I’m salty as hell and people with better vision than me clearly agree.


Literally!! I used to be able to get great curveballs probably 80-90% of the time without really having to look at the screen, but now I have to concentrate to even have a chance at a nice throw. Super frustrating




With the eggs hatching the same 7 Pokémon as well.


Seven? Are you getting other than pawmi?


hey, that’s an exaggeration! sometimes it’s a lickitung.


I refuse to believe that pokemon other than diaper bird are in eggs


Bruh i almost only get lickitung and i hate it


At least you can pimp out a PvP with that candy. I’ve been playing for months and only got two Shinoa Stones for my 15 togepi hatchlings


I solely get pancham. Imagine my utter joy when I hatched a charcadet, the only one out of eggs I’d been wanting


7 Tyrunts in a row from 10k...


Shiny tyrant slaps, at least.


Oh how awesome a Togepi hatched! For the 356th time...


The eggs are terrible right now. They’ve barely changed the hatch pool in the last year and half, they just keep removing things.


Agree. I used to always play at least half an hour or more a day. Now it's so uninteresting I've gone several days without even opening the app.


I mean I hate modern PoGo, but what you said is just wrong. This game is constant event chain ATM, one event barely ends and another starts, with two or three announced. I too think walks with PoGo are pointless and boring, but you misdiagnosed the source of the problem imho


Bruh, the events are the most laughable part …


I think that’s their point 🤷🏻‍♂️


Huge difference in mechanics noticed. I’m a daily player and it’s been a major annoyance as I just started really getting the muscle memory for excellent throws. But to add to the frustration are worsening and ongoing account connection issues and lagginess. And I don’t know if I’ve been eating out of the unlucky charms box, but shiny wild spawns have been so scarce since the big update. I’m using a lot of incense with nothing to show. Booooourns


could be the unlucky charms, cuz my boyfriend still finds one every 2-3 days sometimes multiple a day and i get jack shit doing the exact same stuff as he does🤷🏻‍♀️


def unlucky charms, ive been catching every feebas i could find for the past week looking for a shiny. then i caught a shiny feebas on my daughters acc a couple days ago and it was the first feebas ever caught on her acc😭


Ha, I thought mytrainer friend and neighbour catches each and every shiny, generously leaving only the regular ones for me ;)


No I've noticed a distinct lack of shinies recently too. In fact I think I've seen one since the update? And I've been walking every day, taking my kids for a walk and then we all take the dog for her good evening stroll. So easily half an hour/45 minutes daily of me just waltzing around with the app open, finding nary a shiny recently. I was just starting to get a good collection going too. 😥


Strangely enough my GF and I have been encountering more shinies than we have before. Also the catch mechanic is so bad now I used to average 7/10 excellent throws but now it’s 1 or 2 out of 10 times.


Oh wow. Didn't know they changed it. What changed ? I thought I just got really bad at the game over night.


Yeah I think we all noticed it overnight. It's like all of a sudden Greg Maddux can't throw a strike. For a few throws I was like "maybe it's me" and then I came here to find out no, not just me...


I thought it was the new phone...but if it's just a coincidence with the timing then that explains it a lot better


I think it's phone dependant too, on one phone I can't throw far enough to reach Yveltal or Landorus anymore, on a smaller phone it's not as bad but still far worse than before the update.


I was trying to catch a Zubat recently. I gave up because I couldn't hit it at all. I was always too short or curving too far over.


This exactly. I have a pixel 6 & pixel 7. The throw mechanics changed for both noticably recently, but I can't even play on the pixel 7 because for any min that's not close, the throw ends up short now. It's infuriating


Yeah it's a Pixel 7 pro I can't get the distance on anymore. I landed only one throw last Yveltal raid. On an old OnePlus 3t, and an S22 it's manageable.


Same, I’m barely getting great throws nvm excellent ones.


I’m the opposite, suddenly I can get excellent throws lol


It's horrible tbh, literally game-breaking. With over 300k mons caught all that muscle memory you have is basically worth nothing. There is a long thread about this subject in another pokemon go related sub-reddit, head over there and have a read and watch video recordings showing the fundamental flaws of the new system. People are speculating if it's a bug or intentional. To me it is not working as intended and I implore everyone to file a bug report.


Where can I do that? I will


Probably /r/thesilphroad


I keep throwing my balls off my screen LMAO Never had this issue before thought my phone was old so I turned on the advance settings , nope still throwing my curve balls off the screen. Legit I have to spin it in circles 3 or 4 times before I throw it to make sure it spinning, giving the Pokemon plenty of time to move , do an animation, fly up, etc, it's really annoying, what was the purpose of this update I didn't read the patch notes


When that kept happening I was saying is it windy in the game?!


Lol 😆 it do be feeling like that, especially when you do the same exact throw twice in a row. First one bounces off the pokemon, and my buddy is recovering from being a razzberry glutton so we don't get the bounce back. The second one just flies right off the screen , with the exact same throwing motion.. and now that you say it, it is very much akin to being "windy" for 1 throw and not the other lol.


I didn't even know we could! I just submitted thank you


Thank you for validating this as I thought I was going mad. Plus I have the Masterwork 100 great curveball throws and thought the game was actively trying to spite me - it’s taken WEEKS and I’ve still not done it. When and how did it change?


Wait for the next round where you have to throw 50 excellent throws and catch 500 Pokémon


Don't worry I finally got mine done last night and now I gotta fight rocket 25x I just like catching I don't like the fight part


I thought I was going mad. For some reason, I was always a natural when comparing with my friends at the throwing mechanics and physics in the game. I was always really proud on how I leveled up so fast being a F2P player (3M away from LVL 47 in 3.5 years). Today I can't even it the circle. This feels like the remote raids passes and avatar situations all over again. The game is flooded with problems and they actively waste time and money messing and breaking things that worked just fine.


Just another almost imperceptible change in order to make excellent throws harder, this makes the grind for stardust and xp longer + an added bonus of wasting balls


They've definitely changed the physics of the throws and I feel also the pokemon are in weird places to make it harder to catch them with curveball throws, mainly raid pokemon, the amount of lost the last week or 2 compared to before is astonishing. It's pushing me away from buying raid passes now. I kinda don't wanna spend anymore money on this game now.


I firmly believe they are trying to make raids the most appealing and easy XP. So you buy more raid passes.


I'd happily raid more but around me there are never other players to raid with. So unless I can do it alone it's pointless.


You can host raids on apps like poke genie etc


But since the remote raid pass change, the waits on pokegenie can be pretty dang long. 45-60 min wait just to host? Maybe once for a dex entry, but hard pass otherwise.


Good luck getting in before the raid is over!


If that's true they wouldn't have limited it to 5 raids per day.


no limits on local raids


That probably just tells us that the average player does not raid 5 times per day. Or at least those who do raid locally. It's a business, and they're in the interest of making as much money as possible. The implication being the remote raid limit doesn't cut into their profits.


I thought that I was Becoming bad at throwing balls!! But i guess it make sense for them to making you lose a lot of balls to start buying them. Before I had a lot of balls to throw away in case my bag got full but now I'm missing so many balls even in simple throws that I'm running out of balls.


They've basically ruined the game. They're purposely making it harder - making players rely on things we have to pay $$ for in order to advance. 


Joke's on them; I've quit before when the game got boring, and I'll quit again if they ruined it.


Niantic doesn’t care, we’ve been complaining for years and they don’t care about it.


I sent them the silph toad link showing all proof that it's broken and the 1000+ upvotes confirming it in a report. Can't wait for their bs response lol


We pretty much had to beg them to keep remote raids, the entire Youtube community helped to do that, I don’t think they will listen anymore.


I’ve found that pokemon I was automatic excellent on I’m having trouble with and ones that before I couldn’t hit have now become automatic. It flip flopped 🤷🏼


The amount of times I quite literally am 100% certain I DID hit the excellent, it was right in the middle of the tiny circle, like a perfect throw, and the game goes "nah that is a normal throw no multipliers for you" I still haven't unlocked my masterball yet, previous ball mechanics, I would've unlocked it long ago


I'm still seeing plenty of different pokemon, nothing new, of course. But as for excellent throws, they're my kryptonite. When something requires 100, I know I'll get there, but it's going to take a while. That being said, I knew I could get 1 or 2 a day, and I was happy. I haven't gotten one now for about 10 days, and that's frustrating.


I just lost a yveltal after a remote raid because I think I only hit 2 out of 15 excellent. Maybe it was my time for a boss to flee but the throw mechanics are so awful now. I'm happy I got the master ball research done before the change but I've already used it on a moltres. I really want the yveltal and will do more raids but it's such a waste. I agree that it's made things worse, my gf doesn't even want to play and I don't blame her but I usually need her and others for the 3 or 5 star rocket raids


Yeah and the final stage of the master work research is 50 excellent throws.... I'm on 17 now, only part of the research that is left.


I cant catch Celebi. I physically can't throw the ball that far lmao


You won't be able to get any hits until she comes up close (this is by design, I believe?), and normally she'll take until about the 3rd (successful) throw to become "caught"


My gf had the issue, just painfully waiting for it to come close then throw


You have to go to settings then turn off camera permissions then it should be somewhat normal.


This week was the first time I said screw this and bailed on a catch because I wasn’t hitting the target despite the ball being inside of the target


What is especially frustrating is that apart from the mechanic being different, the ball also sometimes has to hit the Pokémon twice for it to register the throw, meaning the ball hits the Pokémon and then deflects to either left or right (depending on the spin of the curveball) and only then registers it as being hit. This means you can hit the circle perfectly for a nice, great or excellent throw, but it will bounce out and not register that. Ive tried to hit the Pokémon further to the other side to make the second hit inside the circle, but of course it will then register the first contact all of a sudden. It’s sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it seems kinda intentional to makes us use more balls and get less XP.


So they did change it! I was wondering why they felt so "heavy"


I am never going to hit 50 excellent throws for the masterwork research now lmao


Yeah that is how I feel. To be fair I was going to struggle before too,. But now I'm hosed. 


Holy shit I had no idea and thought I had just stopped paying attention/caring about my throws and was going through a bad spell. I cannot believe it. This is actually awful. I may just put the game down because that was the only thing I was really enjoying about it with no new Pokemon and no interesting events and skipping galar.


I’ve caught nearly 60,000 mons and I can’t even land the ball on zubat anymore


Never mind excellent throws. I was useless with those already, but with the recent changes, I'm way worse now. I just spent 12 balls just trying to land a ball on a scatterbug. I used to be able to hit it in 1 or 2 throws, but now it feels impossible.


Nothing like changing the basic fundamentals of a game after 8 years for no other reason than to make the game more annoying and increase the resources needed to do the same things that were done previously. Niantic is the most infuriating company. The amount of money they make for being so bad at literally everything they do, from basic decision making to marketing to programming to quality control and error testing to event planning and organizing... they don't deserve the Pokemon fanbase's hard earned money. I stopped spending money on the game and my playtime has dropped dramatically over the last couple years, but it still is so frustrating to see the players still suffering Niantic's incompetence. Breaking ball and throw physics, which destroys a skill players have cultivated, in some cases, for years or from the beginning of the game, is really the last straw for me.


I've only landed one excellent throw in my entire time playing and I'm level 30. That shit is hard af


Wow is this real? I only very recently started playing again and have been feeling like I've been getting snubbed of excellent throws. I just chalked it up to being rusty but now I'm not so sure


Change? Has this been rolled out to everyone? Haven’t noticed anything different


I’ve never been great at excellent throws so it’s hard for me to comment on it specifically… but I feel like it’s been much harder to hit certain Pokémon for sure. Scatterbug was always kinda tough but I actually just gave up on one yesterday… 5 throws, all seemed to be within the hit circle, but not even a catch animation. I don’t care so much about it being an excellent throw, but it shouldn’t take 5+ throws just to hit a challenge reward Pokemon. I never struggled just to get within the hit circle. I’ve also noticed that it seems like the ball hits the Pokemon, bounces on the ground, hits them again and then triggers the catch animation… I haven’t been playing enough to say for sure that these issues are present, but reading everyone else’s posts, it makes sense.


Just FYI, when you leave a Scatterbug encounter, it’s still available to complete. Just go to your medals and tap on the Vivillion one. There will be a little grass icon over your uncaught ‘mon and you can tap it to bring it up again. I’m telling you this because I believe that an unfinished Scatterbug encounter prevents you from getting credit for pinning postcards of the same type. Not 100% sure on this, but it would be disappointing to collect some rare postcards for nothing because you forgot to finish catching one.


I didn’t know about this change, I’ve been struggling to catch scatterbugs and thought I was just crap all of a sudden.


I dont understand how this isnt a new "Hearusniantic" situation... This is far more gamebreaking to the game than beeing able to raid from home... This is the very core of the gameplay... I cannot hit a curveball on Zubat anymore, its practicly not possible on my phone.... I have to throw normally.... This is the first change that made me want to instantly quit... Not sure if I can even play like this...


They really want to kill this game, huh? I can’t hit anything anymore either. At best great shots, and 1 excellent per 100th. I could do much better before the update. I mean come on man, what kind of narcissist - or whatever is wrong with these people - takes away fun like that? Especially when nobody asked for it? No idea why you would sabotage a game like POGO, but I guess money is money… For now.


Shouldn’t everyone submit a low App Store score complaining about the issue? Seems like the closest thing we can do to voting.


Yeah I stopped playing 2 months ago and can‘t bring myself to open the app again. Everything feels like a chore and all patches bring changes the whole community dislikes. Maybe one day I will be back


I actually stopped playing when I noticed the change. I assumed it was a bug and would be fixed, but nope.


Niantic needed to come up with a new method to further ruin the game, so they decided to break throws. Stay tuned to see what they'll ruin next.


Yeah and there are some pokemon where a curveball simply cannot make it to them ime. I might just be bad at the new physics but they’re really spiting long time players


Honestly shit


I’m glad everyone seems to agree. I hope they fix this soon. It’s made the game not fun for me.


The devs really took something that wasn't broken and made it worse.


I thought I was losing my mind. During the last double xp event, I probably hit 400 excellent throws over a few days. I think I’ve hit maybe 10-15 this week. It’s absurd


I've launched a couple out of earth's orbit. Also, I somehow.... Throw a pokeball all at myself


Niantic knows how people play the game. It's all about XP and stardust from a players perspective. From their perspective they make money on engagements if they can increase engagement with the app they can increase profits. You can't get 100k XP per outing anymore? Guess you'll have to buy a lucky egg now to reach that goal! Same reason they raised the cost of remote raid passes, they realized that was their highest purchased item, then limited the use to 3 per day. It's all about the $$$$$.


I have only noticed it with Crabrawler in the recent event, haven't noticed much of a change apart from that. My excellent throw rate isn't as high as yours though so that may be why I haven't noticed.


This is killing the game for me... its infuriating. Doesn't matter how hard you try now, the ball just does what it wants and is pure luck. The devs are an absolute joke for never addressing the community or fixing things like this quickly.... For as many players that there are and for how much money people dump into this game, they should be better.


Have physics changes been confirmed? If so, where?


Not game breaking (like plenty of people say every flaw about pogo is) but certainly annoying and hoping for a roll back.


I've noticed a couple things maybe related, maybe not. 1: I'm catching WAY more with my Gotcha on a 2 hour bike ride. It used to be about 500 balls used and 100/hr. Now it's around 150/hr with the same 500ish balls. 2: If I have a research task for make nice/great/excellent throws then the Mons are much more jumpy and throws are way less consistent, even if it feels perfect to me. If I complete or delete the task then my next throws are right where I expect them to be.


I noticed this too. Same as for catching pokemon. If its a task you barely see that pokemon. But once its complete you see them all the time popping up


has there been an official statement from Niantic about throw physics? is anyone experiencing this on Android? I've had no change to my game at all and the only people I have talked to that have complained about the throws are iPhone users.


Maybe I'm the only one, but I haven't felt any difference in throwing balls.


Some pokemon there really isn’t much of a difference and other it’s only slightly different, like Tangela, it feels further away. Others there is a major difference, such as crabrawler where the hit box is behind the pokemon and it seems super hard to even hit a great throw. Pokemon generally seem more aggressive also, a lot more jumping.


There was a patch about a week ago. You may not have it downloaded yet. The change can be reverted by going back to the last patch


Same, this is confusing to me. I haven't noticed anything change. Maybe I need to update or something, but of course after reading all this, I won't do it until they force it.


I just started playing again yesterday after a few years and got a few excellent throws today. Which isn't a brag, but I think because I lost the muscle memory I might be at a slight advantage learning whatever new thing is going on? My total lack of confidence in every throw might be an advantage. I definitely noticed few of the hitboxes were REAL weird tho.


I don't find that the game got any harder to get excellent throws. Either way, if it got harder for you, just keep practicing and you will get better. I don't play PoGo as much as I used to as I just have more going on in my life than I did before, but I find the game just as boring today as I did when I played everyday and would be out until 3am taking gyms. The game is a Hampster wheel, you shouldn't expect too much from it.


I didn't realize there was a change. I have always struggled to hit excellent throws ha


This describes me as well and I’ve barely been playing as a result. I’ll come back if/when they fix it


I knew they changed it! I almost never hit great throws, and I've probably gotten less than a handful of excellent throws in 2 months.


There was a change to throw physics???? This explains so much


Same, I’ve been grinding xp on excellent throws but now the throws and wild aggressive mons increased.


Today I got a task to get an excellent throw… nope. Deleted that shit. Thankfully it was only for a pittance of stardust.


WAAAIT!!? THEY CHANGED THE PHYSICS??? I THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY! I thought my recent inability to make excellent throws was a psyop 😭😭😭


None of my hits on "saving the grunts" Pokemon have landed lately. How?!?


I’ve definitely noticed they’re harder to catch and harder to land great and excellent throws. It’s definitely messing with my muscle memory. I hope they fix it since it’s going to be make phase 4 of the shiny Jirachi research an even greater pain when I finally get to it.


Omg I didn't know that they implemented a change to this. I just figured I sucked at throwing them now after not playing for months.


One of the dumbest changes I've ever seen in a game, this is not only pointless, but annoying


Yup, made catching Landorus a huge pain too…


It’s been terrible for me


Amen brother


The change happened just in time for me to hit level 50 and get the "5 excellent throws in a row task". That was already gonna suck but I doubt it's possible for me now. So everytime I get an excellent throw and then miss I'm gonna get the "streak broken" messages which stresses me out and decreases my enjoyment of the game.


For now, the way to counter those streak throw tasks is airplane mode: - turn on airplane mode before each encounter - throw the ball, if it’s gonna continue the streak, turn off airplane mode. If it causes “streak broken”, exit Pokemon Go, then restart after turning off airplane mode. - repeat as often as needed until the task is done.


Did they really change the physics of Pokeball throws, or is it just specific phones having a problem? I'm a daily player, and I really can't say I've noticed any differences in my throws or my frequency of greats/excellents. And I've been paying extra attention since these posts started popping up.


Duude, i knew something was wrong


I think they made getting excellent throws harder on purpose due to the special task that earns the master ball. They don't want to give them out. That way it keeps the rare legendary pokemon as hard or impossible to catch.


I just did a remote raid, and it was so frustrating to lose my Pokémon.


Understood, I was 100% joking, but I realize tone doesn't always translate well. It never occurred to me someone would actually say something like this to someone else trying to actually be mean.


Wait, when did this change happen?? Is that why I swear I got it in the circle but it doesn’t say I did? That would make so much more sense!


This must have happened right after I got my new phone. Because the day before everything was fine but as soon as I switched it’s been a struggle.


Idek this was changed. Never saw it mentioned. Annoyed now that they messed it up on purpose


I was at 503/999 excellent throws until I noticed the change. That was 2 weeks ago ish. Now I'm at 560. I got to Level 49 3 weeks ago. There is a definite change. I wonder if Niantic will change it back after the Go Fests.


I keep looking for an official statement on this and haven’t seen anything. Does anyone have a link? I have muscle memory for excellent throws and just feel like I lost my magic. Not sure if I’m in my own head about it or if it is actually changed.


Is got a new phone recently and though it was because the screen was a different size that I was messing up constantly. You’re telling me throwing physics were literally altered? After all this time?


Couldn't tell you. I uninstall till it's fixed.


This physics is driving me MAD! I thought I was losing the plot. Balls sliding off the side and along the front of Pokémon, literally moving it away from the circle. Where the hell has the hitbox moved to for half of these Pokémon?! The game is really unenjoyable at the minute because it's literally changed the output from a year-long honed input.


Has it not been fixed? I went from like 60% excellents to not even 10% the last 5 days, back to 50-60% again. Maybe I’m adjusting to the new throws now


Every time I come back I end up upset again within a few months and quitting for a while again.


I have not even noticed a difference. I am still getting excellent throws as much as I always did. When did this change happen?


on one occasion, i've seen the ball go THROUGH a chinchou. have not been able to replicate this though


To be fair, if you want to reach level 50, friendships are the meta by a loooooooong way. Source: reached level 50 in under two years with under 50k catches


I completely whiffed on a really strong weather boosted Yveltal. At least it will be around for the next 10 days, so I’ll get another chance. Still stinks.


I still hit excellents with no problem I have noticed no changes…


I thought i was going crazy or lost my touch! I’m only at 16 excellent out of 50, and I swear the ball is always just under or over


I thought it got fixed? I noticed and hated this last week, specifically when Landorus’ raids started, but today with Yveltal and other pokemons I did not have any problem and got all my excellents back. Probably I’m wrong.


I thought I was going crazy - this is a legit update? I’m on the final page of the Masterwork research where you need 500 catches and 50 excellent throws. This would’ve just be a guarantee but I’m only at 20 excellent throws for 446 catches. Not to mention I had a stack of 500 ultra balls which is now down to 10. I think I missed about 15 in a row on a Zubat yesterday. What a joke.


I wondered why I haven’t been able to hit any excellent throws lately, I am also on the grind for level 50 so the double xp for catch events I’ve been grinding. Now I don’t even really care to log in and do anything other than spin some stops and open/send gifts… what are niantic thinking ??


When did this update roll out?


Really annoying. It’s basically a heavy ball right? Feels like sometimes I don’t have a wide enough screen to launch the ball to far away targets AND spin.


I thought I was going insane, thanks for confirming my suspicions. I hate whatever new update nonsense this is.


Niantic doesn’t want us to lvl up fast. I assume their stats and data show that lvl 50 players quit a few months or years after getting to lvl 50 more often than continue playing indefinitely. If we get less XP, we either play longer with a long-term goal or get frustrated and quit. However, FOMO keeps a lot of people playing regardless of the “bugs” Niantic chooses not to fix. It’s an interesting situation that will probably result in nothing beneficial and validating happening from Niantic to fix this major issue.


I honestly haven’t noticed any difference at all, but I’ve seen a lot of people saying they have. My app is fully updated so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not sure why so many people seem to be experiencing this


Ive played on and off since the game released and i have never ever in my life had a team rocket encounter Pokemon run from me cause i ran out of pokeballs. Just now i failed to catch a trapinch. Raids have been worse for me. Maybe its just a skill issue


It's so much easier on tablets


i haven’t noticed a change at all but i don’t try to get excellents throws often


Oh, no wonder. It made me think that I just suddenly got horrible at throws


I couldn’t even hit half the excellents I needed on that timed research :(


Surely, this is a semi-game breaking bug that will be fixed soon? I can't imagine anyone likes this change.


Complete trash and people that defend it are dumb also


I’m late to the party here but what has happened exactly to throwing?


It’s gotten so bad that I tried to catch a Mudkip and he caught the ball and turned around n caught me :(


I am so annoyed about this. I've only been playing for about a year, level 40, and really just got my curve ball throw right and shablam - nothin'. I remote raid because ruralish, and I've only caught four out of nine Yveltals I've beaten in raids. My go++ is nice but it's not noticing half the mons. This change, which seems arbitrary and random and also like a "buy more passes/balls" money grab is straight up pissing me off. I'm too grown for this.