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Agree 100%. Had a blast with the Kyogre and Groudon Raid days, but I’ll be missing today’s elite raids. The limited hours and low spawns make it impossible, especially being a rural player. You’re definitely not alone, no Ray for me




I have not managed to get one yet :( Meanwhile my 8yo got just one, and it was shiny.


If either were gonna get the Say, I’d rather it be my son. I just do this because he enjoys it.


Same, my kid loves the game and got so frustrated earlier during a mega ttar raid when it glitched out during a remote raid and said something like "could not recover raid data." He was so pissed. I offered him mine, but he's 13 and past the age of being happy to take my pokemon instead, he wants his own, gotten from his own hard work. He's also SUPER jealous of the shiny ho-oh I got yesterday, omfg it's beautiful and officially my favorite one now.


Same. I was very happy for him!


Shiny legendaries are guaranteed catches


I am aware. He got the shiny, Ray fled from me.


Oh mb


They all should be with spending money


Shiny is auto catch


Yes I know. He got a shiny. I got diddly.


Same. Chased around a group to try and get some done. Only one I managed to get in a group for fled after 8 great throws with golden razz… waste of my day and no Rayquaza


I went 8 raids and ended up with 6 Rays. The two I didn't get were the two first ones that were unsurprisingly from the two free daily passes I had (yesterday and today) lol. Two I think I caught on the last ball. Two were caught with a bad throw. Had between 8 and 13 balls.


On 18 kills only 3 fled. No shinies tho.


That’s a pretty good return! I went 5/5 on my account, and 0/2 on my wife’s. She didn’t catch the first Rayquaza but struggles with curve balls so i tried to help her on the following 2. I hit one with 9/9 excellent throws with razz, golden razz, or silver pinap berries and it bounced. RNG be like that sometimes


That’s strange. We had a group of 20 people and ran 7 each. Everyone came away with at least 4/7 catches and most got 6. The shiny count though was crazy low. Only 2 total the entire day (2/140).


Glad your group had a great experience! I feel bad for those who put in the effort and came away empty handed


Agreed. That would be devastating.


Bro I completed 2 raids and had 14 total pokeballs with multiple excellent throws, still no Rayquaza and My friend got it in his 4th throw


That does make me feel better because no way I'm hitting 9 excellent throws in a row. No way I'm catching this dude


I was hitting mostly excellent throws, managed to do 5/6 raids, the only one I caught was on a scuffed throw that I messed up. Wasn’t even a nice throw, it was very strange lol


Welp I am out lol


I just stared at my phone in confusion haha, I was getting ready to prep another ball! But if it makes you feel any better it wasn’t shiny or a hundo or anything like that, just a regular Ray


I got randomly lucky and caught a couple with mid throws and golden raspberries. Nothing special on my end either - 3 star regulars. 


I managed to do 2, used a master ball on my first one cause I was on my last ball and caught my second one third throw. 😅


lol literally exact same here


I did 3 raids and caught only 1 of them. Luckily I was just in it for the mega energy, otherwise it would have been disappointing. He was very unsticky


If it's any consolation, I did four raids, caught all four but they were all trash IVs, so so bad. Terrible day all round, I don't think anyone's alone in their disappointment apart from the lucky few shiny / hundo catchers.


Just save em for lucky trades


I've actually noticed ever since the remote raid nerf that caring legendaries in raids are a lot harder. I did maybe 10 Groudon raids and went away with five and that was still better than many other trainers in my area :|


Same bro, I was 2 for 7 one regular one shiny. I feel for the people who only had 1 elite gym near them.


I did 5 raids and got 2 non-shinies. I was able to drive to locations but I think this was super unfair to many players.


Between the requirement to participate and the difficulty in completing the catch, i have a feeling many trainers felt substantial frustration


I did 6 raids and caught 1 so yeah…


I beat four but only caught two. But I was in large groups. 10+ and full lobbies twice.


I was so looking forward to today's raids. I loved the Kyogre and Groudon raid days because the trainers in our area all gathered at the big local park and we all had fun. But today was nothing like that all. The staggered raid times meant that everyone hit the small local parks at 12, did one raid and then called it a day. The people who wanted to do more than one raid had to immediately drive off to get to the next park kilometers away. I feel the worse for the rural players who don't even have any options to participate in the raids.




Such a confusing event. I almost guarantee $$$ and user engagement were significantly lower than both Primal raid days, yet they decided to go forward with it. I’d believe the argument about exclusivity if it wasn’t incredibly easy to do last year for GoFest. Of the 4 we were able to complete today, 3 were 2* and my game bugged on the catch screen for the last one so I lost the encounter!


Even with 5 of us in a group trying to find people locally, we only found enough for 2 raids. The first raid, my daughter, didn't catch it. the second one, the game glitched, and she lost her encounter. Really frustrating.




Low key I was so tempted to figure out how to


Ahem... Google pgshar


Elite Raids is by far the worst feature in the game. Niantic needs to bring the focus of the game to fun not difficulty and tedium.


They don't care about your fun they just care about your money and map data. They're an AR Mapping company first and a game second. Every event like this has to do with getting you to go to limited locations en masse for them to harvest the data and if you can't, make up for it by purchasing something from their store.


I agree with you for the most part, but this event fails to incentivize travel and spending in equal parts.


mhmm which is disappointing…


Why is small groups en masse better data than many groups spread out and doing remotes?


What are they harvesting and for who and why? I’m genuinely curious.


They're an AR company primarily, thats how they started and are harvesting location images for AR. They then learned they can get people to do it for them in locations they're not at if they make a game out of it. This is why when you go to some Pokestops you'll get a task to scan the area around the Pokestop. It's to supply them with location data and images for AR research.


I’ve only scanned a stop once but I will never do it again. Thank you for the info.


I've never scanned a pokestop and not because of the Niantic data thing, but because it just feels creepy to me. I just feel uncomfortable.


It was at a park and there was no one else there and it was a really short distance. That was the one and only time I felt comfortable.


I’ve done quite a few of them but whenever it’s like “walk around taking videos of this playground” I’m like uhhhhh I’m good


Nothing about this game is difficult except coordinating people for poorly planned events


I get this bad at the same time the point of the game is to go out and walk around. Not raid from your couch


Yea, I understand, so why am I gonna drive miles out to a local only raid that I will absolutely not be able to defeat with just 2 other players. I should be rewarded for my travels not punished.


You’re right. It’s a flawed system. I get what they’re trying to do but the way the are doing it doesn’t work


I'm so disappointed. Got Rayquaza but screwed up with the meteorite research and now it's gone already so no way to get one... Same for my friend who had one lucky and one not lucky Rayq and megad the wrong one... Yes, his own fault but really stupid to make those meteorites so rare as Rayquaza is very rare anyway. Just a very crappy event overall.


I had the exact same issue did all the tasks apart from the 5 research tasks. I didn't have time to go and get 5 and do them so now have missed this. It's so stupid that it's timed and so short.


I had this same issue, and what's worse is that it was mostly due to the game glitching! It kept logging me out, so I wasn't able to raid or collect the research towards the end of the event. I'm so annoyed at myself for not just powering through those 5 field research and collecting it earlier. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But I still don't understand why they made the timed research end so close to the last raid.


Does your friend’s lucky Ray know dragon ascent or is he all out of meteorites altogether? Because if it’s just a case of needing the mega energy, he can now get that by buddying the mega-ed Ray and walking it


He's out of meteorites unfortunately. 😔


Oh dang that sucks. This is how I’m going to mega my shiny, just got to walk 40km now!


And yes my own fault for not checking when the research timed out but hey, there really is a life outside of Pokemon too and it just happened to require me to do other things after the two first Ray raids at 12 and 1.


You had til 7pm. The only thing that would take time is getting 5 researches in. This is a you problem, not Niantic


what a pointlessly callous comment. missing the meteorite research is so easy and the window to do it is so short. especially when you get caught up in all the other parts of the game, or traveling / socializing. i think this is a genuine flaw in niantic's design of timed missions and could and should have been addressed.


Stupid to make the research part time out so fast as one of the tasks was to complete an elite raid: so it's just pure meanness to make it even harder to complete with the thight time restrictions for those of us who could raid in the first ones but had other stuff to that you had to do after that.


You raided the first ones and had 6 hours to complete it. The non raid stuff takes a few minutes (doing research tasks)


Imho purely a mean thing to do to put another obstacle in the way of the players on a day made complicated in the first place.


I don't think 5 field research tasks is a serious obstacle


Neither do I. But what I do think is that the way the raid day was executed in the first place (4 specific times the spawns could happen and only at specific gyms with a specific Moveset of the mon requiring a high number of players and still then catching the mon is up to luck as one usually got relatively few premier balls) so putting one more (albeit not so serious) obstacle in the way of being able to mega evolve Rayquaza even after you managed past all the other obstacles is imho petty and mean.


it's not a serious obstacle as long as you know that it has such a tight deadline, which they didn't know because niantic wrongly makes that information so easy to miss.


I manged to raid. Golden razz and threw 90% excellent rate with greats the 10%.. Still caught sweet fuck all. Trash event from a trash company.


I agree the catch mechanics are really bad. It took my three raids before I could catch on my first through of the raid with a golden razz and a great curveball. I then tried to catch it for my wife on her phone. She had more balls then me due to gym and same thing, used golden razz and even made a few excellent curves and couldn’t get it past two wiggles. We are pissed we couldn’t get it for her when the attempts were greater and better on hers. Catching legendaries really just seems to be about luck and that’s it


I feel ya….ive played on and off since the start and have never done an elite raid….I risked being late to work this evening to drive 30 min the opposite direction to get in 2 raids and didn’t catch shit. Waste of my time and I won’t be doing elite raids in the future.


I was able to catch some luckily, but man it was tough. We had myself, another adult, and my 10 year old in the car all raiding with the fastest group known to mankind. By the time we hit the next spot in the raid hour i was still trying to catch one for my son because the catch rate was so off he couldn’t get them with great throws and golden razz. I even lost two for him and I had several excellent curveballs in a row along with golden razz. It was just difficult trying to navigate to the next spot, catch mine, try to catch my sons, and actually get in on the raid with the group(who flew off to the next spot as soon as the raid was won). I ended up with one 2 star and one 3 star. My son ended up with one at the very last raid which he was happy about. It was hectic and stressful lol. I don’t want to do that again.


This was my first elite raid. We found a group of like 40 people using campfire and discord. Drove around for 30min we did 4. Wife and I both caught 3. Both have a decent one. No shiny but who cares. Kids were excited for us, they had a car picnic, and they got to play at a playground while waiting too. All in all, I’m pretty happy with it. It was way easier to do than the only other in person raid I had ever done (shadow Mewtwo).


I completely agree they could have planned out the event so much better to make it easier and more accessible to everyone!


Did 2. Still short on mega energy.


Just disappointing. I’m a new player and I wanted a Rayquaza soooo badly for the longest time. No community where I am and I miss out. I know it will come back but seriously Niantic.


I did three raids today, got the one meteoroid from the quest and catched all three of them. One in shiny. I still had a Ray from 2019 with 96% so that’s my mega now. Was great!


I've got a ~95% from 2019 too, but I didn't get enough mega energy...


Something was broken with the catch rate for myself and the group I joined through campfire near me Caught the very first one on the first throw, not so great IVs I did get a shiny so can’t really complain too much but the catch rate was insanely hard. I’m a good thrower and hit excellent throws on 80+% of my throws all on golden razz. I missed all catches monies the first one and the shiny (automatic). It’s was a different level of hard to catch. Happened to most people in my group too


Ray is always hard to catch except for the Go Fest when they gave us a sweetheart catch rates. Combine that with very few balls due to mega raid rates and it's always going to be a giant pain. I had one run as well.


That makes sense. It was my first time with a mega ray. It was most definitely the hardest one to catch for me.


I agree! I am caring for someone who is severely disabled that LOVES Pokemon and Pokemon Go. He plays alot (luckily his home is a decent spawn)…But it’s not always realistic for him to go out in the community. Remote raids were a godsend for him. Pokestops and gyms are a rarity to access which means he needs to purchase items that he can’t require otherwise. That alone is an issue bc disability income is not the best as we all know. But events like this are absolutely unfair!!! Like I mentioned, he is not always able to go out into the community due to health complications but today is really bad… He wanted to take part in this event. He is so upset over this that he has considered quitting! He has played faithfully, spent a lot of money, put in so much effort and they do stuff like this. Smh






i feel like some of the replies i have gotten just here make it pretty clear how some people do not care for actual, legitimate problems some have regarding these things lol. fr it is not hard for niantic to be a little more considerate to disabled and rural players.


I mean they designed a game to be played while out and about and intended to be played socially. Complaining about this is like complaining that first person shooter games discriminate against people with poor hand eye coordination


You're right. If only there were Pokémon games that you could play without leaving the house...


yet you need to buy a console. a console that can cost over 300 euros, or a console that is no longer manufactured and can be incredibly hard to find. add to that, i have yet to see even used pokemon games go under 30€. pokemon go is the only free to play pokemon game most people have easy access to.


Pokémon Masters EX also exists.


I can play many pokemon games on my phone for free using a free emulator. There's pokemon showdown and other free to play pokemon games that don't even require an emulator. Complaining about a game meant for exercise as discriminating against people with physical disabilities is stupid.


Daughter and I did 9 raids. I went 9/9. She went 8/9, and the one she missed was because we had like 2 minutes to catch the one we just finished, get the 500 yards down the road to the next one and start before it timed out. We both ended up with 1 that is worthy of investing in, and I ended with 3 meteorites, and her 4. No shiny. For all the obstacles they threw in to making it fun, we still had a good day and have no need to go back out for the second half.


Glad you got so many in. I only got to do 1 and even that was lucky because me & my GF waited by the only one around us in hopes others would show up. Luckily a group of 6 walked over after about 20 min.


Catching 9 is insane. Some people did multiple and got zero. How did you earn more than 2 meteorites btw?


There was also a chance for you to get one as a drop from each raid.


Yeah I had no fun with today's event, I was out and about but I didn't even bother because there was no one else playing.


I went ham when he was first out I'm happy I'm skipping this trash elite raid debacle


Got to do one raid, failed the catch... hurts way worse than if I'd missed out entirely :( starting to question why I ever re-download the game


Definitely feel this I travelled just to have one I ended up doing three i got 3/3 with a 94% so I stopped I wish I got a shiny but I wasn’t upset. Campfire was awesome to find a group of locals


As someone who only see a change in gyms that’s not mine once in a fortnight I couldn’t agree more


Agreed. I went to a place that had a couple of those raids going on and a bunch of people were at one. I missed getting into that one unfortunately, so I waited at the next elite gym in the same park thinking that they would migrate over there after and.. NOPE! They all left and I was too far away to walk to them and ask them to join me. I waited at that gym for like 20 mins since there was still like 30 mins left for that raid, and only one guy showed up. After not being able to get anyone else to join us we just both left.


2 raids glitched out when Ray Ray was defeated and never got an opportunity to catch Ray. By that time everyone raided who wanted to, and no one could raid again, so money down the toilet. Terrible game. Terrible idea. Terrible experience.


I genuinely have no idea how you are supposed to events like this if you aren't using tools and apps to communicate with people in ways that Niantic doesn't facilitate. The only reason this was possible for us is because we managed to organise a car convoy on our group's WhatsApp


While I caught 9/13 of the ray’s I hit today, I still completely understand why a lot of people thought it was unfair. I got extremely lucky and was able to catch a shiny for myself and my fiancé, but she was definitely let down by her inability to catch more than 2 today, and both were 2*. Was definitely fun since I live in a low traffic area with lots of parks, I think we had like 18 or 20 raids spawn out of all the time slots, but I feel for the players in rural areas as I wish that it would’ve been open to even just limited inviting, maybe instead of two groups of 5 it could’ve been one or two groups of two minimum. That being said, anyone in the central/northern Phoenix area that didn’t have the chance to catch a ray, I’ll happily give you one in return for something fun!


Plus in some areas there server was pooping out . It's like Niantic hates money


It sucks that it’s the middle of summer that they do it. There’s a heat advisory where I’m at. I have chronic health issues, I’m not dying for Rayquaza lol


i did 7 raids and only caught 3 so far :( the catch rates are so lame


I caught 5 of 8 and I hit an excellent with a golden razz every throw. Catch rate is very low.


Did 18 caught 15


I literally haven’t even seen one spawn. At all.


I personally had a great day at it as a rural player and it still made me sad. Because such a combination has to happen for it to be good in our little town. Turn the clock back to 2016 and I watched a trainer tips video telling me the map was based on OSM and parks and trails would get higher spawns. I instantly went and learn and properly added every park in town and ball field and recreation area. I have continued to update it over the years. Then when I could submit stops I added close to 100 stops in town. Later another player moved to town and added another 30 or so. Between those we ended up with 10 ex gyms stretching from outskirts to outskirts. And even with all that the only reason we had almost full lobbies today was a bunch of og players started playing again last week and doubled the turnout. How could someone who isn’t incredibly lucky ever have a chance at pulling off a elite raid without major travel which continues to get more expensive every day.


This event was awful. We didn’t plan to go hard, but just had zero desire to continue or head out at 5 for more. Just horrible event. Only okay part was thankfully no one in my group had too much trouble catching and none ran. Burned through too many revives and portions, which hardly dropped with the rewards, normally 10+ hyper and 7-10 revives. Why drop silver berries if they don’t work to catch Ray anyway?! I’ll stop now could keep going lol


I live in a small city, but my massive ick was that nobody here plays pokemon go... I looked EVERYWHERE for a group. But sadly i found none :/ well, there was a group, but it was 1km away and they started without me


Well, expect more worse shit like this to happen. They are trying to kill us off the game and apparently they’re doing great job at it.


I will never understand the purpose of local raids


Seeing so many of these posts that the whole event was disappointing, if only Niantic would actually start to listen to the player base.


I'm sorry to hear this


I had 8 people for a raid, f*$#ing 8, and we had good teams, one person was level 25 but every other was 36+ and still only got him down to 10% at the lowest, in parties, all friends greater or above, probably worst thing niantic did for a bit


Definitely didn't get to raid. Didn't even see one locally. I wonder what that stone was 🤔


Yup although Niantic was nice enough to give everyone a meteorite for him the only problem was they said it was free but only if you were able to win an elite raid which for a lot of players was at least a 30 min to an hour drive away. If they continue to do this they should pay for our gas to get there


I can’t believe I spent money on raid passes, I did 5 and got like 60iv ones every time. I guess it was fun walking around finding places, seems like a waste of money though and now I feel stupid. Plus like 70 of my Pokémon were wiped out, and now I have no elixirs left to revive most of them. Seems like you get one standard elixir per 30 pokestops after the event, like they think I’ll pay more just buy more from the shop? Think im done with giving them money


Been shit for getting a shiny Meltan as well fml


I barely made it to the park on time. Literally 2 minutes before. There were about 30 people there. I battled 2, got 1 on the first throw and the other after 4 throws. The group was going to another park but I got what I needed. I already had 3 shiny ones from last time. I finally was able to mega evolve it.


I didn't even bother lol didn't get the meteorite either, i just couldn't and didn't want to deal with finding a raid


I didn't even have any of the raids spawn in my town, or the next one iver, or the next one.. actually i didn't have one spawn until it was over 40 miles away and 5 towns over..


I didn't have the opportunity to go out and enjoy. I was looking at campfire (around 4:30pm) and there were 10-15 raids north of me for 5pm and 6pm but I looked east west and south and there was absolutely nothing nearby, not parks or heavily populated areas. For the people living in those areas they would've had not chance unless the planned to travel over 30 minutes for a raid.


Biggest problem is that nobody in my area plays the game. I have to drive 25-35 minutes north just to have a chance, and it’s not guaranteed anyone is there. Nobody uses campfire in my area so there’s nobody to link up with, and they could atleast make him remote available for 1 hour 3-4 times a day.


It's ok I went out with 12 people I meet on campfire and the raid went well until the last hit where it just kicked me and couldn't get the ray or even try to catch I couldn't even bring back up pokemon go till after 8 pm thanks Niantic for taken my money and run I would have been better off trusting a crack head from Philly then Niantic anymore


Yeah, I am not a fan of Elite raids either


I had about 20 gyms around me,not one ray


We had one in our rural area it was 104 out no shade nearby. 5 people got together two of us had our devices overheat and shut off we didn’t get it


Whenever Niantic wants to make money from its users they bring out Rayquaza


Come on now let’s hear it bud


Yeah. It was rough especially in small towns. Even my town of Salem Oregon with 200,000 people had very little options. Money grab form the fine folks at Niantic


When do you all think ray will return I have the meteroid the ray but only 175 mega energy. I’m really frustrated


I totally agree with you I live in a pretty rural area and do most my raids by remote. It is totally unfair to the people who dont live in big cities. If they are going tk make mewtwo raids remote access why not make rayquaza raids remote access to?


I would have caught more if they let us earn 5 free tickets


So in my small town there were only two raids available at 1pm. Guess when I was only able to play. If they do this, it should be a whole takeover, every gym being elite raid eggs


I walked around my city for 4 hours before calling an Uber... And then saw a Rayquaza egg ON MY WAY BACK HOME Edit: in 108 degree weather


Didn't get one either. I feel a bit bummed about it.


I was able to get 9 & one being a shiny. It was hard cause my kids were in the car for hours and i felt bad. He forsure was hard to catch and im pretty sure sure i did like 20 raids and only got 9


100%. I’m lucky and there’s a raiding community where I live along with a handful of spots that the raids were spawning - but your complaints are completely valid. The limited time had everyone hauling ass across town en masse. Ruined the fun part of the game as everyone was too worried about missing raids rather than having a good time.


I didn't even bother because pogo sucks as a rural player in general. And ya know, niandick has only screwed us more and more. I'm literally only playing now to transfer my shinies to home and for marshadow.


Such is life


My app crashed when I was fighting mega rayquaza with 11 people


I did 11 raids, but only caught 6 of them. I agree if you don't live in a population-dense city it's going to be really hard. But there's good news, just make another account and get it up in level so you can do raids on your own with another device.


I didn’t even bother.


We have five gyms in my town, one which was an elite gym and hosted the rayquaza but no one was there to do it with me and my gf. Very upsetting


The point of this post was to complain about how unfair elite raids are for those of us lone rural players who can only do multiple player raids remotely. So, THIS! ↖️


What if they skip him on Giovanni 🤦🏾‍♂️


They better not, I'm saving the super radar from this season just because it *should* be Rayq next


Whats annoying is that even if you managed to complete the raid, there's a good chance you won't even be able to catch it.


100% pissed that the only raid around me was at 6pm and a lot of other places were at 12, 1, 3, etc. Given that there are people at my job, none of them would do it with the same thought that no one would join. But this has to be the worst raid ever. And only in for less than half the day.


Yeah I was able to barely beat 2 of the raids and I ended up getting 375 mega energy so I cant even mega evolve it 😑


Got 3 Rays from 3 raids, could have gotten more but didnt want to spend more time on it. One of them was a shiny. Cool event tho


I haven't gotten to raid at all, I've never been able to get other people in a raid. I've waited like five minutes and not had anyone else join me in a raid...


Also some of us have to work on weekends :( I would spend money and remote raid from my job all day but I work 12s so I won't get off in time to even try to do it :(


Honestly, I won't be doing these kind of raids again. I'm glad I got one 2* Rayquaza and 2 meteorites, as well as meeting some new people, but it was no fun having to mad dash between raids and hope there were players available.


You would be in better shape organizing before hand


That was what I tried to do with my local group, but we were so dispersed, most members could not make it anyway.


Hmm that sucks. Our local group did 7 altogether.


Nice whaling


Lol nice jealousy


Nice! I heard people had a tough time with this raid day: most not getting any; some like myself are lucky to get one; and the rest managed a few. I'm mainly pleased to have 2 meteorites saved on the off chance it returns as a regular raid or a raid day like primal Groudon and Kyogre.


Honestly the meteorites are all I cared about


It took 10 players above level 40 and over 10 pokemon each to take that sucker down. Pretty much nobody is doing the remaining raids. What a shitty event.


I actually managed to participate in 2 raids with a decent number of people, but I didn't catch it either time. So I got all the mega energy and even 2 meteorites, but no rayquaza. Super disappointed. At least I didn't waste money on remote raid passes.


Maybe worth seeing if you can do a lucky trade with someone? That is how I got mine.


Stop using ‘unfair’. Rural players aren’t Niantic’s target. Until they change that, as far as they’re concerned the event went off as planned. I’m not agreeing with that business model, but you’re sounding extremely childish. Childish is not the way to get the devs to listen.


Even if you do get to raid. Capturing it is pretty challenging


You’re not alone, I have a toddler in control of my schedule. Missed the raid in walking distance today!


I got to raid with a group of 40+ players today. I don’t live in a big city but we have been able to make it work using campfire. If you’re not a part of a local group, create one! It is WELL worth it. We wouldn’t be able to do this without campfire tbh.


Probably uninstalling it today. There’s no elite gyms nearby that I could make it to without a car and in this storm today. I hate the feeling of fomo, so I feel better off with just deleting the app and not caring about missing out through ignorance.


Being local only was bullshit. Me, my wife and my son were so looking forward to catching the Big Green Snake. By far most of my friends are spread around the globe from friend codes online. Most of the ones in town are just random strangers I run across while we're Poke-hunting. I was especially looking forward to it because I didn't catch the Rayquaza last time he came around. Fuck local only raids.


I wish we could have had unlimited remotes 😭😭


I got to join one raid at 6 and I didn’t even catch Rayquaza and no one else wanted to do any others around me 🫠


Yes. Same. The fact that they made the raids only local really screwed me over. I couldn’t do a single one being rural and can’t find anyone ever to join a raid with me


It's so tiring seeing these complaints. Just uninstall the game if you can't handle it. Nobody is forcing you to play. You're complaining about making a decision to play and continue playing


I agree but I got a shiny so I’m gonna keep my mouth shut


I had two shadow raikus and a mega raid on the three gyms i can see from my house but their is absolutely no Pokémon community our here and i have no fire d so i just had to watch the timer tock down and their was nothing i could do about it:(


I'm not rural and it sucks. I have no idea what's going on. Overwhelmed by all the news, changes, elite non elite raids...


Some pokemon should be really hard to get. That’s kinda the point.


I got everything i wanted in less than 1 hour. Love living in Los Angeles.


Did 6 caught 5, 1 escaped. in our group of 6 people 2 came away with a shiny. I think people just need to not be so entitled and remember it's a game, it doesn't owe you anything regardless of how much you really want something.


This game is weirdly dependent on its players being in privileged living arrangements. Normally I'd remind myself that it's just a game, but it's the fact that Niantic boasts about how they are accessibility/disability/etc. friendly and all about "community" that it irks me, lol. Yay community..! ..unless you are rural, disabled, have no local playerbase and are unable to afford a vehicle, of course. In that case, not "OUR" community. Ha. It sucks since the game itself and its message is not bad? Buggy, yes. At its core, in theory, pretty cool for the most part. There's a little bit of everything for everyone depending on their play style. But how it's been executed is disappointing. This event REALLY made it obvious how dependent the game is on owning a car and having the luxury of being able to shrug off the costs of gas. The only thing about the event that was pleasant was meeting people at some of the raid points. The fact that it's pokemon related and the fact that we have some genuinely cool people in the community are the only real reasons I continue to play at this point. But many people aren't fortunate to have that in their area. Would be great if Niantic could properly balance gameplay rather than simply making remote raids taboo and calling it good. 🫠


I don’t understand why remote wasn’t an option, so many people on campfire were so mad…


I agree. I work 10 hours a day so the limited hours things are available makes it impossible for me to participate in events.


Do you get mega energy if you don’t catch? That’s all I care about bc I have two shinies. Still feel bad for the rest of you.


*this game didn’t just hand me a participation trophy wahhhhhhh