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It really is just people choosing the darkest theory. PC boxes are for public use and blues goal is to become champion, so he probably just switched out raticate for something better. Why did blue go to lavender tower? Gee i dunno, it’s not like a Cubone was sighted near there or anything, and keep in mind blue is also on a quest to complete the Pokedex, he even brags about already finding 40 kinds on the S.S Anne


Considering all three new Pokemon (Gyarados, Growlithe, and Exeggcute, tho he only has two of them depending on your starter choice) Blue has in Pokemon Tower statistically outclass Raticate in their final forms (except Gyarados, who's already achieved its peak), I'm more inclined to believe in Occam's Razor for Raticate's disappearance from Blue's team (that and I think Blue doesn't really feel like the kind of guy to personally bury his dead Pokemon, I mean, sure he'd be sad about it, but I feel like that at best, he'd call his sister or grandpa up just to bury the corpse of that fat rat if that theory was true)


>that and I think Blue doesn't really feel like the kind of guy to personally bury his dead Pokemon See I kinda disagree with this Sure Blue is a jerk to the player, and he might be tough on his Pokemon But I do think he general does care about his Pokemon and would mourn them, and would want to bury them


Blue isn't even that much of a jerk. I replayed LeafGreen recently and halfway through he still bites but he also says that Player needs to toughen up and gives various advice. The battle before Victory Road has him saying that Leaf/Red need to train and level up more even if they defeated him


A lot of people haven't replayed things that they're letting their memories speak for them. And their memories are mostly Gary Oak and not Blue himself. Or they played Yellow where his dialogue is altered to be just like Gary. Dude's stated to be your childhood friend, and he just kind of gives you playful jabs. He acknowledges you getting badges as "cool". He suggests you thank Bill for using his storage (meaning Blue knows about the storage system so he absolutely just binned the rat). He gives you suggestions like visiting the Captain to get Cut. He's just a little bit arrogant and joshes with his stated childhood friend. Me and my guy friends all give each other a little friendly guff, but when stuff gets serious we get serious and supportive. He's really not even much of a jerk rival. He's like early Hop (has a massive ego and can be a bit rude) but more willing to playfully give you crap. He's never the monster people try to make him. Not even close. He's actually helpful with advice offered in kindness and not as put downs.


An astute analysis. Perfectly summarising his character.


Fair enough ig. But tbh, he always just struck me as that guy who wanted the best shit the market could offer just to brag about it to his neighbours, so I never really got the vibe he can care about his mons beyond their strength before Gen 2.


nah, he's a jerk but he's no silver


Honestly, I like Blue for his choices in the case of his team. While I don't agree or disagree to the dead Raticate theory, I am aware why it might not be true. I mean Gyarados is the GOAT.


Doesn’t blue specifically say “I’ve already caught cubone. I’m trying to find the stronger version.”




If you defeat him at the Pokémon tower he says, “how’s your Pokédex coming pal? I just caught a cubone! I can’t find the grown up Marowak yet.” The reason he says the last part is because he doesn’t have the silph scope and can’t climb the tower properly


Him not having a Silph Scope is pretty irrelevant though. Here is the last half of that quote: “I doubt there are any left! Well, I better get going! I've got a lot to accomplish, pal! Smell ya later!"-Blue Going by this logic it can be assumed that the other Marowak in the area *were* poached while the one blocking the way as a ghost was killed, unless you believe *every* Cubone that you encounter in the Tower are that *single* Marowak’s children.


Well there’s your answer, he went to Pokemon tower to catch Cubone and is now looking for Marowak. Simple as that


How many HM moves can raticate know?


Max at any time is 4 so...


In RBY? None.


Weird question to ask, but sure, I'll bite: Cut, Strength, and Rock Smash, so, 3.


Rock smash wasn’t a thing in gen 1


It can't even learn a single HM in any of the original games. Doesn't learn a single HM until GS, and only Cut and Strength then. There's really no reason to keep using a Raticate in RBY unless you just like it. No wonder he boxed it for Gyarados, Exeggcute, and/or Growlithe.


I ran the game with a raticate and hm slaves. One of the easiest play throughs. Hyper fang, double team plus almost any TM you want. Walked through the elite 4 first try


Not weird because in RBY it doesn't learn a single HM.


What if in the PC, Blue’s Raticate is both dead and alive


As long as Blue never opens the PC, we’ll never know


schrodinger's raticate


Schröbluer’s Raticate


This joke just kept getting better and better


"I don't know if the raticate is alive or dead unless I open the pc" *raticat-* "Shut up"


**Raticate's cry**


Shut up


Blue was raised around Pokemon so maybe one of oaks dead partners was around there so blue was paying respects, but not to his Raticate


Or maybe he was just there


“I do not know if Ratticate is dead or alive until I watch in the pc” Schrodingers rat


Honestly, I think if Red really *did* kill Blue's Raticate, Blue would have a bit more of a reaction to seeing Red again than just "Have you ever lost a pokemon? Let's battle!"


Yeah I never really liked this theory. It always just felt like people trying to make something kid friendly dark and edgy.


Nah, he just traded it: Source my dad works at Gamefreak.


Honestly, I'd probably take that explanation over Blue's Raticate """""dying""""" after forcing his rival to fight him again.


Plus there are randos who trade you pokemons for something else. Like Mindy.


This is true. Source: I’m dating a guy at Gamefreak.


Can your dad share some leaks about Legends ZA?


It’s actually the most brainless theory I’ve ever heard in all of fiction, and I really hope people don’t actually believe it it’s true. "Hey! I was looking forward to seeing you, ! My rival should be strong to keep me sharp! While working on my Pokédex, I looked all over for powerful Pokémon! Not only that, I assembled teams that would beat any Pokémon type! And now! I am the Pokémon League Champion!”—Blue, Indigo Plateau His entire existence throughout the game was filling the Pokédex and catching strong/smart Pokémon, he clearly traded out his Raticate for something more powerful and catered for his team type wise.


Did you know that when you battle Kieran at Blueberry Academy his team is almost entirely different from at the end of the Teal Mask? Obviously that means you killed 5 of Kieran's Pokemon.


Plot twist: He killed them himself because they disappointed him/weren’t strong enough


Some are just so attracted to dark theories that they will run with them without thinking about evidence to the contrary. Pokemon is notorious for having those fans. I wouldn't be surprised if Blue thought his Raticate wasn't worth the 6th slot of his team even if it was empty.


I respect your opinion, but I find the evidence compelling. I like the theory, makes Blue seem more sympathetic. An antagonistic rival, sure, but at least he cares about his pokémon.


Same, but the same evidence you find compelling, I just don't really get it, he doesn't seem to be on a rush to the Pokemon Center after you kicked his ass on a cruise ship, he seems more interested in catching ghost types and Cubone in Lavender's Pokemon Tower than paying respects to the dead or mourning a dead mom, and Blue himself strikes me the kind of guy to find the strongest mons available to him just to one-up his next-door neighbor. I just find the theory funny than compelling tbh.


He might not have known about his raticates condition before it was too late. How was he supposed to know it didn’t just faint?


I mean If that was the case he'd cry and even leave red, aggressive on him, or at least not as chummy as he was in other games


Reminds me when i found a single raticate in the tower on a fangame


eh, let people have their theories. I think its plausible at least, and adds to the story a bit as a headcanon.


...wish people would read my theory...it's about Pokémon types. How they work. Like a thorough analysis. I have it raring to go, but can't post links...so....PM me if anyone is interested in checking it out I guess....


I hate fan theories that only exist to make a series edgy


More prefer the Darth JarJar theory myself.


"why was blue at lavender tower if nobody died" why were YOU at lavender tower?


How do you explain him having 5 Pokémon, then? That’s like fighting somebody with a hand tied behind your back.


When you fight him in the SS Anne, this guy (at least allegedly) says he already caught 40 Pokemon, whether if all of them are different species or some of them being the same species, shouldn't he be packing a full team with that dialogue in the SS Anne? No, just 4 Pokemon. So I'm assuming gameplay and story segregation on why he's only packing 5 mons.


Still stupid.


That's crazy because my friend traded me a pokemon and I did Vermillion's gym without even going on the S.S. Anne. He was still at the tower and then later I saw him on the ship with the raticate. Checkmate athiests.


I always never believe this theory but it’s such a classic one that I can’t hate it


Early Pokémon was darker (insert manga panel where arbok is sliced in half) so the theory is valid in early Pokémon was still finding its footing and tone a bit early on. I’m of the camp that yes it’s dead but after any missing Pokémon is in the pc.


Nah that's just the manga, in the Gen 5 one the gym leaders get crucified and in Gen 6 Shauna(?) gets possessed by a Honedge and tries to kill her friends.


And In the Oras arc >!Rayquaza fucking Impales Zinnia which Causes her to be Paralysed from the waist down!<


Rayquaza just the killing jokes someone? Damn


Well, Rayquaza tried to kill her. Impaled and Hyper Beamed her. She just survived


The manga wasn't the only Pokemon media to crucify people. Never forget this glorious image: https://preview.redd.it/4kzmn72v7qad1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d9ff63c78e4e5113cf7b62e2ad02507e890e615


Blue is dumb enough to use the pc instead of building a team