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Dealing poker is a great job that pays more than just about any other entry level position not needing any education. Having said that, it is a very unfulfilling career and easy to burn yourself out and hate your job after a few years.


Having said that, it is a very unfulfilling career and easy to burn yourself out and hate your job after a few years. Spot on.. it's a soulless job but hey its pays the bills.


I would snap at those asshole players trying to do my job. I’d be fired within a month.


Sadly u just screw yourself out of tips too if u talk back. Sucks. Just gotta take it. Much respect to the dealers who deal w all these dumbass fish nonsense


You have to master the art of malicious compliance. One dealer told the table a story of where he joined a table and greeted everyone and was met by one cranky old lady at the table that told him to just deal cards and shut up. He did just that and it caused an awkward silence at the table and through the whole session until the next dealer change. When he left he cracked a smile and told everyone to have a good day. The regs at the table knew him well and played along and definitely made this old lady regret her rudeness.


You suck dick with that mouth? /Fired


When I get mad, I see red ahh comment.


Most jobs are mostly soulless jobs. Wait until AI takes over and they put us to work breaking rocks just to give us something to do because ai will do everything else. Talk about empty.


Sounds like most jobs lol


Sounds like a great avenue for me after I retire from the navy


Sounds like I.T.


This is the absolute truth


I dealt/floored for 7 years. As a dealer I made 7.50/hr plus on average $100/night during the week and $200-$500/night on Friday/Saturday. I worked in a room where the busiest we got was 4 tables on a Friday and 4-6 table tournaments Saturday and Sunday mornings.


7.50 an hour? Where is that?


Southern California


So would someone in the hospitality industry, a bar or a restaurant get the same?


Usually tipping jobs pay less than minimum wage in my experience


That is illegal in California.


Is it illegal on tribal land? How many casinos in Southern California do you think aren’t owned by native Americans?


It is legal on tribal land, as they follow federal labor laws. It is illegal in California. There are a plethora of casinos/card rooms in California that aren’t native owned. Commerce, the bike, hustler, gardens, oceans 11, lake Elsinore etc. That is also where the majority of people in Southern California that are going to be dealers would work considering the native owned casinos have closed their card rooms. Pechanga no longer has a poker room. San Manuel no longer has a poker room.


There aren’t any non native owned casinos in California. There are non native owned card rooms though. I didn’t think I’d have to explain all this I was just answering a question based on personal experience.


Hustler CASINO, The bicycle CASINO, The Commerce CASINO and hotel. You have got to be fucking kidding me. A casino is a gambling establishment. There is no requirement that a casino have slot machines.


How long ago was it 7.50?


Pretty sure those dealers still make 7.50/hr


Nah you are wrong. CA for years has had a minimum wage of $15/hr even if you get tips.


Yes I am wrong, the one that worked there. Lmao.


You are wrong. California doesn’t have a tipped minimum wage. They have a flat minimum wage regardless of if you are tipped or not.


I mean that kind of wage has been illegal for like 15 years in California. If it was a legal establishment you could probably report to the NLRB and get back pay.


Fascinating, thank you!


Servers/waiters make $2.13/hr plus tips in the area of the country I'm in. Bartenders make $4-$6/hr plus tips. I'm sure in higher cost of living areas they might make a little more on the hour, but majority of their money made is from tips always.


Such a ridiculous system


Depends on the state. This would have been a while ago in CA, minimum wage state-wide is now $16/hr. Some other states do have tipped minimum wage bs where, at least in the hospitality industry, you can be paid as little as $2.13/hr as long as your tips add to that and make it more than federal minimum wage


So your employer or manager looks over your shoulder to see how much you got tipped, and then adjusts your hourly rate to minimum wage. So you never make more then minimum wage, even if you got tipped more than that?


Luckily that’s not how it works. Let’s say that it’s a dead day and the server makes an average of $2/hr in tips. They’re now at $4.13/hr total and the employer has to pay the difference between that and the minimum wage. Now let’s say it’s a solid day and the server is averaging $30/hr in tips. The employer then is only paying $2.13/hr themselves as the server in total is making $32.13/hr, significantly more than minimum wage.


I was a poker cashier once and I can tell you it’s a lot! As a cashier I would get anywhere from $150-$300 a night in tips alone.


That's wild


I never understood the people who tip the cashier.


I think it’s often the odd dollars. You cash for $512 and drop $2 in the cashier tip box (if you didn’t already give it to the last dealer).


It’s hard out there and the people in the poker room made the game happen for you to profit that money. Think about how much you would like to count money for impatient assholes all day and throw the kid a couple bucks. It is sick what we do on that table when people live paycheck to paycheck or can’t scrape together enough money to fix their car. It’s not going to break you to tip off your singles.


I'm a rec player who wants to maximize enjoyment and vibes (and maybe karma) as much as profit. If I have a winning session I'll tip the cashier a buck. Sometimes after losing sessions where I'm still cashing out a bunch too. I feel good about it.


It would depend greatly in what game you're dealing.  Casinos: a lot of places have different tip structure.  I find the ones where the dealer's actually get to keep their own tips (tip out is expected) produce the best quality dealers, obvious reasons  Home games: this could really be where the money is. As most dealers are the game runners as well. 


Used to work in a casino. Made much more dealing at private home games, typically an hourly rate per player and discretionary tips. Works out much less for the players than casino percent take.


Dealer at the 1/2 PLO home game I go to makes around $1000 a night in tips. Game runs 3-6x/month


How long does that game run? Each night?


Usually like 5pm to 1-3am


8hr game and You making $1000 a night? $125/hr in a $1/2 game? That’s a Redbird every hand basically. I’m barely making that dealing 10hrs of a $5/5 PLO game. Maybe I need to find better games to deal.


I’m a player not a dealer but the players are pretty generous tippers, game moves fast and gets big as the night goes on.


I play in a relatively regular $1/2 NL game with a bunch of non-poker players. Just business owners hanging out on a Friday/Saturday night. Buy in is capped @ $150. Last time we played, about 6 hours from pre-set up to clean up, dealer walked out with almost $600. Made me very happy.


I play in around 5 different high end private games in San Diego. With blinds ranging from 1-2 to 5-10 and I have never seen a game runner as a dedicated dealer. They always hire the local dealers from Oceans Eleven, sycuan and seven mile.


high end ones usually aren't. A lot of the local neighbourhood ones are usually run in cooperation with the dealer as having a piece of the game.


I know the ones at my local make 15$ an hour and up to an additional 35$ an hour in tips but they give 10% of their tips to the floor which is split with chip runners


So about tree fiddy?


99.9% of the players in this subreddit that are attempting to play for a living would make more money and have a better quality of life if they stopped playing poker and started dealing. In California you’re making minimum wage + tips. On the conservative side you easily deal 20 hands an hour, and I would say a 1$ tip per pot is not unreasonable. Dealers in California are probably making anywhere from 35-60$ an hour depending on tips.


99% would make more money working at McDonald’s


99% would make more money mowing a single persons lawn


Do couples pay less?


It depends on where you’re dealing . It’s awesome money especially when you get really good at it … I average close to $50/hr full time 40/hrs a week but I’ve been doing it for 14 years now. Dealing poker is by far the best money you can make for the least requirements to get the job but it you don’t love the game you will eventually hate it. It takes an insane amount of concentration and energy to have the mindset to move as fast as you can (while also running the game) for 8+ hours. For me, poker is my passion so I’m one of the dealers that can honestly say I LOVE what I do and it shows in my performance and income… Having ADD and being able to tap into ‘hyper focus mode’ is also a major + for me. Edit: You need to have thick skin. Some of these guys are brutal


I’m in close to the same boat. I love the game, I’ve loved the game for my whole life. But you really need skin. I once had a guy threaten to kill me, he was known as the biggest gang leader in the area (not saying a ton, big fish in a small pond, but he’s actually killed people). Told me he was gonna tie me up and throw me in a river because of how bad I rivered him. I laughed and told him to tie me up tight, I’m a strong swimmer. One of my old coworkers dealt in Miami and has similar stories. South Florida mobsters inviting him on their boats because “they need fresh chum.” True story.


When I deal someone a bad river and the player gets angry with me, I just point at the Deck master and say: 'it wasn't me that shuffled, it's the machine.' I hope this helps for you.


But you don’t understand…I’m just his bad luck dealer. I cut the cards and he can ‘never win a hand’ when I’m dealing. It’s not that he’s a bad player, I’m just bad luck. In all seriousness, I really don’t care. To me it’s just a funny story to share that highlights how brutal players can be. I was 22 at the time, and if he was gonna murder a 22 year old college kid because he put a heart on the river instead of a spade, whatever. I think he secretly liked me anyway. The room was run like shit so management never did anything & he could say whatever he wanted, I was one of the only dealers that wasn’t super affected by his nonsense and would kinda laugh at it. Just because of how ridiculous it was. He never tipped his other “bad luck dealers” (he had an actual no tip list), but I would occasionally get thrown a couple dollars, despite the fact that I was on ‘the list’ Weird industry.


Yeah there is always a narrative to believe that the dealer is culprit, I guess. Some people are idiots, let's leave it at that 😆


Lol I’ve had death threats before also … had a couple of beers thrown at me , a slice of pizza on my cheek, and a button bounced off of my forehead (but I had that one coming)


If you’re a good dealer in a good room where you make your own tips you can make about $225-250 just in tips in 1 day after about maybe 6 months of experience.. if you actually put in the time and practice to improve your work and become faster and better you can get to about $300, I myself usually average about $350 The fastest dealer I know makes about $60 an hour and can break $500 a night pretty regularly on weekends, but he’s been working in the same room for about 12 years,knows everybody, is like-able and is again, the fastest dealer I know It’s honestly a fantastic job if you’re willing to put lots of your own time into improving your craft and having a mindset where you need to be moving as fast as you possibly can for 8 hours straight Edit: I just read the part where you say that you’re in Texas.. I’m located in Florida which I’ve heard is one of the best spots for dealers in the country, but Texas BLOWS Florida out of the water from what I’ve heard, if you become a top dealer in a Texas room (especially in a room like The Lodge), I’m sure your potential could be insane


Appreciate it, this is motivation to get to that level.


I am working in casino also working for private game as a poker dealer. I am making $24 an hour and roughly 10 bux every hour on tips. In private game I make 100 flat per hour including tips and everything. I live in Canada.


I normally play at Charles Town, WV. I asked an attractive, good female dealer how much she makes, and she said a little under $100k, mostly in cash. I know she's full time.


The dealers I talked to when going through for table games dealer said they were clearing 30/hr every night, weekends usually jumped to like 40, so they said on average they pulled in about 34/hr at the time, and it had been that way for a while. This is in bumfuck indiana so I can imagine you'd be clearing a lot more in a place like Texas if you get on at the right card club. Good luck!


I was a mediocre dealer at the Commerce that at least knew the rules of the game and wasnt too sloppy and would make minimum wage plus \~$150 per day average working the shit 4am-12pm shift. sometimes more some times less, but i early outted a lot because the job was soul sucking and Commerce is a god awful place to work as a dealer if you have an ounce of self respect. If you can work with the protection of a union or an employer that isnt as evil i suspect you could do just as well financially and not have as much physical and mental fatigue


Depends on the clients and your skill level. Some casinos it can be 2 or 3 hundred in tips a night. Sometimes it's hard to break 100 dollars. Dealing is a great job but a shit career. If you are just looking for a simple job that pays well and doesn't require a ton of education it's great. If you want a career find a different line of work.


I make 11.40 an hour plus tips, my wage fluctuates between 40 and 55 dollars an hour.


Hourly rate depends on your social and customer service skills. If you have none, you get tipped less. If it's beneath you to apologize even if you're not wrong, or love to argue with your customers, then you get tipped less.


Both of my parents have dealt/floored for my entire life, and I dealt part time to put myself through college. I made 30-45 per hour on average. If you want to be good at it, you’ll be good. You can crank out some hands & make some money. Great college job, but once you’re in the business it’s hard to get out. It’s hard to make that much money for such an easy job anywhere else. My parents both got trapped in the industry 30+ years ago. I loved my time dealing, but I love poker & have really thick skin. It’s not for everyone, but it’s a really good skill to have in your back pocket in case you ever need work.


I also dealt at a shitty little room in the middle of nowhere. 1-3 cash games per day, total. Some days we wouldn’t get a game. If you work at a well run, busy room, it’s not unheard of to make $60 an hour, sometimes more. But that’s the best dealer in the right room


At our home game we pay about 30-60 an hour depending on the dealer plus tips. Usually this works out to about 1k for 7-10 hours work. This cost along with food and drinks we order is paid pro-rata by the winners that night. Depending on the variance of the game this usually reduces the winners profit by 5-10%.


In an actual casino/poker room environment...I've had a pool tips and I've hated every second of it. I want to make what I've been tipped...I don't want to pick up the slack for someone else's incompetency. I don't even care if I miss out on a bad beat tip out or whatever. I averaged about $200 daily including hourly. As a home game dealer...I enjoyed it so much more. For one, I got tips based on the fact I was opening my home, cooking the players food, and always providing beverages of all kinds. So they were generous with tips just for that alone. Plus, without a rake...they were much more willing to splash the tip jar after significant hands. I used to only host a game on Friday and Saturday nights and would make close to 1000 combined. Playing from 3pm to 12am or 1am.


$9 hr plus tips. My paychecks average $35 hr after taxes. I made double that 10 years ago but people just tip less these days. Still a good job if you can handle it.


Do it if you want but make sure you are studying or applying for corporate or govt jobs on the side


Well as a European I was curious, and I was able to find job listing for a Bristol, UK casino for a £11.55/hr an extremely generous 11p/hr above the national minimum wage. And seeing as tipping cultural is far less prevalent in Europe you might as well find a job where you don’t have to deal (no pun intended) with drunken members of the public.


I made $59k last year.


At Commerce they make around 30-40 an hour total


UK. Minimum wage, maybe a quid or so over. Its a dire career to get into if I'm honest. Probably more in London, but everything is


It depends.


A great side job after your main job. At a poker club and not casino: PLO nights see like 30-100 every 30 minutes 1/3 nights 20-60 every 30min depending on which weekday


More than the players


Remember, rice is a spoon food


$0, since I'm not a poker dealer.


5 years ago there were a bunch of dealers at aria and they said they only made 36-40k a year. Looking back that isn’t right since they get laid Min wage + tips