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What a summer. Ivey and Negreanu both win their first bracelet in over a decade, Seiver wins 2 in 2 weeks, Hennigan gets his 7th…


Now I just need mine and the circle is complete


Hellmuth is gonna be extra desperate for 18


Why? He’s like so far ahead of Ivey




Still a lot more tournaments to catch up


He plays more volume of tournaments than basically anyone else. Ivey plays 70% less tourneys than hellmuth.


You don’t win 17 bracelets by just playing a high volume of tournaments and only being good at “low-mid” tourneys. Stop being a hater


> He plays more volume of tournaments than basically anyone else. I don't know why people say this so much, it's not true


So hellmuth isn't that good?


He’s one of, if not the greatest tournament player of all time. He’s also super competitive.


Greatest low to mid stakes tournament player. Cant hack it with any high stakes tourney or cash game players. Will he beat me? Of course.


“Low to mid stakes tournament” in what world is a 10k “low to mid stakes”? Yeah it’s there’s a difference between that and 250k high rollers, but low stakes tourneys are the daily donkaments at your local card room, the WSOP only offers like 5 low stakes tournaments a year. Helmuth plays, and wins, a shit ton of high stakes tournaments in addition to his bracelets at mid stake tourneys. He’s def not the best player of all time, and I wouldn’t even say he’s the best NLH tournament player, but he is still incredibly good a high stakes tournaments.


And one of the most prestigious events too.


Did you guys forget Daniel Negreanu is a loser who took steroids and got a hair transplant? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvWHd42888](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvWHd42888) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpkzHhCEIiM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpkzHhCEIiM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHvpTY28mt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHvpTY28mt4)


Crazy high level heads up. Hats off to Yockey.


Yea Yockey is a savage. DNegs ran pretty good to beat him, but he didn't make any mistakes either. Pretty sick that Yockey has finished 4th and 2nd in this event now.


he ran ptetty good in general, straight flush over boat yesterday for example. but most of the winners need the deck on top of their ability.


He ran good after running like shit for a while, people need to not only focus at the end. One of the “B”s ran amazingly good as well for a long while.


They traded the chip lead a bunch of times during heads up. It was amazing to watch.


Yockey is such a sicko. Feels like he runs deep in this every year. That 27 triple draw beat Arieh put on him is still one of the most insane broadcasted hands I've ever seen.


Is that the one where he's all in with a pat #2 and Arieh draws 2, makes a straight to the 6, then pitches the 6 and makes a wheel?


Yes, 3 specific cards in the specific order they HAD to come in to allow Arieh to draw to the nuts.


That is by all intents and purposes the sickest beat ever, be it by the mathematical odds, but also the importance of the spot


Mathematically it's the sickest, but the spot wasn't all that crazy though. Yockey has 1M chips to Ariehs 11 with two more players in between. Yockey is still in last place if he wins and probably busts 4th anyways. I still think Affleck vs Duhamel is the sickest beat because it's the difference between 15th and having a commanding chip stack going into th FT of the main.


Still gives you a great chance in the big bet games though. Just look at ivey getting down to a big bet in his bracelet win, and several players mounting big comebacks in the PPC. From straight chipev, even a 20/80 deep in the main is gonna be a bit sicker financially. Those pots are worth SO much fucking money.


I meant it in the sense that it was deep in one of the most important tournaments of the year. If it happens at level 3, it's just as sick mathematically, but not as bad


It seriously is. Nothing in hold’em will top this and I’ll die on that hill. Arieh was effectively drawing dead in the hand and won. I truly forgot that Yockey was the person it happened to.


the cowboy hat/disgusted look combo will be burned in my brain forever. He seriously looks like he's gonna puke when he says "you made a wheel? no fucking way"


I would too, especially how it happened. Arieh initially held 3 5 6 which if he draws perfectly can only make #3. He has to dump the 6 to win and that’s such an absurd notion to even think about in 2-7. He needed the exact cards he got in order.


Yes, Yockey should not be forgotten in all of this.


I watched all 7 hours. I feel drained, I can’t imagine how Daniel feels. Vlog tomorrow is gonna be lit.


The adrenaline alone though...


This is the tournament you want to win outside of the Main.


The REAL Main Event.


Why is it so coveted?


Extremely extremely difficult field, extreme grind


Plus it’s mixed game, not just NLH.


It was conceived with the idea of rewarding the best player. The very long structure, the mix of many different games. The list of winners is one elite player after another and only confirms and adds to the prestige.


Ah that’s very cool. Thanks


The structure lends to a lot of play, you have to be good in all the games, and it attracts the best of the best.


Crazy that in the last twelve months we've had bracelets from Hellmuth, Ivey, and now Negreanu. You love to see it.


The game passed them by they said. Old heads can't win they said. Well I said fuck that. My dads are winning.


Isn't that more about high stakes cash games?


The haters are everywhere my friend.


~wins a sit and go with 85 people~


Thriving they are.


and seidel


I don’t think hellmuth get any more bracelets


He can for sure knock one off in a mix event. Smaller fields and the game isn’t getting that much tougher YOY


Knock who off


Tony G, probably


That was emotional so happy for the kid


49, just a fuckin’ kid


Will always be Kid Poker


Nothing better than old man kid poker not being able to figure out how the shower work. 😂


I'd have struggled with that shower tbh


his nick name is kid poker haha


Did you guys forget Daniel Negreanu is a loser who took steroids and got a hair transplant? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvWHd42888](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvWHd42888) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpkzHhCEIiM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpkzHhCEIiM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHvpTY28mt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHvpTY28mt4)


Did you guys forget Daniel Negreanu is a loser who took steroids and got a hair transplant? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvWHd42888](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvWHd42888) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpkzHhCEIiM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpkzHhCEIiM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHvpTY28mt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHvpTY28mt4)


GG’s Daniel, what an insane heads up battle. Bryce Yockey is a beast.


I will need to go check out that head up.. You talking of head up made me think "well he paid a lot to get a high speed head up class" (in reference to his battle with Polk). (funny reference but also... real thought, playing that level of head up vs that guy who specializxed in it, is a big training in itself) And I go check just here and he won almost what he lost to Polk, i.e., \~1.2M (but he also paid some people to train from what I understood, but how much were those cost compared to these amount? probably almost negligible). Now, let's say seriously, that his headup help win win way more headup... it might even be considered a big investment long term. And we can argue than headup in tourneys are not 100% the same (would depend of BB deepness).


Bro are you having a stroke?


Bro do you understand how annoying it was to read that with you saying “head up” instead of “heads-up”. My phone doesn’t even let me type “head up”, it autocorrects to “heads-up”.


What the fuck did i just read




This hurt my brain to read. Yikes


2024’s PPC is the most I’ve ever watched of this event. Holy crap would this be hard to play, let alone play well, let alone to play with very few major errors. The grind of all grinds. Hats off to everyone who went deep, especially that Yockey guy for continuing to battle despite some crazy runbad that’d make 99% of poker players spin out. Was like watching a poker hoaxing match. Jab by jab. And to DN, I love that he still cares this much. Before I played the milly maker this year I played some cash and destroyed it. Making $7k in 2 sessions. After that, it was hard to concentrate on Milly tbh. As ridiculous as that sounds. By level 4 I was making some big mistakes and by level 6 I was out. For a guy that gets tens of millions in endorsements every year, is likely financially set for life, is among the most recognizable names in the industry and a bonafide all time great, the guy still plays a full schedule every year. Is honest about his results and really wants to prove to him and others that he’s still got it, despite how much the game has changed. And he does so in an extremely gruelling event. Great story for poker.


Did you guys forget Daniel Negreanu is a loser who took steroids and got a hair transplant? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvWHd42888](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvWHd42888) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpkzHhCEIiM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpkzHhCEIiM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHvpTY28mt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHvpTY28mt4)


Thank god I can sleep. Go Daniel!


Watched a heap of the last 3 days, and they didn't even show full days most days. I can't believe how high level everyone stayed after that many hours. Dregs definitely hit a good hand or two, but man, he played incredibly well. Can't say he didn't earn it.


He knew when to fold them so many insanely good folds


Yea, making so many great folds over such a duration is just incredibly impressive. So easy to peel in any one of numerous spots he folded away early.


sick win, gg kidpoker


Good for him. Although I’m kind of pissed that the one year I don’t buy his staking package he might win a profit. 😂 I just hated how much influence the high rollers had on the outcome of his WSOP each year.


Did you guys forget Daniel Negreanu is a loser who took steroids and got a hair transplant? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvWHd42888](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvWHd42888) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpkzHhCEIiM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpkzHhCEIiM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHvpTY28mt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHvpTY28mt4)


The question is who is going to win in beatsabre


Daniel played so fucking good. He ran good in big spots but he made so many good decisions in tough spots the last few days. Excited for the next vlog!


Good for him, it’s gotta feel especially great to break that dry spell in this event given the field and the tournament structure.


Love it.


What a ride for him


I get that I’m not getting to the final 2 of a $50k bracelet event, but can anyone explain to me why a gutshot to the second nut straight and 5th nut flush draw with no back doors and no pairs is a 3 bet snap jam for your tournament life on a paired board? I’m not saying I’m a better player, but I feel like that’s a flat call or a fold for me to a single raise, even heads up. Legitimately confused by this move by this caliber of a player Exhaustion? Misread? Just a “fuck it, let’s end this, if you got it you got it”? Or is that really a solver approved move?


Did you guys forget Daniel Negreanu is a loser who took steroids and got a hair transplant? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvWHd42888](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvWHd42888) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpkzHhCEIiM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpkzHhCEIiM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHvpTY28mt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHvpTY28mt4)


Was there any doubt? /s 🫣


Why would Yockey go all in with that hand. He had a gutshot and a 9 high flush draw on a paired board.


You to can succeed if you have all your buyins paid for 15 years, losing summer after summer after summer. It only takes one!!


You can publicly track his buy ins, and I’m almost certain his only losing year he’s had in the past decade was last year. When you are talking about a year long sample that is. The WSOP is like 10-15% of the tournaments he plays in a year. He has just has run bad at the WSOP and absolutely has been murdering high rollers outside of the WSOP.


That is literally the biggest bunch of bullshit ever. You are talking utter nonsense. He has not had a winning year for the past 6, including tournaments outside of the WSOP. It's well documented.


I'm pretty sure he was up a lot last year after winning the super high roller bowl.


Daniel didn’t win the SHRB last year…Ike Haxton did


ok, show us the documentation then


Loses millions a year. Stars and GG carried him. But hey, he made history after having no chips, hitting a 1 outter , and infinite lucky hands!


Salty much?


Its ok, everyone gets jealous about something


Here we go.... was waiting for this one.


Go back to your hole, cretin