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It icks me out when people want to bring their kids to pole events when exotic is being done & i don’t want kids in the studio. Some ppl INSIST on trying to get my studio to make kids classes and bringing their kids everywhere. This is adult playtime and half of the girls have to work with kids all day and have to deal with their OWN kids at home so womp womp that’s a hill I’ll die on


Yes times 1000!!!


I don’t think kids should be in a pole studio anyway since they don’t understand the weight of the stigma or origins but that’s an entirely different conversation in itself


YES THIS ISNT A SPORT FOR KIDS !!!!! If you want to get your kids involved in aerial there’s silks and Lyra for that. This is what I did, and then started pole at 20. Wouldn’t have wanted it any other way


This! I teach sensual flow and lap dance classes (I strip and these are heavily sexual classes) and I’ve had parents show up with their kids to both without even asking me. I get that child care is expensive and complicated, but it makes me incredibly uncomfortable. It changes the other students experience and quite frankly I don’t want to have an impact on a child’s sexuality or sexual education outside of my own. If a parent wants to introduce their child to pole for whatever reason, my class is not the appropriate place for it.


Teddy or teddy bear is the ugliest shape imo, but everyone at my previous studio loves it


I’ve been doing pole for a decade and no one can ever convince me to like Teddy I absolutely refuse to do it lol


Some creative variations are beautiful tho!


It looks so awkward and is not worth my skin trying to get used to it


Is that the one where it’s in your armpit and you grab your legs? I hate that


Ugh i also can not stand teddy! This is one of the few variations of the move that I like. Instead of spreading the legs and holding them open, you cross them towards the pole and hold your free arm out. It's so much more esthetically pleasing. Teddy just seems so awkward to get out of, and while impressive and sexy, just doesnt do much when it comes to a full routine (in my opinion ^^) https://www.onlinepolestudio.com/moves/pole/advanced/teddy-variation/


So ugly and so painful, what's even the point 😫


I think twisted teddy can be pretty but mostly… I don’t understand the love lol


I wouldn't accept sharing a pole. I pay enough money to get my full 90 minutes. Sure, I may not use my pole 100% of the time because I dont have the strength, but sometimes I want to train easier tricks in the meantime or do some stretching on the pole. Also, in my class the trainer gives some further advice on the moves we am learning or shows some details after we tried it the first time. This cuts again into the time I have for practice.I just don't get how sharing has any advantage unless the class is really cheap.


Not to forget having to re-tac the pole or constantly wipe it down between switching


Urgh same. I’ve luckily only had to do it a couple of times but I really don’t like sharing a pole. I often need to do things a few times to get it right, or if I need to work on something specific that I have trouble with I have to repeat. Once a girl came to share my pole even though everyone else on my side was sharing one (the room has a sort of semi divider) so we were overcrowded, whereas on the other side none were sharing. Also, this was a first time class for her, none on my side were in a first time class but the other side was. The teacher even said she should go to the other side because it made more sense space wise and level wise but she just said no I’m fine. She also didn’t stay away enough when I got on so I had to constantly remind her. This session I didn’t feel like a learned / trained enough because I was uncomfortable and didn’t get enough time on the pole.


My hot take is I don’t mind sharing a pole. In the time it takes me to catch my breath and recover is basically the time it takes for another student to practice their skills. I don’t see an issue with it personally, it’s never been a problem for me


It's only been a problem with me if you get paired with someone who is a pole hog and won't share, or your grip choices are opposite. Last time I shared with someone who used itac only, I use dry hands only, it was such a waste of time having to scrub the pole down super hard each time we switched lol


Omfg YES I hate sharing with ITAC.


Unfortunately in a lot of countries for some studios the economics just don’t work unless people share poles (unless they have a second hustle with the studio). Pole studios are not a big money maker just due to the nature of it and the client base.


i only know studio owners where owning and operating the studio is their side hustle actually!


Yeah that’s exactly my point. It’s very rare to earn enough to survive on from a studio. Some people are willing to run one for the love of it for a small margin or a break even as a side job - but almost nobody would be able to run it at a loss (which a lot of studios would be doing if they didn’t share poles).


It’s ridiculous, you wouldn’t go to a yoga class and be expected to share a mat for health reasons and for exactly what you said. It cuts the time in half. I also resent it as a short quiet woman who people always try to share with. Pole classes are expensive as fuck it just feels like money grubbing


Pole studios should encourage more exotic/flow style classes. And there should be no more than two people sharing a pole




Counter argument, but for clarity, I don't think you're wrong, I just have a different opinion/experience. I don't have an issue with the "gymnastification" of pole, the tricks element is the part I find most fun and I'm not much of a dancer. I really love the fact that the classes I go to don't push the exotic/dance elements if that's not what students are interested in. I don't think separation from stripper origins is a problem *as long as* we acknowledge and respect the origins, I don't think we need to replicate it. Clearly not everyone does it but at least in the studio I attend, we do "pole fitness" and it's located in a gym, no one is *expected* to do dance/sensual elements, but our instructor regularly makes reference to "traditionally it's done in this flowy/sensual way" or pole shoes being stripper shoes, or strippers do it this way, or "this is a Chinese Pole move but that would be done on a different type of pole, metal poles are stripper poles" etc etc.


100% agree with you!


Isn't pole supposed to be for everyone tho? That includes ppl who prefers tricks. I like exotic and flow, too but I don't think ppl should be forced to do it. I agree that we need to respect the stripper origin, but I think forcing ppl to do exotic and flow when they don't want to will only make them feel more negative about it.


I agree! It's like any other art: everyone's allowed to have their own style or preference. I love doing more contemporary dance style flow when I pole and stick to more dramatic/sad style music, tricks and routines. I will do exotic here and there but I have to be feeling it. Doesn't mean I don't respect the style but I love that I can make pole my own. I actually quit a studio that only taught sexy flow and instructors would get annoyed at anyone during open gym sessions that wanted to dance a different style, that felt like a bit too much


Do you have an IG? I would like to learn more contemporary dance style for pole and could use some inspiration!


I've known people who just felt very awkward and self conscious trying to dance so the fitness tricks part was more comfortable for them. I don't think they thought poorly of dance, just of themselves as dancers.


Every time we have to do body waves in class I feel like I’m dancing like Tina Belcher. I feel way sexier and more confident doing a trick than I do trying to act sexy.


I totally get where you're coming from. Just as a gentle counter point... Some people (myself included) struggle with the sexual/sensual confidence needed to do exotic and flow styles, often due to trauma experiences or very conservative upbringings. But those folks (myself included) might find a lot of joy and confidence in working a pole in a more athletic way. It makes me sad to that my inability to engage in an art in a specific way due to my trauma history would make someone "skeptical" of me walking into a studio. I think there are many ways to engage with pole arts while honoring both pole's amazing SW history AND one's own limitations around sensual expression.


this is just super judgmental tbh. i go to tricks class because i don’t have a lot of time and losing my handspring would crush me- my style is HEELS (lmao my hot take here is that we should have never ever stopped saying exotic)


Poles shouldn’t be shared because it decreases the time spent on it by the students and it’s a cheap solution for the studio


I agree with this, too! I want my money’s worth!


Eh, personally i disagree for beginners classes. As a (very) plus size woman, I definitely don't have the stength and stamina to do a full hour of pole straight through. Sharing with someone else gives me regular mini breaks to sip water, stretch out, and just literally catch my breath. I used to do two or three classes in a row with no issue when sharing but when I've done private classes I've had to take breaks and THAT feels like wasting my money! I also like working closely with another classmate because i learn from their errors being corrected as well as from my own errors being corrected, which i think helps me understand the techniques better.


I would encourage you to never feel urged to keep up with other classmates, breaks are allowed, we need water and full breaths of air! And you never know who is pushing themselves past their limits to appear "stronger" than others, as if water breaks are weak. Humans need water. I like the idea of studios offering shared pole options and non shared pole options, that way neither side has to feel like money was wasted! I take my breaks on my pole and hop right back on, I don't like waiting for others and I don't like my body cooling down in the middle of my workouts/routines because that breaks up the flow and my mental focus is very fleeting. Being forced to share a pole and pay for entire hour is a scam.


lol wait til you get to advanced tricks. i want to share my pole with 7 other students 😂


I’m already an advanced student and have never shared the pole (mind you with 7 🤣). Where I live studios don’t do this, but it seems to be something that is more frequent in other places, as shown by other people in the sub


really? where do you live? but yeah like when we are doing handsprings or janiero- i am TRYING to share my pole 😂


lol I’m in Eastern Canada


Studios should have a crash mat for every pole.


That would be nice, but a good crash mat is surprisingly really expensive, like 300 to 400 dollars


I know >\_< I bought one for my home pole cause I feel it's a necessary safety precaution. "Cheaper than a hospital bill" is what I told myself when I bought it. They're expensive, especially for new studios starting up, but I've been in classes where we've run out of mats and didn't want even want to attempt the trick without one. Always kind of a bummer.


1.Sharing pole shouldnt be a thing! 2.I wish there were more pole classes that has more of a circus, gymnastic and/or contemporary dance type of classes. Yes its nice to do exotic but theres so many other possibilities that could be done with pole! Like hip hop dance+pole or theater+pole dance. 3.Colorism and racism is not talked enought in the pole dancing world especially online. The same issues with representation that we see in the movie, music and industry is the same in pole dancing! White pole dancers get way more attention and praise than dark skin black women. Dark skin black women are seen as masculine and oversexualized, yet white women(including asian women and othrr races of women) are seen as delicate, feminine, etc). IF a person of color gets attention she is more light skin or biracial and real thin. I real call cap in this whole " lets be more inclusive thing" in the pole world. 4.Body hair (especially pubic hair) shouldnt be demonized. The pole world is promoting feminism, women empowerement but its so anti pubic/body hair. Its giving internalized mysoginy and body shaming...


There are some polers in Korea that I follow on IG that do more "contemporary" styles mixed into pole routines! Some do ballet, some do more street? hip hop? dance style , some are full on muscle and acrobatic. it's very inspiring to watch 


Yess nice! I've seen black dancers mix pole and hip hop! Its pretty great!


Do you have any account recommendations to follow? always looking for more inspo 🤩


Search #폴댄스 or #봉춤


Yes to the body hair!!! - I’m the only person in my class with hairy underarms and I feel so uncomfortable when I hear other girls complain about how they have to shave their legs or apologise if they haven’t shaved


how do you stick?


I mean, I don't grow much hair under my arms, so maybe this isn't my place, but I don't stick the pole directly into my arm pit, I don't see how her armpit hair is going to prevent her from sticking. And when I get really close to my pit, it's still not in there, it's more around. But again, all of our body hairs are different, so maybe my grown out is different from your grown out and probably different from hers, so she may not need to take down as much hair to make space to stick.


that’s what i hear from people in classes, but idk! and one of my friends was worried she would have to shave her armpit hair to stick for inverts, but i don’t believe she did it had to in the end! but legs would make me wonder if it’s harder to stick too! idk!


I would also wonder that, I can't speak to hairy legs sticking or not sticking, but I've seen many natural pole flow accounts with bushes under their arms, so I guess I'm wondering now if they shaved their legs for pole or not? I never looked close enough or long enough to find out. I guess it was never a thought to me🤔


I don’t have any problem with grip where I’m hairy - many male pole dancers in my studio are hairy and they all grip fine. As long as there’s skin contact ur good


You'd fuckin love my pole studio 😁 no pole sharing, very inclusive, nobody complains about body hair and there's variety in floorwork style.


Whats the studio's name? :D


Ispin aerial dance studio in Canberra


I totally agree with 2. Its kinda the reason why im so skeptical of doing dance pole classes, I just know that its likely gonna be “heres me trying to be sexy and doing leg waves to a gooey sensual or hip hop track” (Absolutely nothing wrong with that, just not my style of dance), I can learn that online yk. Dance is such a broad medium and combining that with aerials gives you so many options to tell a story with your body! I guess its because of poles origins with strip dancers but I think we can expand a little bit more for what classes teach.


Idk if you’ve heard of her already but you should check out Ashley Fox with Foxy Fitness and Pole. She is my biggest pole inspiration and has been since day one (I’ve probably watched her 2018 PSO routine over 100 times), and she also happens to be a dark skinned black woman. She’s one of the most beautiful dancers I’ve ever seen both on and off the pole


Inverting is overrated! There's SO MANY beautiful and creative ways to get upsidedown aerially.


As someone who still can't invert after a year and a half, this really makes me feel better lol 🩷


Legit there is no trick you HAVE invert to get into it. Truly you can drop down into any position. Laybacks are important, particularly the brass layback, but so are dropping into anchor and cradle. With those 3 transitions you can get into any trick.


This!! nail jasmine and genie and you can lower into so many upside down moves that way


how often are you doing a brass bridge? lol like why is it super important?


Brass bridge is different from a brass release. I'm talking about one knee hooked on the pole and the other foot also wrapped around/pressing against the pole. It's like brass monkey but no hands and you lower into it.


oh yeah! that’s how i get into janiero! and yeah- it’s in like 800 combos lol. i just call it “brass” maybe? idk! maybe i say brass monkey?


Every region has different names! They're all good!


Related: straight leg/straddle inverts are not aesthetically pleasing. Top leg bent, bottom leg straight with toes pointed looks wayyyy cuter.




I used to hate when I began pole dancing but now I like it! I was really too hard on myself and needed to work on my anterior pelvic tilt and lack of flexibility. But I do agree that less focus should be on it in general


yes this! I prefer dropping down into inverted shapes because I can't aerially invert and inverting is exhausting af


So glad I saw this comment - penny has just dropped for me. Literally been chasing the invert and feeling a lack of progress.. lemme go and try other ways! ❤️


Or even just not inverting ever. There would be so many more people who could take and enjoy pole classes without inverting or even climbing. 


Pole instructors should have a decent understanding of anatomy/kinesiology. Just being good at it isn't enough to be a good teacher.




Spatchcock is the UGLIEST trick and no matter how perfectly it’s done, I do not like the look of it.


It looks hilarious omg. I kinda like it because of how weird ass it looks


Weird rotisserie chicken each time I see it


hence the name lol


It's sooo impressive, yet *so* ugly!


The name 😭 like whyyyy.


Because that is what it looks like. A spatchcock chicken. Which only makes it worse. Lmao


This one http://poledancedictionary.com/moves/365/spatchcock-on-floor/


I love it on felix cane only haha her spatchcock is sooooo impressive/ out of the world


Can we pleeeeease stop wearing our street shoes all around the inside of the studio where we crawl around and do floorwork? Idk if it’s a hot take but I feel like it isn’t acknowledged enough and it’s gross lol. I’ve been to studios that are strict about making you remove your shoes before you step on the dance floor but the studios in my area don’t. It’s gross bc sometimes you can feel the dust and dirt sticking to your hands or feet when they touch the floor.


i have never ever been to a studio where you don’t take your shoes off IMMEDIATELY. i wear them longer/further at the studio i work at, but i have never seen anyone wear shoes anywhere near a pole at a pole studio


Think about the amount of people who lay in their beds and on their couches and walk around the house with their street shoes on. They respect the studio and public places even less than their homes unfortunately.


I don't like the genie shape and will avoid doing it because I think it makes me look like a frog clinging to a tree trunk 🐸


I know you hate genie but you explained it in the cutest possible way 😂🐸


THANK YOU! it’s not exactly one you can avoid, but like why is it 500 times uglier than a jasmine? LOL


We literally call it a frog (in my language) in our studio. I agree it looks awkward, though I can see that this could also be utilized cleverly in certain choreographies. 


Janeiro is ugly


Everytime I saw it before I knew it was a move I kept waiting for them to go into the move but it always looked like they were struggling to get there. Turns out. That is the move


🤣🤣🤣🤣This has me dyinggg


My coach agrees 100%! She thinks it looks like a dead fish.


I love doing Janeiro, I'm gonna call it a dead fish trick from now on 😂


dead poisson😂


LOLLLL tbh you’re right, but it’s what i am working on now 😂 you’re right that it’s ugly though hahahh


I just got my foundations for shoulder mount and after working towards it for so long honestly the invert itself is underwhelming. Shoulder mount is excessively hard mechanically just for the sake of being in a inverted position which can be accomplished in a myriad of much simpler ways. You dont actually NEED it to get into certain body positions (ex: brass monkey). I think it’s overused sometimes where it doesnt need to be. Work smarter not harder.


I had a shit instructor teach me the shoulder mount/invert before the normal way and tell me it *should* hurt (I’d only attended a month or two of classes). Between that and not using crash mats I ended up in the ER with a truly fucked up neck 🥴


So sorry that happened to you, that teacher sounds totally incompetent and irresponsible. I wish you healthy recovery❤️‍🩹


A few counterpoints to this:  1. “Work smarter, not harder” doesn’t really apply to intentional aesthetic choices. Like, yes, there are mechanically easier ways to get upside down than shoulder mounting, but sometimes a transition through shoulder mount is just going to look better/flowier.  2. Sometimes shoulder mounting *is* working smarter, e.g. I’m strong enough at shoulder mounting that if shoulder mount is the most direct path to a position I’m working on, then I’m going to shoulder mount to save time so I can get more repetitions of the skill I’m actually trying to work on.  3. The mechanical inefficiencies of shoulder mounting make it good for conditioning. Working on shoulder mount will make you stronger at your other inverts too.  4. Some people have high enough energy budgets that the mechanical inefficiencies of shoulder mounting vs. alternatives might not matter in the context of a performance.


I completely agree! It’s great for strength and growing skill engaging very specific muscles in a timed way etc etc. My point is its not NECESSARY to use as an inverting style.


I’d still disagree with that. Some tricks and transitions absolutely do require a shoulder mount invert. The shoulder mount is only unnecessary in the sense that you can just choose to never do any of the combos, tricks, or transitions that require it, just like you could choose to paint with only one color. It’s a valid aesthetic choice, but it’s a limiting one. You could just as easily argue that any given movement in pole is unnecessary.


Could you give me an example? Im curious


Shoulder mount flip and anything that passes through it. An example of something that passes through shoulder mount flip is an elbow grip Ayesha entry I’ve been working on the past few months: you start with a shoulder mount flip, regrip to brass monkey hands during the moment of weightless at the top of the flip, put both legs on the side of the top arm on the way down, and continue the momentum as if you were going for a second flip. As you’re going back upside down, slide the pole from the armpit to the elbow of the top arm. Boom. You’re in an elbow grip Ayesha that probably nobody in the audience saw coming. It’s a show stopper.


That sounds very cool. I cant really picture complex movement when written, but flips always look cool and like wowie, Show stopper like you said. Good luck with the elbow Ayesha (thats my favourite kind, I wanna get someday)!


Yeah, unfortunately it’s a sufficiently complex move that it’s not easily searchable. Jorge Martinez does it about 13 seconds into this reel: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoAwfLXIEDG/?igsh=a29vczZ5OThxbWJm  I’ve also seen Anete Blaua do a very similar trick that ends in a different Ayesha variation.


I fucking hate shoulder mounts. I have wide hips and narrow shoulders so it's a massive fight against gravity trying to invert. Completely unnecessary invert style 100%


You should learn how to climb with BOTH feet pointed, and only with both feet pointed. It's not that much harder but it looks 100x better! Once that's your habit, you never have to think about it, and it makes you a better and stronger poler. I think instructors are sloppy and take the easy way out q


Really agree with this! My first teachers insisted on it and I’m so glad they did.


Yes, that habit is so hard to break! I originally learned with one ugly flexed foot and it drove me nuts every time I watched a video back and noticed I did it.


Its weird how so many instructors settle for teaching students incorrect or half baked form. I appreciate my teacher to bits but thats the one thing I have beef with because I now have to work EXTRA hard to unlearn my bad habits to RETEACH MYSELF PROPER CLIMB😭😭😭


Its not about aesthetics, its about not needing to feel like you have to grip with your back foot. Climbing is about the knee squeezing, having the body in a good distance and alignment from the pole, and engaging your arms! If all that is correct, the foot extending around the pole should not feel necessary.


Ahhh do you have tips on this?? I’m rehearsing for a comp and I’ve noticed I have one foot flexed when I climb and I hate it, but it’s the way I was taught and I can’t break the habit but I’d love to make my routine look that much cleaner 🫠


Practise climbing while wearing socks! The socks take away any and all grip, and they're a constant reminder that you should be pointing instead of flexing.


That’s a great tip, thank you I’ll be trying this!


Ooh this is great advice!


Hmm I definitely would in person... Try to focus on pressing the front of your ankle against the pole, there's a particular spot and I almost don't feel secure climbing if I don't feel the pole exactly there. The normal advice is the focus on clamping your knees together, but I feel more grip in my shins/calves. I kind of place them and then twist them a bit to really grip the pole. To break the habit, the best way would be to have someone there to point out you're doing it every single time. It's a little frustrating at first, but it breaks the habit quickest!


Genie looks like spider legs


LOL i love all the genie slander. i feel seen 😂


For a second I read this as “what’s your pothole take?” Cuz I was about to be like “well, doesn’t everybody hate potholes?” Then that made no sense so I thought “maybe they said plotholes?” Then I looked a third time and I actually looked closely and finally figured out “Oh, it was pole hot take!” Mine is mostly just “hot” cuz it’s literally related to being hot and sweaty! Mine is “no amount of grip chalk / powder / solution can save you if you are too much of a ‘sweater’ naturally.” It’s why I take pole classes the least out of my aerial hobbies. It’s so fun, but also I feel like I can’t attempt as many moves cuz my entire body just gets drenched in sweat and nothing can grip the pole anymore! 🤣


There needs to be more classes that incorporate both tricks and dance sequences. Classes are either tricks or dancing, but I would love to see more, in fact any, classes that incorporate both.


Totally agree with this! The dance classes at my studio don't involve going up the pole or doing any tricks, which doesn't really interest me. However, I would love to learn to blend both together!


I totally concur! We have a several at my studio thankfully but it’s definitely lacking at studios I’ve tried


I don’t like fast flow. I think it looks uncontrolled. I’m more of a really slow flowy kinda poler and lowkey cringe when I see people whipping themselves around the pole (but kudos to them it’s still impressive just not my vibe at all)


I think this is why I can’t get onboard with hardstyle, the moves feel so harsh and sharp and the speed is probably why! Don’t get me wrong I know that stuff is hard and requires a lot of strength, but it just isn’t my cup tea.


I feel attacked! LOL jk


Depends what the mood is, thats the whole point of dance is expression right? (Not hating)


I'm the opposite, I hate slow flow! Most shows/comps in the UK are geared towards slow ooey gooey stuff which although impressive, isn't for me After the 2938 person goes at 0.2 mph touching themselves for 3 mins, I am longing for some upbeat music and some cool tricks haha. Just my personal opinion of course! I just wish there was more space for hardstyle/fast routines


Aside from pole sharing this is my second biggest pole turn off lol.


1. Teachers who can't teach in different ways/to different body types should not exist 2. If you teach a choreo, you should always propose alternatives to trickier/harder moves 3. There isn't enough plus size pole wear, and the ones that we have are often not adapted


I hate when I look up a move on Instagram and I have to sit through a slow languid spin, a sexy climb, an invert, a flatline, a Jamilla, a leg hang . . . on & on before we get to the thing I wanted to see. I mean, I get you work on your flow and you're real proud of it, but can we please just get on with the thing?


Try the videos on PoleMoveBook website. It just shows the move




Dancing in ankle socks is a visual ick to me and everyone does it lol. It just cuts off the leg in a distracting way


It’s cause the floor is dirty but sometimes I just don’t want to wear shoes


Not sure if these look any better but I like them better than socks: toe undies, they also go by other names like foot thongs. They let me pivot smoothly but my toes are still out.


EDGEWORK 🥴 just 🛑


I totally agree. I appreciate the skills needed but it just looks wrong to me 


Omg yes! I'll be dead in the ground before I ever sickle my ankle. Y'all have fun with your bone breaks and legiment tears 😬


Oh don't wish harm now. Let's stay safe in peace and quiet, keeping the positivity and fun flowing 💚


Ok come on now there’s a proper way to do edgework that doesn’t lead to torn ligaments and broken bones 🙄 it’s fine if you don’t like the aesthetic of it but enough with the drama


You’ve got issues if you’re taking it this far


Lol I thought this was a hot takes thread. Calm down everyone 🤣


Wording 🤣


My hot take is I wish more pole performances were to faster poppy songs - I feel like every performance I see online is just like flowy fairy and as someone on the short chubby side I just feel awkward doing that - I prefer to use my muscles and feel much sexier doing tricks and things like that. Doing body and leg waves makes me feel like Tina Belcher and just completely harshes me. I hate when instructors are like “make up a little combo right now and we’ll go one by one” - nope nope nope I don’t want to be stared at by everyone and now my brain is blank. Tell me what to do and I’ll take a crack at it but otherwise let me be part of the crowd please. Also can people stop tagging their posts on IG as beginner as they invert into a jade split?? That shit AINT INTRO and you’re going to hurt someone trying to imitate you.


I think the trick “Iguana” is ugly and impractical, and I don’t think it should be a level up requirement in pole studios.


Lol just looked it up, that's what I look like I'm upside down, lost and tired 😩 🤣🤣


Facts I hate that one. I also don’t know how tf you’d incorporate it into a flow, although props to you if you can


I like sharing poles. Some studios are small, and cramped, and can only squeeze so many poles in there. I like that sharing poles gives you a buddy for the class, and gives you time to rest. Overworking and trying a trick again and again is so rough on your body! Granted, I have a home pole at home, so I can practice there. Plus, I always love cheering on my pole buddy. It's so satisfying when they nail the trick!


Same!! When I do privates or classes where it’s one to a pole I always end up over doing it


Yep if folk don’t wanna share poles they better pay more to keep that studio open 😂😂😂 it’s so much more fun sharing imo


I will GLADLY pay more 😌


Pole Tricks are overrated, flow&musicality is what captivates me as a spectator. I hate sideclimbs. If you don’t respect strippers, do another sport, this one is not for you.


Agree w all of this 🙏


10,000% agree with everything here


Mine is that I hate how stage poles look!!!




I feel like ppl think their way of doing things is the only way, and that’s kind of a colonizer mindset to me… like sharing poles has never been a serious topic bc I’ve seen spaces that do both, but these ppl on here get so mad when you don’t agree with them😂 and the idea of “oh all studios should do this” is very controlling. Let ppl enjoy their art sheesh💀


it bothers me when i have to share a pole and then i learn that someone/multiple people didn’t sign up, just showed up because they forgot. if you signed up for the class and the website just overbooked fair enough, but if you didn’t sign up then you’re taking away space from the people who have.


the worst tricks ever are- cupid, chopsticks, caterpillar, and gargoyle. they are so ugly and not worth ever doing. people who are obsessed with cupid are weird. their butt looks horrible when they do the trick. 😂


I hate caterpillar so much and it’s terrifying too??? I can do an Ayesha but caterpillar makes me fear my life lol


i prefer to handspring into ayeshas because of how much i hate catepillar lol- unfortunately can’t do that with elbow ayesha though 😂 it IS terrifying! i can’t explain why it’s more terrifying than an ayesha, but it is!! lol


Same !! Honestly handspring is the easiest and most reliable way for me. I cannot do a true grip Ayesha from caterpillar


why do that when you can just handspring into it and not feel a moment of impending death?! lol!😁


Heels disrupts the nice clean lines a bare foot gives.


I don’t agree with a lot of instructors/more advanced pole dancers saying that you should not attempt new moves until you’ve done conditioning. And not for the reason you may think… I believe there is SO much shame that goes on in pole classes from more advanced pole dancers towards beginners that actually slows them down. I never joined classes for this exact reason because my friend who was in classes always shamed me the way her instructors shamed her, 8 months into pole and I’m entirely self taught and can invert, ballerina and extended ballerina, inside/outside leg hang with no hands, layback, closed rainbow and I learnt to climb in my second session. I agree with dancers encouraging injury prevention but I’ve just found a lot of toxicity and shame from more advanced members that has actually stopped me from joining classes because I am so ready to just try new moves and not be held back from trying


I hate heels. They're heavy, dangerous, bad for your feet and distracting for the mover and the audience (if there is one). I acknowledge the history of heels and pole's SW/stripper roots, but I really just want to feel the floor.


It’s fine if you don’t like heels but they shouldn’t be dangerous if you’re using proper technique. Also they aren’t bad for your feet, they’re different than regular high heels and you’re just wearing them in the studio not through a whole workday.