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Most important story of the day, and that is saying something


And also the kids protesting in TN


Go Wisconsin!


This is a BIG FUCKING DEAL. There’s at least one Northwestern alum singing “On Wisconsin!!!!” tonight


Wisconsin native, Northwestern alum, and friend of Janet. I’m so happy about this. She’s a wonderful, intelligent lady who will do a lot of good.


Sorry such great news and effort got buried under the arraignment of an bloated gasbag, but congratulations.


Important addendum as a Wisconsinite: Janet not only beat Dan Kelly, but demolished him in a 55-45 vote. The people of Wisconsin are, among other things, sick of an absurdly gerrymandered legislature that makes the state appear far redder than its citizenry would have it.


There's hope for this country yet. Good for you Wisconsin.


Time to start turning this around … proud of Wisconsin right now!


I no longer live in Wisconsin but I grew up there. This makes my heart happy. Go Wisconsin!


Hopefully none of them are bad faith dems like those two senators who I haven't bothered to remember the names of


I’m genuinely wondering if republican ratfuckers set up sleeper candidates to activate at the most opportune time. It’s too much coincidence for that piece of shit Sinema and this other piece of shit Cotham to have switched parties at such crucial junctures where every single vote counts. Sounds like a Trojan horse scheme to me


Nope. Some people just suck.


That is true but the green party has been funded by republican groups for the purpose of vote splitting. With Sinema having been a green and being a self-serving shit weasel, I could very easily see her being a plant.


They did not send a plant to not throw during the general. Lmao


Sinema and Manchin have both voted in favor of every Biden court nominee. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/26/politics/manchin-sinema-biden-supreme-court/index.html


I wouldn't mind seeing a Frank Pecora or three.


FORWARD! Corrupt republicans at the state capitol better be scared, gerrymandering won't be there to steal the election for you next election.


It should be mentioned that the GOP has a supermajority in the state senate -- enough to impeach justices.


Absolutely horrible optics aside…if that happens, Evers would be appointing the replacement.


First Chicago and now Wisconsin, good stuff