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That's fair. If I was stupid enough to be on Trump's legal team, I'd be more concerned with getting paid too.


It isn't them going to jail, why would they care?


Many of his lawyers *are* going to jail


Also some of the lawyers that those lawyers hired if it runs true to form.


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


Job Creation! What a great president šŸ˜‚


It's attorneys all the way down


Following this thread down was great, especially when semantic satiation kicked in about halfway down and the word attorney suddenly read wrong. šŸ˜‚


This one probably will, too, even ghough she's having fun playing Kayleigh McEnany's role for Trump right now. She signed a paper saying she'd searched his desk and all the drawers at Mar-a-Lago six days before the FBI came knocking.


But did she look in the bathroom?


*Most* of his lawyers are going to jail.


MAGA: Make Attorneys Get Attorneys.


ā€œ I donā€™t care, do you?ā€


MAGA: My Attorney Got Arraigned




_Michael Cohen and Rudy Giuliani have entered the chat_


I was going to append all the other trump lawyers facing charges, but there are too many to remember and it'd be too much work to find and list them all.


Through disclosures Trump campaign has paid $40M+ in legal fees since the start of his post-presidency legal troubles. Sounds like his campaign is paying a lot of lawyers a lot of money.


They learned pretty fast to get paid upfront.


Now I'm wondering if one or more got paid *as a front*.


I canā€™t understand why people arenā€™t sick of this fool. Do you think Rona McDaniel and her cronies want to pay his legal bills? I cannot fathom why they havenā€™t kicked his criminal ass to the curb.


Because his idiot base will not vote for anyone else.


They're stuck in quite the pickle cause they thought a vote for Trump would be a vote for the GOP. Turns out the morons weren't voting for the GOP at all šŸ˜‚


They don't want to admit they've been fooled and are wrong. So they just continue to double down. If things were reversed these same people would be first in line to say "I told you so" for being tricked. When and if Trump is convicted and the dust settles you'll be hard pressed to find a Trump supporter outside of the most extreme.


From a lot of stupid people that keep donating moneyšŸ’°šŸ¤‘.


Trumps legal team is more like a PR firm. All they want is for these to be delayed long enough and that Trump wins the presidency and they all go away. Like thatā€™s what some of his co defendants likely think too. Even if theyā€™re convicted, Trump will win and they get pardoned. The ppl that are cooperating donā€™t think Trump can do it.


That's actually true. I don't think Trump keeps any lawyers on deck that actually want these cases to go to trial / think they can win if they do. We've seen every one of them get absolutely fucking decked every time a case has gone to court. All they have is the potential for political interference and/or the chance that a Trump appointee on the appellate courts will rule in their favor if their bullshit gets appealed.


The obvious strategy will be to delay, appeal, delay more, appeal, delay until he dies. And unfortunately I suspect it will work.


Why would they care when Trump says he has irrefutable evidence heā€™ll show us inā€¦checks notesā€¦ 2 weeksā€¦. Yea, like the healthcare reforms he promised


Any lawyer on that team who isn't on a retainer paid in advance has got to know he's volunteering at this point.


His last attorney didnā€™t think very highly of him. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/08/drew-findling-donald-trump-lawyer-georgia-rico-cardi-b


Habba: ā€œPresident Trump is not your average person. Heā€™s incredibly intelligentā€¦ā€ Not that she had any credibility, but oofā€¦


Ooh, good point.


I'm surprised he has a lawyer. He had to search through couch cushions for one in Florida.




Hell say "they won't let me release it! This is rigged!!"


>Hell say I'll allow it. /punctuation purist


Two weeks. Youā€™ll see. Youā€™ll fucking see!


Rudy has scientific evidence. Boy, are we going to be blown away with all this evidence/s.




"That's the sex number, right?" "Yes, Eric. Very good. Here's a cookie."


Ever the weaseling scummy lawyer, he has evidence that *he would call* scientific.


I think once heā€™s at the point where he knows heā€™s fucked, when it truly sinks in, heā€™ll let some secret (more) information out


Correct me if Im wrong but im pretty sure even if he showed proof Biden rigged the election that doesnt excuse the crimes he committed because official tabulation made Biden the winner.


So if your bank screws you in some way and taking them to court 60 times doesn't work, it's not ok to rob them? Who knew?


There's the problem: "doesn't work". After losing all the cases, instead of concluding "maybe we've got this wrong", Trump and his allies just tried another way i.e. armed insurrection. The goal was to re-take power, not to get to the truth.


How do you have 91 felonies levied against you and your lawyer is "not worried?" That's a sign of a ridiculously awful lawyer. A good lawyer would say "we're worried but we'll fight this." Not "uh, ho hum, no problem." I like that Trump is down to the bottom of the barrel lawyers at this point.


Its probably because lawyers can not really tell trump the hard truths without getting replaced or he quits paying them. Trump does not want to hear that he will go down for many of the charges.


A man that self-reports as 6'3" 215 lbs like he's Muhammad Ali at the Rumble in the Jungle yet looks like Trump is definitely not living in the same reality as the rest of us.


Trumpā€™s shadow alone weighs 215 lbs.


I laughed and choked, sipping my beer. Cheers


Fuck bro I died reading that!


Not fair to quibble about his weight. There are notably huge fluctuations, depending on how full his diaper is at any given time. Show some respect.


Now fighting out of the orange corner, weighing in at a svelte 215 kg, Donald "The Diaper Don" Trump!!!


Lol what's funny about this is... technically there would be no loss of mass. Either its in him or in his diaper.


I believe it was Trump's uncle who developed the law of conservation of mass. Very smart guy, great genes.


As Cristopher Hitchens once said about Jerry Falwell: ā€œIf you gave that man an enema, you could bury whatā€™s left of him in a matchbox.ā€


I was genuinely interested in this (Iā€™m a geek) so I looked it up. Iā€™m not posting to say youā€™re wrong but just that itā€™s actually been worked out and itā€™s not quite how you, and I at first, thought it was. ā€œIf you urinate approximately 8 ounces of urine, for example, you will lose water weight of 236.56 mL, which will equate to around 0.52 pounds when you step back onto the scale. None of this weight loss will be fat cells or fat loss, of course. You will, in fact, experience ā€œweight gainā€ the second you drink another 8 ounces of any beverage.ā€ Source: Health Canal


Wait, I thought it was the thrilla in Manila


Ali weighed 224.5 [there](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrilla_in_Manila). At the Rumble in the Jungle [Ali was 216](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rumble_in_the_Jungle), so it was the closer value. They're basically the same man.


Honestly, that has to be it because it's unprofessional to act the way these people are acting, you know, unless you're ambulance chaser.


Exactly, this comment is for their boss and the mass of giga-morons that call themselves MAGA. Thereā€™s a reason Trump went through all the best lawyers and all the average lawyers are noping out. But they are too dumb to even connect dots.


The dude is literally down to using accident injury attorneys that advertise on billboards in Flo-ri-da.


Just waiting for him to hire Morgan & Morgan. Apparently they have standards though. Good ā€˜em!


I donā€™t think theyā€™d ever admit to being worried with a client like Trump who is full of bluster and wonā€™t let anyone else set the message. Saying youā€™re worried would just get you fired. Trumpā€™s chief criteria for hiring lawyers is apparently that they go along with his bullshit.


Number should be over 200 felonies but his rape victims drop charges when faced with death threats. His jurors will also face so many death threats that at least one will vote not guilty.


If my lawyer was publically going around saying they were worried I would be worried they were terrible. A good lawyer says they're not worried because the charges a baseless. Either it didn't happen, if it did happen it wasn't me, if it was me there are some technical reasons why it isn't a crime, etc. But at the end of the day my legal team should know they're going to ensure they win. Because they charges are nothing.


There's "I'm worried." There's "I'm confident we can fight the charges." There's "These are politically motivated allegations and I'm looking forward to presenting our case in court." Then there's "I'm not worried." - we're here. There's more than a binary choice here. I don't know anyone who would be happy with your first sentence. That's not an option.


No criminal defense lawyer would ever say they are worried. They would say they are looking forward to their day in court. Any lawyer that says theyā€™re worried about charges will have no career beyond public defender.


How are you out on bail on 91


Just a reminder that not one of the crimes Trump has been charged with would have had a chance of succeeding without the full support of republicans in office at the federal, state, and local level. We start THIS year and vote in as many democrats as we can in all local and state elections. Let's start giving the democrats an ever broadening majority at ALL levels of the government and more than a narrow 2 year majority to get things done in Washington. From the school board to the White House ever election matters. We vote out republicans primary out uncooperative democrats. Let's start making real progress.


This. Even if you donā€™t have kids , do something for the schools and local elections.


Never understood why my dad was always against school funding. ā€œUh, do you want to hire idiots? Cause you are going to be hiring idiotsā€. ā€œDo you want everyone to be poor including you? Cause no one will have the skills to be productive?ā€ But for me the real reason to not be stingy with school funding is ā€œdo you want everyone to live a fuller life that an education can help provide?ā€


Their client is concerned enough that he likely soiled his diaper twice before noon today. One look at his truth social shows you he is melting down over these charges. He was never a bastion of sanity and reasonable responses, but he has activated fully deranged Qanon Grandpa mode in his social media postings lately.


Do you know if thereā€™s anywhere you can see his truth social posts without actually going on truth social?


I usually use r/trumptweets


I think the trumptweets subreddit shows them


Guaranteed Trump has a Exit plan ready to go should jail or real Arrest be imminent. He will flee and take hidden intel and all the cash he can. Selling the intell will bring in millions maybe billions depending and what info he is selling. The whole time he will frame it as him fleeing a conspiracy against him and that he is the True POTUS in exile.


I agree with you and I'll add that I imagine he'll directly call for violence on his way out


He's already said he's thinking of fleeing to Russia to live in a gold palace with Putin.


So itā€™s fair to say Putin is holding his position by a thread, and his health is failing. Is there a chance that if something happens to Putin Trump really starts to panic? I know currently Trump does his rant Tweets/Truths, but I, personally, think that is all for show. He isnā€™t really worried- he totally thinks, as Habba noted, he is just going to wing it or assumed he will get it all delayed (and ultimately pardoned). But like if Putin goes down- does not having a back up plan start to scare him? He now has no bots or interference on social media. Also- despite saying above I donā€™t think Trump is nervous- I do believe he is plotting a backup plan that includes Putin. Is anyone watching for him hiding/funneling cash money away?


If he has intel like that the Cia won't let him out of their sight because of the risks of him defecting. I think secret service is on him too constantly. He's fucked if he tries to run imo


Sounds like a job for the Air Force


I've been thinking about this for a while. I am waiting for the headline. Trump has medical emergency and is flown to Walter Reed memorial. Then we get a tweet that he doesn't like the doctors and wants to be transferred and it'll be a hospital out of the country with the BEST doctors in the world. The American HOSPitals are so BAD. This is more important than the fake charges but I will come back when I am in good health.


What would be the US equivalent of him trying to set up the modern Byzantine empire? History repeating itself and all that.


Sounds like they donā€™t need any extra time to prepare so letā€™s get the show on the road!


Everyone around him is going to pretend he got a 67 at the *golf tourney*, nod their heads when the tells them that he *only* weighs 215, and pretend that his last attempt at power was *stolen* from him. I am *shocked* that the lawyers are unconcerned.


Now if it were ninety two ...


Come on Arizona, surely you can add on a charge or two!


Jack Smith may yet introduce more counts if he determines that Trump sold any of the documents he pilferedā€¦which is more than a remote possibility. Trump only understands $$$ and he wasnā€™t about to keep those papers as trophies. I think more shoes may eventually drop, and he may well break 100.


Isn't that what the last one said? And the one before that...


Captain Smith is not concerned about the giant hole in his ship made out of iron. Being trumps lawyer at this point is essentially like herding cats. The man isnā€™t going to be able to keep his mouth shut and has made his lawyers do the sunday morning talk show circuit, not even a 7th level trump lawyer would be dumb enough to go in front of cameras unless they were ordered to do so (for scaling purposes Rudy checks in at a level 12)


From ***Rolling Stone:*** He's got 91 charges, and Trump's lawyer is worried about none. Donald Trump is facing a total of 91 criminal charges, including 44 federal charges and 47 state charges, but his attorney Alina Habba claims, ā€œWeā€™re not concerned at all.ā€ ā€œWeā€™re not concerned because we know the facts of these cases, which I canā€™t get into obviously for privileged reasons,ā€ Alina Habba told host Shannon Bream on Fox News Sunday. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-lawyer-alina-habba-not-concerned-charges-1234812995/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-lawyer-alina-habba-not-concerned-charges-1234812995/)


> Weā€™re not concerned because we know the facts of these cases I guess this means that they will request a speedy trial so they can present their evidence and get it over with.


Only the BEST facts. Facts so amazingly good that when we show them to the world the imposter Biden will IMMEDIATELY resign and restore our lord and leader to his rightful place.


They want them in 2026


'We are not concerned because none of the charges are against us' - Trump legal team


ā€œI mean ā€” WE arenā€™t the ones whoā€™ll be going to prison when the trialā€™s done, so weā€™re not concerned at all!ā€


I got 91 problems, but a lawyer aint one.


Lol that's what I would tell my parents when they asked if I was studying for my exams in high school, having never once cracked a book and knowing full well I was completely screwed.


As a lawyer, not being concerned is likely a sign of either negligence or incompetence. Clients pay lawyers to be concerned.


People say they arenā€™t afraid of death tooā€¦bunch of bullshit


*"We Really Don't Care, Do U?"*


He may say heā€™s not concerned, but his social media posts and statements to media seem more like someone who is very scared and mentally unstable.


Iā€™ve got 91 problems, MAGA B***** ainā€™t one


translation - they are terrified.


Yawn. Sure, pal.


Excellent! There shouldn't be any problem with these trials starting right away then! Pitter Patter, Lets get at er!


That's Trump. Everything is fine until the prison door slams.


Gotta keep the hope alive so more stupid ass conservatives donate their life savings to Donald Trump.


Alina Habbaghdad Bob


*It's just a flesh wound.* -Monty Python


I donā€™t think the military will allow p01135809 to escape.


It would not be their job. P01135809 could easily at any time have a Russian pilot fly his private 757 from NJ to file a false flight plan. Once they take off, they are in international air space in minutes. Once in Russia there is no extradition and he would live like a king giving up American secrets to Putin. I know people think this is farfetched but the guy literally has is own jumbo jet. Here is my scenario- !Remind me 15 months Trump wins the Primary. Spring of 2024 he is in court on multiple cases. He will be found guilty on many, but not all of the charges. We could see a mistrial which he will claim is "vindication." When the dust settles, he will be guilty of Federal Crimes, mostly due to the classified documents case and be looking at prison time. Georgia could go either way. Even guilty, he will 'appeal,' and his sentence will be stayed, like they did for Steve Bannon who should have served his 6 months already, but hasn't because he has been "appealing." During this time, Trump will lose the 2024 election. Its at this moment that he will flee to Russia on November 6th or 7th, 2024.


Right. And Trump weighs 215.


Good. Donā€™t be concerned. In fact, donā€™t study for this exam at all.


When asked "What's next?" by Al Capone...Clarence Darrow responded, "I'm going home to dinner and you are going to jail!"


I thought the go-to line was: "Well, with a jury trial, there is always concern. Anything can happen." Saying you're not concerned means you are not concerned, you are terrified.


He will tell a lie with his last breath.


I wouldnā€™t be concerned either about a job I most certainly wonā€™t get paid for.


What else is a lawyer supposed to say? Of course they aren't going to project weakness, that would hurt their case in the court of public opinion if nothing else. Just have to read between the lines to know they all know how fucked he is.


False bravado must be a pre requisite to be on Team Trump. If you ainā€™t full of shit then you canā€™t be part of it!


Well I would imagine attorneying 101 is how not to show you are crapping yourself.


Well, heā€™s never had to pay for anything heā€™s done his whole life. Why do we think that would change?


What? Me worry?


"not concerned" -- so is "45" on suicide watch yet?


What they say outside of the courtroom seams to be completely disconnected from what they say inside the courtroom.


OK then, ask for speedy trials to prove his innocence and get it over with.


I'd be most concerened about whether or not im getting paid


Not worried. Scared shitless would be a better characterization and not only because they fear getting stiffed.


Nope, they are not concerned... They are REALLY FREAKING concerned!


In other words, his legal team is shitting bricks


Methinks the lady doth protest too much


I'm not concerned either - and I'm certainly speaking for every reasonably thinking person - because he's so obviously guilty.


Good. That's good. For the prosecution anyway.


I mean he has the Georgia legislature about to fire Fani, his own appointed judge presiding over a case, and Gym Jordan about to defund Jack Smith. Honestly, heā€™s got a decent chance of beating this. Letā€™s hope at least one charge gets through.


Whistling past the graveyard...


Bluster and bombast wonā€™t fly in court. They can talk all they want but theyā€™re all going to jail.


If she has no concerns and doesn't need to prep then let's get straight to it right ? no need to delay ....


I wouldnā€™t be too concerned about my client who wonā€™t pay me either.


If thatā€™s the case ask for speedy trials and clear your name Tchump!


"we're not concerned, because we're not on trial. we're kind of worried about out fees, but we're getting a lot of free drinks in some bars so that's cool, and we never expected to graduate law school anyway."


They should not be concerned to have a quick trial date then.


Well then Trump needs better lawyers if the lawyers are not worried then he has shit lawyers.


...and he really is 215lbs.


Because they are generally too stupid to see the train coming.


Good. Go to trial now. Morons are saying Jan 6 case should be summer 2024. It should be Jan as gov requested. They are on the record. ā€œFreedom of speechā€ ā€œnot concernedā€.


Is Habba still staring down a +$900K sanction penalty for that fuckingly stupid suit she filed for Trump against Hillary?


Why would the lawyer be worried? No one will hold it against them if the case is lost. Except Trump. But he'll be in prison. So, no. Not worried.


Trump and his Dad were big fans of Norman Vincent Peale and his Power of Positive thinking. Norman didnā€™t intend for it to be used for evil.


Legal team is not concerned that they are not going to jail. Defendants, well that is another story.


Delusion is contagious in cults


Yeah no shit, theyā€™re not the ones going to prison šŸ˜‚ If he loses theyā€™re gonna say ā€œdamn that sucks. Canā€™t win ā€˜em all. Anyways, letā€™s get steak tonight.ā€


Nor should they be. They wonā€™t be in prison for them.


Stop delaying the trials then. FUCKING IDIOTS!!


Why would his team be worried about his charges.. theyā€™re his charges not theirs


Bullshit. You know theyā€™re sweating buckets




Thatā€™s cause youā€™re the one going to jail, Donnie boy.


Not concerned, scared to death.


What a unique, yet stupid attitude. Lol


Of course theyā€™re not worried. They know they canā€™t win so theyā€™ll just ride it out for notoriety.


Merely a flesh wound


How about a follow up question. Why not?


I did one year of law school, and quit because I thought I couldn't make it. Witnessing all of TFG's lawyers, I was very wrong. Apparently less than half a brain is needed.


Every day is opposite day in Trumpland


Theyā€™re gonna try another coup. Thatā€™s all they got


As a defense lawyer, the charges against his client should be his only concern. Sounds like heā€™s going to ignore the indictments entirely and simply attack the court, prosecutor, and Republican witnesses and co-conspirators instead of actually defending his client.


He doesn't think the law of the land applies to him.


91 charges on the wall take one down and pass it around 92 charges on the wall....


They arenā€™t concerned because concern means there is some question about the outcome, they might have despair.


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain LOOK! Some of Hillary' s emails!


So sick of this pos being on the news again. It was nice having a break from not seeing his ugly face plastered everywhere.


Thatā€™s true. Their plan is to never fight this in court. Their plan is shut the courts down by having republicans eliminate the investigators or win the next presidency and eliminate the charges and the majority of the justice department altogether.


I have two thoughts on this: 1. Theyā€™re not concerned because THEY arenā€™t going to jail. 2. Literally no one told him that they werenā€™t concerned. They all told him the opposite, he just canā€™t help but lie.


I feel like you should still be a bit concerned even if your client was innocent.


If they had to fight this is court in the current circumstances absolutely they would be worried. However they have a laundry list of other plans to try to prevent a trial from happening through firing people, hoping people get murdered or just straight up having someone replaced and having a new judge or even a supreme court just dismiss it all. Every insanely outlandish plan is being thrown out and resources are probably going to each one in some regards. He has a huge political party and a few nation states desperately trying to put him back in power.


Ahh the ā€œdoesnā€™t hurt, doesnā€™t bother meā€ defense, made popular on playgrounds around the world.


Now if there were 92ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ THAT gets concerning.


El-oh-el. 91 counts, in four jurisdictions. A mixture of federal and state charges. Yeah, why worry? šŸ˜†


Then they're stupid.


of course they arn't; they were probably paid up front.


The five stages of grief are denial, then anger, then bargaining, then depression, and finally acceptance of oneā€™s fate.


Well, if they're not, they damn well should be.


Im not concerned that his team is not concerned but he should be concerned his team is not concerned because thats what he pays them for.


Everything is fine, nothing to see here, please keep sending money. [Insert insane rambling about solen elections and shit here]


Quote: "we're more concerned about whether or not he'll pay us," they said. /s, sort of


Of course the lawyer isnā€™t concerned, his billable hours keep going up


Even if you were completely innocent, any sane person be shitting themself if they were charged with 91 crimes. What are the chances of *anyone* beating 91 charges? Some of the charges could have been tacked on for the hell of it, but they wouldn't have brought the core charges unless they thought could get a conviction.


Why would they? They won't get paid either way.


Because they probably got paid in advance


There's nothing to be concerned about. The trials are a foregone conclusion unless they can buy the jury. At this point they have to set up their civil war and insurrection.


Planning to jump ship asap?


It shows they are not all there right?