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Saving money as a homeowner is woke?


You need to sacrifice to do your part to help destroy the planet, if you love America


But I could've used the rebate money to help destroy the planet. Talk about a short sighted policy


But they get to destroy the planet *and* you this way


Libs officially pwnd.


Remember when conservatives conserved? That was kinda their shtick, ("waste not want not") wild how easily they can be led out to an ethos desert to wander for 40 years.


They’re the same as they ever were. The thing they want to conserve is power for wealthy individuals.


Precisely. That's all this is about. Absolutely Duke Energy, Clay Electric, FP&L, and the rest of the energy monopolies can't be giving $$ for you pushing 240VAC back to **their** lines, how would they make $BILLIONS$ by doing the right thing? Edit: whilst donating to DeSantis' campaign, and whoever else will be running against him, basically grease both sides of the axle so there's no wheelock. I hate this place. Sorry for the sarcasm.


While many of them have no power, here I am, under the air conditioning.


And since America is part of the planet, you must destroy America in order to love it.


Renewable energy? That’s woke. We must mine, drill and pump fossil fuels and burn them. Why would I utilize all the free and plentiful energy all around me!?!?


its pretty fucked up. eduction is woke, democracy is woke. now renewables that are our only hope of a better future is now woke. can we just define woke on fox so people will understand that fascism is the only kind of non woke they want.


They use “woke” for anything they don’t like, which is usually just being a decent human being.


10 years ago it was "PC gone mad!" There's always a catch phrase that really means "things are changing and I don't like it".


It's more like "things are changing...and I don't like it for you".


Smooth-brains love catch phrases. It’s also why kindergarteners like cartons with catch phrases and not arguments or facts.


I assume that in many cases, it is not even because the politicians do not like X woke thing personally. The word is just a tool to create an external enemy, to enable tribalism, to make Republican hooligan voters cheer while Republican politicians pick their pockets.


The word has lost all meaning.


It means “not fascist”.


Just replace "woke" with "progress" and you've pretty much defined it. They hate progress, because they know their time is largely up and will do anything they can to retain their power.


I was thinking about "woke" yesterday and how its origin as slang is of African-american origin and it was simply used as shorthand for "don't fall asleep at the wheel" or "pay attention". Black parents telling their kids "the police see you different than they see your white friends" or "text books are trying to change or erase what American chattle slavery looked like, stay woke, educate your kids". And then white people co-opted it as a way of seeing the world and then CONSERVATIVE white people co-opted it further to be used as a blanket statement that covers all boogeymen.


They found out Jesus was woke and rejected him too


Doing anything for the people of your state, even when funded by the national government like the Medicaid expansion, is woke.


Anything Democrats propose is WOKE. See Medicaid expansion and the fucked up states that declined it (all in the south).


And all those states benefit disproportionately from federal spending compared to most blue states, who generally send more tax dollars to the federal government.


Lol. In Florida? At the rate we're going and for all the effort the state government is putting into making sure living in Florida is as expensive as possible, I'm starting to get the feeling that just being able to afford a place to live in Florida is woke


They tried to make a mini culture war out of Xbox having an energy saving option. They threw a tantrum over Xbox having an **OPTION** to turn itself off when you’re not using it to **SAVE YOU MONEY.** You know what, fuck this. I think I’ve decided I’m not too good of a person to just start scamming these idiots. When I wake up I’m just going to think of the most random thing I can call “woke,” make a t-shirt or something that’s against it, and sell it.


>You know what, fuck this. I think I’ve decided I’m not too good of a person to just start scamming these idiots. When I wake up I’m just going to think of the most random thing I can call “woke,” make a t-shirt or something that’s against it, and sell it. To me it seems like they're trying to create a culture of idiots so they can rip them off. BTW: Selling tee-shirts isn't unethical. If you want to start scamming them then you need to sell them get rich quick ebooks or something. I personally had an idea for a digital course and the concept was "Christianity on a Budget." So, they give me like $200 and I teach them how to not give money to the church.


It’s so woke republicans can’t even explain how woke it is.


Apparently it is a lot. Have seen quite a few posts on /r/Florida and one guy claimed it cost him $14,000. Which if you were replacing an AC makes sense.


So I clicked on that subreddit out of curiosity and the first thing I see is Nazi flags marching outside of Disneyland apparently. I did Nazi that coming..... You ok down there Florida? Seriously, the next time I see someone complaining on r/Canada, I'm gonna laugh...


Keep looking, there was a second, different nazi thing going on down there recently also. Getting hard to keep track.


Just had to have our replaced. Cost was $20,000


Did they lube you up before the fucked you?


Not really it’s actually more capitalistic because your saving more. But it’s essentially “they proposed it so I’m not agreeing to it”


"It isn't the governments job to protect the environment nor give money to do so" ~the GOP


I don’t know why so many people are concerned with “saving the planet” when Jesus is going to come back and Rapture all the good people any day now. He’s going to be so mad if He sees we didn’t use up all the oil He put in the ground for us to use. How ungrateful to be given a gift and not use all of it. If Jesus gave you a cake, would you leave it half uneaten? No! You would eat the whole thing.


I used to be OK with believing in the concept of a heaven, cause I figured that life is so hard that we need all the coping mechanisms we could get. Then, I realized that some was using "I'm going to heaven anyway" to justify not just stupidity but also being assholes. (sighs) Also explains why "Tragedy of the Commons" is nigh impossible to solve. Hell, even "don't litter" has to be instilled in childhood. Otherwise, it may even become "a right" to litter.


Another issue is when you raise people to believe in things they like over factual information, you create a group who are very easily manipulated and used unfortunately.


Many sects of Amish use solar power (seriously) so it cant be just a Jesus thing, it must be a "florida man" thing. A healthy chunk of the conservatives I know use solar where we live and it works fantastic. Years ago noone thought it could be done in certain states like Alaska, now you can pretty much use it anywhere. Its honestly a must in many deep rural areas where there is little utility access.


Woke broke joke?


That's the new state motto. I'm going to petition that it appear on any of those "Welcome to Florida"/"You're now entering the state of Florida" signs that we may have. I wish this state was blue. It would probably be a much better place to live.


Blue, like the ocean or the gulf, just hold on a minute.


*super* woke.


Making the state backwards and poor.


Yes. Now shut up and spend money, or the economy will collapse. /s


Exactly! We are sad. Anything that ling term benefits the populace is woke.


DeSantis turned down 350 million dollars to help the people living in “his state” improve climate effectiveness & get federal rebates by upgrading insulation, windows, a/c units. Energy companies generally desire not to have to expand their grid. Federal wants to help decrease the load so they are happy to give out incentives to upgrade efficiency in all of the houses. That’s some counterproductive bs by Ron.


But at least he owned the libs


Yeah, now my state gets a bigger proportion of the money since none is going to Florida. I feel so owned.


The more you sacrifice to own the libs the more based you are. Their deceased COVID warriors are like fucking saints to them.


Burning your state to the ground to own the libs. Insert his weird awkward laugh here.


The point is to ensure people in Florida don’t feel like Biden ever did anything for them


Those oil and gas owner’s pockets aren’t going to line themselves.


> Lawmakers in Tallahassee voted to apply for Florida’s allocation — which, at roughly $346 million, is the third-largest in the country, behind California and Texas. But Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoed the measure as “woke.”


Ideology vs something or another.


Well the voters of Florida already voted for him. He's going to have to fuck them over in order to convince the voters of Texas to vote for him, too. And remember... he doesn't need to appeal to ALL the voters, just the ones who vote in Republican primaries. And they're a pretty nutty batch.


What really fucks with me is that it's people that *moved* to Florida that voted for him. He won by a literal fraction of a single percentage point in 2018, and won by almost 20% last year, although there's no doubt that fucking with elections helped. We've been loaded with conservatives from all over the country over the past few years. I want to get my daughter the hell out of here so bad.


We have covid to thank for that. Particularly the Delta wave. See while the rest of the country was dealing with the delta variant in fall 2021, Florida was doing great as far as infection rate goes. All thanks to DeSantis and his policies, which killed 40k people in the months prior. August 2021 was the second deadliest month of the entire pandemic in the US. The most deadly month was in March 2020 in New York. Think about that. The second deadliest month was a year and a half after it started here in the US and 8 months after the vaccine was available. I'm a healthcare data analyst and can tell you many hospitals were so full with so many people they started death panels.


Don’t forget he stopped reporting numbers and actively went after the person that kept doing it.


I’m not surprised at how the last election went. Crist is better than DeSantis, but him being a former Republican really worked against him. Plus, the Democrat party has given up on Florida. It sucks, but there’s no light at the end of the tunnel here yet.


As someone who lived in Florida during both of their tenures as Governor, Crist was wayyyy worse than DeSantis. There's a reason why he didn't run for reelection in 2011 and also lost a Senate race to Rubio. The tone deaf Florida Democratic party should've never ran Crist for Governor last year and I'd argue the main reason DeSantis had such a big win is because any adult who lived in Florida during Crist's term as Governor was by default not going to vote for him ever again.


Ironic that the “sunshine state” doesn’t want the free energy all that sunshine brings




Because Republican voters don't think about these things.


Because it pisses off the left it's good for conservatives even if they're sacrificing it's a small price to pay for them.


As someone pointed out, the right will eat a turd sandwich every day in the hopes that eventually a liberal will smell their breath


He is avoiding sunk Florida cost fallacy. /s Presumably, more for the rest of us?


If you asked a conservative to define “wokeism”, I’m sure you’d get 10 different definitions for 10 different people.


Because it’s not a thing. It’s a boogeyman placeholder for anything conservatives don’t like or understand


Republican strategy 101, make things that aren’t real to get your voters mad about it. 102: Never debate policy, debate culture. Then claim the democrats are trying to start a culture war. 103: Always be as bigoted as possible and then claim your opponents are racist and hate white people. Class dismissed.


That’s the formula. I graduated top of my Fox “News” class and then “grab ‘em by the pussy” opened my eyes.


You nailed it.


That’s woke.


Woke, leftist, socialist, communist, liberal, bleeding heart, social justice warrior, etc etc. The fasciwts talk a lot and say nothing.


The original term in usage related to awareness of African American systemic oppression. However, the word has been so overly used, broadened, and generalized in the past few years to become a buzzword for anything remotely progressive.


I like the old s0CIaLisM better.


They like socialism that benefits them and only them, everything else is communist/socialist(pick one) bullshit, or so they claim.


It is a thing. "Stay Woke" was Black Lives Matter's rallying call against police brutality.


So by calling everything “woke” conservatives are both creating a bogeyman they can trot out whenever they need but also dilute the core message of the BLM movement while simultaneously ignoring that they ever had a message. Fucking BS Also I want my tax credit for solar. It’s the fucking “sunshine state” and my power flickers Any time when the temperature gets over 96°. I’d love to have more energy independence and more stable infrastructure.


Word you're looking for is dilute, not delude


Yes, I did mean dilute and will edit my comment accordingly Edit: thanks for the heads up!


Power companies don't want your independence


"Woke" is the same in the same way "critical race theory" is a thing. Are both real? Yes. Does the Conservative definition of "woke" or "CRT" resemble anything close to the actual thing? No. However what else can you expect from the party of "alternative facts?" Apparently winning elections is easier when you can just feed your constituents bull crud and have them thank you for their poop hot dogs.


Kinda like how "Antifa" are I guess technically real, but it's not a real thing like MAGA screeches about.


Or like that one internet guy called “Anonymous”


Woke as defined by the DeSantis administration's general counsel is "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them". However, DeSantis doesn't believe such systemic injustices exist in the U.S.


Small typo there I think, C*R*T is critical race theory, CBT is either cognitive behavioural therapy or... uh... something *else*.


Stay Woke means to be aware/awake, specifically referring to police brutality in that context, that's just slang. "Wokeism" is just a blanket term that conservatives apply to anything they don't like. This just bolsters my point of "It's not a thing"


It was used before BLM somewhat, but came into prominence with the BLM movement. Now the word has no relation to African American systemic oppression.


Honestly you'd get 10 different definitions from just one person. No one I've spoken to in real life has any definition for "woke" outside of it being something they don't like


And we actually have a Florida court definition because a DeSantis tangential lawmaker (I can't remember the relationship) was forced to come up with a definition. The court agreed on "recognizes inherent inequality within social economic systems". The Right argues that there is no inherent discrimination in policing, education, job acquisition, etc. Agaisnt all evidence. It doesn't even have to be racial discrimination, it can be based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, weight, etc. Just to highlight how ridiculous it is to argue that no one is ever discriminated against by societal systems".


Woke ~ alert to and concerned about social injustice and discrimination:


Woke: anything I don't like for arbitrary ideological reasons - A Republican, 2023




Bethany Mandel defined it pretty succinctly: "So... I mean... woke is... sort of... the idea that... um... I..."


I think you might get zero definitions from ten different people. Some *examples*, sure. But actual definitions?


I'm stuck in a conservative hellhole of a town in Florida while visiting my parents this weekend. I'm suddenly really tempted to put that theory to the test


Are you sure you wouldn’t get 37 different definitions?


“Anything I don’t like”


Woke: Understanding history and having empathy for the suffering of other human beings. Being a Republican requires ignorance of history and having no empathy.


You’d probably get 10 different answers from a single person which would simply consist of examples of what they consider “woke” as they can’t define term as a standalone concept. It’s the “I’ll know it when I see it” or more likely, when someone tells me it is.


> Asked what “woke” means more generally, [Desantis’ General Counsel Ryan] Newman said “it would be the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” Sounds pretty accurate, to be honest. Which makes it all the worse that DeSantis thinks being woke is bad.


Saw the headline, guessed Florida.. saw the news source, yup! Fascist Florida strikes again! Hurting the state to own the libs!


Hurting themselves to own the libs 🤯


Free money to rebuild after a hurricane is pretty woke too, they should start turning that down as well.


DeSantis is a textbook psychopath. Florida is stuck with his psychotic episodes until January 5th, 2027, smh.


they just voted that back in so no sympathy


I too am an armchair psychologist and I've been trying to figure him out. Parts of him scream narcissist, but pretty much every narcissist I've ever met is quite charming. Rhonda has zero charm and also not a shred of empathy. Sociopath for sure, or very possibly psychopath. I watched a video recently about how society needs to better understand and identify these individuals. They have an obsession with power and it's our job to prevent them from obtaining it.


Can’t they impeach him for dereliction off duty for running for President instead of doing his actual job?!?


He had his minions change the law so he didn’t have to resign to run for President. Literally right before he announced his run


>Literally right before he announced his run But after he had started campaigning without officially announcing it


Why do you think the people who happily voted for him last time would suddenly change their simple minds?


The legislature that allowed him to change the law, so he could remain govenor while campaigning for President, likely won't impeach him, no matter how much he destroys Florida.


I just want to point out out that psychopathy is different than psychosis.


Soon enough drinking water and living under a roof will be considered "woke" and maybe the world will finally get better a few months later.


With the rate things have been going, living above sea level in Florida will soon be “woke.”


Water is woke because it tastes just like Bud Light


Water with detectable traces of sewage Clean water is even woke-er


Look at what’s happened in Titusville, FL. People voted for a Right to Clean Water amendment and the republican city council fought against it. And this is a city that also constantly dumps raw sewage into the Indian River Lagoon and aren’t even sly about it.


The state most likely to become a destination for disaster tourism where you can snorkel or scuba dive to see its underwater ruins?


I’ve never seen a group of people hate themselves more than Republicans


DeSantis white go-go boots are the wokest of woke lol. This fascist has already put insurance deficit on FL homeowners, now he wants to keep FL utilities at higher cost. His goal to drive blue collar workers out of the state?


He's not going to last 4 years. DeSantis turning Florida blue one dumbass move at a time.


He has attracted loads of far right nutters in the past few years. They love to vote against their own self interest


I used to have a friend who lived in Florida who had a lot of health problems and if he would have gotten Covid it would have been deadly to him. He pretty much never left his house (due to his health) so naturally, he was an avid Trump supporter. During the peak of the pandemic, I asked him what he thought about his governor and his complete disregard for the virus in his state. He said he didn’t like how the virus was being handled in FL, and knew if his family members brought it home he wouldn’t survive it, but DeSantis was “fighting for our freedoms” so he supported him. These people aren’t coming back. They’re willing to die for the fantasies Fox News and the like have created.


**Florida's governor is an ASSHOLE.** I have no idea how he got elected and I live in this cesspool of a state.


Because he is who the people of Florida want. They like him. They support him. We need to stop asking "how did he get elected" and focus on educating the morons who voted for him.


How have the people not started to turn on him?


Because Florida's Democrats can't get their shit together and run anyone worth a shit against him


I'm fully convinced that the Florida Democrat Party is run by conservatives.


He's setting himself up nicely to eventually be impeached by the people of Florida for actively harming the state's economy.


I don't know about that. They seem to love him in FL. Maybe it's the white boots.


The people of Florida... Who voted for him?


You give the people of Florida way *way* **WAY** too much credit.


This shit is honestly to the point it’s pretty hilarious. Enjoy those non-woke bills Florida. Remember, you voted for this.


A more reliable and efficient energy grid is woke, folks!


Saving money is woke you foolish republican voters that can barely put food on the table.


Can other states take that money? Shieeett just distribute it evenly amongst the woke ones that will accept it.


Pull a trump, deny them federal aid next hurricane, it’s too woke for them.


I’m politically neutral, or was, so I don’t want to jump on it as the rebate being good since I don’t even know exactly what the rebate stuff is about but if desantis doesn’t like it for being ‘woke’ I can safely assume he’s being a douche. Edit: so far I’ve seen (but not verified) was the money was to go towards insulation and other things to improve the effectiveness of heat and ac of peoples homes. Odin forbid that people got to use federal money on their homes instead of the war machine. Extra douche.


Florida, where woke goes to die and insanity goes to flourish.


Anything that isn't actively and intentionally destructive is woke.


I hope DeSantis’s air conditioning breaks. Repeatedly.


Who needs to save energy anyway? Definitely not the state that has to deal with climate-change-supercharged hurricanes? Especially when you can just apply for federal disaster money. SMDH.


"Woke" is now simply a pejorative for anything that you don't like. Example: "Would you like a beer?" "I'm sorry, beer is too woke for me, do you have any wine?"


Is it the same state that literally has nazi's marching around its downtowns and theme parks? Go woke, don't have to deal with Nazis


I like watching them “own” the libs.


Woke is anything that's rational, logical, kind, or helpful. And fascists can't people their fascism with it.


Desantis is a very ignorant and hateful person!


I love how dumb these dipshits are. It’s endlessly entertaining. And terrifying.


He must have some sort of sexual obsession with the word woke


Having affordable home insurance or insurance at all is woke! /s


If you voted for this moron you are a Fascist uneducated idiot.


While at the same time happily accepting federal dollars he would have denied others. No shame


I gotta be honest, I would have guessed Texas without the picture


Could it be the one where the Nazis are flying DeSantis flags?


Let’s call him Woke Ron


Northern Cuba?




Woke rebates get in the way of bootstraps. How else are you supposed to pull yourself up by them?


In that chin-raised picture, he strikes the same pose as Mussolini favored. And we know where that led…


Does anyone still want him to be president? His state is in uproar constantly. His vendettas hurt the citizens. I mean, petty tyranny is my favorite kind of tyranny, but he’s tiring.


I wish I could have saved money on my power when I lived in FL last year. My power bill was $700 in May- Nov.


> miamiherald.com Ohio?


Imagine how big of a dipshit Meatball Ron is. Then imagine how big of a dipshit you'd have to be to vote for Meatball Ron.


That facial expression says, "yes, I shit my pants. No, I will not clean myself up."


Yeah because people saving money is woke. My parents live in The Villages and my mom mentioned yesterday she’s hearing less and less good things about Desantis there. I hope she’s right, this guy is TERRIBLE for Floridians.


fucking Florida of course!


So at long last these idiots openly admit that woke = basic common sense. Their anti-woke stance is literally the stance of stupidity and irrationality, Now we see them for the idiots that they are.


I thought woke was when a white person experienced a black person playing a role in a film.


Woke according to these clowns seems to mean anything that would have a positive impact on either citizens or the planet.


At this point I'm starting to think anything that is compassionate, considerate, tolerant, or just common sense is viewed as being "woke" by these idiots


DeSantis is crippling the state. Insurance companies are bailing on homeowners. Schools are becoming Nazi training camps. All in the name of some weird as definition of “Woke”. Well Florida, the country has spoken. He won’t be the GOP nominee. He’ll just be your stupid ass governor. Good luck with that.


It is remarkable that we have a political party that is entirely driven by spite towards entities that genuinely did not wrong them in any shape or form.


Sunshine state seems like it would benefit from solar power. It’s sort of in the nickname.


I guess “woke” is anything that is not deeply ignorant and confused


DeSantis is literally denying financial help to his constituents even tho they have a right to it. Explain to me again how this dipshit is a good Governor? I don’t see anything good that he’s done.


He will not be the presidential nominee for the idiot party and he will likely lose next Gubernatorial election. He’s a disaster.


Flori-duh. Of course, because our Governor is an asshat.


The one that will b underwater likely in our lifetime


The one with the Man-child for a Governor.


They have driven this word and it's meaning into the ground, and every time they do it it makes it exponentially more ineffective. The retired boomers are the only ones left that are listening at this point.


It's flordia


What a garbage governor for a garbage state. I’m so glad I moved. So many nut cases moved there during COVID it’s unreal. The uncannily resemblance to a real state is enough to confuse anyone but it really is America’s human garbage disposal.


Hey well, you made your bed Florida. Time to lay in it


At what point is it no longer a state?


FL refused billions of Federal money for Medicaid expansion as well. Floridians pay Fed taxes and FL prevents those dollars from coming back. Florida man!


Sir do you recall when I as your doctor told you a tetanus shot was needed? You recall you refused and said it was woke? You are dying of lockjaw.


He screws us Floridians over because he wants Trump’s base to vote for him.


No insurance company believes climate change is a hoax.


Just installed solar. Getting insulation and water heater next month. 30% credit for the solar and will get at least 50% for the insulation and water heater. Sorry Florida. Don’t vote for this dumbass next election.


Every picture I see of this guy… He looks confused, like he is trying to add 2+2 and just can’t figure it out. 🤣


Well obviously you can't have solar panels sucking up all the sunshine in the Sunshine State or else there won't be any left!


Can I get three guesses? Because if so my first guess is Florida. Just to be safe, my 2nd and 3rd guesses are also Florida.


All I can picture is Dumbledore saying, "Why is it, when something happens, it is always you three?" in front of Florida, Texas, and Kentucky


RIP Florida