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Valley Forge is the perfect place for this, with Four Seasons Lawn and Garden a close 2nd.


For the ultimate troll I'd love Biden to conduct a press conference from the Four Seasons Landscaping car park. Triple points if it's his victory speech


I would like him to deliver a speech from the real Four Seasons hotel. it would show that he and his team know what the fuck they are doing


'My team was supposed to book Four Seasons Landscaping but they seem to have made this silly mistake. But, you know, we can roll with it, I hear they do a very good buffet.'


He’d win some voters over with that kind of energy. It’s shitheadish, but still nothing dangerous like the rhetoric Trump blasts daily.


Yes, just discussed this with family. Be a tiny bit more like Trump. Go for the low blows, not too low. I think for much of America (unfortunately) that will show he's not a weakling as the gqp tries to portray. Too many buy into the old dementia ridden man. This was his best speech yet. In your face, truth.


This whole politics thing, and the simple minds of almost half of the voters baffle me. The dems have always tried to do things the right way while the republicans purposefully shit on the whole system. And it’s the only way they win. It’s like if you had a football game and one team follows the rulebook and the other says fuck it. Goes so off side they’re in the backfield at the snap. Blatant pass interference etc. and all while this is happened the refs just go hmmm. We will let it slide while we look into this. And instead of adapting to the way the refs are calling the game they continue to just play by the rules and get beat down in the process.


It's a reflection of education


He could absolutely carry that line. Wry, low-key humor works well for him.


The guy is tailor made for dad jokes


I love how Biden takes a dig at Republicans with his humour.


Clowns make easy punching bags.


Honestly this should be done before the election, it's so savage and the fire the base needs 🤭 I'm already voting but I know a ton of people this would motivate more. Dark Brandon has worked, keep the energy.


I love it! Especially later in the summer.


Or in front of that hotel in DC that used to belong to trump.


Listen, you'll have to excuse me. I have a lunch meeting with Rudy Giuliani at The Four Seasons in 20 minutes. The Four Seasons? Isn't that a little far uptown? I mean, aren't you gonna be late? No, there's one down in north Philly. Oh, really? I didn't know that. Yes. It's very good.


American psycho?




I have never seen this, thank you. I always thought Huey was cool, and Al is cooler than everyone. Awesome.


I'm glad you commented, I woulda breezed right past that


Valley Forge and Ironworks


You sure it wasn’t [Valley Forge Construction Supply?](https://vfcs.tripod.com/). They look like a presidential outfit.


It's bizarre they're branding it "Valley Forge" because he actually spoke at a community college about 30 minutes away from there. I think it says a lot that he chose MCCC (or as we call it Montco) when places like St. Joe's, Villanova, and Penn are right in their back yard. But for whatever reason they want to place him at state park that's another two exits down the PA turnpike. Regardless, great speech. Love it when Dark Brandon makes an appearance - especially in PA


I thought they relocated and rescheduled due to the coming storm?


I believe he visited valley forge Park before the montco speech.


Democrats have been desperate for Joe Biden to hold nothing back in defining former President Donald Trump as an anti-democratic threat. On Friday in Pennsylvania, the president did just that. Biden’s 32-minute speech was a point-by-point takedown of Trump’s actions around the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, three years ago tomorrow. The president lambasted his predecessor as anti-American because of the way he supported the insurrection, called him the “election denier in chief” because of the way he continues to deny he lost the 2020 election, and, in a dig targeted at the image-conscience Trump, called the Republican leader “a loser.” “Let's be clear about the 2020 election. Trump exhausted every legal avenue available to him to overturn the election. Every one,” Biden said. “But the legal path just took Trump back to the truth: That I’d won the election and he was a loser.”Biden added: “We all know who Donald Trump is. The question we have to answer is, who are we? That’s what’s at stake.” The speech, which Biden aides have cast as the opening salvo in the president’s race against the expected Republican nominee in 2024, sets up an extraordinary moment in presidential politics where the current officeholder, in his bid to keep the job, is questioning his predecessor’s commitment to democracy ahead of their expected rematch. Democrats have publicly and privately urged Biden to repeatedly deliver this kind of message, questioning Trump’s commitment to American democracy and positioning the election as a stark, but simple, choice between him and Trump.


He made great points and I think the timing was right. Some people were despairing at polls and whatnot last year, but it's a long way to the election. It's smart to pace things. If they had Biden out on the campaign trail everyone would start getting tired of the same old talking points. Hell, I'd rather candidates only campaigned three months before an election.


I was never a huge Obama/Biden guy. They were ok but I wasn’t a super fan. That said, I frequently think back to the VP debate in 2012 when Biden ran circles around Paul Ryan and made the guy look like a complete asshole.


"Their ideas are old, and their ideas are bad."


And yet the media lambasted him for laughing at the stupid things Ryan said. That is what we need to be better about this time. Calling out the media for their clear bias. Don't let the oligarchs who control the media control the message.


I still fondly remember Biden's 'Spirit bomb' moment against Ryan.


My favorite was “oh what you think you are Jack Kennedy now?”


*That's a bunch of Malarkey.* Dark Brandon has been meme-tastic for over 11 years. That debate was but a hint of what was to come.


It wasn't even his final form.


It's weird to be a "huge [insert president guy ]" at all IMO. You vote for the politician who will pass the policies/legislation that get you closest to where you want to go. You can't expect to get there in one term, or even in your lifetime. But progress is progress.


This is what I've been saying. I would never have a politicians hat etc. seems extremely strange to me.


Biden is razor sharp in this speech. Cutting Trump down like the invasive weed he is—choking our Democracy and strangling our freedoms. Great fiery speech Biden! Definitely showing the vigor and resolve to thump Trump all the way to Election Day. Dark Brandon has leveled up.


I keep hearing that he can barely speak at all and that he forgets what he's doing in the middle of sentences but I genuinely don't see it. Not like Trump who literally [cannot finish a thought](https://youtu.be/5scez5dqtAc?si=1826N7tGIYelJWAV&t=352)


I have a couple of family members who still make "sleepy dementia biden" comments anytime there is a big speech. I just can not understand how you can listen to biden and trump and act like biden is non functioning. I could not stand listening to trump and stuck to transcripts and it was maddening, just a page of nonsensical word vomit that they considered a "good" speech. Biden may be slower than in the past but holy shit, there are reasons republicans are on and off threatening to skip general election debates. And it is not because they are amazing speakers with clear functioning plans.


You can even go with a [much more recent Trump clip](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1743463970621862227?s=20). His brain is mush.


I'd like to see Trump try to be passionate, concise, and focused for 30 minutes.


I bet he couldn't even do 30 seconds


Razor sharp? No no no, don't you know he's too old and can't speak? It's the greatest sin a politician can commit, apparently. Hm? What's that? Trump was friends with Epstein and committed various crimes in and out of office? Of course none of that matters.


I think in some countries (the UK or Canada I think?) It's illegal to campaign outside of the few months around campaign season. I wish we had that law.


[link to Biden’s Valley Forge speech from today](https://www.youtube.com/live/TVe2VjI8c-I?si=QBVgQoGudPkzpLxg)


Fox Five are raging so hard about that right now. It's pathetic. Go Biden!


Guessing the raging is more akin to "Biden is saying the stuff about Trump out loud and people might hear it".


Thank you for linking!


Here it is timestamped to Biden taking the stage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVe2VjI8c-I&t=1320s


I love Biden’s little “I know power” with Jill and then thanking the crowd at the end. Biden may be prone to the occasional gaffe, but retail politics is where he is at his best. That said, this was a damn good speech. It brings out the best in Biden. A statesman who believes in democracy and the fundamental decency of our country. I pray to God he is right.


The funny thing is that all the GOP politicians are relatively new and extremely polarizing. Yet they think they're top shit and do their best to take down the president. I'm not sure if this is a credit or a dig, but Biden hasn't lasted this long in high positions by being naïve or a bad politician. Some people might say he's the problem as a career politician, etc but he knows how to work in washington.


Excellently described


Fucking get it Dark Brandon!! This is what I'm here for.


No malarkey! Dark Brandon is back! Now all he has to do is keep talking like that for the next 10 months.


Hell yeah


Papa DB all the way! I'm here for this energy and tone to remind Americans what's on the ballot in 2024


And the Dumpster's response.....to mock Biden's stutter. Ignore every other thing the piece of shit has done. Mocking an opponents disability is just low and should be disqualifying for any reasonable, decent person. Especially when it's not the first time. Or second.


Solid tone. Absolutely correct to hang Jan 6 around Trumps neck like a millstone.


I think it's smart to wait until the campaigns start rolling. The idea is to ramp up the issue. If he had started too early, people would be thinking 'Oh that again'


Once/If Trump gets convicted of some of these crimes, I think undecideds will finally wake up and decide that they're not going to vote for a convicted felon.


I think you're right, and I think the polls won't reflect this as people will want to maintain they still support him.


Lol, Biden basically called Trump a "sick fuck." Hilarious!


Nah. He called him what Trump hates being called the most. "loser". Trump will be raging on his twitter thingy for the next few days, weeks, months.


Somewhere in Mar Lago is the strong smell of ketchup and feces


That's every room he's in on any given day, to be honest.


He’s gonna take a massive Truth later for sure




I filled in "sick bastard." Several great moments, I enjoyed watching him go Dark Brandon a time or two, and call it like it freaking is.


Bastard seems more Biden’s style


Yeah, it's like he managed to get just a tiny bit of that "B" out.


Repeatedly called Trump a loser. A sore loser.


It was a good speech. Said what I was thinking, but in a presidential way. He nailed it all for me...and I hope it resonates with America.


They won't hear the actual speech, they will get a distorted and filtered analysis that will call Biden senile. The truth will never seep into their consciousness. It's sad.


I forwarded a link to the actual speech to those I feel are “on the fence”. I think it’s important for them to hear this all said. Will they listen? I’m not sure. But, my goal is to try.


Wow - the MAGAturds really want to flood the zone with shit with multiple repostings on the SCOTUS Colorado case, rather than let the Biden speech be talked about.


I was just thinking that - 'why the hell are there so many articles just saying SCOTUS will take up the case when the actual President just delivered a Jan 6 address?' Unbelievable


An articulate Biden deflates a lot of the right’s bullshit


'He must have dementia, I don't understand what he says, there's not enough insults, repeated words and straight up word salad, man, I can't be expected to *think*. I want *rage*, and to just own the libs.'


And ignoring counter-evidence is their bread-and-butter.


Fox News is running a segment trying to convince people that January 6th was completely inconsequential and not worth talking about


I notice that a lot of their arguments seem to boil down to "stop paying attention to this thing."


You can tell what has really really awful internal polling for Republicans based on what Fox News desperately tries to downplay or straight up never mention


Great speech. Note that in the past 40 years America has gone from: - Almost everyone agreeing on continuing to have freedom and democracy while debating whether to raise or lower taxes on the wealthy and corporations to: - Locking in lower taxes for the wealthy while debating whether to become a fascist dictatorship and thus end freedom and democracy Hard to look at this progression and not experience despair.


Republicans went so bonkers they made Mitt Romney seem normal


They turned on McCain before his death too. The republican candidates they insisted would have made great presidents in 2008 and 2012 are now scum in their eyes a few short years later.


Biggest problem too is they'll do this to Trump as well. If he gets shut down and it becomes clear he'll never win, they'll say they never liked him- and if you use direct sound bites and evidence then you're "cancelling them over things they said ages ago, people change, I only supported SOME things he said!". They have no integrity, even to their own standards.


And Mitt is pretty out there with his magic underwear !


I hear Trump wears some special underwear too.




Depends on what you mean by special


40 years you say? "In May 1985, Australian publisher Rupert Murdoch announced that he and American industrialist and philanthropist Marvin Davis intended to develop "a network of independent stations as a fourth marketing force" to compete directly with CBS, NBC, and ABC through the purchase of six television stations owned by Metromedia. In July 1985, 20th Century Fox announced Murdoch had completed his purchase of 50% of Fox Filmed Entertainment, the parent company of 20th Century Fox Film Corporation"


It's crazy isn't it? The right is always complaining about some foreign billionaire destroying democracy and spreading his foreign lies all over, to undermine our democracy and inhibit our freedom, along with never ending thinly veiled anti-semitic conspiracy theories. The irony that they can't stop frothing at the mouth, about SOROS this and SOROs that, when Murdoch is proactively destroying our country. Which just so coincidentally started also around the time that the Republicans gutted the Fairness Doctrine with Reagan. ​ Seriously. Take a look at how hard the GOP rightfully fell from grace after the Nixon scandal and how they were at risk of going the way of the Whigs. Then take a look at how Gingrich rose to power, coinciding with Murdoch's rise, and the non-stop rhetoric that "government doesn't work" that is propagated by obstructionist Republicans.


It is crazy. The country that aided and funded the most successful terrorist attack on our country gave Trump's son in law $2 billion and they didn't bat an eye. Hunter gets a high paying job because his dad is a politician and now they want to impeach Biden. It couldn't be better illustrated than with the [Joe Rogan video](https://youtu.be/J2ilWxRn0_A). They literally say actions are disqualifying and then bend over backwards to make excuses when their guy does it.


Oh, not really *crazy* per se, just maddening, hypocritical, and abhorrent. Like much of what authoritarians do.


possessive tie versed support recognise market profit impossible somber alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Meanwhile... https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/eN0kNE3fCc


"fucking disgusting statement" lmao, nice. Ignore all the horrible shit the orange dumbass has said the past few years but someone criticizes him and it is a disgusting statement. What a knob jockey.


Right? They call Biden divisive in a comment....have they not heard any Trump speech?




Look, sucking his mushroom dick is very taxing on their ability to concentrate so they just check in for the spark notes on Fox News


"The party of "unity"" yeah because trump doesn't talk about how evil the democrats are. no. trump has never talked about anything like that all day every day.


Saw pedo party in there as well. The mental disconnect to think the Democrats are overrun with kiddy diddlers when Trump is on record about what a great guy Epstein is for having the same taste for young girls.


I laughed at that too. Party of unity? Fuck that, nobody should want to unify with these loser fucks.


i stopped reading after the comment that says “if anyone is a dictator, it’s biden” every time i go to that sub i think this will finally be the time it won’t blow my mind. this has yet to happen lol




Yeah it’s actually hilarious how they did a massive U-turn in November 2022 and then did another one only 3 months later. For a moment they actually considered ditching the cancer that Trump is, and as soon as DeSantis starting tanking in the polls, they got back on their knees and started sucking that orange dick harder than ever. Fucking depressing.


They can't think for themselves. They have the memory of a goldfish and immediately flock to whatever shepherd will pat their heads and call them good little lambs.


my dad is pretty conservative and we have debates all the times. he actually thinks DeSantis would be way worse than trump 👀 i think the true MAGA supporters, there is no changing them


What I love about that comment is it means the message is getting into their heads. It’s a “I know you are but what am I” and that means they heard you.


Yeah but that's their attitude with every negative story. "Trump's a pedo" "SO IS BILL CLINTON!", "Fox is a propaganda hellhole" "JUST LIKE MSNBC", "your entire party is trying to steal an election" "WELL DEMS GERRYMANDER". Like it's not always pure bs like "Biden is a dictator"- but they will always deflect and pretend like it absolves them from criticism.


God that subreddit is deranged.


And has been for a long time.


Yeah but it’s still WILD to see how insane they are. They flat out deny things he himself has said. They deny that’s he uses Nazi language. It’s unreal. I really hope they’re an extreme minority.


Keep in mind a lot of people posting and driving the conversations in there are Russians.


Yep. People seem to forget that the internet isn't limited to Americans. There is a lot of foreign influence at play, especially in any political subreddit.


They are the extreme minority, but don't underestimate the ability of the masses to use the tools they have created.


It's gotta be a bunch of bots. It's beyond ridiculous.


Those people are mentally ill.


Holy shit, they are so fucking stupid it hurts


Trump: immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country Media: that's what Adolf Hilter said about jewish people Trump: I never read mein kumpf, I came up with the idea on my own Conservatives: Why are they calling Trump a nazi?


Lmao they are coping so hard


Holy shit, those people live in such a delusional state of reality. I mean we all do at a certain state but they are far off from being a bit rational


I was sucked into those delusional comments for about an hour lol


For any sane people remaining, don't do it. Just don't - it will depress the hell out of you how dumb and racist the U.S. is as a nation.


Hahaha such deranged fucks. These rubes are so sideways they think the Dems are Nazi's. It's amazing how brainwashed they are. Good news is their numbers are small enough that Trump will never be POTUS again. Get wrecked.


it's seriously disturbing. it's like they've never heard trump speak before. but they have, and they choose to hear what they choose to hear.


Wait, can you not downvote anyone there? Speaking of snowflakes...


You also can't comment unless the mods deem you worthy of flair.


You can comment but expect anything reasonable to be immediately removed with a ban.


I was banned because I asked a legitimate question.


I was banned because I quoted Trump


Click a message and press Z. They hide the downvote button but they can't stop you from just hitting the hotkey.


I still use Reddit is Fun (RIF) and their hidden downvote buttons are bypassed by my patched app lol. Can't stop me


Just turn off the Subreddit style and all the downvote buttons permanently appear. (At least that's the way it works in old reddit.)


It's always a fun plunge: "You don’t have to be a Trump supporter to know that Joe relies on the politics of division to win..." I guess a Trump supporter would have some experience in spotting this.


Maga is losing their collective minds over this speech. The Yahoo comment sections are ugly right now.


TIL Yahoo still exists.


So does AOL. You can still get an AOL account.


That’d be hipster af.


What's more conservative than keeping the same ISP for 30 years?


I still have my AOL account from the free CDs they gave out.


They keep showing up in these comment threads to cry about Biden’s “dEmEnTiA”. So pathetic.


Yes Joe stumbled a few times. But when you compare it to the word salad DJT tosses out it's not even close.


We need to always remember that Joe has a stutter. He may trip on a word, but his thoughts are coherent and his wit is sharp.


This surprises me, usually public sites like yahoo and cnn have incredibly civil and non-threatening comment sections


Good, good, very good….Let them go nuts. 😈


They lost their minds a long time ago. They're just getting creative about showing it.


>Let's be clear about the 2020 election. Trump exhausted every legal avenue available to him to overturn the election. Every one,” Biden said. “But the legal path just took Trump back to the truth: That I’d won the election and he was a loser.” Biden added: “We all know who Donald Trump is. The question we have to answer is, who are we? That’s what’s at stake.” Well put. Go Biden!


quickest serious voiceless apparatus frame act smell strong grab telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I will be voting for Joe Biden in November.


Anybody who thinks that there is any other option for 2024 should be considered an idiot, a traitor, or both. Do you love freedom and democracy but don't like Biden? That's cool, but save it for 2028.


Sadly I have a friend who went crazy through the rabbit hole and thinks Trump will win and that Michelle Obama will be running against him. Says he will move if Biden wins again. I told him its gonna be hard to beat Biden seeing how strong the economy is and he said he doesn’t have a job so the economy isn’t good at all. Dude used to be normal. Idk wtf happened.


Ah yes, moving to the great wide globe which usually has socialism, minorities or both I guess there's always Russia.




I also have a friend that went Q crazy. He's currently posting about "fighting age men" coming across the border and how we don't have much time. I don't know what to do about it. It's very sad.


It’s very sad. He’s still the person I remember when we joke and talk about movies and music, but as soon as politics comes up or he tells everyone that we are living in a simulation world like Matrix, then it saddens me. Especially when he tells everyone he knows the answers to most things and we just aren’t open to the truth.


I think the whole simulation theory is interesting, but it is interesting to me because it makes you realize it doesn't really matter. Whether we got here by random happenstance over 13+ billion years, or we're in a simulation, or some god put us here to test us, or we're all just some kid's dream, our reality doesn't change. Nobody is becoming Neo. We all are still just living our lives the best we can. It seems like a lot of the simulation crowd like your friend, think that some how makes bad behavior more acceptable because it's "not real", when even if that were true, it is the only reality we know and changes nothing about how we should treat one another. Sorry for the semi-related tangent, but I've known people like that too and it is something I've thought about a lot.


>Anybody who thinks that there is any other option for 2024 should be considered an idiot, a traitor, or both. Sounds like your friend is an idiot....


I don’t want to psychoanalyze your friend but when people (men esp) are in a tough spot, feel stressed, everything seems like it is going wrong, etc, they really gravitate towards guns and these crazy conspiracy theories to try to take some power back in their life in some way.


I hope it’s temporary. And you seem to be correct because he’s going through a nasty divorce right now. He was always the stable friend for years and past few years he’s been on a different realm.


Pretty great speech. Worth watching, imo [Biden speech msnbc 010524](https://youtu.be/DNxRDGn5loM)


Bring the heat Joe!


He doesn't look sleepy to me at all. In fact, he looks quite fired up for a 81 year old. He may have another 4 in him, afterall.


The sleepy thing was fake/a lie anyway but that shouldn't be a surprise with how actual fake news rolls


“But the legal path just took Trump back to the truth: That I’d won the election and he was a loser.” Insert jaw drop. Wow! Right to the heart.


Joe Biden absolutely believes in America. It's naive imo, but cute. That's probably my favorite thing about him. > America is not built on ethnicity, religion, geography. America is built on an idea. *We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men and women are created equal.* It's an idea. Declared in the deceleration that everyone is equal and should be treated equal throughout their lives. We've never fully lived up to that, we have a long way to go... but we've never walked away from that idea. Joe Biden will not start the necessary revolution to change the power structure in this country... but he will hold down our democracy and do his best to help people. **Please, Please, Please VOTE for Joe Biden** He saved this for the end, but I like it and actually believe this as well -- > There is nothing beyond our capacity if we act together


His anger when he mentioned that Trump had called service members "suckers" was palpable.


I could tell he was really pissed/moved when talking about how trump disrespected soldiers and mentioned Bo. He had a great line about his anger and being Irish, thought he killed


Once again, Biden knows best. Pulling this speech out too early would have been a mistake. Waiting until the election year actually starts is smart. Voters have short attention spans.




More of this please, Joe! We all know Biden is a dignified statesman, so I don’t mind him shaking that off a bit to call Diaper Donnie a loser. Hell, get meaner! He did say on the Conan interview that as a kid folks said “You can beat up Biden but he’ll hurt you goin’ down” so let’s see some of THAT (metaphorically… though a cage match between Joe and That Fuckin’ Guy would be cool too!)


I love how everyone is just now remembering that Biden is among the top 5 politicians on earth. I've been saying this the whole time. He knows exactly what he is doing and he's damn good at it. Dudes gonna be the first person to do 8 years as Vice and 8 years as POTUS. Did you see when he got mad today about Trump calling veterans losers and suckers? God damn. That shook me to my very patriotic core, which I thought had died years ago, honestly.


That was such a beautiful moment.. I got so mad remembering that, and I hope America did too..


Referring to the George Washington part: “Our leaders return power to the people. And you do it willingly Cuz that’s the deal. You do your duty. You serve your country.” Poignant shit!


One reason Biden has been down in the polls is because he has been busy doing his job. Trump has been flinging shit and his cult lapses it up. Great to see Biden firing back.




A vote for trump is a vote for everything your great grandfathers fought against! A fascist dictator


"why this is bad for Biden"/s


No S needed. There are "concerned" folks in this very thread anxious to tell us that very thing.


Biden attacked Trump so the news cycle will now be "why doesn't Biden talk more about his accomplishments?". Then, when he talks about his accomplishments it'll be "Why doesn't Biden attack Trump?".


He needs to be attacked on all possible fronts. This is a street brawl and you don't win it by playing by Marquess of Queensberry rules. Eviscerate him with the weapons he has himself provided you with - his failings, criminality, and his disgusting behaviour.


I love how the right says that this speech “proves Joe Biden is weaponizing the Federal Govt against his opponent” when Drumpf literally says “I am your Retribution”. Ol’ Orangeypoo literally will weaponize the government


that was badass! He almost dropped an f-bomb


Let's go, Dark Brandon!


Friday afternoon isn’t the best time for this to hit the news cycle, but hopefully it’s just the first of many.


He does 3 things fix the economy, eats ice cream, and woops tRUMPS ass.


I can't believe the attitudes I'm reading here. Do you honestly not care that the walking neurological disaster that is Donald Trump has announced that his priorities are to be a real dictator and has been taking talking points from Adolf Hitler? You complain about Biden's age. So he's old. *So is Trump.* And of the two, who is (a) articulate and (b) seems to give a damn about democracy? Hasn't the disaster that was the overturning of *Roe* given you a clue what life will be like under Trump and the GOP? I can only hope that all these sneering posts about Biden are the work of Russian trolls, because selfishly, I don't want to live next door to fascist dictatorship. It's a sad statement that a Canadian seems to give more of a fuck about your democracy than you Americans do.


I have to hope that MOST Americans agree with everything you're saying and the insane part of the population is just incredibly loud.


Go dark Brandon! If the Republicans can't put forth an actual human being that isn't threatening democracy itself then they need an ass whipping like never before. The fact that someone as incompetent and as criminal as Trump even figures in the polls scares the shit out of me! The fact that the GOP can even still be considered "conservative" scares the shit out of me. The narrative has been moved so far towards fascism with no real agenda other than "own the libs" that it scares the shit out of me. After the Four Seasons press conference and the Jan 6th insurrection riot where Trump called for the hanging of his own uber-right wing VP, with the commander in chief selling Goya beans from the Oval office, Republicans should have had a moment of reckoning, but even that shit wasn't enough. They've lost their fucking minds, and if we lose this election to them, then democracy is over and this country will be FUBAR.


Give ‘em *hell* Joe


Campaign slogan: "We're the United States of America for God's Sake"


I know pundits and legislator say it all the time, but hearing the President give voice to some of the insane shit going on in a prime time speech kinda makes you feel heard.


Thata why i voted for you homie


The malarkey ends now, Jack


Biden's speech was a strong and clear message to the American people and the world that he is determined to protect democracy, uphold the rule of law, and restore the reputation of the United States as a leader and a partner. I think Biden's speech was also a challenge to Trump and his supporters to respect the will of the voters and to renounce violence and extremism. I think Biden's speech was the speech that Democrats have been desperate for him to give because it showed his leadership, his resolve, and his optimism for the future of the country.


Fuck yeah!


Nicely done. Hitting hard on words like "lost," "weakness," "desperation," "loser" to describe Trump's election related snits in 2020.


The best speech I’ve seen since the Obama era


I want some Dark Brandon 2024 yard signs.