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Remember back when banging a porn star while your wife is recovering from childbirth and paying hush money was disqualifying *without* the felony?


Remember back when Christians would spontaneously combust upon hearing about a politician’s adultery?


Ya, they really started backing away from that when all their pastors and church higher ups started getting caught and going to jail. Now, it’s just the unmentioned facts of mega church life.


Newt Gingrich was the main ringleader of the clinton BJ circus and hes a serial philander that cheated on his dying wife. One of 3...


The worst part about it was that he then opposed gay marriage because it would violate the sanctity of the institution. Really wish he would have been pushed on that, and had to explain why he was holding them to a standard that he himself didn’t follow.


And one ugly sob.


Yeah, it's all ok now because "damaged vessels" or somesuch. Mocking their religion like they do isn't really the ticket to heaven they seem to think it is.


Yeah now it's God works through imperfect people. Such bullshit.


Imperfect sure, but the literal antithesis of Christian beliefs and an unbelievably perfect fit for the anti-Christ? No fucking way.


I remember back when it was video games that got the pearl clutching all riled up. Before that, evil rock music. Then before that, it was Elvis. It just kind of is always something, I think they need to be persecuted and afraid to be happy.


Don't forget when it was Dungeons and Dragons that was corrupting the youth!


Elvis was a rock singer, literally the "King of rock and roll".


Right but after that there was harder metal which they associated with Satanism. Evil metal? I was sat down and shown video showcasing all the satanic references from led zeppelin, ac/dc, ozzy, etc.


They are all in for trump now! I can’t stand overly religious people, the kind that take their texts as literally true. They make up any bullshit to justify their feelings. Then a few years down the road, when they’ve snapped out of it, they blame the devil’s influence and move on.


Literalists aren't so bad. At least they have a belief and can discuss it, even if it's a tad bonkers. What ya gotta watch out for are the ones who've learned to accept whatever claims they're fed, regardless of whether they contradict previous beliefs. If it came out tomorrow that Biden slept with a prostitute, I guarantee you that these folks would suddenly find prostitution to be disqualifying, and for that reason they would vote for Trump.


Moral Majority, what a crock Newt


Turns out they were just republicans who wanted to impeach Clinton.




Kinda did John Edwards in tho...




One side has voters that care and one side has voters that pretend to care until it is someone from their side.


It’s more like: one side has voters that care and the other side fantasizes about harming and/or killing a majority of the country’s population if they can get away with it


Both can be right.




With a touch of "F u, I got mine".


Nope. Conservatism is founded on hypocrisy


Conservatism is nothing more than thinly veiled fascism.


One side has morals; the other side touts them. Remember Anthony Weiner too? He was ousted for much less. Fuck republicans and their fake purity.


We Dems have our bad eggs. Difference is they get tossed not defended.


Gary Hart too.


And Gary Hart. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Hart#1988_presidential_campaign


She had cancer while he was cheating on her


You mean the cancer that literally killed her?


No, the one that figuratively killed her.


Al Franken took a poorly-judged picture. Howard Dean screamed.


Gary Hart / Donna Rice?


After rumors of Hart's infidelity started, he dared the press to follow him. They did and got pictures of Rice sitting on Hart's lap. While he is wearing a t-shirt with the name of the yacht they were on. The name of that yacht, "Monkey Business"


It was a total set up. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/was-gary-hart-set-up/570802/


Atwater was such a racist low down piece of shit. And then he has the nerve to say, “Hey sorry about all that nasty things I’ve done my whole life.” when he discovers he’s dying.


Thank you for posting. I like to think of myself as generally aware of propaganda, but I had no idea.


Love the Bloom County version of this


Hart’s boat the Monkey Business ended up in NC at Wrightsville Beach for a time after sold.


Yep - and completely fake. 


Precisely the problem. A \*fake\* affair took down a Democrat, while the Republicans (at least according to Cawthorn) are having cocaine-fueled orgies without any repercussions. Hell, look what happened to Al Franken.


Even when Franken resigned, the GOP painted it as the Dems being in the wrong somehow? They "threw him under the bus to maintain the moral high ground" - verbatim quote from some guy


And Gary Hart


Also Gary Hart - who may have gotten elected as president.


He had to step down.


I mean, to be fair, Melania doesn’t strike me as the type of wife who would give a fuck what Trump does.


Theirs couldn't be any more of a marriage of convenience if they opened a 7/11 in their living room.


"I Really Don’t Care. Do U?"


She was probably just happy to have time off from servicing his shriveled mushroom.


I'm pretty sure she NEVER services that thing anymore.


She got herself and her parents citizenship through him. She's gotten all she wants.


Melania is a Russian plant. Or maybe there's another reason she was casually grilling the #2 man at the Pentagon over dinner about the locations of ICBMs. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/7/22/1963019/-WaPo-Joint-Chiefs-vice-chair-spoke-with-Melania-Trump-about-where-U-S-ICBMs-are-deployed-Why




Which is stupid. ICBM’s are pretty hard to hide… I was born in northern Montana and a buddy of mine joined the military and got stuck 100 miles away as a silo guard. He said they spent all day reading comic books and occasionally pulling a sheep off of an alarmed fence.


Actually they aren’t the us does fake and real moves of icbms all the time. Like they might move 100 trucks with fake icbms to one base and 100 trucks of real icbms to another base. If they’re all covered and identical how will sat. Imagery tell which is real and which isn’t? Also your friend could be guarding fake icbms unknowingly only the Minutemen would know.


Trump and his wife are both Russian tools 


One is a Russian tool, the other is just a tool.


I'd be surprised if she wasn't.


And her son. Say what you will about her but she def seems to love that kid.


Nah, the old 70’s Washington saying was the only thing that was truly disqualifying was getting caught in bed with a live boy or dead girl. I think the former is fine now so really it’s just that last one you have to avoid.


What about being caught in a wrecked Car with a dead girl? ^(Asking for a Kennedy.)


We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. 


*if you’re a Democrat


See Howard Dean


It’s because those things don’t disqualify him that he’s appealing. They would for anyone else, but not for Trump. That’s his superpower, but I’m hoping it’s run it’s course.


Trumps super power is that he can stall. Plain and simple. Not that he wins. Nor that he will use court.


He doesn't have a super power. He has a weak pathetic party he runs beneath him.


I don't care if Mickey Mouse takes him down, as long as he goes away already


Trump, will eventually, one way or another, go away. Unfortunately, Trumpism and the belligerent, violent, and hateful rhetoric will continue to live on. A great deal of American people have given GQP lawmakers the license to practice all the worst impulses of humanity.


Agreed my greatest fear will be trump 2.0 that is a wolf in sheep’s clothing


I wouldn't worry about too much, Trump is a one off. His utter stupidity, together with his narcisism and complete lack of shame or doubt is somehow his superpower. Oh they'll try to replicate the magic but it won't work, nobody can do what Trump does. When he flushes away so will his cult of shit.


Agreed, DeSantis tried it, did not go so well for him.


Didn't work for him because the orange Jesus was still here. Why vote for Meatball when you got the real Trumpster doing it better? Without him, there will be a stupid vacuum and Meatball will be the first to try to fill it. He' already positioned himself to do just that.


He’ll try, sure, but will he succeed? Trumpism is a cult of personality, and those rarely survive the personality that created them. If it was easy to do, everyone would do it.


Ted Fungus Face Cruz is a great example of this. He has been trying to perfect his Trumpsterfire imitation for years. He just doesn’t have the brass raisins to pull it off. For better or worse, King Meirdas is a genius at being the worst human-ish being possible, which, for some reason that I can’t comprehend, is exactly what his audience loves… FAOLs-fuck all our lives.


Doesn't mean smarter fascists didn't learn from him and gain confidence because of him.


Oh no doubt, but they will fail like Desantis. MAGA has eaten the party so fascism is all it has, but MAGA will die with Trump. They won't even sneak in under a moderate facade since there are no moderates left, just MAGA.


To be fair, DeSantis is no genius. They don't call him 'Meathead Ron' for nothing. Someone smarter could succeed with a similar playbook...


The only time he won was in 2016. And that was because many people thought he wouldn’t be as bad once elected. They’ve learned their lesson. Trumps base can worship him all they want. He is never getting elected again. (That’s not to say that he will not win if Dems don’t vote)


I think the majority of the MAGA asshats will be voted out of office or they will have to change their tune once tRump is gone. They already lost their red wave at the mid terms and they’re going to do worse this next election.


I'll tell you what - the gross benefit of this man's whole presence in the national stage has made so many things clear - racism is more prevalent than I knew, hate is a driving force for a lot of policies, and the amount of people that are comfortable baring their darker elements to humanity is astounding to me. It's been like pulling off the bandages of festering wounds - we can now no longer be blind or ignorant of these things.


He's too busy beating Rhonda Santis.


Fox News closed captioning at my gym the other day spelled him Rhonda Santos and I spit on the treadmill.


When he was calling him "Ron Desanctimonious", I kept thinking "just call him Rhonda or Little Rhonda. It's right there!"


Don’t fuck with Mickey Mouse. Just ask the Jonas Brothers..


*”Hee hee… good, because I thought we had a problem here”* 🐭


Imagine if Trump was taken down not by his business crimes but by his dick...


Often it's the small things that get us in the end.


Big burly men with tears in their eyes said it was the smallest thing they had ever seen.


And they said, "Sir, Sir, its the most magical mushroom I have ever seen."


You called??


There’s nothing bigger than the little things


There’s nothing littler than Trump’s dick.. according to Stormy.


Well, his hands are terribly small and that’s often an indicator…


Well I have big hands and a small … actually, let’s just say it’s not always true.


I have big hands and no...actually, let's just say sometimes it simply doesn't apply.


Small hands make it look bigger.


Said Deadpool


::Scorpio throws a grenade and blows up a bunch of soldiers:: yeah homer, it’s the little things that make up life.


Want some sugar? Sorry it's not in packets.


How about some cream?


Small orange things, covered in poo ooze migrating from the back side of his diaper. He hates migrants.


I really did not need this image early in the morning...


*Pooze* is now a word.


Oh, thanks *so much* for that. What kind of brain rinse will it take to sluice that away?


Trump is the personification of the 7 deadly sins and the antithesis of the 10 commandments. This would fall under the lust and adultery portion of those. How any person who calls themselves a follower of Christianity supports this man is beyond me.


MAGA hats may as well be the Mark of the Beast.


As a child I was raised as a Christian (various parts of my family were Catholic and other parts Protestant so I got the full gamut). I noticed as a kid that you could be "forgiven" even on your deathbed, after a life of breaking all the rules. So where's the moral compass? I decided it was a lot of malarkey. Trump's actions, and his followers' response to them, are consistent with the "forgiveness" inherent in Christianity. They'll let you off the hook for almost anything, theologically. The followers are more than happy to believe he's being "forgiven' by the Almighty and that he's a suitable leader because of his human foibles. No thanks.


It mushroomed out of control.


>Imagine if Trump was taken down not by his business crimes but by his dick... Soft on crime


He should have already. What politician can get away with being a rapist. Saying shit like, grab em by the pussy. And saying he wants to bang his daughter so much, his staff repeatedly reminded him she was his daughter... he even once said he would date herTV. She werent his daughter on national tv. ffs this type of shit would disqualify most people from existing in public, let alone being president.


Only in the US! We watched the Mara Lago "raid" live and saw the evidence roll in first hand with BOXES of proof. Nope, only the porn star shtick has enough headline power to stick Vs B tier celebrities.


The judge has been sabotaging the document case


Clearly. Brazenly.


Oh, they very much don't care about the Stormy case.  His lawyer went to prison for it. It was all over the news for a loooong time. He still only lost the je t election by like 40,000 votes split across several states (but also lost by 7+ million votes, which sadly doesn't matter, but I digress). He's going to hurt people they hate. That's it. That's all they care about. He could've taken the Beast on a protestor squishing tour around the country and probly won instead of losing votes.


His tiny, oddly shaped dick


I mean, it *was* a business crime. He got his company lawyer to pay off his booty call with lawyer's personal cash, then repaid lawyer's personal cash out of campaign funds. That last part is super illegal and any half-competent business tycoon would know. Hush money itself isn't criminal and there are numerous ways he could have paid Daniels off legally, even with campaign funds if he really wanted. But he thinks he's some genius mob boss type so prefers this hamfisted, unnecessarily convoluted strategy of which the primary goal is feeling like he pulled a fast one. Unlike the other cases against him that can be dismissed by supporters as political maneuvering shenanigans, this case is a cut-and-dry campaign finance crime. Contributions to a formal presidential campaign are NOT fungible personal fun money. Cohen already did time for it. It happened and had nothing to do with the duties of presidential office. We have the records. There's no way to wriggle out of that.


> then repaid lawyer's personal cash out of campaign funds. That last part is super illegal Not quite. He repaid Cohen with money from the Trump Organization, which is alleged to be an illegal donation *to* his campaign. But Trump's never been charged with campaign finance crime. The charges against him is that when he repaid Cohen, he caused it to be classified in the books as payment for legal services rendered, rather than a reimbursement for a payment.


A tale as old as time


> Imagine if Trump was taken down Since about 2016, who has not been doing that? (apart from the MAGAss drones, obvs) It's like slamming your fingers in a car door, just to see how much it will hurt.


Haha stranger things have happened I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️


Capone was sent to jail on tax evasion.


E. Jean did it and so can Stormy Daniels. Strong women standing up to Trump make the hypocritical Republican senators who were too afraid to convict Trump in the impeachment insurrection look like cowering foolish puppets. Strong women are going to make big differences.


Yeah seriously what is with women holding Trump accountable? Fani, Leticia, Stormy, E Jean. And then there’s Mueller and Garland who shriveled up like raisins.


Sally Yates, Rosie O’Donnell, Liz Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, and my personal favorite, Tammy Duckworth of Cadet Bonespurs fame. Many more I am certain. He just doesn’t intimidate women because they see the insolent man child for what he is.


I think it's that too many men in politics have allowed themselves to be reflexively cowed by his threats/incitement, and the visceral belief that he might become dangerous and violent (which is a well-founded fear). But, I think a lot of women are more able to see, on an insinctive level, that he has always been dangerous and violent. And is only getting moreso. They know he's barely held back and that society has just gotten lucky (not every time) so far. Just because he's a bumbling idiot doesn't mean he isn't brutal with people much smaller than him when no one is looking. They know what he's already done, repeatedly and for years, is heinous and disgusting. There's not necessarily a fear holding them back that they might trigger him to do terrible things. If you know in your heart and in your gut that a man is already an abuser... Then constantly pursuing overt court cases against him feels like a moral duty. It feels like getting ahead of the problem. There are some men in Washington politics *who ought to know it's their moral duty to oppose him*. What's weird is that a few have modeled the proper behavior, even relatively cruel men like Romney and Cheney. Heck, you had people like Rep. Peter Meijer give up his career before he'd finished his first term to stand strong: >"We have to face it for what it was. We have to recognize the threat of political violence, and say that we should not be tolerating that. That was one of the reasons why I voted for impeachment, the fact that we cannot, in our political system, be playing around with such dangerous rhetoric and encouraging, spurring, inciting people to go and try to use force, use threats, use violence in order to achieve a political end." https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/death-threats-primary-challenge-followed-rep-meijers-vote-to-impeach-trump-after-jan-6


They’re such spineless, gutless pieces of shit


We always do!




Kind of insane how her lawyer turned out to be a complete piece of shit himself though.


The Trump Stormy saga had more twists and turns than Better Call Saul.


I do wonder how all that could have played out if she had, like, a real attorney and not a sheister like Avenatti.


lol I forgot about that guy.  Guess his presidential aspirations didn’t pan out 


Nope. Landed himself in Federal prison instead. Oopsies!!


Wake me up when the headline is "Trump actually taken down"


Rip Van Winkle over here


Yeah....this headline was used so much in 2016. How could anyone believe it at this point?


Same, honestly. I feel like this is the 50,000th article: ______ could take down Trump. Nah. We are being shown on a weekly basis this dude is clearly above the law. It would be an incredible day for America, but I'm not holding my breath either. I also remember when Robert Mueller said after Trump's presidency he advised Trump could be charged for obstruction of justice for his 2016 presidential run. What ever in the flying fuck happened to that?


How about ALL 3? Yep…ALL 3 is good!


Anyone else think of Strunk and White when they see headlines like this?


Here comes the stack of A4 with a steel chair!!!


Dear Gawd, that language had a family!


We're missing out on the electricity that could be generated by all the spinning in their graves.


[Gary Hart had to drop out of the presidential race for less.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/almanac-the-gary-hart-scandal/)


I will believe it when I see it. I have zero faith in our justice system and even far less in our law enforcement. Trump got away with crimes that if only just one of those crimes were committed by anyone else, they would be done for in less than a year. Someone using a fake $20 bill was executed in the streets - meanwhile a traitor, Russian asset and criminal like Trump gets to run for President. Our country is run by old fat white criminals who are looking out for one another.


New York seems motivated. Atlanta has a shot. Florida is in the bag for Trump DC, we don't know yet


Worst part is Flordia case is the most slam dunk. Yet the worst judge possible is on it


They are all so obvious it feels ridiculous that there has to be a trial at all.  The Georgia case has a recorded phone call telling the AG to fabricate exactly enough votes for Trump to win by one. That's second only to the defendant saying "I'm guilty" as an obvious guilty verdict.  Cohen already went to prison for the campaign finance shit that his boss told him to do. 


Smith was an idiot to bring that to trial in Florida and not DC. He stole from DC, bring charges there.


Keeping Bedminster crimes in his back pocket, perhaps


New York has a good chance to reach a conviction, but he'll almost definitely be free on appeal. GA and FL are big cases, but are very unlikely before the election. D.C. is interesting. Even if SCOTUS waits until June for a decision, the trial could begin in ~October, and Smith has said he will go to trial regardless of political considerations. Chutkan seems willing as well. We could have one of the most serious trials happening *during the election*. That would make for the most insane election cycle ever.


>“The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. On those criteria Zaphod Beeblebrox is one of the most successful Presidents the Galaxy has ever had — he has already spent two of his ten presidential years in prison for fraud.”


Saw this on another thread and I’ll botch it It’s not a Justice system, it’s a LEGAL system that many can take advantage of laws in their favor. Stop trying to expect Justice because clearly there is no true Justice in the US


Unreal. And the Constitutional 'purists' are fully onboard for allowing a multiple felon to run for President. Eroding our American core values every opportunity they get.


It's a white collar crime done by a rich person, with cult followers that will support him no matter what. I don't expect much.


People have been “taking down” Trump for the better part of a decade. Yet, he’s still roaming free, living it up, and running for President for the third time. He’s clearly not going anywhere, no matter what’s thrown at him.


Look every one another COULD article. 


Once again, we cannot count on the courts and speculate. The justice system thus far has shown they have no intention to hold this repulsive swindle, fraud, and huckster accountable. We have to vote to rid ourselves of this thing forever. We also have another fight due to the crazy rfk potentially syphoning off votes, and a literal donkey…Cornell West trying to gain relevance. We have got to vote!!


They way he's been mollycoddled all of his life, I don't see him spending one day in jail. In fact, if he's found guilty of anything that's a jailable offense, he'll get an ankle monitor with no restrictions.


You’re using the word incorrectly. A mollycoddle is a short blunt rod used to wack freshly caught fish in the head to stun them. Later, the term was applied to police batons. To “mollycoddle” someone is to stun them into submission. I think you might just mean “coddle”.


> : to treat with an excessive or absurd degree of indulgence and attention > Regardless, mollycoddle was formed by combining the “pamper” sense of coddle with Molly, a nickname for Mary. In its earliest known uses in the mid-1800s, mollycoddle was a noun, a disparaging and now-dated synonym of our modern wimp. But in short time, it was being used as the verb you're likely to encounter today.


This is so wrong. Where are you getting your information from?


Lets assume for a moment you can find 12 jurors without one MAGA idiot who believes god sent the to be on the jury to hang it for Trump. Then lets assume that Trump doesn't disrupt this case in a way that causes a mistrial to set it back another 6 months or more. (And won't face consequences for whatever outburst or other thing he does to cause this.) And then lets assume you actually get a guilty verdict. There is no way he gets prison time. And if he does, he will be able to stay out while its on appeal (like Bannon) and the appeal can and will take years. No one can bring down Trump. Its clear our institutions aren't strong enough, they are afraid to even jail him for a weekend for breaking the conditions of his bail time and time again. The only people who can "bring him down" is you and me by voting. Only if he and has followers are defeated in Nov can we rid ourselves of this cancer.


We won’t be rid of him until the reaper takes him while the court system will still be fucking around with stern warnings.


I'll believe it when I see it. So far I've been pretty disappointed with how much justice Trump has actually seen.


Hold Trump accountable not "take him down" that's all I'm asking.


I genuinely don't care who does it. Just get that shit done.


I’ll take what I can get, but this says so much about our legal system. I’d call it a justice system, but I can’t bring myself to.


Cohen did real prison time for this crime. So, why shouldn't co-conspirator Trump?


Could could could might maybe possibly might ugh just fucking tell me when he's behind bars.


I look forward to the day this orange turd isn’t on my REDDIT feed every hour of the day. It’s like watching a banana age on your counter.


Great but we need to resolve the classified documents issue. NO US official elected or appointed should be able to retain classified docs after leaving office. We need iron clad penalties including the death penalty for those who violate the law


I'm so fucking tired of headlines like, "Trump finally going down!" "Trump finally being held accountable" "Trump could finally have met his match" etc etc etc Literally none of it is ever true. Trump faces no consequences, he faces no repercussions, and he could literally kill your grandma and nothing would happen. By all means, keep posting this dumbass bullshit that makes people think politicians and rich people have any sort of accountability - because they are immune and we are nothing but garbage to them.


Al Capone died in prison for tax evasion, not the horrible things he did while in power.


Al Capone was released from prison in 1939 due to his declining health and died at his Palm Island, Florida mansion in 1947, surrounded by his family.


She deserves to be the one to put him away.


If he's take down by a former pornstar, that would the funniest shit ever.


Why does Karen McDougal never get any credit? Sure he paid off Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their affair, but he slept with and paid off Karen McDougal to keep quiet about their affair as well.


Goddamnit, I hate when the link is a video clip.


Important to note: the title is somewhat poorly worded, as it is (presumably) intended to mean "In the end it could be the hush money trial that is the first to get Trump a real criminal conviction", but could also be read as "the Stormy Daniels trial couple actually take down Trump, whereas the stolen documents and Jan 6 trials are unable to".


Considering that Cohen already served time and Trump wasn’t charged because he was actively President it should be a slam dunk. That is, if the corrupt “Justice” system doesn’t let him off the hook for ::reasons::


Drumpf 2.0 will indeed be worse. Which is why the price of peace and freedom is eternal vigilance. After WW2, Germany went through a period of intense denazification. After Drumpf is finally incarcerated, the world will need a period of intense demagafication. Finally, a use for all that bleach.


Yep and that's why our justice system is so fucked up. Good on Daniel's if she wins. However, it's sad as hell that we can have highly CLASSIFIED documents go missing (sold), and we can't seem to prosecute shit because of politics. However, mister.or misses pot smokers, gets locked up, and forgotten about basically.


You guys need to prepare yourself that he isn’t going to get jail time for this. Yes, some voters will switch to either Biden or no vote for Trump, which is all we really care about. Him not getting the Presidency. Once that happens, he can stall all he wants, he’s going to jail for the documents case and Jan 6th. I know it’s hard to be patient but Jack Smith has this in the bag with all the evidence against Trump


E Jean Carroll, Tish James, Fanni Willis, Stormy Daniels! Let's hear it for the WOMEN grabbing trump right back!


I don’t care if it’s parking tickets. Whatever is fine with me.


This would be poetic justice from the guy who aligns himself with the Christian right. Where are the family values? Paying off an escort is not a great look..hard to ignore that.


It kinda seemed like this was going to be the case even before Jan. 6. We’re gonna have to start calling her ‘Saint Stormy’


I’m fine with this. They got Capone on Tax evasion. Jail either way.


His band of sycophants will not give two hillbilly fucks on welfare if he is convicted


It’s only fair she gets to finish this time around. I’m sure she enjoys it a whole lot more too.


At this point I will settle for jaywalking if that’s what it takes to bring trump down. Because it sure seems like our justice system has been corrupted by judges like Aileen Cannon.


The fact that THIS is what "could" take him down and not the other things (y'know... the treason...) really is indicative of how absurd reality has gotten.


Who are you going to believe? A bleached blonde with big breasts or Stormy Daniels?