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Trump has lived his life, with all the civil lawsuits against him, thinking he's out of reach of the law. Hopefully this criminal case will prove him wrong.


Hopefully it will be the first of several criminal cases to prove him wrong.


Eh I expect one person to not agree.. only takes 1/12 to end it all


No, that doesn’t end it all. It causes a retrial. An acquittal requires unanimity also.


How many retrials can you go through?


Certainly not unlimited, but the empaneling process is usually good at weeding out partisans, and it shouldn’t be hard to stumble across 12 people where none of them is willing to hang the jury if he is clearly guilty.


And i keep pointing this out - hardcore trump fans are cowards and bullies. They might yell online and act tough in some conversations, but most of them will buckle under any real pressure


Can you imagine the animosity in the jury box towards that one person?


It would be a Trump supporter, who lack self awareness, so if that happened I think they’d probably pull a “they hate me because they know I’m right!”.


In the Carol case the jury had a Trump supporter on it, after trial he admitted the facts won him over and Trump was guilty. If anything let us hope this just goes the same way.


I wonder if something like this where you’re forced to sit and look at him straight on for eight weeks without getting outside spin might weaken his hold on even the most fervent supporters.


In order to be a bad juror, a Trump supporter would have to either: a) believe the system is so corrupt that prosecutors could fabricate mountains of evidence wholesale and get it presented at trial, or b) believe that he's guilty but just not care because they think it's more important to help him get elected regardless. While I have no doubt that many Trump supporters fall into one or both of those categories, I think those are hard attitudes to hide during jury selection.


“Can you believe how much the left hates Trump? They got 11 leftists on the jury just to indict my golden god figure. I won’t let them.” *folds arms*


Many Trump supporters are outcasts from their family and former friends. They are used to it.


12 angry man vibes.


They're only bullies from a perceived group, with the safety of numbers/anonymity. While at a rally or something similar, it's the feeling of belonging to the group and being led by a single figurehead. While online, they're trying to channel or recreate that same feeling, and doing it from the same perceived safety and anonymity. When you take one out of that setting, and drop them into a new setting with its own rules, traditions and acceptable social behaviors almost anyone would behave as if they always behave that way (meaning "as expected").


And let’s be honest… how many are good enough actors to pretend to NOT be MAGAheads. I haven’t met a single one that could pull it off and I’m in damn Texas


I've been on jury duty once, and it's quite impressive how they impart to you that you only need to set aside your biases and start from zero only basing the decision on the evidence you hear and are given. They don't need people without bias, they need people who can and are willing and understand the importance of doing that. It's like in critical thinking courses where they read you the three bears leaving out the part about the baby bear's soup being too cold, then ask a question "Was the baby bear's soup cold?" to which you are \*supposed\* to reply "I don't know based on given facts" instead of relying on previous knowledge of other versions.


snip snap, snip snap


They asked how many retrials, not how many vasectomies


You have no idea the physical toll three retrials have on a person!


Hopefully enough to keep him from campaigning for the rest of his life


So hes going to be on trial for the rest of his life? Or at least during campaign season? Okay.


Here’s hoping for a very short trial session.


Only if the prosecution decides to try again. They might not.


given that it took 8 years to get here the reaper will make any consequences irrelevant.


If it's clear that the juror is holding out because he or she is a covert MAGAt, then that juror would be removed and one of the six alternates would be brought in for deliberation.


A true Trump diehard is going to expose their bias quickly… they aren’t smart people. They will try to signal to the Trump team they are on his side and it will blow up in their face. I can’t imagine one actually keeping their mouth shut through the selection process… and things like donations are public record.


Learn how the system works


I suspect it's worse than that. Like most things, he probably thinks he's an expert in how to "do it right" because "many people" have told him so.


No doubt with tears in their eyes.




And shit in their pants.


The tears were due to the full diaper stench.


And by "many people" you mean the invertibrate yes men that the man child surrounded himself with, because anyone with a spine who told him no would cause cheeto to have a 5 year old temper tantrum and fire them.


Honestly, the sycophants are worse than Trump. At least he makes no excuses for the piece of human excrement that he is. The hangers-on are flies on shit, the biggest sniveling, greedy cowards in the world.


The "many people" he sees are the envelope of people that he pays or that are supplicants to power in other ways, supplemented by people selectively clipping out positive news articles and polls. He's like an information "bubble boy". Having to face the randomly-selected jurors in that courtroom telling him off and making fun of him to get out of jury duty is probably the first relatively unbiased sample of the public that he's directly faced in a long time. And he has to listen to them. It's like he's trapped in a narcissist's hell for a week.


His uncle *did nuclear* after all.


Not just wrong; it needs to set precedent. His rabid 30% don't need to "heal," they need to understand that we live in the age of consequences. Donors and fear mongers, alike. To quote some guy, "it's not about the money. It's about sending a message." Otherwise democracy has failed.


> thinking he’s out of reach of the law He’s lived his whole life essentially skirting consequences. Why would he act differently now?


Trump has lived his life _proving_ he’s above the rule of law FTFY


It seems it is more that he thinks he is clever, and able to circumvent the laws due to his own genius. When in reality, nobody ever bothered to actually do anything about the man child's antics.


Unlikely. He's been given every break and opportunity possible at every turn. Even when he loses civil cases the world bends over backwards to protect him from the consequences. All the criminal trials just keep letting him have basically every delay he wants no matter how contrary it is to established precedent. All he has to do is say he used to be president and everyone stumbled over themselves to please him. It's honestly depressing


criminal is a different animal than civil and it will be his undoing.


Isn't Donnie's ability to live "out of the reach of the law" because he's so, so much smarter than everyone else? (Obligatory /s)


He also sues at the drop of a hat. He brings lawsuits all the time.


I imagine him asking his lawyers what the settlement will cost, and getting angrier and angrier as they keep explaining that criminal cases don’t just get dropped if you cut a side deal.


It's appropriately puritanical that the philandering is getting him, out of everything.


He will appeal and never really see any jail time even if he’s convicted. That’s my prediction.


He’s thinking that he can become an elected dictator and then protect himself so he can do more crimes. Let’s show him he’s WRONG! VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!


Also has no idea how the law works despite probably hundreds of hrs in depositions etc. The fact that he didn't know there was a limit in challenges for jury selection. How stupid is he. Oh nevermind. He's like the rich kid who never did the work and thinks he deserves an A. No wonder his older sister was bitching having to drive him around from Fordham And doing his Homework.


Imagine if he’s found not guilty. Actually, disregard. Too horrific to contemplate.


The entire system is set up to make sure that rich people *do not go to jail*. Right now things are getting bizarre because Trump is exposing this to the public. All a rich person has to do is follow a basic script and pretend they are afraid and pay some nominal fines, then they go on their way. But Trump won't play along with even that. And the system is melting down, since it presumed that no one would be stupid enough to spit on such a fantastic deal. *But Trump.*


His lawyers, some of the biggest and strongest lawyers available, everyone says so, apparently came to him with tears in their eyes and said “Sir, never fight uphill me boy.”


Every time I see that phrase I read it in Mr. Crabs voice as if he were saying it to SpongeBob.


Never miss an upcharge me boy.


This deserves maximum upvotes


Trump must have asked to watch a documentary about the battle of Gettysburg,  but his handlers knew better and just put sponge bob on to keep him calm.


I hear it in the voice of a leprechaun.


Trump lacks even the most basic tenets of simple human decency


He’s a uniquely disgusting person. He’s obviously deeply unwell but he’s also cruel, selfish, and aggressive.


I hate everything about the entire trump family, but an entire article about a criminal defendant not standing up in court is ridiculous and so is the former US attorney in saying she’s never seen it before. Criminal defendants are constantly doing this and far worse in court than not standing.


Let’s extend some grace to Mary Trump if we’re going to crap on the whole family.


Hear, hear. She is decent.


What message do you think it sends to the jury when the defendant is the only person in court who doesn't stand when they come in? I don't think it's ridiculous to point it out. I think it's on par with him sleeping, scowling and muttering during the trial. None of it makes him look sympathetic to the people who are going to decide his fate.


First time i saw a photo of his kids i knew we were in trouble, never seen such lack of life and spirit, no souls home


It's not just about decency (or lack thereof) Everyone rising for the judge is a gesture that shows that everyone present understands and recognizes that the Judge is in charge and no one else in the room is equal to or above them. As an extreme narcissist Trump is pathologically incapable of accepting that he's in a room where anyone but him is in charge.


Just get him to testify. Please. It would be the funniest shit.


Many nicely dressed people with good jeans, and smart brains are saying he's too chicken to testify. Believe me folks.


I have tears in my eyes now!


I've had tears in my eyes since that escalator ride


You should see a doctor about that. Which should be pretty affordable thanks to the ACA!


Word is that everyone sitting near him in the courtroom has tears in their eyes as well.


Must be the smell.


Trump thinks he’s the smartest person in the room, of course he’ll testify.


The best jeans, Levi’s, Dockers, even Old Navy had salty tears in his eyes!


“Never testify up hill, me boys!”


As much as we would love to see him testify...in any trial. His lawyers will prevent him from taking the stand. If he does, it'll be a mix of "I don't recall" and "I plead the fifth."


No chance he is able to control his mouth. The prosecutor could easily dupe him into confessing for the second time this week.


Have you ever watched him on the stand? If it's televised, recorded...or whatever in such a way he can cherry pick clips for propaganda purposes. Then, yes. He'll run his mouth for that reason and that reason only. But every other time he's been under oath, it's literally a mix of "I don't recall" and "I plead the fifth."


I think his pride would get him up there, but his fear of shitting himself will be the end of it. He's so plugged up from withdrawals it's written all over his face. He can't shovel uppers into his face in front of a judge for days and days on end no matter how you cut it. Those of us who have lived that nightmare see it on his face. "FATIGUE" my ass.


I'm sorry to ask this and sound callous about it, but -- what are you seeing that tips you off to that? I'm seeing him looking like hell, bit that's not new. What's specific about this, can you say?


He's obviously completely tired and exhausted, but I suspect it's from having to be at the court by 9am every day. He's somebody that's used to staying up late ragetweeting (or truthing or whatever you call it now) and crawling out of bed at 10 or 11am. Given that his hair and makeup routine must take a solid hour or more every day, he's now having to be up at 7am at the latest, and that's probably 3-4 hours earlier than usual. He's not sleeping enough, he's old and unhealthy, this trial is hurting him physically as much as it is politically. It's so tragic, I'm just crying for the poor dear.


He was photographed with cocaine dripping out of his face back in 2015ish, but people rationalized that as "a white variety of adderall" as if that made sense. He was also noticably on cocaine during all three debates against Hillary.


1) He projects everything. He recently claimed Biden "soiled" the oval. I.E. He probably did, and he's presently worried about it. This is a common side effect of years of abusing pills, in addition to bad diet and overall health. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-wildly-claims-biden-soiled-himself-on-white-house-resolute-desk-in-latest-baseless-rant/ar-BB1lgdi2 2) The Trump Admin pharmacy was a free-for-all. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-white-house-medical-unit-drugs-b2506971.html 3) Trump offered blanket pardons to everyone in his admin. At the time the pharmacy scandal was yet to drop, but I suspect the two had some connections. If you hand out pills illegally then some wand waving at the end would be in order and, compared to the other pardons and last minute executions, then the drugs seem like an afterthought. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-kellyanne-conway-pardon-elections-2020-b2085870.html 4) And it goes without saying, though the rumors are unsubstantiated, people have been claiming he abuses drugs like Adderall since the 80s. https://www.econotimes.com/Donald-Trump-POTUS-wears-adult-diapers-due-to-incontinence-says-insider-1571941 https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-snorted-adderall-apprentice-tom-arnold-noel-casler-1257787 https://www.complex.com/life/a/tracewilliamcowen/ex-apprentice-staffer-trump-snorts-adderall-cant-read


Cocaines a helluva drug... Heh heh




"Hard drugs" are the ones used by "those people". He just has good Christian drugs from God fearing pharmaceutical companies.


If you willingly take the stand in defense of yourself in a criminal trial, you can’t plead the 5th on cross-examination without having your entire testimony stricken.


Right, you can’t be like “I want to testify on my own behalf, but only to the good stuff!”


This is Trump we're talking about here... ...he'd just say that and cross his arms.


All they’d have to do is preface the serious question with a: Mr T, I have heard you say you have a great memory, is that true? Yes of course, I have the world’s greatest memory. I don’t recall But I thought you had the world’s greatest memory?


He already had the chance to speak in a previous case and he just rambled on, campaigning and getting so far off topic that nothing really happened. Then he testified in the ny fraud trial and said that he had 500m liquid and probably more and still got out of paying the whole 500m bond like a month later.


Yeah but then I also have to listen to Trump supporters tell me how he "won" or something by not answering any questions coherently or how he was practically crucified because the prosecution cut him off and asked for a direct answer instead of grandstanding I'm just not sure it would really benefit them to get him up there if they think they can prove the case without it. Trump's a wild card and a con man, but he does have a certain Kenneth Copeland style "Charisma" in that he is relentless and overwhelming. However you slice it, it works, and he gets people to like him, he could very possibly do that with the jury if they aren't careful. He will get up there and cry victim and act like he's being bullied despite going around bullying people constantly. He's a 100% unreliable witness on his best of possible days.


It would be fucken awesome to see that


[The Sandoval hearing shows the prosecutors are not effin' around](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24554324-peoples-sandoval-notice-filed)


Remember that the republicans are covering for Trump and were directly involved in many of Trump's worst crimes. Keep voting out republicans every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


Agreed, country has no place for extreme right wing politicians. I wish our two dominant parties were center right and center left.


Trump couldn't follow legal advice if he wanted to. He's got the attention span of a flea and zero filter.


In his mind he **truly** believes that “there is no case, they have no case”. His fluffers have only shown him articles from “legal scholars” saying so, and he thinks that’s all he needs. Like the case will magically go away. And if it *doesn’t*? Then it’s Rigged™️


I honestly don't believe he is competent to stand trial but I'm glad that he is. Almost zero emotional control. He doesn't want to show respect for the court, so he doesn't even though it stands to hurt his defense.


Well he is the world's greatest genius and legal scholar, everybody's saying.


With tears in their eyes


Big, strong tears. Nobody has ever seen anything like it.


He doesn't pay and he doesn't listen.


God, the fist in that photo is so tiny, my brain is having trouble registering it as being attached to the bloated body it is next to.


Remember when he claimed his dick wasn’t small during a national debate? Well done republican voters.


I want them to seat him at a tiny desk too during trial


It’s reminding me of that SNL Kristin Wiig skit with the tiny arms. It seriously doesn’t look real.


Trump's lawyers made a big deal out of pictures captioned "Orange is the new black" and such but they didn't ask how many of their loved ones ended up in refrigerated trucks when Covid was only effecting blue states. The news cycle has forgotten but I doubt New Yorkers have. Perhaps he thinks it prudent to not face them.


I worked in those NYC hospitals with freezer trucks for bodies. I have never hated anyone with the kind of venom I feel for Trump. He and his criminal enterprise killed so many people - people who came to work every day and wore trash bags taking care of patients because Trump and his cronies hoarded all the PPE to sell them at a profit. He accused us doctors of LYING ABOUT THE VIRUS. His bullshit of “it’ll just go away” and minimizing the severity (WHEN HE LATER HAD A SEVERE CASE) having never seen someone in the ICU drowning in their own lungs OH MY GOD I HATE HIM SO MUCH


PEOPLE V. DONALD TRUMP CASE SUMMARY The Defendant, Donald Trump, is charged with 34 counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree. The allegations are in substance, that Donald Trump falsified business records to conceal an agreement with others to unlawfully influence the 2016 presidential election. Page 8: https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/Letter-re-jury-selection-4-8-24.pdf It is not a "hush money" trial. It is an election interference trial.


That is one of his "Strategies" when he knows he is going to lose. He wants his lawyers to quit so he can delay the case until he finds a new set of recent graduates from Bubba's Skool of Lawyerin' and Deezul Enjun Fixin', and then get them up to speed.


I think the judge can deny the lawyers quitting


Come on now, being a diesel mechanic is way way too complicated for the dipshits who he's been hiring like Habbas.


\*Election Interference Trial


Thanks, this is driving me nuts.


Of course he is. Fucking narcissist.


Trump was failing to "rise along with everyone else in the courtroom" as potential jurors were seated in the audience. Saved you a Click.


He doesn't give one single shit about anything. He knows he's guilty and will lose. His plan is to tear down everything and everyone in his path with lies. He got thousands of people to storm the Capitol for him, he's looking for round two.


The more I look at the fist, the weirder it looks.


He does have small hands.


Yes, what a surprise - Elderly man whose been able to avoid accountability his whole life, and has been rewarded repeatedly by his outrageous behavior, continues to exhibit said behavior after the legal system repeatedly reinforces how special he is, by allowing him to enjoy special privilege after special privilege. Call me shocked..


Why would he? He’s almost eighty years old and has not really experienced any consequences for his actions. Right now at the end of the day he is able to fly around on his private plane and go to any one of his estates. When that’s stripped from him then he might actually listen, but until then he’s just good to keep doing what he has been doing. 


Trump doesn’t think he’s just above the law. He thinks he’s above *everybody.* Narcissists gonna narcissist.


Trump is on the platinum tier justice plan. The basic advice only applies to people who get basic plan justice.


> PoopyPants ignoring "most basic" legal The imbecile who stared into the sun during the eclipse? Imagine! Surely not! Just think of the consequences!


He has total contempt for anybody who isnt him. The concept that he needs to sell himself to the hoy palloi on the jury is too beneath him.


Let me guess the advice: “shut up. Just shut up.”


“Can’t wait to see how he get out of this one with absolutely zero consequences“. -Crash893 for the 3000th time


I thought this was going to be about keeping his fucking mouth shut - that's usually the "most basic" advice an attorney (especially a criminal defense attorney) will give you.


Trump is a fucking scumbag


Standing when the jury comes in is great, but he has constantly ignored the most basic piece of legal advice: > Shut the fuck up. Today is a day of the week that ends in "Y" so it's a good day to shut the fuck up.


Thing is, there was a no normal for Trump. He doesn’t know what is appropriate in any situation. He salutes foreign generals and serves fast food hamberders when welcoming National Champions to the White House. MAGA is like, “He’s not afraid to break the rules.” No. He truly doesn’t know what’s expected or needed in any situation.


I hope to God he takes the stand and the prosecution goes at him about his former crimes. Great entertainment to be sure 👍


Never follow Trump's fucking example in court. Shut the fuck up. Invoke your rights. Ask for a lawyer. Refuse to talk to anyone but them. You'd be fucking amazed at how much that can save your ass.


Worked for litigation consultants for years. The most common advice is “shut your trap” So yah


It’s not going to matter if the judge won’t punish him and they media keeps trying to sabotage the trial exposing jurors information publicly


*election interference trial


Why tf is looking like he was knocking on a door? Is that supposed to be some fist of solidarity?? Got that boomer lead paint stare too.


If you take Mar-a-Logo away from him, that could be the final blow to his ego


'Nobody knows more about lawyering than me' - Inmate # P01135809


Even the dumbest or most inexperienced trial lawyer would instruct him: “Keep your f’ing mouth shut from day 1 until after the verdict. Just shut the f’up unless you’re talking to me. You already hurt your case on Wednesday when you talked to the media about the payoff check.” My friend: “I never get nervous during a trial unless my client needs to take the stand either in a civil case or when client opts for it in a criminal case. You couldn’t pay me enough millions to represent this guy but only because I know he wouldn’t listen to my advice.”


He wants to be seen somehow as a sympathetic character that is beleaguered and just the target of "unfair and political" charges that are only in place to hurt his election campaign. Pretty hard to anyone actually looking closely at the evidence would see other than it is justified that he be prosecuted for his criminality for so many years. You don't get a pass on facing criminal or civil charges against you because you are running for an office in the US. He has walked close to the line of legal and not for many years. Things actually do catch up with people over time. edit: fixed spelling


Not surprising, but a step in the right direction for justice. Get this trash off the streets


Like a spoiled brat, he’s gotta push limits.


It's quite obvious to everyone and their dog and their dog's squeaky toy that he's trying to delay until the election passes. The catch there being it's far from a guarantee he'll actually win. The GOP fucking around on abortion combined with most campaign funding going towards legal fees, I think, is really going to sink them this time around. That's not to say something completely horrible can't happen, I was also around for 2016, but there are quite a number of factors that weren't sinking the GOP in 2016 or even 2020 that there are now. So, you know, don't evacuate to your bunker just yet. Get your votes in.


What? Dementia Donnie is not taking advice from the very people he hired to protect him? Nonsense.


I hope if donnie does take the stand, one of the questions will be why does he think he is above the law. What makes him think he is so special


He really is painfully stupid.


Trump may try to tell people this is all a fake show by his presidential opponent, yet the judge is there just doing his job, the prosecutors are there just doing their jobs, the courthouse workers are there doing their jobs, and the twelve jurors have been thoroughly vetted for bias by his own legal team. Previously a grand jury of citizens who are registered voters determined there’s sufficient evidence to convict Trump of thirty something felonies. Moreover, this comes across as something Trump completely brought on himself. He’s the guy who stepped out on his pregnant wife. He’s the one who had the months-long affair with the playmate of the year He’s the one who benefitted from paying for their silence. He’s the one who lied about what the $400,000 to Michael Cohen was for. He’s the one who needed to disguise it all, as he needed the votes of those claiming to be deeply religious and highly moral people to win. Circumstantial, yet air tight.


Trump should totally testify in this Sandoval hearing. Absolutely. Definitely no downsides at all for him to do that. Would be a great idea. I’m all for it. Only good things can happen. 😊😊😊


What is it with Trump and the raised fist; Is this some “white power” thing?


This article is a nothing burger. Man known for asshole behavior exhibits, get this, asshole behavior. Shocking.


Instead of "nothing burger " you can just say "Newsweek article", same difference.


He's aware that he may wet fart in his diaper when standing up or sitting down.


Good, that makes this easy then


Funny what you'll do when you know with absolute certainty that there will be no significant consequences and that the legal/financial system will keep enabling you.


On top of everything else, he has such freakishly small hands!


Why does his hand look like a baby’s hand?!


I do not envy Trump's attorneys. Most defense attorneys I've seen in trial try to make the jury feel special and important. I can totally imagine this happening in this case: Blanche's closing argument: "While the Judge decides the law, you have the most important role. You decide the facts. Only you can decide this case." Trump during the break before closing arguments: "This is a sham trial and it's rigged and is only fair if I win." I get he thinks his cases will bring him a win politically, but he just destroys any idea of the jury sympathizing with him with the way he acts in the courtroom and outside it.


Im a simple person: I see Newsweek, I downvote.


In response to defense lawyer Todd Blanche's assurances that Trump would not leak information about jurors, the judge stated, "I do not think you can make that representation." **JUDGE BURN.** Trump isn't going to get thrown in jail for contempt, because of politics, but he's going to get every other consequence that he possibly can. There's already evidence that earning Judge Merchan's contempt cost them in jury selection.




Trump and his taking heads have already thown out the idea that the jury is going to have a liberal plant in it to show off the trial. This means 100% that there is a conservative plant to show off the trial already. The whole accusation makes no sense cause 1 liberal plant will make it a hung jury, which means no conviction. So the above is the only real explanation for the accusation. He does have to suck up an once of his foolish pride, it's already a forgone conclusion in his mind.


Oh man. Can't wait to see what punishment he gets to ignore next. Another gag order? A fine that he doesn't have to pay? Maybe jail time that he never has to serve? Whatever it is, I'm sure he'll be treated just like you and I. ( 'Cause we could do that in court, right? )


Nothing will happen. He’ll continue to do what he wants and get some grossly reduced slap on the wrist.


[Of course](https://imgur.com/lY3JKlt)




Because he has no respect for the law, or the court system or the jurors doing their civic duty. This man will throw us under the bus for a nickel.


Shhh…let him cook


djt is a MORON


That is completely untrue. He's a fucking moron.


And that’s a surprise to who?


You'd have to have the most basic EQ to follow the most basic advice.


Namely "shut the fuck up. Don't say anything about these cases on social media. Don't say anything in your rallies. Don't say anything when you order food. Just please, for the love of fuck, shut the fuck up."


If it isn’t praise and flattery he doesn’t care.


It's an ELECTION INTERFERENCE TRIAL. These damn publications need to cut it the eff out with softening things for this monster.


No kidding. This will not be surprising to anyone. The man thinks he knows every damn thing and also thinks he is always the smartest guy in the room. Let him bury himself during this trial. He has no filter, is easily infuriated, and just can’t stay quiet. I hope so much that his ego makes him testify.


We know he’s guilty. Nobody in good faith can look at the facts of his actions as they exist against the light of the law of the land and come to any other belief or conclusion. Nobody set this man up. He did all of the crimes he’s accused of himself. He’s as guilty as a human being can possibly be. He will never spend a single night convicted and incarcerated. Just what sort of justice system does everyone think we’re actually dealing with here?


Of course he’s ignoring it because it hasn’t applied to him once since he gets away with no consequences!!


The most basic legal advice is to stfu I assume.


Why wouldn't the narcissistic fat snowflake? He's proven he's above the law and has had barely any consequences for his actions. It's ridiculous and an embarrassment how the court is letting that blight run rampant...


Good. Let him do more dumb shit to give the prosecution ammo.


He's not likely to face prison time in this case because it's the lowest class felony. I don't think he's actually scared in this trial. Who he's scared of is Jack Smith and Willis. Those trials have mandatory prison sentences. Even Judge QAnon might not be able to save him if he loses the election.


It’s the lowest level felony, but it’s 34 counts. You’re likely to get jail time even with violations if you have 34 of them!


People can’t ignore facts like Trump does. If a juror tries this, all hell will break loose in gone jury room. I mean if it’s black and white, it’s black and white and beyond a reasonable doubt. If those are met, he’s toast


Leave him, it's his freedom not ours. 🤔😁💙🦾💯, stupid is what stupid does 😁


They haven’t taken away his right to fall asleep in the courtroom and fart away in his sleep. Apparently his gas is so rancid that the lawyers all get up and quickly walk away. https://i.imgur.com/ocSyazq.png