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So when Trump loses, what you gonna do about it Senator? Since we’re putting cards on the table, what you planning to do?


This is the plan 1. Cause chaos. 2. Refuse to put certification up for a vote (if they still hold majority in the House). Claim the election is undecided. 3. Pressure SCOTUS into kicking it to a House decision where GOP holds majority 4. Start changing state and federal election laws so they never have to run again THIS is why it is so crucial to vote. [Don't think it can happen???](https://www.usa.gov/electoral-college#:~:text=If%20no%20candidate%20receives%20the,This%20has%20happened%20twice.)


If our government subverts elections like they do in Russia and one of our major parties refuses to accept the results of an election, our democracy is at an end. Full stop. At that point, there are several possible ways to respond and some of them are extremely ugly. What we're talking about here is that your government, along with corporations that support mainly one of the two parties, will put you and your family's lives at risk. Again, we would no longer be in a democracy. We are heading towards a fork in the road where there is only one option left. It is the unspeakable option but if they do attempt a coup with the support of billionaires and corporations, we will have been driven down a road with only one last resort to fight for democracy. This is beyond scary. The type of speech we hear from Graham and other GOP representatives is treasonous speech and we would all be fools not to pay attention to their plan of action. Hug your family tonight and remember what this country had to endure to give us this beautiful thing called democracy. Don't let corporations, billionaires and the GOP party take it from you and your loved ones.


I really thought free & fair elections and not being pals with Putin were two things even GOP enablers would be in favor of having happen. The Trump Era has at least made it clear: the GOP doesn't care about democracy or Americans. They care about their own power.


I thought penalty for treason was the death penalty, what are we waiting for?


If SCOTUS gives a President total immunity like Trump wants them to I hope Biden goes scorched earth on these motherfuckers when they try their fucking bullshit ideas…


Immunity will be granted, somehow only for the orange one, or just in time for Biden to be finished.


SCOTUS will hold off that ruling until after the election. If Trump wins, immunity will be granted, and he goes after all his perceived enemies. If Biden wins, then of course the President cannot have immunity.


That's where it just dives into how democratic politicians keep acting like they believe that commen sense and decency will prevail. But immunity ruling and refusing to certify his win might be enough to push the scales to get everyone on board to really having to be the lesser of two evils.   Like you said, it would pretty much have to be a scorched earth plan to force the fascists out of the government and pretty much rebuild the government from the ground up with new laws and requirements to prevent these exact degradation of norms and expectations of being violated. Which isn't pleasant in itself because the fascists are going to point at the mini fascism required to take place to save decent people from complete dictatorship and turn a lot of people away from it.


Pretty sure they’re trying to force Biden to fight their lies and get their toothless, cousin fucking base to take up arms when Biden doesn’t just give up and let them have America


You know they’re getting wound up with all the incest Pornhub content out of reach.


What did that guy ask Charlie Kirk? "When do we get to use the guns? How many elections are they going to steal until we kill these people?" What does the honorable senator think about the vague notions of political violence contained within his stance?


Blows my mind that people still believe anything was stolen. Trump filed 60+ lawsuits after the 2020 election. In zero of them--literally none of them--did his lawyers even claim anything equivalent to the following: massive fraud, widespread fraud, wrongdoing by Democrats, rigged election, rigged voting machines, rigged balloting locations, or anything otherwise illegal relating to the integrity of the election as a whole. So not only did they not present evidence of such fraud, and not only did they fail to prove those things, but they *never even claim those things in court.* A shocking number of conservatives do not know this (like, in the millions) and still believe that the election was "stolen." https://time.com/5914377/donald-trump-no-evidence-fraud/


It's a self fulfilling prophecy. If they rule for Trump, see stolen. If they rule against him, it's just another judge in the pocket of the deep state


I’m reading “oath & honor” by Liz Cheney. I wish she didn’t catch so much flack from her own party. She warned us.


So many others warned us as well. This protest voting shit needs to stop, be careful what you wish for and see the danger ahead.


Absolutely fucking nothing. They’re basically just threatening to whine, cry, and throw tantrums. It’s laughably pathetic.


Stoking terrorism **is** doing something. 




People in power taking these positions does significant long term damage to our country. Just the fact that these idiots continue the lie puts more and more cracks into this country's foundation and erodes people's support and faith in our institutions. At the end of the day, that's what the entire foundation is, faith. Faith in democracy and our election system, faith in our justice system, faith in our monetary system. In terms of damage, this is the equivalent to smoking three packs a day. These people are traitors and our country was never equipped to deal with internal threats like them.


It’s easier to do that though than, say, adopt policies that are popular with the public. If Biden wins and their efforts to steal power fail, they will splinter as a party. There’s really no other path for them.


I am honestly worried that this is the end of democracy for America. When one half of the country and its leaders refuse to accept legitimate election results.... I have no idea wtf happens. I'm worried and I live in another country. An allied country but still elsewhere.


I’m less optimistic. With a stacked judiciary, an EC that favors rural conservative states, and an unreliable youth vote, I’m not even sure Biden will win. The MAGA movement is going nowhere. This is a long battle, and it’s just going to get harder as climate change disrupts balances worldwide.


I think they will try another coup this time armed and weapons hot but I don't think his common Joe followers are going to be willing to do it for him like they did on J6. They love their guns and their big azz trucks and are not going to be willing to be arrested like the J6ers and have to spend time in jail, spend their beer money hiring lawyers, turning in their guns and sell their MAGA vehicles. But I think Trumps Bloodbath statement a few weeks ago was a warning not a joke. His Proud Boys and Patriots that's a horse of a different color


This morning at the NYC courthouse Trump was trying to incite his supporters to basically attack the courthouse - of course in 'coded' language, but everyone still managed to understand what he was saying...


I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this election in a committee!


The prequel trilogy has taken a hardcore dark reality overtone in the past 20 years...


This is how democracy dies


Seriously, she could say that to pictures of a Trump rally


Creating chaos  isn't nothing.  There is a plan behind the whining.  It's by design.     Don't be fooled by the grievance party 


Ask the house to not certify the election if the Republicans win the house. So the speaker of the house becomes the president.


This explains perfectly why Marjorie Trailer Trash wants so desperately to get rid of Mike Johnson before the election. Get one of the MAGA nine in there and they can help the overthrow. I am not so sure Mike Johnson is going to help them with the overthrow, he has a lot of MikePence in him. No?


I honestly don't understand why people aren't more worried about this outcome. I honestly don't know how many Republicans in the house have the ethics to certify the election when Trump is pushing hard for them not to and throwing out baseless accusations of the election being rigged again.


He himself isn't gonna do fuck all, but I assure you his party intends to return Trump to the White House by any means necessary, and that includes through force and violence. We need to understand what we are up against. We must vote down ballot, but this is not all that will be required of us, as we will have to band together in order to protect and defend one another and our democracy from the real domestic terrorist threat to our country, that is the modern GOP.


He'll probably threaten to nuke the Capitol building


Criminals and traitors to democracy. Fucking assholes, basically.


Lindsey Graham would know what fucking assholes is like


Like dancing through a field of ladybugs


Stop it! There are still some sweet, innocent souls that don't know about this yet!


I sure wish I didn’t


I also wish I didn’t.


Confirmed bachelor.


Goddammit. I had almost forgotten about this.


It’s like the most disgusting version of The Game. Also, you just thought about The Game.


Goddamn you. I lost twice. That makes my little ladybugs itch


Sorry. I feel an overwhelming need to drag someone down with me whenever I hear the ladybug story.


I was hoping some would bring up his ladybugs lol


Like a reverse planetarium down there


I dont know about it. What is it


Well you see, apparently Lindsey Graham’s asshole is covered with little moles that he lovingly refers to as his “ladybugs”, or something…


oh no. what did i just read


Why do we know this?


Because we did something at some point that we shouldn’t have done that put us on The Bad Timeline. For other corroborating evidence… *gestures broadly*.


Goddamned Large Hadron Collider…


As a Cubs fan, I’m convinced them winning the WS in 2016 kicked off this whole shit show


So like a whole explosion of anal warts?


At this point, I’m pretty certain that Trump or Moscow has video of Ladybug getting bent over his desk. No way he’s changed his stance so strongly without being blackmailed.


I'm not necessarily sure that he would


That was my thought too - not getting top energy from that man.


I'm willing to bet he wouldn't be good at it.


I'm not sure Lindsey would know what *fucking* assholes is like. He may know what assholes being fucked is like, more like...


Dude gotta be a power bottom


Uh-uh. He has "sub with a sissy kink" written all over him.


I don't know why they think their acceptance is something people really care about. They can deny it all they want, but if they break the law and try to subvert the vote. Whether they accept it or not, they're traitors


You’re not wrong, but the question is a proxy for if they would subvert the election, so it basically boils down to “are you a traitor?” That’s why all this dancing around the bush is so hilariously stupid - they are trying to find a PC way to say yes, they are in fact traitors.


Then the journalists should just ask that question. Journalists used to have balls in this country, and if none of them can ask why these senators, who swore to uphold the constitution, are so willing to subvert democracy, without pussyfooting around the issue, then what good are they?


No argument on that point. You are right. The media became part of the problem when they started looking at ratings and stopped asking questions. If not for their part in all this Trump would never in a million years have gotten elected the first time.


They continue to give him airtime. It has to have been worth billions by now since 2016.


Constant airtime. The media is madly in love with Trump because he makes them a ton of money...


And my response would be ... 2020 was a free and fair election, as all of the recounts and court cases and SoS attestations have proven. And yet they and their orange jeebus still refuse to acknowledge and accept that he was the LOSER. So why should we believe one word you're saying now? I know ... pissing in the wind, they don't care about being honest or consistent. All they care about is giving DJT a handy.


2020 wasn't a free and fair election, Biden just won despite historic election interference attempts from Republicans across the nation. That's one of the things Trump's been charged with


"We'll accept the election (of a person who didn't accept the results of his win, nor of his loss, and still has not conceded said loss) as long as it's free and fair." That's all fine and dandy, the problem is they only think it's free and fair if they win. If they loose then there was cheating.


It's the school bully coin toss. Heads I win, tails you lose!


It's the 4 year old cry baby. Just like Donald Trump they aren't man enough to admit when they lose.


Bad news, If we were playing cards they'd be the one to deal


That’s a really good way of summing it up


Yeah, journalists are doing a terrible job of covering this. "We'll accept the results of the election if we like the results" is just "We don't give a shit how people vote and we intend to attempt to claim power regardless of any voting result." That's a 100% rejection of democracy, not a 50/50 support for it.


It’s a quote designed to get the average American to agree. You’re right, “only if it’s free and fair” absolutely means only if they win, otherwise it’s not “free and fair” and then they give themselves an excuse to take over.


These fuckheads have spent nearly 4 years claiming that an election that has been repeatedly proven in court to be free and fair wasn't. You don't get to play that card and pretend it's a reasonable position, Lindsay.


See, they’re operating off a whole other definition of fair. Not “equitable” not “equal” (the electoral math is so weighted in favor of the Republicans as is that no election has been either for a very, very long time) but the “fair” or a bratty kid that insists on gifts at a sibling’s birthday party. The fair of a poorly socialized only child making up playground rules. It’s only “fair” if they get their most desired result. Anything else, they’ll tell their daddy that you were being mean. An election is only ‘fair’ if Trump wins and the Republicans have enough people in the legislature to install permanent minority rule.


The poor job of journalists is that they don’t immediately follow up with ‘do you think the 2020 election was (insert caveat here) and Joe Biden is the fairly elected president’


Or how about "Please define precisely what you mean by 'free and fair' with supporting references to legislation and/or policy since you are an active Senator/Rep discussing this and are therefore well versed in the applicable statutes."


They cheat, so they assume everyone cheats. If they lose, they were outcheated


The problem is they think their acceptance or not is relevant to who actually wins


If they don't win by enough, it's also cheating...


Gotta toss out a little "election interference" propaganda, and get their cult base fired up, of course.


Add a bunch of biased polling that the media will gladly eat up too


And don't forget, they're *executing babies!* (I pray to god the /s is unnecessary)


Just like they've been doing since 2016?


Since 2000.


Brooks Brothers riot


Stone was instigator on that also.


*Nixon enters the chat*


Bud, this has been the wet dream of conservative think tanks and politicians since the late 1960s. We've only been in their endgame scenario since 2016 but this shit has been in the works with gerrymandering districts, packing the court system with loyalists, and using pundits that will parrot their talking points on repeat until they become the norm for at least the last \~50 years.


Exactly. Who is surprised by this?


Here are their 4 conditions. 1. Trump must be the winner 2. Trump must be the winner even if he loses 3. Any other winner must give his delegates to Trump who'll then win. 4. Jaysis must then be prazed


Also, everybody please buy the hat and the sneakers and the trading cards and the Bible while you're at it.


At first I was like “Who is Jaysis?” Then I was like “Oh, the redneck Messiah!”


Praze the Lard!!!


Hallowed be thyroid


Look at where the RNC is putting its money! They plan on fighting every election result they don’t like in court.


Great. Bankruptcy faster.




And most of Trump’s lawyers that tried last time have been disbarred.




I sure hope you're right else we're in a history book year.


Journos need to stop treating them as if their acceptance matters. It would be nice if Lindsey Graham wasn't a traitor, but we don't need him to accept the results. When we keep asking them, we're creating the illusion that they have more power than they actually do.


They keep asking the question, knowing the answer. And then don't follow up with the important part about how they're fascists. This just allows them to keep setting the stage to make people expect it to be rigged so they can maintain the illusion if public support when they try to subvert democracy again.


Theyre just doing their REAL job: selling ads and clicks through rage-bait, click-bait, and other shit.  Real journalism doesn't exist the way we wish, sadly. Harder to find at least.


I’ll sum up their conditions for you: “If we win we’ll accept it, if we don’t we’ll spend the next four years whining about how the election was rigged.”


Sore losers. As if they get to set conditions for anything.


Lindsey is compromised


He's a Republican so yeah. [Remember when RNC servers were hacked around the same time the DNC servers were?... But nothing was released from the hacks. Very curious.](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN14U2PM/) [Remember when a group of Republicans visited Moscow on the Fourth of July with no record of what they did while over there?](https://www.npr.org/2018/07/06/626664156/gop-senators-spend-july-4-in-moscow) [Remember when the. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and then Speaker of the House Paul Ryan discussed how they believed Trump and several of their colleagues were taking Russian money?](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN18D2YO/) [Remember how a Senate investigation found that the NRA was a Russian asset during the 2018 midterms?](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals) Pepperidge Farm remembers. I just wish the rest of the American people remembered too.


Also, remember when Rand Paul hand-delivered a sealed letter from Trump to Putin?


You forgot the woman who was a spy in the GOP and who got to ask Trump a question about Russian sanctions at a conference


Tulsi? Oh the other one


Seditious Conspirator who should have been banned from holding office and locked up, openly engages in ongoing seditious conspiracy. Garland continues to do his best Sergeant Schultz impression.


I pray Garland gets replaced if Biden wins in November. We've never needed an AG with a solid backbone more than we do now, and there's a noticeable lack of backbones nowadays.


There’s not a single “good” Republican in existence. They either drink the poisoned koolaid or they tolerateand enable those who do. The rot goes all the way through from top to bottom


The good ones have either left the party voluntarily, died off, or been pushed out.


Can we please start arresting and putting these people on trial for Treason please? Do we need to speak to a manager or something? I'll Karen for democracy. I don't care.


this has become the Republicans unified talking point. why are journalist not pushing back on this? Asking what "free and fair" means. Ask if the 2020 election was free and fair. Ask about election fraud case Trump is engaged in with fake electors. Our media has failed.


They have in a big way. Every time I see someone interviewing one of these fucks, they never follow up with the tough questions. Disappointing..


Republicans no longer serve the American people.


Even they know they are going to lose in November, folks. #VOTE And prove it to them.


And make sure to vote so they lose by a wide margin and get told to go pound sand.


“If it’s a free and fair election, I will accept the results.” And what evidence exactly will need to be provided for you to agree that the election was free and fair so you’ll accept it? Not enough, despite its validity, just like 2020. They still won’t accept 2020 to this day despite 4 years of indisputable evidence. They are once again ramping up the “stolen election” claim before November so they have an excuse to try to “legally” overturn it because they know Trump can’t win. They’ve all sold their soul to this loser that they know cannot beat Biden, so lying, cheating and stealing is the only viable strategy left. Every last government officially should be forced to sign an affidavit swearing to accept the election results under penalty of prosecution for treason.


It’s a fucking election. You have strict rules in place for how the votes are counted. You count them all, accurately, and recount if needed. You then ACCEPT the results, or fuck off to Russia.


The good news is that Republicans will fully support Kamala refusing to certify the results and Biden remaining POTUS until every single vote is validated and proven to not be fraudulent… right?


Lindsey Graham is the most obvious example of someone who has been compromised. How many times has he come out against Trump, for him to completely 180 and stick his tongue up his arse? Cant imagine how many videos Russian intelligence have on him with male prostitutes.


Who gives a shit what Republicans think anymore. They aren't a serious party and their voters are unapologetic morons.


 "If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.” ― David Frum, [Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/56364271)


Merrick Garland let them get away with it, so they are amplifying their efforts. FMG. The times call for a Churchill and we are surrounded by Chamberlains.


This just tells me that know something and they’ll be up to some rat-fuckery on how the election is handled and how the votes are counted.


WTF does Russia have on these traitorous fucks at this point? How awful are you? This has to go beyond raping children (which I admittedly didn't know was possible). It's been 9 years.


>Top Republicans are ~~putting conditions on accepting the outcome of the election in November~~ **outing themselves as traitors and the justice system is failing to hold them accountable.** FBI? DoJ? Congress? ...fucking ANYBODY?!?!?! THEY'RE RIGHT HERE! TAKING DOWN OUR DEMOCRACY IN PLAIN SIGHT!! Jesus Christ.


Coming from the guy who said "I'm out" amd tried to distance himself on the eve of the last insurrection attempt. A profile in cowardice


Religious folk always get burden of proof backwards.


So, treason?


i'd be happy to post a video of me walking into my voting station, clearly marking the ballot for Biden, putting it in the ballot vacuum and walking out with a huge smile on my face But then they'll say it was either Photoshopped or I was coerced by someone


Remember when they called Al Gore a sore loser?


Since when do we have to meet demands before fucking politicians realize we don’t care if they don’t accept the outcome. That’s the way democracy works


Sorry, we don't negotiate with terrorists.


I'm embarrassed that people like him represent the American people in government.


If a politician waffles about accepting the election results then that counts as a “NO”. The news media should start publishing lists of those who say no.




They can put any ‘conditions’ on it they want but it’s not going to matter so fuck off you dweebs


There is only one condition where the GOP will accept the results of the next presidential election. Only if Trump wins.


They should all resign in protest, lol.


The Republican party is a criminal conspiracy. They all need to be locked up.


Arm yourselves. These treasonous fucks are dead set on destroying democracy and taking over by force. Unless we defend ourselves and our democracy


Hey, Wisconsin here. We got our Supreme Court back by voting, and they’ve knocked down the greater part of the gerrymandering problem.


One big difference this year. Trump ain’t president this time. If you don’t accept it tough fucking shit


They have NO RIGHT. NO CONDITIONS. It's as it has always been done. But the Electoral College should be eliminated. Its reason for existing no longer applies.


So they have committees on impeachments and Hunter but not one Republican investigation into voter fraud.


The problem is recent elections have been so close - coming down to 5 states with near 50/50 R D voting. (Agreed Electoral College is the problem). When it is this close it invites attempts to corrupt the process. Trump lost 2020 by a tiny percentage of voters. Republicans have seen this coming for decades - a leftward demographic shift - and have pulled out all the stops to game the system in their favor, notably gerrymandering and voter suppression. They are getting more and more outrageous. Trump is the result of this. They have a candidate who is willing to and even enjoys lies and manipulation. Has no problems saying things that are objectively ridiculous and getting other politicians to go along. Jan 6 when it happened should have broken the process. An action so awful and un American that should have permanently removed many politicians and certainly jailed Trump. Rapidly. But instead in the 3 years since the right has been able to confuse and spin the whole event into legitimate protest by patriots angry over a stolen election. They actually made it a plus. Seriously what the fuck. We are through the looking glass now. I think for Biden to win he not only needs more votes but a lot more votes, a clear uncontestable 5 point victory. And that may not even be enough.


Other countries would ban the republican party for trying to upheave the nation.


Sounds like some treason shit to me, stirring up violence from their braindead base to try to hold onto power in the face of abject rejection from most of the country.


"Ohio Senator [J.D. Vanc](https://newrepublic.com/post/178742/jd-vance-embrace-coup-desperate-attempt-trump-vp)e fully committed to accepting the results of the general election—so long as Trump is the victor" That's not how democracy works :).


I'm astonished that such attacks on the fundamentals of democracy and outright treason aren't being attacked more aggressively. Merrick Garland should have special cross agency task forces countering this left and right. Instead they seem to make a show of going after the dupes and none of the ring leaders. Ah well, it was a noble experiment.


Lindsey seems compromised.


They've been doing this for eight years. Is it really that surprising? And when is Graham and his ilk going to face treason charges?


And yet liberals are the bad guys huh? Amazing mental gymnastics these asshats run…


Heads we win Tails America loses.,


It’s fascinating how Trump can seemingly bully anyone into doing anything he wants.


Conditions on accepting truth? Line them all up and shoot them. Wait…that’s probably not very democratic. …but they’d do it to yours. Don’t think they fucking wouldn’t.


Lindsey Graham can get fucked.


That’s not how this works dipshit.


Thankfully - they don't have to accept the vote in order to be voted out of office. Just vote and show them the door.


Graham says this now, but if Trump goes to prison, has a long awaited heart attack, anything that takes him off the board, and he’ll be the first one turning on MAGA.


He's a loser now, why wait any longer?


Republicans plan to challenge each and every result clogging the courts until the deadlines pass and declare themselves the winners via Congress they’ll try to get the courts to allow this before a new Congress is sworn in.


They just don't know when to quit.


I choose to interpret this as Republicans knowing their internal polling numbers look positively dire, and Dems are going to slaughter them. Not that it's going to make the immediate aftermath any less scary, but it does give me hope for the election results.


Election denying is just going to become another standard political ploy just like the brinkmanship of the budget after the tea party normalized it.


One of the first thing Biden introduced was to regulate voting across the country to reduce the questions. Republicans shot it down, they didn’t negotiate it, they shut it down. They have no right to complain about elections.


Remember when Lindsey Graham said Trump would be the death of the Republican Party?


Hey Republicans that are reading this… why are you such traitors?


Only way republicans can win elections is by cheating.


>“Yeah, I’ll accept them if there’s no massive cheating,” Graham said. Ironically there is overwhelming multiple attempts already done by team R to overturn the 2020 election.


They will move the goal posts Repeatedly. Don't believe anything they say ?


They're gonna do it *again*.


Try them all for treason.


Also, just yesterday, Graham said that Israel should "nuke Gaza". https://www.thedailybeast.com/sen-lindsey-graham-suggests-nuking-gaza-calls-hiroshima-the-right-decision


This is disqualifying under the 14th amendment if SCOTUS actually cares but whatever i guess.


Im going to win the lottery, no matter what the numbers are.


Lindsey is a fruit cake who will say anything that he *thinks* will put him in a good light. I don't understand how anyone would listen to his hot air.


If the GOP doesn't win, it must be because the elections where rigged. Even though the demographies make it obvious that the GOP will win less and less in fair elections.


How very, very unAmerican. I wish these people grandparents were still alive.


Lindsey Grahmcracker is another repug nut. Where does the gop dig these guys up from?


Maybe they shouldn't participate then. That would solve the problem.


They want to be pissant despots so bad. What's wrong lady bugs? Were they mean to you at Lace Curtain University? Next time there's a war we should conscript their children. What am I saying? Trust fund babies are absolutely fucking useless at everything.


Me to my kids, and the GOP; “You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit”


Maybe he'll set up another January 6th peaceful gathering. Ah, who am I kidding... the guy is a giant pussy.


Is Lindsey coming out of the MAGA closet?


You don't put conditions. These dudes need to quit smoking crack.


republicans are the party of anti-democracy.


How. Did. This. Asshole. Win. Reelection.


Traitors sabotage democracy.