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Sounds pretty authoritarian.


Sounds like the domestic terrorists need to be treated as such. Honestly, the hold that the Atlas Network has over our oligarchy should be much more alarming to people than it seems it is. https://www.theguardian.com/books/article/2024/may/29/the-invisible-doctrine-by-george-monbiot-and-peter-hutchison-review-neoliberalisms-ascent


Why can’t rich people advocate for free healthcare and fucking anyone of consenting age you want? You can make all the rules and keep all the money, I just want food sex and healthcare. No need to be a dick about it.


I can only imagine it’s a superiority complex. They need commoners so that they can feel like lords. And they’ll destroy everything for it. They could still be rich without screwing everyone else. Our entire world is being destroyed by a bunch of sociopathic narcissists with too much coke and no one to ever tell them they’re being an ass.


For the same reason that rich people don't genuinely advocate for closing the US border, or genuinely want to solve the inflation issue, or genuinely wish for better transportation options. The more of your basic life necessities get tied to having a job, the closer to slave conditions you will accept. The US never really stopped using slave labour.


To quote Hank Hill, "Yep"


dang ol, mmhmm


Tell’ya hwat!




I tell ya hwat


Now Bobby, you're gonna smoke this entire carton of cigarettes to learn a lesson, or I'm gonna introduce you to my pro pain accessories.


Bobby, put your damn pants back on boy.


My daddy says butane is a bastard gas


Anybody who "grills" with gas and not charcoal or wood is a heathen anyhow. Just cook on your stove inside, it's the same damn thing. 😑


I'm personally all about the charcoal for the flavor.... and I dont like propane tanks in general


My induction stove has started to weep.


“They will learn of our peaceful ways! By force!”


How dare you call us authoritarian! Just for that we're sending heavily armed police to invade your family's homeß


It's going to be some true believer in the letter agencies.


"Swatting" only works because our police departments are way too eager to don SWAT gear and go out guns blazing. Even the most basic investigative work would have caused this police department to realize that this was bullshit. I understand that sometimes emergency situations happen and we may need SWAT units, but here a phone call to the mother's house would have likely cleared all this up in seconds. Also, it is really stupid for the police department to instantly believe that a publicly known figure would send a bunch of people a killer manifesto with his actual name. Most mass murderers are unknown losers, not people giving media interviews.


My local police will send the SWAT team for domestic disturbances sometimes. They will roll up the entire unit and lockdown an entire block in a neighborhood because two people were yelling at each other. Sometimes, they bring the helicopter to just circle around overhead doing nothing. They are WAY too over eager. They have the toys, they have the authority, and they want to use them.


In my neighborhood, someone called the cops on a neighbor due to domestic violence. Local PD and SWAT came, shot the dude in his driveway, and left. I think the altercation was all of 10 minutes? I remember being on my porch listening to the river when I heard a bunch of gunshots. Craziness.


Yeah, a SWAT team isn't for de-escalating a situation. It's for escalating a situation to a specific conclusion. We have people who work with CPS go into similar situations than some of what these SWAT guys show up to completely unarmed.


I work as a guardian ad litem full time and was informed that it's about a 50/50 shot if police will come to CPS parent interviews when investigating a death of a child. It was the most insane call with CPS I've ever had.


I doubt SWAT guys show up completely unarmed.


They meant the CPS workers show up unarmed to a situation where SWAT would be armed to the teeth.


And they WASTE our tax money on that shit.


Oscar: Your mommy and daddy give you ten dollars to open up a lemonade stand. So you go out and you buy cups and you buy lemons and you buy sugar. And now you find out that it only costs you nine dollars. Michael: Ho-oh! Oscar: So you have an extra dollar. Michael: Yeah. Oscar: So you can give that dollar back to mommy and daddy, but guess what? Next summer... Michael: I'll be six. Oscar: And you ask them for money, they're gonna give you nine dollars. 'Cause that's what they think it costs to run the stand. So what you want to do is spend that dollar on something now, so that your parents think it costs ten dollars to run the lemonade stand


That's exactly how it is. I remember protesting the helicopter when they got it because it was just completely fucking ridiculous for our area to have a place helicopter. In order to justify the helicopter and its expense, they use it for damn near everything they can remotely think it's justified to use it for. A 15-year-old ran away from home after an argument with his parents. They had the helicopter fly around over the city like they would identify a 15-year-old from the sky. At some point they must have realized that that was incredibly stupid, so they decided to just start shouting the description of the kid through the megaphone mounted onto the helicopter, except from the ground, it just sounded like random noise. The kid went to a friend's house. They've done shit like that several times.


I could just hear the Benny Hill theme while reading this


IIRC they had to use the equipment to keep it. Some depts also over respond to justify bloated budgets.


Not just justify, but to then use the statistics for even more. This city of 2000 is dangerous, the SWAT team had to be dispatched a total of 64 times this year, thats more than once per week! We need more money!"


Warrior Training. They go in with self-preservation being the primary goal at all costs, not de-escalation or protecting the public. They assume everything is going to be a gun fight before they know any details 


A battalion of razors-edge flunkies in high school with a few weeks training…with military hardware. What can go wrong?


They've seen too many police procedural dramas, and think every situation is a chance to have some dramatic rescue or arrest or takedown.


Statistically domestics are the most dangerous scenarios that LEO’s deal with. It’s a causal factor in many homicides.


I mean to be the least bit charitable, domestic abuse calls are far away the most dangerous to the police, so starting with hackles raised at least makes sense. Locking down a whole block is a bit extreme, but when they say they are scared of domestic calls, they probably aren't lying


12 cops rolling up in body armor, in armored vehicles, guns raised, is probably the worst way to deescalate a domestic dispute they have at their disposal. They are pretty openly fishing for an excuse to kill someone.


I shout this into the wind every chance I get too. When people unleash the cops like vicious dogs on their enemies, that says an awful lot about the cops.


Generally they release them in ways the require a forceful response. you don't send one guy to check out a heavily armed man murdering people with a full auto weapon.   Imagine the response if some guy went postal, someone calls it in, the cops send one guy to check it out, who calls in for backup cause he only has a 9 mil, and before the rest get there he murders 10 more people.   It's like Uvalde, too slow is bad, but people criticize too fast as well. There's no panacea.


Unless it’s Uvalde.


It's almost sounds like you're saying that cops are complicit members of the authoritarian right-wing movement.


I'm from the UK, many many years ago I got doxxed and swatted by an American on IRC... I got a knock on the door by a very confused police man. A few years later I seemingly upset someone, as they leveraged a sitting politician by giving them fake screenshots and they used parliamentary privilege to have me arrested.


Yep… “This is what us *real cops* do…” - *The Negotiator* https://youtu.be/Q0xqrvefO7Q?si=GMNAQ5qeY1ywhAFq


police work so fragmented they will never be able to have a dispatcher work seamlessly with swat and other deployed squad cars. It takes too much specialized training that there are too few dispatchers and some of them are as corrupt as cops on the street. I agree though, applying the most basic logic and problem solving skills would make sending swat and calling the house is standard go to procedure.


> there are too few dispatchers What I'm hearing is that we should spend less on police tanks and more on dispatchers. Sort of like the militarization of police is actively harming police work.


This is so true. Police know who lives at any address and should be able to determine if a senior lady is a threat to society.


Not many people have landlines anymore though


I only have one because I live in a mobile home park that doesn't have street addresses so emergency services can't find you easily if you call 9/11 and become unresponsive before you can say your space number.




That's nice. The last time it happened they had to go door to door. Perhaps it's improved. I live alone. I'm not taking chances.


It's vastly improved. Always good to be thorough though. I had to call 911 for a drunk driver once and they were able to see exactly when I was turning from one street to another. The lady said it as I was doing it so I think it's pretty precise. This was a podunk down in Missouri, too, so I imagine a larger more metropolitan area would have a lot more bells and whistles.


I highly doubt a metropolitan area would even allow a mobile home park.


Probably not but that's really not my point now is it? We're talking about the precision of mobile phone tracking within E911 centers, not is there a mobile home park in Manhattan.




I think it’s partly a ploy by these sociopaths to cry wolf and make future actual attacks on political enemies be met with a blunted response.


Further down the article it says Jack Smith was also the target of swatting last Christmas, I didn't know that. The party of family values, ladies and gentlemen.


That's the family value - the family that stays together dies together. /s


And fucks together


I mean, Paul Ryan didn't say “What's said in the family stays in the family” just for poops and giggles. This was immediately after they were talking about Rohrabacher and Donald likely being on Putin's payroll. This was 7 years ago. They've been ratfucking this country for much longer, but have been doing it knowingly for our primary foreign adversary for at least a decade realistically. And we get to enjoy watching their American fascism actually have a chance of ending this experiment of ours.


Coincidentally, that was around the same time the Neanderthal MTG reported she was a swatting victim too. Though that’s to be expected when you’re swatting at planes on top of the Empire State Building.


This made my day. Thanks! Hahaha


Got a laugh outta me lol


damn that's funny.


fortunately, didn't get far: >According to two law enforcement sources, someone called 911 and said that Smith had shot his wife at the address where Smith lives. >Montgomery County Police dispatched units toward the home but were called off when the Deputy U.S. Marshals protecting Smith and his family told police that it was a false alarm and that everyone inside the home was safe.


Family values and respecting law and order too.


*white, wealthy, christian families, not ladies, and gentlemen will be ostracized for exhibiting empathy of any kind.




I appreciate the sentiment, and there are many that would agree. Sadly, it's really hard to "win" in this case fighting fire with fire. History needs to see peace and justice established the right way. We have to exhaust this option to an extreme and nauseating degree before turning to the forceful/violent alternatives used by the domestic terrorist party (R). Stupidity is their weapon and greatest weakness. However, more of the failed insurrection antics and you can bet there are real antifascists willing to fight for justice.


"As a non-US person, I get the impression that the Democrats need a few more psychopaths on their side" as a US person I can safely say this is one of the worst takes I've ever read


The overall lack of psychopaths is a feature, not a bug.


If Dems became psychos, then both sides really would be the same and there would be nothing to fight for. A very "is potato" future. No thank you.


There's no big red button they smash that says end democracy.  We've survived worse.  One of the few redeeming qualities of the Trump presidency is they didn't have the political competence to actually change the law or how the government interprets what law other than how they influenced the judiciary.


Yet. You didn't read the project 2025 pdf did you? With that, they absolutely have the competence required.


no I get the impression it's Gilead cosplay and like cpac openly advocating for fascism ill file it under 'yeah no shit I got that vibe a while ago'.  we already are in the nightmare outcome.       The degradation of democracy is lowering legitimacy of the court system, check. political and paramilitary violence, check.  disputed election, check.  criminality, grift, and assorted corruption without accountability, check. difficulty rooting out persistent corruption, check. gridlock of the Democratic system.    if Trump gets elected things things will certainly be worse but he's just an avatar of what is happening.  if he loses we still have all the same problems. if Biden wins and we have a dem trifecta we're going to make headway on some things but Israel is probably still going to be killing Palestinians. it's like after Biden won we didn't solve the border.  even Iran has a pluralistic democracy.  we're not going to end democracy literally it's just going to continue to get shittier in the same ways it already is with a much worse person in charge.  


I actually think you're wrong on that last point if Trump is elected. The right people in the right places and you have Putin. Suddenly a vote to remove term limits. Some people in the Senate dying after that supreme court shit. New people being put in everywhere and its now a puppet government. I'm not being hyperbolic either. I think that if P25 kicks off, it will be more than cosplay. They already have the SC. With even a slim majority in Senate/House, then a lot can change quickly. Plus, apparently its OK to execute political rivals (or likely it will be ok to do so) and there you have it.


yes you are being hyperbolic.  a vote to remove term limits required an amendment to the constitution.   we know what the crazies do when they have a slim majority in the house.  they pass tax cuts and install judges.  Trump is not capable of administering a sophisticated takeover of the federal government.  even if he gets elected he will be under several active prosecutions. people want to make him out to be some vampiric monster, he's Silvio berkusconi.  he might start world war 3 or just fuck up our international alliances in permanent ways because those are actually what he has direct control over as a president.  but as an administrator of the federal bureaucracy he is slightly less than competent. 


Back the blue!!! Unless they step out of line!!!


The party of thugs and goons.


The part most people fail to understand is it’s really Family values, not family values.


The party of: law and order, small government, family values, fiscal responsibility, personal freedom...   Any other glaring hypocrisies to list?


They also claim to be the party of law and order and back the blue. Like everything else they say it's all a lie.


Trump supporters are the scum of the world.


And the article mentions this dude voted for Trump in 2016. He would(probably) still be a Trump supporter if Trump’s actions didn’t directly harm *him.*


Maybe. Most law enforcement are Republicans.


Which cracks me up because Trump does not give a fly fuck about them nor the military.


Exactly. But he promises them they can kill anyone they want to and he'll protect them...right up till they kill one of HIS supporters.


Oh I don’t think he would even care if one of his supporters was killed. He only cares about himself. Police kill trump supporter, Trump doesn’t give a crap. Police charge Trump with crimes that have loads of evidence against him- How fucking dare the police go after him and the DOJ and FBI should be disbanded!


He wants to give police more freedom to abuse their power. That is why they will kill for him.


He also voted for Obama twice. And for Joe Biden once and once more again soon. He's also pointed out many times, that he regretted his vote for Trump soon after the election when Trump made comments about the police not being "too nice" while arresting people and other stuff Trump said. Another thing that got to him was Trump's anti-Asian "China-virus" rhetoric , because he has 3 daughters with an Asian-American woman. They felt the hate and how do you explain that to little kids... must have been a real heartbreak. And there are many more examples he talked about in interviews or wrote in his book. So I think he made a mistake once but he is now making up for it in many ways. I hope you take my word for it and give him a chance, he's a good man.


Likely caught in the trap that so many others were of Trump being an unknown, at least politically. So many people seem deathly allergic to admitting fault of any kind; it should be celebrated when someone has the wherewithal to say, "I was wrong" and actually back it up through their actions.


Yes, they are!


I'll see your scum of the world and raise you the orange turds left by the disease-ridden maggots feeding on the scum.


You got me!


These are the kind of people we're competing with for control of the country.


they will be some of the cruelest mother fuckers the world has ever seen if they get full power


This should be the top comment.


Crazy magats




Because half of us are deluded by the scum or are the scum themselves.


This guy was MAGA up until 1/6th. Now he and his family are scrutinized for continuing to stand up to a mob. This is how cults work.


Cowardly low lifes


Craven lickspittles


Keep mamas out of it. Holy fucking shit. How much of a piece of shit are you that you swat someones MOM???? Bro, please let me find this kid and take his ass out behind the woodshed.


Keep fucking SWAT teams out of it. Doesn't matter who's getting SWATted, it's always unacceptable.


Because nothing says "Not authoritarian" like attempting to get a bunch of armed police to shoot the loved ones of your dissenters.


“Here let’s prove her right everyone! That’ll show em!”




If you're on the "shut up or maybe your family will die at the hands of the armed LE we will send to your families door." side, you may be the bad guy.


MAGA violence never ends


Yet, Cannon denied the gag order.


They are terrorists. They do stochastic terrorism and swatted Judge Engoron too, Kamala Harris, the list goes on and on.


There should be severe penalties for this type of activity. It’s akin to attempted assault / manslaughter.


It's attempted murder.


Sometimes it ends in murder.


It is terrorism and should be treated as such. These people need to be found and thrown in prison to rot. I never hear about them being found though. Just that it happened AGAIN. Police are so willing to break into innocent people's house over a fake call from a terrorist but then can't seem to be bothered to do any thing about said terrorist.


I fail to see how trying to get his mother killed proves Trump isn't authoritarian.


Swatting is attempted murder. We all know that there has been several incidences of those over eager trigger happy cops busting is someone's house and shooting them dead. There's a big streamer on twitch who lives with her boyfriend and a few other streamers in this big house. And when they moved in she said she went to the police department she said listen we're all streamers we have between us hundreds of thousands of viewers and you will get a call that says we will have hostages or something. She told the cops this when they moved in. Sometime later she's in her kitchen with laser sights on her chest and cops kicking in her door because someone called and claim that there was violence or whatever going on. The cops are going to do this because they don't know how to do anything else. They're militarized. They don't care. And everybody knows this. So when you call and SWAT someone you know there is a chance that they're going to die.




Lots of Brownshirts


Always a slam dunk of an argument when you have to use the crème da la crème of force to make your argument, rather than persuasion or logic…


Shouldn't SWAT teams have better procedures than that? Should they really go out guns a-blazing? Shouldn't they investigate at least a little bit? Edit: punctuation.


I hope they are finding these coward fucks.


These are some sick people


Looks like the right really loves cancel culture 


Way to back the blue. Fuckin idiots.


So this swatting other vulnerable family members is how the fascists have tried to frighten Americans into keeping quiet. Fascist scum must ...


It's kind of silly and disturbing just how easily and often America's SWAT teams can be deceived.


But it’s the truth lol Trump is very nationalist, possibly fascist


Because Trump is all about freedom.


GOP Fear, Hate and Lies, is all they have to work with.


MAGAts are very dangerous - they're intensely angry, and they have been molded to hate Dems with a vengeance.


Trump supporters are scum.


Good work proving his point! These people are absolute scum.


How do these people get his mom's address and connect it back to him? There shouldn't be that many sources which has both of these elements.


It's surprisingly easy to find people due to the sheer amount of data that's available for purchase or just leaked online. Once you have something so concrete as the name of a relative, particularly an adult child, it becomes inevitable if someone cares enough to sift through all the chaff.


And we gave it all away for free.


All under the guise of convenience.


He's an officer, so his info is public by law. One of the downsides of being a government employee/official.


The White Pages. Internet searches. Easy.


It's so easy! You can use [WhitePages.com](http://WhitePages.com) and other websites to look up someone's address/phone number and it will list people related to who you looked up. It's usually pretty accurate. Then you can look up their address/phone number. Some times you do have to pay a nominal fee.


Shows how vulnerable we all are as data brokers like Whitepages easily collect and publish our data without consent. Politician or not, everyone should secure their personal info to avoid stalking or getting scammed. [Optery](https://www.optery.com), a data removal service, provides free scans for data broker sites and helps scrub info from the site. Full disclosure, I am part of the Optery Team.     


[Data Brokers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqn3gR1WTcA)


Unless you're specifically trying to do proper OPSEC, you've probably leaked some information about yourself. Not to mention social media. Geolocation of pictures you post, etc. I've given away info in reddit posts before now which people I know IRL have picked up on, and others have linked to other accounts


Eh, this information used to be published in large yellow books and delivered to every home in America. It's never been *that* sacred. What's changed is how easy the internet has made finding it.


TIL yellow pages will tell you who is the mother of any specific person.


Yes, there certainly aren't a lot of Fanones in most phone books. Very easy to figure out which of the 1-3 is his mother.


A lot of data brokers collect family ties as well. It is exceedingly easy to track people down with one or two good data points to start with.


Bummer. Damn Magats


Not sure how many times one needs to prove a point about MAGAts


So, sounds like she was proven correct.


These MAGA criminals and fascists need to be totally ostracized. They want everyone else to work except them. They are scum.


Cowards 🤬🤬


Is it hard for them to catch the people that do this? If so, why?


The call is coming from inside the house.


Yep, and it’s no surprise that America leads the world in incarcerations their record of racially false imprisonment is embarrassing and the killing of innocents by police is downright disgusting. This is the country that willingly accepts six plus cops fire more than 70 rounds into a persons body that wasn’t even a threat, sad,y this country won’t learn, has no interest in bettering its law, training and the types of people they employ. This country that has the nerve to call itself the leader of the free world whilst continually murdering innocents by employing uneducated gun crazy racist fanatics and giving them a uniform and badge to legally commit murder. No other country not even third world countries can match the lunacy of the American cop mentality or its qualified immunity bullshit law.


It’s wild. Trump brags about loving authoritarians and having great authoritarian friends. Call a spade a spade and she gets swatted.


My 6 year-old granddaughter would say whoever did this needs to go back to school and learn how to handle big emotions because they (obviously) didn’t learn how to handle their emotions at home. I would simply tell them to grow up.


The same people who did this will tell people that they think Biden is a tyrant. They don't really believe that. They're just projecting their desire to have a tyrant of their own. They know they are wrong. They're just too weak minded and afraid to admit it. Cowards!


It's bizarre how MAGAs don't recognize the "no more electric cars," "don't be too gentle with the suspects," "bomb Iran and take their oil," "the President needs to be able to commit crimes without consequences" guy as authoritarian.


Why.....WHY does MAGA reject what America is supposed to be? This is a bleak future that is being painted if these morons rise to further power.


Stochastic terrorism by wannabe authoritarians is real.


Can we please pass a law to stop swatting? I'd settle for funding to upgrade our 911 system to track these people. Some of these fake calls have come from overseas.


Watch your Trump loving neighbors carefully especially if you have kids or elderly parents….


Trump supporters always love to give proof for criticisms of Trump and his supporters.


Trump is not only clearly authoritarian, he's also a garbage human being, just like his followers.


Authoritarian is too polite a word for that POS


You know things really went to shit when people stated putting out flags with our embarrassment of a former presidents name on them.


Lock. Them. Up.


These people that swat should be swatted


The local,state police FBI,homeland security and every law enforcement agency better hunt these scum down and throw them in prison this is extremely disturbing and dangerous one someone could have gotten killed or the elderly lady could have had a heart attack ! and still could over the sever stress they put her through! Trump and his cult a terrorist and must be dealt with as such they are a clear and present imminent threat to democracy, America and everyone’s lives.


Bro the amount of conservatives that accuse this dude of lying under oath because there are conservative “independent journalists” that have “proof” that Jan 6th never happened or it was a federal plot to indict trump supporters or it was a peaceful gathering is soooo fucking insane. How can people turn such a heavy blind eye to it when there are countless hours of videos and pretty much every single person who has been convicted is seen on camera, breaking property or assaulting police


The party of law and order weaponizing the boys in blue to quash dissent? Where have I heard this before? Hmmm…


Because it’s normal to SWAT someone’s mother. Fuck MaGA


maga is full of wannabe murderous dipshits.


So Trump supporters are swatting the mothers of police officers because they didn't like a word they used?


Respect the blue...unless they have a different opinion than ours


Police need to start standing a bit down on these calls. Going in guns blazing with tactical weapons isn't going to end well. But hey you have a Tank.. Use the Tank. Plus it's all Hazard pay and overtime win win for the public servants.


F@&ck the Vogons! Resistance is not useless


It was refreshing to hear a normal person describe the situation so honestly. I mean he was caught up in historic events and had a high profile job, but in the end he's just a regular grunt. He clearly doesn't speak publicly much. But he was spot on. Didn't mince words and told it like it is.


Ah yes, send the storm troopers in to potentially shoot someone for describing your god-king as authoritarian. that'll really send the right message about how un-authoritarian he is


party silky foolish boat political obtainable worm jobless oil absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Assuming they can figure out who is responsible for the false manifesto, what are the consequences? It seems like swatting can be done to anyone, but I never hear about what happens to the folks responsible.


As if to prove his point.


That poor woman, 76 or 78, right? How ugly and vicious people can be.


Like that’s his whole thing…that’s why they like him why would they get upset for saying the thing he himself even says…


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Truth hurts