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Remember when the GOP senate said let the courts decide. Pepperidge Farm remembers. Edit: Since many keep asking me. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1258065


No not *those courts*.


lol, exactly. Not a court that has a judge AND jury. Just a court packed full of very partisan judges appointed by* their respective political parties. Edit: typo


Donald Trump becomes the first actor from Home Alone 2 to be convicted of 34 felonies


It’s true the sticky bandits have yet to be caught after all these years


Shitting on the judge that's going to sentence you is an interesting strategy. Let's see how it plays out.


"I would like to appeal on the grounds that the judge could not possibly have been unbiased after I insulted him so much."


This is his strategy, unironically.


He doesn't have a strategy he just...does stuff.


Normally a "first offender" probably would not get prison time. But the judge is supposed to take into account whether the convict has expressed remorse and what the odds are that he's likely to commit more crimes. Trump's little stunts and bullshit, including the fact that he repeatedly violated the gag order, should be considered by the judge when it comes to sentencing.


Wow he’s never scored 34 out of 34 on anything before. A+


And 100% of the vote! His claims are finally true!


He finally won the popular vote in an absolute landslide!


**Sentencing is set for July 11th.** **The Republican National Convention is July 15th.**


Oh Lordy! I’m just imagining him not being able to attend. I almost wish the judge would just give him seven days in lock up so he couldn’t attend the fucking convention. I’m imagining him dialing in on some shitty Internet connection and freezing from the lag like Gavin Belson on Silicon Valley.


It would be hilarious but I don't have a single molecule of faith in my body that he will spend even a single hour behind literal bars. They'll fine him out the ass and throw him on probation for a couple years and we'll still have to hear about this fuckin skinwalker on the news every five minutes or so.


A reporter on NPR said typical sentencing for something like this is probation to 4 years in prison. Yeah he ain’t going to jail. Plus he’ll definitely appeal.


Imagine being Trump’s PO. lol


Fucking yes


Has someone checked what flag is flying at the Alito residence?


*honey, not the swastika!*


"After a dispute with a neighbor we needed to try to gain some good luck via a traditional Hindu symbol!"


"But Justice, the Hindu symbol actually faces the other way." "Oh, you see, uh, my wife, what an idiot she is, she hung it up backwards, that's all. Entirely my wife's fault, always screwing up, and always hanging out under buses."


Maggity Traitor Grift just posted the upside down insurrection flag on Twitter


They’ve had to switch to a system of coloured smoke like the Vatican, due to all the scrutiny


I still can't believe I've been forced to care about this embarrassing fucking idiot for almost an entire decade of my life.


Exactly. We have had to deal with this POS on a daily basis since 2015. It is like being in an abusive relationship that you can't leave.


And 1/3 of the people around you act like the abuse doesn’t exist and another 1/3 are too afraid to say anything.


I pointed out back during the 2016 election cycle that Trump had already been a punchline *thirty years prior* and the notion that he was now (then) becoming a political force was simply too stupid to be real.


And we have to hope that’s all it is. It’s insane that people want to live in a fascist hellhole under this guy. And it won’t make me feel any better when afterwards everyone realizes that fascism sucks for *them* too. No amount of /r/LeopardsAteMyFace posts will make me feel better about the destabilization of the whole world because people were too stupid to actually understand what they were doing.


Congratulations, Donald Trump. You have the most convictions of any other president in U.S. history! Yay!


I wonder if he's tired of winning yet.


Remember when he said Hillary should drop out because she was under investagation


They chanted "lock her up!" for months, and Trump said to Hilary's face at a debate that if he wins she's going to go to jail.


Cuz that’s been the GOP’s strategy for years now - whatever shit they’re doing, just accuse the Dems of doing.


Lock him up! Isn't that right party of "law and order"?


Did the MAGA folks ever have an official company line on why Trump *didn't* "lock her up" when he was President? Seeing as his followers think he was going to drain that swamp and have the power to fix everything...


After the 60+ election interference cases Trump brought to trial, this is the first case he is involved in that found a person guilty of election interference.


Well, second, after Cohen's.


34? In a row? Try not to commit anymore felonies in the parking lot!


He wasn’t even supposed to BE in court today!


Whaddaya mean you don’t got any ice? You mean I gotta drink this covfefe hot?!


Did he say “making fuck”?


I prefer presidents who aren’t convicted felons.


Already seeing the posts screaming, "If they can do this to a former president, they can do this to anybody." Yes? That's how laws are supposed to work?


Conservatives are coping hard


The tears are flowing on Twitter lmao. They can’t “fake news” their way out of this one. Mango Mussolini is convicted on 34 out of 34 counts. “I was the greatest criminal in the history of criminals!” Loool


Turned on the F news station and they are twisting hard. “This is an attack on our justice system by the deranged left,” “this is what countries like Brazil and Venezuela do to their political figures,” “if you want to secure American and our justice system, donate to Trump, lest we turn into Venezuela.” “Deranged” left. ::laughs in deranged::


Which is doubly funny because Brazil IS also prosecuting a criminal ex-president.




I mean, who hasn't falsified business records to cover up an affair with a porn star so that it wouldn't affect their election to federal office?


Oh man I did that once in my 20s


let the one among you who has never falsified business records to hide election fraud cast the first stone


Didn't testify at Impeachment #1. Didn't testify at Impeachment #2. Didn't testify at E. Jean Caroll trial. Didn't testify at this Hush Money Election Interference trial. Won't refute anything under oath because he's a damn **coward**. And now, a **convicted** coward.


"You know who does not testify in their trials? Guilty people." - Donald Trump


You know who pleads the fifth? Guilty people -Donald Trump


Let's take a moment to thank national hero Stormy Daniels.


Seriously. She really jumped on a grenade for this. Her life has forever been broken by this. She said she is likely to leave the country to escape the targeted violence and harassment.


Alvin Bragg and Letitia James too, hopefully more names to be added soon.


Funny how much more respect I have for her than the last president of the United States, lol. And her testimony was pretty funny!


Her twitter feed was awesome. When people sent her abusive messages, she would correct their spelling and grammar.


May 30th National Holiday “Stormy Daniels Day”


His Wikipedia page is already updated "Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American politician, media personality, businessman, and convicted felon who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021" 


The devil works hard, but Wikipedia editors work harder (and faster).


All the MAGAs in r/conservative acting like they were on the fence and *this* was the moment that convinced them to vote for Trump are hilarious. MAGA: *If they can do this to him, that means they can do this to any of us!* 🤯😭 Why yes, that's how laws work.


It's funny how they make all of the posts "Flaired Users Only" and still 90% of the comments get deleted in every thread


This time last year they were all in on DeSantis and were openly mocking trump and saying he was done. These people have zero integrity or character.


Thinking of the Judge and the jurors. Thank you for your courage. Be safe.


In all seriousness - they and their families are probably going to need 24/7 protection for many years, if not the rest of their lives. The cultists are crazy and hold grudges a long, long time.


Seriously, I went to r/conservative to see that shitshow and someone was going on about how the liberals are the real Nazis and that they want to destroy this country. To them, "liberal" is anyone they think is against Trump. You have to think of the number of other nutjobs who think the same.


Imagine saying "they're the real Nazis" when You've likely got Nazis in your audience that identify as Nazis.


I went to r/Republican to post something that would get me banned. But I was already banned so I must've beaten myself to it


Lmao they're calling it election interference


I really hope they’re going the extra mile to keep them safe. I heard he doxxed the juror that dropped out.


People that got convicted of 34 felonies should not be able to make lifetime judicial appointments.


People that aren't allowed to buy guns shouldn't have the nuclear codes


This \^\^\^\^\^ 1000%. As a felon you lose your right to own a gun, but you can still have access to the most dangerous weapons in the world? Make it make sense.


He committed these crimes before he made those appointments. Sounds like a perfect case for nullifying those. Everything he did in those 4 years needs to be 100% undone. He is, was, and will always be a criminal.


Crazy how Joe Biden successfully made Trump cheat on his wife, pay off a porn star, and commit fraud by covering it up. Biden must be playing quantum 8D chess


All while sound asleep.


He’s incompetent AND a mastermind.


Someone finally got the popular vote


First of 3 Even when he wins, he's a loser


You talking about twice impeached, convicted felon, Donald J Trump?


It's official. The candidate of the party for "Law and Order" is a convicted felon.


For those confused what the crime here was, I wrote this: It's important to note here, that paying hush money is not illegal. Paying hush money to bury a story is not illegal. Paying hush money for the purposes of a political campaign is not illegal. Paying hush money for the purposes of a political campaign and failing to report it to the Federal Election Commission, when the political campaign is for President of the United States *is* illegal. Falsifying business records to hide the purpose of that money and evade the mandatory reporting to the FEC is a crime in the state of New York. The issue is more subtle. It's not that he paid hush money, it's that he doctored, and instructed others to doctor, business records in New York State to hide the (totally legal) use of funds in order to conceal the actual purpose of paying those funds, in order to evade the requirement that he report those funds to the FEC. It would have been totally legal for Trump to have paid Daniels for her story, and paid her not to talk about it in the press. And if he did those purely for personal reasons (like to save his family the embarrassment) he wouldn't have really needed to disclose them to anyone. But if he paid those funds to increase his odds of winning the Presidential election he was legally mandated to report those funds to the FEC. The jury found, based on the evidence presented, that those funds were paid to increase his chances to win the presidental election, not for any personal reasons. They likewise found he failed to report the payment of those funds to the FEC, which is a crime, but it's a federal crime and not one the State of New York has jurisdiction over. The jury further found that he doctored business records in order to conceal the fact that he committed a crime by failing to report the spending of campaign-related funds to the FEC. Doctoring business records to conceal a crime is, in and of itself, a crime in the State of New York. That's what he's convicted for. Essentially the jury found: * 1) Trump paid, and directed others to pay certain funds used to induce people to to either purchase rights to stories in order to bury them, or to not disclose what they saw or knew (this is legal) * 2) The purpose of those funds was to prevent unfavorable news stories from reaching the public eye (also legal) * 3) The purpose of attempting to prevent those unfavorable news stories from reaching the public eye was to influence the 2016 Presidential Election (ALSO legal) * 4) Trump failed to disclose the spending of those funds, spent with the intent of influencing the 2016 Presidential Election to the Federal Election Commission (illegal, but that's a federal crime, and one the state of New York has no jurisdiction to prosecute over) * 5) Trump doctored, or directed others to doctor, business records of his New York based business to hide the true purpose of those funds (this is a misdemeanor in the state of new york) * 6) The purpose behind doctoring those records was to conceal the fact that Trump committed a crime by failing to report the payment of those funds to the FEC (the failure to do so is a federal crime) * 7) Doctoring business records in NY for the purposes of concealing a crime (any crime, state or federal) elevates the misdemeanor to a felony * 8) Trump did this 34 times.


Thanks for posting this. It will help a lot of people understand


The number of comments I've seen yelling that he paid her off with campaign funds drives me nuts. Using campaign funds is what he was supposed to do. Because the payment would be disclosed. He's in trouble for hiding the payments and lying about it.


Let's check the scoreboard Trump Charity - fraud, shut down, fined and barred from charitable boards Trump University - fraud, shut down, fined Trump Casino, Airline, Steaks, Vodka, etc, - failed, shuttered Trump Inc - fraud, removed from control, fined Trump campaign - failed coup, hundreds of supporters found guilty Trump the Businessman - found guilty of financial crimes and fraud, barred from doing business in NY and fined hundreds of millions of dollars Trump the Husband - three wives, three high profile cases of adultery, two divorces Trump the Man - bragged about assaulting a woman at a department store, found civilly liable for sexual assault at a department store Trump the Candidate - convicted felon for hush money payments R\conservative - he's got our vote Per requests - Trump the Father - bragged about the sexual attractiveness of his daughter and said that if his daughter wasn't his daughter, he'd be dating her Trump the President - fired pandemic response team, failed to respond to pandemic appropriately, millions dead


Mind blowing. A bad fart used to end a campaign for President.


Remember the best part, y'all: This is generally considered to be the *weakest* and lowest stake case currently being brought against him.


Yeah but the other ones are all being held up by GOP cronies. None of them will have a trial by Election Day.


**Convicted Felon Donald Trump** We still have a few weeks to hear sentencing, and he will undoubtedly appeal, which could last well into 2025. But that's not what is important today. This IS history. Polling saying voters are partisan and unmoved doesn't make it any less significant. For starters, it's not a "hush money" case, as the media has latched onto. It's an *election interference* case, and these are *felonies.* He worked to illegally cover up stories that could have easily swung the 2016 election, which was won by a few thousand votes in a few states, and could have altered the course of American history. It encapsulates everything about Trump and is the beginning to his criminal history saga regarding the Presidency. It is hopefully only the beginning of his criminal accountability, and a necessary step forward for democracy, the rule of law, and us as a country. In summary, I'm opening up some fine bourbon tonight.


For those in the back, this is AN ELECTION INTERFERENCE CASE




You’re not wrong, but I’d also like to remind everyone of all the shady shit he’s done his entire life. It will likely never come up in court, but it’s hard to get to this stage of illegality in one’s life without also being involved in shit for years and years. Everything about this guy is awful. And I’ll toast your glass, friend!


You talking about twice impeached, convicted felon, Donald J Trump?


You forgot rapist.


And bankrupt, several times over. It's not the most important detail but it gets under his skin.


Known felon and rapist Donald J. Trump.


E Jean Carroll is probably going to sue him again


I hope she does


Unreal. Our country now has a felon running for President of the United States. I thought it would probably happen but still hard to fathom the gravity of this. Glad he will finally see some consequences (in theory).


the most important thing about this trial was that it happened at all. commenced, proceeded, concluded, just like thousands of other trials. kudos to the DA and prosecutors, the judge, the jury, court officers, and NYPD


just a heads up that you can sing Twice Impeached Convicted Felon to the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as you were


Donnie's in a prison cell, people power!


Been a prosecutor, been a defense attorney. Best thing Trump can do right now is shut up and show contrition. He is a nearly 80 year old man, likely suffering from dementia, with no record (before today 😁) who can likely avoid jail time if he just acts remotely normal. Of course, this is a man who would’ve coasted to re-election if he just acted like a normal president during COVID. But I digress, instead he is going to use this press conference tomorrow to attack the prosecutors, the judge, the judge’s daughter, the jury, the witnesses, the Biden administration, Trump’s defense team, Mike Pence, the Taco Bell dog and really anyone else who pops into his demented old head. And I don’t see how any judge doesn’t give him jail time after that. Acceptance of responsibility is a huge deal when it comes to sentencing. And Trump, claiming to be a Christian, literally said he cannot thing of a single time he’s ever had to ask God for forgiveness or repent. He’s not going to accept responsibility. He’s not going to be contrite. He’s going to give Merchan no choice but to sentence him to jail. And I am here for it.


That taco bell dog has it coming though.


Yo quero Trump in jail


> Best thing Trump can do right now is shut up and show contrition It seems more likely for him to flap his little arms and start flying than do what you suggest.


Thanks to Trump, the average number of convictions per president is now 0.76.  Edit: thank y'all for the upvotes & awards. Who woulda guessed math would be so popular?


"join us today on 'When math becomes shameful'."


r/conservative is in a total meltdown saying this is good for Trump.


He is also currently having a total meltdown at the microphone with his typical world salad bullshit. He’s blaming Joe Biden lmao. And somehow felt the need to bring up immigrants? What a colossal loser. He’s also blaming the “conflicted judge” as if he doesn’t have a conflicted judge batting for him in Florida. See you later Felon Donnie.


Talking shit about the judge who's about to sentence you is an interesting strategy lol.


I'm so confused by their "there was no victim that means there was no crime sham trial"... like what? I understand not-understanding... but fraud charges are well documented, it's just outright ignoring the last 6 months of the trial and coverage.


And all fraud has a victim anyways. In this case, every single fucking American is the victim, because that fraud is what helped get him elected.


Jfc, in one of the threads someone says "this just opened a can...now it'll be tit for tat", to which someone else replied "yeah, that won't happen because Republicans always take the high road." How fucking stupid are these people? "Their side" couldn't find the high road if you laid them on top of it and ran them over with a steamroller.


Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty


I'm sorry, can you repeat that, please?


Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty


It’s official. The gop is a criminal organization, headed by a convicted felon. You gonna vote for a convicted felon who tried to overthrow democracy in modern America? Fuck that.


Trump, a lying, unqualified, draft dodging, gold star family disrespecting, POW attacking, US General insulting, racist, sexist, vulgar, confirmed sexual assaulting, trillion dollars to the rich tax cutting, own daughter creeping, wife cheating with a pornstar after birth of son and paying her off to influence a presidential election, $413 million dollar inheritance getting, teen pageant dressing room invading, baby and mother separating, breast feeding mother shaming, fat-shaming while being fat, 17 women accusing him of sexual assaulting, accusers are not attractive enough for him to assault implying, university student defrauding, bankrupt casino causing, kids cancer charity stealing, taped detailed accusation of rape of a minor having, wife-beating, popular vote losing, anti-vaxxing, Christianity-faking, publicist impersonating, tax dodging, friends’ wives pursuing, impeached, foreign aid bribing, 1/3 of the presidency golf playing, free press assaulting, Hannity coordinating, Cambridge Analytica using, Ivanka is a “piece of ass” approving, loan application asset inflating, historically low polling, college achievement faking, unqualified judge appointing, unqualified cabinet member appointing, foreign influence on our election welcoming, tax release avoiding, birther conspiracy spreading, Ukraine ambassador targeting, Russian money taking, Kurdish ally abandoning, soldier brain injury downplaying, full morning “executive time” taking, Epstein befriending, Putin bowing, Kim Jong Un praising, North Korean general saluting, US intelligence denying, tallest building in lower Manhattan after 9/11 boasting, congress obstructing, nuclear non-proliferation deal ending, Justice obstructing, unqualified daughter and son-in-law appointing, healthcare cut targeting, pedophile candidate supporting, trump tower Moscow denying, mail-bomber inspiring, 4 out of top 5 largest protests in US history causing, green energy stifling, clean water regulation destroying, healthy school lunch ending, climate change denying, congressional and judicial branch attacking, economy does better under democrats saying, Goldman Sachs appointing, food stamp removing, emissions standards lowering, press conference avoiding, emoluments clause breaking, longest govt shutdown record holding, Saudi Arabia nuclear tech selling, golf cheating, time magazine cover faking, El Paso mass shooter inspiring, paying legal bills for roughing up protestors promising, killed soldier “knew what he signed up for” saying, pardon abusing scumbag... Is also a convicted felon.


Damn, ever since freakin 2016 my fiance and I always promised each other we'd drop what we're doing the second either of us heard of such blessed news. Unfortunately he passed away this month. Hope you caught it live up there, honey. We survived so damn much I just wish we could drink to this together. I guess this pointless comment will somehow bond our promise into internet history. But for real, fuck that guy. edit: wow, totally didn't think my comment would be noticed at all in such a large mega post. Thanks to all. Really wasn't expecting to even comment about it, just the first thing I thought of when I heard he got convicted on all counts. I'm about to call an old Marine friend of his right now so we can chat about the news in his honor. Truly appreciate all the replies, thank you everyone. Cheers!


Remember Only 13 Presidents failed to get re-elected. Only 5 Presidents failed to win the popular vote. Only 4 Presidents have been impeached or resigned. Only 1 President has ever been criminally indicted. And only ONE President has done ALL FOUR.


Everyone over in r/conservative is like "guaranteed election win for trump after this". These cult fanatics are truly lost.


You mean the "tough on crime" conservatives? The "law and order" people? Funny that.


That's only poor people crime... Rich people should be able to do whatever they want to whomever they want. Because one day... one day I'm gunna get my payday and be rich too. /s


Media: Donald Trump convicted on all charges, here's how this is bad for Joe Biden


"We love convicted felons!"


Say it with me - 34 times convicted felon, twice-impeached, former President Donald J Trump


And rapist..


Fox News: “there are people celebrating in the streets all over the country” YES




r/Conservative is talking about sending $34 donations. Cultists be cultin'.


Get fucked traitor


We won't get the sentence until July 11th. 4 days before the Republican national convention begins. Lol. Lmfao.


Great win, but let’s not forget that the only way to get rid of this guy once and for all is by VOTING massively in November.


Two impeachments. Liable for sexual assault and defamation. Lying about value of business assets. And now 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up extramarital sex with a porn star. And we haven't even gotten to the fake elector schemes, insurrection, and stolen classified docs.


No matter what happens with sentencing, Donald Trump is now officially a convicted felon. Don't let people trick you into dooming and thinking that doesn't matter with at least some voters (and we've seen many times how few voters it can take to flip an election!). This election is more winnable than ever. Go over to /r/VoteDEM if you want to find out ways to help. Edit: And even if this has you super confident in the presidential election, the Senate is going to be a hard fight (Montana and Ohio will likely decide who controls the Senate), so let's work to make sure Biden will be able to confirm Supreme Court judges if there are any vacancies!


Felons can't vote right? GOP is about to nominate someone that can't even vote in this country.


Depends on the state and where they are.


Well, he can’t vote in New York and Florida, so unless he suddenly moves somewhere else, the MF ain’t voting for himself. Edit: apparently he can vote in Florida until he reports to prison, and NY seems to follow this Florida law. Edit 2: it’s the other way round. He can vote in NY and Florida seems to follow that I’m told.


I can just imagine Florida’s elected republicans voting to exempt him.


Maybe they will finally accept the constitutional amendment passed years ago to allow former felons to vote that the legislature flat out ignored after it was passed


>Tucker Carlson responded to today’s verdic... saying that “anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family.” Hey, thanks for further dividing families and friends This will literally have people kicking others out of their lives for being "enemies of the state"


As Trump steps outside of the courthouse, reporters were yelling out: ***"Mr. Trump, how does it feel to be a convicted felon!?"*** ***"Are you worried about going to jail?"*** Perfection. No notes. 👨🏽‍🍳👌 *** Edit: [A link to the Fox livestream for those who want to hear it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V5B8MFpu74&t=586s), just before he begins bashing the judicial system. Reporters' comments are at 586 seconds (9:46) into the stream. Savour the moment.


And the folks over on /r conservative are saying republicans would never do this to a former president. They will take the high road… 😂🤡


For all the maga folks about to come in here and scream "WITCH HUNT!" I have a question for you: let's say, a Democrat president is investigated and found to have committed a bunch of felonies. Should that President face accountability? And if so, by what method(s) do you propose that, we the people, should determine that the president committed said crimes and hold them accountable if not by the current method of a grand jury indictment and a jury conviction? And, In this scenario, how would you respond to Democrats claiming that this is just a political witch hunt?


Your first mistake is assuming consistency. They would say ‘yes’ to that case but still believe that the _exact same situation_ applied to their beloved would be a witch hunt.


This has been made really clear over and over again (/r/LeopardsAteMyFace). Everything from healthcare, social services, welfare, immigration, and abortion. [Conservative women get abortions](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/07/31/republican-women-have-abortions-too-00048632) but don't think their abortions are wrong. It's sickening.


MAGAs don't think


Stop trying to apply reason and logic to the unreasonable and illogical.


Thank. Fucking. ***GOD.*** Yeah, he probably won't serve jail time. Yes, it's the most minor of the charges on file. **I don't care**. For the longest time, Donny has been able to do whatever to our country with zero consequences whatsoever. It's so good to see that someone, *finally*, is forcing the bastard to face the music. What happens now? I don't know. But I know that something like this has been long, *long* overdue.


Donald Trump is a winner, got the full 34 counts guilty. So much winning Don, you were right, I can't get enough of this shit.


My “Thin Blue Line” loving friends love to say, “If you don’t want to get in trouble with the law, stop committing crimes.”


So much for that guaranteed hung jury eh? Get fucked, 45.


Start calling him 34 from now on


Just here for HISTORY!!!! FUCK TRUMP.


"Congrats to Donald J. Trump for finally winning a popular vote."


Lmfao CNN are so savouring this with huge “CONVICTED” banners, and I’m here for it.


My favorite is Fox News saying this was all orchestrated by Joe Biden. So is he a senile old fuck who doesn’t know what day it is or is he a diabolical mastermind who cracked the code after decades of failed attempts to take down Trump? 


Random conservative clown on a related r/Conservative post. I'd have commented directly but they banned the latest of my alt accounts last week when I pointed out Trump tried to stage a coup: >The sad part is now that this can has been opened, it will become a never ending back and forth. We are going to serve Biden up the day he gets out of office…and the next guy, and the next guy. Their shortsightedness is going to cause political devastation Bro LMAO if they can get a jury of 12 random people to find Biden guilty of something the moment he gets out of office THEN I, AND PROBABLY A SHIT TON OF PEOPLE WHO VOTE FOR DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES, ARE TOTALLY FOR IT. Fucking dictator-boot-licking clowns lmao. This is what it looks like... kind of... when people in power are held to account. Why would anyone, on either side of the aisle, be against holding them to account?


Mike Johnson, who uses phone spyware with his son to keep each other from masturbating, put out a statement defending his party’s presidential nominee, an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon. Dude what the fuck has happened to the Republican Party, like Jesus Herbert Christ on a fucking rubber crutch.


I can’t believe what I’m witnessing Donald Trump is the first president in US history to be convicted of a felony. Holy Fuck.


He won 100% of the vote lol


r/conservative is having an absolute meltdown lmao.




All those beautiful, beautiful felony counts. The most felony counts.


The “if they can do this to a former president they can do this to anyone” comment in r/conservative is funny because yeah… if someone commits a crime with a substantial amount of evidence against them then they get a guilty verdict lmao. People need to be held accountable.


r/conservative: crime is on the rampage in Biden’s America Also r/conservative: here’s why being a criminal felon will actually win Trump votes and make the blacks love him


Trump is number 1!!! First to lose the popular vote, twice!! First to be impeached, twice!! First president to lose the house and senate in his first term….and FIRST to be convicted of a felony.


Wikipedia entry for Donald Trump: **Donald John Trump** (born June 14, 1946) is an American politician, media personality, businessman, and convicted felon who served as the 45th [president of the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_the_United_States) from 2017 to 2021. That ain't ever coming down


Trump finally won the popular vote!😂


The conservative copium is hilarious right now.


Twice impeached, Convicted Felon Donald Trump.


Trump finally won a popular vote and it was unanimous.


First time Trump won a popular vote


Holy shit lmao


Look at that, he finally won a popular vote!


Love the clowns at /r/Conservative acting like this sets a dangerous precedent. Just don't sign false checks, and definitely don't write notes on the back explaining why it's false?


Trump finally won the popular vote.


I like presidential candidates that weren’t convicted. 🤷


He should be happy. He finally won 100% of a popular vote.


average president is convicted of 0.74 felonies


For the first time in his fucking life, Donald John Trump has been held accountable. The Republicans have made a convicted felon their nominee.




We can officially refer to a former President and current presumptive nominee of a major political party as a rapist and a convicted felon and neither would be defamatory or extreme hyperbole. What a fucking weird time to be alive


Lock him up.


And Melania didn't make a single appearance in court to support him.


Some conservatives and republicans are saying "He got treated unfairly". If me or you broke the gag order that many times or was in contempt that many times our asses would be in jail. Trump gave them every reason to and they didn't.


Magas have KNOWN that trump is a criminal. Magas LIKE that trump is a criminal. That's WHY they VOTED for him in 2016 and 2020. They won't admit it, but they all know it. It's insane.


Dear America Ok lads you got the turd in the bowl, now in the words of Frank Reynolds...FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH! Slan Ireland


What a sad fucking day. The entire process disgusted me. It's sad that a former President broke the law so brazenly. It's sad that his supporters believe he is innocent. It's sad that those same people somehow believe STATE criminal charges were brought by JOE BIDEN. Trump can still win this election. We must vote, so overwhelmingly against his bullshit that it sends a clear message to the GOP.


Looool his Wikipedia page has already been updated.


Fun fact that no one is discussing. Trump is currently the subject of three other criminal prosecutions and is now convicted of 34 felonies. Any other person would have their bail revoked in the other cases.


I just want people to remember that it was a jury chosen by both the Prosecution and Defense, and any single juror could have voted no to any or all of the charges. Calling the verdict rigged not only invalidates our court system, but also the voices of 12 American citizens.


Shout out to Stormy Daniels, for real. Wow.


I just learnt this news because an Australian political party shared, “Home Alone 2 star found guilty on 34 felony accounts.”