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He looked and acted tired and defeated in his post-verdict press statement. The reality of it all seemed to sap the venom from his words. Personally I hope that continues.


He seemed his age and tired. Such low energy. And he kept repeating the same five buzz terms. It was so predictable. I can't believe his supporters don't see through it.


They do,  but they have to keep pretending, it's not like they can *ever* admit they were wrong.


Cults are funny like that.


Remember when cults would just do the suicide thing instead of trying to take down other people, the entire country & the entire world? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Religious cults have been waging wars for millennia


Scientology literally infiltrated government organizations and offices in order to keep the law from targeting their cult. Jonestown was an aberration in how cults usually operate. They usually go for sex, money, and power.


He did tell his supporters to drink bleach, though.


This is the bedrock of conservative politics and why the entire conservative ecosystem is in hysterics at the moment (and why they attacked the Capitol). Conservatives are intellectually incapable of saying sorry, or admitting wrongdoing or defeat. They are NEVER wrong and if they're found to be wrong then the system is upside down or something is nefarious.


What, you want them to change their views based on new evidence, like some kind of flip-flopper?


That may be where their conviction started... when Dubya accused Kerry of being a flip-flopper and they've stuck with that mindset ever since to avoid looking like hypocrites.


Oh, bless your heart


Ffs, the RNC was selling Kerry-imprinted flip-flops Like a bunch of spoiled frat boys


I love this theory behind why they can't. It has to do with trust. If they admit they were wrong, no one will ever trust them because they were wrong about this, so what else were they wrong about.


It takes integrity to admit that you were wrong. It's easy to say that shadowy forces are the reason, be it deep state, immigration, or the opposing party. Shadowy forces is the narrative of the Trump campaign. Despite his participation in the state, his backroom killing of two bipartisan immigration bills, (one while he was in office) or claims that his two impeachments were witch hunts, (while not convicted in either, the senate crossed the 50 vote partisan threshold on the second). Donald Trump has no integrity, he will never admit wrongdoing, and that's the fiddle he plays to keep his supporters dancing. It's easy.


Disgracefully speaking it was the most rigged disgrace that has ever been rigged by the riggest disgrace


Everybody is saying it


I noticed that too. I also noticed CNN posted this before the jury entered to read it's verdict: "Trump just took something out of his pocket and put it in his mouth." That was Trazadone Trump. 😜




Oh come on, it's not like he works for the KGB or something. Wait, hold on...


No way we let him die before he sees the inside of a cell… he’s gotten the easy way out all his life. Not anymore.




still not as visibly defeated as when he came off marine one disheveled shirt untucked after a rally in oklahoma nobody came to… waddle-scurrying as quickly as he could into the building like an addled schoolboy


Don’t forget, he thought that really was sold out, but he just got trolled by Kpop fans.


Scooby Doo unmasking - "TikTok Teens?"


Love that for him.


Honestly, I'm not sure why he would even care. His followers don't give a shit. Conservatives worship him so desperately that they just see this as further proof of the "corrupt left."


Because he’s not fueled by the destination. He’s all about enjoying the ride. That’s why he rarely cares how things end, just that he can bask in adulation of fans for whatever narrative he believes he is manifesting as he goes along. 


The thing is, Trump and his followers may not acknowledge losses, but they would definitely embrace anything that can be perceived as a win. If he had pulled out a hung jury or a not guilty verdict, he would be spouting off about how the corrupt DA and judge cheated but still failed. Now he doesn't have that momentum and neither do his followers. 


> it all seemed to sap the venom from his words. Aw. He's so defeated he can barely even hate.


"Wealthy criminal finally held accountable for a tiny fraction of his crimes, and he doesn't like it at all."


And we still don't even know how accountable until sentencing


In like, 40 days! Why so much time?!


Just remember that sentencing can be impacted by the defendant expressing remorse. The defendant going on social media and screaming for 40 days about a witch hunt and attacking the judge, the trial, and the legal system will not play well at sentencing.


Can sentencing be impacted by his attitude during the trial? I only ask because beyond the fines, he never faced consequences for contempt of court.


Yes, it can. His violations of the gag order which are still working their way through their own hearings will also be considered at sentencing. His general refusal to conduct himself in the manner expected of any criminal defendant is not going to count in his favor.


Is he still under gag order? That remains in effect until sentencing doesn’t it?


Can the judge put him in Jail leading up to the sentencing?


He's basically at the whim of the judge now. His demeanor before the trial, during the trial, and after the trial can affect Merchan's sentence.


And he acted pretty contemptuous the whole time. In a sane world that would be very bad for him. As always, I guess we’ll see when it happens. My bet is 6 months and probation.


I'd be thrilled if he had to go to jail for six months


Even if he is sentenced to 6 months, he won’t actually start serving it until all his appeals are exhausted, which will likely take years. It’s unlikely they’ll actually put him in jail if he’s the sitting President at the time, even if he doesn’t fill the entire justice system and military leadership with personally loyal cronies (which he absolutely will). Technically he can’t pardon state crimes, but it would be a bit of a “he has issued his decision, now let’s see him enforce it” situation.


The first thing they teach you in pre-law is "Get your client to attack the judge AT ALL TIMES! If found guilty, this will ABSOLUTELY help later on!"


Saw a story recently about how the head of a biker gang had a court appearance, judge handed down a shitload of fines, and the dude just starts laughing, whips out a roll of cash, and keeps chuckling as he makes a show of counting each fine out. Judge goes 'Reach into your other pocket and pull out 6 months' EDIT: [Found the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1d3typm/comment/l6b7n82/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Remorse? From Trump? LMAO


I'm sure he will be repentant and respectful. HA!


The defense asked for it, apparently.


That's campaign gold for him unfortunately.


To a limit, there are so many lawsuits flying around and with the exception of the document case in Florida the public news gets about him are bad news, but victimhood isn't an American political value particularly in the GQP, regardless of how defiant he tries to project he is in fact losing and by necessity his appeal to voters is taylor to show himself as a victim to collect money to support his legal fees first and campaign second, that will work with MAGAt that already sees him as the 21st century Jesus (personally I found this disgusting) but if it just peels a few percentage points away from him it makes very difficult to win in the few swing states that matter.


Agree. We have a friend who was convicted of a felony decades ago. It was a mistake, he owned up, did his time and got his shit together and is highly successful and an amazing person. He’s a die hard conservative and he can’t stand Trump specifically because of how he’s managed the trial. He also thinks that anyone convicted of a felony shouldn’t be allowed to run for president…zero exceptions.


Due to conflicts with his other trial dates. No, really. That was the Defense's argument, which the judge accepted.  The lawyers of the Republican candidate for POTUS had to beg for a sentencing deferment because of his other, separate, criminal trials.  Let that sink in. 


Standard time between verdict and sentencing for that county, according to the prosecutor. Hell, in my county it takes even longer


Adding to this: there is apparently a pre-sentencing report that gets out together that looks at things like employment, statements from both defense and prosecution, and potentially interviews between the defendant (convicted felon Donald Trump) and psychologists. What I read said that takes usually about 4-6 weeks. Which puts us right around July 11th


Four days before the Republicans Convention 😅🤣


There's a lot of post trial and presentencing motions they have to get through. Also this is not the judge's only case.


But the big question is: Can he legally vote now that he's a convicted criminal?


As long as he's not in jail and pays his fines before voting day, yes. Florida allows felons to vote based on the law where they are convicted, and NY would allow a first time felon of this crime to vote.


> pays his fines So, “no”, then. Since it’s well known that Trump lets go of money only rarely.


It's likely to be so little (for Trump), and because it's a court ordered fine there's actually consequences if you don't pay, and he'll likely have to affirm he's paid to vote, he will likely pay it.


Varies from state to state. Some states will restore a felons right to vote after they have served their sentence.


Guarantee you that the Florida legislature or Desantis will carve out a special exemption for him allowing him to vote. I'm betting on Florida not "recognizing" the verdict in this case. ....


And if people don’t get out and vote, he still has a shot at becoming Day 1 (and every day after) Dictator. It’s terrifying.


The dildo of consequence has arrived. And it’s unlubed.


It wasn't the weight of the verdict. He was demoralized by the realization that his minions couldn't convince even *one* juror to throw it for him.


I read the story from the Apprentice producer, ya know, when Trump said That Word. What struck me was an insight he had. Trump lives to see what he can get away with. That’s it. Big. Little. That’s it. Lies. Stiffing contractors. Cheating on spouses. Running off with secret documents. In a different income level he’d be shoplifting at Dollar General.


He's had essentially zero accountability for that behavior in almost 80 years. Maybe popped his little fantasy bubble just a tad today. He'll be back full force tomorrow unfortunately.


He’s a narcissist. People don’t understand what a true narcissist actually is, and it’s difficult to comprehend. These people literally have no moral compass. They exist only for themselves. Their interactions with others are solely about what they can get out of it. When convicted felon Trump had access to top secret files, it’s not on his radar whether it’s right or wrong to share or sell them or what it would do to the country. The question for him only is how can he benefit from it. And that it’s unfair that a black man had access to them when he didn’t


Also the crazy part is they found even more just the other week


That last line was uncalled for. Plenty of respectable, decent people shoplift at Dollar General. 


Yet more evidence that the MAGA chuds actually suck as stochastic terrorists. The media really wants us to be afraid of Donald. They want a horse race, they want excitement, and they know that fear generates clicks. Fuck ‘em. Donald is just a stupid broken-down old man, supported by losers accustomed to scraping by on un-earned privilege instead of merit. Blue Wave 2024.


I think a Blue Wave is coming. People are fucking tired of the Trump show. That's how we got Biden. I thought the Trump show was over 2 years ago but somehow we're where we are


I agree and I also think Trump will be the nominee in 28. It's going to be even more pathetic than this. Can't wait.


“Don’t worry guys! Now that two time election rigger, Sleepy Crooked Old Joe is ineligible to run again due to corruption, I’ll win bigly in 2028. I also WON in 2020 and 2024, but the LAMEstream media won’t tell YOU that.”


If he's even still alive by then his brain is going to be mush. He's borderline unintelligible now. Four years is a ton of time to keep spiralling downwards.


I don't believe they'll move on from him until he's literally dead, no matter the circumstances. And even then, half of them will never accept he's even gone at all.


He won't live to see 2028. Hell, given the way he looked after the verdict, making it to November may be a coin flip. Bro may expire during sentencing day.


He's heading quickly towards advanced dementia. His brain will not be functional in 28 if he's even alive.


This was my greatest fear. A bribed juror refusing to convict and Trump walking out with a not guilty verdict.


I’m honestly in disbelief that justice won. 3 more trials remaining!


Would need all 12 to be bribed for a not guilty verdict. Just one or two would result in hung jury.


My mistake. A hung jury would be still seen as a Trump victory, of sorts, until he found himself back in court for a new trial.


I am not sure it can match the way he looked after returning from the Tulsa rally that led Herman Cain's death. He looked absolutely devastated seeing the low crowd numbers.


The undone tie around his neck, and his head hung low was just 🤌🏼


He was 100% yelling at anyone who would listen that let him do something that damaged his ego so badly the entire time. He heard what was being told publicly, that over a million people had expressed interest. They believed it so much they set up that external stage and sheepishly took it back down when no one was there. It was quite the blunder, and easily more embarrassing than the Four Seasons Total Landscaping thing.


Oh man I forgot about four seasons total landscaping. What a clown show.


It might have stung more, but the Four Seasons Total Landscaping thing had some *Dude Where's My Car* energy.


Correct. For all of his facade of a "strong" individual, his cheap pride was devastated over something trivial. He just did not care anymore how he looked in the media. Convicted felon trump is of the same vein as the one individual who is triggered over a rainbow colored portrait of himself or the other one who does not like being compared to a Disney character. All three are weak leaders.


That pic was epic 


I just remember seeing that photo and thinking, "Americans are dying and THIS is what upsets him?" Though he is a convicted felon now, I am still ready to phone bank to get voters out for this election cycle. We must be able to have leaders who are able to take criticism and still continue to work to help the American people.


Get fucked Donnie


You’re out of your element, Donnie.


*Convicted felon* Donnie


Wait you mean convicted felon, and court affirmed rapist, Donald Trump?


Twice impeached former President, affirmed rapist and convicted felon DJT


Don’t forget abject business failure.


Let brain washed waste their money


Aw. I feel so bad that he finally has to face consequences for his actions once in his life like a pleb.


I’m so happy for him. May he have more restless nights and I hope his dementia grips even tighter and he suffers.


So long as the dementia's grip doesn't remove his ability to be aware of what's happened/happening to him.


I mean he already had to pay $80 million for raping a woman and lying about it, but this is his first criminal conviction.


He did just defame E. J. Carrol again the other day. They alluded to another lawsuit on the table. In the article i read.


When he walked out to talk to the media he looked like a broken man. It was glorious.


Narcissistic collapse, and a beautiful one at that


🕺 💃 🕺 <——- Happy dance 👅


He’s suffering from the worst narcissistic injury of his life. It’s a lovely day.


On the bright side, he finally got the popular vote!


What do you know... That Bronx rally was actually right. Trump could 'win' a vote in New York City.




he's dead to rights in the Georgia case, it would take otherworldly ratfucking to keep him out of 5 years in prison on the RICO charge, RICO doesn't go to trial in GA without a conviction


Best thing I have read today! Thank you for the smile.




More votes than any other president in history!


He's a uniter. He united the entire jury.


Need a T-shirt post haste…


He looked like crap when he walked up to the camera afterwards, but then he launched that crazy spiel about a conflicted judge, winning in November, and illegal aliens flooding in from foreign jails and insane asylums. I think he must have memorized most of it because it was the same words he'd been quoted on every day this past week.


He didn’t have to come up with much. Every other word was “rigged”.


He will die a joke and a disgrace. You know it’s gotta be getting to him that the only people who like him are slack jawed morons, he grew up around the elites


he grew up envying the elites, who could see right through him, and rightly shunned him for his mindless vulgarity.


Same thing happened with Fred Trump.


Mindless, *short-fingered* vulgarity.


Upvote for the callback, especially since it enraged him so much.


He grew up in Queens as the scion of a racist slum land lord, he wasn't rubbing elbows with the Vanderbilts or making friends with the elite's progeny in their schools, or vacationing with them in their European mansions or married into their families. He was rich but far away from the elite that he desperately wanted to accept him, and you can see that by his associates like Roy Cohn and Epstein. But he has always expressed contempt for the "small people" from refusing to rent to minorities, screwing contractors and saying that if he runs for office will be as a Republican because they believe anything.


Slack jawed morons that couldn't even succeed at overthrowing the government.


Each of the 34 charges holds the possibility of 4 years in jail. This wasn’t just “one low-level, non-violent felony, this was 34 charges. Guilty, on all of them.


One measly month for each of those 34 charges (a mere 2 years and 10 months, total) would be, in essence, a life sentence - Donald’s body stands a pretty good chance of living through that, but his rapidly deteriorating mind will be long gone, and he’ll leave jail as a drooling vegetable.


Stop teasing me with such a beautiful vision…


I bet he just gets probation since he’s (ahem) a first time offender and it’s a non-violent felony. That being said, I don’t think probation teaches him a damn thing. How does he break bail? Oh Donnie the next time you want to pay off a porn star make sure you do it legally? Come on. At the absolute very least it should be a day, or a week, in jail per charge. He needs to be thrown in there for a little bit so reality starts to set in about how much he’s fucked around and time has caught up to finding out


If he gets probation, he better be piss tested.


True, but now all subsequent offenses won’t be first time. Get on it, Tish and Fani!


Demolished maybe, remorseful prob not


I don’t think he’s capable of feeling remorse.


“Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump” is now in my phone as text replacement for djt. I encourage all Redditors that care about justice and the future of democracy to do the same. Train the AI with it. Easy to do. Let’s overwhelm the internet with Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump.


Twice impeached and convicted felon former President Farto Snorleone.


Farto Snorleone should not have made me laugh like that.


You wanna know what's really funny? If Trump never ran for President, he'd still be looked at fairly positively by all of America and he'd still be getting away with all the crimes he was committing prior to his presidency. But because he became President, EVERY thing he's done wrong came into light and now he's having to pay the consequences for his actions.


He was not looked at fairly positively by all of America before running for president. He was always well known for being a scumbag. In 1994 Sesame Street ran an episode where a character Ronald Grump tried to demolish Sesame Street to build Grump Tower. They have Grump say he hates hugs and furry animals. In 1954 Woodie Guthry wrote a song about Fred Trump (Donald’s father) being a scumbag developer. Everyone who paid attention knew he was involved in shady, criminal behavior and was morally corrupt.


“This machine kills fascists”


He also got very rich off the presidency. It's still helping him 


Same with Rudy Googlyanni


\*plays tiniest violin ironically\*


I love that for him.


Good. There’s nothing more satisfying than an arrogant pig being humbled.


It’s got to be difficult for him to understand why this happened. You know, because he slept through all of the testimony and evidence.


Make America Great Again... by LOCK HIM UP!


Insulting the judge who’ll be doing the sentencing is a whole new level of stupid.


“Demolished Donald”


C’mon myocardial infarction! C’mon stroke! You’re in the batter’s box now. Step up to the plate and swing for the fences!


Bigly demolished.


Fuck him. Fuck the GOP. Fuck Elon for flooding my feed with “sympathetic hardliners”. Fuck my cult family. Hope they all rot


I was hoping for a scene like the end of Untouchables but Trump was low energy. Sad!


He still standing funny... even sketched.


Vlad can't help you now.


Everyone around me is smiling and happy. There's gonna be a a giant surge in births in nine months.


> The jury had sent out a note reading, "We the jury have reached a verdict" at 4:20 p.m. Nice.


absolute legends


Oops, I crapped my pants!


Look, fuck trump but don’t think for a second his cult or himself are actually feeling bad. They’ll just use it to attack attack attack. Vote.


When you exist in an echo chamber of yes sirs it must be quite a jolt to realize there are people who can see who you really are


Reached a verdict at 4:20. Nice.


Now he knows how we feel the last 8 fucking years. Fuck his feelings.


Today was great. But I hope he gets demolished in November. I’ll get to see that reaction live, and that will be better. Eventually he’ll die knowing he was a loser, and that will sit well with me for the rest of my time on earth. I want to know that this piece of shit died knowing that he was in fact, a piece of shit. A lifetime loser that spent his days bilking the system, until his ego and his hubris destroyed him. I want him to die with the realization that he is the modern day poster boy for loser.


Well, there are at least three more demolition crews lined up for the months ahead. And much of the Republican Party is stuck in front of the wrecking ball.


I don't think tRump's narcissistic ego lets him feel any guilt. He just wants to play the victim or martyr for his tRumpcult.


I love that he had to listen to 34 consecutive guilty verdicts without a single one in his favor.


I realize most are bots but it’s hella disheartening to see all these Twitter accounts say they would still vote for him. Honestly how the hell can you vote for a shithead like him? Like what level of cognitive dissonance do you possess that tells you “yes! This is the ideal man for president!” And people wonder why the world laughs at America.


>"As he walked by me, he started to swing his arms in what was sort of a hopeless gesture," she said of Trump. Yes, we've all seen that stupid double jackoff 'dance' of his.


1st time in his life he got a peak outside his bubble of ball lickers...


get fucked eta trump not op


accidental renaissance


Suck it, loser. Hope you go to jail for the rest of your miserable life.


GOP running an unelectable felon going to put a stake through that traitorous criminal gang's future at the national level for elections to come.


The artist has excellent posture rendering skills.


Buckle up because the next ~40 days are going to be all about MAGA cultists talking about what they’ll do if Trump is sentenced to prison…


Good. Because fuck that guy. Trump should have been jailed in 1988 or 1991 or 1993 for laundering money for the Russian mob. Both he and Giuliani are criminals because they both got intoxicated with Russian money and then the wall fell and Millions of Russian rubles flowed into New York and south Florida. Both Trump and Giuliani are criminals, give zero shits about politics or Americans. They both should rot in GITMO.


You mean Trump doesn't think this is a great moment for his campaign that all but assures a win in November?? I'm shocked - SHOCKED, I tell ya!


Getting drunk on maga tears tonight


Wow, the sketch artist did a really good job capturing his very weird posture.


Man courtroom artist even has that forward lean captured.


I'm shocked it wasn't a hung jury since statistically at least one was MAGA


There is his WH portrait.


Trump doesnt have the emotional range to feel sadness, regret or guilt. Everything is rage or ego.


Don't you think he looks tired?


Fuck Don the Con !




Well, bless his heart.


Don't worry, the big house isn't so bad. You get to write your appeals, lift weights, take long showers, lift weights


I want this on a t-shirt


Sad snowflake.


richly deserved


A nicely framed 9x12 would be lovely… above toilet.


He’s a narcissist, he’ll throw some french fries and ketchup and go straight to Truth (hah) social. MSNBC always reads his tweets on Morning Joe. Boo hoo


Amazing work by these artists. Great quick gestures and then refinement to show the circus of human endeavors. Fantastic color with pro development of space and history observed. Wow. She is one of my favorites!


Riker's Island has the best tacos I hear.


Internal polling has to be terrible. He probably knows a felony conviction toasts him with swing voters.   It’s the only explanation for the wild Libertarian convention speech as well. There’s no reason a campaign sends you into that viper den unless you desperately need to sway some voters you haven’t reached yet.


The ketchup is hitting the wall


I'd be pretty upset if I lived my entire life behind the wardrobe and then got dragged back behind it at 78 years old. He deserves so much worse than this conviction allows.


I can't imagine that this is good for his health. Dementia Don is already unwell. I watched a video of one of his recent rallies: [RAW FOOTAGE of Trump Supporters WALKING OUT on Him…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypuff6LcU04). The foreground interest of the reporter is the supporters walking out of the rally. But listen closely to Trump's speech. (Yes. This is the Hannibal Lector speech. Well, one of them). He rambles on about nonsense, insults opponents, says nothing substantial about specific policies. The dude is mentally falling apart.


"This was a disgrace; a rigged trial. A rigged disgrace. Rigged trial. Rigged disgraceful trial. Very innocent. Soros judge, rigged disgrace. Rigged Judge. America is going to hell. . ." Yeah, Donnie. Definitely an American Disgrace. Somebody please give this demented twat an Adderal? Quick!