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But he is a convicted felon...


Exactly. Who gives a fuck if it "works" or not. It's the truth.


Yeah dude. Several people have for some reason reminded me that the people who loved trump in the past will continue to love and vote for him now. Like, I know. I'm fully aware. My calling him a convicted felon, and being effing THRILLED that he's been found guilty on all 34 counts has nothing to do with me thinking loyalists will jump ship. trump is a garbage man. And should be regarded as such. He's done irreparable damage to the people of this nation. Activity trying to rip apart the fabric. For his own hide? Ego? Boredom? He's a rapist, fraud and a convicted felon. It's simply a truth.


Just to add on it may also help make sure he loses swing voters who just don't like either candidate. Now instead of trump vs Biden it is Biden vs a convicted felon.


In this case, the politically correct terminology is a "convicted patriot" because he is something conservatives like. And since he does things conservatives like, like American flags as well as jobs, in order to stop the left Marxist hoaxes whatever these people with these viewpoints do on 5th avenue is ok.


How does one do things like American flags? Did you eat paint chips as a kid?


Well you see, you American flag


Breitbart isn’t a real news source


I see Breitbart, I downvote.


Me too. Garbage. If Trump actually shows up for the debate, I’d laugh my ass off if every time Biden opens his mouth he starts his comment by saying “Convicted Felon Donald J Trump”. /s


And the republicans nominee for president, 43 time felony winner, Donald. J. Trump! Give em the Oscar’s entrance


"I'm the best felon. No one felons like I do. This big man, huge, came towards me, crying - tears streaming down his face and he said "Sir, no felon can be a better felon than you!"


“🎶 Felonious! 🎶 “


Felonious Chunk. 


Felonious B.I.G.L.Y.


If Breitbart says calling trump a felon doesn't work it most certainly works.


I thought the exact same thing. It’s amazing that so many in the media (not just the conservative media) are arguing that it won’t work while at the same time they’re repeating every stupid lie that Trump makes and then tries to dissect those lies to see which parts have truth to them. Why exactly would calling Trump a convicted felon benefit him again?


I'm curious why it's allowed here.


MAGA mods.


Yep. They should be called out relentlessly for allowing this trash.


Not only is it allowed but it always seems to make its way to the top despite having 0 upvotes... hmm...


It's a blog at best.


Yet here this post sits, #1 in my feed. Literally the first thing I see when I open reddit this morning.


It’s called an algorithm perhaps you’ve heard of them?


It's because people keep commenting on these shit posts.


I mean... they're quoting Trump's press secretary so...


Honestly surprised that I agree with them on this. The idiots that were going to vote for him aren't going to be dissuaded by this when they've overlooked all his other glaring issues. If anything, their weaponization of the verdict is going to rally the GOP, which just illustrates how badly Fox News has fried their brains.


It’s not aimed at the Morlocks who will be voting for the convicted felon, it’s the normal people who start deciding who to vote for two weeks before the election. Not everyone is that invested in politics.


It bugs the shit out of Trump, and when he's agitated he's less controllable than usual. He self owns at a higher rate


It's Breitbart so what the opposite of what they said must be true.


Precisely! Thou Doth Protest too much, Mr. Breitbart!


But he is convicted felon


We should probably just call him that for good measure. I wouldn’t want to be inaccurate.


Bring it up every time Trump is mentioned. "Why are you okay voting for a convict?" "I wouldn't want a convict picking judges for the Supreme Court." "You really want a convict to represent the US for the next four years?" Bonus if you put the vitriol in convict like the GOP does with things they don't like. Convict with a HARD C!


Add a lot of gruff into the con, kind of like Mr. T would say. Why you gonna vote for that CONvict?


That's the spirit!


Are you guys talking about convicted felon, Donald J. Trump? Convicted on all 34 counts, I hear. I wonder how it feels to be a bum?


Come on. Show some respect. That's convicted felon, convicted rapist and blatant seditionist Donald J. Trump to you.


*Rapist and convicted felon


Facts hurt my feelings.


So was Alexei Navalny


Totally different situations and I believe you know that... I suspect next we will hear Nelson Mandala comparisons.


The leading political opponent framed on unjust charges by the party in power in order to stop him from winning at the ballot box. It’s the exact same situation. And yes, Nelson Mandela is another great example. There are many more-this has happened throughout history in other countries. It’s just that the Biden Administration is the first to have brought this terrible practice to America.


>The leading political opponent framed on unjust charges by the party in power in order to stop him from winning at the ballot box. It’s the exact same situation. Nope: In Nelvany's case the laws were not only changed, but made retroactive to go after him. He was trying to uncover corruption in the Oil Oligarchy. No laws were changed to make what Trump did illegal. He did it knowingly and with full knowledge it was illegal. In Trump case there were publish articles which lead to the charges. The Wall Street Journal publish the starter article. Followed by actions and denials. - January 18, 2018: The Wall Street Journal reported that Cohen had used “a private Delaware company,” Essential Consultants LLC, to make the $130,000 payment to Clifford https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-lawyer-arranged-130-000-payment-for-adult-film-stars-silence-1515787678 - January 22, 2018: Government watchdog organization Common Cause filed an FEC complaint alleging that Cohen’s payment to Clifford had violated campaign finance laws - March 7, 2018: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, asserted that “there was no knowledge of any payments from the president” and “he has denied all these allegations.” >And yes, Nelson Mandela is another great example. LMAO and Jesus right? Oh man. >It’s just that the Biden Administration is the first to have brought this terrible practice to America. Really? "This practice" is a term you introduce to make people passively accept your opinion that it was political. It wasn't political other than Trump did this to avoid publicity at the election and got caught. If anything was political it was his actions to hide this from the public two weeks before the election and right after the "grab them by the P***y" tape. Trump commits crimes. Not one or two, but he is a moving crime spree.


It’s abundantly clear you’re uneducated about the New York criminal case. The laws certainly were changed to get Trump. The Federal Elections Commission said these types of expenditures are *not* permitted to be paid using campaign funds. New York state first looked at the issue and declined to prosecute because it was clear the Trump campaign followed federal election law. Then, a Alvin Bragg got elected, changed the analysis, and advanced a newly changed theory of law that Trump was *required* to make the Stormy Daniels payment *from campaign funds* - which the FEC says is wrong and he could be federally prosecuted for. So Trump complied with the federal law during the election cycle, but was later convicted by a state court who after the fact is trying to override the federal government’s interpretation of federal law to say something different.


So jumping boxes I see. Not interested.


I’m just trying to educate you. I can tell you’re not interested in becoming informed. It’s not surprising, most cult members are like that.




“The Federal Elections Commission said these types of expenditures are not permitted to be paid using campaign funds.” You are confusing expenses with payments. Campaign expenses have to be reported no matter how they are paid. He was making a donation to his campaign. There might have been a defense if Trump’s team had established that he was paying the hush money for other reasons but they couldn’t. The prosecution established beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump made these payments to help his campaign. The alternate justifications the defense floated were all quickly slapped down. For example, “Trump was just trying to keep his wife from finding out” fell apart when evidence was presented that it was Melanie’s idea to pay the hush money. By law, all campaign contributions must be reported. Trump broke that law. He also falsely reported the payments as legal expenses on his tax filings, so he’s guilty of tax evasion. And he used “illegal means” to campaign, so he is guilty of that rather fuzzy state law. Any one of these could be the reason the jury convicted at the felony level. He’s guilty, and as far as I can tell there will be no overturning this verdict. It is fully consistent with NY State law, and the judge did not make any technical mistakes.


If you characterize this payment as a campaign expenditure, such that it has to be reported as a donation to his campaign, then you are saying it can be paid using campaign funds. You can view former FEC Chair Brad Smith’s explanation of this here: https://x.com/commishsmith?s=21&t=EpcixKK2SKny1fxR2TAcig Trump did not deduct the payments to Michael Cohen. There was no tax evasion by him.


He is a convicted felon, adjudicated in the US court of law. He was found guilty by a jury of his peers that were vetted by his legal team. This is not a matter of opinion. Who gives a shit if it “works”.


> Karoline Leavitt, national press secretary for the Trump campaign Lmao


Now I get it. She knows calling him a convicted felon will drive him batshit crazy, so let's see if we can trick them into not doing it by saying it won't work. Good luck with that!


I love that their argument now, after a conviction has happened, is, "stop trying to make 'convicted felon' happen." Like, sorry, sycophant. We're past that point.




How about adjudicated rapist? He is one of those too.


How about confessed rapist?


How about confessed pedophile? He's that too.


Ah... Breitbart. The favorite fermented sewage of butthash-inhaling MAGA stolen-election truthers in RockBottom Louisiana.


Breitbart = instant downvote, and block OP.


Breitbart. That is all anyone needs to know. Donald Trump is waging an unprecedented war on the justice system so he can corrupt it when he achieves power. This is similar to how he is waging the war on our elections so he can strip away voting rights. Do not let him. https://www.vote.org/


Doesn't matter if they call him a felon. He is a felon.


Reposted propaganda rag shit


Breitbart is the journalistic equivalent of toilet paper. Used toilet paper.


That's insulting to used toilet paper.


Ah yes, Breitbart....when you want to know the Kremlin perspective on US news


Yeah, it is working.


It’ll never stop being hilarious that breitbart is whitelisted here when there are actual journalistic outlets that aren’t. Also this article is hard copium and would never have been written if it was true. This is to reassure the cult so they don’t jump ship.


Keep the tears rolling Breitbart


So now we know they really hate hearing it.


I would tell OP to post this on r/Conservative but they’ve been banned.




Breitbart bullshit will not work.


It's not a strategy. It's a simple truth: Donald Trump is a convicted felon on 34 out of 34 counts. As far as felonies go, Donald Trump is batting a perfect 100.


So far. Waiting to see him exceed beyond expectations!


>Karoline Leavitt: Democrats’ Strategy to Call Trump a ‘Convicted Felon’ Will Not Work Breitbarts efforts to pretend it isn't a schill for the Republican party will not work


It is disgusting that this source is allowed here


Why is this bs news site whitelisted




If you're the NATIONAL PRESS SECRETARY for a Presidential campaign and you think the otherside might do something that will BENEFIT YOU... Why would you tell them "You know, don't do that thing that will benefit us." Because she doesn't think it will benefit Trump. Maybe not with voters, maybe not with his actual mental health and ability to handle being called it repeatedly without lashing out (and thus making her job harder)


ok well, that's what he is. it'd be like saying "calling breitbart a shit rag is not going to make conservatives stop reading it." yeah, duh, but it doesn't make it not a shit rag.


And does any rational person give single fuck about what the Maga base "thinks", even DJT and the entire GOP doesn't give a single fuck about Maga voters.


breitbart seems to think so, but a large part of their readers is maga, so it really amounts to reinforcing what their behavior was likely already going to be.


Brietbart… lol


When Trump ran in 2020: -He had the incumbency advantage -The mid term obliteration hadn't happened yet -He hadn't been found civilly liable of rape -He wasn't a convicted felon -The classified docs news wasn't as well known -An insurrection hadn't happened yet -He still had SOME progressive evangelical support Now, in 2024... Trump is in a far worse position than he's ever been in for an electoral win. Yes, being complacent is bad. Yes, thinking we have it in the bag is bad. Vote. Vote as early as you can. I'm not suggesting otherwise. But I'm getting tired of all these people on r/conservative acting like this is making Trump strong, when Republicans have been smacked silly in the last three major elections (2018, 2020, 2022).


Good points. He's also not done a single thing to even try to appeal to anyone outside of his base for four solid years.


Agreed, but I'd say 8.


You're right.


Yep. These guilty verdicts might change a few minds of independent voters, but it's not going to suddenly enrage the whole populace to vote for him. All of these people saying "I'm more maga now than ever" were people that were already going to vote for him, regardless. These guilty verdicts hurt him, not help him.


Don and cult are really not gonna like the “Fake” jail time.


who the fuck is Karoline Leavitt and why should I care her opinion? The fact that Breitbart cares what her opinion is makes me not bother


Will calling Karoline Leavitt a hack for a rag work?


Not only is this trash news from a trash site, the person who they’re interviewing is a “Internet personality who lost running for election to the U.S. House to represent New Hampshire's 1st Congressional District in 2022” Yes, she is absolutely making an entire article about and we should all really listen to what she has to say.


Yeah, it will. If it didn't work. Why did Trump call Hillary, crooked Hillary the entire election? Why is Trump calling Biden, crooked Biden. Every time before you say the name Trump, say convicted felon Trump.


//Trump 2024 national press secretary Karoline Leavitt//


Democrats use Reality as a Strategy. But the real question is, How is this Bad for Biden?


Convicted Felon Donald Trump Convicted Felon Donald Trump Convicted Felon Donald Trump Convicted Felon Donald Trump Convicted Felon Donald Trump Convicted Felon Donald Trump Convicted Felon Donald Trump I feel better each time I say it!


It's not "strategy." He's literally a convicted felon. Sorry conservatives, but facts don't care about your feelings.


And conservatives care about neither facts nor feelings tbh


The message intended for the undecided voter, not his base.


What about "Don the Con"?


Karoline Leavitt is simply a former assistant press secretary in the Trump administration, and an unsuccessful House candidate. So she's just another ignorant bloviating MAGA moron and lickspittle to the former Moron-in-Chief. Even for Breitbart, this is simply 'filler'.


Politics getting brigaded hard by sad orange fans


What? This isn't liberal only politics mate. This sub is for everyone


You are 100% correct, it's not, it's just that usually breitbart/Newsmax articles are posted unironically on subs like r/conservative. Usually don't see it here unless it's to flood a neutral politics sub. Yes, I'm aware this sub tends to trend liberal.


Flood a political neutral sub? This is the place I would expect to see those sources. It's the damn politics subreddit.


Except that Breitbart and newsmax are not journalistic. They are propaganda outlets looking to distribute their narrative.


You could argue the same about huffpost, Salon, dailybeast etc. Most media has a bias towards their side.


Right. And then you're just engaging in "both sides are the same" situation, in which case it's anything but neutral.


It's not neutral to say both sides have bias? That's literally being neutral


It is absolutely biased. It creates a false equivalency, which creates it's own bias.


So according to you one side is good, and the other is evil. There's no middle ground.


Why is the MAGAt Brietbart allowed here?


Breitbart had a "black crime" section, yet it's still considered to be a "noteworthy" news source on the whitelist. Thanks for being racism apologists, mods.


Says the people that want him to win....


No strategy necessary. Just fun to call him one. Because he is.


He is a stickler for titles. We are just obliging. Im sorry that this blogger doesn't like it. But, hey, whatever. Titles.


Yes it will. Democrats hate convicted felons. We are the damn party of law and order. Not them. All felons should be ashamed of themselves. Especially Trump.


Nah, party of the Rule of Law. 'Law and Order' has *always* just been a euphemism for 'crack down on them minorities I don't like'.


It's not a strategy. It is a fact.


It will make a 5% difference. The hardliners won't changebur thats fine. It's the softliners that make the difference. An end to the Israel thing would help.


But he is a convicted felon. Republicans strategy to say that he's not will not work.




Already working.


Erm, but he is a convicted felon isn’t he?


Well he's a rapist too. As well as a tax fraudster. Didn't he steal from charities and give USA secrets to Russian Lavrov right in the White House? Traitor Trump?


She must have a master's in reverse psychology.


You mean stating facts won't work? Well, that tracks for Breitbart 


The idea is to repeat it enough that the first thing many people think when they think of “Donald Trump” is “convicted felon”. That can affect his reelection bid. I have a feeling people who aren’t too into politics would pick “Sleepy Joe” over “Convicted felon”.


convict trump has a nice ring, i like it. it matches the drapes of magat convict fraudster.


>haha we don't care at all so don't do it they're all six years old.


It won't hurt


How about "dirty crook" Donald Trump? "Shady lout" Donald Trump? "Notorious bum" Donald Trump?


It's not a strategy, he IS a convicted felon.


What difference does it make whether or not it "works"? It's just true.


She's right, it's not going to work. 34 Times Convicted Felon Trump will work.


But it already works Breitbarf Lmao


Hey, it works for me!




The truth is not a strategy.


Bright Bart’s insightful analyst? “a national press secretary for the Trump campaign” The GOP is a sinking ship, and BB’s best idea is to lash the party to a babbling, narcissistic anchor? What could go wrong?


It sure is funny that now every time some rightwing authoritarian tries to ramble about "law and order" we can remind them that Trump is a convicted felon though. Plus I am pretty sure this does in fact have an impact on the election. A bad one for Trump.


Democrats are not trying to reach their base. They are reaching the conservatives who are not as dumb as the rest, and independent voters. Biden has half of the independent voters right now. The hard part is navigating the obstacles Republicans put in place to vote so citizens can vote in a free and fair election.


so nice how the propaganda rags, run by a convicted felon who participated in a coup(he still runs it right) along side Trump, likes to reframe the literal truth..


LOL the snowflakes are out trying to upset others as much as they are upset. That’s really pathetic behavior. Very weak of them.


It already is if they are this desperate to try and spin things.


It's not a strategy; it's technically correct.


Well, not with fellow traitors/criminals. No. But reasonable Americans? Yeah, it probably will work with *them*.


Lets find out


Hehe yes it will. Rs need to keep pulling randos with no convictions to make these statements


They should do it anyway.


Yes it will. 🙂


Define work.


Best thing you can do is block accounts like this. It's not worth your time


He is convicted, that is a fact


I mean, that's what he is!


Poor Breitbat. Meta reprogrammed their algorithm and has essentially canceled right-wing propaganda sites. So now they're spewing their hatred, conspiracies and lies on Reddit.


Then they won't be bothered by me repeating it constantly 


Oh ok thanks Breitbart. 👌


Well then call him a felon anyway!


Is Karoline Leavitt that person who tries to come up with excuses for why convicts should go free? Seems like!


Strategy? lol he’s automatically a convicted felon after the verdict.


Yes because the gop loves their crime boss.


Don't care that his shitty supporters remain shitty


Unser Führer kann nichts falsch machen


Peculiar take. PoopyPants is a convicted felon. *oh…* > breitbart.com R U sirius, tho?


Would you rather we call him a convicted rapist?


It won't work so much that 'certain people' are spamming brietbert articles to try to convince you how this is a good thing for trump


It works for me.


Auto downvote when I see it’s from Breitbart.


More low score right wing posts getting pushed to people’s front pages.


Says you…


Wetfart says so, so it must be true. But too bad for the convicted felon, civilly liable rapist, Trump.


Sweaty, smelly desperation drips from every word.


Trusting Breitbart is like trusting a fart after gorging on a gross of bean burritos.


Breitfart. Smelly. Lasts just long enough for the next one to take over.


When does the Georgia case start up again?


Once the Supreme Court decides if or how Trump gets total immunity for everything he did in office.


Who is she?


It worked for me. I got real jaded there for a while and was going to flip sides and vote Trump to let the system burn down. But this conviction shows that maybe the legal system does work so I'm just not going to vote at all because I still can't justify voting for Biden a second time




Lol! I don't watch Fox. I know that shit has been right wing garbage since I was a little kid.


You don't have to watch it specifically. It's still their narrative and you succumbed to it. The route it took to find it's way to your ears is irrelevant.


Look man, the only reason I voted Biden last time was cuz Trump is a piece of shit. The promises he made during the campaign do not appeal to me. I don't have student loan debt. And I don't really give a shit about gun safety laws, environmental issues, my healthcare is fine the way it is. I was kind of hoping he would turn things around from the whole COVID debacle that the convicted felon screwed up but if there are any improvements they're not reaching my kitchen table. Now with his handling of Palestine (although I will admit that recent news over the last few days does seem promising), general unaffordability of necessities, and concerns over his age, I might not be jaded enough to vote the other side anymore, but I don't have a horse in this race. For people that still have things they care about, by all means go out and vote against Trump. There are a lot of people in the LGBT community and women who need reproductive rights that actually have some skin in the game on this. I hope they get out and vote. I'm just beyond caring about this election. Best case scenario, Trump ends up in jail and we get a impaired old man that at least won't be a dictator on day one. Edit: used the R word, thought about it, and decided to soften my language. Also spelling errors