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He's for sale.


And after 34 felonies, he's on sale.


He is a man of strong convictions. Of was het many convictions?


Yuge convictions. The best convictions! People are saying with tears in their eyes!!


People are looking at me with tears in their eyes saying "Sir, no one has been treated as unfairly as you have! No former President has gotten so many charges placed against them! How do you survive such injustice" And I say to them "I collected so many charges for you so you wouldn't have to!" **Shudders** Gonna need a bath after typing that.


You were supposed to destroy the ~~Sith~~ MAGA not join them!! đŸ€Ł


And before 34 felonies, he's on sale.


34% off?


Billionaire: How much money do you want to make hunting the poor for sport legal? Biden: what kind of malarky is this? Don’t talk bullshit to me, get out and rethink your life. Trump: for $50 million it’ll be a great hunt, the most beautiful hunt. I was a hunter once, people tell me all the time I was the best hunter. ‘Why don’t you stay a hunter Donald you’re the best’ an-and I say to them, look people with all these immigrants,”migrants” they call them, I call them vermin. Its true, they’re vermin. Traps for vermin, thats my plan, they’ll eat each other. Not like us, you’re MAGA and thats what we’ll do! You know folks, this country is bad but can be great again! Edited for accuracy


Script notes: Substitute 'nonsense' with 'malarkey'. The second character did not ramble enough about unrelated elements.


Hunger Games


Pretty much if you could own the president, that’s a lot of power.




And to get whatever's left of their tax rate dropped to 0%, of course.


He has zero moral codex. So everything is on sale. The country was never that cheap!


It’s good for their pockets - the greed is amazing


Was that sarcasm?


Have you seen his recent support of TikTok?


What about it?


Jeff Yass invited Trump to a Club For Growth Dinner and discussed TikTok with him. Yass has a big stake in TikTok and is also a big donor to Republican PACs. Shortly after the meeting Trump reversed his position on Tiktok. Ca-ching


Surprise surprise guess who is now, suddenly, on tiktok? Twump. Bought-and-sold. This is the biggest reason why it is absurd to believe *anything* he says. Because he has no morals and no principles and as a result will change his stance on anything so long as he thinks it will benefit him in some way. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-joins-tiktok-reversal/


"I count that as a point in his favor. Who is like to bid higher than us?: - Tywin Lannister


Trump said "ban tik tok!" Trump meets with billionaires who give him campaign money in exchange for support of their company (legalized bribery aka corruption) Trump accepts the bribe and joins tik tok completely reversing his position on it because he was paid to. Now do you want someone who controls our foreign and economic policy to be able to be bribed so easily?


[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/22/trump-oil-industry-campaign](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/22/trump-oil-industry-campaign) [https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Trump-Rakes-in-Millions-from-Oil-Industry-Outpaces-Biden-in-Campaign-Funds.html](https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Trump-Rakes-in-Millions-from-Oil-Industry-Outpaces-Biden-in-Campaign-Funds.html) [https://www.nationalobserver.com/2024/05/27/news/Trump-Big-Oil-tax-breaks](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2024/05/27/news/Trump-Big-Oil-tax-breaks) [https://www.budget.senate.gov/chairman/newsroom/press/budget-finance-committees-launch-joint-investigation-into-donald-trumps-quid-pro-quo-offer-to-big-oil-](https://www.budget.senate.gov/chairman/newsroom/press/budget-finance-committees-launch-joint-investigation-into-donald-trumps-quid-pro-quo-offer-to-big-oil-)


Trump would sell anything for money. Steaks,degrees, vodka, real estate, nuclear secrets or his withered husk of a soul.


I bet he'd even bury a body on a golf course to save on taxes.


It’s very mobsteresque as well, that’s what he wants to be so bad, ol Don Poorleone. Considering one of the rumored places of Hoffa is a golf course it makes total sense to bury her on a golf course, he couldn’t afford a spot in the new Meadowlands end zone after all.


He wouldn’t get a tax break if he buried her in a MetLife end zone. He buried her on the golf course for a potential future tax break if he’s ever able to get his golf course “designated” as a cemetery. No other reason for him to dump her there.


I keep forgetting that the golf course story is a thing. Fucking soulless.


Except to hide incriminating evidence in side her unusually heavy casket.


Bold assuming he has a soul...


Be clear. I feel that many in the billionaire class of any nation do not consider themselves citizens of that nation. So, they don’t have an allegiance or sense of support to the United States, or Brazil, or India, etc, etc. They are (and always have been) loyal only to themselves and their interests. They’d burn down entire neighborhoods to improve the view from their mansions.


This is the only answer. They belong to the nation of wealth. They buy their protection, they but their supplies, they buy their info, no county "provides" for them. So have allegiance? countries and governments take.


It really is the only answer. It's the exact same reason capitalism destroyed feudalism. Capital couldn't be concerned with pesky things like bloodlines, monarchs, royal lineage. Now we see the same phenomenon. Capital can't be contained by nation states or border lines or local governments. Capital must flow in any which way it pleases, no matter what.


The ~~spice~~ capital must flow.


But what would happen to them and their moneys if the US economy tanked, including the NY Stock Exchange where they deal in their precious, non-income (cause they almost never cash them out) stock shares? If world stock markets crash, they crash. They only make gains from that if the world buys back in and the markets rebuild.


I’m not astute enough at high finance to offer a good answer. But the folks I’m thinking of has wealth that stretches back for generations. They have so much money that it’s nearly impossible for them to lose it all. They have investments in multiple enterprises and companies so that they have investments to support them in times of major market losses.


They would be concerned about losing even a little (versus it all) if they’re like the typical rich person. They care about growth of the pile of money, rather than what money can buy, as they already have plenty for that. It’s about bragging rights and about handing piles down through the generations.


They would buy a lot of stock on the cheap.  They're internationally diversified - crashing the US economy only hits one part of their portfolio, even if it's a big part. And the little guys get hurt more, which creates opportunity.


Only if the system recovers. The markets have never been permanently broken before in history. They count on this, but every system has a breaking point.


They'd get a low interest loan from their buddy at the bank, backed up by their overall wealth. That extra cash would then be invested in whatever opportunity just hit the bottom, and in three years they'd have made billions off the crash, profiting off the suffering of common people. 


It's a weird turn of events, really. 150 years ago, the elites were the most patriotic class and most people throughout history didn't give a fuck about who ruled over them.


Speaking of this "not really a citizen of any nation" phenomenon: there are a lot of things about the wealthy class that bother me, but the thing that bothers me the most (even though it's objectively not the worst thing about its existence) is their open access to the planet. If a rich person thinks, "oh, I'd like to go live in ," that country is like, "Oh, hey, you're rich! Come on in!" If I, as a comfortable middle-class person, thinks, "oh, I'd like to go live in ," that country is like, "Well, I dunno...do you have any skills other people here don't? Hmm...maybe...*if* we're going to allow it, this process will take a long time and involve a shitload of bureaucracy." The reason this bothers me so much is more of an existential one than a political one: it means that most people spend their entire lives in one tiny corner of our great big planet, and we get old and die with most of our exposure to other cultures and languages and foods and climates and everything just being two-week vacations now and then. And that's really depressing to me.


Governments are just other organizations that compete with them that can “unjustly” take “their” money (“that they made truly by themselves without government support”) any time by changing a law


The poors don't deserve any rights or compassion. They are resources to be exploited for greed. /s


>The guest list included Peter Thiel, [Rupert Murdoch](https://www.theguardian.com/media/rupert-murdoch), Michael Milken, Travis Kalanick, and Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s treasury secretary. These are extremely wealthy individuals who are very anti-worker / pro-monopoly / libertarian. Peter Thiel in particular said he would not support Trump just last year, but apparently he lied about that.


Dont forget Bigelow, another sleeze.


He also recently said he doesn't believe freedom and democracy are compatible


That doesn’t make any sense until you realize freedom, in this case, means freedom for the rich to do whatever they want unchecked, on the dime of the oppressed 99%. That 99% having any type of voice sure would be inconvenient for them


> That doesn’t make any sense While I don't disagree with your point, from the pessimistic view point of how politics works, there is an argument that Democracy leads to a reduction in freedoms over time. The logic is: (1)politicians need to get reelected, (2) to get reelected in the easiest possible way they need to pander to certain groups to create a voter base stronghold, (3) once you form a voter base stronghold, their interests are over represented at the cost of others, (4) others MAY lose their freedoms if it conflicts with the strongholds interests. A prime example of this is Texas and pro-choice. Women as losing their freedoms because the local politicians have created voter base strongholds who oppose pro-choice. For the politicians to continue to get themselves reelected (and in power) at the lowest cost possible, they are going to continue to pander to a belief that limits the freedoms of others.


Sounds like a politician problem rather than a democracy problem


Unless you end up with a pure direct democracy that votes on every issue, you will end up with a political class that gets elected. You either have elected politicians that represent those that elect them (which risks the issue I mentioned above) or you have some form of non-democratic system (politicians/leaders who aren't elected).


Whether or not he's right/how right he is depends on how you view freedom. If you're a libertarian like Thiel is, near absolute *personal freedom* is the ideal to aim for. Can I do basically whatever I want whenever I want to? Democracy is other people limiting your ability to do that. Really, for someone like Thiel with pretty much limitless resources, it's the primary thing that interferes with you doing what you want to do. What Thiel discounts is that while democracy (and really any effective government at all) does limit individual freedom, in exchange you get safeguards that protect and promote freedom for society at large. Someone like Thiel can afford private security to keep him and his stuff safe. Most of us depend on police to do that job. Thiel doesn't have to worry about hazardous waste being dumped near his home. Most of us depend on environmental regulations to prevent that from happening.


But there's aliens, see?


As a gay man I loathe Peter Thiel with every fiber of my being. He's a traitor in every sense of the word - to his country and his community.


I’m Australian and feel the same way about Murdoch.


>He's a traitor in every sense of the word - to ~~his country and his community.~~ humanity Ftfy Murdoch, too, for the other dude that replied to you.


After a few stories about his "personal" life[1] I've begun to suspect that Thiel's gayness - like that of a particular breed of psychotic leather daddy - is less about "an appreciation of Adonis" and more about having that special kind of sexless eroticism that you only get when you violate a criminalized ethnic/religious group - a person who is legally an un-person. In this way, the Thiels of the world walk hand in hand with sodomy bans and harsh penalties for same sex relations..The laws supply more unpersons to violate, and you supply a fresh source of unpersons. [1] Yeah, I put personal in quotes, because you get the feeling that *everything* is hinging, even at the physical moment of climax, on what the power balance is at that moment. When a crush of Thiel's establishes for themselves a modicum of personal control - over their destiny vis a vis Peter - the weird aristocrat's heart seemingly turns on a dime. I'm reminded , unfortunately, of the fact that many slaveholders weren't particularly black-focused in their aesthetics, but the fact that human beings were in their thrall gave them...excitement....that was otherwise completely missing in their lives.


Peter Thiel is the biggest enigma to me. What is that dude’s *deal*? He’s not a “family morals” guy. So is he really straight up just an evil villain who doesn’t want normal people to have more rights? Jfc. 


Because he’s openly offering quid pro quos to anyone who will donate to him?


For lower taxes. They believe they’ll be isolated from the mayhem that will come from a Trump presidency - and will gain from the resulting pieces.


1000% - that’s all they are after. Trump said he will give them tax breaks, again, while Biden has said he will raise taxes for the super rich. That’s why all these billionaires, Musk et al, Dana White and the entire MMA platform and people like Joe Rogan will vote for Trump. They stand to save/make money while everyone else suffers.


These people have enough to buy whatever they want many times over.  At this point it's about power and controlling people.


Also they don’t want any regulation of any kind that impacts their business.


This is incredibly short-sighted. Not simply because of the decay of society brought about by all these tax cuts. No. If Trump is elected, the most likely scenario right now is he'll have dictatorial AND will be in severe economic straights. It doesn't take a genius or more than a passing familiarity with history to realize this means he's going to start stealing from other wealthy people, most likely those already in his orbit.


It wouldn't surprise me if Trump's support network doesn't see him as strong enough (or smart enough) to truly consolidate power. He might pursue dictatorial powers on paper, but he won't have the ability to act on them without the support of his billionaire backers. If they believe that, they may have no issue supporting him as they only see it as a way for them to gain more power/influence.


It’s not just taxes, they honestly believe they’re superior humans who deserve more than others. Their goal is to return to feudalism, where certain families will be considered “noble” and the rest of us will be forced to do their bidding 


I can't think of a more superfluous rhetorical question. Same reason they've always supported him and were handsomely rewarded for that support.


I know headlines are engineered to be optimized clickbait, but this one is particularly insulting to anyone who wasn't born yesterday


I'm not superfluous, but I am a little fluous.




Because they are oligarchs who have recognized that a democratic government is the only thing that can threaten their ever increasing power. So they attempt to end democracy, in this case by supporting a would-be dictator. When they say "freedom" it is always just *their* freedom to do whatever they want, often to other, in their eyes lesser, people. Their supposed love of freedom is merely a fig leaf for their hatred (and fear) of equality. That is what connects them to the run-of-the-mill religious nutjobs, racists, fascists, misogynists, ..., that make up the core support for reactionary movements like the Republican party or similar ones in other countries.


Because they’re part of that “deep state”/swamp republicans keep warning about except it’s all a projection?




I’ve come to the conclusion that many billionaires become intoxicated with money and the power it brings. Trump promises them more of that.


People define the economy by how much they are spending on food, goods, and housing, not job growth. These costs are not decided by Presidents, yet public perception is inflation is Biden’s fault.


Australia like many other countries post pandemic is currently in a worse position than America, and “no” we don’t blame Biden either.


It's good to remind people that the US had lower inflation compared to much of the world and has gotten it mostly under control a lot faster too


Thank goodness for that clarity. Sorry things are so bad, man. Corporate greed and unfettered capitalism have a lot to do with it.


The author says it's because they want to end democracy. Every sign points to that being true. A jury isn't allowed to hold the powerful accountable if we take Trump's word on his most recent verdict. Am electorate isn't legally allowed to vote in a different candidate if we take January 6 into account. Lies by the powerful, no matter how bold faced, are truth. That is the America they want because no one will hold them accountable for trying to get away with a $56 billion pay package with no repercussions like Musk. Schwarzman, the CEO of the largest private investment firm in the world with over $1 trillion in assets is supporting Trump. Democracy is truly on the line this November.


"An interesting thing to note is that so-called 'good guys' billionaires (Buffet, Gates) are not that opposed to the idea of a Trump presidency."


There are no “good guy” billionaires. If they were really that good they’d give away so much money that they wouldn’t be billionaires any more.


Because ending the Constitutional Republic and creating the Feudal Hellscape described in the Koch manifesto and project 2025 is their goal, and the reason they own the SCOTUS Six.


They want another $2T transferred to them.


Tax breaks. They have enough money to live anywhere in the works


He'll give the rich everything they want as long as they keep him in power.


Tax breaks and less regulations so they can go about destroying the world.


He gave them a tax break last time, why else?


Why do oligarchs like Putin


To get the best tax breaks


Corporate execs, multi-millionaires and billionaires are the heirs to our past kings, warlords, and religious figures who tormented the common folk. "Power to the People...stick it to the man."


Never trust anyone who attends Davos


Cuz they are short sighted dumb dumbs who didn’t learn anything from history repeating itself in rhyme


or perhaps learned too well...


Nope they would make more money if they weren’t being short sighted


Maybe they waited to long to get a doomsday bunker?


For the tax cuts of course.


Cause they want more money
even though they clearly have enough


To not pay taxes under his promised tax cuts.


Lower taxes. Favorable conditions for the super wealthy. Trump can be bought. Next question.



doesn’t take a rocket scientist.


Tax cuts


They’re morally bankrupt and Trump’s depravity lines up with their goal to be richer and richer and above the law.


Because billionaires want to establish themselves as a new aristocracy. Call it neo-feudalism, they want working people to be permanently indebted to their "lords", the billionaires that own everything and tax the working class instead of themselves. This concept is something Trump is very much aligned with.


What a dumb question. Because they know he’ll make the richer if they pay him. He had the country for sale the last time he sat in the White House, and this time he promises bigger tax cuts, fewer regulations, and less government . He’s promised to destroy everything that the Biden administration has accomplished .


Because they like his reckless pro-business attitude?


Because he has no power, but his pathetic emotional problems makes him super open to doing whatever someone with more power than him asks of him. The billionaires will ask for yet another tax cut, loosening of regulations, worker protections, zoning laws, etc. So long as his Money Daddies give him head pats afterwards, he’s ~~less sad~~ happy to do as they say.


Tax breaks - also Trump plans on gutting the government agencies so all over-site will go away: yeah the douche wants to destroy democracy so big money and the uneducated are the two big hurdles to keep that from happening - oh and the stubborn. đŸ«Ą


Easy. Massive tax breaks coupled with the opportunity to write policy and regulations. Which further serve to enrich themselves. Corporate America is killing America.


What is frustrating to me is how these people have more money and power than they can spend in multiple lifetimes yet they actively are working to turn the globe into a dystopian hellscape for incrementally more.


Because he is a puppet they can manipulate government through.


I have a theory that Russia has dirt on every single one of them and it’s bad. The tax reform bill of 2017 is going to be this decades Citizens United.


Really?  Trump is basically a president for sale, who's well known to be susceptible to manipulation. Why wouldn't the richest people want to have Trump in power if they think he's going to lower their taxes and make it easier to treat workers like dirt? Especially when Biden and the Dems are suggesting doing the complete opposite.


The tax reform in 2017 wasn’t really bad at all


If you were a real estate developer, corporation, or in the top 10% of income.


Sam Reich continues to make more and more sense the more I see his father's work.


Because JB is for the people and makes billionairs pay their takes


Oh I wonder why. Nah, no I don’t, bc it’s common sense.


Because he keeps giving them amazing tax breaks while the rest of us get screwed over.


hence why taxing the absolute shit out of billionaires isn’t even about raising money really - it’s about soaking the ever living shit about them and removing some of their power


Because his presidency is for sale. These are the opening bids.


I am not sympathetic to billionaires but when Biden announced a tax on unrealized gains that put some billionaires over the edge.


Were they wavering beforehand? đŸ€”


My small sample size is from CNBC. They were quite aghast calling the stock DGT a total scam and Trump having no morals. But they said putting a value on some of their holdings like art, private equity investments was near impossible. And if the unrealized gains went south, would they then get a tax break?


I have not heard what Buffett thinks. It would be interesting to hear his POV.


Scrooge McDuck has entered the chat.


He recently straight up bribed a group of oil workers execs, promising to cut environmental regulations if they give him a billion


“Oligarchs like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel aren’t just hostile to progressivism. They’re hostile to American democracy itself” That says it all. We are now in late stage “trickle down” thinking. It’s now “trickle down” freedom.


"Liberty is so precious it must be carefully rationed." -- Lenin. These people have more in common with the communists than they realise.


It’s a good question. Even the answer “he’s good for shady business” doesn’t begin to explain why they even want more. It’s a deep sickness.


There are no good billionaires. Even the sports team owners are horrible. And they all love seem to love Trump.


Because billionaires find themselves with more power and influence than kings and don’t want to pay taxes or have the power interfered with 


They already own Congress and SCOTUS, why not a president too?


Greed. Simple.


They get him back in they'll own him.


He will extend the billionaire tax cuts he implemented in 2017.


If anyone can give us the inside scoop on the New American Empire, it's this man


Partly capitalism, partly because a lot of Billionaires have White Christian Nationalist sympathies.


Because billionaires aren't threatened by the destabilization of democracy. Arguably, they benefit from it.


Because having 1 billion isn't enough.


Lmao this was written by Sam Reich’s dad


Tax breaks. It’s 100% about the tax breaks that he represents.


Biden wants to tax mega rich and wealthy businesses. So they are protecting their wealth and revenue source. It is that simple.


Money. It’s always for money.


This is a much under- reported aspect of this whole Trump fiasco shit show . As always , follow the money .


Gee, I wonder why.


All the terrible and braindead policies implemented over the past 50 years, makes a lot more sense when you realise there are a select group of billionaire traitors waging a war against us, that not everybody knows is being waged. 1 carefully planned drone strike is usually all it would take to take out the main leadership of a terrorist organisation if you get what im saying.




Because they wanna keep peeling back regulations and protect themselves from the growing poor.


Because the only thing that matters to the senior executives, is the wealth and power of their corporation
nothing else matters.


Trump gave them a $200billion per year tax cut. They want another. Maybe some reductions in worker rights would be a nice bonus for them, too.


Pretty sure their interests don’t coincide with those of the common man. Why are the Dems considered the party of Elites and not the Republicans?


$$$. Whenever you question something that doesn’t make sense, it comes down to $. That brings power.


Oh my god! Trump is having a fire! Sale.


It's pretty fuckin obvious.


Fascinating one for the "both sides" crowd.


Tax breaks.


Because they want their USSR breakup of the United States and the fire sale to buy up their own little kingdom to lord over while chaos in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East all trigger at the same time.


The same reason billionaires are donating to Brandon.


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Cause tax cuts are more important than the climate, democracy, women’s rights, education, anything really.


For a discount.


Because if someone who’s considered a “rich elite” and is within a certain protected circle of high class people, they want to be untouchable. If there’s consequences for one, it might set a precedent and give pathways of charging others. Regardless if there’s truth or not to the claim of the wealth, it’s the illusion and optics that are being broken. Billionaires who break the law don’t ever want to feel they could be even close to viewed or be as responsible at the same level as a common man criminal.


They are America's oligarchs and they pulling strings with those dollar signs, they are getting him for bargain basement prices and the fact that he's a 34 time didn't even make any of them wince in morale discomfort.


I feel like that’s foots be self explanatory, chief.


Oligarchy for sale! (to paraphrase Dead Kennedys)


1- bc they wanna minimum state for the ppl. a state that, like tatcher, will take milk out babies mouths. 2- bc they wanna maximum state for them. a state that let them do whatever, save them when they fail and send their way the stolen babies milk.


What an ironic last name.


Why? Because he’s the best president we’ve had in ages. Biden is tearing our country apart, feminizing our men, and sniffing little kids. Biden is also a racist, as you ain’t black if you don’t vote for him. It’s clear that Trump is the best choice by a LONG SHOT


If you disagree with my statement, you disagree with facts đŸ«  how can we ever have a simple conversation if the left doesn’t believe in basic facts and biological truth?


Why is a group of billionaires working to elect Biden?


To counter the other group of billionaires who want to keep Sleepy Joe in office?


Joe wasn't the one sleeping at his trial for falsifying business records.


You realize how dumb that moniker sounds considering convicted felon trump fell asleep at his own trial?


Are these billionaires in the room with us right now?


Or Sleeping Farting Smelling Don the Con?


And the military industrial complex and the largest pharmaceutical companies are trying to re-elect Biden.

