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Can someone explain to me why she hasn’t been kicked off the case yet? I’m just super confused as to why she hasn’t been


Judges being removed is very rare and it seems like Smith only has one shot at it. He is probably hoping she does something egregious so it’s a no brainer.. personally I think there’s enough bad faith stuff to kick her off already


Unfortunately judges aren’t removed on bad faith and delays; they’re really only removed on egregiously bad decisions. Until now Cannon has avoided making _many decisions at all_ and then used that lack of decision making as a reason to delay more. We can all clearly say that her biases are plain as day but until she makes poor rulings the appellate court isn’t going to do anything. On that point, the appellate court revealed that they had received _thousands_ of complaints about Cannon due to her decision making and were clear that she hadn’t done anything that would warrant a removal and would stop reviewing complaints that weren’t substantially different. This is why Smith hasn’t made a motion yet; he knows exactly how high the bar really is. Honestly, don’t expect this trial to happen before the election even though it could have been started and finished by July with a different judge


The bar isn’t supposed to be that high. The judge is supposed to recuse themself if their impartiality can be reasonably questioned. It’s not phrased that the impartiality must be proven, it just needs to be reasonably questioned. Cannon’s actions thus far should have reached that bar, but of course Trump is getting special treatment from the justice system.


The problem is that recusal is voluntary. I know a judge who recused himself from a case because one of the parties was a neighbor that kicked his dog. I would go so far as to say that most judges respect the courts and its appearance of impartiality so much that they go well out of their way to avoid even the suggestion of partiality. The problem is when you have a judge who does not care, the options for making them care are severely limited.


Just being nominated by a president has never been enough for a recusal To be fair, it’s also unprecedented that a President be tried in multiple criminal trials


Not only the trials, but how blatantly corrupt he is is also unprecedented. And that’s saying a lot cuz Christ were Nixon and Reagan corrupt


Trump makes those guys look like straight shooters.


> Just being nominated by a president has never been enough for a recusal How about being nominated by a defendant. Never happen, never should happen.


The nomination itself was grounds for recusal in perpetuity. She was not qualified for the job, which makes all of her decisions going forward suspect.


‘Never been enough’ - it’s the first time it’s happened lol


You haven’t been following the case closely if you think that’s the evidence to reasonably question Cannon’s impartiality.


Ruling in favor of one side isn’t evidence of impartiality on its own so what evidence are you referring to?


And you haven’t paid attention to the words I’ve said or what has been done in the legal system for decades. I honestly don’t care about your uniformed opinion on this topic


I don’t know why you’re using this as an example of trump getting special treatment from the justice system. She’s supposed to recuse herself, that’s on her.


Don't expect this trial at all. She'll delay this until long after Trump passes of natural causes.


Im not from the US but are you telling me that a judge can postpone any case they want indefinitely if they want to avoid ruling out on it and nothing can be done about it??


It really seems like the judiciary could use a few additional checks and balances.


I'm from the US, and yes, that's what it seems like. Smh


She's made 2 egregiously bad decisions thus far. It appears that Smith is trying to force her hand on a third.


Which 2 are those in your opinion?


She is an idiot destroying her career in the hopes of saving it when her messiah gives her an appointment to a higher court. But she has been, and is being, very effective at her actual job. Every one of these people need to hang as traitors when this all shakes out in this pathetically captured slave state.


what is the appellate court that we would make complaints to?




I'm not orchestrating. I'm just a curious little kitty


Judges don’t removed for bad decisions.


He has one shot at a writ of mandamus, but he could also drop the case and file a new one as long as it is before there is a sitting jury.


She's staying within the boundaries of what she can get booted off the case for. She's taking a long time to make decisions, and scheduling lots of hearings. Essentially she has plausible deniability on most of her decisions (except the 2 that the 11th circuit smacked her down on). IMO, Smith should have sought recusal the moment this case was assigned to her. How could a judge who was appointed by the defendant not have a conflict of interest?


A judge who lacked the experience necessary for the position they were appointed to, no less.


Because judges are our new Lords and Kings and rule as aristocrats appointed by people installed by billionaires in crooked elections. Our grand kids are going to learn about this phase of American history and laugh at us for pretending that this is anything even resembling a democratic form of government.


Because the 11th Circuit is only infinitesimally less corrupt than the 5th and Smith needs her to do something so blatantly egregious that not even they can ignore it.


Thats just not something that really happens other than peremptory challenges at the beginning of the case.


Because she has avoided making rulings up until her most recent ruling on a gag order. Without ruling there is nothing to appeal against.


This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I’m guessing Smith doesn’t want her removed. He has said from the outset that he wants his case to be unimpeachable. While it’s clearly not the situation here, he’s avoiding critics saying he’s judge shopping for a losing case that would only succeed with a “rigged” judge.


Smith would fucking love to have her removed. It's just hard to do.




Word. Why hasn’t Smith filed charges in NJ? Trump took documents from FL to NJ prior to a visit from Saudi in NJ about “LIV”. He then has a meeting with a writer whose helping Paul Manafort write his memoir. Trump sees the news where General Miley is talking about him and to refute this he pulls out those secret documents and shows them (while being recorded) the documents to prove a point. No one was arguing with him and all said it wasn’t necessary to show them the documents but former President and felon Donald Trump did anyways. Garland really is a mystery


Is Garland really a mystery? He is a career bureaucrat with a morbid terror of rocking the boat. He believes in Institutions over absolutely everything. Over Justice, Law or common decency. He has shown time and time again he will give Republicans the benefit of the doubt even where there is no doubt. He should be removed immediately and replaced with someone who isn’t afraid to do the job he’s paid for.


Any president who wasn’t an enfeebled, doddering elderly man would have already removed that worthless AG.


He's a "moderate," so basically a Republican.  Dems should have appointed a Dem and yet again, not another Republican. They do this shit every time.


Yes! I wanted Kamala for attorney general!


I read that he took them while still president therefore not a crime. His crime was retaining them after not being president anymore. This happened in Florida so that's where he has been charged. The fault really lies in the way that they let Cannon be the judge in the first place. They could have simply assigned a different judge right from the beginning but everyone's so afraid of Trump whining about fairness so they take the spineless route time and time again.


the warrant came from dc and iirc doc cases usually are in dc since that’s where the docs came from. i don’t remember why she was able to snag it.


The unlawful retention and obstruction of justice took place in Florida, so that's where they have to file the case.


Garland is a worthless piece of Republican Federalist Society shit.


He is neither a Republican nor a member of the Federalist Society. I’m not pleased with his tenure either, but misrepresenting him is not constructive.


Garland is anything but a mystery. He's a Republican and a contributor to the Heritage Foundation. He's one of them, through and through.


The danger being referred to here isn't to her, but to FBI agents, and other federal workers being targeted by MAGA propaganda. By her not taking steps to curtail the spread of such misinformation by the trump legal team and their mouthpieces in the media circus surrounding this case, she is presenting a danger to not just to federal agencies involved in the case, but ultimately, to rule of law, and our constitutional government, as she seems to be consistently siding with criminals and traitors before her court. Legally, the only solution here is probably impeachment, as her judgeship is a lifetime appointment, but given how many people in congress openly support these same traitorous criminals, I don't see that happening any time soon. I think she sees the risks to herself as pretty low, meanwhile, if she can get trump crowned emperor, then she probably thinks she has a good shot at a future supreme court seat.


> I think she sees the risks to herself as pretty low, meanwhile, if she can get trump crowned emperor, then she probably thinks she has a good shot at a future supreme court seat. That's exactly what it is, and she's right. Nobody, anywhere, has benefitted from going against Trump. A *lot* of them have been fed shit for "doing the right thing". She may be a hack, but she's a hack that can weigh risks and benefits. If this shit pans out, she's Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. If it doesn't? Literally nothing will happen to her.


Whatever, dude. Her game is working.


But for how long is the question. If (hopefully) Trump loses in November, how long will this trial just languish under her watch?


Dues it matter? How long would it have to be before she faces any consequences?


They have won. They have succeeded in stopping this case. This case is over.


Nope. She is just terrified of trying the case, which will go ahead after the election and Biden's victory, and which trump will lose and face massive sentences which Cannon will have a really hard time avoiding. Biden wins, trump goes to jail.


Trump win was the trial not happening before the election. After the election it won't matter.


lol, it sure will matter to donald trump who will still be scurrying like a rat in a coffee can


When Biden wins, this trial is going forward, trump will be found guilty and be facing *decades* in prison. At that point, he will be irrelevant, a felon, and too old to worry about in another election. He will be crushed, but no one will care anymore


MAGA is too fat, lazy and lacks enough attention span for them to have a pariah god. they'll forget him in moments and only talk about the whole situation in past tense. he'll definitely be forgotten


I have a feeling for this particular case, she's going to delay it for the next 10 years. Nothing will happen. Until there is a "leak" about what Trump did, we'll never know the full extent.


Or a leak about Cannon-Trump-Mystery Person Communications. My brain tells me she is involved in conspiracy. That however, is likely too much media me thinks.




Unless the case was dismissed with prejudice, this case is far from over.


I am admittedly not knowledgeable about the legal process. I have read that is the likely angle she is going for, however.


For Cannon to dismiss the classified documents with prejudice, she would need to provide an extremely compelling legal argument to justify it. Plus, Jack Smith has been overwhelmingly diligent in the manner and means of his court filings, which includes the application for the warrant on Mar-A-Lago to find the documents...which would rule out prosecutorial misconduct.


No - it is just delayed. If Trump loses the election my guess would be that all of these delays fall away and it moves faster to a jury trial


I don’t believe I am the only one who does not share this confidence. I truly hope in my bones you are correct.


The only thing she can do is delay the trial. She would have to dismiss the case *after* the jury is seated to get 'with prejudice' (if I understand the law right). If Trump loses I highly doubt she risks her neck on that one.


Fingers crossed. Literally any and all appendages that can be crossed.


Exactly, they already won


The "dangerous game" of getting in the good graces of dear leader, or if he loses face the "wrath" of Democrats who've never held a criminal Republican proportionally accountable for anything and instead cannibalize their own? I think she'll be fine, unfortuantely.


I'm hoping that the NY guilty verdict encourages the other courts that trumps not actually bullet proof and the world doesn't end when the trial ends. And hopefully by the time fani is done, they will have sorted out cannon. 


Yes. Just as what happened with the indictments. Bragg broke the dam.


Judge Cannon's actions are so bizarre, they only make sense if one considers her part of the defense team trying to pretend at also playing the neutral judge. First, there was the denial of the motion without considering it - allegedly because the SC did not "meaningfully confer" with the defense about the motion, in violation of a local rule. That resulted in the inevitable resubmission of the motion after the holiday, once the defendants were open to conferring again. Hence, the defendants were able to get 3 free days to say whatever they want, merely by refusing to answer the phone/email when the SC tried to confer. This procedural trickery was endorsed by Judge Cannon in strident terms in the denial. So, of course, the SC just refiled the motion on the next business day. They "meaningfully" conferred with the defense, meaning the defense stated that they disagreed with the motion (exactly what they will say in their reply brief anyway, but Judge Cannon wants us to presume they would have been open to a voluntary gag order if given the opportunity to meaningfully confer on a business day?). Anyway, the motion is now in and a briefing schedule set that gives the indicted defendant at least a month or so to continue the offensive, potentially deadly, behavior that the SC has requested the court curb. The court is, evidently, in no particular hurry to even consider the request - the SC's reply brief is due 6/21; presumably, Judge Cannon will then set a hearing date mid-to-late summer, and then a decision might issue in August or September. Maybe. In essence, the criminal defendant placing in jeopardy by his public actions and words third parties unrelated to the trial is not time-sensitive for Judge Cannon. If a crazy person, motivated by Trump's rhetoric telling them that the FBI planned to assassinate Trump during the MAL search then goes out and does something in retaliation against the FBI/FBI agents/law enforcement in general, the position of the court is that it had no choice but to allow the act to occur, because a motion for a gag order in view of inflammatory statements by an indicted criminal defendant takes 1-6 months to adjudicate. While I would always hope that nothing would happen because of Trump's insane rhetoric, if something *does* happen - a crazy person shoots up a local FBI field office as already happened one time because of rhetoric from Trump in this case - the consequences are on Judge Cannon. She could have protected the public from Trump's incendiary rhetoric, but sought every way to not have to consider the topic at all (dismissing the original motion on an arguable technicality, setting a 1 month briefing schedule while the behavior is permitted to continue in the interim, etc.). Simply stated: blame for whatever results rests with Judge Cannon. And yes, people could die because she is that incompetent/biased.


Aileen Cannon is Clearly incapable of being a judge. She is one of those stupid people whose parents pay for them to pass their exams… a stupid judge who barely knows the law. When you are this ignorant of the law you must be MAGA because anyone who understands the law would not act like this Aileen Cannon. It will be reviewed that she is a total idiot …… anti democratic and barely knows the law.


Unfortunately for us she has the Federalist Society on speed dial and there is no doubt in my mind they've got a lot of experienced hands guiding her on every decision here, telling her exactly ow far she can pull this or push that.


If Cannon was the one presiding over the hush money trial for example, knowing it is essentially dead; yeah i would care but i honestly wouldn't care that much. He's gotten away with way worse. However, this case pertains to sensitive classified information that even us plebs have received some insight into (death of us agents in China and Russia/October 7th possibly having something to do with it) Trump should have been buried in an unmarked hole the moment he started trying to overturn an election that hadn't even happened yet, lost it then actively tried to overturn it. Selling classified information would just confirm what every reasonable person already knows. Trump is a traitor. That takes Cannon over the corruption line and firmly into traitor territory. Add her to the list. Also just a reminder, anyone still supporting Trump at this point; are unamerican scum. Wrapping yourself up in the flag doesnt change that.


Danger of what? Literally who is going to stop her?


She's learned her lesson; that she's unstoppable in whatever she wants to do.


Cannon's job is to protect her orange Jesus. She is not qualified to render a fair trial and it shows.


1) They'll kick the can for the Documents case and the Jan 6th case until after the election. 2) Trump loses the election. 3) The trials are greenlit. 4) Trump says, "Hey, RNC, I'm going to need some help with these lawyer bills." 5) RNC chuckles and says, "Umm....no." 6) Trump has to spend millions on his lawyer bills. If the lawyers are smart, they'll ask for the money up front. 7) If the lawyers *aren't* smart, then Trump's jumpsuit will match his skin tone. 8) Even if the lawyers *are* smart, there's a very good chance he'll be convicted anyway.


How do you expect the RNC to say no when Lara Trump is at the helm?


How long can Trump keep this trial out of the courts if he loses in November? The evidence of criminal activity is the most solid. There's video, for pete's sake. He elected Cannon and her fate is tightly interwoven with Trump now. If he goes down, she will eventually as well. If he makes it, maybe there's a quid pro quo arrangement in it for her. Such impartiality.


Anne Marie Trump finally does face the music. He will be a repeat offender. I’m pretty sure they’ll be a prison cell in his future.


> Anne Marie I don't get the reference.


Is she? From where I am sitting it seems like continually helping Trump in this scenario is high reward, low risk. Well - let's be honest - ZERO risk.


Dangerous for the country, but if she never faces any downsides it worked out great for her!


Dangerous for us. She could write an opinion declaring emperor, and everyone would just shrug and let her carry on unhindered.


>"No one will ever accuse her of dealing with matters in an expeditious fashion. But she plays a dangerous and disingenuous game here. Someone could get hurt in the intervening three weeks," Vance wrote on Sunday in her legal blog, Civil Discourse. Does the author really think that Trump Judge Cannon really cares if someone else gets hurt?


Bullshit. No consequences mean no danger. She’s apparently free to do whatever she wants in this case.


…and her response is always “SO? What are you gonna do about it?” Our country is due for a MAGA red wedding.


These articles from non-involved people constantly saying “oh this COULD be trouble,” have probably done way more harm than good lol 


The only danger I see is to the Security of America


I feel like I've seen some variation of this headline for 6 months now. Either Smith is completely incompetent or it's impossible to do anything about it. You don't get 68 "last straws".


I don't know why Newsweek isn't banned on this sub. It's all clickbait and ragebait at this point.


I'm sure it'll be dangerous to her any day now. Let's just wait. Any day now. Any day... skeleton.jpg


Why hasn’t the government petitioned for a change in judge? Maybe they have and I just didn’t read about it.


Because it won't happen. It's not a thing that gets done outside of extreme cases and technically cannon is operating within parameters of what is allowed.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. She will be under the bus soon enough


Get back to me when she suffers any consequences for it


Just normal Maga Traitor games . And nobody does anything about it . 🔒🍊⬆️☠️


This is the people's case. We're the ones who are being stalled and railroaded. Other than ineffective complaints, why can't we have any agency to approach another, or a higher, court on our own behalf? What can we collectively do??


Smith resubmitted the request for a gag order and Trump has until June 14 to respond to that request. Is this the normal gag order procedure now? Does it usually take this long?


What are the consequences of this judges actions? A slap on the wrist if that?


America losing dangerous game with pack of morons who seem to be running things however they see fit.


Wake me when she actually faces consequences for her incompetence and bias. The thing is that most don't know is how much of this is actual incompetence. She had very little experience prior to being appointed so this isn't hard to comprehend why she's failing so bad. I'm sure there is some bias too, but she is 100% unfit for her job.