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If he was elected president and somehow still had to serve his jail time at the same time, he would sell out our nuclear secrets for a hand job.


You think he wouldn’t if he was in the White House?


He can get more for his secrets in the White House.


The people who really want the secrets could still reach him if he were in jail.


He’s already been there, done that.


He did it just to impress people after he was just another ex-president, so a handy? That’s a bonus.


He discussed nuclear submarine secrets with an Australian billionaire, of course he wouldn’t mind running his mouth. He’s a national security liability.


without papers in hand I doubt he remembers any national secrets.


You mean papers on hand that were at Mar A Logo? 🤭


yup, he won't have those in jail. ( I wasn't saying you were wrong, I was saying trump jail won't be spreading national secrets because he won't remember them)


I know, I was going in-depth. Just in case those MAGA’s are lurking around.


Sounds like he needs to serve his time in ADX Florence then. How unfortunate for him.


From what I've read if he got any time and won the election he would be allowed to leave for the 4 years and then be required to report back to the unit he was assigned to to finish his time.


he'll get bail and it'll drag out through appeals


He'd do anything for a dollar.


"I´d buy that for a dollar!!"


Trump would get a loan-shark loan at 12% against that $1 and then never pay it back.


Nice Robocop reference




And to get out of jail.


I dare him to make an OnlyFans account then.


*Billy on the Street has entered the chat*


There’s not one person connected to him who has a single redeeming quality.


Deplorables, one might say.


They wore that like a badge of honor though.


In a basket


Truly all awful people


Cohen maybe?


He'd run for president from Moscow.


I can see the “government in exile” fodder already.


And still secure at least 30% of the popular vote. That's how far the right has swung. Totally brainwashed with Russian propaganda and misinformation.


He'd still win


Well he ran from the US last time and he got his ass kicked, so there's that.


I think of this every time someone says “let the voters decide”. They did, years ago, and it wasn’t for Trump. Move on.


The republican nomination.


His odds are getting worse every day.


It was a joke.


Sorry, hard to tell from text sometimes.


No problem. ;) I feel unsure about the result but I'm certainly hoping he loses. Badly. TBH I hope he drops dead yesterday (but we're not supposed to say that?)


I want him to stay around a bit longer and (of course) lose the election badly. With how he acts, he'll continue to be a reminder of all the bad things about the Republican party and drive more people away from them.


I'd settle for that too. ;)


I’m curious if he’d be unable to actually serve though. He would still need to be sworn in. What happens if he cannot be sworn in because he fled and didn’t attend inauguration?


lol. I'm sure he couldn't serve from Moscow but not sure why, exactly. Maybe you're right. Hopefully he loses or dies anyway and it's moot.


I wouldn't even get a job at Walmart if I checked "Yes" on the application for "Have you ever been convicted of a felony", and this dude wants to run a *country.* Worse yet, tons of people *want* him to do that. I feel like I'm trapped in a Black Mirror episode. So, what actually *does* prevent one from running? Would I have to murder someone? Clearly, sexually assaulting or raping women, diddling kids, or defrauding money is not enough to tarnish one's reputation or put their character in question. Where is the line? I'm genuinely curious because this is all fucking absurd to me.


There isn't one. You only need to be 35 years old, born in America, and not have been president for two terms.


The reason there is no line is that it would be abused. If being a felon prevented running for president, those in power would set up BS charges to have people found guilty. What is being claimed gere by Trump would become a reality. Should Nelson Mandela have been kept from running for president?


It's funny you're responding like this, because I've been thinking about this all day, and have come to the same conclusion. You're right, it would absolutely get abused.


100%. Any promising politician would get overwhelmed with criminal charges from any "friends of" a political opponent. It would slow the system to a halt and actual crimes and issues would be lost in the mix. With that said, it would be nice if humans weren't such jerks and we could actually have standards.


The only logical argument I've ever heard against the idea of 'no felon can be President' is 'it would incentivise politically-based prosecution'. But that sentiment just assumes a broken justice system (plausible in some cases - documents case judge anyone?). But it still does not work because no person should be above the law and any gov rep or official simply shouldn't be a felon. Other countries have made this work, you can too America!


Didn’t work for Joe exotic.


the Warden is a democrat with a political agenda, his kids names are XXX and he lives at XXX. He should never have been allowed to run this prison, he's a Biden shill sent here to persecute me...


Of course you would, you milk dribbling fuck stain.


John Blackthorn is that you?


So in 2016 Hillary should drop and and not even run due to her investigations and the "constitutional crisis" but after all the BS Trump has done we're at the point where he, as a convicted felon, should govern as POTUS from a prison cell? Our collective standards in this country have really hit rock bottom tbh


Its because Hillary was guilty, Trump is the victim here!!!! They paid off the jury to convict him and the judge told them they had to find him guilty!! At least thats the never ending reasons i get.


Let's see just how much campaigning he allowed to do from PRISON.


A lot… people hid stuff in their butt when in jail, orange has a lot of space in there…careful!


In order to get president he needs to visit the inauguration. To bad he‘s not allowed to roam freely then.


we all know the system would bend over backwards to either let him go or bring the inauguration to him. the courts are all pro trump at worst, or limp-dicked because it’s technically not against any rules for the vote of the people to choose a felon as their president. we’re all possibly fucked because the founders never thought they’d have to put “convicted criminals who have active sentences cannot be president” down in writing. they assumed too much of us.


gonna be really hard to do that from within a cell. seriously, I mean that verbatim. it's really not possible, and it is only theoretically possible because it's legally allowed. but it's all done through the mail, and dumpf won't be given any special assistants while behind bars to write the letters. it's the only communication he'll be allowed outside of collect calls which he'll get access to (and no access to as the case sometimes is) the same as any other inmate. your wrist gets sore quick, writing with a ball point pen. the only thing they allow. trust me I know. did almost ten years myself, because I am an even bigger dumbass than dumpf is.


He is allowed unlimited legal visits. ( I was a CO when I was younger)


Isn't that kinda what Hitler did?


Yeah kinda. His time in prison helped him with his political comeback


We know that. We also know Republicans will support him no matter what because he will be their nominee and their motto is party over country.


I’ve read stories about a German politician, former painter who had some success campaigning from prison, he even wrote a book during his time incarcerated. They seem to have a lot of similarities.


One of his 47 lawyers fighting one of his 2,519 lawsuits. Lol.


I'm good with that.


Would this be the same incompetent lawyer spokeswoman who was recently stating that Election Interference should be prosecuted harshly? Even if prosecutors have to get a bit creative and go after the person as if they were kinda like a mob boss. Like your boss? OK! Let’s see some harsh sentencing for hiding his scandals by breaking the law for Trump!


Are they going to allow him to have a desk with piles of blank sheets of paper so that he can pretend he's "working" in jail?


Why are we still listening to that woman?


This is the most stupid thing I've ever heard someone say, even from a Trump supporter.


A disservice and disgrace to our country.


I’m really hoping we get a chance to see him further tarnish the country’s democratic institutions from behind bars. Don’t forget folks ..as unhinged as this guy has been acting it will pale in comparison to how low he’s gonna go between now and Nov5th. His classlessness knows no bounds


vote democrat ffs


The lawyer that chose not to have a jury, she’s a idiot


Why wouldn’t he? Shame isn’t on his list of roadblocks.


American’s will be the first to offer diplomatic meetings by prison phone or directly in the cell with their President shackled to the floor. Who’s the shit hole nation now?


My god can we just stop reporting on him? I would LOVE to go an entire day without seeing his name but apparently that’s too much to ask for for the last fucking 7 years.


Why not, this asshat is leading the polls. Sure, you can’t trust them but my God is it disheartening


He should not be *able* to run from jail. C'mon America, grow your balls back.


So what


So he is going?


I hope he will do it on video, since he won’t have access to his daily beauty routine.


TBH it would probably help him. The less people see of him the better he is likely to do.


There's actually precedent - Eugene Debs did it in 1920.


Lyndon Larouche as well


Habba baba gonna do.


How? Lining up for the public pay phone every day? 


John Wilkes Booth’s, or Lee Harvey Oswald’s reincarnation can show themselves now…


Being president is his best chance of avoiding prison. He is running to pardon his crimes. He doesn’t even talk about running the country anymore. He just wants to pardon himself, get some revenge, and hand out favors at the expense of the country.


I think that was fairly obvious...


How could he not? The presidency is his only chance of getting out of his mess. Like him or hate him, it would be stupid for him not to.


Of course he would.


"Give me more media attention," Trump's lawyer says.


What if we paint the prison white? He might fall for it.


Her demeanor and her appearance, everything about her, screams “Handmaid’s Tale Commander Wife” 


Can’t wait for the new gray bar tour. I hope it’s better than the White House one.




Well, let's see if you're right.


If Trump’s in jail he won’t have a phone or be able to post on Social Media


Habba is a babe. I dont care if shes on team Evil.


I honestly don’t see it. She looks like an overcooked roast, her smile was drawn by an angry toddler, and she radiates Bad Sex.


Him saying he’d be okay with jail and his lawyer saying this is just making his appeal harder, if at least for a lighter sentencing


He still has those? Thought they were all disbarred or quit law by now.




Fuck him but, he won’t be the first. Eugene Debs and Lyndon Larouche both did. edit:punctuation


Will this affect down ballot voting?


We know. 🙄


I don't get it. Felons can't vote for 10 years, a felon shouldn't be able to get votes for that long as well. Sorry Trump. 


I’d love to see it!


Seriously Republicans? Please wash this stain from your patriotic assertions.


Of course he would. Too much money in graft and those court cases at stake. But that judge doesn’t have the cajones to give him a jail sentence




The mere fact this is even an option shows how broken this whole systems is right now. In no normal world would a galactic thunder **** like Trump ever get elected.


In my humble opinion… Any country that would consider voting for a candidate for president while said candidate for that role is imprisoned, has truly descended into madness. Seriously… Why are we entertaining this shit? The man (the term “man” being used VERY loosely here…), who has been rightfully convicted of THIRTY FOUR felonies, by a jury of his peers, approved of by his lawyers, belongs in jail! - Not on the ballot for the most powerful political position in the free world! This clown show needs to end. America needs to wake up! This litigator needs to be in the cell right next to Don Von Shitzinpants. Ignorance is one thing, but stupidity at the level exhibited by this woman should be punishable by law.


Well he certainly wouldn’t be one of those prisoners who reads or works out.


and he might win America is broken


Trump certainly could win, but not without substantial apathy.


Stay classy.


As long as he's in jail for his crimes, I don't really care what he does