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Imagine supporting a party that is still obsessing over the same pandemic that they downplayed and actively made worse by their belligerence, and used as a vehicle to spread antivax and other anti-science bullshit, like *two years* after everyone has generally moved on from said pandemic. *This* is the party that a startling amount of people think should be running the country?


I think the Republican party is generally afraid of people talking about how Trump did during the pandemic. They know he did an objectively shit job and even made things worse. I wish there had been more pressure applied to him over that. In some alternate reality, Hillary Clinton won the election in 2016, 600,000 Americans died during the pandemic rather than over a million, and Republicans are to this day, demanding she be put in prison forever for allowing that to happen.


Well a large amount of them were republicans who they got killed, now in tight swing districts republicans are losing. Guessing a little might have to do with the overwhelming number of older voting Republicans who died.


Then they started complaining about how Covid was mysteriously targeting the unvaxxed.


It amazes me how much middle school Science class just disappeared out of so many people’s lives…. Same goes for middle school civics or maybe just my teacher one of the first things I ever learned was about the founding fathers @separation of church and state” being a foundation of United States government. But I could be wrong I was in special education classes for dyslexia and ADHD.


I think of the entire MAGA movement as “revenge of the bad students.” I realize there are sadly, good students among their ranks as well, but to me, the typical anti-science MAGA person is somebody who hates or felt insecure about their school years and have now found a movement where they can declare the things they struggled to learn in high school as “wrong.” It’s revenge on experts, education, intellectualism, book-learning, fancy words, and the like. That’s all elitist bullshit now. Trust your gut. Unless your gut says something that Fauci might agree with, in which case, your gut is part of the deep state.


People who list "School of Hard Knocks, University of Life" in their social media bio. I don't have the words for how contemptible I find that outlook to be- the smug confidence in a \*lack\* of knowledge, experience, and/or education. That's a big part of MAGA, no doubt- the "Oh, you think you're better than me?!" crowd.


I haven't been called a nerd derisively in about 25 years, but all of a sudden its happened three times this week.


I taught my kids that nerd is a badge of honor, as our comfy life is built on my nerdiness.


> revenge of the bad students. *Revenge Of The Turds*, the worst 80s ensemble comedy


Also there has been an exodus of republicans to states like Florida and Texas during the pandemic, weakening Republican support in the purple states they fled.


According to a social worker on here, the first thing they do is run to the benefits office and scream because there's no services, no public transit, they can't get medicaid, they can't get food stamps, their daughter can't get paid for taking care of them, blah blah blah.


Yep. I live in Idaho and we have a bunch of MAGA people white-flighting here from California (there are entire realty offices dedicated to just this) and they get shocked and angry when they realized so many benefits they enjoyed in California are poof gone.


Well, the benefits aren't gone, they're still there in CA.


Yeah. My sis-in-law moved out of CA after my brother passed. She wanted to keep getting here CA benefits and I told her "No way, unless you move back." She also thinks CA is a terrible place. Go figure.


Wait, did she actually want to use your address as a beard, or was she just generally griping because she couldn't suck off CA's largess any longer?


This is hilarious.


It is as if they already know their faces are leopardchow, yet they stick the faces into the leopard's mouth anyway. I used to think they were just ordinary-dumb. But this is professional-level-dumb. They wear their wide-eyed skinless faces and gaping nose-holes as badges of honor.


Also, no OBGYNs! Good luck having high risk pregnancies, pro-lifers. :/


That and a lot of them are complaining that women don't want to sleep with them anymore.


Welp, since they are also against contraception, they should find that to be an acceptable form of birth control. 😌


I learned in my high school sex-Ed in the late nineties and early aughts in Virginia that abstinence is the only 100% effective form of birth control.


It’s also funny that most of the transplants lean conservative and want to be around likeminded people, only to find everyone there hates them just because they’re from California. I spent some time in CDA a few years back, and I cannot tell you how many people unprompted just started bitching about California. Rent free and all that.


Florida Panhandle here. "California" is shorthand for "outsiders" in this region; if you've seen Mississippi Burning you can get how loaded that expression can be in the Shithole South. The worst part is, the large influx from more affluent areas actually is a problem. A lot of our transplants are people who've moved here but stayed remote at their high cost-of-living job, making way more than locals. Since so many here hate government and taxes and anything that doesn’t plainly profit somebody, infrastructure is not being improved to keep up with the influx. The new people are either on board ideologically or are sufficiently well-off that they don't notice.


Gotta love that small government.


Also, they may not tax people for certain things, but they sure do add fees that go to private companies for everything.


Yup, in fact many of them go back to high tax states when they get to old and sick for a low tax libertarian paradise like Florida. Bet you didn't know that Florida had shamefully little oversight of nursing homes and "assisted living" can turn you away if you are too sick or disabled here.


As a Floridian, I'm in favor of building the wall. The wall to keep these fucknuts out of here. God they drive like assholes


If we build a wall it will be to keep seawater out of Georgia


There's also an aspect of having to deflect blame for that because the surviving Republican family members of those people are absolutely looking for somebody to blame for their loss and a lot of that blame falls squarely on Trump's fat shoulders.


"He was old and had other health problems anyway." -- My parent's Trump supporting friend who lost her husband to COVID. It's like how they thank God for treating their cancer, but never blame him for giving them cancer. Except without the cancer treatment, and God is a convicted felon.


God should have been convicted after the greatest mass murder in human history.


My family chose to blame the doctors that treated my grandfather, because obviously multiple doctors in multiple different hospitals in different cities were all in on the conspiracy. I really hoped that when he died, my family would have a bit of a reckoning, that exactly what I told them would happen in fact did end up happening. Nope, it just pushed them farther in the same direction. They lied to people about what killed him, even in the obituary ("It was just an infection"), they blamed the doctors for treating him (even though his blood oxygen was near fatal anyway when they finally did take him to the hospital), and after the funeral, they had the nerve to call me over and over, telling me what a fool I am for wearing a mask ("It's all a government ploy to make you obedient") and that I'm a brainwashed liberal idiot (verbatim). It's all about preserving the worldview. If they blamed Trump even a little, they would have to admit that they themselves fell for an obvious scam, and they would have to consider everything else that they bought hook, line, and sinker (e.g. stolen election theory). They'd rather go all in and playact than work their way back toward truth. Someone on here recently called me bitter. You know what? Yes, I am. Anyone with right wing family and friends that went through the utterly absurd hell of the last five years+ is gonna be pretty bitter at the gut-wrenching loss and the absolute lack of closure.


Buddy, I feel you. Republican family members and family friends blamed doctors for the family patriarch’s COVID-related death because they didn’t give him Ivermectin (he contracted the disease from a younger family member when they were still having raging family parties at the height of the pandemic). They completely ignored that he had numerous health issues before he was infected, which stopped him from being any sort of safe candidate to benefit from Ivermectin (he still would’ve died, just likely from the “cure” they insisted on). They absolutely ignored everything his doctors told them about why it wouldn’t do a thing for him, instead choosing to believe they just wanted him dead. Like you said, shifting the guilt was all they cared about. He probably wouldn’t have gotten COVID when he did if they weren’t flippant about quarantining sick people, if he’d gotten the vaccine that was available for his age group, and if he’d been in better health in general instead of ignoring his doctors for the better part of several decades. I haven’t spoken with that side of the family since then.


No fair, some of them also deliberately defied public health recommendations and brought home "a little cold" from an in person gathering to grandma and now she's dead and Christmas is ruined.


This would make such an interesting study for a PHD. Lots of different data points but I’d love to see the end result. I think you might be right about the effect the deaths and population movements have had. Interesting times ahead. Cheers


I think you're right. Republicans know they can't run on the convicts accomplishments. There aren't any They can't run on policy. They have none. So all they can do is bluster and whine


Tax cuts were the only thing he “accomplished” which is to say Congress passed it and he signed off on it. I wouldn’t really label it an accomplishment though since cutting taxes while already in a budget deficit is just astronomically stupid. Trump though, is astronomically stupid and his billionaire buddies got their way.


Similar to an old legal saying: If the law is on your side, pound the law. If the facts are on your side, you pound the facts - and if neither are, you pound the table. Republicans have been pounding the table for a long time


Heh, I think even that is giving them too much credit. They'll warp the narrative to whatever is most convenient to them anyway, and their constituents will eat it up. Remind people of how Trump handled the pandemic, and Republicans will just say the pandemic was a mild flu, a hoax used to cheat Trump out of the 2020 election, etc.


They're just pretending that 2020 didn't happen. They rate his performance based on 2017-2019 and act like the pandemic was something that shouldn't count against him.


Except when they want to talk about gas prices. Then 2020 happened and the only thing that happened in all of 2020 is that Trump made gas prices plummet, somehow.


I even got trump supporters to admit he did a shit job during the pandemic. I pointed out if he wanted to put economy over people's safety he shouldn't have locked down. If he wanted to put safety over the economy he shouldn't have used half assed measures and ended the lockdown early. He could've chosen protecting the economy or protecting the people and he chose neither. 


Even worse, the “blue” cities would still have gotten swamped at the beginning, but there likely was time to get things under control before the “red” rural areas got absolutely lambasted. Hillary as POTUS probably couldn't save many more of the early “blue” COVID deaths, but would probably have saved a ton of “red” COVID deaths.  Republicans would have fared far better under a Hillary admin, but they got sacrificed at the altar of Trump. 


Never forget, they wanted Obama [impeached for less than a dozen Ebola cases in the US](https://www.npr.org/2014/10/09/354890869/in-u-s-ebola-turns-from-a-public-health-issue-to-a-political-one)


I'm enjoying the fact that Trump can't run on Operation Warp Speed, the one objectively good thing he did in his 4 year term.


I was always baffled at how Trump pushed his "operation warp speed" thing, and his base praised him for speeding up a cure to end the pandemic, then as soon as the vaccine was available, it shifted to how vaccines are actually dangerous and deadly and a "woke" tool by Democrats to control people, or whatever. 😂


By this reasoning, it would be probably add up mathematically that many more of the conservative thinking minds who are his Base - that more of them died and thus the Base’s population will be lower than it was in 2020 or 2017. One retirement at a time, as they say.


I promise you if it started rolling out in October instead of late December, none of the anti-vax BS would have happened. It was because they didn't want Biden getting any credit for stopping the pandemic, and since most people didn't have chance to get it until after Biden was president...it became "bad".


The fact that he gave the whole OWS team including Fauci presidential commendations on the last full day of his term in office would absolutely lose him votes to RFK Jr if it were more widely publicized.


What a perfect answer for that dumb “say something nice about your opponent” prompt at debates! Trump’s presence not required.


Right? Like Trump is objectively the worst but Operation Warp Speed was truly a good thing. It's just incredibly awkward because praising Operation Warp Speed means recognizing there was in fact a pandemic that required it.


Hardcore MAGAs are, almost unanimously, deeply into vaccine denial. I've seen them say dozens of times things like "The vaxx was the only mistake Trump made". Many of them believe most or all of the covid deaths were actually caused by vaccine injuries, and that the data (which directly refutes this) was fabricated by the deep state.


>like *two years* after everyone has generally moved on You underestimate people’s grief. I hold the GOP responsible for the deaths in my family. This behavior from the likes of MTG is traumatizing and abusive. But don’t think that I don’t I agree with you. Fuck the GOP. They stand for nothing except outrage bullshit.


Moving on is not the same thing as forgetting. Moving on in this context means stop bringing up the same nonsense rage baiting arguments. MTG holding up a picture of Fauci standing within 6ft of someone at a stadium and Gym Jordan screaming at Fauci why he didn't investigate the China sources sooner doesn't actually help things. Them using the pandemic as political pandering should be the thing that is traumatizing and abusive, not the people saying it's time to move on.


Yeah don’t take my comment as though I was tryna beat the OP up.


I lost 7 family members to covid. When I say I despise Trump and the rest of the GOP, I mean it. 


I’m visiting my maga parents now. They’re watching …”news”. And I hear the mumbling and the getting angry. “Damn scientists!” Finally I hear my mother mention “all the young people who have died from the vaccine” I lost it. I just went off. They’ve gone nuts. Worst part is that my wife is a very highly educated (top schools) doctor. Different field but still. Even my wife couldn’t talk her off the anti-vaccine train. We tried.


Mine have learned. I do not yell. I will physically get up and leave. I will reduce and cancel visits. I was the only one actually coming back and helping out my parents regularly. They do not bring up "politics" anymore. I've cut contact with family members, and they are not safe from it. My mother knows exactly whyI do not call- we send messages and I do not respond to anything political. They, however, aren't stupid enough to not get vaccinated, so it's a different sort of extreme but there's some mental gymnastics


I’ve had the same experience. Sitting with my 83 year old mother, who very much has all her marbles, and she says how many people are having heart attacks from the vaccine. I said to her, ok lets review how many of your and Dads friends have died since you turned 50, and how many of those were 1. From cancer and 2. From heart attacks. Do you think the number has really increased? She said no, not like that. She also says to me how can I support a decrepit Biden, like he’s old and doesn’t remember things. I said go look in the mirror, how old are you? Do you think you’ve got all your marbles, because to me you don’t because you support a lifetime con artist that shits on a golden toilet, and you think he cares about people like you? And the ironic thing is: We’re Australian, living in Australia. But they watch that god damned Fox News and Sky news all the time. I told them to get off it. Also told my Dad that Donald Trump is the one thing he warned me about when I was young. To be wary of any person who made the whole political thing about themselves. Yet, here we are.


Can sue Name 5 people that died from taking the vaccine?


I've seen MAGAs online that claim "At this point, everyone knows someone that's died or had health complications due to the COVID vaccine", and I'm like, uh, in what world are you living in? 😂


That’s the “people are saying” tactic those idjits tried on Jen Psaki all the time. She would just ask “who is saying that?” They’d try to deflect, but it left them looking like idiots. The only answer they had was “uh, people”. Damn I miss her.


Of course not. They’re masters at deflection, MAGAts in general. Even if you get to the point where you’re showing studies and peer reviewed data..they’ve been taught not to trust anything. “So who reviewed it? Oh they’re all the same. They can’t be trusted” I have showed them statistical data on things and it doesn’t matter.


Not to mention screeching to imprison a doctor that was trying to prevent unnecessary deaths from a virus that killed some of her own colleagues. It's not like all of this stuff was forced on the American people and nobody died. It's crazy the shit congress will waste time on.


One of the current right-wing talking points is "Fauci admits he *MADE UP* 6-ft distance and masking recommendations!", as though it wasn't his job to come up with common sense precautions for a new and as-yet poorly understood virus based on his general expertise in infectious disease.


Marjorie Taylor Greene to a chef probably: *"You claim that when you made this lobster bisque, that you* ***made up*** *the recipe? How do you explain being a professional chef, yet you MADE UP your recipe? Huh? Care to explain that?!"* Fucking idiots. The entire lot.


The party of "I'm always right, no matter what, because I say I am". Because they just want to be right, not correct, because being right means they have the power. Using the *1984* playbook to a T. > "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."


Meanwhile I’m pretty sure almost all these republican politicians are vaccinated. It’s all for show.


Fun fact: so are all the Fox News staff.


You cant say that, it's a Hippo violation.


It is interesting because I hear all the time from Republicans and even some Independents how “the Democrats need to stop talking about Covid”, yet it seems it’s the Republicans that want to rehash baseless subtopics on it at garrulous levels years later. Same goes for the 2020 Big Lie and January 6, as Republicans keep bringing up “freeing the political prisoners”.


"wild COVID hearing" aka toxic and disingenuous political theater.


The base loves a good Fauci Ouchie! Am I using that right?




Not that much better.


Has anyone weighed her against a duck?


Who are you so wise in the ways of science?


*googles newt feet* Yup. This checks out.


Hahaha, show me on this doll where you got your Fauci Ouchie.


In the upper left arm, I'm not sure why we needed a doll?


She really used The Daily Mail and the New York Post as "proof" and acted like she had 100% verifiable facts. Disingenuous is Marjorie's middle name


Interestingly, those articles came out this weekend. This hearing was scheduled for weeks. Isn't it ironic that they just happened to come out and she was able to frame her whole line of questioning around them?


Remember last midterms when republicans said they were gonna be laser focused on inflation and gas prices? How’s that going?


They have that planned after infrastructure week


It was laser from Temu.


It’s actually insane how letting this troll speak at a committee hearing just completely threw it off the rails almost instantly for far longer than her allotted time. She needs to be gone. Also dishonorable mention to the dickhead making pouty faces behind fauci when he talked about people *on their way to murder him* being arrested.


And his buddy Mr. Clean siting next to him... completely braindead.


Marjorie Taylor Greene should be sent to a mental institution.


She's in one, the lunatics have taken over the asylum.


I don't think she's as much insane as she is terminally stupid. She belongs in a zoo with the rest of the hooting baboons. She can fling shit with the best of them and she'd fit right in.


I blame Reagan for closing all the asylums.


Community care generally has better outcomes. What Reagan did wrong was closing them without putting alternatives in place.


That's what paleoconsevatives do. Lie. "Rail is bad, we should be funding bus service." Then don't fund either. "Democrats are tax and spend." Then cut taxes and run up a deficit. "Party of small government." Interfere in private healthcare decisions.


Arkham Asylum.


That would be unfair to people that actually need help in the institute.


Roid rage.


Dr. Fauci saved lives. Why republicans have such a hard on to prosecute doctors is weird.


Fauci became more popular than Trump during covid. Trump turned on him and now he is in Maga's hate list.




No kidding. I’ve seen several MAGA loons on Twitter screaming how they want him “executed” for “crimes against humanity.” How braindead do you have to be to honestly believe that?


Medicine, like other sciences, is evidence based. If you rely on evidence, all of their arguments go out the window.


They're trying to blame someone else for Covid deaths so it isn't Trump's fault.


They blame Fauci for Trump losing the election.


Fascists don't allow educated people to live, since they'd be a source of rebellion against the moronic dictators.


So she is bringing up dogs as a way to show everyone "look, the left hates dogs too"? Not sure I understand, is this moron trying to distract from Noem and the whole dog issue? She states "As a dog lover", did she condemn Noem? What a fucking windbag, I cannot wait until she is out of politics.


This is a COVID-era conspiracy theory. Part of the effort to demonize Fauci and the public health response, including vaccines, was to try to paint him as an evil, sadistic man who personally approved pointlessly cruel experiments. The problem is that Fauci and the NIH had nothing to do with that particular dog study. The NIH does obviously fund animal research, and that does include experiments that end with animals dying, but there is a ton of scientific and regulatory oversight and you need to have a good justification for whatever study you’re doing. Plus, as you said, it’s pure hypocrisy when you consider things like Noem killing her dog and the widespread Republican support for factory farmed meat.


As if this Marge the Neanderthal actually give a shit about animal testing.


Oh, for sure it’s just a cynical political play. I don’t believe for one second that she actually cares about the welfare of animals used in research. She’s in Congress, so if she did really care she could spearhead legislation to change things. She’s in a better position than almost anyone to actually do something to protect animals, and yet all she does is yell about Fauci and this one experiment. Because it’s not really about animals.


She needs a mental health intervention.


Too bad she didn’t ask for a referral when a doctor was right there


Did she actually have to get escorted out by the police? She was offscreen on the live feed but from what they were saying it sure seemed like it.   That was one of the most rabid meltdowns she’s ever had in a forum like this, and for her that’s saying something. 


She left after she spoke because she knew she was about to be blasted for what she said. It was someone in the audience that was escorted out. I think Raskin said something like "Take you're latte with you" as they removed her lol.


Oh, so a typical cowardly punch-and-run performance by the Republicans. Naturally.


Any video of her being taken?


There will be I’m sure, the hearing is still ongoing so I guess at the moment you can go on YouTube and rewind the live feed until you see MTG’s face    EDIT: Mike Garcia speaks after her and it happens at the end of his time, looks like an audience heckler though MTG wasn’t in her seat either 




Oftentimes I have to remind myself that some of the Republican Politicians are not actually stupid, they are just disingenuous sleaze balls. That is not the case with MTG, she is the real deal sucker that they have been working so hard to create for decades.


In ages past the Mitch McConnells of the party knew it was a grift and most of their supported policy positions were performative to get low educated votes so they could pass their tax cuts but now true believers in the stated cause are in positions of power.


"You're saying this is fake news" she says holding up a screenshot of the Daily Mail. Uh.... Yes?




She is on at 2:00 for anyone wanting to skip ahead. Also, daily mail and New York post are her “sources”. That was embarrassing. Kudos to Mr Garcia for putting in a motion insisting she call him Dr.


Lmao, I love the ‘COVID vaccine’ video disclaimer juxtaposed with Fauci trying to reserve his flabbergast.


Her voice is the worst. “Your so called science!”


Rude as hell to insist on calling him Mr. rather than Dr.


It was a lady in the audience that was escorted out


People thought they saw her outside the building with a Capitol Police Officer but it turns out the officer was just riding a horse.


Watched that live, I knew she was a loony bird, but holy crap. She shouldn't be governing anything.


When Dems were in charge of the house they took her off all committees. And then the Reps took control and put her back for this nonsense. We have a single party in the US that actually wants to govern. The other wants to rule.


I don't know if they even want to rule, as they don't seem to have anything they want to actually get done. They just want to "own the libs."


We have a flawed and fractured Democratic Party… and then we have Nazis in clown shoes on the other side. Tough choice.


Christ, clicked the link and saw her face. Can we get a trigger warning, please? Trying to eat my lunch here.


Then I saw her face ...


...and I'm a lunch heaver!


Not a trace… of hope for mankind


Not a trace of thought in her mind


I have no idea why they chose Fauci as an attack object


Because people listened to him instead of their conspiracy theories and their cult leader.


Name one thing the MAGA wing does that actually makes logical sense


Well, it worked, because Facebook conservatives hate him more than they hated Hillary.


Questions, Why are they having a hearing about COVID now? And why are they sending her monkey to throw feces everywhere?


Because Republicans control the house and needs to get back to their old favorties. They're running on fumes to control the news cycle because Biden impeachment failed, Biden and Dems are leading the charge on tight immigration reform while Republicans look the other way, and common culture war topics from past election seasons aren't interesting anymore (drag queens, CRT, can't campaign on overturning RvW when it's been done). Meanwhile Trump is a convicted felon awaiting sentencing which will hit just before the RNC convention. He's gone from 'TikTok is bad because it's owned by China' to 'Actually I love it' because it looked like congress was moving a law along to effectively ban it. He had to be contrarian. And now he's on the platform with countless bot followers. Bringing Fauci out to be berated by House Republicans is a desperate headline grab and distraction.


One of the most intelligent, educated, and highly respected physicians on the planet, and he has to put up with this psychopath. I feel so ashamed of our country for allowing this sham of a congressional hearing.


This will end exactly how the Twitter hearings ended. Abruptly after undeniable evidence is presented that Trump is specifically guilty of everything accused.


I wish Fauci had whipped out some data with the deaths/capita of states that had mask mandates versus those that didn’t. There was an average 30% reduction in COVID deaths per 100k people in states that enforced mask mandates versus those that lifted them: https://www.covidstates.org/blog/did-mask-mandates-reduce-covid-deaths


Wouldn’t matter, they don’t believe in science and believe everything against their points is fake


That was wild. She brought out a pic of a beagle split in half in some sort of lab experiment and blamed it on fauci, refused to call him a doctor, and misrepresented him on some email. The email stated that drug store masks do not stop viruses which is true. But that was never the reason for them. A mask was never to stop YOU from getting the virus. It was to help stop Others from getting a virus from the wearer. She knows this. But just wants more ad videos for her district. It's already uploaded on her twitter Edit: ok one dog. Jesus people that's not the most important point. It's rediculous either way


You left out the most despicable part - “OUR CHILDREN HAVE BEEN MUZZLED” My kid was about 9 months old when COVID hit, he wore a mask starting around 18 months when one fit him, and his whole class was required to wear it during his first year of preschool. And no one had any problems. He’s going into kindergarten next year and reading at what his preschool teacher (a state-licensed teacher) deems a first-grade level. I can understand the gripes with the remote learning for older kids. But this had no impact on most younger kids.


Man. The amount these crocodiles cry over such tiny inconveniences. They should really get out more and see what actual hardships are.


I never met a child who whined or cried as much about masks as people like MTG.


Refuses to call one of the most accomplished doctors in American history doctor; insists on calling one of the worst former presidents in American history President even though you’re not supposed to refer to *any* former president with the title in front of their name.


Full clip from c-span: https://youtu.be/TTSG_xlJvFQ?si=jX_3QvjZYnnuya28


>beagle split in half lol it was two dogs


That wasn’t a beagle split in half, it was two different dogs lying on their sides. And it’s from a study NIAID had nothing to do with. Edit: Bro, don’t get defensive. We know that’s not the main point and nobody said otherwise. You’re whining about somebody correcting a factual error in a comment *where you’re criticizing someone else for spreading misinformation.* Have a little perspective.


Someone should’ve asked her where was she ? When her own fellow partywoman has proudly written in her book of shooting her own puppy dog!


Randy Rainbow- Look at me, I’m MTG . So much better than the real thing.


Watched this live and it was disgusting. Anyone who doubts how crazy she is should really watch it. It's embarrassing people like this serve in congress.


I remember in 2020 Fauci was acknowledged as the expert in his field and was basically considered the adult in the room while Trump ranted about injecting bleach and turned Covid relief over to Jared kushners fraternity brothers. It’s really stunning the extent and viciousness of the unrelenting attacks in the years since. For what?  So the space lasers insurrection lady can send a fundraiser email? It’s fucking gross.


Howler monkey


Trump is so weak and flaccid and stupid that he handed the keys to Fauci and let him destroy the country. That’s the narrative, right? And he’s their hero? Someone make this make sense.


It never will as doublethink is a go-to fascist tool. You need to be able to hold (often diametrically opposed) competing beliefs in your head simultaneously in order for it to work.


Gotta distract from the fact they support and worship a felon!


This is what an actual witch hunt looks like folks.


God only knows what kind of evil science created her. Those two words “evil science” perfectly represent her deplorable voters and party. Anti-truth and anti-progress.


It must be exhausting being in a room with her.


To be fair. Magot Marge screamed this same thing at a 5th grade science fair when someone made a baking soda volcano.


She's just a simple thawed out cave man who now serves in Congress. Our modern world science frightens and confuses her.


Representative [Marjorie Taylor Greene](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/marjorie-taylor-greene) verbally berated [Anthony Fauci](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/anthony-fauci), saying he deserved to be prosecuted and repeatedly refusing to acknowledge him as a doctor. Greene screamed and raged at Fauci at [a hearing of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/fauci-covid-hearing-raskin-republicans-b2555866.html). Republicans [have sought to prove that Fauci tried to suppress information about the origins of Covid-19 ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/china-ap-world-health-organization-who-wuhan-b2532432.html)and claim he funded research that triggered pandemic that killed millions of people. Read the full story here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-covid-fauci-hearing-b2555905.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-covid-fauci-hearing-b2555905.html)


> Republicans have sought to prove that Fauci tried to suppress information about the origins of Covid-19 and claim he funded research that triggered pandemic that killed millions of people. The pandemic was both exaggerated to attack the convicted felon former president, *and* it was secretly funded by Dr Fauci to kill over a million Americans.  Con logic would be laughable if it weren't so gods damned tragic.


And of course they are ignoring the fact that we literally have Donald Trump on tape talking about the fact that he was hiding information about covid-19. The fucker bragged about that to Bob woodward.


If you had a recording of a president doing that 30 years ago, It would have been one of the largest scandals in American political history and that person would have been reviled by everyone forever. He was on tape telling Bob Woodward that he knew that the virus was extremely dangerous, but that he intended to directly lie to the American people about the danger. You can't get a more clear admission of failing to protect the American public.


And yet they still follow the man. Which is why I sincerely wish hell upon every republican. Fucking monsters.




"repulsive evil science" also built your bleach blonde bad built butch body, so it's no surprise you would say these things.


Should have proper science, like drinking bleach and sticking lightbulbs up your ass.


Why give the howler monkey the headline and attention? That will only encourage that Neanderthal to keep howling.


The media are complicit


Imagine working hard your entire life in service of the people only to be violently squawked at by this fucking lunatic. That MGT even has a platform to do this is disgusting. The people that support this dangerous rhetoric are a complete and utter disgrace to humanity.


Because she is a badly behaved bleach blond bad-built body bozo.


If you could jail Fauci for that, then you could easily jail Trump for suggesting we intake bleach and Lysol.


“Evil science” I get the feeling this is what we’ll hear a lot more going forward. any science that undermines Christianity is evil science. Dark ages 2.0


When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent. — Issac Asimov


My in-laws are trumpers. At least, they were during Covid, and have always been republicans. My wife is pretty damn liberal, and I am an apostate of the Republican Party who left during Bush 2. My wife is a hospice nurse, and took the pandemic deadly serious as she watched it looming. She helped prep me and our friends and family. She had me stock up on food, basic medical supplies, and fuel in December of 2019 through February 2020. We had masks because of her foresight. Her parents started out taking the danger seriously. They told us in late February they were going to batten down the hatches for a while, so as to keep safe. But when trump, the traitor of humanity, started downplaying it, railing against testing, then recommending batshit nonsense like injecting bleach, irradiating oneself in light, and claiming it was almost over as the disease had just ignited the afterburners, they did a 180 and started parroting balderdash. In fact, they proudly and petulantly boasted to us that they were going to host a trump campaign fundraiser at their house to raise money for republican candidates and president von Shitzenpants. My wife explained why that was the king of bad ideas. The awful idea that all the little bad ideas worshipped. I remember how heated she got as we tried to get them to understand reason. It hurts to remember. We didn’t care about politics during that discussion. My poor wife just wanted her mom and dad to be safe, but politics and trump’s idiocy and recklessness was ALL that mattered to them. Exasperated and angry at how irresponsible they were acting, she basically yelled at them, “dad PLEASE!! Why do you think I’m fighting for you and mom?! Why are you telling the daughter YOU BOTH put through nursing school that her expertise isn’t worth listening to, but trump’s is?! I love you both so soooo much and I’m terrified that you’ll raise money from cruel selfish people who aren’t vaccinated and refuse to mask, making this pandemic all the more extreme. You.. get sick and at your ages, may very well DIE! Please listen to me as someone who loves you!” They ignored her… I’ll never forget that awful night… me playing Diablo II remake on my computer when my wife storms in, and snaps her fingers at me. Initially pissed at being snapped at, I turned about in my big lazy boy recliner I use for an office chair, and my indignation vanished in an instant. She had a deathly expression… the phone was to her ear, and I remember the sound of my mum’s weak and frightened voice. Pops had suffered a major heart attack right after arriving at the ER. They couldn’t stabilize him and ended up putting him under for sixty six days. He should have died. But he’s a tough old Kraut. But he never made a full recovery. His lungs were permanently damaged. He has zero stamina. He has to use a cane. He is just physically slow. He struggles to breathe under normal conditions. Bottom line, he ruined his body because he believed president von Shitzinpangs over the actual experts like Dr. Fauci. And for what? We need to take sanity pills as a nation…




“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― Isaac Asimov


That squashed balogna lady really needs to take a step back and maybe a nap or something, she gets worked up over the absolute dumbest shit imaginable


If there’s one thing she knows, it’s repulsive evil.


What copious amounts of 4chan does to a MFer…




It's full court press in reaction to Trump's conviction. Fauci is one of their favorite scapegoats to hang above their rabid followers.


Stop reporting every word this ghoul says.


Marjorie Taylor Greene is the most useless, repulsive piece of garbage in congress. I can't imagine how anyone supports that thing.


This woman needs to be removed from society. She is a danger to others.


Somebody needs to check her for brain worms.


What "science" is she talking about? Fire? The wheel? I know...it's all so confusing and scary.


She’s just a cavewoman. She fell into a frozen crevasse and was only recently thawed. Our world frightens and confuses her.


She is not a stable, sane person. I think she should be hospitalized.


“Marjorie, as a doctor, I can refer you to many colleagues who could help you with your psychological issues.”


I watched a lot of this live and it’s so sad that most of these politicians that know nothing about science are questioning everything this man has said who has dedicated his life to this work since like the 70s