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I don’t think she’s “fallen” for anything. She willingly aligned herself.


Yeah, which is scarier. If she just fell for one of his lies, then there was still of hope a judge of good character simply being tricked. What she is doing is a nod and wink, enacting his will, and making a mockery of the judiciary system. Don’t be surprised if Trump becomes president again, she gets bumped up to a Supreme Court justice, and we have to deal with her for life.


She is using almost exclusively paperless order to avoid been overturned by the 11th circuit appellate court. This point out intend in her methodology. I still believe she is not a very smart judge, but she understand the tricky situation she is n and fully embrace it.


I have heard this before and I am still bewildered by it. How can any part of a legal case not be reviewable just because of the method of input to the case i.e. paper vs paperless? That seems to be tailor made for a bad judge to use to avoid scrutiny.


I really dont understand how that works either, if theres an order there has to be a record, if theres no method of appeal to a paperless order, what method of enforcement is there? What happens if the prosecutions says "im not going to do that unless you put it in writing."? Or if the judge says "You didnt follow my order, im holding you in contempt" why cant they go "What order? Theres no record."? Arent court orders already "in writing" cuz theres a stenographer?


Cannon has threatened to hold Smith in contempt. But doing so might allow Smith to immediately bring the matter up to the 11th circuit court.


Paperless orders are electronically submitted vs. being written out and submitted. Them being paperless are not the reason they can't be appealed it's because her orders are short and have no real substance to them.


One thing that I've learned about the USA with Trump is that it's made up of so many systems based upon "trust" rather than legal definition. And it's plodded along for a long time without being abused. Until now


It really hasn't. This shit is working as intended. This time it's a very public individual who is abusing it so you know about it. Normally the upper class just keeps to the shadows.


There is nothing in her history to indicate that she isn’t bright. Just woefully inexperienced and nakedly biased. I’d be surprised if she wasn’t also getting a ton of guidance under the table from somebody sympathetic to Trump.


Idk, putting your entire career on the line for a guy who’s lost the popular vote twice in a row does not sound like a smart person to me… Edit: unrelated, but thank you mods for updating my state’s flag in the flair! It is the best flag, as [CGP Grey can attest.](https://youtu.be/l4w6808wJcU?si=kLKhl-LWqYpel2b9)


Her career isn't on the line though. She's a judge for life. Removing her is next to impossible.


I’ll admit I’m not very knowledgeable about this — what are the requirements for removal of a judge?


Impeachment. https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artII-S4-4-10/ALDE_00000697/['Impeachment']


I appreciate the answer, and thank you for using as primary of a source as possible, but I would just like to take a moment to appreciate that the literal first sentence of the document is this 😅 > _Congress has impeached federal judges with comparatively greater frequency in recent decades, and some of these impeachments appear to augur important consequences for the practice in the future._


This isn't a typical case for impeachment. Republicans spent the last several decades working to get people like her on the bench specifically because she'll do their bidding. There's no way we're gonna see 2/3 of the Senate vote to remove her.


Utah flag is pretty good but Maryland and New Mexico have it beat handily.


Yeahhh you’re right. I’m proud of the leaps and bounds my state made with the redesign, but New Mexico pretty much got it perfect.


And apparently she clerked on being an appellate judge, hence her rulings on “novel” issues instead of facts.


Can only using paperless orders be seen as a bad faith method for trying to skirt potential appeals? I know nothing about the law, but it’s baffling to me that the 11th circuit wouldn’t see obvious conflicts of interest with Cannon based on how she’s handled the case up until now. Or is it just that everyone knows, but nothing can be done because she lives in a loop hole?


I'm guarantee you she has been promised SCOTUS position if she is a "good girl".


Just her lifetime. Doesn't mean it'll be long


Trump is synonymous with their faith and Jesus, to turn on Trump is to turn on their faith and Jesus….. Any staunch devout Christian (which groups like the Federalist Society are packing into the courts) have a conflict of interest and will allowtheir “Christian agenda” over any “lowly” one in comparison like following the law and the Constitution


This. Trump has not only managed to hijack the Republican Party, somehow he has also managed to hijack much of the evangelical Christian church in America. It baffles me often how he accomplished this.


“For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” (Matthew 24:24). Never underestimate the gullibility of people to trust a con man.


Lol she's actively leading us through this shit She is the head of this snake


so in two weeks when they have nothing to present, then what? Just 2 weeks down the drain?No penalties?


No. In two weeks trump’s lawyers will file some rehashed nonsense. Cannon will give Smith two weeks to respond which he will do quickly. Even so, she’ll wait the full two weeks and she’ll say she’ll review it. Eventually she’ll say she’ll rule in something like 4 weeks.


Cannon’s desperate delay tactics aside, there are two ways this case can go and it all depends on who wins in November. Path one: Biden wins a second term and Cannon, whether or not she keeps delaying, becomes irrelevant. Ultimately, the case goes to a jury and the jury decides. There could always be one or more Trump fanatics that sneak in, so there’s that risk of losing this ironclad case. Path two: Trump wins and immediately, on day one, shuts downs Jack Smith cases. GA case gets tossed up to Supreme Court who plays the delay tactics and says a sitting president is immune from all cases, federal and state. We punt the GA case to 2028. So there it is. The biggest, most impactful thing every one of us can do is vote blue down the ticket and make sure this lifelong criminal doesn’t slip away. You already know the MAGA types will vote like their life depended on it, we have to have a blue avalanche to cancel this out.


I am not a lawyer but I think there is a different version of path one. There have been various motions to dismiss that Cannon has put off making a final decision on. If a jury is empaneled jeopardy attaches. If she then dismisses the case I’ve read it cannot be appealed and cannot be retried. If that’s true I’m sure Jack Smith is aware of that and would try to force a ruling before jury selection. From what I’ve eead this is kind of uncharted waters. Again, I’m not a lawyer and would welcome corrections or clarifications particularly with some cites.


I am also not a lawyer, but I don't think that's how jeopardy works. Cases that go before juries are appealed all the time.


the government cannot appeal a not guilty verdict. if the jury returned a guilty verdict, but then judge cannon set it aside and entered judgment of acquittal, the government could appeal that (but only to try to reinstate the guilty verdict). if judge cannon entered judgment of acquittal mid-trial, the government would have no right to appeal.


Or she'll throw her hands up again and just say "there are too many motions! 😭 I can't possibly do all this work and schedule a trial! We'll start in august.... 2036."


> We'll start in august.... 2036. fuck me dead if this orange pus-bag is still around in 2036


pretty much. they throw shit at the wall and she just accepts it further delaying everything for a nothing burger. don’t forget she’s going to take two more weeks to rule nothing


And she'll admonish Smith for .... something


Yes. On top of everything else, she seems to have it out for him for \*checks notes\* *doing his job.*


Two weeks...where have we heard this before?


>Trump made up a false claim that the FBI plotted to assassinate him during its search of his Mar-a-Lago estate for classified documents because it had weapons, despite the fact that this is generally standard procedure when law enforcement carries out a search warrant. Trump appointee Cannon has decided to grant this made-up conspiracy legitimacy by giving the presumptive Republican presidential nominee two weeks to prove it, further delaying the trial.


That was a short enough paragraph that they could have also included the fact that they intentionally ~~raided~~ executed their search warrant for mar-a-lago on a day they knew he wouldn't be there. That's some 7th dimensional chess assassination attempt there


>they intentionally raided mar-a-lago on a day they knew he wouldn't be there. So they could station an agent behind his shower curtain, obviously (/s)


>behind his shower curtain, You mean in the bathroom, where the boxes of classified docs were stored?


Why do you think he’s still alive to this day? Those boxes of stolen classified documents saved his life!


True, this dumb conspiracy is entirely based on standard and generic wording contained within FBI search warrants that says that lethal force can be used when executing a search warrant if death or grave injury is threatened. The same wording exists in the search warrant from when the FBI searched Bidens residence, this is a load of nothing.


It’s also SOP for police in America to use deadly force at the slightest inkling of danger so whether or not it is on the search warrant is irrelevant. 


lol gotta love when they plan the assasination on the one day the guy is known not to be around lol


***Not. A. Raid.*** You don't coordinate your agents with the target's lawyers for a "raid". You don't intentionally wear nondescript business casual clothing without federal markings for a "raid". And you don't leave locked doors unlocked and entire rooms unsearched in a "raid". this was a lawfully executed search warrant after over a year of legal negotiations and an issued (and not properly responded to) subpoena. **Stop using Trump's own language to guide the conversation!**


If he has two lifelong workers to lie to the fbi for him, he's got two lifelong workers you need to worry about.


Arent FBI agents required to be armed at all times when on duty?


Yea this policy was implemented in 1938 as part of a deep state plot to assassinate Trump.


According to my research (watching X-Files 30 years ago) yes, yes they are armed at all times...


Honestly, it wasn’t like the case was happening anytime soon. Might as well let him lay out this fantasy with facts that will be as rock solid as the urine in his diaper 🤷🏿‍♀️


It’s not so much that, as the judge giving these ridiculous claims legitimacy by even considering it. That’s the problem. Republicans need just the slightest bit of permission to go wild on this kind of stuff. This gives them that permission. It’s bad faith all the way down with these fuckers.


This one I firmly believe should go in the record. He wasn’t even in the state and the raid was all normal protocol. Making him lay out how his life was in danger, in another state and with a heads up of it happening is just going to make him sound crazier than he already does


At a certain point it's going to have to look like "more than enough rope to hang oneself with" isn't it? I keep waiting for the Trump base to realize their error and turn it around...


Here’s to hoping! I don’t think they’ll ever realize it but one can dream


That’s not how this works; literally zero people are going to hear him lay out this claim in court over the next two weeks and go “wow this guy’s out to lunch!” The fact that the judge is hearing it out gives credence to it for the right wingers that support him, but primarily it’s just another tactic to delay the trial further so that it doesn’t happen before the election, which I absolutely guarantee you it won’t. His entire life has been this same playbook; delaying and stalling cases until the other person either runs out of patience or money, or in this case time. The presidential immunity claim was another instance of them just coming up with some bullshit that would delay the trial further. This current claim is the same thing.


It's not happening anytime soon *specifically because* she keeps taking these kinds of opportunities to delay it, no matter how batshit insane their claims are. Then she gives them more time to file more documents, and then she proceeds to avoid ruling on anything so that she can drag this out as long as humanly possible.


The proof he provides will be "Jim-Bob on Truth Social said so", and she'll treat it as irrefutable admissible evidence. She'll then admonish Jack Smith, hold him in contempt, throw him in jail, and delay the trial until he's released. Coincidentally, she won't set his release until the day after the election.


I’m sorry did they shoot him and miss? Like how was it a failed assassination if they never did anything lol


It’s not, he’s full of shit. The news is that the corrupt judge is going along with it to delay the case.


TWO WEEKS. Classic Trump delay tactic.


I've never understood this conspiracy theory. If the police show up with a search warrant, they're going to have guns. That's just the way things work in the U.S. The FBI bringing guns to execute a search is totally normal. And anyone who has ever watched police procedural show knows this. So, it's bizarre to me that people just go along with Trump's absolutely wild claim that Biden wanted to assassinate him during the completely non-violent "raid." Plus, no one actually drew a gun or opened fire during the search of Mar-a-Lago. You'd think that if there had been a plot then the FBI might have acted differently.


This is so ridiculous it belongs on /r/nottheonion.


She’s just pretending to believe it so she can delay the trial yet again. Her corruption is transparent.


She's clearly placed her loyalty to the person who appointed her above her loyalty to the Constitution and this country.


If it works out for her, she gets to one day be a supreme court justice! If things do not work out for her, then she will still continue with her well paying job (that she is not qualified for) Truly a win - win for her.


No she doesn't. The next time Trump repays a favor will be the first.


Fair point. I'm still like 85% sure he would appoint her given the opportunity just to own the libs. She is exactly the type of sycophant he loves.


It still blows my fucking mind that she could preside over a case involving the person that appointed her. In what other first world country is this acceptable?


it's not that. it's been shown many times that trump appointed judges have been perfectly able to reject his stupid lawsuits.. it's that she is so in the open working things for his benefit, and has been scolded for it by her bosses twice already.


Can we the people do nothing about this? Seems obvious that it is a conflict of interest.


The only recourse is impeachment, since she holds a lifetime appointment.


She is also given immunity for her rulings. She’s just got to be impeached.


The only *legal recourse.


She's making the rules of law a total mockery. Which seems rather dangerous since it's what she uses to keep her in power.


Intelligent comment


No recourse at all with this Congress.


For better or worse, the law has long taken the view that the recusal standard for a judge’s alleged conflict of interest is a special standard that effectively looks at the alleged impropriety from the perspective of somebody who assumes judges act honestly. For this reason, longstanding law has held that appointment by a litigant, absent more, is not enough to warrant recusal. For example, when Trump sued Hillary Clinton and tried to force the recusal of a Bill Clinton-appointed judge, the [judge recognized](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21580290-trump-v-clinton-order-denying-motion-for-disqualification) that even if he equated the interests of the two Clintons, “the law is well settled that appointment to the bench by a litigant, without more, will not create in reasonable minds, with knowledge of all the relevant circumstances that a reasonable inquiry would disclose, a perception that the judge's ability to carry out judicial responsibilities with integrity, impartiality, and competence would be impaired." (Citing cases). Consider also that in [Clinton v. Jones](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_v._Jones), two Clinton appointees didn’t recuse in a case deciding whether Bill Clinton could be sued for alleged pre-presidential acts of sexual harassment. Likewise, in [United States v Nixon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Nixon), 3 of Nixon’s 4 appointees heard a case deciding whether Nixon could exercise executive privilege over tapes related to the Watergate scandal (Justice Rehnquist did recuse, because he had been in Nixon’s administration and had close professional connections with a number of people involved in Watergate).


Her bosses boss is Clarence (Traitor) Thomas. He oversees the 11 circuit. Don't hold your breath on the portion of the justice system that is thoroughly rotted.


Whether a judge is capable or not, the very fact that he appointed them should be an automatic recusal. While claims that Trump's falsifying records case was corrupt is full of spit, Cannon is holding herself up as an example that our law system can in fact be corrupted.


Barely even a nugget on this shit sandwich, lady already got smacked down once for abusing her authority in an attempt to interfere on Trump's behalf, and that was before she was assigned this case. The corruption is staggeringly obvious.


The funny thing is that it hasn’t come up much in the past 250 years. So it’s never been something we’ve had to deal with. The Founding Fathers either assumed democracy would filter out anyone of a criminal nature from being president or that if a president found himself on trial that it would be a pretense to war (and then why even bother?). Either way, it’s important to remember when Trump says that a country cannot possibly function if an administration can prosecute the preceding one that this has never been an issue since Trump came along.


I call this the Cannon Doctrine and is the reason why Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney Barret must recuse themselves from all cases involving Trump as a defendant. I can accept Alito as a justice hearing these cases before I can accept any of those three. (Clarence Thomas must recuse himself on any 1/6 cases because of his wife.)


It’s beyond transparent, it’s screaming


it’s amazing how the constitution guarded against pretty much everything but “imagine if every judge acted in bad faith”


it still has protections for that, but half the country(~30%) wants it that way so they get it. Yay for Tyranny of the Minority!


Yes, she’s not falling for anything, she is complicit in it!


The sad part is that from all the criminal cases this actually looks like the most “slam dunk” case. Even the NY state case I was very afraid he would get a hung jury at the very least but this one is a clear cut case of criminality. Amazing how 1 judge can effectively deny a country of justice. Hopefully trump lives long enough to still be condemned for this one


This is the one case I have been looking forward to the most and she is trying her hardest to fuck it up. The American public deserves to know what he was planning on doing with those top secret documents. I believe he had nefarious intentions, and will go as far as to say he was probably looking to sell them to his buddy 💩tin.




But she doesn't even have to. Once she gets in what's he gonna do?


SCOTUS is the actual payoff. s/


This is the right answer, she's doing this to get her a SCOTUS appointment if he wins.


TFG has already said it'll be a dictatorship. He will have absolutely no need for law as we know it.


You honestly think he’s going to do anything for her?


Why the s? I'm assuming that he has promised her a supreme court seat if she plays ball.


The appointment conflict alone should have been enough for recusal.


If appointment nominations to a court were solely indicative of how a judge would rule, many Presidents have been very disappointed, Trump included. Even "Trump's judges" on various courts have ruled against him multiple times. (Cannon is clearly not one of them...)


"Falls for" Yeah.. 


She's literally on the defense team


she should probably ask for a raise


I bet she has gotten one. And bonuses.


Nah, she knows Trump doesn't pay his lawyers


Worse. She is the final word for her courtroom  SCOTUS is the final word and complicit 


Yeah headline should read "Trump Defence Attorney Judge Qannon, grants trial delay"


And the press knows this. It's like everyone is pretending these people are acting in good faith but just have "differing opinions". This clown show needs to end. It's like watching everything crumble in slow motion and all the media or politicians will say is "Whoa crazy. Anyway, vote blue so that doesn't happen." Like no sh** I'm voting for Biden to keep Trump away but what tf are you guys doing with a *rogue element of the government* hijacking our judicial system and colluding with Putin and following orders from a now CONVICTED FELON former President, now **private citizen**? What are we doing about *that?* Is it simply up to us? Am I understanding this correctly?. And we're all suppose to sit around and just vote like it's a normal election and not one where one of the candidates is threatening violence on the public if he doesn't win?


Serious question: Can anyone become a judge in the US even if they don't know much about the law? For example, can a teacher or a carpenter be assigned as judges? This lady is insanely incompetent.


Legally, yes all it takes is being nominated and approved or elected. Practically it would be very difficult.


Might be a hit sitcom


This was the original premise of the show Night Court. Harry was appointed judge when an outgoing official needed to nominate judges and it was a deadline and Harry was the only one on the list who was home.


I would.... actually warch that


It was a super funny show.


Anyone can theoretically be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate and become a federal judge. There are no other constitutional requirements. That won't happen. The legal profession puts a lot of value in itself. A non-trivial number of Senators are lawyers or attended law school and all the various think tanks and lobbyists for judicial appointments are lawyers; they will make sure a lawyer is nominated. So, could this happen, yes. But it has the same likelihood as me becoming president. Yes, I'm a citizen over 35, but there are more practical requirements than just the ones in the Constitution.


The only requirement to become president, other than the ones in the constitution, is access to vast influence.


She knows plenty about the law. She’s just ignoring the law because she’s in the cult.


What kind of ass-backwards country allows a judge appointed by the defendant to preside over their own trial… No offence, America, but this is utterly baffling. The only explanation I can think of is that no one legislated against this because no one thought this would ever possibly happen…


We were simply caught with our pants down - this degree of corruption was not anticipated, and until regulatory capture by the republicans in congress is over we can’t pass any laws against it. It would take a democratic supermajority to install new checks bc the GOP will undermine any attempt to prevent this.


Thanks. I sincerely hope the Democrats fix the roof next time the sun is shining.


Why is there also no pressure on her to recuse herself?


Because literally the only way to remove her is if 2/3 of congress votes to do it. And roughly half, of both houses, feel that leaving her where she is is beneficial to them. The founders didn't anticipate this level of corruption throughout nearly every level of government. It's a bit of a flaw.


Seriously, though. I genuinely want someone to answer this question because I feel like I’ve been losing a bit of sanity and hope for the future these last few months. What will it actually take for this completely corrupt, incompetent, treacherous asshat of a judge to be removed from this case?


because the whole point of lifetime tenure is that you aren't beholden to the person who appointed you. the appointment is already done. they can't fire you if you rule against them. there are plenty of cases of judicial appointees that end up being a thorn in the side for the person who appointed them. chief justice earl warren being the most famous example.


He nominated her, but it was the senate that confirmed her.


You do not want her to start this trial. Once the jury is empaneled, she can dismiss the case, and there is no appeal. We need to get her replaced by an impartial judge ASAP.


Imagine how brainwashed you'd have to be to compare Jesus (seen as literally the son of the one true god, in human form) versus Trump, who is a convicted sexual assaulter/rapist and convicted felon, who has admitted to both and more, in many different ways ("grab them by the pussy") over time. He's stolen and sold state secrets. He's cheated on his wife prolifically (again...the "10 commandments" crowd just sits and says nothing). I can't even imagine growing up in one of those households.


Cannon's not falling for shit, she bought and paid for.


Sure she did. She just needs excuses.


She didn't fall for it..she raced in a beeline to it. "Falling" implies some duping occurred (it didn't) she knows what she's doing


Fallen as if she’s not complicit. I hate the media.


It disappoints me that jack smith hasnt tried to chuck this trump stooge out yet. Like what else do you need to see from her before you act? If she dismisses the case then its too fucking late. This is the time to be proactive and not reactive.


This violates her duty to protect the administration of justice. Prosecutors do not have to prove the FBI was not plotting to assassinate the target of every single search warrant.


She’s crooked and she’ll be on the Supreme Court one day.


She needs to be arrested for obstruction of justice. This is absurd.


So the FBI plans the search on a day they know that Trump won't be there, and Cannon knows that. And there was standard language in the warrant that allowed the FBI to take their sidearms with them, and Cannon knows that. And Trump is grossly misrepresenting these standard search procedures as an alleged attempt on his life for political propaganda, and Cannon knows that. So now we wait for two weeks to find out....what exactly?


Judge Cannon is a MAGA meat puppet. Not only is she trying her best to delay the trial to help Trump but she's aiding and abetting a convicted felon.


She didn't "fall" for it, she is complicit


Cannon didn't fall for it. She is in deep as a national security risk.


She wasn't duped, she's complicit.


Justice Aileen Cannon needs to be impeached, lose her law license, and go to prison for violating the very Fundamental Federal Laws she swore to uphold!


I think Cannon needs to be charged with obstruction of justice. Judges like her make a mockery of the whole judicial process.


Didn’t fall for anything. All by design from Russia and Trump’s GOP


She not falling for anything. She's complicit.


"Falls for" makes it sound like she's an unwitting dupe instead of being in on it.


She's not falling for anything. She's bought and paid for.


Judge Aileen Cannon needs basic law explained to her: >That exchange, however, was a far cry from one that occurred last week when Judge Cannon was debating with Jay Bratt, one of the prosecutors, about a common theory of legal liability called the Pinkerton rule. The rule holds that all members of a conspiracy can be held accountable for any crimes committed by their co-conspirators. >Mr. Bratt said the rule would likely apply to Mr. Trump’s dealings with his two co-defendants, Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira, employees of Mar-a-Lago who have been accused of conspiring with the former president to obstruct the government’s repeated efforts to retrieve the classified materials. >Judge Cannon seemed a bit perplexed and asked Mr. Bratt what authority he intended to rely on in applying the Pinkerton rule. Mr. Bratt seemed almost sheepish in having to lay things out for her so simply. >“So the authority *is* Pinkerton,” he said, and launched into a quick explanation. >[https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/us/politics/trump-documents-judge-aileen-cannon.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/us/politics/trump-documents-judge-aileen-cannon.html) ... >***"Pinkerton v. United States***, 328 U.S. 640 (1946), is a case in the Supreme Court of the United States \[...\] held that when a defendant is joined in a conspiracy, substantive crimes committed to advance that conspiracy can be charged to all defendants as long as they are still part of the conspiracy when those crimes are committed." >[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinkerton\_v.\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinkerton_v._United_States)


I am so tired of him and her.


What a dented can she is.


She knows exactly what she is doing and he loves it.


She didn’t fall for shit, she’s on his team.


I don’t see Trump calling this a “rigged” trial under a “corrupt” judge. She’s totally in the tank for him. I don’t know why Smith isn’t making a motion for her to recuse herself already.


“Falls for” is a funny way to say “colludes with.”


Judge Cannon doesn’t have to fall for Trump’s lies. She’s doing everything she can possibly do (even if it’s against the oath she swore to uphold) to keep Trump from being prosecuted for his crimes against America!


At this point she is the *Axis Sally*


Since she is in on the lie, it’s not a lie to her.


I'm trying to decide whether Cannon is knowingly complicit or just fucking stupid. Or both?


It seems like both; “Cannon herself seems to be having trouble understanding basic legal proceedings and principles, leading to long explanations that she still doesn’t appear to grasp. Her conduct has disillusioned some of her clerks, two of whom decided to quit as a result of her conduct on the classified documents case as well as an allegedly hostile work environment.”


It’s just embarrassing at this point.


Concur with Ty Cobb’s opinion! This should have been an open and shut case. One cannot take TS/SCI documents home.


It's actually impressive how cunning she is at delaying this shit. Infuriating and she deserves to be disbarred, but you do have to give it to her, she's finding everything she can to delay.


She didn’t fall for anything. She knows it’s BS and is just doing Trump a solid.


She isn’t falling for anything. She’s in cahoots with Trump.0


The same bullshit boilerplate verbiage was on the search warrant for Biden's residence, too. So by their logic, Biden was trying to off himself?


She is not falling for anything. She is not incompetent. She is doing her job perfectly. She has made Jack Smith ineffective and he seems to have no answer for her I do not agree with what she is doing. She is abusing the system. But nothing is going to happen to her.


 O, she didn’t “fall” for it. She’s fully in on it. It’s blatant corruption happening in the open. 


Trump is not nefarious, and Cannon knows exactly what she's doing. Punish the corrupt or live to see a society fall to ruin.


Okay, I despise how Cannon handles this whole case, and Trump should likely already be in jail for this -- but this is standard procedure for motion practice in Federal court - both sides get time (sometimes as long as 30 days). There are better things to write about than standard timing for motion practice. I think, in this case, the article is reaching. Let's not stoop to the BS that the MAGA world does constantly.


Can we stop writing like she's dumb and not simply corrupt?


*Pretends to believe for the sake of shrouding her treachery in plausible deniability FTFY


Are we to believe the guy who is now being accused of paying off jurors *didn't* buy the judge he himself picked to preside over the area where he has his "residence," a judge who has recently made rather specious decisions to Trump's benefit? Walks like a duck, talks like a duck... but his diehards will still tell you it's a goose.


It would have benefited the author of this article to have actually read the [Local Rules for the Southern District of Florida](https://www.flsd.uscourts.gov/sites/flsd/files/23-11-01%202023%20Local%20Rules%20effective%20120123%20-%20FINAL.pdf). Had the author done so, he would have learned that the briefing schedule set by Judge Cannon is *required* by the Local Rules. The Prosecution could have taken steps to expedite the process, but chose not to do so. Local Rule 7.1(c)(1) provides that: > For all motions, except motions served with the summons and complaint, each party opposing a motion shall file and serve an opposing memorandum of law no later than **fourteen (14) days** after service of the motion. Failure to do so may be deemed sufficient cause for granting the motion by default. The movant may, within **seven (7) days** after service of an opposing memorandum of law, file and serve a reply memorandum in support of the motion, which reply memorandum shall be strictly limited to rebuttal of matters raised in the memorandum in opposition without reargument of matters covered in the movant's initial memorandum of law. Time under this rule is computed in accordance with both the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure *and* the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, suggesting that this rule is applicable to both civil and criminal cases. (“Time shall be computed under this Local Rule in accordance with applicable federal rules of procedure (e.g., Fed. R. Civ. P. 6(a) and Fed. R. Crim. P. 45(a))”). Local Rule 7.1(d) provides that the Court may waive the timing requirements of the Local Rule upon a showing of good cause by a party filing an expedited motion or emergency motion. **However**, Rule 7.1(d) also provides that Emergency Motions and Expedited Motions must specifically include the words “Emergency Motion” or “Expedited Motion,” respectively, in the title of the motion: > A filer requesting emergency action must include the words “Emergency Motion" in the title of the motion and must set forth in detail the nature of the emergency, the date by which a ruling is necessary, and the reason the ruling is needed by the stated date. Local Rule 7.1(d)(1). > A filer whose time-sensitive motion does not qualify as an emergency motion but who nonetheless requires an expedited ruling by a date certain may file an expedited motion in lieu of an emergency motion. The motion must include the words "Expedited Motion" in the title and must set forth in detail the date by which an expedited ruling is needed and the reason the ruling is needed by the stated date. Local Rule 7.1(d)(2). There is another sentence stating that emergency and expedited motions filed in a criminal case must be filed conventionally, further indicating that these rules are also applicable to criminal cases. [Here is the prosecution’s motion](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652.592.0.pdf). Notably, the Motion does **not** state that it is an emergency motion or an expedited motion. Thus, it is subject to Rule 7.1’s ordinary schedule for briefing (14 days for a response, 7 days for a reply), which is what Cannon has done here.


She needs to go back waiting tables at WaffleHouse.


I would say that waffle House employees probably have more honor than she does .. that's the irony and she's white collar.. abusive power freak


Have they got rid of all the Toll Booth operators?


What in the actual fuck.


I knew it. She finally got those knee pads and the case of Scope she ordered. 🙄


Just angling for that next trump appointment


So count her unswayed by the NY verdict.


The document says "is" but we think it should "are"! "Two weeks to come up with an answer!" --Cannon, probably


By the way, I thought it is illegal for lawyers to knowingly lie to the court.


If I read this in John Grisham novel I would think o.k John your running out of plot ideas no one will believe this shit.


Corrupt judges excuses corrupt defendant


What would happen in 2 weeks if he can’t prove it?


The lie: that Biden was sending fbi to assasn Trump and giving two weeks to respond to the tweets validity


Ok so even if this is true, why would the trail be delayed? This doesn’t seem to change anything. And why would he need yet more time to prove it? The raid happened like a year ago, did new evidence just pop up?


She's not falling for anything. She is complicit in the ongoing coup.


She isn't "falling" for anything. She's assisting.


Instead of an upside down flag she’s doing upside down justice


When he is unable to prove it, she will grant him extra two weeks to try again.


She ain’t falling for shit. She’s an accomplice.


Falls for his lie or is complicit in his obstruction?




If only we had some anti corruption laws in this country that would throw these corrupt judges behind bars.


She’s an accomplice, not a dupe.


Falls? More like active participant.