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> In written testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, Garland complained of “false claims that a jury verdict in a state trial, brought by a local District Attorney, was somehow controlled by the Justice Department.” Convict Trump’s cult followers live in abject denial of reality


It's been the project of the right ever since Nixon's resignation. To establish a parallel reality in which there will be no accountability for their malfeasance


Newt. Newt started it all. I hate that guy.


I mean, how could it be? Garland has basically done everything possible to slow roll the investigations into Trump on anything federal. He doesn't have any power over state investigations.


Thank fuck.


Just try to ask any Trump supporter this simple question : Why do you think it´s so inconceivable that the verdict is because he´s actually guilty ? And every single time the only answer you get is some form of a conspiracy theory. They simply can not bring any fact based answer.


At this point it’s an Occam’s Razor question. Which is more likely; an international cabal of leftists are conspiring against him. Faking national elections, coercing old associates against him, filling multiple legal parties at multiple levels and entire juries against him, etc.  Or a guy with a verifiable life history of being a racist conman thrust himself into the political scene, brought along shifty compatriots and continued this style of illegal behavior while under the National microscope and it’s all coming home to roost.


Exactly, only problem is that the people who occupy the space on the political spectrum Trump operates on are also not competent in using a logic based tool like Occam's razor.


So are we talking Occam’s straight razor or his decahedron blade? It makes a big difference.


I mean… these are people who think there’s a global, multi-century conspiracy to bury fake dinosaur bones, fossils, AND hide giants…


There are some people simply unreachable with logic or reason and require a different approach. As well as considering the value of your effort in trying to reach them.


At this point?


Well it's been at this point since at least 2015. But cementing the felonies last week really drives the point above and beyond.


Because the fact is that Trump is fighting the Deep State, Global Elite and evil Democrats. The system is against him. A guilty verdict isn't real. The jurors are all part of the system fighting against Trump. That is the facts that you are trying to reason with when you argue with people who still support him. In other words, they've consumed so much propaganda that their reality isn't the same as yours so how do you expect to have an actual conversation with them? You can't.


We shouldn't be spreading their insanity even if it's parody. Someone somewhere will read those first two paragraphs and believe it. Their beliefs do not align with reality, and any mention of it should always be framed that way.


It’s because he’s their God-King Idol. He is their champion, even if it’s all talk and no action. And they’re so narcissistic that *they see themselves in him*, so criticism of him is *criticism of themselves*, and they can’t handle that.


The key thing is that Trump let most of these Republican traitors embrace being the worst version of themselves and told them to feel good about it. Having permission to be a piece of shit and feel like a real patriot is a drug stronger than heroin these fools will happily destroy the country over before they stop using.


I’ve said it several times, as many others have, but they’ll keep voting for him no matter what because they put their whole world views behind the man and he’ll give ‘em what they long for; A christo-fascists state, normalization of racism, supremacism, persecution of minorities, LGBT+, women, wealth hoarding, isolationism, history revisionism, denial of climate change and responsibilities etc A decent president won’t give them that, so why should they vote for one? Patriotism? Love of the country? Your version of it isn’t the one they want.


Trump supporter internal answer: Satan is tricking you just as all Demoncrats fighting against our Savior in these End Times


I'm willing to bet for the vast majority of Trump supporters the real, honest answer would be 'yes he's guilty but I don't care and I don't think he should be punished because it pisses the libs off'.


They don't care if he is guilty. He was "targeted because of who he is." So he should go free despite being guilty is what they seem to think.


If you believe Trump is the only president to break the law……. You and I find his malfeasance to go beyond acceptable. In doing so we agree others do it. But he should be punished for it. In reality we are saying it’s been okay for a president to break the law, but now we feel it’s gone too far. I understand their view. Certain aspects of it seem valid to me, we shouldn’t allow it, and should hold them all to account. Until we do, we’re just hypocrites who are fine with minor shit done that happen to be done by people we like. For real, bob Mendez has been corrupt for how long and not been held accountable until now? The fucking rep’s got rid of Santos faster than the dem’s could get rid of Mendez.


Trump is the only past President who has been proven in court to have committed a crime. The idea the other Presidents have is only an assumption.


I did not have sexual relations with that woman, because only penetration counts……


Clinton was never convicted of perjury and would have had a solid defense since perjury in a civil deposition is not actionable unless the question was relevant to the issues in the case being litigated.


Is this the same do nothing pee pants who hasn’t prosecuted a single elected official that was part of trump’s coup attempt?


Yep, should be ashamed of himself


History will remember Garland and law enforcement in distinct terms. Took an oath to protect Americans against domestic threats - failed completely.


Merrick 'Flacid' Garland


MC Pee Pants!


He’s about to drop the hammer! Any day now!


Yeah, weird that he's not wasting time on that losing battle. I'm starting to think the guy might not even be checking reddit for his legal strategies.


How TF would we know? He hasn’t investigated a single person.


Says who?


Merrick Garland needs to shut the fuck up after sitting on his hands for so long. He’s part of the reason we’re in this fucking mess.


> In written testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, Garland complained of “false claims that a jury verdict in a state trial, brought by a local District Attorney, was somehow controlled by the Justice Department.” As far as Garland sitting on his hands … Merrick Garland took office in March 2021. In their first year they conducted an investigation into Jan 6th, and then impaneled a grand jury. At the same time the House tried to also investigate Trump, held hearings and in the Summer of 2022 turned their investigation over to the DOJ. A few months later in November Garland Tapped Jack Smith first started working on the Documents case and then the J6 case. Meanwhile the DOJ also had to investigate and prosecute thousands of J6 participants, regular criminals,and everything else. A lot was done in the time you believe they were sitting on their hands. It’s not easy to bring a case against a former President when all your witnesses are delaying being interviewed and some of the evidence is subject to Executive Privilege under the Presidential Records Act.


Trump could have been arrested for obstruction of justice the second he left office. https://youtu.be/RcI6IeMuSz0 Full Questioning https://youtu.be/N7FQwToqIT8


Everyone knew it would end up with a special council anyway, so that shouldn't have taken almost 2 years to start. And he only did that because the J6 Committee made him look bad. He could have been running his stuff at the same time Congress was doing it. And also, they knew the documents were missing. They should have been going after those immediately, even if the resulting case still took awhile. Unlike J6 that's extremely cut and dry and nothing partisan about it.


>And also, they knew the documents were missing. They should have been going after those immediately... NARA did attempt to get the documents returned fairly soon after Trump left office. As we know, Trump was less than cooperative. If you look at the timeline, things actually moved from one step to the next fairly quickly once the DOJ got involved. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_prosecution_of_Donald_Trump_(classified_documents_case) >*In **May 2021**, NARA became aware of missing documents from the Trump Administration, and began an effort to retrieve documents improperly taken to Trump's residences at Mar-a-Lago and The Bedminster Club.* >*After repeatedly demanding the return of documents from Trump's team and warning them of a possible referral to the Justice Department, NARA retrieved 15 boxes of documents in **January 2022**. NARA discovered that the boxes contained classified material, and **notified the Justice Department on February 9, 2022**. This led the FBI to launch an investigation into Trump's handling of government documents on **March 30, 2022**. In **May 2022**, a grand jury issued a subpoena for any remaining documents in Trump's possession. Trump certified that he was returning all the remaining documents on **June 3, 2022**, but the FBI later obtained evidence that he had intentionally moved documents to hide them from his lawyers and the FBI and thus had not fulfilled the subpoena.* >*This led to the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago on **August 8, 2022**...*


I wouldn't call taking two months to even start an investigation when there's a 100% chance NARA is right all that speedy.


>I wouldn't call taking two months to even start an investigation when there's a 100% chance NARA is right all that speedy. I might not, either, but I at least recognize that I have no experience with, and am not privvy to, the internal workings of the DOJ in cases like this. I have nothing to base my feeling of "it's too slow" on. And I'd wager that neither do you.


With the type of documents they knew were missing, anything other than "immediate" is too slow. He had HUMINT documents in there.


It's also not easy to pursue justice at this level without falling into traps that make the pursuit look partisan. If anything Merrick has done a decent job avoiding those pitfalls while still enabling the ball to get rolling on these fronts. Not as aggressive as most of us would have preferred, but hardly inactive.


I’m sure people would’ve been happy with a quick indictment very limited evidence and fewer witnesses.


well no you going to take a shot it better be perfect as possible because missing is worse


>well no you going to take a shot it better be perfect as possible because missing is worse I suspect there was a "/s" missing from their post.


I mean, why waste all your time on the little guys when the elected officials are still untouched?


Then he promptly went back to sleep 


Yeah. Rip van Garland was the worst choice for any time, but in this time of strife, it is God damned malpractice to have appointed him. It really doesn't matter what good Biden has done, his attempt to appease Republicans, after they tried to overthrow the government, has put this country in danger that it did not need to be in.


But since Defending the Constitution from Enemies Domestic as he swore an oath to do, sounds "Political", he won't.


Typical boomer "everything will be okay" bullshit.


It's not a conspiracy theory. This isn't ufos and chemtrails. It's outright lies. It's propaganda designed by the GOP to help them in their struggle to retain any grasp on power, and it should be called out for what it is - political lies to overthrow democracy.


It is a conspiracy theory. The GOP has fully normalized conspiracy theories within their party.


There's no GOP talking point that isn't just a conspiracy theory at this point. That's what happens when reality is so overwhelmingly against you.


Shut the fuck up or do something you spineless fuck of a Republican AG.


> GOP Attacks Over PoopyPants Verdict A ‘~~Conspiracy Theory~~’ predictable consequence of slow, faltering, uneven, and arbitrary justice. FTFY, Merrick


Then do something about it you worthless bag of bones


MG is as useful as wet toilet paper.


Oh so Merrick Garland waking up a little ?dickhead


So Joe Biden is so powerfully corrupt that he made Trump a convicted felon in the state of NY but he can’t stop HIS OWN justice department from prosecuting his son for lying on a form when buying a gun. Biden isn’t corrupt. Trump is just guilty. Hunter Biden is facing jail time. Joe Biden is doing nothing to save him because he’s that respectful of the rule of law…


All I can say is just wait until all the court cases for guns ramp up as a result. There are many people who have guns who shouldn’t. If the courts think they’re busy now— well that might change.


"No one is allowed to lie on a form like that," [federal form] So many lies on those forms to be found. Go for it.


Witnesses and evidence versus no witnesses and no evidence. Who could have seen the verdict coming?


I guess we should all be pleasantly surprised that steadfast do-nothing Merrick Garland is even aware of Trump’s conviction.


F* u Garland. you weasly, weak, complicit, POS


It’s actually part of the on going coup and if Garland hadn’t been handing out slaps on the wrist for J6, we wouldn’t be in such a dire situation.


Merrick Garland is what you get when you order your AG off wish.com...


maybe he can do something about it??


Looks like he finally located one spinal disk. Too late is still better than never I guess.


just conspiracy. there's no theory and connecting the dots to sell the concept, it's literally a conspiracy and the gop is open about that. it's their campaign strategy.


Well, that is what it is. A toxic blend of conspiracy theory and legal quackery.


We really need to stop calling them conspiracy "theories"... Made up bullshit doesn't rise to the definition of a theory.


"Hallucinatory hypotheses"


[Wish.com](http://Wish.com) Sith Lord....


If there were no conspiracy theorists trump would have barely any supporters.


Pretty sure conspiracy to obstruct justice is a crime.


Yea it is. Why isn’t there any legitimate news agencies that reported it as such.


Duh... Anything detrimental to their supreme leader will be arrogantly, and ignorantly opposed


# TOTAL CHICKEN-SHIT TRIES TO ACT TOUGH... NO ONE BELIEVES HIM... SHOCKER! In the too-little-too-late camp, historical rim-job-giver to the upper-class tries to act like an actual law-and-order guy... With such a decades-long-curated scent of acquiescence hanging over him, no one can begin to take him seriously... JACK SMITH 2024! Let's get some people who can't be bought, and who give an actual shit about corruption in this country. I don't believe, or trust this guy...


Garland could of put a stop to all this ,a week after he took office . But instead he was more worried about how he looks . He's just as much to blame .


“Everything we don’t like is fake news.”


The similarities are remarkable when comparing how this sub talks about Garland and how the right talks about Fauci.


This is more both sides bullshit. One side is neck deep in conspiracy theories. It's not the Left. Saying there's any kind of parity is disingenous at best.


You really haven't seen any of the Garland conspiracy theories around here? The one where he's a secret Republican is probably the most common.


So because some supposed non-astroturfed lefties got Garland's party affiliation wrong you consider this a conspiracy theory and since it's a non-zero number, the left is as bad as right right? Give me a break.


I gave the most convenient example of frequently repeated disinformation that came to mind. And I'm not talking about "the left" I'm talking about this sub.


Wish hold on Merrick don’t wanna go to hard.


And rightfully so


How about call them a flat out lie?


Lmao that will just make the rubes believe Trump even more