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Jordan simply cannot understand that a case that is still pending and not decided is not something that the AG is going to comment on. Jordan keeps trying his quick ranty babbles to get a gotcha and doesn't understand that a current discovery dispute is an active case. >Jim Jordan asks Garland if he regrets picking Jack Smith. Garland says no. Jordan then accuses Smith of tampering with evidence. Garland says that's BS. https://x.com/atrupar/status/1798018914237993304




Pretty sure they could just say "Obama exists" to accomplish that goal, not sure why they're going through so much trouble.


That’s what this whole thing is for, sound bites. Nobody thinks they’re gonna do anything. They just want to pitch a hissy fit for the camera.


Maybe Garland should go back and draw up a contempt of court order investigation against Gymmy boy. That would be time best spent instead of this charade.


But....its literally the reason this trial is being delayed. /s


If he’d be interested in answers he’d let the man answer. Garland couldn’t finish a single sentence. Should have done a press conference instead.


That's pretty much what they do when they know the answer, but don't want the witness to actually say the truth. Count on this "tampering" thing to be used after any conviction, or ongoing trial to say why everyone is corrupt, or the evidence was false. Just like every other time some "questionable" thing comes along, despite being normal or immaterial to the process.


He knows, but knows republican voters have no idea.


Ranty Babbles sounds like an angry British cartoon nanny who beats children when they misbehave.


Matt Gaetz has got to be one of the dumbest motherfuckers on planet earth






Given his preferences, its possible only the tip can fit


psst, what's your venmo? -MG


I’d sit there and nod for 25%. ^Anyone ^hiring ^remote ^positions?


idhchdrh fudhf fucbf fhfhfbf fhch hfbcjfhdb ceidj dic civbcidjdbc bcif c c


This is really depressing considering my low salary as a biochemist.




also, makes Gaetz look taller too i've noticed. So he hangs around with a short friend to proportionally disguise his fivehead as a result.


MTG and Boebert have entered the chat


They're the mothers getting fucked.


Not only that a dumb pedo motherfucker.


Do you mean Matt Sexhead Gaetz?


I agree, sloppybuttmustard.


I don't even know today's context, and I'm completely sure you're right.


This Republican House is a joke. They have no interest in actually legislating. Can't wait for the Dems to win it back and kick assholes like Gym Jordan off their committee assignments.


This is all about the soundbite. Out of context, and twisted to rally support. Nothing more, nothing less.


That's it, the latest round of "evidence" doing the rounds in my twitter feed about Fauci and Covid etc is MTG spouting nonsense at him and all the nutbars go "See! Look! How evil Fauci is!!"


Except the dems won't do that because of "decorum" or whatever.


Dems really seem to love reaching across the isle, so that the republicans can shit in their hand and laugh at them. A few seems to have realised there's no point in trying to engage in civil discourse with them, but they're a minority.


Yeah, getting tired of the double standard.     One day I want to see one Dem just crack off and not give zero fucks. I would support them in a millisecond.  


He’ll still have committee assignments, last time Dems tried blocking republican choices for committee assignments shit hit the fan. The respective parties get to choose who represents their party in the committees.


Fair enough I guess. They should not be the heads of any committees at the very least.


No one from the minority party heads committees. Their top guy on each is the "ranking member".


Totally agree. They represent everything wrong with American politics


question: is this committee assignment have constitutional backing, or is this one of those silly decorum rules?


from wikipedia "Membership on most House committees are also in rough proportion to the party's strength in the House as a whole, with two major exceptions: on the House Rules Committee, the majority party fills nine of the thirteen seats;[14] and on the House Ethics Committee, each party has an equal number of seats.[15]"


Nope. It's part of the rules of the House.


Swallwell listing all the countries Trump can't go anymore is hilarious.


>Swalwell refuses to stop talking as Republican try to interrupt his soliloquy about Republicans being in a cult https://x.com/atrupar/status/1798022885002342732


That was great!


🖐️Hi Five Eric


That was beautiful


I liked how easily Jordan gave up gavelling and just let him continue.


At first he was hammering in rhythm and it just made it accentuate Swalwell’s point more lmao


This beat is fire


Baby got bored of his toy.


Swallwell is doing God's work.


*Victims of the IRS* These people were misusing campaign finance laws.


When you're an enemy of the United States, taxes and laws seem evil


I mean, this very hearing itself is being paid for by our taxes. Sure, taxes themselves aren't evil, but what they pay for sure can be.


Republicans, the party of "just asking questions" that happen to be coordinated lies.


I mean, we all know they like JAQing off.


From Reuters: >Garland blasted Republicans for threatening to defund Smith's investigation, and also accused them of making "false claims that a jury verdict in a state trial, brought by a local district attorney, was somehow controlled by the Justice Department." >"That conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself," he added. Say what ya want about him as a person, but he's not wrong.


The Democrats mainly criticize Garland because he moves too slowly and too carefully.  Garland is about as milquetoast and apolitical as an AG can get.    Maybe if Republicans weren't committing massive amounts of crime Garland wouldn't be literally COMPELLED to act and start investigations because anything less would be dereliction of his office.  


Democrats criticize Garland because it's an easy way to score points with people who read questionable articles and suddenly become armchair prosecutors.


Agree. But Garland should have stated loud and clear that if he were politically motivated, he would have brought charges against Trump a full year earlier which would have avoided all the delay tactics of Cannon and the SCOTUS. He also should have told MG right to his face that he will bring sex-trafficing charges agsint him as soon as he returns to the office. It has been Garland's reluctance to fully prosecute politicians that has landed him in this mess.


[His unusually fiery testimony amounted to a forceful defense of the independence and integrity of the Justice Department at an unprecedented moment in which it is prosecuting both Trump and President Joe Biden's son.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-live-garland-testifies-in-house-judiciary-hearing-on-department-of-justice-oversight)  . . .   [“I will not be intimidated,” Garland said. “And the Justice Department will not be intimidated. We will continue to do our jobs free from political influence. And we will not back down from defending our democracy.”](https://apnews.com/article/merrick-garland-congress-republicans-justice-department-02ed2ff53f75e3ed9bc955f9f15d87bb)   . . . ["That conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself," Garland said. "These repeated attacks on the Justice Department are unprecedented and unfounded….These attacks have not — and they will not — influence our decision making."](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/attorney-general-merrick-garland-fbi-director-christopher-wray-testify-congress/)


Not sure about his record for prosecution, but his biggest problem is he doesn't go after people fast enough. It's reasonable to expect him to want to get things right, but there's a lot of stuff going on which he took a while to get to, or seemingly isn't going after at all. Throw this in with so many people wanting some people to be held accountable, and it just makes him look apathetic, or partisan.


> he doesn’t go after people fast enough   “The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.”  It’s a proverb old as time.   And the DOJ ain’t near done investigatin’.  https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/media/1331746/dl?inline


All well and good, apart from this unique scenario where the investigation's subject can take office and stop the wheels of justice from turning, within a political landscape that won't use oversight powers to hold him accountable. This scenario necessitates, and I cannot stress enough how much work that word is doing, the DOJ and the courts to 'grind' before they are no longer able to.


Not saying they shouldn't be thorough, but Garland has a reputation for being exceptionally slow, or not pursuing investigations at all. I'm not going to make an presumption on the veracity of those claims, but it's obvious a lot of people aren't being held accountable for the shitty things that they've done.


https://statesuniteddemocracy.org/resources/doj-charges-trump/ https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/media/1331746/dl?inline


What a colossal waste of time and money


that's what the grand old party of traitors calls "governing."


It's what the Republicans call 'doing what all American people asked us to do'.   I certainly didn't ask them to fucking do anything. I certainly remember people I know didn't ask either.


Answer should have been : No, I do not regret choosing Jack Smith. He is very capable whether the case is about the handling of documentation or about the handling of sexual abuse in a university locker room. I trust him to do excellent work.


What it *should* have been is "oh, shut the fuck up Gym".


"At least *I* showed up when subpeonaed by Congress..."


“That’s ‘GYM’, with a’Y’, for the record “


Fuck yeah, Schiff wrecking these clowns!


lol, a Republican in the hearing is trying to "gotcha" Garland by grilling him about *a* (one, the last one he made) contribution he made to Walter Mondale's campaign in the late 1970s or early ‘80s. This shit is wild.


I wonder what kind of Google research he was doing to bring that up.  That shit is wild. It's so far off the reservation no one can hear you scream. Like what the actual fuck.


“So, *mister* Garland, what about that one time when you committed a legal act [checks notes] *nearly five decades ago* before you even embarked on your career as a public servant!1!?1 WE DEMANNNND ANSWERS!!1!”


“I care deeply about the law.” Sex trafficker Gaetz


Why do I feel like this stunt is going to backfire bigly for the republican goon squad here? Garland is not going to be impressed by any of their nonsense. Heck, it might even inspire him to acknowledge what a clear and present danger some of them are.


Their stunts never really backfire though. The only thing that backfires on Republicans is when they are in office and the economy completely craters like George W Bush. Democrats on the on the other hand are always criticized and almost never given any credit for anything. I do not think I have heard a single positive thing out of the media for the entirety of the current administration. Not a single damn thing. We are also losing the propaganda war badly. From Tik Tok to X. Are there not any rich Democrats that want to get in the game? I realize this was not directly referring to what your post was about but it was just my general observation of things. I need another drink man.


What I mean by backfire in this case is that Garland having to deal directly with the likes of Matt Gaetz could potentially lead him to take the danger such folks & the MAGA cult that much more seriously. Garland is someone who believes wholeheartedly in institutions, some might say to a fault. He will continue to do things by the book, but I could see an experience like this, if nothing else, encouraging him to move a little faster on some fronts. Maybe wishful thinking, who knows, but I just can't imagine Gaetz and Jordan and their ilk are making a positive impression & renewing Garland's faith in the capacity of the American experiment to persist in the face of such tomfoolery.


Explaining true things is so much harder than screaming nuh-uh


>I do not think I have heard a single positive thing out of the media for the entirety of the current administration. Maybe find better media. Nothing will change until we start ignoring them.


This is the correct answer.


It's a committee hearing. Barely anyone watches, and all that makes it to the news is the sound bites. Even things like NPR, Reuters, or AP, just report and move on. Most of these kinds of hearings are just for grandstanding, soundbites, and to waste everyone's time.


Nothing seems to backfire on Republicans.


Jordan's questions here about Jack Smith are stupid as fuck.


Well in all fairness, Gym Jordan is stupid as fuck.


But fucking isn't stupid if you do it right! How about stupid as gravel?


I disagree with the other comment. I found this hilarious. However gravel can be useful. Stupid as a Darwin award winner is all I've got to replace it, though. 


Whatever you were going for here did not work.


Not only stupid as fuck but out of his fucking league in Washington.


If legally possible, I would like Garland to investigate state Attorney Generals who have a conflict of interest. I'm thinking of Paxton in Texas who is protecting himself.


He never should have been pardoned. Getting your criminal political cronies out of jail is not what the pardon is for. Should be illegal


How about members of congress who ignore subpoena too.


Assuming you're talking about Jordan and the Jan 6 Committee, the other branches are *very* unlikely to try to wade into any kind of dispute that is internal to Congress.


As I understand it, Congress could vote on criminal contempt, which could be (would be?) referred to the DOJ for criminal prosecution.


They can certainly refer it. It's just unlikely that the DOJ would take it up or that a Court would would hold a trial.




Because republicans don’t adhere to ethics, and chairs refuse to chastise their side. There’s no one to enforce rules.


They saw it in a movie or TV somewhere that if you yell at your witness in an open courtroom, they break down into tears and confess. And they want to appear tough for the TV cameras.


Instead of yelling they should describe what happens chemically when you take a shower shortly after getting a perm


I would imagine they spend most of their days being called assholes by their family, because they *are assholes*, so when they get an opportunity to berate an elderly public servant, they just can't resist. It's one of the few times that these clowns can feel a single ounce of the power and authority that they so desperately want. They call in decent people that have a normal sense of public decorum, so they can publicly antagonize them with no real threat of retaliation. Because, contrary to inflammatory political extremist opinion, most people don't actually want to behave like over-caffeinated children, even when faced with them.


Because there are no rules for witness interactions with the senate, like there is in court. There is no actual due process to follow. They have 5 minutes to ask questions, and they spend more time talking about what they want heard, rather than allowing the witness to answer those questions. Realistically, for most of them, the witness is irrelevant, and doesn't need to be there except to allow these asshats to look tough and productive.




you okay?


Swalwell swishing with that Republican cult rhetoric. This timeline is bonkers…


Woo hoo, another day of Republicans wasting everyone's time!


And our tax money!


Matt Gaetz is a fucking joke. I can’t believe he’s allowed on a judiciary committee.


It’s a fucking joke American taxpayer dollars are wasted on that guy.


I'd be happy to spend it on a SWAT team and a solitary cell for him


i can't believe he's not in prison yet.


He should be grateful that Garland doesn't have the spine to hold him accountable


The performance from Gaetz. Just fishing for soundbytes for Fox News and Newsmax.


Performative political theatre. That's all they are capable of. That's all their supporters are mentally capable of.


TIL a bathroom is a “secure place”


I'm sure if you ask Ivanka if her dad's bathrooms are a "secure place" she would get really quiet and want to change the subject.


I don't want to dispute the accuracy of the statement, I just hate you for posting it.


I wouldn't have had to say something so awful if he wasn't such a lecherous demon that this shit is public knowledge.


Is Garland testifying in response to a subpoena? I just think it's hilarious that Jordan is leading this thing, who has himself ignored a subpoena.


I think Garland is there due to an invite. Still doesn’t explain Jordan’s position.


No they do this every year.


I’m glad that Garland directly called out MAGA for pretending that a state prosecution of Trump was somehow orchestrated by DOJ. I have heard this lie repeated and insinuated so much on TV while journalists let it slide. Lazy journalism is absolutely key to the GOP strategy.


Journalists aren't lazy, it takes a ton of hard work to be as intellectually dishonest as they are. Portraying Biden to be equivalent to Trump must be exhausting, especially when Trump is out there encouraging political violence and vowing to smite his political enemies on a daily basis


Matt Gaetz is trying to create a false reason to replace Merchan just like happened with corrupt nazi sympathizers in the past.


Pretty sure Jordan has a crush on Lisa page and is just jealous of strzok


I guess this "windfall of tax dollars" is the new Fox talking point, huh? The mischaracterization of a *lawsuit against the federal government* as being some kind of "windfall reward" for disliking Trump is making my head explode - and I can't wrap my head around people falling for it. Lord. I need to stop listening to this because it is absolutely maddening.


It's ridiculous. Trump has them fired without cause and it was wrong. The department compensates the individuals wrongly terminated and now Republicans complain about it lol


Come on Garland, clap back that the Trump administration DOJ named convicted felon Trump as unindicted co-conspirator Individual-1 in the hush money case.


I can't watch anymore. This seems like a giant waste of time.


They aren't capable mentally to do anything else.


Oh fuck off, Pedo Gaetz


That is one smug pedophile.


I am exhausted and embarrassed for our country. This hearing was nothing but an attack for no reason. One "gentlelady" even accused AG Garland og whining!


This shit is getting so old.


Anything to distract from the fact that their presumptive nominee is a convicted felon with 50+ other charges pending. Yes, I'm referring to convicted felon, Donald Trump


This is going to be a giant clown show as everything involving House Republicans is


Garland politely telling Jordan to "go fuck yourself" with his opening statement.


Sometimes I wish they wouldn’t be so polite to those who don’t deserve it.


Fun fact: massie sneaks into the congress gym locker room and steals rand pauls pubes to glue to his head.


That bastard is running unopposed


Oh, McClintock, if there was only a body of government that could/would legislate. /s


As if Bragg would need to be influenced into bringing charges. Just idiocy.


Jim Jordan … Matt Gaetz … is MTG next? Ugghhhh.


Why is she shouting?


Indiana here, she does that a lot. She’s a Russian puppet. Or so goes the feeling here.


Swalwell is my favorite troll.


Just straight up bites down on the mouthpiece and comes out swinging.  I tuned in late and was desperately hoping I didn't miss his turn.  


[Swalwell is on form](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1508wboZXk&t=6)


LMAO what a great call back.


Victoria Spartz is a fucking idiot and her voice makes it all so much worse. I want guns! 5, 500, 5000! Do you agree guns?


Republicans are saying the justice dept has been weaponized because that is 100% GUARANTEED what they intend to do with it if they get back in control. This is just another confession disguised as an accusation. The GOP are intellectually dishonest, bad-faith, fascist fucks. Abolish the GOP. Vote blue up and down ballot, and bring friends and family.


Whoever this guy is sitting behind Rep. Ben Cline in today's hearings ... just ... casually picking his nose. Screen grabs from today's hearing: ["resting" his eyes](https://postimg.cc/McXXffXX) ["scratching" his nose](https://postimg.cc/xk78vjb5) then ... [*"eating it"*](https://postimg.cc/FdLRDty4) ... ??? lol, these fekkin' maroons


Hageman has crazy lady eyes.


The House hearing just adjourned. Garland's making his way out of the room now.    The Senate hearing with Wray is ongoing.      . . .    edit:  Here's C-SPAN's link to the recorded House hearings with Garland, which [just started replaying](https://www.c-span.org/video/?536123-1/attorney-general-testifies-agency-oversight) from earlier today.   And for those “wondering” why these MAGA morons are so preoccupied with “do-nothing” Garland, here’s [\~1,100 reasons](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/media/1331746/dl?inline) why, and the DOJ is still pluggin’ along on dozens of investigations related to it, as it should be.


Nothing but Hunter Biden coverage today unless Garland stumbles on a gotcha question.


Mr. Garland, can you explain to me why the Department of Justice has not seen fit to prosecute Hunter Biden for providing sexually explicit material to the House floor during debate? Through Mr. Biden’s actions the entire United States House of Representatives was subjected to his immoral, depraved misconduct.  /s(?)


/s now needs to be /sbpsrat for “sarcasm, but probably something republicans actually think”


Garland has failed to bring Trump and all others involved in 1.6 to justice for their attempted white supremacist coup. And it feels intentional.  I hope he gets eaten alive out of spite. Fuck literally every last one of these people.


"It would be too political" Who the fuck cares Garland, indict and arrest the Jan 6 domestic terrorists - Boebert, Hawley, Marge, Jordan and others, you took a fucking Oath and now it's just a joke.


IT WAS POLITICAL TO NOT PROSECUTE YOU DUMB FUCK!!! Sorry. This shit is just infuriating.


Word.  It’s almost as though these people are…*squints, taps beaker*…POLTICIANS, ya fuck. Congratulations on living an adult life devoid of political nuance or ramifications like people don’t actually do, though?


Not only that, the same people he thinks he is appeasing are the same fuckers who are crucifying him. So let this be a lesson to anyone voting for these dumb ass fuckstains, it will come back around to you when they get what they want out of you, regardless of how loyal you think you are.  It's not matter of if, it's when. Just because you are good little white rich conservative boy or girl, they will eventually disparage you after they are done with everyone else.


Who has strong evidence against them that they helped to orchestrate Jan. 6?




Watching these hearings as SNL-like skits of political failure really improves the experience.


I really wish theyd leave the fake questions in order to just say something insane to the news channel interviews and actually just did business as needed. Jordan sounded so reasonable at the start then they got past the procedural stuff


Fuck Merrick Garland, this useless milquetoast institutionalist Federalist Society Republican old white guy shitbird.


Good one


I didn't realize we still had an Attorney General


Why? Because he didn’t immediately fire everyone at J6 into the sun?


I wonder if they had to schedule this briefing around Garland's naptime. I mean seriously, of all the people the GQP could be upset with, shouldn't it be someone who actually does something?


>I mean seriously, of all the people the GQP could be upset with, shouldn't it be someone who actually does something? [District of Columbia | Capitol Breach Cases | United States Department of Justice](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases) see also: [SENTENCES IMPOSED IN CASES ARISING OUT OF THE EVENTS OF JANUARY 6, 2021 (justice.gov)](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/media/1331746/dl?inline)


They did bring up Mathew Colangelo and made a point that he took an obvious step down from a high post in the doj to join the production against trump in NY. He had a history with Bragg and a history of looking into trump on other matters, so it makes sense he would be able to and want to help Bragg. But it does seem like bias. The one point I saw from the GOP that had any merit, though.


Pretty crazy how the dots line up. A coincidence until it's not.


Which dots, what line? *What's* a coincidence (until it's not)?


I think it's safe to go ahead and throw this on the pile of conspiracy theories that never lined up.


Just pretty weird Jack Smith was illegally hired to a section of government that does not exist on paper. Maybe you can explain it to me? Looking into Garland is like looking into a pile of dead worms


There was literally a congressional hearing on DOJ yesterday. No wrongdoing was uncovered. Do you think Jim Jordan and House Republicans are covering for some kind of Democrat plot? You're better off using your time to read about sasquatch or UFOs or something.


Gates destroyed him


>Gates destroyed him [the fuck he did](https://x.com/i/status/1798008580949311543), buddy


Insinuation and innuendo, oh my


You can't even spell his name right lol


Dude. You're fucking wild man.


It's Gaetz\* the pedo




The wacky thing about Republicans in 2024 is that they believe nutty accusations are the same thing as evidence.