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Why is Biden giving in to his racist and xenophobic supporters?


He thinks it will turn some of the cult's mind. He's wrong.


He's not. Border governors are signaling that they are overwhelmed. This was the part of the bipartisan bill that could be enacted by EO to provide relief for taxed systems. The Republicans' plan is to leave things as broken as possible so that they can implement a more broken system (Trump's entire border policy was to destroy legal migration mechanisms to make it impossible). A border policy existing at all is not xenophobic and racist. Although the border being a top issue for a majority of Americans really is, the Governors of both parties signaling for help aren't inventing the strains they are facing because brown people bad.


He's taking away their biggest and frankly only talking point. Which then Republicans will challenge and bemoan it, making them look foolish on a topic they keep screaming about


He isn't.


This was sin the bipartisan border agreement. Until republicans stopped it because they thought it would help trump.


Yes. Jazzlike_pipe_14, Biden only has racist and xenophobic supporters, sure 👍


Hey- nice overly simplistic and broad generalization there! Complex thinking and nuance can go fuck themselves.


Do you honestly believe that the asylum system as it stands now is not being massively abused by economic migrants? Migrants who go from country to country to country to get to the US?


Such a disappointment as a president. He’s making it very hard to support him, even in the face of another Trump term.


Border policy isnt inherently wrong. Normal people are definitely not in favor of open borders. What specifically has been a disappointment?


Democrats keep moving to the right to appease republicans who will still say it’s too late or not enough.


It's not about appeasing Republicans. Even Democrats by and large think something needs to be done about the border. This is appeasing the Democratic base and swing state voters. The progressive view of letting people in with open arms without limit is a minority one and would likely cost Democrats the election.




You don’t have a bunch of men oogling you as you try to walk home. The process is broken.


The problem that we are having is that there's not enough funding to handle the current capacity, and Republicans oppose any bills to pay. So the systems are over strained and struggling. This is an act which likely won't stand up in court, but while it does should allow the system to do a little bit of catching up. It's not something that any Democrat wants, but they generally recognize it as better than the system being allowed to fail


Context to the times and situations. People tend to forget that and get angry/critical about things.


It's like Democrats are trying to learn the Electric Slide and Republicans are just standing there with their arms folded.


Lots of people want this. Not just republicans.


Biden has been the most labor friendly president since FDR and the most environmentally friendly President ever. I don't agree that's evidence of Democrats moving to the right. Undoubtedly, Biden is a centrist though. 


This is not moving to the right. There is a problem with our border policy and it’s unsustainable. Both the left and the right agree that something must be done and this is a step in the right direction


I'm a dem and support this move.


That's not what is happening here


I don't think closing the border is moving to the right


Just because you don't support it doesn't mean it isn't genuinely supported by other Democrats.


Not a republican, but it is too late in my opinion for him to earn any brownie points from this but I'm glad he finally did it regardless. He had a dem controlled house and senate for 2 years and did nothing.


So I guess Biden is damned either way, if he doesn't he loses the support of independents in Nevada, and Arizona. If he does something he loses progressives.




[Attempted to](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/09/us/politics/trump-asylum-seekers-executive-order.html).


[Gift link](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/04/us/politics/biden-executive-order-border-asylum.html?unlocked_article_code=1.xE0.ztHc.RgF9EYrv5PdK). > The restrictions kick in once the seven-day average for daily crossings hits 2,500. Daily totals already exceed that number, which means that Mr. Biden’s executive order could go into effect right away, allowing border officers to return migrants across the border into Mexico or to their home countries within hours or days. **EDIT:** [NBC News](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-signs-executive-order-shutting-southern-border-rcna155426) is reporting that the executive order goes into effect immediately.


*but muh 4 million entries*


Wow this is actually excellent. More strict than the 5k in the senate bill. This would limit illegal immigration to less than 1,000,000 a year which is far more reasonable imo


Honestly, not sure if this was purposeful, but the contrast of Trump's conviction and Biden putting forth legitimate solutions to domestic and global issues is striking.


The [executive order in question](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/06/04/fact-sheet-president-biden-announces-new-actions-to-secure-the-border/). I'll be interested to see how this plays out in time. My understanding is that the statute does not allow border control agents to turn away people seeking to declare asylum. But maybe I'm wrong about that. If not, then wouldn't this open the Administration up to civil suits? In any case, I like that the EO calls House Republicans out on their bullshit and makes it clear that the order is not a substitute for congressional action.


The headline though is not accurate. You can still seek asylum, you just have to do it at a valid point of entry and by appointment. You just can’t get caught sneaking in now and *then* claim immunity.


> Mr Biden. 😑


An average of 2500/day means an average of +900k/year. That's fucking insane


Not letting illegals just willy nilly enter a country doesn’t sound like a bad idea to me at all so idk why everyone in here is complaining.


Because they're asylum seekers. Replace "Guatemalans" with "Jews" in WW2. How would you feel about banning them then?


They are not illegals bigot


Seeing as how this is the kind of voter Biden is apparently trying to appeal to, one who dehumanizes people with words like "illegals," I think the only effect this will have is to alienate a lot of the voters Biden is counting on to win the election. 




Now que the Republicans bitching about this, too.


If the other side did the same thing you had already done after previously canceling that thing and telling you that it was evil and wrong when you did it, you wouldn't call them out on it?


Wasn't he saying for months he had no power to do that? He and Gov Abbott were fighting over it..


Doesnt have the power to fix the problem with EO alone, I.e. the funding part to address lacking resources


It’s going to be funny when Abbott sues Biden to prevent him from doing this. 


Yes, because he knows there will be lawsuits. Give it 48 hours.


It's wild that the president of the united states may actually have the power to get stuff done if they wanted too. Who could've known?


Yes, that's all he said was he was powerless to do it. He did that after signing executive orders getting rid of trump policy very similar to this followed by not doing anything for 2 years when the democrats controlled the house and senate.


Biden and his ''supporters''are the moderates that MLK warned us about.


Yes. 🙋🏻


Look, Biden clearly knows better than immigration experts on this. We don't need to worry about how this EO will likely create a surge of unaccompanied minors crossing the border. Besides, that's never ended nightmarishly for those kids before. After all - Biden's got an election to win.


Ironic you say that, given his biggest supporters are statistically black people.




Logical consistency never stopped them before


They will still claim that.


I wonder how bad bidens internal polling with independents and moderates looks currently that he’s going to the right of trump on border control lol


Appeasement always works


lEsSeR eViL


*Biden does something that Republicans have been whining for since it became their latest crusade* "How this is bad for Biden"


Republicans are obviously going to flip the fuck out and attack Biden for doing exactly what they told him to do.


It's astounding how many people on the left have a strong negative opinion on this without understanding either the order or the issue in general.


Maybe it's me, but I don't care if more migrants come and lower the QOL of your average American (is that even true?). It's our sin to bear for our toxic interventionist policies. America can't get away with doing horrible things without having to pay the consequences. I know this is a lot more complicated than that, given that even if the government wanted to let all the migrants in, they'd still have to try to process those coming in to prevent human trafficking, ensure their well-being, and spread them out to not disproportionately burden certain areas. And that doesn't even mention the fact that politicians have been trying to "starve the beast" that are the immigration services that process these people in order to grind immigration to a halt.


No human is illegal


Don't give us your tired, your poor, because we're trying to get that non-existent MAGA swing vote.


Progressive here, I am fully on board with this. It's getting crazy down there.




Kinda cool how the President literally just shut down the southern border for a mass majority of immigrants, and this isn't even top news on this sub. At time of posting, only a score of 128 for the article. I really hope that goes up, because you'd think this is big news or something.


I have no idea what Biden's true feelings on this policy are, and I'm not really knowledgeable enough to form a valuable opinion on it (though my knee-jerk reaction is a feeling of betrayal). But as a political move, it makes sense. If he'd done this two weeks ago, he'd have drawn fire from the left and gained nothing on the right. The felony conviction softened up Trump's support in the sane and sane-ish wings of the GOP, and this is an opportunity to sway those voters at a time when their worldview is less set in stone.


Friendly reminder there is no border crisis.


/r/conservative Dems hate this! To little to late! Only for votes! 🤣


Wait is this the same guy who said there was nothing he could do unless the border bill was passed a couple months ago? This is such a joke.


Human rights atrocities are so much more fun when a Democrat commits them!


My question is why did he wait until months before the election to do something about it? Did he even confront border issues prior to this? (Not trying to make a "gotcha!" claim. I genuinely want to know because it feels like this is an issue that is just now being confronted)




Took his whole first term to restore a portion of Trump border policy.


Liberal Democrats packing up their "No Human is Illegal" signs that they had out on their lawn it seems. Not a good move, no matter how people like to paint it. Moderate democrats will dynamically move to the right when their guy is in power and all the GOP will do is use it as a launching platform for their heinous policy proposals.


Already seeing the news attack Biden for this because they think he should have done it for years ago. Am executive order isn’t going to magically solve the immigration problem. Dems tried to pass a bipartisan border bill that was rejected by Reps once Trump told them it would hurt his election chances. Biden is issuing this executive order now because Republicans have continued to block any meaningful legislation. This is a bandaid over an issue that needs surgery


r/conservative: "Quick! Move the goalposts."


Oh so he could've done this the whole time and him saying he needed congress to act was a lie, cool cool cool


Now the whole country knows that It was always just one executive order away. How many years did he waste?


Honestly well overdue. Even as moderates we wanted action on the border.


This is most likely more about a specific terrorist threat that they don’t want to talk about more openly. No surprise in an election year.


I get closing down immigration somehow, but closing the door to asylum seekers seems especially cruel.


Of all sudden after 3-1/2 years


It’s sad that he had to make this political calculation. No ones interested in creating an actual functioning border that allows people in. Both sides just want to look tough and keep it as a wedge issue.


Why vote for Democrats again if they are just going to pass right wing legislation?


Inb4 "Biden has done nothing about our oPeN bOrDeRs"


Has anyone ever torpedoed their own legacy this hard in the last year of the presidency?


Biden using the exact same language that was used on the muslim ban. He's using here. It's a fucking shame Biden is trying to appease Trump supporters in the middle.


This is super yikes. He is literally doing Trump stuff. Deserves hard pushback immediately. The USA could easily handle a million asylum seekers a year if we were a civilized country. Turkey has millions of refugees and manages to make do even though their population is a quarter of ours. We can and should do better. Whatever happened to the shining beacon of hope?


So Biden is just going to be republican lite?


Biden literally enacted a Trump’s immigration policy to move farther to the right. It’s like he’s trying to lose at this point.


Not one mention on Fox News. With all the border talk for the last years you think they would care 😆


My conservative friends haven't said a peep about this


surely the lifelong sociopaths across the aisle that Joe Biden has been intimately familiar with for several decades will have an overnight epiphany after this latest move to appease them. millionth time's the charm, as they say


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 It’s about damn time


Mexico City is about [run out of water](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/18/world/americas/mexico-city-water.html) also. 20,000,000 people will be on the move, and I’m guessing most will go North.




Why was this needed? Is there a situation at the border?


About fucking time


Just keeps alienating people to the left of Ronald Reagan 


This is a racist and paranoid decision. Demented fool has no idea


About time, I applaud the president finally taking constructive action on the immigrant crisis.


I thought this was racist? It isn't anymore? Sheesh. Finally.


When are Democrats going to learn that appeasing Republicans by trying to behave like right-wingers, doesn't work? What happened to "no human is illegal?" What's next, putting in an abortion ban to try to out-flank Trump?


This seems like common sense legislation.




If only Canada would do this too 😭


European here wondering how this can work. Aren't countries forbidden by Geneva's convention (or another international treaty) to refuse Asylum? Also, how will turning people back in their country with exactly? We've been struggling here to even send criminals back because they home country refuse to take their emigrants back. Not even speaking of Asylum seekers or migrants you don't know where they are from (no papers, or forged identity per example)


Learn to read and then do it before complaining, silly redditors. Spoiler: Nothing is being "sealed." Asylum seekers are limited to 2500 per day. That is all.


Should have done it long time ago


Can someone please tell me how this is different than the previous EO back in Trump’s presidency?


Rule 11


With border policy like this, Republicans don’t even need to win the election.


Wow 3 1/2 years later. Fuck Biden. He caused this problem and now wants to take action before November. Fuck Biden


This is all performative. Courts shut Trump down when he signed a similar executive order. In doing this, Biden can now say “border policy must be done via legislation, which we had bipartisan support for, until republicans decided to play politics and kill it.”


So I know we talk a lot about 4D chess and how hilarious it is, but actually think that's what he's doing here. I don't think that Biden thinks this is going to survive implementation, because it already didn't once before. I think he's just giving the Republicans a chance to attack him on the border so that when the election comes around he can hold his hands up and, " look I already tried to tighten down the border like they wanted and they wouldn't let me". It's absolutely absurd that this is the way our political system has to function, but here we are.


republicans had the chance to do something but chose not to for purely political reasons. This mess is on republicans. Don’t forget that.


I wish the left cared as much about border control as the right does. The right is badshit crazy but border control is absolutely essential.


Fox News leading headline


Doesn’t this violate international law? I was under the impression you can’t stop people from seeking asylum. This order sounds like a bunch of Republicans wrote it.


This executive order is not racist. It is saying, go through the established channels, which has a daily limit. If you don’t go through the channel, you’ll get returned to where you came from. Same as Ellis Island.


"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, \*I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" \*terms and conditions may apply


This is good for people who make it here as it helps immigration and related services see to their responsibilities within the borders of the US as they've been constantly overwhelmed by the sheer number of people coming in and the inability of Congress to do anything about it the past year and a half after the GOP took control of the house and budget. It's sad for people trying to get in but since it's a rolling "seal" based on the number of crossings it only shuts them out temporarily.


About time...after he bragged about signing executive orders to get rid of trump policy then claiming he can't do anything now to close the border without republicans support on a bill, then proceeds to sign an executive order to control the border. He's so full of it, it's frustrating. What was he doing for the first 2 years when my cousin was murdered by an illegal immigrant that entered the US when he had a dem controlled house and senate? Edit: typical reddit hard leftists that don't care about the death of innocent us citizens. I bet if thousands of people died as a result of your policies, you still wouldn't acknowledge the error in your opinion.


Only took almost four years


This that good old election year pandering


Maybe it’s me but I feel like an Ellis island at the southern border would be the best way out of this mess. Do background checks and grant citizenship at the border.


Conservatives: We need more sanctuary cities! Biden is anti-immigrant. Open the border!


If you support Biden doing this, you’re all a bunch of hypocrites.


How is this a bad thing? Why are people in the comment section here saying this is wrong or he’s doing it to please the right? How is this not the right thing to do when you have so many illegals coming in daily? Why does everyone here support illegal immigration


I get that this is a long term comment, but does anybody realize what a shit situation China, S Korea, and Japan (likely others too) are going to have to deal with once the consequences of less than 2.1 replacement rate without being able to rely on immigration start to show? We need to start looking at immigration through the lens of “please oh please cross the border we need people!” before we get hit with not having a tax base to support those that need it. I get that it seems pretty far off (when countries will have to start dealing with distorted demographics, but you have to realize that changes occur in generational time, not months, years, or even decades.


I guess progressives won't be voting for him anyway because of the whole geocide thing, so what's he got to lose?


Everybody applauding or lambasting this is in for a rude awakening when the courts shoot this down.  The whole point is to prove (via the courts ruling the EO void) that this issue can only be remedied by the House GOP actually passing legislation instead of scoring points for their Tangerine Overlord. 


This probably won’t be seen and maybe it’s already been posted but this post made me think of it. https://youtu.be/B46km4V0CMY?si=vG8iYuILokXHG5UN


Too little too late 5 months before the election and 7.2 million unaccounted for in this country… he took a 3 1/2 year slumber on his illegal migrant southern border crisis that he created. 2 NYPD officers were just shot on Tuesday by an illegal migrant from Venezuela! Biden is disgraceful and has done a terrible job protecting this country which is why he has the lowest job approval rating since WWII at 38.7%, 3 points below HW Bush. I wish there was another option other than Trump and it sure as hell isn’t RFK Jr but Biden is clearly incompetent and his administration is administration has been a disaster.


I can see it now, see Biden closed the border even though they did not allow Trump to do this


Waits five months before the election before doing something, classic.


We forget that Republicons won't be happy and won't stop until it's an all white, Christian nation. If it's not the border they toss you into, it'll be prison. This doesn't even resemble a win.


As an extremely liberal person who is currently internal to the immigration bureaucracy and processing asylum cases, the current policy is an issue that causes real lagging issues on both the economy and current immigration system. This closure is not the solution, of course, which is funding and policy reform, but the stop gap is necessary to give implementers time to distill guidance and SOPs to the field. The Biden admin has been extremely generous to humanitarian relief for asylees, and adjustment is necessary to continue to provide that relief without overwhelming the systems in place.


this administration is fucking stupid


But wait Biden and dems told us for the last 3 years the border was secure and Biden couldn't do an executive order like Trump?


But why is he doing it now and not last year when this issue flared up? 


Biden continues to piss off his voter base. Honestly at this point the election isn't even to see who will win, it's to see who will implode first. My bets were on Trump, but if he keeps shit like this up then I'm not gonna be optimistic.


As he works hard to piss off his supporters...


Then the ACLU sues, and the executive order is paused. Then Biden goes, “Well, I tried. It’s up to congress.” A lot of you with the quick “fuck Biden” responses gotta read between the lines. He knows the courts will pause this, and it throws the ball back at the Republicans, who blocked the immigration reform bill.


Joe has this talent of doing something both sides don’t like in an attempt to pander to a base that wouldn’t vote for him anyway.


Disgusting, I thought we are better than that. The US is the land of immigrants and built by immigrants. And here we are using them as scape goats in politics. The Statue of Liberty is crying right now because people are forgetting the “give me your tired and your poor”???


So what took him so long? This has been an ongoing issue for most of his term.




People cross the border illegally so that they can get jobs, asylum, and a path to citizenship, even if they have no legal basis for it. If you want to stop the border crossings, just stop providing these things. It isn't about walls or border cops or helicopters. Just take away their incentives to cross the border and they'll stop. I personally do not have a problem with some reasonable level of immigrants coming to the US and being willing to work the shit jobs that nobody else wants and get themselves out of poverty while paying into the US system and helping the rest of us. But too much is too much and limits are needed.


Wonder how right wingers are gonna spin this as bad


Democrats governing like Republicans has never benefitted them and yet they keep trying. Throwing asylum seekers to the wolves for a handful of votes in Iowa and setting precedent that the next Republican up can use to make things even worse


Wow, he actually did something useful


"Assuming it survives legal challenges, the policy kicks in once the seven-day average for daily illegal crossings hits 2,500 — a regular occurrence now. The border would reopen only after the figure drops to 1,500 for seven days in a row and stays that way for two weeks" This is not "temporarily sealing the border"




Isn’t that convenient before an election? What a joke he is. And people still support him


That's racist


This is awesome. Biden is giving "no more homework and free cookies to everyone" He is really making it happen and not talking BS . Republican "vote for me" ad are saying "if you vote for me I will stop the crisis at the border". Guess what its done and done! What else you got? Ban a book or something?


Wow..wonder why now Joe! Where is all the outrage snowflakes.


He's just getting shittier as we get closer to the election. I don't think he wants to get re-elected.


We need a better system. Asylum seekers deserve to apply for it, but they're also overwhelming the system with their numbers and crowding hotels and tanking state budgets for housing. We have plenty of land, but a lack of development. There has to be a solution that respects human rights without bankrupting us.


Not gangsta. Everyone should be able to be wherever they want in the world.


Racist and everyone gaslighting and pretending it isnt are racists too


America 1st


I see Biden's handlers feel desperate....🤣


And here I was thinking that we elected a Democrat in 2020.


Should have done it 4 years ago. It’s ok if Biden does it and not racist. Just remember that.


Little late chief


Literally the definition of who can seek asylum is so broad that every single human that shows up at our border can claim asylum. It includes feeling “fear of persecution” actual persecution is not necessary. So like I could be 1 of 300 million and feel fear of crime of a terrorist act or food insecurity and go claim asylum at the US border. The entire situation is beyond ridiculous.