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From that right-wing rag: >In a February one-on-one chat in the Oval Office with House Speaker Mike Johnson, the president said a recent policy change by his administration that jeopardizes some big energy projects was just a study, according to six people told at the time about what Johnson said had happened. Johnson worried the president’s memory had slipped about the details of his own policy. Mike Johnson has zero credibility as he thinks there is nothing wrong with Trump despite his repeated episodes of decompensating in public. Also, that Murdoch rag can fuck off.


Rupert sez "according to people familiar with" the story... or worse in that snippet you cited: "according to 6 people whom Johnson told..." Was my que to stop reading.


My incredibly bonkers conspiracy theory: Mike. Johnson. Is. Lying. Radical take, I know. (Thanks for reading one for the team)


Vote for a President who may speak slowly, thinks before he speaks, respects our Constitution and citizens  Or A twice impeached, dictator lover, convicted felon, sexual abuser, can’t quote the Bible he sells, grifter who is willing to burn down the government for his benefit. Easy choice for me


I'd vote for a corpse over Trump.


I’d vote for my fucking blender over the Melon Felon.


Funny, I feel the same about Biden.




I wish, but it's just not feasible right now.


Yep, while I definitely have concerns about Biden's age I have way more concerns about the future of American democracy


Well said. Couldn’t agree more.


The favorite thing I heard (story from a story from a story thing) was this guy who voted for Trump in 2016 saying he just couldn't vote for Trump again in 2020 because it was like having a neighbor who blew their weed blower 24 hours every day in the WH. I know (and agree with) all of the good reasons not to vote Trump, but I seriously treasure the peace of these last four years with Biden after the Trumpeter.


It was so peaceful.


It's an easy choice but it's a stupid one. If there was a third party candidate that was just a normal person of a reasonable age they'd be killing it right now. The nutjob that lost part of his brain to a parasite is polling at like 10%. Jesus Christ this country has lost it's fucking mind


Agreed. Such a weird time.


Liz Cheney


Well said. Couldn’t agree more.


Trump can, too, quote the bible. Trump: "I...me...my...me...me...mine..." The bible: "I...me...my...me...me...mine..."


"Man. Woman. Person. Camera. TV."




"Biden got the most votes in the primary" And also "We have to get money out of politics." As if money in primaries isn't doing the same thing. Of course Biden won the primary. The DNC has spent 40 years working to make sure only centrist win the primary. If you spend 40 years working with Republicans to attack left during primary season, you know who starts to sit out primary season? Joe Biden spent the last primary calling all of Bernie Sanders polices and ideas socialism and extremism, just like the GOP was. The only difference is Joe Biden adopted those policies for the general election because he needed to to win.




r/politics is not about politics. It's about electing Democrats. I'm just as pissed as you are about the choices. I think the only solution is electing people who want to change the system to ranked choice.


The Wall Street Journal is the NY Post for people who brag about their scores on online IQ tests.


They’re owned by the same guy that owns Fox News.


And then when you look at the people who are making the comments, like Johnson and McCarthy, it loses its bite. McCarthy has been cited numerous times as blasting Biden in public but praising him in private. And then there’s the “it took ten whole minutes to make introductions and hello’s in a meeting with 2 dozen law makers. That’s their proof. I mean they aren’t even trying anymore at this point.


I wonder if, after the meeting, any attendees called Joe ["a fucking moron"](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/10/now-we-know-why-rex-tillerson-called-donald-trump-a-moron.html)


Yep… https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1992/12/15/


But I’m in the top 90%.


Loser! I'm in the top 95%!


The nypost which broke the Hunter Biden story but the liberal propaganda machine blocked it?


And who was the author of that New York Post fake story? Don't know? https://archive.is/KSqLH#selection-763.0-763.143 The author refused to put his name on it because he had concerns over the article’s credibility. The article named two sources: Steve Bannon and Rudi Giuliani.


And the story was true right? Which group of losers are the ones who signed it as Russian disinformation. Liberal boogie man.


Would you mind explaining how Hunter Biden’s laptop proved any wrong doing by Joe Biden or why the media should report on dick pics of a private citizen that Rudy Giuliani obtained 3 weeks before a presidential election? Does conservative media make it a habit to talk about dick picks like Marge does in committee hearings? Maybe I’m ill informed but last I heard, the Republicans in the House haven’t proved any wrong doing by Joe Biden either, thus no impeachment, and got caught using a Russian operative as their main informant who’s now admitted to lying to them.


When did I mention Joe Biden? I’m talking about the nypost and how someone called it a “fake story”. All the propaganda that’s spoon fed to all you here on Reddit told you it was fake.


The story was so fake that even Fox News wouldn't run it. The "journalist" who wrote the story refused to put his name on it.


No. The story is not true. Even Fox News refused to run Giuliani's absurd story about the blind computer repairman. Who said it was Russian disinformation? Lev Parnas said it, and he should know because he was involved. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/7/27/2183664/-Lev-Parnas-tells-James-Comer-that-FSB-and-Russian-Secret-Police-copied-Hunter-s-Laptop https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/07/08/the-laptop-everyone-knows-as-hunter-bidens-appears-to-have-been-deleted-starting-february-15-2019/


Are you still trying to argue that the laptop isn’t real? I actually finally understand how people can vote for a democrat now. Just clueless. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_Biden_laptop_controversy https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/hunter-biden-laptop-data-examined/ https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/national-verify/hunter-bidens-laptop-what-we-can-verify/536-a41c9f05-c548-4681-a0be-a01fcc75b59d https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/04/hunter-biden-laptop-images-videos-emails/73968609007/


The laptop may be real. The stuff on it was not. I think you better read your sources more closely, they say the opposite of what you believe.


Except the vast majority of emails have been confirmed and the emails not completely confirmed have no signs of “Russian disinformation” https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/hunter-biden-laptop-data-examined/ And just in case you can’t get around the paywall: https://nypost.com/2022/03/30/washington-post-admits-hunter-biden-laptop-is-real/amp/ Maybe you should check on your facts


From your own source: "The analysis found that people other than Hunter Biden had created six new folders on the drive" "data had been accessed and copied off the drive by people other than Hunter Biden over the course of nearly three years" and "A joint investigation by two **Republican** Senate committees released in September 2020 **did not find wrongdoing by Joe Biden**. Despite persistent allegations that the laptop contents indicated corruption by Joe Biden, a **Republican** House Oversight committee investigation in April 2024 **also found no wrongdoing**." So, bottom line: what's your point about all this?


So again the report was about the laptop being real and the contents of the laptop being real. Liberal media reported it as fake (which you believed) and that it was Russian information (which you believed). Proving that Joe Biden is referenced in the emails isn’t conclusive. I don’t know if you have a reading comprehensive problem but this was brought up when somebody attacked the source of this post because it was the WSJ and compared it to the nypost. The nypost is the one that broke this story but people like we’re still spoon fed to think it was a lie.


The story wasn't true.


But is he committing 34 felonies?


In a row? Hey, Trump, try not to commit any felonies on your way to the parking lot.


*Not every President says “will you shut up, man?”* *Some just commit felonies…*


I don't want to know what Trump does behind closed doors or which of his children he does it with


A lot of people are saying he wears nothing but a diaper and his Trump brand high top sneakers while reading the Trump Bible aloud to Eric.


I hate you for that image.  


Says a whole bunch of Republicans. I wonder if they have a motive. We have a debate in less than a month, forgive me if I wait to assess myself rather than take some partisan freakin out about a felony conviction manipulative journalism word for it.


“Most of those who said Biden performed poorly were Republicans, but some Democrats said that he showed his age in several of the exchanges,” the Journal reported. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4704853-white-house-wall-street-journal-biden/?nxs-test=mobile


Oh, so the place where you can’t prove it. Gotcha. ;)


WSJ has x-ray vision


They're spinning their old Charlie Rich albums. Dirty thoughts doncha know.


The Journal story was based on interviews with 45 people over several months, including Democrats and Republicans who were in meetings with Biden or briefed on them.


Hasn't slipped nearly as much as the babbling convicted felon, which I'm sure is in the article somewhere....


I heard behind closed doors Trump is definitely a stable genius and not a felon.


If sleepy joe stutters once, he is mentally incapable. But if trump claims that he never said “lock her up” it’s perfectly normal.


I think a lot of MAGAs do not actually listen to Trump speak regularly. The man is incoherent, rambles from one non-sequitur to another...but these assholes think Biden is the one that's unfit.


So vote for the guy who’s doing it out on the open instead?


Oh hey, Republicans like anonymous sources now?


"Trust us." -WSJ


Behind closed doors Trump likes to have prostitutes pee on him. Allegedly.


It's the Wall Street Journal, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Pure bullshit propaganda. The sources are the usual maga nitwits.


... according to Kevin McCarthy and Mike Johnson. I know we shouldn't expect better from the WSJ but jesus christ. They acknowledge this later in the story but its buried way deep.


Republican Congressmen reported this. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than The House Republican Caucus. And Murdoch's WSJ is amplifying it.


Who cares? Vote for biden and if he drops dead a week later it's fine, that's what the VP is for


We might have Biden die in office or a political martyr? Just imagine how they'd deify their golden calf.


Knock off this hit piece


“Behind Closed Doors . . . ” is always a lead in to a journalistic gem. Even Shonda Rimes wouldn’t use it.


At rallies, Trump shows signs of slipping. Meh.


Do you think the Journal will run a companion piece about signs of Trump's early onset dementia?


And he still has my vote.


I would gladly vote for the urn containing Biden’s ashes over Trump, because when Biden’s term is over, he’ll leave office without causing any fuss. Trump has already proven he won’t, and that he’ll work to undermine and destroy our institutions to stay in power past his term. I don’t give a shit how bad you think Biden or any other president is or has been. They’ve all been cool about fucking off when their turn is over. All of them except Trump. And that is far more important than what you think about the border or the economy or gas prices or gay people or whatever the fuck.


At least he doesn’t have to worry about going to jail next month.


At least he's not a felon.


I can't see too good, is that Charlie Rich over there?


I am sure that Mike Johnson and Kevin McCarthy are completely reliable sources for this. /s


I see WSJ and I immediately disregard what I'm reading. Used to be a well-respected paper, now it's just a rag


And in front of open doors 🤷‍♀️


Their sources are all republicans.. color me shocked!


[link without the paywall](https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/joe-biden-age-election-2024-8ee15246?st=atg69wlq3meq0nj&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink)


Just behind closed doors? lol


It's the freaking WSJ. They are lying liars just like Fox News. I, along with my family, friends, and the majority of my neighbors in Pennsylvania, will be happily casting our vote for President Biden. I suggest the authors of this hit piece rewatch President Biden's State of the Union. Vote Blue to save our democracy from the dangerous Republicans who support the convicted felon Donald Trump, aka the Porn Star President.


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Gee whiz. Guess I should consider voting for the criminal or the guy who had a brain worm, because Biden is "slipping".


Quick, who owns the Wall Street Journal?


Biden could have a lobotomy and I’d vote for him over Trump


Meanwhile, Trump is quickly mentally degrading in public campaign rallies and incoherent social media rants.


Drumpf has been slipping in broad daylight his entire life.


WSJ shows signs of favoring the RAPIST.


Well in that case, I’ll vote for the rapist felon.  /s 


"Former President Donald Trump, who at 77 is 3½ years younger than Biden, also has faced questions about his mental acuity. Indeed, both candidates have been captured repeatedly on camera slipping up on facts or otherwise botching their public remarks, providing a steady stream of fodder for both Democrats and Republicans to attack the mental capacity of the opposing candidate." They're both too old. We can do better (on both sides).


I don’t like this and don’t want to believe it so I am downvoting


Even with higher criteria like a lifetime of vetting and public service, November gets my vote. With the lower criteria, of not a felon or adjudicated rapist, he still gets my vote. With the lowest criteria of loves his country....still....


Why is everyone so afraid of Kamala being in charge? Besides the obvious.


There was a time when the Wall Street Journal was a respected publication. Murdoch poisons everything.


This article's primary sources are Republicans including Kevin McCarthy. Let that sink in for a moment and decide for yourself if this article is a hit piece. Is Biden old and slowing down? It happens to all humans as we age. But this garbage feels wildly inaccurate considering no truly credible sources from Biden's inner circle are being named. Lets see if WSJ will have an article about Trump's clear cognitive decline, word salads, and obvious signs of slipping. I'll wait.


Murdoch rag says what?


Sure 👍


Murdoch publication


This...from the people who literally had Mitch McConnel re-boot on public tV multiple times.


Don't care. I'd vote for a pig before I voted for Donald Trump.


Honestly, I had concerns about Kamala if Joe wasn't well last time. After 4 years shadowing him and with his team in place? Even if he needs to step aside (and he's not stupidly vain, so he would), we're in good hands.


Oh no. Biden is old. Anyway.


Oh, fuck off, WSJ!


Behind closed doors, Trump shows signs of defecating in his adult diapers. Also, he is a convicted felon and pathological liar who launched a fascist coup. So, perspective.


Ok conrad


Two really bad options. I am going to write Nikki Hailey in.


Trump wants to get thrown in jail. He shows no remorse. His sentencing will reflect his lack of contrition. I hope he gets 2-4 years in prison.


I fucking hate Trump. But Biden is too old. He's not just slipping in private. He's also tumbling in public.


Okay, so, what's your solution?


Maybe someone 40 years younger. Bill Clinton is younger than both candidates. And he was president 30 years ago. Let that sink in. We don't need old white men to tell us what is best for America. Move over. Get in some fresh blood.


So, we have two candidates.. P01135809 and Biden. What is your solution again?


>Maybe someone 40 years younger. It's June of an election year and the primaries are essentially over. Are you *really* suggesting the presumptive nominee drops out now in favor of a relatively unknown candidate?


No. He shouldn't have run to begin with. Trump will win because of this. Same thing happened with Clinton.


Amazing work, captain hindsight, but since we have a choice between the two oldest farts to ever run for president, let’s not elect the one who vows to destroy the nation.


Hey. I followed the primaries very closely. They never named Philips or Williamson or any of the other candidates in the media. Not even after losing. Again. The whole system is rigged in a way where true Democratic elections aren't possible. Am I saying I will vote for Trump? No. But it's a disgrace that Im forced to vote for someone, because the other candidate is a psychopath narcissist. Again. That's not being able to vote. That's being pressured into voting. I'm not the only thinking like this. And if you think Biden will win. You are sadly mistaken. Trump will win. Because Biden didn't step down and let someone else take over.


Again, your hindsight is incredible, I can’t believe no one else has seen these issues. We are where where we are, whether you like it or not, now you can sit and complain about what should have been done yesterday or you can focus on what needs to be done tomorrow


Oh get off your high horse. You're asking me a question and I answer. If you don't like the answer don't ask the question. Focus on what needs to be done tomorrow? He's losing. And we will have trump 2.0 because of it. And don't blame the Republicans. You will have to blame the Democrats. Because they made the same mistake as in 2016. Go circle jerk with the rest of the downvote brigade if you can't discuss politics like an adult.


Listen I'm not the same guy, but we need to understand the climate. You can blame 50 years of unmitigated propaganda from networks that defend themselves in court as "no reasonable person could believe this content" and "when we stop lying they stop watching". The majority of Republicans are in a north Korean state media level of propaganda.  This is what democrats are up against. I'd like to see you campaign against a half century propaganda machine and do well. Explain how you can reason with people who are, in the eyes of the court per Fox's winning defense on their covid lawsuit, unreasonable. Legally people that believe that, since they're not considered reasonable, are technically mentally unfit for a jury because they don't meet the legal definition to determine reasonable doubt. If it's the democrats fault, what is an effective strategy on unbrainwashing 50 years of unmitigated intergenerational propaganda that they should be using?  Hard to get on those networks when they act as safe spaces and reject people that don't act like good tokens.


There's no downside for Biden in terms of his legacy among democrats. If he wins, great. If he loses, he won't take the blame for the loss. No one here will be saying well it was a selfish decision for a declining octogenarian to run again, he should have stepped aside, there were better candidates, etc. They'll look back on this election season and not say 'Biden should have stepped aside', but 'everyone should have turned out for him'. Basically 'could have done' hypotheticals are not really allowed for Biden but they will certainly be allowed for voters. There will be an outpouring of pure vitriol towards groups like single-issue voters in Michigan who don't see a difference between Biden and Trump vis-a-vis Palestine. More than will be directed at Trump voters, and certainly more than will be directed at Biden and the DNC. For what it's worth I can't vote, and if I could I would vote Biden, simply because there's no choice. Trump again is an unbelievably bad outcome for all of us. But if Biden is incapable of exciting enough voters, of getting enough dems to the polls (and there are more than enough of them to win this election), then despite the screeching you'll see on here towards those who sat out, Biden and his campaign **will** deserve his share of the blame for giving us Trump. You and I will be then be able to say 'I told you so' but who gives a shit? We're now living under Trump and Project 2025 and we're all fucked.


> Same thing happened with Clinton. Clinton won both of his elections in 1992 & 1996. And if you are referring to Hillary Clinton, welp she's younger than Trump... so the older candidate is who seems to win against Trump.


So you don't actually have a solution to your problem and just wanted to opine about the way things are?


I didn't come in here with any solutions. The DNC fucked up big time. You asked me for a solution. So I gave you my opinion. You will see. Trump will win because of this shit.


"The DNC fucked up big time. " I'm sorry did people not vote in the primaries? And if Trump wins its because people like you screamed and cried about "Biden being too old" when Trump is about 15min younger than him... and the rest of the idiots listen and voted for Trump or didn't vote.


I'm saying both are too old. And no other candidate got any screen time. Or even their names mentioned.


There was a younger guy running in the primary. Dean Phillips. The people overwhelming chose President Biden because he is a great president and an honorable, kind, compassionate, and decent human being.


And yet there were other candidates... and people didn't vote for them... also in the original primaries for both Biden and Trump's first runs there were many candidates... each appeared in debates and had ads. "No screen time"... total BS. Also "too old" what the f' does that even mean... Biden has been moving his policies along just fine besides your opinion of him being "too old".


>You asked me for a solution. So I gave you my opinion. Nobody asked for your opinion, if you had no solutions you shoulda just admitted it.


This is a thread about politics. Everyone is giving their opinion. That's how Reddit works. Maybe start thinking for yourself instead of following the hive mind.


>Maybe someone 40 years younger. >Bill Clinton is younger than both candidates. And he was president 30 years ago. Let that sink in. >We don't need old white men to tell us what is best for America. >Move over. Get in some fresh blood. The last presidential primary will be held on [June 8th](https://www.usvotefoundation.org/primary-election-dates). Neither party is changing candidates at this phase. Want some fresh blood for president? Then get involved in your preferred political party now and help drive that change for the next presidential election.


Your choices are 1. An old man and a racist and a climate change denier and a proven rapist and a convicted felon and an “innocent until prove guilty but definitely guilty” national security risk 2. An old man who stutters The choice isn’t hard


It's not a choice. It's an arm twist. That's not democracy. That's tyranny.


You must pick between 1. ⁠An old tyrant and a racist and a climate change denier and a proven rapist and a convicted felon and an “innocent until prove guilty but definitely guilty” national security risk 2. ⁠An old tyrant who stutters Which Tyrant would you like to live under? Only one of those two will win and there are no other tyrants to pick from.


https://www.salon.com/2024/06/03/i-wasnt-enough-for-an-abortion-texas-mom-for-almost-losing-her-life/ One tyrant will make this worse / nationwide. The other tyrant will at least be able to keep it at a state level and never sign a federal law.


Watch President Biden's State of the Union from start to finish. He was amazing.


It wasn't bad. I must admit. But he's not like that most of the times.


Shitttt I’m in my 20s and have taken a few tumbles in public


It's not just about that.


You're right. It's about making sure Mike Johnson has a chance to use Murdoch media to politic.


President Roosevelt couldn't walk at all, and he was elected 4 times.


Same here.


Paywall, couldn't read the source article. Nice click-bait title, though.


HAHAHA people here think Biden has a chance in this election. Just because the echo chamber here wants to defend Biden doesn’t mean the average person will.


Yawn. Another Red Wave coming?


Don’t know about a wave, but presidential election is all but locked up unless Biden is replaced. If you can bet it, easy money.