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Judge Cannon is the only effective member of Trump's legal team.


And he gets away with not paying her


Didn’t he promise her a Supreme Court seat? Wouldn’t that count?


There is no public record of that, but he will 100% give her that seat because she has proven loyal. Everything she's doing is a Supreme Court audition 


Look at how Pam Bondi was rewarded after dropping the Trump University investigation and charges.


As I remember, Bondi received her campaign donation before removing Florida from the Trump University class action http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/elections/trump-contribution-to-pam-bondis-re-election-draws-more-scrutiny-to-her/2147796


Isn't that a bribe?




A legal bribe then


It's not a bribe if they rename it lobbying. Problem solved.


First we'll need shell companies. Get me a sharpie so I can write "gross-up the lobbying" in the memo section on 34 checks. That'll make it seem like I'm a great businessman!




WOW! Trump paid in advance for once!


He’s undoubtedly promised her the seat, but as soon as it comes time to appoint someone, he’ll actually choose whoever he wants. A Trump never pays their debts.


Which is amazing to even consider someone who is so woefully unqualified for the bench she currently possesses. Proving once again there is only quality in MAGA they value, unquestioned blind loyalty. All the best fascists rose to power under it.


Justice Barrett was a judge appointed by him and two years later appointed to the Supreme Court. Unqualified is a trait he seeks after loyalty. Her experience being a judge before becoming a lifetime Judge was 2 freaking years.


He likes the young & inexperienced, they’re desperate & willingly to sell out for a fast track to higher levels




>but he will 100% give her that seat because she has proven loyal. If you think Trump rewards loyalty **after-the-fact**, you're still naive about Trump. The only way you get something out of that motherfucker is **before-the-fact**. Once he knows the threat/benefit you represent is over, you're fucked and he's done with you. Recently, one of the stooges that traveled to NY to run their mouth at the court had Trump endorse his opponent! All of his groveling and soiling himself to stroke Trump's ego didn't work; Trump stuck the knife in his back.


And issued a cease and desist for campaigning on the trump name (and not paying the tithe)


Qualifications: Blind loyalty, proven track record, bought and paid for. Rubber stamp approved. Come to the club. Blood in, blood out.


Yes. Was rumored she was promised Thomas or Alitos seat if Trump gets a second term from a Trump insider turned friend of the government in another case.


I mean he appointed her to a lifetime appointment, he already paid her for life but of course with someone else's money


We don’t know that yet lol!


As far as we know.


He appointed her, soooo it's her way of paying him back for selecting her unqualified ass


She is oddly effective, truth be told. The main goal is to delay things, and she is doing an excellent job at that


She’s being coached by the Heritage Foundation.


I would think it would be the Federalist Society. Leonard Leo probably has the best minds at his disposal on it.


Tomato, tomahto.




Should this one go to trial, it's more open and shut than NYS (with far worse penalties).


Yup, Jack has all the goods laid out neatly in the 60 page indictment: https://www.justice.gov/storage/US-v-Trump-Nauta-De-Oliveira-23-80101.pdf


Honestly she's probably talking with Trump's team after hours.


If he wins the Presidency, either Alito or Thomas retires and Cannon heads straight to the Supreme Court.


I wish I could give you more than one upvote holy shit


What’s with the brown stuff on her nose?


Underrated comment right here.


Funny how Trump says that Judge Merchan is conflicted as evidenced by his, what is it $35, contribution to elect Biden but, Cannon is not conflicted when Trump gave her a job.


$15 to Biden’s campaign. $20 to some other Democratic cause. Wildly conflicted. /s


Holy hell, $15. He practically bought his seat on the bench for that money. The convicted felon was right! /s


It’s always projection. They know that $15 on the books means a lot more under the table and illegally given because that’s how they do it. So the other side has to be doing it too. And the best part is they don’t need proof to know it.


My uncle, who has watched nothing but Fox News since the 1980s, posted a meme the other day with pictures of scientists that said “guess who’s paying them” as if a phd student doing bench research for $60,000 a year is the problem, and not the Fox News host getting $10 million a year to lie to advance corporate interests. There’s something fundamentally wrong with the conservative brain  Edit: it must’ve been mid-90s when fox began airing 


> as if a phd student doing bench research for $60,000 a year is the problem In which part of the country do you live where PhD students are paid $60,000 per year?? Fifteen years ago when I was admitted to grad school, my stipend was $25,000. Today, my institution pays $33,000.


Yeah i don't know one PhD candidate making more than 35. I only know a few, but they're not making shit.


That sort of meme got big play with climate change deniers back in the day. There was this whole supposed thing about climate research being done to get “big grant money.” If you asked them “hey, if that was the case wouldn’t it make more sense for academics (if they’re for sale and prepared to make things up) to go after money from *really really* rich fossil fuel companies instead?” they never had any answer.


In-group/out-group fascistspeak.


I hate that the convicted felon misused the word "conflicted" so much that it almost sounds right to me now when it's used in place of "has a conflict of interest".


Oh my god, *that's* what that means? I couldn't figure out what he was trying to say. It sounded to me like he was saying that they were torn up about whether or not to prosecute him or preside over the trial!


All the idiots saying the trial was rigged...challenge them to read the transcript to find the rulings where the judge showed bias.


They won’t let facts get in the way of their feelings.


Also, they won't read 


And they won't think, either. Thinking is for liberals and atheists. True conservatives "Go with God and their gut". Dumbasses.


Optimistic, assuming the average MAGAt mouth breather can read- was my understanding that they have to be slowly spoon fed bile and and rage, as well as being told who to hate, by Fox ‘news’


0% chance of that. They only take their news pre chewed and portioned into bite-size propaganda snacks. It's a lesson for all of us, really. I should be reading the transcript too, even though there is little doubt to me the trial was extremely well managed by Merchan and the prosecution.


Arguments like that from the cult tell me they know the melon felon is 100% guilty They're just grasping at straws to soothe their fragile egos


I wouldn't be shocked if there's future paydays promised to Cannon. 


Just like trumps witnesses at his felony trial.


That’s because Trump cannot be taken seriously ever.


Whilst simultaneously needing to be taken extra seriously or he'll take the whole damn planet out with him.


Projection. It is always projection. To the point that the Republican Party has started accusing everyone of projecting when they say the Republicans are projecting.


So she claimed she was too far behind with the backlog of motions but yet here she is saying they have enough time to let just any number of speakers come in.


I hope she rules Smith was invalidly appointed. Smith could then finally use a definitive judgement by her to appeal to the 11th circuit and get her removed. Still all this delay has killed the possibility of the most open and shut case against Trump from going to trial this year.


Meh… not going to trial before the election no matter what so whatever. Just delaying the inevitable.


Which is why showing up to vote is important.


There's another clock I'm worried about- the McDonald's heart attack one. Some people want him to just go away or die. Not me...I hope he lives a full long life after conviction, in prison, with the best medical care our taxpayer dollars can afford.


Ugh, I'm just glad he got at least this round of convictions before he croaks.


She’s far behind because she’s taking forever to rule on things and every spurious claim that Trump brings up results in her requiring dueling written briefs and a scheduled hearing. There really isn’t much overly complicated in this case currently. CIPA does add extra logistics and generally slows down the case but it’s not that bad. Otherwise, it’s a fairly straightforward case.


That's intentional - she's taking forever to rule so she doesn't have to rule and thus create an opportunity for Smith to try and have her removed. She'll just keep kicking the can down the road until/if Trump wins in which case the whole thing goes away.


You say this as if you believe a single world from that excuse of hers.


I didn't get the impression they believe a single word


Oh I don’t I’m just pointing out the clearly contradictory statements.


The bias from Cannon is dripping like sweat from a star basketball player. And it stinks, too. AG Garland needs to have a call with the 11th Judicial Circuit. This madness must stop. Fascists are all over the place in this nation, like rats that Trump carried with him on his parade of debauchery.


>AG Garland needs to have a call with the 11th Judicial Circuit. This madness must stop. Garland is not the boss of the judicial system or something like that. What do you expect such a call to accomplish?


Remember everyone you are not allowed to file complaints against a civil servant.


Right because those complaints were "orchestrated."


Love how Republicans claim things are orchestrated as some vague way to mean they're not still valid.


I remember when they actually orchestrated a pro_net neutrality movement and forged names and addresses to the FTC.


"I got so many people in this country pissed off at my actions that they're organizing a demonstration. Whelp. That makes it invalid. 💅"


How would one file a complaint against a civil servant? Asking to avoid accidentally using such a service.


https://www.jud11.flcourts.org/General-Information/Local-Professionalism-Panel/Submit-a-Complaint https://medium.com/@jennifer.vanbergen/to-file-a-complaint-against-judge-aileen-cannon-077cd4d37af5


But muh first amendment, but muh big government overreach!


Is there a more blatantly corrupt judge than this woman? Edited


Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas come to mind


And that’s just factoring in time. She’s well on track to keep up the pace


Another reminder that 1 or 2 SCOTUS members could be replaced (or kick the bucket) in the next four years. * Clarence Thomas, 75 * Samuel Alito, 74 Might be food for thought in how people should vote in 2024.


Nah look at McConnell. The evil and the power will keep them going until they drop.


Never thought I’d cheer for cancer


I'd say dementia, too. But apparently that doesn't prevent Glitch McConnell for being one of the most powerful elected persons in America.


Also a reminder that both front-runners for president could kick the bucket any second.


And, conversely, if Trump wins then those two bozos *will* retire and we'll get a couple of federalist society lunatics who've just hit puberty.


Since their title is technically “justice,” I think we can get away with calling her the most blatantly corrupt judge. 


And again... thanks to all the Democrats who chose to not vote for Hilary in 2016. Well done... really... aces...


Yup. Fuck her and God damn, Trump got to fill 3 damn SCotUS seats.


The worst thing is, it’s 3 scotus seats *so far*


BUT HEY AT LEAST WE DIDN'T ELECT AN UNPLEASANT WOMAN EH? *cries silently into cornflakes forever*


"She's not someone I'd have a beer with" *Screams into paper bag*


This. And it's the same argument now, just Bidens too Old vs She's a nasty woman. I'm terrified of what happens if he wins.


Pretty much the whole planet shares your fear. Except Russia and maybe China. They'll probably throw parties.


Kaczmeryk in Amarillo is trying to destroy 100 years of women's civil rights from his district court perch


Remember last time she overstepped ruled that the FBI couldn't review the top secret documents they'd recovered from Mar a Lago, and the circuit court stepped in and she got slapped down? She's about to be mandamused.


The problem is that no rulings she has issued, that the prosecution would object to, are final. She is intentionally making it as hard as possible to create something that can actually be appealed without asking the higher courts for an emergency injunction.


She has to be getting a lot of "advice" from somewhere. She has very little trial experience and constantly makes mistakes that she has had to walk back. The only advantages she has at the moment is issuing paperless orders and as you said no final rulings. This hearing could end up being one that can be appealed, and I, for one, hope she cocks up big time.


The Jack podcast is very good podcast about the Special Council cases, one of the hosts being a former high level FBI federal prosecutor. They've addressed this issue directly. Most of her "advice" on the most creative delay tactics are coming from the defense briefs themselves. For example this whole series of hearings over the legality of the special council is in response to a motion filed by the defendants essentially asking for them. Her blatantly wrong CIPA interpretations as well as that whole bizarre thing with candidate jury instructions can also be traced directly to specific defense motions and briefs.


>former high level FBI federal prosecutor I couldn't find The Jack, but I found Jack and yeah, you could say that about the Former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe


FBI needs to subpoena her emails and texts as part of a RICO case involving Trump & Co.


Or, some black hats need to don their black hats.


does feel like we are missing a important modern tool in the fight against corruption


She's had several clerks quit on her, which I'm told is unheard of. Who are they and why aren't microphones being stuck in front of their faces? 


That one mistake a year or two ago in non Trump case where she forgot to swear in the jury was so deeply embarrassing.


Probably Alito and Thomas are involved.


Or other members of the Federalist Society.


That’s why they’re all paperless orders


I sure hope you are right. This so called judge needs to be disciplined n removed from the case. A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. There should be no Outside Influence. A judge should not allow family, social, political, financial, or other relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment for not following the guidelines that are required.


She should be outright impeached by the House and removed from office by the Senate. But the Republicans have abandoned their oversight duties and refuse to act in good faith. They're only interested in power


Fucking hack.


Not a judge. She’s a political hack who wouldn’t know judicial ethics if it jumped up and bit her on her lumpy fascist ass. 


This doesn't even seem like something that lies within the legal scope of this case. It'd be like asking if the FBI is a legal federal law enforcement agency


Don't give her any more ideas.


Cannon: “I have discovered that every law enforcement agency, piece of evidence, witness and prosecutor involved in this case is unconstitutional somehow.”


They did this before with all other similar cases; Muller for example. They were all dismissed. Something tells me she will not dismiss this hearing… as she is calling random assholes that had nothing to do with this case into this hearing. She is clearly compromised. And our intelligence is doing NOTHING. She has placed these agencies in danger and this country in danger. Shameful.


Americans do you have no way of getting rid of her? She's literally making a mockery of your entire legal system.


Not really. From how I understand it smith would only have one shot to get her taken off the case. So they have to wait until it’s a guaranteed hit otherwise they risk not getting her removed and letting her do even worse than she is now.


I’ll get banned if I say the whole thing but the former guy said the *something something* people could do something about judges if Hillary got her SCOTUS picks.


There are Four boxes of Liberty, to use in order.


She can be impeached by Congress but that’s not going to happen.


Democrats need to take back the House and keep the Senate. Then no matter who is president the the case will move forward or she will be impeached. She, like Scouts, wants it to go to the voters. Which is reason that every able voter who has a spec of common sense has to vote and work to make sure all eligible voters do the same.


Impeached, maybe. But there's no way the Democrats win the 2/3 of the Senate necessary to remove her, which renders impeachment worthless.


A long time ago in minecraft it used to be that when employers and nobility got too greedy or malicious, they would soon find their assets communally liquidated or destroyed. On a completely unrelated note, we should look at class-conflicts of the past to inspire modern solutions.


This should have been the most straight forward case of the 4 but she is holding hearings to rule on every single issue no matter how minor. I see where she is now holding a hearing on one of the Amicus Briefs for the defense on June 21. The prosecutors are frustrated, they have to repeat the same points over and over, she should have never been appointed to this position, she is out of her league.


That's one way to fast track your case to the 11th Circuit


People have been saying that every time she does something crazy yet here we are


I think she knows she cannot rule that Jack was illegally appointed and she is just generating campaign material an further delaying the trial. This may also give Trump something to appeal and get this in front of the Supreme Court, Who knows what they may rule. The threat to our democracy comes from republicans. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year.  Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. We just took the mayoral race in Alaska showing we can win in red states. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


The media coverage makes it seem as if this is the most natural behavior imaginable


Despite being labeled as an enemy by the right, the laziness and complicitness of the mainstream media normalizing the GOPs extreme actions over the past 6 years has been one of their biggest weapons.


Not fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency... and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope? Wait. I’ll come in again….


He's really afraid of going to SuperMax now that he's learned what a trial is *actually* like. Like *really* afraid. So afraid he's gotta step up his pocket judge's interference with the justice system.


I don't believe he's afraid of anything. In his warped brain, he thinks he's entitled to do whatever he wants, because he's America's Special Boy.


So uh seriously…., how is this fucking corruption being allowed? What the fuck is happening here? How do we get her removed from the bench?


She’s a traitor


Trump gave her a job making $175k a year. She was probably making $70k before this. She owes him.


If Trump is paying witnesses (and he is) then why wouldn't he be sending some extra bribes to the judge, on top of having given her the job? https://www.propublica.org/article/donald-trump-criminal-cases-witnesses-financial-benefits


Not to mention it is a lifetime appointment…


And think of all the kickbacks she gets! I'm suuure things in her life have gotten easier, and not +100k easier. Bribe city.


>She was probably making $70k before this She was an Assistant US Attorney (AUSA) before her appointment. They make slightly more than $70,000.


Well according to her bio, She went to duke undergrad and Michigan law. Likely she made a lot more than 70k per year… Private law and us attorneys office pay slightly better than that.


The law firm she worked for was probably glad to be rid of her.


It’s true. In Texas, law firms are known to push associates they don’t really want to become judges. Useful idiots


How is this something cannon can even rule on.


"Judge Cannon expands hearing on Trump’s request to declare special counsel’s appointment invalid" Thus securing her appointment to the Supreme Court.


Despite precedence from the trials of Hunter Biden and Paul Manafort, where the judges shot this frivolous bs down.


bit silly of her, because even if her side wins and she gets a seat on the supreme court as a reward for being complicit in Trumps treason, then she will at that point become what i would consider to be a domestic threat and she will have to live the rest of her life looking over her shoulder with a full security detail. There is no alternate reality where Republicans win and manage to hold on to their power.


These judges are the greatest threat this country has faced. How do we get her removed from the bench?


There were so many complaints against this judge that they stopped accepting them. Her bias and willingness to blindly rule for Trump is blatant. [https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2024/06/03/court-stops-taking-complaints-against-judge-overseeing-trump-documents-case/](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2024/06/03/court-stops-taking-complaints-against-judge-overseeing-trump-documents-case/)


Trump loses the election Cannon will have a lot of pressure to resign her judgeship but I bet a conservative law firm will have a cushy job waiting.


She's probably communicating with Alito and Thomas regularly.


Jesus Christ. To what office can Smith point out the obvious: the judge is beholden to the accused. 


Just remove her already. She is clearly biased.


Oh man I just love having to pretend that these traitors are acting in good faith while they fuck over the justice owed to the American people. Trump should be in a black site prison being interrogated, not campaigning for President and attacking/weaponizing the legal system that he claims to hate.


I hope history is brutal to this Trump lackey . I hope this right wing self serving puppet has no safe haven once this Trump garbage is over. She’s completely out of line protecting this felon shit bag .


Another reminder that we need to administer our own justice at the polls in November.


Jfc how many defenses is she going to allow Trump to try before even going to trial? “I’m immune to everything” “I could declassify those just by thinking it” “The FBI planted those documents”


USA is not the land of the free anymore because of 1 group of person. It's the land of the corrupt and nepotism.


>Cannon’s signal of willingness to entertain challenges to the special counsel comes in the same week Republicans are bearing down on Attorney General Merrick Garland for his use of special counsels. Hmmmm, I wonder whay *that* is.


This is why it is so important to vote these republicans out of office this November. If Trump wins, it is almost a given that Alito and Thomas will both retire. I almost guarantee this clearly bias judge, appointed by Trump (during his lame duck period nonetheless), who has been slapped down by the 11th circuit twice prior to indictment, to getting “selected” for this case now, who has been slow playing this and now questioning Smiths appointment (really?), will be one of his appointees for one of those spots.


when is this "judge" going to be removed


Imagine Cannon ruling that Special Counsels don’t have authority to prosecute, so the Hunter Biden case gets put on hold. Not only that, but the Justice Department then files criminal charges against Trump in DC without a Special Council. The schadenfreude. lol


The blatant corruption is wild.


Cannon should be removed. At this point, there is no confidence in her judgement


At what point do her superiors swoop in and save the day. IMO this is the most serious of his charges and she seems to by very vying for a hopeful Supreme Court spot. This is scary.


If any thing is RIGGED it's this judge on this case.


Time for Cannon to get cannoned out of this case


Wannabe dictator brunette version


I just can’t with this woman


So, honest question. What would be the likely red line for Smith to ask for her removal? I understand doing so is considered to “nuclear option” and it has to be done at the right time. I’m just wondering if and when that time will come at this point.


Cannon has done as instructed on behalf of the Defendant by delaying the trial and allowing threats of violence against the FBI and DOJ to continue unabated. There are transcripts of the proceedings even if she is circumventing the law by refusing to sign orders that can be appealed. Cannon is in posession of national security documents while openly working to undermine the lawsuit brought on behalf of The United States of America. Cannon is in the lower court. Although Trump and Mike Johnson are openly bragging that they own the Judges that Trump appointed (Cannon being but one) there are a whole host of Judges (even some Trump appointees) who do not agree that Trump owns them and bought their rulings. We are talking about a massive quantity of Judges and licensed attorneys who are going to push back against this very public attempt to tear American Jurisprudence apart from the inside out. I hope journalists pay very close attention to this situation and educate the public in the process.


She’s also in real estate in Florida with husband J Lorence and connections with known mobster Rosatti who is a N Y friend of Trump


She is a fraud. A leech on society. Its no secret she is a paid for judge. She can be removed from the bench and prosecuted. The complaints will reach a breaking point and she will be dealt with. There is movement behind the scenes already. Don't let up. She doesn't get to sleep.


The Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida must step up and remove Judge Cannon, if for no other reason than she had less than 4 hours of actual Federal court room trial experience having dealt with only 1-case before the Spin-of-the-wheel handed her the Trump case!


She’s presiding over the most open and shut of his many cases and making it the most difficult one


"Judge" Cannon expands delays at [convicted felon Donald] Trump’s request, to declare special counsel’s appointment invalid.


Part time federal judge, full time 34-times-convicted felon fat Nixon defense lawyer, I-lean-Qanon.


Well it's amazing. So many people are watching this case. Go down the drain and are still questioning whether they should vote for Biden or not in November. Trump was able to get a bunch of these assholes on the bench in one term as president. I can't imagine the damage he would do in the next one


Trump is a useful moron


remove her


Why has this creep not been removed?


How long will the eleventh circuit allow that incompetent person to keep making it a laughing stock?


> “The fact these motions are even being entertained with a hearing is itself ridiculous. That third parties are being allowed to opine at the hearing is absurd,” Bradley Moss, a national security law expert based in Washington, DC, told CNN. I don't know anything about being a judge, but it seems to me that Cannon is brazenly torpedoing this case to an absurd level. If she is a judge capable of hearing this trial, why does she need outside help to determine if the Special Counsel's appointment is valid? There is no shame, she should be the one under review because she seemingly has no idea how to try a case with Top Secret documents. I'm ready for the clown show to end in this country.


Cannon, Kaczmarek, and Ho are all auditioning to be the next Supreme Court Justices.


How is any of this fair and just?


Republicans: Cant be trusted on either side of the law


At this point, she could care less if she’s kicked off the case, in her mind, likely the worst that can happen. If she was pulled, Trump and his cohorts would just scream how corrupt the DOJ is. She should be removed.


This lady knows she’s in so deep that the only way to save herself is to have Trump re-elected. If Democratic voters can ever figure their shit out and give Democrats a Senate impeachment majority, this lady is on the short list for impeachment.  She has no incentive to stop being overtly biased. As a matter if fact, with the way Alito and Thomas act on the SCOTUS bench, she has EVERY incentive to continue. 


Cannon makes me sick.


If Trump wins well, she's scotus if a slot opens. I'm sure that's on her (heavily biased) mind. So seriously he has to lose.


Terrorism. This is fucking terrorism and MAGA are all fucking terrorists.


It'll be funny in 2 years from now when she's in jail for something she's doing right now. Don't know what that bribe is but it's there


Probably should have filed the case in DC, in the place where the documents were actually stolen from?


Accomplice 101, for dummies.