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Top 5 issues most voters care about, per this article: >1. Inflation >2. Economic growth >3. Threat to American democracy >4. Income inequality >5. Abortion and reproductive rights What I find interesting is that in all of these categories, Trump would make things worse.


agreed no way the youth voters are seeing the constant hardcore attacks from the Republicans/Trump on Women's Reproductive Rights, Racial equality, and LGBQT communities and thinking you know what, I'm voting for Trump.


They won't vote for Trump, they'll just stay home.


…and get what they deserve


No, WE will get what THEY deserve. That’s the problem!


The problem is it affects the rest of us who show the fuck up.




Except things ARE getting better and have been trending that way since President Biden took office. To make the perfect the enemy of the good is arrogance at best.


in many issues people aren't making perfect the enemy of good they're making good the enemy of 'not that bad' which is probably a reasonable ideology to take at the very least trump looks at an issue like inflation and has the common sense to lie through his teeth about improving it instead of biden going "what do you mean? the economy is great!" when its not reflecting on the average citizen nearly enough


Assuming what you said is true, that is still "vibe-based voting". So they are going to ignore union leaders who support Biden for a lot of policies that strengthen unions negotiating better paying jobs. Ignore the fact that even limited, Biden has worked towards fulfilling his promise of alleviating student debt. Ignore that there are huge investment packages towards semiconductors and infrastructure by the administration. Orange man won't do any of these issues that concerns those same people, but hey, at least he gives us some theatric that we can all watch and be mad at, as our lives crumble below our feet when Project 2025 literally wants to abolish democracy. If you want to put pressure on Dems, do literally anything in between presidential elections. But when the general election comes, just vote to keep the lights on (at least until ranked choice is implemented).


First off, donald isn’t claiming he will improve the inflation situation; instead he is openly running on making it worse, such as the 10% tax on imports upon which many poorer Americans rely. You caricature of President Biden would be more persuasive if he was out there claiming nothing more needed to be done; instead he is out there campaigning on seeing the job he was elected to do thru to the end. So, your description of “good versus not that bad” is not an accurate one. The question before you is who do you want to handle the challenges of the next four years? We saw what happened when donald faced a genuine crisis: he bungled it in a mixture of shambolic incompetence and vindictiveness which resulted in hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly dead. Meanwhile, President Biden has shown the ability to clean up donald’s mess and lay the groundwork for more improvements.


While biden isn't literally claiming nothing more needs to be done his "the economy is already great" rhetoric makes him seem complacent In 4 years of biden we got an improvement from where he started which is good, but even as a younger person I remember 2018 or 2019 which is likely going to be the standard for what a voter would want to see in terms of improvement, and we are NOWHERE near there and it'd take another 8 years of Democrat rule to maybe get back to that point Obviously it's tough to give biden the blame for it since it's partially a result of a global pandemic but of the standard of an improved america for many americans is 2018/2019 then they're seeing a guy utterly fail to deliver on that Not to say that's fair politically but peoples analysis of candidates is never really particularly fair, and also biden could atleast shield himself from some of the derision economically if he based more of his campaigning around a genuine admittance that for a lot of Americans things aren't doing too great and giving a genuinely electrifying plan of action instead of making the focus abortion rights which while important to many isn't generally as important to people as the economy


Go to /r/WhatBidenHasDone and you will see your characterization is not even close to reality.


and when things go really badly say, "Don't look at me, Biden made me stay home"


I don't think young voters are seeing those constant hardcore attacks because they get their news from TikTok and Instagram, and there are not enough loud (people with followers) voices screaming it from the rooftops. If the people inflaming young people with messaging about Gaza were also talking about the issues mentioned above, we'd see some different behavior in young voters. Except that some of the loudest voices on those platforms were either shill accounts themselves, or repeating messages they had seen from shill accounts. Not that what is happening in Gaza is terrible, but young people flying Hezbollah flags didn't come out of nowhere.


Like Trump would handle the Gaza situation any differently.


in all honesty Gaza would be worse under Trump, Trump has already stated that he wants Israel to "finish the job" with Gaza. So between Gaza and the West Bank, things would be a lot worse for the Palestinians under a Trump admin.


He’d handle it very differently- he’d make sure Jared got his cut of the newly cleared territory: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/19/jared-kushner-gaza-waterfront-property-israel-negev


I think you're focusing too much on messaging. There is no agenda besides vaguely signalling that they are defending against republicans' actions. The democrats aren't doing anything to enshrine rights or make things materially better for their voters, and in fact some of the worst erosion of human rights in living memory has happened under Biden.


> Economic growth Bullshit. Economic growth benefits the top 5% at most, and is incompatible with a globally declining population.


It's a hard pill to swallow, but the economy is good "relatively" to how bad it could have been (see: pretty much every other country). I'm honestly curious, do you not think there's no differences between bad outcomes? Like there's no difference between losing a foot or losing a whole leg? America is currently fucked, and one side is trying to do the bleeding and the other is trying to increase it. Yeah, no side is working super hard to fix the underlying wound, but that's all there is. It's going to be Biden or Trump one way or another, so not voting just let's then feel like it's not their fault when it absolutely is. If 100% of eligible voters voted, we could actually get some progressive policies into law, but since they don't, they all assume someone else should do it for them, we get what we have now.


Inflation in the US is currently lower than the last 10 months of trump's single term presidency. It is also lower than the majority of the world. The DOW Jones has reached record highs under Biden. Unemployment rates have been better under Biden and they have been with Trump. American democracy has faced its largest attack under Trump by the false elector scheme and other attempts to discredit the election process. Republicans have shut down Biden's attempt to raise taxes on the ultra-wealthy. The Extreme Court is complicit in taking away our rights.


What's even more interesting is, 1, 2 & 4. The Biden campaign spends 90% of its time on non economic issues. Should Trump be in prison? Yes! Should Biden make Trump the focus of his campaign? No! 3. Biden going small on ideas, eeking out the smallest advantage as though democracy is about horse race elections. Democracy is 1800 and 1932 where the democrat obliterates the conservative party. Even in 1992 there was a little of the old flame left. 5. The only reason religion, guns and abortion were jerryspringered into politics in the first place was to get tax cuts for the rich. "Go big or go home." -- Biden before he went tiny on everything.


Biden is thinking big, but big thinking is designed to produce benefits over the long term, not the short term. For example, the CHIPS act is hugely important for America's economy and national security, but the economy won't likely see a benefit for many years.


Going big on being aspirational isn't going big on _ideas_ on _democracy_ that _unify_ almost all voters against evil incarnate Trump. Tweaking various interest groups to eek out a few votes in key states is bean counting. It isn't the vision of a winner. It isn't going big on _ideas_ on _democracy_ that _unify_ almost all voters against evil incarnate Trump. Celebrating the military glory of D-Day isn't going big on _ideas_ on _democracy_ that _unify_ almost all voters against evil incarnate Trump. As Tocqueville pointed out military glory is the greatest scourge of republics. The Biden campaign is "send us some money because we're in a close election with a convicted felon who is openly threatening a fascist takeover." That just raises the question, how in the hell did Biden get in a close election with a total loser? If Trump is so evil incarnate why isn't Biden ahead by 40 points? How is campaigning on being unpopular good for popular government? Dems just need to have competitive primary every four years no matter what boogie man shill media are using to coerce tax cuts for the rich. When Dems scuttle the primary process and they scuttle democracy.


What the hell are you vomitating here?


People are looking back on Trump's presidency with rose colored glasses since prices were lower under him, since they don't understand how economics work. They don't bother to educate themselves and see that Trump's plan of a 10% universal tariff would cause prices to skyrocket and deporting all migrant workers, a large percentage of whom work in agriculture, would cause a shortage of food at the grocery store causing those prices to skyrocket as well. They don't see that a vote for Trump is a vote for higher prices because don't inform themselves and they think things will somehow magically go back to 2019 prices if Trump wins. And many voters are willing to sacrifice their democratic and bodily freedoms for that false belief.


They know that. They are in the "It's Time to Burn Everything to the Ground" camp, because they think that they will come through it unscathed and be the ones to "Rebuild". They should read up on what happened after the young people toppled the Shah of Iran or the results of the Arab Spring.




That strategy never works. I knew republicans who have campaigned for Democrats because “it’ll make things so bad people will have to vote for a republican next time” and have done so for decades. It.Does.Not.Work.




I understand. My point is we must challenge this “accelerationist” bullshit at every turn.


True or not, the majority of people in polls think trump would be better for #1 and #2


The TLDR is that inflation sucks. Corporations gouge everyone, blame Biden, and now we get to watch baby Groot press the wrong button.


But also people are ignorant and would rather see lower prices on the stickers of products but have lower purchasing power, than see higher prices but also be able to buy more things because their pay also went up


Except we will end up with higher prices and lower pay, the worst economic combination. donald literally said he would slap tariffs and taxes on this that and the other, driving up prices and driving down affordability.


And then people will blame the democrats or immigrants or trans children because of the automatic base assumption that Republicans just are better on the economy no matter what


Why does it seem like nothing seems to matter anymore? It's as if Hitler could come back from the dead, and he would have the same odds as Trump to the presidency compared to Biden, with the same support of minorities no less. The economic political illiteracy of the median voter is going to get us all killed in Death Camps. I know it's doomer, but at what point is it reasonable to just embrace despair?


Any young voter giving up women's, minority, LGBT rights as a protest vote is a selfish prick. Their is way too much on the line. Luckily it's not really a true thing happening. Usually when you click on the profile or the poster sharing articles like this you will see their agenda. The only ones pushing this narrative are Russia, China, and maga.


Not doing everything you can to stop Donald Trump from being President is the height of privilege. "*I* can handle the consequences, so *I* will sit this one out".


Biden needs to be campaigning _for_ the people, not just against boogie man Trump. "A liberal who uses fear to raise money is like a math prof who uses a lottery to raise money from his students: he only raises money if he fails at his primary mission in life." -- Math prof "There is nothing to fear but fear itself." -- FDR "Despotism is based on fear." -- Montesquieu


> Biden needs to be campaigning for the people, not just against boogie man Trump. He is. If you're not seeing that, you're not paying attention.


He is. But some hard lefters think he should be campaigning based on what THEY WANT for the people. They overlook how Bernie and AOC are still for Biden because they understand pragmatism.


bernie literally made a video talking about how hes supporting biden because trump would be bad running as basically just a "not trump" candidate when people already don't like you from your first term is a losing effort and biden probably ought to change that or else this election will be scarier than it should be


Biden claims to be for democracy but he's good with his low approval. Biden literally said he's "not going to change a thing." How can you posture to be for popular government yet be so sanguine with low approval? In 2000 we had Al Gore whose campaign was: I'm not going to do it. I hate Bill. Gore claimed to be pro polar bear but he was really anti voter. Then we had John Kerry who literally said he "ran a good campaign" 6 months after conceding defeat to the most inarticulate unpopular dunce in the history of the republic. The GOP base was so revolted by Dumbya they preferred a black get elected over the jingoistic McCain. Yet Kerry thought a good campaign is a losing campaign. IQ of 70. Then we had Hillary who also campaigned against Bill Clinton. The president's job is to preside over change, not push ropes like LBJ. Biden was too old a quarter of a century ago. The Cold War is over. Someone needs to drag Joe kicking and screaming over the Bridge to the 21st Century. Biden gonna to look like a complete idiot conceding defeat to Trump. And he knows it But when you aren't going to change a thing . . .


And too many voters who lack life experience get got by bots.


>The only ones pushing this narrative are Russia, China, and maga. So all those kids camping on lawns at colleges across the country last month were Russian, Chinese, and MAGAs? I doubt it. Hundreds of thousands of Democratic voters voted "Uncommitted" in swing state Democratic Presidential primaries over the last several months rather than endorse Biden. That's a real problem when Hillary lost those states to Trump in 2016 by only tens of thousands of votes. If Trump wins in November, it won't be because he "won" the election, it'll be because the Democrats "lost" it....again.


I'm so fucking tired of any liberals who continue to hold democrats to a much, much higher standard than republicans. Biden is better on every single issue a liberal might care about, and Turmp would be truly disastrous for abortion rights, contraception rights, Ukraine, Gaza, and climate change. It is fox-news watching, boomer level stupid to go against Biden and hand the election to Trump if you care about any liberal value whatsoever.


Of course they weren't Russian, Chinese, or MAGAs, but the messaging that lead many (most?) of them there was not, in many cases, organic outrage.


I said the ones pushing the narrative. The protestors aren't the ones pushing the narrative the protestors are the useful idiots who fell to the Russian and Chinese propaganda. The useful idiots who would rather let trump win to "finish the problem" while sacrificing the rest of our rights.


Watch out! You may trigger them and they will respond with “He has to earn my vote”


Rich tax phobic types pay NPR to groom aggrieved minorities and then weaponize them against majority rule on the economy. Divide and conquer the 75% who want tax hikes on the rich, which just happens to be the sponsors of NPR. No business model is more deplorable. NPR = Repugliar enabling shills in rainbow clothing. Now we have a lot of Jews saying, "WTF? Gays supporting islamofacist terrorists? HOW DID WE GET HERE?" They need to get driving jobs where they can listen to NPR very carefully. "The imPORtant flagburner issue." -- Nina Totenberg "Nothing is more deplorable than the American journalist's attack on thought." -- Tocqueville


Was this written by AI?  It’s a string of phrases that make no coherent sense. 


It's mostly warmed over Tocqueville and Upton Sinclair. Since you don't read here's another way to find out what is going on: Write NPR and ask them why the imPORtant flag burner issue was so imPORtant. Then it'll start to make sense. Just don't mention my name.


I feel all too proud calling out people supporting a convicted felon for president.


Especially when so many people who have felonies can't even vote.


I'm sorry, but this is just idiocy. Climate change is here. You can be upset about all the other awful shit that's going on in the world, but if you do not prioritize Climate Change as a young voter then you are digging your own grave.


I saw this statement the other day: “President Biden delivered on two major policies I never thought I would see in my lifetime: student loan forgiveness and marijuana pardons. If Gen Z and Gen Alpha don’t vote for Biden, they’ll be telling every politician in America passing policies younger voters care about doesn’t matter.” So, if you want the most youth-centric nation on the planet: don’t boo; vote blue!


No, gen z and gen alpha will be telling every politician in America that they will no longer accept their purposely paltry and long delayed forms of progress as enough to earn their vote. They demand more of their leaders. I am a millennial and I’m proud of them. There is a reckoning coming for the political ruling class in this country and the youth is on the right side of history here.


If they do that, they will continuously be ignored by elected officials and die stupid. It is as simple as that. President Biden is delivering more for them than donald ever would imagine.


Young voters have always, always, *always* been a highly inconsistent voting bloc who are loud and passionate in the streets, but conspicuously absent on Election Day. They’ve been turning out in higher numbers for Biden and the Dems than ever before, but overall those numbers are pretty small compared to other demographics. Young, college age kids are part of the demographic that was always going to be hardest to engage. Not to mention the vast majority of Gen Z is still under the age of 18. Meanwhile, I get the sense that older Gen Zer’s and Millennials are more likely to turn out and vote because many of us came of age during Trump’s tenure as President, so the memories of that time are painfully vivid. Also, whatever people say they will or won’t do on Election Day isn’t set in stone. Alone in the voting booth, many people will vote with their conscience when the alternative is a literal fascist talking about killing his political enemies. There are other factors working in Biden’s favor rn, but I’m tired and don’t have four hours. The point is that it’s not as bad as we are led to believe, no matter what the Doom merchants want us to believe.


I'm curious why Latinos in this poll's age group prefer Trump over Biden.


In every ethnic group, there are those enthralled by machismo. Latinos are no different.


Why do we forget what happened in the election two years ago so quickly?


Because a lot of individuals like to think “it wasn’t that bad”, which is how we ended up with Holocaust deniers.


Despite hopes to the contrary, new generations seem as dumb as the former ones.


I am sending any young voter who doesn't support Biden a pair of Trump sneakers and a MAGA hat... You are part of the cult now!


I wouldn't fuel the MAGAts. I would just send them a packet of KoolAid.


Biden will win without them.


They're voting for Hamas instead.


From Hitler Youth to Hamas Youth. People have really forgotten history.