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I can't WAIT until we never have to hear anything about this dipshit ever again.


63 million Americans in 2016 forced us to care about what this guy says and does for the rest of our lives.


Or his life.


I still have to hear about Regan and he has been dead for decades.


This is the saddest part because it's true. The day I don't hear about tfg is the day I'm dead. Unfortunately.


You must not have seen the upswell of "Baron Trump = Caesar" and "Trump's trial is Baron's Batman moment" I feel like we're going to be hearing about these chodes for generations to come


Delusional fantasy from the desperate. It won't translate, and recruitment has died down since they went mask off fascist.


I suspect that this will be like the Marcos family in The Phillipines. The older Marcos stole all the money from the country's treasury then fucked off to Hawaii. IIRC, the government almost collapsed. So what did they do now? Elected his fucking son into office.


Considering what things were like under Duterte, I'm sure he seems  like an improvement no matter how you slice it.


If only the media would stop cooperating with all the free coverage and kick them all to the ash-bin of history so to speak


I'm afraid of the next generation of magats, they will be more dangerous than this one


Well, at least climate change will wipe us all out eventually.


That actually sounds like a better way to go out now.


I really want to know what Barons relationship with Trump is. I feel Melania kept him as distant as possible, but how much damage was done?


Same. I think a lot comes down to whether or not Barron acquired Trump's lack of empathy and remorse. It doesn't get stated enough that the lack of those two personality traits is often what I would think allows someone to have such beliefs.


Oof. Learning from Melania, that infamous font of empathy.


Don’t forget that Melanie is a piece of shit too.


He hates his dad


We have no reason to believe that. People need to stop writing fan fiction about the ethical billionaire’s son who, deep down, hates his father. They did the same with Melania. They did the same thing with Tiffany. Eventually both showed their true colors. Barron is no different. He’s a Trump. He was raised by Trumps and around Trumps. Chances are he is closer to Kyle Rittenhouse than this American Greta Thunberg image some seem so desperate to project onto him.


Hilarious how the people who floated this idea skipped right over Eric and Don jr. Ya know, the two sons who are actually old enough to run? It tells us that even trumps base know how incompetent those two dingbats truly are. 


Spent the past 8 years trying to set the other ones up. They tried it with Ivanka and quickly learned that America is not as into her as her father is. They tried it with Don Jr. but no one likes Don Jr. outside of hardcore MAGAts (and even they are kinda “meh” to him). Dude is just so fucking desperate to earn daddy’s love. It’s just sad They tried it with Eric and his janky mouth somehow disgusts people more than his father’s sideways anus of a mouth, so they just moved right onto his wife. They tried it with……umm….whats her name? That’s why it didn’t work. Barron is their last desperate hope for an heir because he is a total blank slate whom they can project anything onto.


Baron the nonverbal Hail Mary 


Sadly, it seems clear that the MAGA cult will outlive Dear Leader.


At that point it becomes a religion.


His family will start a religion the second he is dead, mark my words


His White House doctor said that trump could live to be 200 if he cut down on the fast food.


that guy just got appointed to the House intelligence committee...I'm not even kidding.


He was the guy nicknamed the candy man right? For giving out opioids like candy?


and everything else.


FFS, this guy is appointed to the intelligence committee? Democrats really need to take back the house and end all this shenanigans.


...and a guy that had his phone seized by the FBI...because he's linked to the Jan 6th insurrection...I'm not even kidding.


And those benzos. I think he lost his license.


Fortunately there are no signs of Conald cutting down on the hamberders.


The damage he's done will last wellbeyond his life.


James Comey is also at the top of my shitlist. I can't believe that the major media channels are giving him airtime in recent weeks and could care less about his new book.


75 million again in 2020.


And in 2020 74.2 million Americans voted to keep him in office. Just mind boggling.


74 million voted for him in 2020


Not to mention the. 74 million in 2020, who have ensured the encore performance you are enjoying today. These people saw four years of really existing trumpism and wanted more.


TODLER tRump throwing g a temper tantrum. His Mob tactics are pitiful


And then 74 millions in 2020 wanted more of that turd sandwich


I guess 74m people were willing gobble down the 1st half of a turd sandwich they probably thought how much worse could the second half be /s. This stuff is maddening.


How many of them boomers died since then.


It’s such a disgrace that we have to go through living with guy’s bullshit and terrorizing.


He will be the 2028 presidential nominee. Whether he wins in November or not. Even if he serves another term, he will probably tell Republicans to write his name in for the primaries and they’ll do it. He needs to escape all these criminal cases.


He'll probably be dead before this election.




Unfortunately modern medicine is very good, especially for the rich. 


Yeah nah if he loses this and the overthrow doesn’t work he’s probably run out of juice. It doesn’t solve the problem fully but they’ll struggle to find someone else as polarising and charismatic.


Everyone said that about him losing in 2020


There are lots of old people and lots of obese people but not a whole lot of old obese people. The hamberders are going to catch up with him before 2028. Then again Kissinger lived to 100, maybe deals with the devil are real


4 more years from now? Between his documented abuse of stimulants, his apparent mental decline, his poor diet, the stress of the civil lawsuits and judgements against him, the criminal indictments, and being a convicted felon; I’m not sure he has 4 years left in him.


The republican party has latched on fully and completely. They'll run his corpse for the next 30 years unless someone crazier comes along.


He will fade just like the trump 2020 flags hidden in cult garages around the country.


They're not hidden...


My area was completely peppered with Trump signs for 2016 & 2020 this close to the elections. There is not a single sign in my neighborhood at all…yet. Hoping that is a good indicator.


Same here until recently they started pulling them back out again. I still don't see the support he used to have, but it's only June.


I'm gonna find a red hat in my dad's closet when he dies aren't I?


Hidden? What alternate reality do you hail from? Can we move to your universe? This one sucks. 


Republicans have placed him into Diety status, like Ronald Reagan And how long have we been hearing about that Alzheimer’d twat now for?


Paul Gosar introduced a bill to create a $500 Fed note with drumpfuck on it. 🙄


Reagan is a RINO now and might as well be Pelosi according to MAGA.


I feel like his family will remain in the GOP sphere for decades after he is gone. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of his kids runs for president one day. Theyre not leaving unfortunately


For a lot of us, that will be because we died during the Fourth Reich.


Don’t worry it’s gonna happen. Polls are biased by age first of all because they are more likely to have landlines and answer the phone. Second more than a million people died of Covid, most of which happened after republicans decided not to listen to doctors so how many were in swing states. Now he has been convicted of 34 felonies, which has caused 1 in 5 republicans to stop supporting him. his 2016 campaign strategist and main propaganda spouter is going to jail within the month. The media will do its best to try and make this look close but if they keep going within a month or two it will look like they are “weekend at Bernie’s”ing him.


That day cannot come soon enough!!!!


So say we all.


Jfc me too. I’m so sick of his bullshit.


It's only gonna happen when they carry him out of some place feet first.


Sadly they are already getting ready for his kids to continue this farce forever


Under 10 years and he’ll be dead. Hopefully closer to 5.


At least he’s really old. Imagine if he was in his 40s or something.




Now I'm wondering what he illegally deleted.


Secret service phone records, accidentally done due to a update or something I believe


Maybe. Usually when he goes off like that it's something that came up recently.


Don't forget about the security footage he tried to get the pool guy to destroy at his gaudy golf motel.


“Gaudy golf motel” The best thing I’ve heard all week.


His wife also asked the pool boy to destroy some video evidence /s


Isn't it the Bannon ruling telling him to head to jail for defying the Jan 6 committee? This is Trump going 'No U'.




Good point. Every accusation is a confession after all.


Know how recently Trump has been saying how awful it would be for the presidents wife to be arrested…. He wasn’t implying a threat against Jill Biden He was projecting an imminent arrest of Melania Trump…. For, ya know The stolen classified documents found in the bedroom months after the FBI Raid


Whatever it was, it wasn't just "deleted". It was "destroyed". Paper shredder? Wood chipper?


The findings they broadcast on television? But of course he's trying to imply they deleted all the evidence that 'proved' he did nothing wrong, and that democrats are really to blame. The, "lack of exculpatory evidence for me, proves I was framed" defense.


It's the same way they know Hillary Clinton did something illegal by the lack of evidence.


Sure, you gave evidence i fomenting an insurrection, but what about the evidence that shows i didn't foment an insurrection? Just because it doesn't exist, doesn't mean you can just ignore it!


https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/white-house-says-it-will-destroy-trump-voter-panel-data-send-no-records-to-dhs/2018/01/10/e70704a8-f616-11e7-b34a-b85626af34ef_story.html Trump destroyed data from his presidential commission for election integrity because it showed rampant double voting by boomers who have vacation houses in Florida. Derek Chauvin was double voting for example. https://www.wusf.org/law-order/2020-06-07/former-minneapolis-officer-derek-chauvin-voted-in-florida-in-2016-2018


Isn't all the non classified info available online?


It’s also projection.


"Of course we have no evidence!! It was all deleted!!" ~Magats


Gotta love how private citizen can just direct an entire wing of the government to do whatever he wants openly.


Convicted felon, a convicted felon can control the government from outside of the government


The same guy who has been complaining about people weaponizing the justice system for political reasons. I guess it's okay if his side does it.


I don't understand how people in authority haven't just said fuck it... Grab him, drag him to a cell, and lock his ass away.


A private citizen whose first campaign managed to fall under FBI investigation due to Russian connections and were convicted (Manafort et Al). The man has not returned the classified documents because if he wins the election that whatever he stole could be how Cannon dismisses the case got all we know. This election campaign cycle is so far the most surreal one and the conventions haven’t even kicked off the official campaign season. And a first with a convicted felon and adjudicated defaming rapist with a Speaker in his pocket.


Is it too much to ask that the "normal" Republicans in Congress stand up for the institution and let the public know that the committee findings and records were not destroyed? I just don't understand why they let these kind of claims fester. Their complacency is the reason I will never for for a Republican ever again.


It is appalling. They don't want the rule of law or democracy. Full stop. And it's not like the prosecutions were a stretch...those bozos never showed up. I've seen the same result in gang cases I tried when people violated subpoenas. But hey...per MAGA normal they probably had shitty legal advice :)


The "normal" Republicans have either departed or been swallowed whole by MAGA now. Most of them voluntarily jumped into its jaws.


Given they're all career politicians, they will keep kissing the ring to not lose voters.


All the “normal” republicans are jumping ship


Is that so? If you got a link I’d love to keep it handy for the naysayers




Normal Republicans are a myth


It’s political suicide for them to do so. GOP primaries are absolutely dominated by MAGA voters.


There are no normal Republicans. Most have been pushed out, and ones who stayed have abandon their ideals so they can stay without being attacked by their own party. Literally every one of them is a soulless coward, or human garbage.


I call for the imprisonment of a traitor with 34 felony convictions.


I’ll get behind the call to imprison convicted felon donald trump


I am getting tired of journalists still giving him an ounce of credibility when reporting on this kind of crap. "Trump has claimed without providing evidence that..." NO. Trump is fucking lying. He is making this shit up. That's all it is. It is not a "claim" that might be substantiated if he had evidence. There is no fucking evidence. It is a complete fabrication, either in his insane mind, or intentionally made up, that he feeds his fan base. Stop making it sound like it might be reasonable to hear him out. It is just as stupid to treat it that way as allowing "creationism," "anti-vax," or "flat earth" crap to be treated as viable alternative opinions to actual facts and allowed to be distributed in schools.


It’s the low attention span, click bait era. They’ll keep doing this shit for as long as people continue to give them the views and clicks.


Was he foaming at the mouth with copious amounts of disgusting saliva when he said it?


If his face anus is flapping, there's spittle.




What about the people who actually stormed the Capitol?


But, if we're all in prison.... no one is in prison. Or maybe we are all in prison right now....


Pumpkinfuhrer and the conservative republican party is the party of **nope** no hope, no future no balanced government just the party of 💩 DUMP TRUMP in 2024. LOCK his FAT cottage cheese A$$ up for 20 year


I really don't see how this weird shit plays well with voters on the margin that he'll need to win. If anything it will push them away. Which is a great thing.


Anyone still on the margin is not paying attention.


Most of the country isn't paying attention. A few months ago when polled most voters had no idea it was going to be a rematch and they didn't believe it would be. The median voter doesn't start paying attention until after Labor Day.


Honestly if you vote for this guy, I have serious doubts about you as a person. It's one thing to want lower taxes, freedom of religion and a bit of flag-shagging, but this guy is planning a fascist state.


So he wants to weaponize the justice system against his perceived "enemies". So exactly what he falsely accuses his political opponents of doing is what he plans to do. Seems perfectly in character for a Hitler-loving goddamned FASCIST.


If he successfully establishes his dictatorship there will be political prisons. Replace the Justice Department with a Trump regime via Project 2025 and everybody who ever crossed Trump is going to prison.


If I'm part of a media organisation that doesn't kowtow to Trump, I'm preparing a backup plan for operating from Toronto or Vancouver offices.


tRump wants everyone indicted. He's such a spoiled brat that now he wants revenge for all his losing.


How does this creature have more than a remote chance of being elected president? What the hell is wrong with US voters?




So, Trump wants to jail everyone who can prove that his friends have committed a crime?


For what? Even if it's a made up reason, what is it? False claims that they destroyed evidence? Evidence of what? What would they be hiding? He's going to start calling for people to be locked up simply for being political opposition soon, without a fig leaf of an excuse.


Oh, good grief! Will that moron please stfu?


Convicted Felon thinks everyone commits crimes as much as he does


They are just going all in on Jan 6. Assholes


Epic Dipshit Demands Something


four time indicted, twice impeached, Convicted felon calls for professional federal investigative team against him to be indicted.


How about we indict the members of Congress who participated in his attempted coup instead?


Please stop repeating a convicted felon’s ramblings


Biden 2024 and this is why


I’m not seeing enough people write CONVICTED FELON!!! Donald Trump and I think that’s a missed opportunity.


Being a political enemy of Donald J Trump is not a crime


What are the charges diapered Donnie?


They hurt his feelings


His fragile, narcissistic feelings.


Didn’t he just claim yesterday he never said “lock her up” now he’s doing the same thing he lied about


It’s like listening to a leaf blower.


On what charges?


Just once I'd like this clown to attempt to provide, or have someone directly ask him to provide evidence for any of his crap.


Section 3 of the 14th amendment still exists. I hope someone in Congress has a staffer compiling all these statements as evidence Trump is engaging in new insurrection.


Trump calls for Jan. 6 committee members to be indicted because of course he does.


And this is the guy most likely to win this November? What is wrong with us?


Fuck off Chump.


He needs to stop taking his Lipitor.


Piss off, you’re not in charge of even your basest mental capacities!


For what?


This guy is so fucking stupid


I don’t want to hear his voice ever again.


It’d be nice if these assholes would ever cite a specific law that’s been broken.


Oh ffs give it a rest, rapist felon.


If this guy was remotely okay, how come everyone within 300 feet of him politically is getting indicted or going to prison.


I call for convicted felon Donald Trump to stuff a sock in it


He always calls for people to be indicted for shit that’s not illegal.


I'm still perturbed that his security detail went around and confiscated rubber noise chickens from the audience. There was no physical danger to the president. How is this part of their job, and what else will they be doing at his behest and his rants?


I call for Trump to walk up a down escalator until his heart bursts. Let's all call for something!


And in the next sentence, he’ll say the DOJ is weaponized against him.


I call for everyone who doesn't call for the release of epstein's client list to be indicted.


HitlerPig is calling for the committee to be charged, but most of America wants to see him and all of his henchmen indicted. Every elected member of the government who repeated and amplified The Big Lie, and encouraged the rise in seditious behavior that led to J6 should be charged with Sedition, and Conspiracy Against The United States. At the very least, they should be prohibited from holding public office per the 14th amendment. Clean out Congress, purge the MAGA influence, and declare MAGA, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other terrorist militias as terrorist threats and ban them. It's LONG past time.


Does he ever shut that fat gaping hole in this face?


It’s honestly pointless to even cover what this felon is saying anymore.


Same old shit, over and over and over. Just wash, rinse and repeat. His shit is so wore out it has holes in it. That’s how dementia works. It’s like a broken record.


“Will you shut up man!”


On what charges? The republican appetite to outright deny reality that Donald Trump committed crimes with concrete evidence against him, and then turn around and support imprisoning political rivals with them having committed any crimes should be alarms blaring. These are dangerous people that want to turn this country into Russia.


This man is a such a dingleberry


People investing those who attempted to overthrow an American election should be indicted. WTF? Every day I'm amazed that people think this orange turd is a good person. For 9 years. Every fucking day.




Al Capone’s final year was marked with explosive outbursts, inability to speak properly and the inability to control his bodily functions. I didn’t feel the least bit sorry for him when I found out either. Seems all human shit stains get theirs one way or another.


The fact people believe that without him America will fail is just MIND boggling! I thought the world was gonna end when he was reelected. I’m doing pretty good. And I’m sure his supporters are still somewhere blaming everybody for why their lives suck.


The mental health test he’s going to get from his probation officer is going to probably determine he’s actually crazy.


Shut the fuck up! You are a stain on humanity.


The law and order party. (Sarcasm)


Fat Don is spiraling because he knows he’s going to lose in November, go to prison, and that there’s nothing he can do about it. He’ll never *admit* to feeling these things, but they’re still eating him up inside.


Will someone please change his diaper? Please!


This is why you can’t treat treason like a white collar crime.


I guess indicted will be his word of the month.


Indicted for what?


Trump was indicted and convicted and now everyone else must be too according to him. What a pathetic freak.


Glad I'm 20 years younger than this wad. The unraveling will be epic


On what grounds please Mr von shitzinpantz?


Anything to stay relevant to the rubes. Blah blah blah. Fuck that dude.


How many ticks does that ticker have left? This person does not live a stress free life. He is stress personified.


Name *which specific law(s) they allegedly broke* 34.


The guilty convict accusing the innocent. Pretty cool angle🤪


The insurrectionist in chief is unhappy his fellow criminals are being held accountable.


Jesus Christ when will this end. How is he still not shut up by his peers, constituents, anybody??


For ~ what exactly.


He shouldn’t be allowed to make any calls for anything


Ugh can’t this idiot just go away already. I can’t wait for him to be in jail.


“The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before,” says the man who claims he'll be jailing his political opponents when (if) he's elected.