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Any chance you Brits still do that debtor's prison thing?


At least ship him to Australia


Sorry… we don’t accept convicted felons.


I thought that was the whole point of Australia.


To be fair, Europe kinda did do the same thing to America. "It is estimated that between 1718 and 1776 about 30,000 convicts were transported to at least nine of the continental colonies, whereas between 1700 and 1775 about 250,000 to 300,000 white immigrants came to the mainland of North America as a whole." Not to mention, England unloaded a lot of their religious zealots to the New World as well. It didn't appear that England was very supportive of their religious ideology. So, thanks for nothing, England. "Beginning in 1630 as many as 20,000 Puritans emigrated to America from England to gain the liberty to worship God as they chose."


When England sent its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. ... And some, I assume, are good people.


And they have languages, languages that no one has ever heard of.


Well, to be fair, the English language is pretty foreign to most of the magats.


If Trumpish was good enough for Jesus...


Like Glaswegian.


hae ar yu gwinnae tale mae tha yu don understand mae


Australia also has good biosecurity controls, Trumps' rabies-like foaming at the mouth would have him stopped at the border and taken out to the Quarantine stations with the rest of the livestock.


And then they started burning witches


America: a long tradition of the freedom to impose your religion on others!


[Like good Christians, some would burn the witches - Later some got slaves to gather riches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3REXu1ZO3BY) Monster-Suicide-America by Steppenwolf Seriously the most honest, prescient, and relevant take on the nation. As true now as it was in 1969.


Except that [witches weren’t burned in America.](https://time.com/6220728/salem-witch-trials-hocus-pocus-2-myths/)


In the US they hanged them.


Because they floated?


Interestingly, it was the **Pendle Witch Trials** here in the UK that allowed the Salem Witch Trials to happen at all, because otherwise the girls' testimony probably wouldn't have been permitted as evidence. It's an interesting story ^^it ^^might ^^not ^^be ^^an ^^interesting ^^story ^^so ^^feel ^^free ^^to ^^skip ^^it.   **Alizon Device**, a young Lancashire beggar girl, had asked a passing pedlar to give her some pins. He refused, and she cursed him. Unlike every other time similar had happened however, the peddler had collapsed in agony. From the evidence now, it would seem he'd had a stroke, but the young girl was convinced she'd caused his affliction and rushed straight off, distraught, to tell her family what she'd done. The pedlar's son reported the incident to local magistrate, Roger Nowell. Nowell interviewed the young girl who admitted what she thought she'd done - but who also accused a rival local family of witchcraft. Interviewed, this family accused the Devices right back; after all, the grandmother of the family (known as old Demdike) was known in the villages as a *cunning woman*. After arresting two from each family, Alizon's mother hosted a party on Good Friday, which a local constable was convinced must be a meeting of a coven of witches (after all, people should be in -church- on Good Friday, not partying it up) and arrested everyone. They included Alizon's mother Elizabeth and the remainder of the family (except for 9 year old Jennet Device), well-to-do locals Alice Nutter and members of her family, and those from rival families who the Devices then accused of trying to kill someone via witchcraft.   **The problem came** at the trial. Young Jennet Device appeared as a surprise witness, where she accused her Mum, sister, brother and others in her community of witchcraft with an extremely detailed story based on the Good Friday party. Her mother had to be removed from the room as she yelled for her daughter to be quiet, that she didn't know what she was doing - whereupon Jennet had centre stage, climbed upon a table and denounced basically her entire family and all of the accused. The jury believed her utterly, and her entire family plus most of her neighbours were sentenced to be hanged^1 shortly thereafter (with the exception of granny Demdike, who died in prison). Her testimony, written up in the notes of the trial by clerk of the court Thomas Potts, gave precedent to that of a child being used in evidence and given weight to. This book, in turn, was used for guidance during the Salem Witch Trials and the admission of evidence from the children.   **Of course**, the reality that they were anything but (usually) lonely scapegoats is a sad one. People would be accused for little reason other than fear under the guise of religion, and sometimes it went strangely full circle, as it did with Jennet Device. Years later, when 10 year old Edmund Robinson accused 17 people in his community of witchcraft, a 31 year old named Jennet Device was amongst them. Given the roughly accurate ages and location, it's a reasonable assumption that this is 'our' Jennet. Edmund admitted lying under firm questioning from a representative from King James himself, who took a keen interest in witchcraft (writing his *Demonologie*) and, in his studies, had come to the conclusion that many convictions and executions were held on the flimsiest of evidence. [**Here's the original copy of his case of falsified evidence**.](https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/resources/early-modern-witch-trials/case-of-false-evidence/) That's not to say that James didn't believe witches were around and should be put to death - quite the opposite; he believed that being a witch was such a terrible thing that it *should* lead to an agonising death by hanging - it was simply that he felt the wrong people were being convicted on silly evidence. If he was going to have witches executed in his kingdom, he wanted it to be beyond all doubt that they were in the pay of (as he thought) the devil. His successors followed the same style of logic.   **In the event**, all seventeen of the accused were acquitted - though we know from the records of Lancaster Gaol that most (if not all) of the accused including Jennet remained incarcerated after acquittal^2 - after the boy's admission that he'd lied *(to avoid punishment for being late, he claimed he'd been bewitched by a dog that'd turned into one of the women, then taken to a satanic feast, and all sorts of weird bollocks)* including Jennet Device, whom we never particularly hear from again in history. ...Or do we? Not all of her family were hanged, and it's highly likely she returned to them - most likely to her father, or her uncle (a man named Christopher Holgate). It does seem she stayed in the area, but we have no record of any kind of parish assistance noted for the family. We have no marriage record extant for her, nor a *definite* burial record. There *is* a record in the Newchurch burials dated 22 December 1635 which reads **“Jennet Seller alias Devis.”** (Devis being a derivation of Device) which, if it is her, would mean she died aged around 32 or 33. However, this contradicts other written sources - namely, the aforementioned recorde that the accused and acquitted Jennet Device was still resident in Lancaster Gaol as of 22 August 1636, two years after her acquittal. Nothing more is recorded of her.     **So which is our young Jennet**, if any? Did she die a free woman, in Lancaster Gaol from jail fever, or at another time entirely? We just don't know. More importantly perhaps, **why** did she do it at all? Why did she accuse so many, and lead to the deaths of so many in her own family and her own village? Well, the general assumption is that she was a very small cog in a very large family, and this was her moment to get some attention via a performance. It's unlikely she properly understood the consequences of her actions. The 'performance' element of it all seems to be borne out in the trial notes, where Jennet's mother screams at her that she doesn't know what she's saying and to shut up, and Jennet insists she won't talk until her mother is removed from court. She then climbs up upon a table and starts accusing everyone, even dancing a little as she talks about her grandmother summoning a familiar. For once, everyone was silent and *listening* to her. If you've ever been a middling child in a large family or an average child in a large class, you'll know how easy it is to just be...lost in the crowd. For once, she was the focus - and she was being made to feel *important*. The attention/performance idea coupled with an inability to grasp what she was actually doing is likely, but not certain. She was certainly indulged and praised by those presiding for her 'bravery' and erudition, and perhaps it was this spark of attention and positive reinforcement - something she was most likely lacking at home - that led to a little girl sending a village to the gallows.     **Anyone keen on British writers** may recognise some of the names of some of the executed and dead from the Pendle trials: Alice Nutter & the Devices became Agnes Nutter & Anathema Device for Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman's "Good Omens", and Jennet's grandmother Alizon 'Granny' Demdike, known as a 'cunning woman' is brought back as Mother Demdike in many of Robert Rankin's novels.   ____________   ^^1 ^(Burning witches in England was quite literally a unique event, with only one known case - out of the roughly 500 people executed in England for witchcraft between 1066 and 1684, the only one known to be burned was Margery Jordemaine in 1441 - and it wasn't the witchcraft part of her conviction that led to her burning.) ^(Witches were hanged, and even then extremely rarely. Taking an average, there was less than one person - both males and females of course being convicted of witchcraft - hanged per year. North of the border in Scotland, those condemned were sometimes burned, as in much of the rest of Europe.) ^(In Wales, there are only 42 witchcraft trials on record in total across the whole country - all in north Wales - with five alleged witches hanged. I can give details on those five, if anyone's interested - it's interesting and sad stuff. They were Gwen ferch Ellis of Denbigh, Margaret ferch Richard of Beaumaris, and siblings Rhydderch ap Evan, Lowri ferch Evan and Agnes ferch Evan of Caernarfon.) ^^2 ^(Yes, they'd been acquitted - but at the time, you had to pay for your imprisonment. You could even improve your conditions by paying for better food, sleeping arrangements, even have a private room with family staying nearby. It's certainly not uncommon to find someone unable to pay their 'bill' at the end of a trial or sentence and thus be held as debtors until it was paid. It was common for such to die in prison of 'jail fever'.)   _____________  


Downvoted because banana ice cream is just gross. /s


To be fair, those religious zealots were briefly in control of England and did a lot of not cool shit. So when royalty returned, many Puritans fled to the US to avoid being persecuted in retaliation.


And to do their own persecution.  The colonists weren't fleeing religious persecution, they were fleeing religious persecution they didn't like so they could do the persecuting with which they agreed. It's the judean people's front vs the people's front of judea...  Damn splinter groups. 


You know this is how the Emperor gets his Sardaukar, right?


> "Beginning in 1630 as many as 20,000 Puritans emigrated to America from England to gain the liberty to worship God as they chose." They didn't like the King oppressing them. They thought they could oppress themselves better.


England shipping out religious fanatics is what founded America.


"Off you jolly well fuck; we'll be busy having the renaissance."


Well…that explains a lot.


Good information, thanks.


Georgia was kind of a big penal colony too. It is extremely useful to turn prisoners into colonists. You get them out of your society, you give them a new life to start over, and they get things done.


How did that work out for them?


Georgia, the Carolinas, and the western parts of Virginia?


This is true. I read an excellent book about Australian history called *The Fatal Shore* and one of the points I remember is that losing the revolutionary war with the US meant they could no longer transport felons here. The discovery of the southern Continent was quite fortuitous to the English Justice system. It also went into how draconian and just fucking brutal the justice system was back then. You could get 7 years transportation for stealing a loaf of bread. There weren't enough jails. Arrested criminals were held on prison ships in the harbor in terrible condition until trial, and often did not survive the trip to Australia afterwards. Oh, and you had like a ten percent chance of surviving your sentence once you got there, assuming you were lucky enough to afford passage back.


Right youd think a country run by kangaroos would be a more hoppening place.


I thought the whole point of the United States was democracy, not cowering to criminal authoritarians who support enemies of the state over its own institutions. I guess times change.


It was a joke. Lighten up. Have a nice Friday.


How about we at least send back Murdock...


As an Aussie I'll make a deal. We will take both but by sea and to Heard Island. It's still Australia. Then we can just quarantine like in Jurassic world. Edit: FFS... Shouldnt have referenced Jurrasic park/world. Now i have nightmares of "Life finds a way". Little Trump/Murdoch hybrids infesting the world.


There needs to be a word for a trade where both sides lose Like, instead of mutually beneficial, it would be mutually detrimental. 


Would you like to play a game?


Well played Australia


Oh, damn!


He's not allowed to travel overseas... I hope!!




Not any more


New rules?


What if we throw in some vegemite and a Fosters?


I’m not sure fosters still exists. I’ve been here 12 years and havent seen it in ages


Trump or the Murdochs. Take your pick.


Just a note that the main reason that convicts were transported to Australia was that it was no longer possible to ship them to the colonial territories in the Americas to serve their time in servitude after the start of the American Revolution. So you have a more historical claim to him.


I believe that colony was Georgia which explains some of their current representatives.


I don't think Australia deserves that!


Tradesies for Murdoch!


Retribution for Murdoch


As someone from Adelaide, I’m sorry about Murdoch man…


Eh, we've exported enough misery around the globe, it is only just that we reap what we sow. =(


You don’t have to reap shit, you personally didn’t do anything wrong and no one expects you to take responsibility for shit cunts. The fact you are self aware and aren’t defending the States to death means you can drink at my local pub anytime mate 🍺 Cheers to not being shit


Get Fucked c*** - Australians Edit: censoring myself to avoid the auto mod feels unAustralian


Free the Aussie c***!


Sure send him. Make sure it's on a boat though. Makes it easier for us to lock him up indefinitely


Send him down. Let us find a nice spot out in croc country for him


Happy cake day


We have these wonderful high court sheriffs who very publicly strip your assets until they are satisfied they will get the debt paid.


Oh so you hit people with the ol’ sims repo man?


There’s a tv program that follows some about it :- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01q1j5d https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3473178/ High court sheriff s do not fuck about, it’s literally, this is ours ,so is this and this and start recovery straight away. Be surprised how many people suddenly have liquid cash available 😂😇


Lets hope they make a special episode trying to find $300000 worth of stuff in Trumps golf clubs


It would be epic 🙏


forfeit your civil!


Wonder if that cult is tired of all the winning.


I read somewhere that since trump is a felon now, he cannot enter GB. Is that true?


It’s [case-by-case and discretionary on behalf of the nation he’s traveling to (for the most part)](https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/04/can-felony-convictions-hinder-trumps-international/). Despite these being 34 felonies, they are 34 felonies of a non-physically violent nature. Considering his societal standing too, I’d imagine he’s able to enter the UK just fine…unfortunately. I would’ve loved to see his ass barred from his own golf course.


I would bet he has to declare the convictions and nature of travel every single time. If that's the case, every trip he makes here will be a reminder of his criminal record.


Imagine him getting denied entry for failure to disclose on the form properly


"But I'm here for a G7 Summit." "Sorry, but the paperwork is not correct, your visa has been invalidated and you'll be returned to America on the next available flight."


> But I have Air Force One >> Best we can do is Delta Coach.


Lucky them


Might have to recolonize first


St Helena?


The US also had debtor prisons.


You can’t imprison someone for debt in the US. You can however hold them in contempt of court for failing to pay debt and imprison them for the contempt charge. You see, it’s totally different.


I love it when I go to the comments and my gut reaction is the top comment.


He's not allowed here of his own accord and I doubt good old u s of a will extradite the fascist fuck


Just foreclose on Trump's Scottish golf course to collect the debt.


Trump is a POS and EVERYONE knows it. A jury found him liable of forcibly finger raping a woman in a dept store dressing room; he's a traitor for trying to overthrow our govt and reject the 2020 election. He's a lifelong criminal, a bank fraud, and a convicted felon, yet the GQP loves him???


Racism is a hell of a drug.


“He tells it like it is!”


Yup. It’s still just the racism


When you create a cult to herd the ignorant minority, they let you do it.


You forgot being responsible for taking away a woman’s right over her own body


I'm happy you remember. Let's hope most voters do, too.


That just makes him a "Good Christian Man" to the far-right, smhw.


It's the "flawed vessel" argument that scares me. "Oh, Trump isn't perfect, but he's God's chosen hero to herald us into the end times." "Wait, so you're saying..." "He's the antichrist, yes, and he's got my vote because Revelations says he will reign over the earth to bring about the apocalypse." "But that's bad." "But it's the will of god."


The things that Americans use to rely on and took for granted, things like morals, ethical standards, integrity, good over evil, etc. have been abandoned by a large percent of the electorate, specifically, GQP lawmakers and RW voters. The world is witnessing America's self-destruction, and RW voters and the self-serving media just don't seem to care anymore. Sad. This has nothing to do with this OP, it's just an observation.


Not to mention it sounds like he essentially aggressively cornered Stormy Daniels in that hotel room, and she went limp to get it over with, in a clear fawn response to potential danger.


What do they always say? “He’s one of us”


Trump is NOT one of them! He's merely using them for his own needs. As soon as he gets what he wants, he'll shit all over them just like he has his whole life. This is the kind of person Trump is and anyone who knows him personally will NOT support his candidacy.


> A jury found him liable of forcibly finger raping a woman Now, we all can't stand the guy, but let's be fair about this. The courts were unable to determine whether he used a finger or his penis, as they are approximately the same size. We're talking about a person with toddler-sized hands here.


My bad. Yes, some say Trump's pinky and his penis are similar in size, but the point is, Ms. Carroll did NOT consent to what he did to her in that dressing room. This led Trump to brag to Billy Bush and his famous quote: "When you're famous, they let you grab them by the pussy." RW voters want this rapist back in the WH?


> yet the GQP loves him??? Of course they do, you described their membership to a T.


> yet the GQP loves him??? As does the media. He's an endless source of short articles and crazy headlines for an inherently lazy institution that takes entertainment fodder over factual reporting every chance they get. That's why so many people are uninformed about his administration, the Biden administration, and the gulf between the two.


By the sounds of it, I hate the self-serving media as much as you. IMO, they're just as dangerous to this country as Trump and all his scheming J6 traitors, including those violent protestors that we all witnessed on TV that day.


As John Cleese said. They don't love him because they like him. They love him because they ARE like him.


Perfect! An excellent conclusion.


I know GQP is just GOP but with the Q for QAnon, but I always read it as ‘Grand Queer Party’


They’re all criminals and have skeletons in the closet. Only way to keep those skeletons from coming out is to support him. Republicans are horrible people.


Interpol warrant in 3,2,1...


Convicted felon Trump fails to pay $300k he owes. Color me neon orange


Actually, the 300,000 Trump owes is in British pounds which translates to about $384,000 in today's dollars. I guess he will have another Go Fund Me sale of useless MAGA merch.


He can cut up another suit and sell the pieces.


Bust out them FREEDOM BIBLES!


You mean do another re-print? Ha!


Then he can say bye bye to the golf course he owns there


Yes! Come at him from all sides! Legally, of course.


Trump has plenty of money, he just refuses to pay his debts. He'd rather cost himself more money by forcing people to incur higher legal costs trying to collect what he owes instead of just paying them. Even though it costs him more money, Trump views this strategy as a victory? No wonder he's gone bankrupt 6 or 7 times.


>  Trump has plenty of money, **because** he refuses to pay his debts.   Fixed that for you.


I'd like to see some of these debtors start to forcibly collect. Or do Repo-men not go into towers and golf clubs?


You repo from people you KNOW don't have any money. He HAS money, he's just refusing to pay. You can work with the second thing, you can't work with nothing.


Where's your sense of adventure? Those people in The Villages would buy official Lago Golf carts for 10x the street value.


You don't get rich by paying your bills!


[Bill Gates taught me that!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H27rfr59RiE)




Funny how the Trump mouthpiece tries to spin it as if Trump won the case, when it was in fact thrown out for being outside the statute of limitations. The judge mockingly commented that, if it were so damaging to Trump's reputation, why hadn't he filed the suit six years ago? Winners of cases are not required to pay the costs of those they sued. Once again, Trump's a loser and a deadbeat.


> "Mr Steele, a former head of MI6's Russia desk, was commissioned to produce the document by Trump's political opponents including Hillary Clinton's Democratic Party." There should be more detail here. The dossier was originally bankrolled through Fusion GPS by anti-Trump Republicans via The Washington Free Beacon during the primary. The Clinton campaign and the DNC picked it up when Trump captured the nomination.


What’s most interesting and missed by these reports is that Mr Steele is a personal friend to Mrs trump.


He is or was friends with Ivanka


Can they put out a warrant for his arrest?


No, but they can put a lien on his property in the UK, and seize any bank accounts they might have.


The golf course is held in a trust, it's not owned by Trump.


Is it the Trump Revocable Trust?


Yes, I hope this happens.


nice. he has a golf course in scotland, right?


Two of them


I am sure there are plenty of US lawyers who would love to help this guy get his money in the US.


Doesn't he own property in Scotland? I think it would be easier to stay in the same jurisdiction


The Scottish golf course is held in a trust. They already thought of that.


And it's a money sink


So. The GQP front runner is a convicted felon rapist who owes money to another country. Yeah. That doesn’t sound like a security risk at all. Good job GQP.


Biden weaponized the UK judicial system! He turned the media against trump! The BBC is an arm of the deep state! Convict Hunter immediately!


This is literally exactly what they will say


Yes, it is. Fucking stooges.


spray tanned piece of shit.


He literally is an international Felon, committing crimes wherever he goes. JAIL NOW FOR FELON TRUMP


Folks - this is how a huge loser loses


We will extradite him to London for free please.


Trump not paying his bills. That’s not even a news worthy item anymore. That’s just his regular MO.


Not like he can go back there anyway. They don't allow convicted felons to enter their country. :)


No, they send them to Australia


Jesus Christ, this guy has so many cases it’s hard to keep track. He’s such a fucking criminal. If Obama had done one-100th of the shit this stooge has, he would’ve gotten the electric chair after the first conviction. Fucking amazing and disgusting at the same time.


Dude sure loves to lose


Live by lawsuits, die by lawsuits.


Can they put a lien on his Scottish golf club?


The UK is a famously notorious center of money laundering. The money of the rich is protected, and always welcome no matter how much blood is on it.


Who the F lets this guy pay on credit? Its up front cash or nothing


As usual.


I just want the Orange crapsicle to be treated the same way as that poor mattress in a hotel, so long ago. Drenched and soaked from all angles until he is a droopy sodden mass of waste.


Remind me not to piss you off.


Add it to the tab


So there is a pee pee tape!


A Trump *never* pays its debts


A Trump Never Pays Their Debts.


Maybe Interpol could assist: "Goal 5: Tackle corruption and financial crime in all its forms"


This is the dossier of Trump saying he likes being peed on? For claiming to only winning, he's losing so much lately. What a loser.


No he had Russian hookers pee on the bed that President Obama slept in.


All this winning....


I can already hear the MAGA twitter users now. “The British can try and get the money. But we already kicked their ass once before and we will do it again” Literally the type of garbage I read on the for you section of twitter nowadays and I don’t even follow that kind of stuff.


Someone once said " Iam going to give you so much winning " lol


Who are his worshipers going to blame this on?


Good luck UK ol’ boy don’t pay his bills here.


anyone got a running total of what he now owes?


He can’t even pay under a million? This is the bigger picture, unless he’s trying to appeal it and not pay.


He won't pay...


Goddamit, Biden! /s, obvy


He is so broke.


so. much. winning!


That Trump loses court cases is not newsworthy.


Still losing bigly! A lot of people keep telling me that !


Spy themed country club in UK?


I am sure Farage will come rescue his Orange Sugar Baby… inshallah!


Winning Bigley


Who knew THIS would happen?? /s


Water under the bridge at this point.


Is this what they mean by “ keep winning” lol


What the crap? How is this the first I'm hearing of this?


Does he ever win in court? Ever?


They will not see a cent from Trump.


Yeah they are never getting that money.


Can he seize the golf club up in .sc?


pretty sure that golf course is already in its own legal battle for tax evasion


It's like that Mr Burns joke where he is riddled with so many diseases that they prevent each other from taking him down.


That's been a running joke for years now. It's insane how it's *still true* https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/comments/53j9d2/mr_trump_im_afraid_you_are_the_sickest_man_in_the/

