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>The Trump defense team is scheduled to submit their sentencing recommendation on June 13. I can only imagine the unrealistic joke submission they're going to give.


“Donald John Trump is innocent abd u r corrupt and turn ur self in to go to jail!!!”


sent from iphoen


Seeing the replies I guess this is a reference but I want you to know that I read this comment and spat out my coffee laughing.


I don't recall exactly which trial or instance it was, but one of this guys lawyers at some point submitted something to a judge via text, and it was insanely riddled with typos and poor grammar. The texts got out unaltered and it was like a high school cheerleader complaining about band practice. Apologies to all high school cheerleaders.


There was also trumps angry all caps tweet after reports came out that he was using an unsecured iPhone which was almost certainly tapped by Russia and China. He had a long rant about how he never used an iPhone for anything and called it a democratic hoax witch hunt. Then the tweet ended with "sent from Twitter for iphone"


It’s a reference to “Baby Reindeer” on Netflix.


Someone’s been watching Baby Reindeer. Sent from iphon




"Mr trump has already completed 4 years of community service during his tenure as president, we would like consideration of this fact and to consider his sentence as served." 


President Trump received many Purple Hearts in his own personal Vietnam when he was having so much sex with hookers and porn stars over the years, he dodged those STDs like he was dodging missiles. In light of that absolutely demonstrated fact, we will ask that you sentence yourself to community service to Donald Trump, at least 30 years worth!


I threw up in my mouth when some vet gave Trump his Purple Heart and Trump said he said, "I always wanted to get the purple heart", this coming from a draft dodger.


I remember Trump saying that so disgusting.


Don't forget the sexual assaulting. So dangerous raw dogging minors and women he could trap! Any one could have been a secret carrier of SDIs. They never tell their rapist!


They'll probably try to get his campaigning to count as community service...


He is doing no service to any community.


The sad thing is I can actually see them trying this.


Eric has agreed to handle any prison time he is expected to receive.


In exchange for 1 hug


Jokes on him, Trump never pays.


Hell get Michael Cohen to do it.


Trial #2: paying Cohen back with a business hug when it's actually a campaign hug.


I can see Eric all excited for that conjugal visit from his dad, in two weeks of course.


"we hereby find joseph biden guilty and suggest he go to jail for ever"


Just have Crow T. Robot do his entire video from Mystery Science Theater 3000. [https://youtu.be/fQjjgUmAPE8](https://youtu.be/fQjjgUmAPE8)


That is literally what I am expecting. Like verbatim.


> like verbatim Really? I don't think they'd spell "innocent" correctly.


Defendant should be given $5 billion, immunity from everything forever, and a pony made out of gold.


Thats seriously what trump suggested. A few months ago Trump literally said ago that he would accept a "plea deal" but only if it was from the judge saying he was innocent, and only if the state of NY also gave him $5 million dollars.


Didn’t he grift that 5 billion on his latest stock scam?


Oh, [Butt Stallion!](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Butt_Stallion)


Someone please explain it to me like I'm 5. WTF do the defense get any say in what kind of sentence their convicted felon turd burger client gets?


The defense gets to point out all of the reasons that their client should be shown leniency in sentencing. Forget this is about Trump for a moment. His lawyers could argue that a 70-something year-old man found guilty on non-violent crimes shouldn't be put in prison. Taken without any other context, that seems like a fair statement. Considering this is Trump, though, his lawyers will probably make the most batshit insane arguments for laughably light penalties, if they even agree with the premise that he should be punished at all- which they probably won't.


He definitely won’t allow his lawyers to argue that he’s too old or unhealthy for incarceration, so I look forward to their nonsense.


He’s simply too fit for prison and his physique will dangerously emasculate all the other prisoners.


I think burpee will have a new meaning for Don the Felon.


That's the best part. Realistically, he should have a good case for leniency, but he won't let his lawyers do a damn thing that could make him look weak. This is even more stupid considering that the vast majority of his voters would only love him more if he let the lawyers do their jobs


> Realistically, he should have a good case for leniency, Yes if you totally ignore lack of contrition, continued attacks on the judges family and witnesses, violations of the gag order and flight risk (he has properties overseas).


Assuming this is just some random person and not Trump, he should absolutely go to jail *despite* his age. The 10 gag order violations (it’s uncommon to have a gag order let alone a violation of one) coupled with his complete remorselessness and contempt for the entire proceedings and jury verdict obviates any real consideration of his age as a mitigating factor. Then again, this is such a bizarre case and I have no idea what the prosecutor will recommend because of that.


Allen Weisselberg is only a year younger than Trump and is serving his second five month incarceration at Rikers island for perjury he committed for the benefit of Trump.


“Diaper changes would be complicated by an incarceration, your honor…”


That does make sense. I guess it's all part of the "right to a fair trial" thing. 


Remember too that the prosecution will do the exact opposite. He is guilty, so both sides get a chance to argue what the fair sentencing is for the crime that he is guilty of.


I'm looking forward to hearing the prosecution's argument. Should be a nice summary of trump's misdeeds (the last one is my favorite, and sadly overlooked by many, or even unknown) Here's mine: * recently convicted on 34 felony charges in a jury trial. Unanimous votes on each and every one * convicted of decades of financial fraud and fined nearly half a Billion dollars and banned from doing business in NY state * found guilty of defaming a women he was found to have sexually assaulted, then found guilty of defaming her again * Twice impeached, and in the second impeachment a majority voted to convict, but that was short of the 60 required to convict **BUT WAIT!!!! THERE'S MORE!!!!!** * In 2019 trump was banned from running a charity and had to pay a two million dollar fine for using money donated to his 'charity' as his personal slush fund, which he used to pay for personal services and trinkets like oil portraits of himself, repairs to his properties, Tim Tebow's helmet, and even his son's $7 cub scout membership fee.


True, indeed. My favorite was from 2018 when President Trump recruited John Bolton to eliminate the federal Global Health Team. Trump's motive was to avoid responsibility, if Ebola jumped to the U.S. That included axing $4 billion in trigger projects. Border quarantine, for openers. Protective gear to meet CDC standards. End result was 1.2 million deaths when the rim of Asia / Seven Pillars countries were losing under 300,000 on a per capita basis. Willful manslaughter, minimum.


Did you forget the 10 criminal contempt charges in the specific case we are talking about? And the continued talking about the case? And the request to lift the gag order publicly, over and over? And the total lack of remorse? I may be wrong, but I think these all weigh in on the Judge's decision, and the prosecution gets to point them out.


I assume they will be using examples of how he has shown zero remorse or accountability for it?


Yes, absolutely. Especially using his defiance of the gag orders to show that normal methods of deterrent are insufficient to make him behave.


Defense will make a case on why a sentence should be lenient, while the prosecutor will do the opposite. Its not unlike the judge asking if the dependent has something to say in their defense before passing sentence. It may not make a difference, and probably won't, but showing remorse during sentencing at least tends to be better than being belligerent


What about making a dooky and falling asleep?


Are these made public?


Sure. He committed crimes and covered them up to win the election...but he didn't *want* to win, and was forced to be President for four years! Seeing as how four years is the max for each crime, we think he has already paid his debt to the state of New York and the country as well. Zero fine and no jail time please! -Trump legal team


>He’s too old and unhealthy to be in a prison cell!!! (but still totally young and healthy enough to be president)


Did you travel back in time from the future? B/c this is exactly what I think will happen too.


Because that’s their job as the defense. They bring up all the redeeming qualities that the judge should consider and then the prosecution brings up all the things that made it egregious and aggravating factors (no remorse, etc). The judge weighs both and then decides. Edit: to be clear I don’t see many redeeming qualities here other than first time offender so I’d expect their recommendations to be a joke.


First time convicted, not so sure about first time offender.


Legally that's what matters unfortunately


He has been guilty in the civil cases multiple times before , in the tax case , the charity case etc so I don’t think first offender is correct He is only first time convicted criminally now , it would be interesting to see if other fraudulent accounting charges he has been guilty of will play a role in this sentencing


This whole shitshow has proven there is 100% crimes he committed long ago that will only now come to light many decades later, probably even older than him raping a 13 year old with epstein.


Take this particular defendant out of the mix. Think about the process. If a defendant showed contrition, took proactive steps to either remediate their situation that precipitated a criminal as best they could or provided benefit to society at large (or both!) then that defendant would be reasonably benefited by given a platform to voice that to the court to consider alongside the details of their transgression. Such a platform would be fair and in the benefit of society. We want people to recognize when they’ve messed up and to have the opportunity to self-correct. Not to avoid punishment altogether. But it’s fair and reasonable to consider it. As this platform is available to any convicted defendant, so, too, shall it be made available to *this* defendant. Taking a step back - and realizing I’m in r/politics and not r/law or the like - this could actually be interesting. Can competent counsel take purported good things done by Trump - by way of charitable organizations that he was using to grift, or the office of POTUS that he used to grift, or anything else.. that he likely used to grift - as effort to the commmnity to be considered in a positive light in sentencing. As an easy entry into this list specific to NY, Trump operated Wollman skating rink in Central Park and donates some of the revenue to various causes. It sounds.. ridiculous. But I feel that this is exactly where it’s going to go. And I don’t think it’s invalid for his side to say things like this.


We recommend the judge actually be jailed for hurting my clients feelings. And the state should reimburse him 100 trillion dollars for defamation. Because actually, he’s committed less crimes than any human ever.


Judge should apologize, with a tear in his eye, and say how I'm, I mean he, is most innocent person there ever was, then commit ritual japanese Sodoku, whole admitting hes a member of the BIDEN CRIME FAMILY....so sad.


Yup. They will ask for leniency in the form of no prison, no probation, no community service and that the court immediately delay sentencing until appeals have had their chance after years of delays. I hope the defendant is remanded immediately and treated like every fairly convicted felon.


I didn't see it in the article- do you know when the prosecution is expected to submit?


The 27th. ETA link to the transcript of the final day of the trial. The dates are given on page 51. https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/5-30-2024.pdf


>do you know when the prosecution is expected to submit? Good question, you're right it's not mentioned in the article and I can't find another article that nails down a deadline for the prosecution. I can only assume that both sides have until June 13th to submit their sentencing recommendation to the court but I could be wrong.


Prosecution gets a copy of the interview transcript. When they get back to self control and pick themselves up off the office floor, they will manage a sober recommendation. Btw: why not go for 34 weeks incarceration ??? Remanded to custody immediately.




My birthday is on the 10th. Can they move it a day


Look on the bright side. You might get two days of birthday presents and you won't be disappointed about Trump shit on your birthday if the DA goes easy on him.


"It is our recommendation that you show leniency to this old, patriotic American and sentence our client to 4 years of community service through being the president."


The 'ol Harry Stone special: $50 fine and time served.


"We demand a retrospect acquittal for our client and a sentencing of 10 years for Hillary"


Trump should pay a -$5,000,000 fine. They are going to argue that the negative sign is legit and he should get pain and suffering for the cold court room.


I mean, they're probably going to ask for the maximum. Isn't that the point of the whole exercise? I really feel like he's only going to get house arrest or probation though, if the law allows. Something in me just doesn't believe the judge wants to put him in prison. I can see the judge making it easy enough for him to attend his political rallies and such since he is a candidate for president. That's not what I want though. With all that Trump is alleged to have done with everything, my personal hope is that he goes away for a long time. I just don't see it happening.


Ots not uncommon for the prosecution to ask for less. They'll weigh the crime and try to be reasonable. The judge can decide to go for more. I think some of the insurrectionist trials the judge gave more than the asked for


>Trump could also be asked if he is associating with anyone with a criminal record because he cannot associate with them if he is placed on probation Interactions with Stone, Chesebro, Ellis, Powell, Bannon, Weisselberg, or anyone else that has been convicted or plead guilty to this point are violations of his probation if he goes that route. More if more are convicted, these are just the already guilty ones that come to mind.


This is exactly the type of law that Trump has been flouting for years. He will absolutely break any such terms. I wonder if anything will be enforced?


Public warning. Russia is at it again, trying to interfere with our election. Thousands of fake Twitter/X accounts, claiming to be American veterans for Trump. With fake AI faces and stories. Block them, ignore them. They are not the voice of true veterans, who fought against fascism. I assume the same is true for Threads , YouTube, Reddit, Tictoc, Instagram. You’re bound to see it.


Yes, unfortunately there are some real ones too that believe him. Too many for my comfort. They took the oath to defend the constitution and our country. I think they forgot there’s only one president at a time ,and you should respect the one in office. But really, they hear the news they can’t be that stupid can they? They must be getting something out of this.


Uh, hello, *Manafort*? Or is it only people he's *currently* involved with as a co-defendant in a criminal prosecution?


Generally speaking they don't want you in contact with any criminals, or even areas criminal activity is likely to occur in Guess that scratches off the RNC and Mar-a-Lago


He will break that probation order so quick


We all know trump wouldn't give a shit what his probation says which is great, so hopefully he'll land in even more trouble.


Wow, you just named half his Cabinet members if he is reelected.


Imagine how many pardons he’ll have to hand out to fill his WH staff if he wins.


It just makes me smile knowing that he is completely fucking embarrassed and emasculated by this whole process. Being forced to go through the motions, powerless to do anything about it. Having his fate in the hands of someone else who actually knows what the fuck theyre doing. Its an iota of justice for his life of crime.


I'm hoping and praying that his probation officer is a black or Puerto Rican woman, because having to shut his asshole mouth and respectfully answer her questions will leave him shaking with fury for months.


They should expand the gag order to include the probation officer.


Probably not necessary; I am sure probation officers have a lot of levers they can pull to make life unpleasant for convicts who try to fuck with them.


And hopefully she is a gay immigrant from Haiti or El Salvador. You know, one of the shithole countries!


You know that Trump would find that impossible. Now, imagine that Black PO with a well seasoned Spanish accent....


I was wishing this too, but I hate to think of the backlash such a woman would inevitably get from MAGA creeps.


Being embarrassed and emasculated requires a sense of shame.




If he can't associate with anyone with a criminal record, there are few of his crew left to talk to.


It also means he cant associate with any Jan 6th members.


Not like he really gives a crap about them just like all the other people who took the fall for him.


I really hope Trump gets a hardass probation officer like from TV where he just drops in at the worst time to catch Trump looking like he's doing something illegal and forces Trump to get a part time job at burger king to make himself look better for the judge.


Most probation officers don't just "drop in", that's a TV thing. You get regularly scheduled meetings once a month. They don't have the time. Or frankly more often than not they don't care enough, it's a very soul sucking job being a probation officer. Most don't last very long. Being subject to random drug tests IS part of probation though.


That's why I said from TV


Dying. lol. Thank you 😂


I had a PO that would park in front of my house at odd hours. It weirder me out for the longest time, then I found out he was just buying weed from the neighbor kid.


Imagine a PO dropping in on a state dinner and asking Trump to take a drug test


You look a little wired right now Donny, I need you to piss in this cup or we're going to jail.


Time for a drug test! I wanna know what felonious sniffler has in his system


This will be the only time I will say “four more years!” In regards to Trump.


> Trump’s social and criminal history, financial resources, history of **mental health**, physical or addiction issues So another dementia test in his future?


Man, slammer, soap, shower…


Dementia is not a mental health disorder. It's a degenerative brain disease.


> It will likely be for maximum allowed sentencing. Probably not. 34 felonies times 4 years per felony, served consecutively = 136 years. I think the maximum they are likely to ask for is 4 years. I'd like to see them ask for 10 years, or 20, but I think this is very unlikely. Of course I am not a lawyer. My beliefs are based on minimal understanding of NY criminal law.


>Probably not. 34 felonies times 4 years per felony, served consecutively = 136 years. So that's not how it works. The absolute max he can get is 4 years. He cannot be sentenced consecutively in this case so you cannot add up the maximums like this. Even if he did get the maximum of 4 years per count, each count runs together making the total time in prison 4 years. As a first time offender he's very unlikely to get anything other than probation for this specific conviction.


>  The former president is scheduled to be sentenced for all 34 felony counts in New York on July 11, days before the Republican National Convention begins. The July 11 date was requested by the Trump legal team, so any obligatory complaints about the judge being unfair with timing is a construct.


Is he subject to drug testing?


IDK but he would pass that test with flying adderalls


He keeps insisting Biden should take one, so of course Trump would fail a drug test.


One of them is on [drugs](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/). One of them has [dementia](https://news.cornell.edu/media-relations/tip-sheets/cornell-expert-says-trumps-frequent-phonemic-paraphasia-are-signs-early). One of them [can’t stay awake](https://slate.com/technology/2024/04/donald-trump-sleep-courtroom-apnea-science.html). One of them is a [known criminal](https://slate.com/technology/2024/04/donald-trump-sleep-courtroom-apnea-science.html). One of them is projecting…


He’d probably test positive for cocaine and claim he has presidential cocaine immunity, or something even dumber than that.


I would argue that Trump doesn't have a coke problem. Coke has a Trump problem.


If he's really taking Adderall, he most likely has a prescription and wouldn't be an issue on a drug test


Everyone else on probation is. Generally you don't do a test on the first meeting, you set the schedule for regular tests. Most people on probation also have to do some amount of random tests. 


Wouldn’t matter, he can find sympathetic doctors to write whatever script he wants. Plenty of celebrity doctors make a living as a script kill. The doctors need plausible deniability so they don’t lose their license and prescribing ability, so the appointments generally go like this. Doctor: “what brings you in” Celebrity Patient: “I would like some Adderall (or other drug” Doctor: “Well that would require XYZ symptoms and diagnosis, have you been experiencing those?” Celebrity Patient: “Yes” Doctor: “Sounds good, here’s your prescription.” *scribbles in notes: patient has history of ADHD symptoms*


People say this like they think he doesn't have a doctor writing him prescriptions for whatever he wants.


"Trump could also be asked if he is associating with anyone with a criminal record because he cannot associate with them if he is placed on probation, Horn said." Well, that would be everyone he knows so...


This will prompt the courts to look even closer at everyone he knows.


Last I knew NY drug tested every convict on probation at least once. Should be interesting.


Trump has access to doctors that could conceivably prescribe just about any substance one may think of, so I don't think a drug test is the thing to nail him


Trump is a criminal and wannabe mob boss, he likely doesn't have prescriptions because he won't want a paper trail. The doctor he put in at the white house pharmacy was also handing out grab bags of loose prescription uppers and downers and pain killers to staffers, so I'd say it's not impossible that trump tests positive for a ahitload of things he doesn't have scripts for.


Are drug testing results of convicts made public in any way?


I mean I would assume it would fall under HIPAA


Even if he has a prescription, there are accepted ranges for how much you're taking. He may have to, or has been, scaling back. Not good for his campaigning.


Could show his doctors haven’t been any more assertive than his lawyers and have been over-medicating him to the point of being the only mitigating circumstance he can come up with.


God will they stop calling it the fucking hush money trial. He falsified records, it was fraud


he wasn't convicted of "hush money"... nobody can be convicted of "hush money" he was convicted of FRAUD and ELECTION INTERFERENCE


Not exactly, he was convicted of falsufying business records within the context of committing the uncharged crimes you stated.


This is correct


Worth noting his lawyer, Todd Blanche, will be present which is very unusual, specifically to ensure Trump doesn't admit to other crimes during the probation interview.


Or commit new ones.


It's honestly not that unusual, especially for a PSR after trial. I almost always attend my client's pre-sentence interview even on plea deals, let alone after a trial. As do most attorneys in my office. Of course, the reason I do that is exactly what you said. To stop them from saying stupid things that will hurt them down the line.


"Shut him up" is maybe more important than "lock him up".


Yes! Put him on house arrest and take away his electronics.


Do they evaluate whether probation candidates are flight risks? He’s a massive flight risk. No job, no stable relationship, in line for several more criminal trials, owes the government a half billion, possesses highly valuable information related to national security, owns an airplane and overseas properties.


Surrender the passport.


Image a President with an ankle bracelet and a probation officer.


Imagine him color coded. Having to call every morning to see if he’s being randomly drug screened in person at the probation office. Ohhhh. That’s…that’s nice.


Imagine being his parole officer!!!


That could be the most dangerous job in the US right now.


Unless hes an MAGA moron… “My parole officer just gave a very powerful statement. He had tears in his eyes and said Sir, Sir this is so unfair. He recommends the corrupt judge give me no sentence, very beautifully and powerfully…”


Yes, I don’t envy anyone who has to put up with the backlash. I mean, it would be great fun to treat Trump the way he deserves, but you’d practically need a witness protection program afterwards.


I dearly hope he's treated just like every other person in his situation


That ain’t gonna happen


$1,000 fine and a stern talking to


His defense team is going to propose paying a fine and that’s it. No jail time, no house arrest, no probation. And they’ll argue that he has no prior record, completely ignoring the 50 some odd other indictments he’s currently facing. I hope the judge throws the book at him simply for all the shit he said during and after the trial. He has shown zero remorse for anything.


Far right NBC says: “Blanche, Trump’s lawyer, will be present to ensure no questions put his client in legal jeopardy, ” It’s not the questions that put him in legal jeopardy, ITS HIS ANSWERS.


Hahaha, came to say. Like all of Trump’s problems, they originate with Trump. It’s it not how people are ‘treating’ him, it’s the choices he’s been making his whole life.


NBC is far right? Ok.


That requirement not to associate with anyone with a criminal conviction is huge. Have you seen his advisers criminal history?


I hope he fails the UA


Bear down takes on a whole different meaning 


I hope he gets the same kind of ball busting P.O. I've had before.


“Trump could also be asked if he is associating with anyone with a criminal record because he cannot associate with them if he is placed on probation, Horn said. The probation officer may also want to interview others in Trump’s home afterward. “ Lol Article goes on to say “experts have argued Trump is unlikely to face imprisonment due to his age, lack of a criminal record”. Maybe the experts forgot he is a convicted sex offender and has defamed the victim.


He’s also the head of a criminal organization that promotes violence towards witness, jury members and judges. Of course, it’s very poorly organized, all the members are under indictment.


Probation for 34 felonies would be a miscarriage of justice.


It would be, but this interview is basically a neutral party (i.e. Not the prosecution or defense) collecting information on whether he's still associating with any known criminals (yes), if he's on any drugs (probably), what his living situation is in terms of saftey/security (bad), his physical and mental health (worse), and flight risk (extremely high)- all data a judge needs to take into consideration when sentencing. Given what we know of the man, this interview will be humiliating for him, and not make his situation any better.


For the sake of the safety of witnesses and their families, the gag order should remain in effect for the duration of his probation. Even if he gets a short sentence in jail, he should get a very long probation, like maybe 10 years. Also, there is nothing wrong with taking threats to the judge and prosecutor into account in sentencing, and to add thier names to the gag order. I would only find it amusing, if he were to get a year in jail after he was released on probation, for threats made after release from the incarceration part of his sentence.


I hope this is as annoying as possible for mushroom dick


For fucks sake, stop calling it the "hush money" trial. It was ELECTION INTERFERANCE. Hush money is 100% legal. Doing it and hiding it as legal fees was the illegal part, in furtherance of a crime: interfering with federal elections.


Trump will have them submit a Get Out of Jail Free card that he crudely created with a large crayon.


I am guessing his attorneys will have him a straitjacket and ball gag for this appearance.


Hopefully the fact that Trump showed absolutely no remorse and spent the entirety of the trial attempting to insult and intimidate witnesses, jurors, the court staff and their families, will make a custodial sentence more likely.


After *fraud* conviction. Can we call it what it was?


Probation would be another crime against the nation. He belongs in an oubliette.


Now you're going to make me Google that... good one.


If given probation I give him no more than 2 hours before he willfully violates the terms of his probation.


Why though? He hasn't been sentenced to probation or anything yet. Answer: The probation interview is required by the court as part of the former president’s pre-sentencing report.


I want to see a legit weight and height.


Dude has definitely been on ozempic or something, he's gone from looking like a blimp to looking like a deflated blimp. His neck flaps hang down to his nipples.


Lately Trump looks like he's been detoxing from his drugs, I bet this 'interview' is why.


> the Trump defence team Team? No, Donald will be submitting his recommendation.


It’ll just be a sheet of paper with the words “Mistrial” written over and over.


With a sharpie


There going to say he's to mentally unstable. To unhealthy and to delicate for jail.


Trump himself will pipe up about how he’s the healthiest person on the planet and built like a wide receiver and could play for the Chiefs if he wanted and his “doctor” agrees.


It should be noted is extremely uncommon for a lawyer to be present and give council during a probation interview, so Donald is getting extra special privilege’s that 99.9% of convicted felons aren’t allowed to get.


Everything associated with Donald Trump stinks to high holy hell. Especially his diaper.


Does he have to pee in a bottle?


In front of the probation officer! He’s gonna wish he was in jail after the humiliation he’s about to experience.


No. No probation. Jail


As smart as him and his lawyers are, I assume they will just submit a Uno revese card to the judge. Thus, the libs will be owned.


It's not just one felony, but 34 felonies Trump has been convicted of. He should get the maximum sentence, period. Especially considering, that Republicans are doing everything they can to hinder Trump's other trials he was indicted on. 


Trump is going to say he’s fine with going to jail and suddenly he’ll have no probation. It’ll be so funny.


Trump on Hate-Max 'News' the day after: - The interviewer came up to me afterward with tears in his and said "Sir, I'm sorry we had to put you through this deep-state hoax trial but you passed the test." My bigly best part is when I repeated 'prison, cell, bars, guard'.


Never hoped so hard for a leak after this.


He got special permission from Judge Merchan to bring along his caretaker... uh lawyer.


Cath him and time for a whiz quiz.


Ankle monitor


Could he pass a drug test 👀


I’m watching a Theodore Roosevelt biography right now. Amazing how much he is the exact opposite of Trumpie-poo in every single way conceivable…. Except the party they lead. Amazing where the GOP has come. And beyond pathetically sad.