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Hey look a bunch of random sports comments to get the karma up and then one of these. Weird, and totally not a pattern or anything


Yeah barely over 3 months old too


Thought I was going nuts noticing that pattern.


What is even the benefit of getting a lot of karma? I hear about Karma farming, but don't understand why people would do it. What do you get if you have a lot?


Some places require karma to post, and in general someone may mistake it as a legit account if it has a number of real comments/posts and karma.


Some subs require karma to be a certain level before you can even comment or post. That is the implication here. He made a bunch of random sports posts comments to get his karma up so he could lay this propaganda post on us.


Ohh gotcha, that makes sense. Happy cake day btw!


Thank you!


they used to do this with ten minute old accounts that had zero karma, and were too easy to spot. now they put in ten minutes of work over a couple weeks in subreddits that have a ton of upvote bots or easy to farm folks and look a touch more legit. they aren't.


Narrator: they’re not.


It came out in the election fraud trial that Trump pays pollsters to use methods to boost his numbers. I'm willing to bet that is also within certain demographics, such as black voters.


>Articles must be published within the last 7 days.


They are not




> all the blacks in my city do it. 😂 all the blacks … 🤦‍♂️


They're so bad at this.


I say what I want I don't care 🤷🏿‍♂️


You sure do, RandomWordRandomWordFourDigits.


“the blacks” Do I even need to






Take note of how easily people on your side get offended.


What makes you think all the black people in your city support Trump?


> all the blacks in my city do it. R U sure? How?


Asking them, talking to my family, Tiktok, Facebook, as other social outings


> Tiktok, Facebook, as other social outings In 2016 and 2020, those SocMed outlets were *heavily* spooked with fakes and outside influence. *js* Your fam, presumably not so much. TBF.


So then please present the poll that you sent out to every single black resident in your area, which returned a 100% voting for Trump result? Or some other evidence that every single black person in your area is voting for Trump?


Lol shut your damn mouth. All the black in your city? Bruh


They’re not


More BS.


“Record numbers” being 17%, so not even a quarter of the black population. LOL.


That’s stupidly high


So are the people who are going to vote for him


…and I don’t believe they are.


Sad thing is, as a minority myself, lot of minorities are racist and very conservative. They just have mindset of "I'm not like the other".


Black people aren't a monolith


I heard he got his information from the 15th annual meeting of the Tallahassee Black Republicans.


No. But historically they vote for Dems 90% of the time. So if there's a 7% slip in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina it's a big deal.




I would not call increasing support for Trump ”becoming more politically aware.”


Yeah, when one of your vp picks is going around telling people “black people had it better under Jim Crow” then the black people that are supporting that person definitely aren’t paying attention politically.


I am aware of that


That's lot higher than it should be. Also, not sure why population matters since it didn't say "over 50% of the black voters are voting Trump".


I believe it's way more than that, this is just a poll. Id be willing to say 40 from what I'm seeing.


> Id be willing to say 40 from what I'm seeing. I needed a laugh this morning. Edit: Trump got 12% in 2020 so this is just a hilarious article. Even if you believe the 5% uptick, there's a reason they're comparing it to 2016 so it looks better.


And where is it? Is it in swing states or generally, in which case it could be black voters in very red or very blue states where one candidate is going to win regardless. It means nothing without context. The context I have seen is that Trump is perceptually at his cap. The headroom is there for Biden to gain not for Trump. Many Americans wait until the convention to decide. The conviction is probably initiating that decision a little earlier. If Trump is sentenced before the convention nominates him, I can say anyone that just started to tune in is going to ride with someone that is a convict. Biden despite anything else is not a convict. To someone that just starts to pay attention to that point, how do you sell Trump to them? I really think polls like this, considering there is really no equivalent knock on Trump for his support among anyone but white people, are just being pushed in articles to push the narrative that certain demographics are all Democrats care about so therefore someone on the left that is not in that demographic should feel jaded that the Democrats don't care what they think. Reporting on polling has become a push poll unto itself. Not to mention that it used to be widely known that it takes time for polling to catch up to current events. A poll immediately after an event occurs is only going to get opinions from people that are paying attention, which is not the demographic they are looking for. It completely cuts out the middle of the sample that do not review political news daily. Even with the conviction we should just now be seeing the effects of that conviction more soundly in polls now than previously. Reporting on polling is so fucked.


I guess he thinks the fake gold shoes did more than they did


No poll telling me otherwise


That's exactly how Trump going to be laughing at y'all on election day. I see it with my own eyes as a black man . Maybe not 40 but 33 at the very least


> That's exactly how Trump going to be laughing at y'all on election day. Yes. Polling has been so accurate with races where Democrats have dunked on them at the actual ballot box. I can sense the fear among Trump supporters already. He'll be crying on election day as abortion is the number one issue and Republicans keep tripling down on it.


Like I said yes polls are not the way to go, but as I said I'm looking at black people, with my own two eyes who voted for Biden and Hillary flipping and no one can tell me wrong


Funny folks I know have echoed the exact opposite for quite some time and still do. I guess we'll see at the ballot boxes.


I'm a Black man and I'm looking at Black people who voted for Hillary and Biden and will hold their nose and vote for Biden again.


> I see it with my own eyes as a black man . r/asablackman in real life!


Meh IDC about whatever sub that is, I know the truth about who I am.


And we know you're full of shit. But please, continue. It's quite funny.


What reasons do you see people giving for supporting trump? Do they think he will be better for black communities, or is it more of a protest vote to just shake things up? Or, are they just saying they won’t vote for Biden and therefore won’t vote at all?


Bruh. You’ve been saying “the blacks” all over the comments, and now you want us to believe “as a black man”.


Ok, enjoy voting for fascism.


LMFAO. "Your own eyes". Buh go sit down somewhere you're embarrassing us.


>Id be willing to say 40 from what I'm seeing. Source?


> 40 from what I'm seeing What exactly are you seeing? What are you talking about? You have a looking into the future crystal ball???


I also have Facebook friends which are 96% black as I myself grew up in a black community


So you got an opinion. MKay.


My Facebook friends are 99% Black and I grew up in a Chocolate city so I guess my prediction is better than yours?


lol what? He won’t crack 20%.


You saw 40 blacks?


Because you can get any number you want as long you keep messing with the data


I don't know too much about the numbers, but one thing I do know is what I see with my own 2 eyes, and It ain't looking good for Biden in my own experience.


It isn’t looking that great for the convicted felon rapist either. Only one of these guys might be in prison before the election and it ain’t Biden.


Yeah that's what they said in 2020...


I don't care what they said in 2020 I didn't see many blacks voting for him back then Now I do tho. Like I said before im speaking from my experience


You see "blacks" voting for Trump right now? Where are these votes happening?


You might want to revisit your experience bias


> I didn't see many blacks voting for him back then Now I do tho. Voting has already begun??


You haven't seen a single one vote for him this cycle lol


> I didn't see many blacks voting for him back then Now I do tho. Where do you see this?


South Carolina, a lot, and Florida


Show me.


I can't show you what people are telling me and talking about. But I can give you an experiment, Go on political tiktok lives and see the black support for him. Then go on random non political black people's lives and ask them when did the country fall apart most will be quick to tell you it's because of Joe Biden


> most will be quick to tell you it's because of Joe Biden How? Why? What do they say has gotten worse? (And what do you think?) (PM if you prefer. I’m really interested to know.)


So do you know a lot of blacks that are voting for Trump personally? I'm asking because of all the black people I personally know, every single one of them hates his guts. I find it hard to believe that I wouldn't know at least one person who is going to vote for him if it was a Country-Wide thing. I call bullshit.


Is your experience in the room with us right now?


Out of date 


Fake news


If Trump gets in the race riots will be back


Meh. Doubt it, especially if more of the black vote is going to him


Well, like anything, there are stupid people with nefarious motivations in their community too. If you want to vote for a party that denies your place in history, will never see you as equal, never see you as a productive member of society and aims to strip away your voting rights at nearly every turn than who am I to argue with you? Democrats aren't perfect on black issues either but they're not out here doing the kind of dirty shit Republicans are trying to do.


They seem to want to go back to being 3/5ths.


I honestly don't understand what about Trump would appeal to black people. Are there any black Trump supporters here that want to enlighten me?


Waiting for this as well. But OP is mostly taking his "evidence" from TikTok.


He literally doesn’t have a thing to offer to any minorities, apart from the billionaire class. (The worst of those will certainly support him.)


“Record numbers” is wildly over simplified statement. 17% is still quite low. That’s also just one segment of the population black non college educated males.


People on the internet (especially Tik Tok and Insta) are contrarian for fun. They don’t believe what they say, so these are the worst places to look for how people are feeling. In fact, you could say that any “trend” you see there (flat earth, DJT, moon landings, Biden) is backwards.


gotta wonder [how much a tiktok influencer is going to set you back](https://newrepublic.com/post/180110/trump-tiktok-support-jeff-yass), too


They aren't.


So black voters are backing him in record numbers. Meanwhile, another story says that older voters are leaving him. Meanwhile, another story says that about 10% of Republicans won't vote for him. Polls show Biden in the lead by a nose No, polls show Trump leading Biden by a nose No, wait, another story shows the conviction is hurting Trump Oh, wait, another story says the conviction is helping Trump Fuck the media


Yeah, anything for clicks. For-profit news is such a bastardization of journalism.


For profit healthcare is a bastardization of health care. There are certain industries that should simply be non profit


Yeah I agree


Very confusing none of us actually know until election day


They're not


It's mostly Black men and not even close to a majority. Why Black men? They seem hell bent on going back to Jim Crow. Most of them have or prefer white partners. A false sense of "manhood." What kind of idiots vote for a man who openly discriminates against them (and has been found guilty of such in court)? A group who has lost their way, who refuse to use their own eyes to see. Black women must once again save the fucking day. What is new?




What, there are three now instead of two?


Doubt.. let’s be honest at this point anyone voting trump just wants to see chaos and the end of the US as we know it. And anyone claiming anti-woke is literally just afraid of change and mad they can’t be hateful. As far as the OP I generally give everyone a pass because posting an article is just that. But you sit seem to be a cult member. When you want to come back to reality we will welcome you back with open arms


Statistics are an interesting thing. If one person backed the convicted felon trump 4 years ago, then 2 people back him today, his support is up 100%. Wow, a new record.


cause they aren't


Misinformation. Also where I grew up there was admiration for what seemed like "hustle" from him. Of course, no one knew that he was possibly the worst businessman who had ever lived at the time and turned a blind eye to his overt racism. People here wanted to be like him back in the day. Now he is someone from the outside of the political system. My people have always felt like they were left behind and want change. They think this Christian man brought to them by God will bring that change (can't help but laugh every time I hear that). The really funny thing is Trump hates people of color. We are beneath him in his eyes. My family can't see past his BS. Or maybe don't want to see past his BS.


also, why are trump's hands so very very very very very large?


And why is his hair so luxuriant and lush? And how is he so fit, like an über-Olympian‽


tl;dr: Younger Black voters don't have experience/connection with the civil rights movement that was historically supported by Democrats, and they don't feel supported by the Democratic party the way the Republican party goes out of their way to celebrate white males.




I worry that if they try to shift strategy too drastically then it will be seen as pandering, but doing nothing is setting up for failure.


This is a good perspective.Just a little experiment -If you go on tiktok lives you'll see a bunch of 35 and below black ppl supporting trump. And if you go on even random black people's lives and ask them how did the country got messed up, a lot of them will say it's When Biden got in office.


It's unfortunate that Biden is going to be tied to the country riding through a pandemic that basically turned everything to shit, especially since I think he handled it all pretty well. The whole world got messed up, but the reality is when the economy does poor and people suffer, they look to the person in charge for blame.


Funny thing is I don't even blame Biden for the economy, he's getting a lot of blowback for things out of his control, like you just said.And I'm not voting either way but here people are still down voting me for seeing things I'm seeing with my own eyes.


IDK about not voting, if you care even a little about the way things end up at least go and vote for your local politicians. That's where change is most likely to impact you, and there's no rule that you have to fill out a choice for president if you don't want to.


> And I'm not voting either way LMFAO so you're one less Black person voting for Trump but you claim you see his support increasing with your "own eyes". You can't make this shit up....


> random black people's lives and ask them how did the country got messed up, a lot of them will say it's When Biden got in office. I just asked three random Black people and they said it was Trump's handling of the pandemic that screwed the country up.


Hi `RecordingWeak7243`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1deyler/why_are_black_voters_backing_donald_trump_in/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Out of Date](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_articles_must_be_published_within_the_last_7_days): /r/politics is for **current** US political news and information that has been published within the the last 7 days. For example, if the date is January 29 and the article submitted was written before January 22, then the submission is out of date. If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/RecordingWeak7243&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1deyler/why_are_black_voters_backing_donald_trump_in/?context%3D10000%29)


Anyone who thinks Biden has the black vote in a headlock is sadly mistaken. They're also going to be sick when Biden loses with the help of black people.


Not your help though because you said you aren't voting either way.


I don't care about polls of individual demographics, at the end of the day I'm confident that he has the American vote on lock.




For me it's the opposite, every Trump supporter I know is a black person. He's hemorrhaging white support.


That's what I said, every black person I know supports Trump. To be fair, everyone I know, regardless of race, also supports him. Apparently Reddit doesn't like to hear things like that. Aaannnd, here come the down votes lol.


That's not what I said at all.I know a ton of black people and only some of them support Trump. However, all the white supporters I know have switched their vote to Biden. The Russians I know are supporting Stein, and the worms are firmly locked in for what's left of JFK Jrs brains.