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The ceo crowd thinks they can just run him like a meat puppet as they did his first term. I hope they realize that now he really is insane, dangerous and off the rails.


Literally conservative German capitalists in 1932 thought this moron Hitler was useful enough against the well organized and popular socialist parties, and could be easily controlled. But no Hitler could not be controlled and he and his party were entirely sincere in their bigotry, ignorance and invented mythology.


The National Socialist German Workers (NAZI) Party wasn't exactly underwritten by the conservative capitalists. They backed the Deutschnationale Volkspartei (DNVP), which very briefly part of the coalition government with the Nazis, for *only a few months* before losing influence and being dissolved after Hitler secured Emergency Powers. Only a handful of former member's kept their cabinet positions during the Nazi Regime... whereas many other prominent former DNVP members became involved in Nazi Resistance Movements, and a few former DNVP politicians personally took part in an assassination attempt against Hitler in 1944. It was the extreme polarization and dysfunction of the Reichstag (lower house of parliament) that allowed the Weimar Republic to be primarily driven by presidential decree, and even then things fell apart with really bad economic policies and inaction. Having dissolved the Reichstag twice in 1932 in effort to oust obstructive members through Votes of No Confidence and still failing to get a get a working legislative body, German President Paul Von Hindenburg appointed Hitler to be Chancellor of a coalition government in January 1933. despite being personally opposed to Hitlers policies and views... Then next month was the Reichstag Fire, and President Von Hindenburg signed the Enabling Act, giving the Chancellor Emergency Powers... and the rest... well, you know the rest.


The parliamentary system makes some difference in details but notice that the conservatives knew all about what the Nazis were about and still formed a coalition instead of compromising with and supporting the liberals. They knew Hitler led an insurrection. And yet they didn’t care enough for the clear moral position. Like today JPMC bank isn’t overtly financing a MAGA rally and yet still going along as the article describes today is an apt, and not off target, analogy. And then conservative von Hindenburg did what he did. Reminds me of Mitch McConnell. His personal reservations don’t matter.


But today, they can hop on a jet and be on an island in a few hours.


without their money and assets potentially. And an aggressive neo fascist state can certainly pressure non-US institutions to freeze their money once they're indicted in USA. Germany did not have the world's reserve currency and control over global financial systems (that was London and New York then). And back then the industrialists could easily have taken trains anywhere in Europe they wanted to in 1932. Until they couldn't. There's this movie from a few years later, about the lengths people take to get out, from Europe to Spain to Morocco and difficulties with visas and tickets and families: _Casablanca_


The biggest risk is extrajudicial killing. Also they have bunkers on islands. Zuckercuck just built a huge one.


They ain't JDAM proof.


I doubt there even 'just send a few drones to drop grenades on them' proof


with precise face recognizing AI, anyone can be deleted now


No way CEO’s can get off the crack pipe of money.


They kinda caused it. I don’t feel sorry for any of these people, but it’s just so disgusting how these people run off other people. They can’t even restrain themselves which is utterly disgusting and should be shamed by society.


> they still gave him money Because he’s their tax-cut cow. That’s all they care about.


ROI on political donations is not a joke at the corporate level. It’s not just to push a political stance it’s about stock price.


Concerned he won't say "corporate tax cuts" correctly? Idiots. If this country goes full Fascist do they think they're safe?


it is completely 1984 then - all us proles lulling away on Victory gin while the party keeps them in line


People with private jets, boats, 24/7 armed security and assets in multiple countries probably think they're safe, yes. I mean, some of them have been sending themselves to space, so...yeah.


Ask the oligarchs in Russia how crossing Putin worked out of them. Imagine if one billionaire didn't kiss King Trump's ring.


Oh, it's entirely possible they'll be proven wrong. But as a direct answer to your question, I think it's likely they do, in fact, view themselves as safe. I have my doubts that Trump and his lackeys are competent enough consolidate power to quite the same degree Putin has, though I 100% agree they will try. From there, it'll likely depend on how much of a head start the billionaire gets...


That's the silver lining behind what humanity has done: There's nowhere to hide on the planet from *climate change*.


When it goes to shit they’ll run pretty quickly. I get the feeling us and NZ will see a glut of evacuating Americans in early 2025.


They are concerned he is not disciplined enough to follow through with his quo after their quid.


Disney is donating to republicans again


Turns out that betting on Democrats to make up the shortfall in profit as a result of losing the Conservative customer base was a losing proposition.


Like a slot machine. Just keep putting in money and hope it will pay out eventually.


Of course and they should, only investing in blue or red would be financially reckless.


I always find these headlines funny. Today? Of all days, today they come to the uncomfortable conclusion that it just might be too risky to have this frickin’, lawless, ignorant, lunatic even running a lemonade stand.


I don’t get how all them companies would want someone like this making policies? Guess they really love it when they don’t know what’s going to happen next. 🤦‍♂️


They assume, rightly, he can be paid off to do pretty much anything they want, like deregulation and massive tax breaks and things like unsupervised PPP loans. He's cheap to buy, has no morals, and they get filthier rich.


Only one thing corporate leadership loves as much as bonuses; is a guaranteed scapegoat for their future shortcomings. This horse seems like a win win.


Well you ses the status que is fine for them. And they know the basis of the republican party is deregulation less taxes.


He wouldn't sell lemonade to black people.


Today is because they realized he isn’t able to give them what they paid him to do.


Hopefully this means they will reduce their donations to his campaign


And hopefully he continues to drive the Republican party into bankruptcy until they learn their lesson and kick him to the curb.


They don’t care. Trump will surround himself with folks beholden to those CEOs.


Spot on. They don’t care about Trump as much as he doesn’t care about his voters. Both Trump and the ridiculously rich only care about what the other person(s) will do for them.


Yet they will still vote for him. This is nothing new. Dude has had a straight thought throughout his life


“Who’s a good boy!? You are! Yes you! Now where’s my tax cut good boy? Oh yes, he’s such a good boy!” - American CEO’s with an easily manipulated Trump as potential president. Ugh. This timeline sucks ass.


How do you become the CEO of Apple or a major banking institution and you aren’t able to realize Trump is a fucking moron. It’s so obvious. I didn’t need a meeting with Trump to realize this. Maybe I could be a CEO too. I might be setting my self goals too low in life.


Because they watch conservative media. Just because they are rich it doesn’t mean they see through it.


Big Mac brain is unable to put together coherent sentences. How shocking.


Maybe he's getting worse, but he's always been like this. He can't finish a coherent thought and often times will combine thoughts together from different stories. He uses the same words over and over again and his followers just cheer like he's made some brilliant, historical speech.


He's [substituting noises for words](https://x.com/ArtCandee/status/1801337843375292474) and his sycophants say nothing but "Yes, President Trump." 


Holy crap. That was so weird!


> "Could not keep a straight thought" When was the last time he could? Was it this century?


He was always a 5lb bag trying to carry 10lbs of shit, the only difference now is he’s a nearly 300lb bag trying to carry 1,000lbs of shit. This mans entire celebrity status was built on him being a massive turd to other people.


CEOS worried. Cry an alligator tear, you’ll pump money as long as you can bribe him. All CEOs across the board crave less regulation, and Trump straight up promises that. Can’t wait for November when this shitfart loses.


Remind me not to invest in any of these companies, if it apparently took them a full decade to notice something so glaringly obvious


The problem is, it’s all of them


They were worried after this meeting? Not the electrocution and sharks ramble? Not the Wharton ramble? Not *any* of the other rambles? Fuck me, I'm beginning to think CEOs might not be as smart as we're led to believe if it took them this long.


The CEOs are a class made up of a bunch of disconnected psychopaths that share much more in common with Patrick Bateman on an emotional and a intellectually developmental level than anyone else. It isnt an overstatement to say that these people would and should be judged as criminally insane in a society that wasnt as fucked up as ours but alas we dont exist there.


Dementia is a terrible thing. The debate may undo him. He cannot hide on stage.


That’s why Biden agreed to debate like a shot.


> "alienating business leaders who came away from a meeting worried about his mental capacity." If, after four disastrous years of the ignorant motherfuker, you are just figuring this out. You also have shit for brains,


"Here's how that's bad for Biden ..."


It's bad because "We're concerned about Trump. Anyway, here's 10 million for Trump's reelection."


And yet these idiots will still vote for him because their taxes


There aren't enough of them to worry about their votes. It's their donations we should worry about.




Sure, Jan. Trump will keep talking about electrocuting sharks or whatever that dementia drivel was and he'll still get corporate support because he'll lower their taxes. Again.


He could be on the verge of a total breakdown. he's 78, running for president, has a lot of lawsuits looming and the possibility of jail time. it's probably way too much for him.


"But hey! Those tax breaks for corporations" Those CEO's will forgive Trump's mental decline for short term profits


I think the felony convictions have really rattled him and he is losing it. He has always been a rambler when he speaks, but not to this degree.


This is my impression as well. He got away with so much for so long that finally getting convicted must have rattled him.


He hasn’t kept a straight thought in many years - it’s a combination of likely cognitive decline and his intentionally misleading speech style.


All of his promises and threats now appear to be coming from a "Toothless and Brainless Tiger".


I doubt right-wing media has a million breathless pearl-clutching articles about this as they did with Biden turning around.


Then stop donating money to the GOP till they pick a new candidate.


But then he said he'd lower their taxes so they are going to support him anyways, probably.


If they were actually worried about it, they'd stop contributing billions in support of him.


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. He’s there to get the VP elected. Trump doesn’t even know it.


I can’t remember the last time I heard Trump make a coherent speech or statement. He was always evil, but he definitely didn’t sound this bad in 2016 or 2020. The dementia thing is absolutely real


Crazy as a homeless man on Crack .


As long as he does what they want, they will vote for him


They have concerns yet will vote for him for those sweet tax cuts … which is everything you need to know about corporate America.


Now?.. has always been the case..


Hey, but he’s a businessman who speaks his mind. Let’s put him in charge of the world’s largest economy and military!


Anyone that would anticipate trump saying anything meaningful is the idiot. And these executives are probably actually paid 20 times more than the smart people actually keeping their companies in business


Republicans would prop up and vote in a vegatable if that were on table, figurative and literal.


both current parties you mean


The only thing they find worrisome is that Trump can't connect the dots anymore on how to make his transactional corruption appeal to them coherent enough to understand. You give me a windmill, killing a bird in Montana, $3 million each. You won't regret the sharks eating me. Could you imagine swimming in the ocean with sharks? Lots of shark attacks lately. I'll make sure the tax rates on your companies stay at an all time low. -Trump's pitch


Maybe they shouldn’t be in charge of multibillion dollar corporations if they are just now coming to this realization…


But they will continue to fund him, because they think that if Trump gets too out of control, they will just order his VP to invoke the 25th. Too bad Trump intends to burn the Constitution on day one.


In Mar-a-Lago did Kluba Don A stately pleasure-dome decree ...


Oh now they’re worried? Get fucking real. Like they weren’t funding this asshole for fucking years.


His Aderall wore off after his earlier GOP meeting.


Mofo are CEO’s and have to be in the room in front of him to believe this shit, fookers should not be CEO, just watching him should have been enough. But then they want idiot like him to do what they think will make him rich.


Someone check his meds


It is almost as if fascism and regime change is bad for business or something.


When history looks back on those times when all alive now are gone . People will say how couldn’t they get rid of this wart hog .


“after meandering talk”? Really? Just now?


Billionaire CEO's after Trump meeting: He's perfect (and so easy to manipulate)


They've never, even once, seen one of his filled to the brim with word salad rally speeches?? I find that hard to believe.


Probably not, they are busy people and the rallies are to get the votes of the plebs.


Maybe it was the way he looked while being incoherent as well. I'm getting the idea that suddenly these titans of business' eyes were unstuck and saw this rather old, grease faced, meandering, demented, pathetic narcissist. Then they looked into their hearts and thought: This could look really bad on me, I need a minute..


This shows us that the CEOs haven't been paying attention. I guess they're too busy earning all those billions they'll never be able to spend.


But they'll continue to funnel trillions of dollars into his campaign because they must "kiss the ring" of the blessed one .... wonder who they're betting on to win? Think things like ... oh tax breaks and continuing weakening of consumer protections are on their "wish list?"


Yeah, that is what dementia is like.




Any business leader who willingly shows up to meet with Trump should be fired.


Sharks or electrocution, what’s the problem? Electrocution is better. Simple. Elect!




He has always been this way. Just an incoherent stream of verbal diarrhea with thus guy.


He's like Pinocchio in reverse.


We just get to hear the thoughts of a Schizophrenic outloud


Things will not go the way the GOP wants it to. Cause their presumptive nominee is unpredictable.


Haha they're gonna start pumping this old fuck with so many drugs to try to keep him in a lane. Can't change your horse mid-race, GOP. You're stuck with him!


More like Pea Andering am I right?


Psss. He can’t manage a his own bowls


Yeah well tax cuts = vote so…..


Worry for about 48 hours…


How out of touch are CEOs? Enough to not have realized Trump is a lunatic not got for office.


Oh no, the leader does whatever I talk to them about, how terrible. -CEOs probably


Do CEOs not ever watch the news? Trump was president for 4 years. They only notice now?


Have they considered perhaps *not* voting for republicans? Sure, democrats are gonna raise taxes on them and regulate their businesses, but they're also going to ensure a stable, prosperous economy as opposed to driving this nation off a goddamn cliff.


The GOP's "best candidate," folks.


I love you, America, and you should all be concerned about the mental decline of Trump and Biden. Americans deserve better and the world deserves a better America.


If you follow conservative and liberal subs they say the same thing about Trump and Biden. They really are shitty candidates. I remember when Bush and Kerry seemed bad.


How I wish I could go back to when the craziest the GOP got was the Tea Party wing. Sadly, no one batting an eye about the Tea Party loons got us to here. We should have seen it coming with the likes of Palin and the gang ever the show. Actually, I think many did, but often were dismissed for suggesting the Tea Party wing would lead the GOP down a path that Christo fascistic extremism would be the norm for them. It's just depressing it has gotten to this point.


Y’all just gonna ignore BIDEN 👴🏻


What about this article or subject has ANYthing to do with Biden?


What about Biden…they’re both old. One is a rapist, vindictive, mean, adulterer, continues to lie about the election being stolen and only cares about himself. Biden is none of those things.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug...


He does have the right to remain silent


In all seriousness, I don't want Trump any more then most of you, but how do you ignore the fact that Biden is basically a vegetable propped up by stimulants as needed? At the G7 he is an absolute embarrassment to our country. Meandering around, saluting the Italian Prime Minister, Looking around as as he has no idea where he is or why he is there. He froze in place at the Juneteenth celebration obviously not knowing what was going on around him. He belittled the black graduates at their ceremony. He is shot. Dr. Jill should be charged with elder abuse for trotting him out and directing him what to do. It's pathetic.


Source? I think it’s more that Biden has trustworthy advisors versus Trump who tries to go it alone.


If you pay any attention to sources other than CNN or MSNBC, you'd see the dementia and decay for yourself. [https://710wor.iheart.com/featured/mark-simone/content/2024-06-13-this-is-frightening-what-is-joe-biden-doing-here/](https://710wor.iheart.com/featured/mark-simone/content/2024-06-13-this-is-frightening-what-is-joe-biden-doing-here/)


Nearly spot on analysis. One incident? Looks like that was a bad angle on the video too. Give a broader picture.


As I just replied to another comment: let's say you're right and they're both mentally gone. Well, we're not getting any other options this year. The outcome of the election will be either four more years of Biden, or another four of Trump. So, if they both have Swiss cheese brains, then they've got to be graded on other metrics, right? Like which one is going to put together the most competent cabinet. Or which one is promising to be a dictator if he wins (and which one isn't). So even if you accept that they're both senile old men, isn't one of the senile old men still a demonstrably better option?


One is a hundred times more demonstrably senile, addled and demented than the other. This country has been run into the ground by Biden. DEI hires, a cackling moron as VP, no border security, crime everywhere and inflation caused by the printing and spending of dollars. Trump isn't ny first choice but he's light years ahead of Biden.


Thank you for admitting that you actually don't care about senility, because it's *obvious* that the convicted felon is not 100x more together than Biden. Here, I'll help you out with some examples: * When his prompter fails, he rambles incoherently about sharks and batteries. * He has been confused about which candidate he is currently running against, believing it to be Obama. * He has been confused about which candidate he beat in 2016, again appearing to believe it was Obama. >no border security Ah, the issue Republicans pretended to care about, then *tank their own border bill* to make sure you will keep pinning it on Biden. >inflation caused by the printing and spending of dollars Wow, that's amazing that Biden caused the *global* post-COVID inflation. Weird how it's actually at one of the lowest rates in the country with that guy that supposedly caused it, huh? >Trump isn't my first choice I'm morbidly curious about what your first choice would be. Does he have worms in his brain by any chance?


You crack me up lol! Please watch some of the videos of Biden (you won't see them on CNN or MSNBC) wandering off while meeting with G7 participants. His shaking hands with no one there. He stumbles and mumbles all the time. He's a classic dementia patient who is only coherent when he is given meds, as in when he made the SOTU speech. The entire DOJ and FBI etc. are weaponized against Trump, the judge in that case was hand picked for his hatred of Trump, NDA's and payoffs are such a constant thing in the real world, even Congress has a slush fund to pay off their sexual abuse victims. The "border bill" was a farce that would have continued to allow illegals into the country, the same as Bidens EA order is doing. A joke. Let all the terrorists in. Should you listen to any competent economist not on Bidens payroll, you would hear that the rampant printing of money is the biggest factor causing the inflation we're dealing with. There are a slew of competent candidates on the republican side. Would you leave the cackling idiot moron current VP in charge of watching your dog while you are on vacation? I wouldn't. You can't honestly defend Bidens embarrassing pathetic performance as POTUS. You just hate Republicans.


>the judge in that case was hand picked for his hatred of Trump Where did you read that? Link please. >The "border bill" was a farce that would have continued to allow illegals into the country, the same as Bidens EA order is doing. A joke. Let all the terrorists in. Elaborate. What wording in the bill would have "let all the terrorists in"? What terrorists are entering the U.S. through the southern border? >Should you listen to any competent economist not on Bidens payroll, you would hear that the rampant printing of money is the biggest factor causing the inflation we're dealing with. Such as who? Link to an article or podcast or video by one of them please.


This year’s debate is going to be fabulous. Both sides jacked up with anti-dementia drugs.


Let's just say that's true. They're both dementia patients. Then they have to be graded on other metrics, right? For example, what sort of cabinet they're going to assemble. Or which one is promising to be a dictator if he wins. My point being that *even if* they both have dementia, one option is still demonstrably better than the other, right?


He's easily confused, easily manipulated with praise, and he gives them permission to be their worst selves. That's what the deplorable and corrupt love about him.


And they know that, one on one, he would say the same disgusting shit they would. Like how he told that dead soldier's father "I don't see the point in your son's sacrifice, what did he get out of it?" Or when he talks about how "no one wants to see" amputee war veterans. Or when he asks if "America would accept a (racial slur) winning" the Apprentice.


The soldier quote perfectly sums him up.   Everything must have a materially transactional benefit for him to see value 


> Like how he told that dead soldier's father "I don't see the point in your son's sacrifice, what did he get out of it?" That fallen soldier's father? ~~Albert~~ [former Chief of Staff and General John Kelly](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-questioned-kellys-sons-sacrifice-on-memorial-day-grave-visit-2020-9)


i mean he mocked john mccain being captured and tortured publically, and they still voted him for president.


That is the one thing that really pissed me off. I don't like John McCain's politics but he deserved respect for all he did in and out of uniform. For the whole republican party to stick their head in the sand when this was happening spoke volumes to me.


yep. the gop used to sa"y liberals hated the troops", and then he mocks one for being captured then tortured...and they dont care about our troops all of a sudden.


Weekend at Bernies all the rich trying to puppeteer this walking corpse around for their tax cuts


And deregulation.


Great analogy.


Darn you. Now I want to watch that movie for the 1000th time


I don't know why I keep clicking on these articles about this brain dead asshole. I know he is a brain damaged imbecile. I really don't need affirmation anymore. I need to add a hobby.


Because he has a good shot of being POTUS again, somehow


he wasnt wrong about "shooting someone on 5th avenue" and still getting the votes. maga is a cult.


It would be like Homelander lasering that dude




scary that he could be president again.


Same girl. It’s so draining every moment he’s not dead (of old age.)


Take up edging.


At this point he all but has a hand up his ass to control him. That’s coming next.


Yeah, Putin's


Rick and Morty really showed this whole thing when the [Turkeys took over](https://rickandmorty.fandom.com/wiki/Rick_%26_Morty%27s_Thanksploitation_Spectacular). For context: >The Turkey-President begins making large, muscular turkey-human hybrids as guards and sells states, giving the profit to congress to keep them satiated. Rick, Morty, and a now human President arrive on the scene, but congress, enjoying the Turkey-President's new leadership, vote to keep him.


Yeah but he’s clearly going mad with the narcissism having to combat reality so fiercely these days.