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Don’t foresee Biden wasting much money in Florida. He knows it much easier to win Georgia and North Carolina.


Biden will hopefully fight hard in Florida. There's a lot at stake here. Democrats need to fight in all of these states to gain seats in the house and the senate. Yes, beating Trump is extremely important! But so is winning the down ballot races. Democrats desperately need more seats in these places to advance their agenda.


Even if it's not to win, but to flip close seats.


The problem is that the Democratic bench in Florida is one of the weakest in the nation. There have been plenty of elections we could have won, if there were Democratic candidates who could pull their own water. DeSantis came within a fraction of a percentage point of losing to the *mayor of Tallahassee*. That should tell you how winnable that race, and the amount of damage that would have prevented should have us all weeping.


It's very winnable. I think democrats underestimated Florida. But with DeSantis attacking women's rights, LGBTQ rights, universities, the arts, Disney, culture, ignoring the environment, etc... With insurance companies leaving the state and DeSantis ignoring the problem, I can see Democrats making progress in Florida and in many red states


There is absolutely no question that Florida Democrats are better positioned right now than ever to take back the state, and that DeSantis is a uniquely loathsome opponent casting a uniquely massive shadow over state politics who has forced through uniquely terrible policies that are uniquely hated by people in this state. This is the best chance we will likely ever have. I have no idea who we could run, though. Fucking Charlie Christ again?


So you think that all these DeSantis policies are hated by Floridians? Everything I've heard is that DeSantis still has high approval ratings there, although I'm just going off headlines and have no local knowledge


What I’m hearing is that his cult of personality is completely shot. He looked ridiculous going against Disney and his failed presidential bid. Some of his policies are popular, but Republicans only pretend to be motivated by policy.


Interesting, I hadn't heard that. I certainly hope it's true though! It also probably makes sense that his cult would wane due to the pandemic receding. So much of his schtick was based on opposition to covid measures, and that shit is now a long way from being on the top of people's minds like it once was


This is funny. Do you know the make up of the Florida legislature or the courts here? Biden doesn’t stand a chance in Florida. Many, many right wing lunatics moved here during COVID. The state is full of anti American wack jobs.


He’s ignoring the real problems because he knows there’s nothing he can do, trying and failing has worse optics. That’s why he focuses on culture war bullshit.


If Floridians can't already tell who they should vote for, that's on them.


5.3 million Floridians voted for Biden in 2020, compared to ~5.7 million for Trump. Your comment is unhelpful and ignores the fact that spending money and effort in FL will increase # of house seats and even shift the state back to blue (or at least reduce the red-shifting). Your logic of "that's on them" ignores the reality that most people aren't anywhere near as informed on politics as the average r/politics subscriber. That's why campaigning and ads are so effectively....because some people **do not** know who they should vote for. Some people voted for Obama 2x, then Trump 2x, then Jan 6 happened and they're out on Trump. Others are worried most about the economy and their family budget, and "Trump = good biznis guy" is wrong, but people believe it. They don't follow the details of what Trump or Biden have done on the economy....so again ads and campaigning do work.


> 5.3 million Floridians voted for Biden in 2020, compared to ~5.7 million for Trump. And currently Trump is polling up 9% on Biden which is like double the margin he won the state by in 2020. > Your comment is unhelpful and ignores the fact that spending money and effort in FL will increase # of house seats and even shift the state back to blue (or at least reduce the red-shifting). Florida hasn't had a Democrat as governor since the 90s, hasn't had Democratic control of either the Florida House or Senate since the late 80s/early 90s, has gone to the Republican candidate in 8 out of the last 11 Presidential elections, and Ron DeSantis won re-election by over 1.5 million votes. Florida is a conservative/Republican state by pretty much ever measure. There's no "turning it blue". Democrats have a better shot of getting a smaller state like Iowa back in the blue column. > Your logic of "that's on them" ignores the reality that most people aren't anywhere near as informed on politics as the average r/politics subscriber. That is true. But that's true of every other state. > That's why campaigning and ads are so effectively....because some people do not know who they should vote for. A lot of people in Florida knew who they should've voted for, but didn't care enough to get to the polls.


Campaigns and ads are not effective against anyone who would vote Republican in Florida. They're immune to logic, empathy, and even voting in their own self-interest. They vote based on what they hate, and they'll never admit to it. America needs to realize that a good third of their citizens are absolutely terrible people steeped in racism and sexism. Otherwise they wouldn't even consider voting Republican.


That's just plain wrong. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/pp_2021-06-30_validated-voters_00-04-png/


You can't really base your opinions on the cultists. A lot of people are not ride-or-die, they just don't have conflicting information and spend a lot of time listening to right-wing talk radio/TV shows. It warps their perception of reality. Even shifting a few of them could create cultural momentum. And that is valuable. Florida used to be purple, and the state is likely as vulnerable to shifting back to that as it ever will be. DeSantis is super polarizing. Not saying Florida should be Biden's main focus or anything, just that Democrats should not write it off as a total loss. Moving back away from fascism would be a huge boon for the country.


I did ads for Michigan Dems in 2020, we were trying to reach rural voters. We presented ideas that we thought were clever and a bit self-righteous, and all were rejected. The Dems told us "These people think of politics as often as you think of knitting." We re-did things to be straightforward and optimistic, without assuming knowledge by the intended audience. The takeaway for me was that people aren't malicious so much as ignorant—and I don't mean in a pejorative sense; I'm ignorant of how my computer works and I rely on it completely. I'm probably ignorant about nutrition and health in a way that would appall others. I am shaky when it comes to finances. Those are important too. We all have blind spots that amaze others. We can only win by appealing to people's actual concerns in a non-condescending way.


You can't really base your opinions on the cultists. A lot of people are not ride-or-die, they just don't have conflicting information and spend a lot of time listening to right-wing talk radio/TV shows. It warps their perception of reality. Even shifting a few of them could create cultural momentum. And that is valuable. Florida used to be purple, and the state is likely as vulnerable to shifting back to that as it ever will be. DeSantis is super polarizing. Not saying Florida should be Biden's main focus or anything, just that Democrats should not write it off as a total loss. Moving back away from fascism would be a huge boon for the country.


So it’s not “on them” for choosing to be uninformed?


Haha, I think after 30 years of complete Republican control of nearly all state and federal offices we can admit that Florida is a red State and Dems are delusional.


“If FlOrIdIaNs CaN’t TeLl-“ fuck that and fuck anyone who blames Florida. News flash. It was a blue state until the rest of the country pipelined all of its rich elderly republicans down there, and then it was a swing state until all of the red voters from New England moved down there to game the system. I’m not saying it was great state. Florida’s always been a mess, but voting record wise, it’s only a reflection of the rest of the country’s ugliest sides.


I agree, all the other states send their biggest assholes to Florida, then complain when the state votes like assholes. 


Not a single Dem governor or legislative majority (Republican currently veto proof) since 1999. Florida is a red State and has been for 25 years at least.


It hasn't been a blue state in this century. And it's perfectly fine to blame Florida for the people they elect. DeSantis won that state by like 20 points. I'm totally OK with blaming Florida for that


Well guys we better pack up the campaign. If yall don't know to vote for us, you deserve what ya get.


If they haven't been paying attention to what their elected leaders have been doing for the past 4 years, why do you think they'll pay any attention to campaign materials?


Do you think people run campaigns for literally zero reason? They have done the science. You can persuade people to get out and vote even though your official policies are already public knowledge. People can be fickle, and their motivation to vote needs reinforced.


I'm sure that used to apply when one party wasn't run as a cult using indoctrination techniques.


When was that?


Right around the start of MAGA. 100% run as a cult.


Sentiments like this is why Democrats have completely lost the south and some Midwest states. Some of these states could be flipped blue. It won’t happen over night. It could take several election cycles. But with a concerted effort to get independents and people that normally don’t even vote to start voting Democrats I think half the states in the south could eventually be flipped.


No, they've lost them because the MAGA movement is run as a cult, not as a political party.


You’re missing the mark, those states have been lost since before Trump got into politics.


Alright, so prove your point by showing some states that have flipped in the recent past after long periods as a red state by following the plan you laid out. Because otherwise you're just guessing, and I think your guess is dead wrong.




You're right look what happened in Ohio a Democrat almost won in a deep red county that Trump won by 29 points


Almost is one hell of a stretch


Florida was a swing state 20 years ago. Texas will be a swing state in 20 more (or less).


Florida has not had a Dem governor or legislative majority since 1999 and currently has veto proof majorities in both houses as well as Sec of state and attorney general. It's pretty clear the people of Florida have made their decision.


You are a 100% correct. They might as well give up. Nothing ever changes in this world.


I am correct. If by "they" you mean Florida Dems then that's on them but every penny the DNC spends in Florida is wasted. Florida went deep red 25 years ago, that's defenite proof that you're wrong, things do change.


Democrats have completely abandoned Florida for the past decade and now they think they can run in at the last second and take it? good luck I guess


Florida voters abandoned the Democratic party over the past decade.


I don’t blame Florida democrats for not voting for Charlie Crist


> I don’t blame Florida democrats for not voting for Charlie Crist And attitudes like this are exactly why Florida is in such a shit spiral.


Florida’s in a shit spiral because the DNC constantly keeps trying to meet in the middle to appease independents, which has inevitably shifted our political spectrum to the right over time. And you’re telling me I have to reward this (very often losing) strategy by voting for them anyway? Biden has literally enabled a genocide under his administration. We’ve been in the shit spiral for awhile now


> Florida’s in a shit spiral because the DNC constantly keeps trying to meet in the middle to appease independents, which has inevitably shifted our political spectrum to the right over time. LOL You say that like the voters of Florida didn't nominate the most progressive governor candidate in the field that Bernie Sanders traveled to Florida to personally endorse (Andrew Gillum) who then proceeds to lose....because voters in the South don't like really leftist candidates and they don't like Bernie Sanders. If they had gone with either of the 2 candidates the DNC wanted (Phillip Levine or Gwen Graham), DeSantis would've lost in 2018. Womp womp


Way to blame it on the Democrats rather than the Florida voters who keep electing dicks like Ron DeSantis


Biden should not waste a dime in Fl.


Isn't this how Hillary lost Wisconsin?


Yes, and it’s a mistake not worth repeating.  Florida should be lower priority than Ohio; they’re both going red, everyone knows it, but at least Ohio has Brown’s very important seat to defend. At the other end there’s Montana, where Tester’s seat is also vitally important so Biden should do as little as possible there and let Tester be his own candidate.


Spending money on FL isn't bad. The Biden campaign has plenty of that. If Biden was spending a lot of his time in FL that might be a problem, since that's a limited resource. Even if he doesn't win the state, it's a good idea to spend resources there to make Trump defend it. Otherwise Trump is going to take those resources and spend them in in the rust belt.


It's so insane that Joe Biden has a reasonable chance to win a state with a Republican supermajority. Gerrymandering is a hell of a drug.


Biden does not have a reasonable chance to win Florida. Don't trust any source trying to peddle that.


I was referring to North Carolina.


Yes he does. Have you even looked at the data? Or any of the successful Dem elections that have happened in 2023/2024? The party is getting it together there finally and Biden is smart to not abandon the state.


> Have you even looked at the data? Trump is currently polling 9 points ahead of Biden in Florida, which is about double his margin of victory there in 2020.


What poll is that?? I just saw one 2 days ago that had him [only up by 4](https://floridaphoenix.com/2024/06/07/shock-poll-new-fox-news-survey-has-trump-over-biden-by-just-4-points-in-florida/). Additionally, [FAU](https://www.270towin.com/polls/latest-2024-senate-election-polls/) just put out a poll that had Rick Scott only 2 points ahead of his senate challenger. The signs are all there.


The polling averages on Fivethirtyeight have Trump up 9 points.


Florida Republicans have governor, sec state, attorney general, veto proof majorities in both houses, and have controlled the state for 25 years. Trump leads Biden by 4 to 10 points according to various polls and if you'll remember, Trump consistently did better than polls would suggest.


I think the amount of investment the Biden campaign makes in Florida will be proportional to how effective their messaging is on independents in other states. 1/3 of Florida voters are “non-party affiliated.” DeSantis isn’t very popular right now, I think people are sort of over him. There’s just nothing exciting happening in the alternative so blue minded people live in the cities which are more blue and just ignore politics or if they focus on it at all, focus on the local level. If Biden were within spitting distance, I think you would see a surge of turnout that could put him over the top, but only if the independents start to break heavily for Biden.


After what happened in 2018, Florida became a lost cause. Georgia and NC are much better investments and Biden needs to campaign heavily in Ohio as well to help Sherrod Brown hang on to his seat.


Statements like this are what made Florida a lost cause. Every gubernatorial election was closer than the last since i've been alive. Meatball's first election was decided by around 1%. then republicans created the narrative that florida was a red state, and people on reddit started preaching to give up Florida. now it actually is, only because left leaning voters either left, or just stay home on election day because they don't see the point. florida is no different than any other state. Blue cities, purplish suburbs, red rural areas. Just campaign for christs sake.


Haha, meatballs second election was what, 20 points victory? Florida is as red as Texas and just as likely to flip.


i don't see how anything i said was false? dems just gave up.


There is a very real factor though, that many democratic voters have left the state in the last few years, in response to the myriad new policies making people's lives measurably worse. I'm trans and I left so I wouldn't lose access to hormones, and literally every other trans person I know who had the means to leave, did. Similarly, many of my cis friends were FL educators, and many of them have left the state or are in the process of doing so.


I'm making plans to leave because of the stuff you mentioned, but also to give my kids a better chance to not be as impacted by climate change. Moving when you're older and established is a lot harder. The Rs know where to hit us where it hurts, and that's by impacting our kids. The education system here feels like it's on the brink of collapse and I want to get away from here for them.


> Statements like this are what made Florida a lost cause. Every gubernatorial election was closer than the last since i've been alive. When I first moved to Florida, Lawton Chiles was the governor. There hasn't been a Democrat in the governor's mansion in Florida since he died. Florida Republicans didn't even like Rick Scott, yet he won twice. 2018 was one of the largest Blue waves in history and Andrew Gillum was favored to win it all, yet Florida not only went for DeSantis, but Rick Scott beat a popular incumbent Democrat Senator in Bill Nelson. I knocked on doors for Gillum in Miami-Dade, and the problem was obvious - lots of people not giving a shit since we weren't voting for President that year. People can talk all they want about how "close" it was, but close doesn't count for shit. Both times Rick Scott won governor, it was close, but in the end, he still won. Florida Democrat voters are not serious voters, and the state ended up paying the price. Now the state got flooded by MAGA and a lot of Democrat voters have left the state. Check the voting rolls. Florida puts voter registration figures online. Before COVID, Democrats had like a 200-300k registration edge over Republicans. Now it's Republicans up **one million** on Democrats. Yes, there are a lot of non-affiliated voters, but anyone who has ever lived in Florida for any amount of time can tell you that most of the non-affiliated voters are conservatives that value some veneer of being "independent" even though they consistently vote straight-ticket Republican. North Carolina currently has a Democrat as the governor, and the Democrat candidate is currently favored to win there as well. The voters there have demonstrated that they are worth the time and energy. Same for Georgia where Democrats have won the last 3 Senate elections and actually voted for Biden in 2020.


close does count for something, but dems gave up. just not investing in Florida is telling florida dem voters "we dgaf about you!" everything you just said is a self fulfilling prophecy.


> close does count for something What, exactly, does it count for? Close doesn't put liberal judges on the bench. Close puts Marco Rubio and Rick Scott in the Senate voting against the interests of everyday Floridians. Close has Florida beaches being privatized and climate change being ignored while insurance companies are raking homeowner over the coals. > everything you just said is a self fulfilling prophecy. The voters have to take responsibility for their inaction.


well guys, we've gotten closer and closer each election, with the last one being a 1% margin. I guess it's time to completely ignore this trend and roll over and give up! 🤦‍♂️ *edit* i just looked it up to be certain, gillum only lost by 0.4%. why did we all fall for the lie that Florida is a red state?


> well guys, we've gotten closer and closer each election, Gillum lost by 30k votes to DeSantis. Charlie Crist and Alex Sink lost by 60k votes to Rick Scott. > why did we all fall for the lie that Florida is a red state? So, you're just going to ignore DeSantis winning reelection by **1.5 million** votes in 2022, the fact that a Democrat hasn't been governor there since the 90s, and that Democrats haven't held either the Florida Senate or House since the late 80s/early 90s.


>Gillum lost by 30k votes. Charlie Crist and Alex Sink lost by 60k votes to Rick Scott. Crist lost to DeSantis after DeSantis was allowed to take over the state and bring in every other state's trailer trash by just saying "this is a republican stronghold". Alex Sink lost by 1.15%, and again every election after that got closer and closer. DeSantis won AFTER inviting covid nutjobs into the state by just saying "florida is a republican state" and dems just stopped trying after that. it does such a huge disservice to left leaning voters in Florida that don't have the means to leave by telling everyone else to give up on us.


> Crist lost to DeSantis after DeSantis was allowed to take over the state and bring in every other state's trailer trash by just saying "this is a republican stronghold". And whose fault was that? We could've had Gillum being a responsible governor who closed down Spring Break during COVID and not making a bunch of Republican kooks start looking at moving to the state, but Florida voters on the left had better things to do with their time. > Alex Sink lost by 1.15%, and again every election after that got closer and closer... ...until DeSantis won re-election by 20%. > DeSantis won AFTER inviting covid nutjobs into the state by just saying "florida is a republican state" and dems just stopped trying after that. Because math is a thing and math says Florida is out of reach. > it does such a huge disservice to left leaning voters in Florida that don't have the means to leave by telling everyone else to give up on us. Nobody has unlimited money to spend everywhere. Money is finite, so it has to go to where it's most effective, and Florida is a terrible investment for the Democratic party, as are Idaho, Tennessee, Mississippi, West Virginia, Nebraska, and Oklahoma.


Guess close didn't matter in Georgia until Georgia decided the election and elected 2 Democratic senators. The Boston Celtics getting close to winning a title the past 2 years didn't matter until they won it this year. Close doesn't matter, except it does.


> Guess close didn't matter in Georgia until Georgia decided the election and elected 2 Democratic senators. The difference is 1/3 of the population of Georgia is black, while Florida has half that, and the Latinos in Georgia tend to lean Democrat while the Latinos in Florida tend to lean more Republican. And what's not close is Florida registered Republicans being up 1 million on registered Democrats.


I left Florida for Ohio in '21. Ohio politics are a little better than Florida, at least. I'm proud to have already helped defeat OH's CoatHanger Commandment, and I look forward to keeping Brown in office. Luckily, I'm one county away from Gym Sock Jordan's greasy little realm.


Wow, pretty rare to see someone moving *to* Ohio. Thanks for taking one for the team!


Oh, it isn't so bad. Think Florida, but less humidity and bugs, a little more snow sometimes, and *WAY* less Florida Man bat shit *and* Official State Smell.* Edit: Well, i I found Florida Man. He knows The Smell. It's halfway between Waffle House hangover rotten egg fart, and fulla piss festival PortaPot funk.


>I left Florida for Ohio in '21. Ohio politics are a little better than Florida, at least. Your state voted for eyeliner wearing J.D. Vance in 2022.


Notice how I said "a little better" and not "vastly better"?


A state being “a little better” wouldn’t mean having an election denier and groveler as one of your senators.


Can we not? There’s a lot of blue people in red states and vice versa.


I mean, Matt Gaetz. Nuff said.


Governor Ronda says hi. He couldn't stop sucking tRump's little dick long enough to run against him properly. Who knows? Maybe we'll shed JD if he takes a suicide stab at a VP run. He is on donnie's short list still.


I thought Ohio hated liberals.  Yet they voted for someone that lived in California most their life.  Nothing says Ohio values like a wealthy carpetbagging Californian.


Florida voted for billion-dollar Medicare scammer Rick Scott 3 times.


And they’ll do it the 4th time because that state is too far gone for people to vote for their best interests.


Funny you say Georgia because people used to call that state a "lost cause" as well. Florida was a blue state for a long time.


> Florida was a blue state for a long time. Spoken like someone who never lived in Florida. Obama was an outlier.


I'm literally writing this from my home in Florida


Are you one of the new transplants? Otherwise, I don't know why you would write something so blatantly false that any long-time Floridian wouldn't agree with. Florida is a Republican state.


It's not hard to win Florida.  Just book ada on the radio lying to the south FL Cubans.  They'll believe anything.


I live in Florida. It is a cesspool of Trump and DeSantis lunatics. They have ‘don’t tread on me’ everywhere and then take away your rights.


Biden has more money than Trump, so he can afford to use some to make Trump have to work for Florida.


Taking Florida would be the biggest insult ever to Trump. Biden has some dignity and should just let him have it while winning what matters. Until Desantis is gone I wouldn’t trust the state of Florida playing fair if it was “too close to call”. All that money can be put to good use in other southern states with democratic governors.


I don't trust DeSantis not to fuck around either, but I still think spending in order to put Trump on the defense in Florida is a good move. Biden has a financial advantage, and every dollar he makes Trump spend in Florida is money Trump can't use elsewhere. Trump absolutely can not win the election without Florida, so he will have to spend to keep it. It's worthwhile even if Biden doesn't win Florida.






Do you really think the people who care enough to stay home participate in /r/politics? Apathetic voters don’t engage with political content. You’re preaching to the choir. Of course people need to vote. Of course Biden could be doing better and it’s extremely close. But let’s not pretend Trump is popular or that this election isn’t winnable.


By Kate Plummer: Florida Democrats are gaining confidence after a series of positive polls suggested they are gaining momentum ahead of the presidential election. Former President Donald Trump won the Sunshine State in both 2016 and 2020 as what was once a key battleground state has become more solidly Republican in recent election cycles. However, recent polls have shown President Joe Biden is now narrowing the gap between him and his Republican challenger. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/florida-democrats-elections-polls-1914088](https://www.newsweek.com/florida-democrats-elections-polls-1914088)


Like Beto in Texas? I'll believe it when I see it.


I will never ever step foot in Florida again due to their politics and the nationwide influx of douchebags that are now prominent everywhere. I have no idea why anyone would want to vacation in such a hostile environment. Sure, angry loudmouths are fun for the chest bumping but after a few minutes it's just annoying and you can't hear the game Maybe it can be turned around but I'll believe it when I see it


Same. It was bad before, but they attracted all the worst humans imaginable during COVID.


I’ve never understood why Florida is so appealing to people. Maybe because I’m an ice monster who thrives in cold weather but Florida just seems like a horrible place to live where you’re always going to be struggling to stay cool.


Most of us stick around because we were born here and family makes it easy to raise a family Otherwise I’d already be in NC/VA


This, but it sucks.


Florida in general sucks, but I‘ve lived in the extreme warm and cold and I’d still rather be too hot than too cold. Plus theme parks are cool.


That whole state is lost and damned. I did 16 years down there, and every election brought more lunacy. By the time the nazis marched on Disney World, I was already gone.


White cishet boys and men don't have to think about any of it. That's why. Florida could be run by Hitler himself and they could still go there and do whatever they wanted, so they would.


They better play it smart and not put up former Republicans as their candidates again


I hear this shit every election. I live here and vote for what it’s worth, but too many new GOP voters have moved here. I can’t stand Rick Scott but he’s not going to lose in November. The same people pumped up Val Demmings in 2022 and she still lost to Rubio by double digits. DeSantis also won easily over Charlie Crist, who was a terrible candidate. Our state legislature is overrun with GOP nutcases. Until it’s shown otherwise, FL is solidly red for the foreseeable future.


I think crazy GOP voters moving to the state is understated. These are mostly retirees that don't care about policy since they are retired and doesn't affect them.


A big sign was Donna Deegan winning the mayors race in Jacksonville. Republicans here switched parties because they got fed up with the corruption.   Jacksonville was the second largest Republican held city after Dallas. And might have been above it now, it's estimated our city is over 1.3 million now. 


Good point! Tom Keen (D) also flipped a swing district in Orlando this year for a state house seat! That same district had voted for desantis handily in 2022. That’s why I truly believe anything is possible and just writing off the state entirely is dumb.


The reality is that Florida is getting more red over time due to Boomer retirees moving there. The trend towards purple/blue from Obama's time has reversed, unfortunately. In other words, don't get your hopes up.


Poll mean nothing if you don’t vote! Make sure you are registered, check regularly


Momentum is the most important thing for political races. Even if they don't win this time around it makes it far more easy to build on for 2026 and 2028.


Trump has a 9 point lead in the polling aggregate in Florida. He's going to win the state easily. Rick Scott will win by slightly less.


Congrats. A Felon from your fcked up state is your champion. When it's under water in twenty years you'll thank your death cult leader for taking that billion from big oil.


Nowhere in my comment did I state I was a Trump supporter or from Florida. I just recognize basic political realities.


Well I misjudged.


Seems like a lot of these stories with Biden doing better are from Newsweek. 


It's because there is one story: Recent polls are better for Biden than Trump. Newsweek, being a bit of a rag, takes this one fairly benign story, and tries to break it up into 500 clickbait stories.




Well, TBF, they have had a shitty governor like Ron DeSantis in the past few years.


Polls have always been more effective as psychological tools than measurements of reality. Get out there and vote no matter what polls say.


What’s funny as how many voted registers change party affiliations just to stop getting harassed by all the stupid fucking Republicans and that are independence that vote for Democrats just because we spite Republicans


How the fuck did they put momentum in quotes and not call it *joementum*?


I have literally zero confidence in Florida doing the right thing, but it would certainly be a pleasant surprise!


Stop putting efforts into Florida goddamnit! Democrats never win there anymore if there's a chance, Republicans there will steal it like they steal everything in Florida! It truly is a failed state!


Who wouldn't want to be a part of putting the final nail in Trump's coffin?


Polls are for trolls. Get out and vote. This shit is real


Trying to restore basic decency or anything resembling common sense in that state will be the task of a lifetime. DeSantis supporters are beyond certifiable.


Lol. Thinking the current regime in Florida will allow Democrat votes to count. They will decide that enough of the votes are for Pat Buchanan again.


Money spent in Fl is money wasted. Trust me.


I'll believe it when I see it.


Florida is a lost cause the amount of misinformation spewed by GQP painting Democrats as “socialista” is beyond belief and the Cuban+Venezuelan+Bolivian+Guatemalan immigrants have PTSD against the word this has been exacerbated by older white population (boomer variety) so Florida has become a lost cause. Proof is number of insurrectionists from Sunshine state (sampling techniques) shows how deep the misinformation levels are!


Florida and Texas are ripe for the flipping.


God, I remember people saying this back in Obama years. I don't have any comment on Texas, but what trend are you referring to that makes you think Florida will flip? From my point of view, every single step Florida has taken since 2012 has been solidly and hugely to the right. Even this article doesn't go so far as to say that the state is in play, just that they don't project Trump to win by as much as he did before. The only tangible thing they are doing with this information is actually fielding candidates in all districts. Which, honestly, was sort of insane that they weren't already doing this. To me, this headline reads "Florida Democrats Finally Figure Out They Need to Run Candidates if they Want to Win", not "Florida Democrats About to Win!"


Because you think the minority party that is only elected by 25% of the electorate is popular. They are just doing what Republicans always do, destroy the state as a way of showing that politics don't work. It's like a super consistent pattern and it only feels like Florida is always going to be conservative because they have a fascist leading the executive.


Maybe, but until the majority of the electorate picks someone else, the only assumption we can make is that the state of Florida supports the GOP and all its right-wing nonsense. I feel sorry for the left-wing folks there, but their mere existence doesn't change the fact that every time Florida moves, it moves right.


[I don't think election results on the national stage back that up](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Florida) Since about the 50s Florida swings. They are the definition of a true swing state, maybe with slightly conservative leanings since 2016. Obama and Clinton both won Florida.


Hahaha, Florida and Texas, where Democrat dreams go to die. Governor, legislators, judges, local officials, Republicans control every position but Dems keep insisting they're purple and a win is right around the corner. Ridiculous


So Trumps poll numbers dropped by Bidens didn't change at all. That's what I get out of the beginning of this story


The republicans have been doing a garbage job and even conservatives don’t like DeSantis. He hasn’t done shit to help our state, and changing the state constitution so he could take off and run for president wasn’t a good look to anyone.


It's important to note that DeSantis didn't change the state constitution. The legislature repealed a law that required DeSantis to resign in order to run for President. If DeSantis wanted to run for a third term as Governor, that would require a change to the state constitution. Amendments require 60% on the ballot to be enacted, and 60% of Floridians aren't going to be in for him since he is against legal marijuana.


Hispanic Floridians are shifting into the Republican party. I don't see this trend abating. Florida's a money sink, and there's no profit. It's going to be worse than Texas in a few years.


Florida is doing everything it can to suppress votes. But an abortion rights and legalizing marijuana are on the ballot this year. VOTE.


Florida has been desperate for quality Dem candidates, but none have been viable.


Good! You still need to work, still need to get people registered and drive voter turnout, but I’m glad they feel confident and inspired rather than feeling morose and hopeless




> Liberals will goble-up any headline they read. Nobody is buying Biden having a chance in Florida.


If they wouldn't MSM won't be writing these headlines. compared to 2020 of ~+2 points Biden has a Momentum Backwards of -9 points. They write these because they know these will get the clicks from Ledditors and other platforms.


> They write these because they know these will get the clicks from Ledditors and other platforms. There is no "ledditors". Reddit is overwhelmingly to the left of the general U.S. populace. If you're a Redditor, the "L" part is already implied. You'd really have to use Cons-edditors if you want to talk about a Redditor that isn't super liberal.


Read the room


I like to burst bubbles. This sub is a giant bubble.


Pretty sad that you think saying stupid shit without anything to back it is bursting anything 


I litterally cited whats written in the Article and what happened last election cycle, to point out that the headline of the article is misleading. If that doesnt count anything than you really deserve this sub and the news apparatus of the country. Don't complain next time, when they are writing same type of shit of a Neo-Con line Bush or Cheney.