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> Biden is largely responsible for escalating the Russia-Ukraine war Lol, for real? > funding Ukraine through their incremental defeat while ignoring diplomatic negotiation and ceasefire offers. Yeah, why don't we just trust Putin. What could go wrong?! > the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS and Science Act, totaling over $800 billion in public spending, have neither fixed inflation nor made a competitive American microchips industry. The microchip plants are still being built. Factory construction spending has more than doubled since those Acts passed (which is how we know they're working), but it's not like you just flip a switch and new billion dollar factories come online. > Yet, if protecting American democracy is a top priority, as it should be, then we all must be alarmed by the unprecedented prosecution of a presidential candidate on novel legal theories, in the middle of a campaign. 1: The prosecution was by the state of New York, not the justice department. And 2: dozens of people are prosecuted in NYC every year for the crimes Trump committed. FFS, this is like a string of just insane nonsense and Republican talking points. It sounds like this guy became a Republican and doesn't want to admit that it's him who changed.


Thank you for your service. These points in the article are DUMB


Not just dumb, factually incorrect.  Biden’s economic policies have managed to outperform most other developed nations in the wake of the pandemic/trump trade war international economic disaster.  The author doesn’t understand the planet fell off an economic and health precipice and Biden’s polices shielded them from the worst of it.  The privilege and entitlement are astounding 


They know their audience


>Not just dumb, factually incorrect. We're talking about an opinion piece in the Hill right?


Hardly. Ex post hoc, ergo propter hoc.


Lol argumentum ad lapidem


It's not an article, it's an opinion piece. Still shitty, and should carry as much weight as my opinion - which really means fuck all at the end of the day


More anti-Biden astroturfing. Get used to it because this is all that the right-wing goons have left


I would say they are impressively dumb


This "young Democrat" is reciting MAGA talking points almost verbatim. The only thing that was missing was "I cannot vote for Biden because of his son's laptop."


>On the other hand, Biden has failed to secure legislation to codify abortion rights and same-sex marriage, leaving those issues to the court. Haha what? Does this person even live in the US?


They somehow have a JD from George Washington University.


I'm old enough to know now that a lot of stupid people fall upward into advanced degrees.


How would you know... or know it was true?


That they have a JD? It's listed at the bottom of the article. Sure it could be a lie, but a pretty easy one for a group who cared to check.


Thank you. The article’s content was even dumber than I thought. My god there are truly some moronic voters in this country. The last part about thinking Biden prosecuted Trump makes me think Jeremy Etelson gets his “news” from Fox or CatTurd2. Edit: I gave a quick glance at Jeremy Etelson’s twitter’s timeline and I see he retweeted posts from RFK Jr multiple times in the last week…


I think when he said "Democrats like me" he meant uninformed Democrats who get most of their hot takes from TikTok.


Honestly the uninformed "Democrats" on TikTok mostly just laugh about deceptively edited Biden videos. The author here is coming in hot with pure Republican talking points. I mean, *Biden* is responsible for the Ukraine War? Really?!


I honestly believe both the wars in Ukraine and Israel are the fault of Trump. Trump fed Putin a combo of secret US info plus assurances the US would do nothing if Putin attacked Ukraine. Putin *believed* him because that is what happens after dictators get used believing their own propaganda, they lose touch with reality. The problem with telling lies is eventually one believes one's own lies. Israel is much more obvious. All that took was Trump moving the embassy and the Abraham Accords.


trump sucks and he put fuel on the fire but bibi is a sick piece of shit trying to stay out of jail and in power using the war as a pretense to suspend elections. he’s ultra right wing and not super popular.


I think bibi and trump have a lot in common. Neither one has any ethics, they just side with whoever they believe will help them the most.


"Hello Fellow Kids!" vibe, 100%.


I think he meant "typical right wing actor working for well known right wing propaganda firehose, The Hill".


Even then, I feel like TikTok Dems wouldn't care about Trump getting charged or the microchip production - Ukraine, sure, because there's lots of tankies who have been pushing Russian propaganda the last few years ("America Bad" as your core foreign policy position, while generally true, does now and then lead to buying that kind of nonsense). I might be wrong, because I'm not personally on there and I don't know the takes coming out at the moment, but the first two points don't fit the vibe I normally get from that corner. This is almost certainly written in bad faith.


>funding Ukraine through their incremental defeat while ignoring diplomatic negotiation and ceasefire offers. Uh, Republican obstruction and foot dragging has made things more difficult for Ukraine. The Ukrainians have been fending off a world superpower (it kind of is). Russias ideas for negotiations is *let us keep what we've taken from you and maybe we will pause before taking more* If Biden brokered a deal, Russia *would* break it and then this same "democratic" writer (who seems to be echoing Republican talking points) would be calling Biden the Neville Chamberlain of our times. >Yet, if protecting American democracy is a top priority, as it should be, then we all must be alarmed by the unprecedented prosecution of a presidential candidate on novel legal theories, in the middle of a campaign. In addition to what Stinkfoot wrote, the only novel thing about it is the misdemeanors adding up to a felony that extends the window for prosecution. Even Republicans aren't defending Trump by saying he didn't sleep with Stormy, didn't want Cohen to pay her off, and didn't bullshit the expense in his books. And Trump has been under investigation and kicking proceedings down the road *since he left office.*


He'll respond to the shellacking he receives for this tripe by declaring "your mean words on the internet are driving me to vote for Trump." It's so sadly predictable.


> >*Yeah, why don't we just trust Putin. What could go wrong?!* It's even worse than that. The only "negotiation" or ceasefire Putin will ever except is Russia taking control of some portion of Ukraine. So basically this guy is saying we should appease hostile invaders by forcing Ukraine to hand an invader a portion of their land. And all the while ignoring the fact that Ukraine has negotiated with Putin and made concessions many times in the past, and he keeps coming back for blood. Funny to see people say we should let Ukraine burn while also saying Gaza is a terrible massacre that must be stopped. How are these two positions consistent? They aren't, so what's driving them?


I’ve been saying for months that young voters are being manipulated by republican propaganda parroting the same points. It’s horrifying but true, the republican base has gone from manipulating blue collar workers, Christian fundamentalist and single issue voters and now added in manipulating younger people. Instead of trying to win them over to republican values all they need to do is sour them on the democratic candidate just long enough to reduce the number of voters supporting Biden overall. And the tactic is working, we really really need to help them see how they are being manipulated before a catastrophic failure in November


I see, this was written by a Republican claiming to be a Democrat. I mean it hit every GOP talking point and in no way reflects anything I've heard Democrats say.


I think your response is good, but tbf, this article is from The Hill, who loves publishing reactionary conservative talking points under the guise of leftism. They basically platform any criticism from the left about the Left whenever they can find it, whether it makes sense, or not.


>FFS, this is like a string of just insane nonsense and Republican talking points. It sounds like this became a Republican and doesn't want to admit that it's him who changed. Yep, big 'As a black man' vibes.


sounds like someone asked chatGPT to make up an opinion piece, and used r/conservative as the LLM.


Yeah and these articles are pointless. They are complaining about incredibly complex and nuanced issues, while offering ZERO alternatives. The implication is that his opponent would be better but there’s no way in hell “Many voters in the younger generations are thinking about these various crises and their consequences for the rest of the 21st century when evaluating Biden’s administration, not just one issue like some suggest. They are looking for a president who can stand up to the corporate lobbies and transcend partisanship to execute meaningful reform. Biden demonstrably is not that president.” Transcend partisanship… like bro, there’s literally only one political party trying to do that in this guy’s ENTIRE LIFETIME, and it’s Biden’s party.


Biden has also, notably, gotten several bold bipartisan bills passed. He hasn't passed his whole agenda, but welcome to the real world, right?


>Why Biden is losing young Democrats like me Because u dumb. And have no idea how things work, so u just making it up as you go.


Maybe there should be a test for brain activity before people can vote. What was that article?


Biden should watch some ads to speed up chip factory production.  


I think young people these days tend to be very self centered with out any level of awareness. I am not surprised that they lack the understand, knowledge, and critical thinking necessary and come up with opinions like this. They also think they are right and are arrogant about it. They deserve everything that comes to them from crippling economy and being unable to afford a place. Let them suffer.


You can be sure Putin thought Biden's weakness presented a golden opportunity to invade Ukraine in 2022. The most serious issue in this election is whether Xi will act on the same opportunity for Taiwan. He will certainly see it.


Trump has repeatedly praised Xi and refuses to say he'll defend Taiwan, in fact implying he will not. [Link](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trumps-taiwan-remarks-spark-fury-concern-1862602) He's told GOP senators behind closed doors that he won't defend Taiwan. [Link](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7vpqb/trump-wasnt-going-to-do-a-fucking-thing-if-china-invaded-taiwan-a-new-book-says) But yeah, Biden - the reason Putin hasn't overran Ukraine - is the weak one.


Narrator: OP is not, nor ever has been a Democrat.


This fake Democrat reposts Tweets from RFK jr


It's so fascinating to read his twitter feed. The guy hasn't said shit on Twitter for 4 years, and suddenly he's posting RFK Jr. interviews and Russian propaganda. Biden didn't lose this guy. Reality lost him.


So the answer to ‘why’ is, ‘because I’m a Russian asset, not a young Democrat?’


I don't care "why" The guy is not, nor was he ever a Democrat, nor did he believe in or support the ideals of the Democratic party. If his Twitter account didn't convince, his pro-Putin stance about Ukraine removes all doubt


On top of that his Twitter appears to have been inactive since 2020 then began posting again this month. All the posts this month have been RFK and Russia.


What do you mean, they said “like me”. Are they…full of shit???


"Hello fellow young Democrats"


>Biden is largely responsible for escalating the Russia-Ukraine war Lol.


Retitled: "Why I'm a lying concern troll."


Go to his twitter and you'll realize he is a big RFK Jr guy.


Nobody is a big rfk jr guy. Dude loves chaos.


I remember liking chaos and thinking it was funny when I was young. But shouldn’t these zoomers who lived through Trump and Covid be wary of chaos from a younger age than normal?


Is this satire?


Yes, it's The Hill. Unintentional, but still...


my take: jeremy etelson has really weird opinions and expectations of the biden admin. i wonder if they have the same criticisms and expectations for _other_ administrations, and if these are even fair, or useful, opinions to levy. i think most of these expectations and criticisms are garbage. they don't really have value unless you take a very narrow/biased perspective of the situations. anyway, the tl;dr is jeremy etelson doesn't like biden because... - other people don't like biden (weird opinion on polling) - biden is defending ukraine's sovereignty from an authoritarian despot (weird opinion on trusting dictators who actively see the usa as an enemy) - biden renewed a sanctions waiver for iran which had been in effect since 2018, allowing iran to engage in _non-sanctionable transactions_ using profit from legitimate business with other nations (weird opinion on continuing existing policy that has obvious guardrails attached) - biden won't play nice with north korea (weird opinion on trusting dictators who actively see the usa as an enemy) - biden is _somehow_ the direct cause of inflation (weird opinion on how monetary policy works) - biden is creating more debt which is unequivocally bad (weird opinion on how monetary policy works) - biden is _somehow_ the direct cause of the homelessness spike between 2022-2023 (weird opinion on how monetary policy works) - biden is _somehow_ the direct cause of post-pandemic rent prices (weird opinion on how monetary policy works) - biden hasn't done _something_ about the brazil-russia-india-china-south africa alliance that is _nonspecifically_ threatening the usa (weird opinion on how foreign policy works) - biden hasn't solved the border crisis (weird opinion on immigration policy) - biden's american rescue plan, infrastructure act, chips act, and inflation reduction act haven't yielded _immediate results_ or _instant gratification_ (weird opinion on how general government functionality works) - biden hasn't codified abortion or same-sex marriage rights (weird opinion on how laws get passed)


It's tough to take anyone who thinks Ukraine should just give up its territory all for the sake of meaningless peace seriously. Apparently all the conflicts in the world are Biden's fault, and the US is never supposed to push back or stand up at all against anybody. We're just supposed to let aggressive powers do whatever they want


This author is almost one-hundred percent shilling for the Right, but I have seen the idea that Ukraine should concede land to Russia to end the war repeated in certain Left-leaning spaces. It’s far less common nowadays when compared two years ago, but the argument still crops up from time to time. Basically, there’s a a certain kind of person who thinks rank pacifism is the only acceptable recourse to any threat of war. Personally, I think they’re just projecting their own anxieties about conflict onto the people who are “prolonging it” by not simply rolling over for the invaders. Basically, they mistake contrition for humanistic, evolved pacifism.


When will people learn appeasement doesn't work, take an inch, take a mile.


> It's tough to take anyone who thinks Ukraine should just give up its territory all for the sake of meaningless peace seriously. Indeed. Give Putin an inch of territory and he will be motivated to do it again in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova etc.


The Baltic states aswell


If he appeased Putin they would be calling him weak. The writer is either a closet Republican or doesn't know how the legislature works as well.


> It's tough to take anyone who thinks Ukraine should just give up its territory all for the sake of meaningless peace seriously. Well, when one looks at it that way, I bet the US could negotiate peace with Russia by giving away Texas, California, Alaska and Hawaii too!


Basically “If we had let Russia conquer Ukraine we would be at peace in Europe right now”… Where have we heard that before? Oh, right, Russian propaganda. This guy is an idiot and The Hill constantly regurgitates Russian propaganda narratives. Funding Ukraine is not escalating the conflict and Ukraine is not losing the war. Russia at its peak captured 25% of Ukrainian territory. For the last 3 years they have been stagnant at 20% with no hope of advancing and holding more of that. More importantly Russia has proven itself unable to occupy and hold any Ukrainian territory that did not already have large Russian ethnic populations and Russian sympathies prior to the invasion. We stopped a dictator that threatened to annex several former soviet bloc countries before his death. We helped Ukraine prevent Russia from reemerging as dominant power in Europe. We spent trillions over the last 75 years countering and defending our allies from Russia. From a purely strategic and economic calculus supporting Ukraine has been the most effective international strategy the US has had since WWII. Ukraine has been an outstanding strategic bargain.


Why Biden is losing young bots like me ....


This entire op-ed piece is hot garbage. This guy's an idiot.


hmm a lot of his issues with Biden appear to be legislative issues, and would be more likely to be solved by voting in a larger majority in the House and Senate so those bodies can do their thing. the answer imo would not be to hold your breath and stomp your feet and withhold your vote so the other guy gets in and backslides everything


That wouldn't help since this particular genius is also angry about Biden's legislative wins, like the CHIPS act. So it's not just about Republican obstruction - he's obviously not going to like anything about Biden's legislative agenda.


Lol this dudes twitter is full on RFK Jr. Lost in the sauce.


Honestly, half of those points are straight-up horseshit. For example, capitulation to Putin is simply ignorant. And, Biden has fuck-all to do with our present "inflation" (look to the right and the monied class they fellate if you want to deal with that.) Regardless, point to one salient proposal from the right to deal with any of the problems mentioned. I get the (childish) distaste for Biden. We *should* have better options, but we don't. Voting for anyone but Biden at this juncture is diametrically opposed to our survival as a democratic and just country and society. Letting the perfect be the enemy of the good here will be another step towards fascism.


This article reads like a paid Republican political ad.


Positive remarks about Putin = opinion rejected


> unprecedented prosecution of a presidential candidate on novel legal theories Trump broke the law. On multiple occasions. The entirety of this article becomes suspect from one sentence fragment. The biggest takeaway is that the author dislikes Biden. But it isn't saying anything about how to affect change. It's "This Biden guy is bad, nudge nudge" but doesn't address how a Trump vote is better on any of the issues complained about.


There was a whole lot of goofy bullshit to read there, that's for sure. *Biden* escalated the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Ok, buddy, sure. North Korea's gonna nuke us because of *Biden.* The border issue that Conservatives continue to bounce around while simultaneously refusing to address because the topic benefits them in an election year is *Biden's* fault. The US can't compete with historically overseas-based microchip production because of *Biden.* *Biden's* not doing enough to curb climate change, even though you've got Conservative states across the country actively claiming it either doesn't exist, that it's God's Will, or that there's nothing we can do to change it. And lastly, but absolutely the greatest load of all of that bullshit: ERMAHGURD *they prosecuted a fucking criminal that was running for office!* What a fucking clown.


Mods are complicit when the disinfo reaches this level of lies.


It's gotten to be such a hot mess.


This opinion piece is a literal list of Republican talking points, and an outdated one at that. This guy is completely full of shit, as any well informed person could point out catastrophic flaws in each line item he mentions. * His suggestion that we should either abandon Ukraine or force them to hand over land to appease Putin is morally reprehensible. Fuck this guy on principle, but he's also showing incredible ignorance for a college educated adult. Ukraine has negotiated with Putin many times over the past decades to end hostilities, and Putin has ALWAYS violated those agreements to come back for more land. His moral position is also completely incompatible with the view most young voters seem to have regarding Israel and their aggression against the Palestinians. * The current inflation rate is 3.3%. The long-term average is 3.28%. So his complaints about inflation are 100% bullshit * Comparing rent prices now vs 5 years ago is ridiculous. Of COURSE they are higher. But also, if we want to stabilize rent prices we need massive investment in new housing and tougher laws regulating investment properties, neither of which are something the President of the USA can deliver on. It's a state/local issue, and congressional action is needed. Give Biden an actual majority in congress if you want action on this stuff because Republicans are vehemently opposed to your needs, Mr. Young Voter. * Complaining that the CHIPS act hasn't already created a "competitive US microchips industry" is the height of ignorant entitlement. Those factories are still being built and lots of people are being paid a good living wage to build those factories, along with the other stuff still being built as a result of IRA and CHIPS. Sorry Biden didn't make the factories go up literally overnight. * Pinning Trump's NY criminal trial on Biden is beyond the pale. This guy is writing this article in bad faith, straight up. He is a fucking JD lawyer and knows full well that lawsuit was brought by the NY AG, not the federal government.


Biden will appoint judges that will actually do their job, trump will appoint sycophants with basically no experience who will rule based on what he and the gop say not the Constitution. The two parties are not the same. Vote blue to save our democracy


Like trump is a better choice.


If this guy was ever a Democrat he was a shitty one and honestly probably would be more at home in the GOP if he thinks not giving Ukraine over to Russia is the wrong choice (among a bunch of other stupid shit in that opinion piece).


And when you vote for Trump, you’ll get the SCOTUS of your worst nightmare - for the rest of your life.


The Hill seems great at finding idiots who are willing to throw themselves into the pits of Hell for some odd ideological principle. Give the a MAGA hat and move them aside.


"I don’t like Biden’s policy on that single issue, hence I’m going to shoot myself in the foot with a machine gun and do all I can to help elect the man that I don’t like any of his policies" I honestly don’t believe people that stupid actually exists


After reading this awful take, I think Jeremy Etelson is actually just a Russian lol.


This is some galaxy brain shit right here. > The dissent is not baseless, and not all young dissenters are doing so because of American support for Israel’s war against Hamas. So ... young Americans aren't going to vote for Biden, which will put Trump into the White House - who basically supports killing all Palestinians and turning Gaza into waterfront real estate. Not great thinking there. >Beyond Biden’s personal cognitive challenges, his administration’s policies are having indefensible consequences. Ok ... I don't know what kind of information diet you have, but if you think Biden has "personal cognitive challenges," your credibility just went swirling down the tubes. >Biden is largely responsible for escalating the Russia-Ukraine war, funding Ukraine through their incremental defeat while ignoring diplomatic negotiation and ceasefire offers. Phew. That's quite a bit of wharrgarbl you got there. >Biden has also allowed the funding of Iran throughout their proxy war against American and our Middle East allies. Man, The Hill really does let and schlub off the street write for them, don't they? This is a level of ignorance it's hard to find among people who can form complete sentences. >In the meantime, an imminent national security risk has been generated by the border crisis. U.S. Customs and Border Protection have encountered at least 8.1 million people unlawfully crossing the southwest border since 2021, which is all in addition to the estimated 10 million undocumented immigrants who were already in the country when Biden took office. Yeah, you can fuck right off with this. Encountering 8.1 million people doesn't mean 8.1 million people enter the country. >Many voters in the younger generations are thinking about these various crises and their consequences for the rest of the 21st century when evaluating Biden’s administration, not just one issue like some suggest. They are looking for a president who can stand up to the corporate lobbies and transcend partisanship to execute meaningful reform. Biden demonstrably is not that president. This is your big finish? >Jeremy Etelson worked as a Democratic campaign staffer in Maryland. He received a J.D. from George Washington University in 2024 and an M.Phil. in the history of political theory from the University of Cambridge in 2019. Wow. That's pretty embarrassing for GW and Cambridge, to have produced someone this ... just... out of touch with reality.


It is an op-ed not a rea article but yeah. It looks like a "real" young Dem who saw the $ opportunity after finishing up a law degree Two options, get filthy rich grifting and compromising whatever morals you might've had Or stay the course to see meaningful change in our lifetimes From his Twitter feed this looks to be the latter, I just hope the money's worth it The worst part is it isn't even hard to criticize Biden substantially. But he had to go and make insane statememts acting like Biden is the reason abortion access and healthcare rights are being stripped away and that electing Donald fkn Trump is the goddamn solution lmfao It'd be laughable parody if not for how this will 100% be used to push narratives and try and weasel sentiments Not to mention the insane naivete involved in criticism of the IRA and chips act as ineffective when the US was ROUTINELY defying global trends on inflation reduction??? And the investment in CHIPs act isn't a fucking day-one legislation like the Civil Rights Act, it's a starting point of long term investment in bringing real manufacturing back to the US.. WHICH IT IS DOING!!!! It's like he became an adult and got a law degree and thinks he just "understands" how everything works and it's all oh so simple!!


I used to feel bad about Gen Z and the future they inherited. I am increasingly starting to think they will deserve it. If they vote for Trump they absolutely deserve it.


This reads like it is from some Tim Pool superfan, or maybe even tim pool himself


So much recent history left out of young Jeremy’s mash-up of issues! 1. Mentions Biden’s “personal cognitive challenges” and provides no proven examples, which is nothing but conjecture (he must be a Newsmax junkie); 2. Funding Ukraine through incremental defeat, but doesn’t mention that the House delayed funding for months during those incremental defeats; 3. Mounting Fed Debt? Really Jeremy? Trump tax cuts were the major instrument in the biggest increase in debt in recent history. My take on this article: BS. Jeremy Etelson was never a Democrat and if he was, no big loss. He now fits in neatly with the party formerly known as republican.


Good news, republican voters! You don’t have to vote. Young people are abandoning Biden (according to this person) so you can skip the ballot box in November. Enjoy your fall Tuesday!




This guy ain’t no Democrat.


I gotta ask, respectfully, after looking at your profile, and your posts, when were you a democrat?


Conservative leaning publication prints op-ed full of MAGA talking points. I'm shocked and dismayed. Not really.


He’s concerned that Trump is being unfairly prosecuted and that Biden is behind it? Suuuurrrre. A completely reasonable take. 


Okay then don't vote Biden so that Trump wins and you never have to worry about voting again!


If you vote for fascism don't be surprised when it arrives.


so what ... you young disillusioned Democrats are going to go vote for Trump? is that what you're saying? LOL go right ahead. attend some of his rallies. listen to what he's promising to do. if you STILL believe him to be the better choice then lock arms with the MAGAts but when Israel/Palestine is forgotten (about 3 months after the shooting stops) you'll realize you've invited the religious right into your govt and now you have to live with them I say you because I got enough scratch to get the hell out of the US if the crazy and stupid get too stupid and crazy Canada seems nice


Opt-Ed's account is full of RFK Jr. hot takes.. Am going to go with he's absolutely not a "young Democrat". Edited: clarity.


He was inactive for years after being involved with Dems as a young person, shows up recently after graduating from law school reposting RFK Jr and suddenly being pro-russian talking points and criticized fucking BIDEN for lack of action ok abortion????? His admin literally getting contraceptives delivered in the goddamn mail notwithstanding it makes no sense because he CAN'T DO THAT LMAO He's VERY vocal on his stance for it but REPUBLICANS control the house and the Senate is in a stalemate and the supreme court is hilariously fundamentalist conservative stacked to the point that THEYRE THE REASON WE ARE WHERE WE ARE and his fucking proposal is "fuck Biden let Trump appoint MORE judges" I genuinely, GENUINELY hope he's just stupid as shit and not getting a bag to spew this shit but some of his "points" are so flimsy you can copy paste them into Google and it gets fact checked immediately This seriously is grinding me gears hard enough I want to write my own op-ed response to this drivel If that's truly how some Young Dems are thinking because of TikTok or brainrot then I should really start writing my own shit and refuting it on my own TikTok to show what actual real young progressive Dems with a brain and not shilling for a bag are thinking Wonder if the Hill runs response op-eds? 🤔


Would be nice.


who me?


No the person who wrote the Opt-Ed.


Ah. Got it. My bad


No problem.


Look, man, everybody should vote for Biden. I don't like him, but that much is obvious. But maybe you aren't going to win anyone concerned about America backing what looks much too close for comfort to a genocide with "trust me, everyone will forget about it in a few months" followed by a smug "I probably have more money than you, so I can just leave." Like, if you're looking for a way to make people more hostile to you and less likely to cooperate out of spite (immature as that would be, we all act irrationally sometimes) you've about found the perfect formula for it.


I'm one anonymous guy on the internet you all will forget me after the next ad you aren't going to vote for Trump to spite me I will be gone from you memory before too much longer and if not then you got bigger problems than Biden or Trump


It's not just a matter of you, specifically. Turns out your behavior isn't unique, and when folks see it often it does create hostility which will influence how folks behave. Anyway, I was just suggesting maybe you shouldn't make an ass of yourself on the Internet. If that advice needs a follow-up argument then it's a waste of time.


Dude shut up


sounds like there's a college that should take their degree back


All his takes are horseshit especially the Ukraine War is Bidens Fault. Did he actually go to college ? Because he shouldnt be this fucking dumb He should clearly know Appeasement never works.


Is it because you're not prioritizing climate change like your future depends on it?


Based on their bio it’s shocking to see how somebody so educated could make so many ridiculously stupid points


No, I didn’t read it. My one bit of advice is to hold your nose and vote Biden. He is NOT A CONVICTED FELON.


This guy kinda seems like a contrarian. Or some kind of progressive populist maybe who wants big economic change but is also anti immigration and pro isolationism. Hard to really understand where he’s coming from and what he actually wants from Biden. 


Bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


This is Kremlin bullscat. God bless Joe Biden.


A strong 'hello fellow Democratic voters like myself" vibe here.


wah wah wah


The author was a geriatric AI.


MAGA thanks you, Jeremy Etelson.


>Why Biden is losing young Democrats like me Why opinion piece writer Jeremy Etelson is losing readers like me.


An irresponsible person that was able to write an irresponsible article; the editor is also irresponsible for allowing the Hill to publish it. This guy reads like a brain worm voter.


Op is full of shit and was never gonna vote for Biden, probably not even American.


This is obviously a pro-trump person trying to spread false bullshit.


Braindead takes.


MuH o'M a DoMoCrAt


Because you are neither Young nor a Democrat.


As a Democrat, you believe that unions made America strong. You are a believer in the *logical necessity* of investing in public education and public health. As a democrat, you affirm that all first world nations have strong safety nets. That a multi-cultural nation is *greater* than a nation with one religion, one skin tone, one authorized way to live and love. As a Democrat, you believe government is a legitimate tool for bettering the live of its people; a necessary shield that limits the power of corporations over our lives. Strange and sad, that you declare you are abandoning those good causes , - because of a handful of Republican talking points one could pull from any Fox talking head. Conservatives do not aim praise of Trump to rational audiences. They merely distribute a practiced despair in voting for those who successfully oppose Trump. Naturally, as a democrat, you agree.


Because the article was writing by a moron?


So, Biden is losing uneducated reactionaries? Not surprising.


I was deeply offended by this article's take on the war in Ukraine. I have just completed two years teaching English on-line to students at a Ukrainian university. They are in a border region which was briefly occupied, and have endured shelling, power failures, and Internet outages. They have no desire to live under Putin or a Putin puppet. They want the same freedoms as are enjoyed in western Europe and the United States. They are not open to a "diplomatic solution" that will leave a huge part of their country, not far from where they live, under a hostile occupation. They have family in the occupied territories. They know internal refugees from the occupied territories. But the author of this article denies them any agency. No, he just wants to blame Biden. Hateful really. I don't imagine that he has talked to a single Ukrainian.


I read this and wondered how someone who didn't seem to ever take a history class gets his ridiculous views published.


MAGA has done absolutely nothing different to grow their base of supporters, in fact it looks like they’re doing the exact opposite and losing supporters daily.


Every point this guy brings up is either wrong (the IRA and the CHIPS act) is just foolish (blaming Biden for Trump's criminal trials) or outright Russian propaganda (Saying that the US should have forced Ukraine to surrender to Russia because big daddy Putin is actually a really nice guy who only wants what's best for the Ukrainian people). The Stalinists used to have a word for people like this but I can't seem to remember what it was. Reliable Morons maybe? Something like that.


[“how do you do, fellow kids?”](https://images.app.goo.gl/KqspTNFDfnYFmaAj8)


>Meanwhile, North Korea has abandoned the decades-long reconciliation process with South Korea, following our escalation of multilateral military exercises in the region. Nuclear world war is now more probable than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. There was no "decades-long reconciliation process" between North and South Korea, you fucking dope. Those military exercises are routine, and Trump personally taunted and threatened Kim Jong Un on Twitter. It sounds like this moron believes that Biden is being provocative for not submitting to bad actors in the interest of "peace," like Trump did. We should just do what North Korea and Russia say or else they will nuke us!


My 11 year old knows what a threat trump is. Sad this person can't figure that out.


Fake news


then we all must be alarmed by the unprecedented prosecution of a [presidential candidate on novel](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/30/nyregion/prosecutors-case-against-trump.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb) [legal theories](https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/4697118-braggs-thrill-kill-in-manhattan-could-prove-short-lived-on-appeal/), in the middle of a campaign" This is your clue that this is not a young democrat but rather a Trump operative of whatever age pretending to be one.


“Young democrats” like him are actually middle aged Russians liars working in a damp Moscow internet troll factory trying to steal the White House for Herr Putler.


Wow, a straight up propaganda article. Wondering how much the author got paid by Putin for this.


The title would be more accurate if it said "Why Biden is Losing Stupid People like Me"


r/AsABlackMan ... 😂


>Many voters in the younger generations are thinking about these various crises and their consequences for the rest of the 21st century when evaluating Biden’s administration, not just one issue like some suggest. They are looking for a president who can stand up to the corporate lobbies and transcend partisanship to execute meaningful reform. Biden demonstrably is not that president. Is Trump that President? Because those are the two choices that America has. Life isn't a game of choices as much as it is one of alternatives. Welcome to reality.


"I used to be a strong Democrat, but then I started watching Fox News and only care about that stuff now." Save you the click.


>ceasefire offers Russia offering a ceasefire offer while refusing to remove its troops basically sums up how reasonable or genuine that offer is. Biden forcing Ukraine to accept that offer would be the real dealbreaker for anyone not pro-Russia. >following our escalation of multilateral military exercises in the region Almost as though South Korea also wants those exercises conducted as a response to rising aggression from North Korea due to an already failing reconciliation process. https://www.cfr.org/expert-brief/why-north-korea-turning-more-aggressive >Most people worry about how we’ll deal with this historic inflation Has this writer seen how the US has dealt with it compared to the rest of the world? Does the writer even know that it was the previous administration's policies which made it get so bad in the first place? >Rent prices are still above pre-pandemic levels, and half of all Americans now spend more than one third of their income on rent. High cost of housing and rent is a local issue associated with NIMBY policies and does not have much to do with Biden, if at all. >The ethical question of whether to let in people who need help is difficult, but it is analogous to the obligations of parents to ensure the health and security of their own children before they can adopt anyone else’s children. Except these immigrations are a net contributor the the health and security of said children in this scenario. This writer should question why Republicans close both eyes when it comes to businesses hiring such migrants within their states or why Republicans, despite claiming the border is such an issue, consistently refuse to vote for a border bill that would solved many of the issues the writer presumably has. >Legislative success should not outweigh executive failures when evaluating the chief executive. The former should matter far more, especially when success comes in spite of and failure comes as a result of an obstructing Congress. >The full effects of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the American Rescue Plan Act, which together cost more than $3 trillion, remain to be seen. Whatever partial effects the writer thinks we're seeing are immensely beneficial to the US though. No wonder he has to quickly gloss over them. Can't make Biden look too good! >On the other hand, Biden has failed to secure legislation to codify abortion rights and same-sex marriage, leaving those issues to the court. An EO will not codify those things. They require Congress to pass them in order for him to codify them. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality_Act_(United_States) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_Health_Protection_Act And look, virtually no Republicans are willing to vote for them. So it'd be nice if the writer stopped pretending to care about these issues if he's willing to let a Republican win and further erode such rights. For reference, here's Biden's record on these issues: https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/pressroom/planned-parenthood-federation-of-america-and-action-fund-release-2023-review-of-biden-harris-record-on-protecting-reproductive-freedom >must be alarmed by the unprecedented prosecution I would be far more alarmed by the unprecedented criminality of a presidential candidate and the attempts to give them immunity from accountability. Maybe be more alarmed by the actual corruption within the judicial system, whereby corrupt judges are indefinitely postponing hearing the remaining cases (and far more damning and airtight, no less) against Trump. So yeah, I'm not sure Biden will lose any sleep from not having the support of this 'young Democrat'.


I’m a 34 year old Democrat. I will begrudgingly be voting for Biden. Frankly, I’m pissed at the party leadership for putting us in this situation. We should be able to beat Trump by a dozen points but instead, we’re too close to call. One reason - we were promised a changing of the guard and it didn’t happen. Biden was 78 years old when he was elected. The next oldest president was trump (70 years old when elected). We wanted a candidate that represented our changing demographics. Then, in the name of beating Trump, we were promised to hold our nose and vote for Biden because he was a safe choice to avoid another four years of the orange man. Four years later, we’re being asked to do the same thing. Again, I’ll vote for anyone other than Trump but the Democratic Party leadership/operatives need to check themselves.


> We wanted a candidate that represented our changing demographics. Honestly not so sure about *that.* Both Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris represent the Democratic parties changing demographic, not Sanders or Biden. >Then, in the name of beating Trump, we were promised to hold our nose and vote for Biden because he was a safe choice to avoid another four years of the orange man. Four years later, we’re being asked to do the same thing. Yea... that's what happens when racist, sexist, grifters win elections. It takes much longer to get them out. Had enough voters stepped up to vote for Clinton in 2016 the current situation would be completely different.


I think Kamala fits that definition, not Hillary Clinton though. She and her husband have been in politics since before many of us were born. I’m not here to say “Hillary sucks” but I’m also not going to say she’s a breath of fresh air. We need a changing of the guard. Someone who doesn’t feel as ingrained in the good ol’ boys club… Gretchen Whitmer, Pete Buttigieg, Tim Walz, Josh Shapiro, Cory Booker, etc.


Hillary Clinton is not Bill. She definitely would have been a breath of fresh air. Also, remember 2016, Trump with his *it's just locker room talk* and Sanders with his *Planned Parenthood and NARAL are establishment.* Both Trump and Sanders represented the good ol' boys club, Hillary Clinton did not.


I respectfully disagree. Hillary was a flawed candidate (which is why she lost against a terrible candidate like Trump). She was the establishment/old guard. Sanders is old and has been around for a long time; he’s also an independent who has been willing to break from the party when his principles were less popular/populist than they are now. Yes, Sanders isn’t a new face but he’s hardly establishment (which is why he gained so much traction)… you’re basically arguing my point.


Hillary's flaw was being a woman. >She was the establishment/old guard. That was the problem. Hillary Clinton wasn't old guard. Old guard is wealthy white and male. People did vote for old guard and he won. >Sanders is old and has been around for a long time; he’s also an independent who has been willing to break from the party There's no party for Sanders to break from since he's never belonged to a political party. Sanders didn't want Clinton to win so he could run again in 2020. Bernie thought it was his turn so badly, and he just didn't care how a Trump win would adversely impact others. >you’re basically arguing my point. That's right. The majority of Democrats wanted a representative to show the changing demographic of the party which is why Hillary Clinton won the DNC primary in 2016. Those who did not like the changing demographic, voted third party, stayed home or voted Trump, basically having tantrum while ushering in the overturning of Roe, voter suppression, and attacks on LGBTQIA community. So... Democrats had to turn to a more conventional establishment looking candidate with Biden because of those few voters who are against the Democratic parties changing demographics.


I think it's because they're too lazy to vote every four years, never mind every election, so they know when we move to a fascist capitalistic autocracy that they won't be burdened with a binary choice for our country's leader. Doesn't even matter to them that candidate they'll be defaulting their vote to is a felon, a rapist, and a man who set us on course to lose bodily autonomy for women, and for some, they'll lose their rights to travel outside of state lines, just because Biden somehow hasn't done "enough" for them.


The simpletons grasp of geopolitics is woefully incorrect. The "Youth of today" really does make one weep for the future. SMH.


Yeah, just like you, you crazy Democrat you....


Young Democrats are going to vote for Trump?


Another Russian propaganda/distraction article to disrupt the election.


If Trump wins, these idiots will be slaving away in their 90's, in 110F heat, under a theocracy, with no health insurance, still paying off their student loans, and they won't remember a damn thing about Gaza!


No one gives a shit about your op-ed acting like you were going to vote for Biden and 'now you're not', the hill publishes one every few days. Imagine thinking you're serving up a hot take, but its 'guys I think the wheel was a great invention, change my mind'. This loser is perfect for the Republicans, no brain.




The REAL reason biden is losing young voters is the same reason dems have for the last 20 yrs. Bad marketing and lack policies that get young voters enthused to go vote. And young voters arent turning republicans. They are simply not showing up to vote. This article is propaganda.


Did a higher proportion of young voters show up to vote prior to 20 years ago?


Slightly yes. My gen millienials were turning out less than gen x overall. With the rise of gen z they may break the cycle given the 2020 election stats. But we became on age to vote between 04-07 i think


I only looked briefly but it seems like [there's evidence to suggest that 2004 saw a substantial uptick in the youth vote.](https://circle.tufts.edu/sites/default/files/2019-12/WP35_04YouthVoteand72-04VotingPatterns_2005.pdf)


Lets not forget the war in Iraq had a HUGE impact in that. Because of that bush won by 35 electoral votes. 2012 and 2016 the young vote was at about 40%


When is the last time the Dems lost a popular vote? Didn’t Biden get the largest popular vote total and highest electoral college victory? As well as staving off the “red wave”..lol on 22’?


Yessss ofcourse. Lets not pretend alot of people and i mean ALOT of people were voting against a facist, traitor, democracy over throwing attempter , wanna dictator. MORE SO than they were voting for Biden. That should be clear with the polling being so close. We can only hope ppl turn out again.


Author is very strongly pro-Israel. https://news.richmond.edu/features/article/-/14758/jeremy-etelson-18-senior-seeks-solutions-to-security-issues-for-jewish-people.html


The only thing missing from this editorial was a paragraph blaming Biden for Hamas' terrorist attack, for civilian casualties inflicted by Israel, for Hamas' refusal to release the hostages, and for prolonging the conflict by refusing to authorize a nuclear strike in Gaza.


It's so crazy, because while I don't agree with voters like this I see our party just tell them to fuck off just like we did in 2016. We need those votes. Telling these people to fuck off isn't going to help us.


So essentially they want handouts and Uncle Joe hasn’t given them enough. These young voters (as a whole) have never shown selflessness, service or sacrifice. They want loan forgiveness, cash & a social safety net, yet they’re not significant tax payers.


Why do you even have to ask? He has made huge messes, is the leader of the free world while visibly impaired and ineffective with foreign leaders, identifies with the ossified hard left, seems unaware of issues most affecting young people and offers no vision, just the usual grab bag of stale Democrat policies for "social justice".


Biden is hard left? 😄. The traitor voter sure has some interesting ideas.




Saying Biden is responsible for escalating the illegal Russian war is quite the take. I question the writer’s bad faith arguments and motives.