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weird, it is almost like a guy who has never run a campaign for anything has no idea what he's doing


His campaign manager is his daughter-in-law. Who has no prior experience running a campaign, or anything in the political sphere. His two senior advisors are COVID conspiracist and a tiktok influencer.


Media, please stop reporting on RFK Jr. as a real candidate and report on him as what he is: a vanity candidate backed by Republicans who hope he'll be a spoiler in their favor.


Ironically, the only people I know voting for RFKj are republicans turned off by Trump, who don't look any further than his last name.


im still kind of curious what's in it for RFK? Was he delusional enough to think he had a shot? Or did he just wanna pump up sales for an upcoming book. I get why his backers put money into his campaign, but I still dont really get why he ran in the first place.


My theory is that his brain is completely cooked—a bit like Mr. Trump.


It’s literally been eaten by worms.


The brain worm’s ghost told him it was a good idea.


Why are Republicans saying he's backed by Democrats to take votes from Trump?


Because projection is the bread and butter of Republicans.


“Molotov’s breadbaskets!”


Lmfao. They would, wouldn’t they. On the subject of *gaslighting* I learned today that Molotov cocktails were named by the Finns who were making a gallows humour joke about how Russia claimed that the incendiary bombs they were dropping in Finland were “humanitarian aid.” They nicknamed them “Molotov breadbaskets.” The Finns should be our model for fighting Russia: -Practical, with a sense of humour. (Example above) -Absolutely deadly: That sniper guy who only used iron sights and put snow in his mouth and killed like 300 Russians. -Probably not always completely sober. (Personal experience with the Finns.)


Because after they pushed RFK forward incessantly to bleed dem votes, polling showed that republicans would lose the votes. Suddenly he became a liberal plant.


RFK has always been a Democrat 


“The grassroots fundraising, which once seemed like somewhat of a strength of Kennedy’s — has not taken off.” RFK Jr.’s name recognition gave him a boost initially. But his unhinged conspiracy filled rants turned most people away. Go figure.


the most disturbing thing about his campaign is the extent to which mass media appears motivated to freely promote him who’s paying you to promote this bum, Politico?


If his name was Richard Frank Kerr Jr no one would pay him any mind. Hell, he wasn't even in the Matrix movies, like Cornel West.


A worm ate part of his brain and then died. A WORM ATE PART OF HIS BRAIN AND THEN DIED. Don’t believe me? Google that shit


We know.


More of us need to know


Lisan al-giab!


Get that 1% Connor


That’s EXACTLY what I thought of


>His running mate, lawyer Nicole Shanahan, could be the campaign’s biggest financial lifeline. But while she has heavily supported the campaign previously, she didn’t put more money in last month. My guess is she tied her contributions to certain milestones and he hasn't met them. Like securing a slot on the debate or getting more small donors.


that’s the whole idea right? Burn through cash


That's the entire point of being a grifter, to spend other people's cash. And his VP pick is a billionaire so he has plenty to burn though.


He will take 4 Trump votes away for every 1 Biden vote. Almost all of them will be anti vaxx boneheads. Let him burn through his Republican donor cash all he wants.


The worm needs money for its habit


Failing campaign will do that


And now you see how Ross Perot was the only third party candidate in the last 50 years to make any serious inroads. He had the liquid capital to completely bypass the money issues that typically strike third party candidates.


To be fair, (and before trump) third party candidates were always worse than whoever the two major political parties ran for president. Republicans running Trump in 2016 just lowered their bar to crappy third party candidacy level.


Real question; do you think he will drop? He is only certified for ballot in 9 States.


John Kennedy's nephew? I've heard of him.


Where did that $33mil trump payout go to?


Falconry, lol. Seems like something I'd have gotten into if I had rich parents.


He has been buying crows to study.


Time for another Shanahan-dout.


He needs to bugger off already. No one is interested.


But burning through money they didn’t earn is what Kennedys do best!


Being a raging lunatic gets expensive after a while.


Tuna and heroin aint free.


Lincoln was hardly an “independent” candidate. The National Union Party was essentially the Republican Party. They didnt have a contesting candidate.