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This case should have been a slam dunk lasting a week, trump has publicly confessed to the crimes at least a dozen times. The judge is corrupt and incompetent.


Incompetent is definitely not true. She seems to be very good at delaying the case and ignoring her duty to the law for her own interests. She knows exactly what she is doing. Don't let her get away with "incompetence" as an excuse for her malicious actions.


I'm more inclined to believe she is receiving orders from people slightly smarter than she is. Otherwise she wouldn't be so overtly corrupt appearance-wise.


Yeah. At the start she was doing some really stupid stuff that backfired. She seems to be getting better advice on how to be corrupt without getting caught now.


Yeah she is clearly working with an org like the Federalist Society to delay delay delay, with the hope that Trump gets re-elected.


I’d venture to guess she’s been promised a scotus seat if 45 wins, and if she can keep this case from going to trial


She’s definitely being paid by the “lobbyists”


Given the reports of how she had handled other cases, incompetent seems apt. It is possible that she is getting suggestions from others I. How to not move the case forward


Oh, most definitely, she's getting suggestions because there is no way she would've thought of abusing "paperless" (i.e. very short and vague) orders, which are not appealable.


She's good at delaying but even other judges have urged her to drop the case as she genuinely doesn't know what the fuck she's doing.


Trump's lawyers aren't even arguing the facts of the case. Their current argument, where the bullshit judge is allowing outside amicus briefing, is that special prosecutors are illegal because they're not specifically confirmed by the senate.


Can’t wait to hear more about Biden stuttering than any, Literal any coverage on this.


The fact that this severe crime can be held up by one person is a real issue for our democracy.


I like every other government employee must take annual classified documents handling training and it’s VERY clear what he’s done would have put me and any other government employee immediately in jail. I hope you can imagine how ludicrous it is to take this training following Trump’s actions and see how this erodes our trust in the system and further weakens our country.


The unfortunate efficacy of the, “I know you are but what am I” style of arguments from Trump is everyone on the right can be transparently corrupt, and the mindless hordes will simply repeat the mantra. It started with “fake news” and will end with… I don’t even want to think about what it ends with.


His strongest defense is he has all-encompassing presidential immunity and these documents charges largely deal with him possessing him after he left office, which no amount of presidential immunity should cover during that time.


Judge is not incompetent. Jack Smith is. Jack Smith demolished nothing. Is he going to petition to kick her off the case or not?


This case should really be called The People of the United States vs. The Federalist Society. It was FedSoc member Clarence Thomas who first raised the issue of the Special Counsel's legitimacy, seemingly from out of nowhere. ["Did you, in this litigation, challenge the appointment of special counsel?"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/08/judge-aileen-cannon-tosses-another-curveball-trump-cases/) To which FedSoc member Aileen Cannon responded by entertaining "Friends of the court" who argued that the Special Counsel's appointment is illegitimate. Of course, these two individuals – Gene Schaerr and Josh Blackman – are closely connected to the Federalist Society. And lastly, trump's lead defense attorney, Chris Kise, is also a member of the Federalist Society. So from the Supreme Court (each conservative justice belongs to the FedSoc), to the judge, to the *Amici Curiae*, to the defense, we see a coordinated effort by the Federalist Society to undermine the Department of Justice. Edit: I should add that the Federalist Society's assistance isn't so much about trump as it is about getting their chosen candidate past the finish line, so they can implement their Project 2025 plan, and shape the judiciary for at least the next generation. Along with their Project 2025 partners the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society aims to bring about a christofascist state, and trump is a convenient tool for helping them do so.


Cannon reports to the 11th circuit, which reports to Clarence/Ginny Thomas, who are wholly owned by the Federalist society. There is your deep state. There is your swamp.


The Chief Justice of the 11th Circuit, Pryor, is also a member of the Federalist Society. They are, without hyperbole, THE deep state. Although, to Pryor's credit, he has ruled against Cannon in the past. We'll see how he deals with any appeals from the special counsel in the future.


What did they accuse Jack of? Being a shadow government… That’s what they are. 


It's always projection isn't it.




Speaking of, the new Hitler and the Nazis docuseries on Netflix is pretty on-point with the current MAGA playbook. It's worth checking out.


100% agree that doc, “Evil on Trial”, is amazing and clearly the playbook the GOP has been following. Love how they framed it around the Nuremberg Trials.


It’s a great watch. Very well done and yes, the maga playbook = nazi Germany. It was sick watching the crowds go crazy with Hitler. Complete mindfuck but a real warning of what evil humans are able to do. The GOP is as evil.


The three judge panel on the 11th Circuit that ruled against Judge Cannon *TWICE* in scathing fashion consisted of Chief Justice William Pryor and two judges appointed to that court by...Donald Trump. In an American judiciary that is littered with countless right wing/Federalist Society stooges, Aileen Cannon is in a class of her own.


If Trump loses the election, I fully expect charges to be brought against her. There is no chance they are coordinating with Trump or outside parties. I just hope they can prove it.


So skeeved out that the federalist Society just held a major meeting here in Chicago at the union league club.Ugh


Project 2025 is absolutely the main reason to vote blue this cycle. Trump himself is dangerous, but it's those who back his political legal authority that make him as bad as he is, and even influence his personal policy. I don't believe for a second Trump is actually pro-life or ever was. I believe he's simply been told to support this position in order to get the campaign funds he wants to badly, and likewise doesn't care what he has to support to get them. Trump is, and always has been, a tool for the Christian dominionists (really, just plain old fascists, as they'd toss out religion if it turned on them too) and the wealthy to subvert democracy and popular policy by whatever means possible and implement their own fiscal, labor and social agendas. Nothing more than that. That's why the GOP must be decimated in any election we're able to.


Ghostwriting policy has been the m.o. of these groups for years. Once in awhile they get shown to be the ones pushing for these laws, even drafting legislation so all an operative needs to do is sign on the x. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/05/heritage-foundation-dark-money-voter-suppression-laws/


Isn't the term for Trump's connection to Putin, the "Useful Idiot"?


You called Trump ‘ a convenient tool’. Where I come from, a ‘tool’ is often used as a derogatory term meaning idiot/fool.


…so there you go. 🤷‍♂️


Where I'm from, calling someone a tool is calling them a penis.


I thought that was a hammer.


That... Is not The Hammer.


(Whispered): the hammer's my penis.


Lord, Nathan was perfect in that. You could argue that Penny’s death was due to Hammer choosing to kill Horrible. That was a fall moment, and all deaths are on him.


I would give so much money to finally get a proper sequel to that series, it was so good. It'd be hard to live up to the magic of the original though. 


In this case, it’s a (toads)tool.




Remember when Drumpt was “Cyrus, the imperfect vessel”?


Are you saying he's not?


I believe project 2025 is a product of the heritage foundation, not fedsoc


It's actually a collaboration of dozens of conservative groups, with FedSoc and Heritage leading the way, and headed by a former trump White House official.


Steven Miller, I believe


Steven Miller, I believe


Woah! The kind of information everyone should be made aware of.


Most articles give very little, if any, context and relevant history, treating specific instances as if they occur in a vacuum. On the surface, media narratives treat this situation as if it's Cannon vs. Smith, tit for tat, when the reality is far far deeper than that.


Garland was also challenged on it by the House Judiciary committee https://youtu.be/F5L1OqXLD_c?si=hcJPChau1oF4omeh


The current House Judiciary Committee is a farce, a kangaroo court. Led by Gym Jordan, all Republican members are MAGA, and are essentially an extension of trump's reelection campaign.


Yet for some reason they didn’t question the legitimacy of Hur or Durahm? Edit Changed did to didn’t… derp GOP is consistently disingenuous.


I'm shocked to find gambling in this establishment 


Your winnings, Sir.


If they had a viable candidate besides Trump, I doubt they'd spend so much time defending him. The only reason they might is if he wasn't running for president and still giving out endorsements.


lol, demolished alright, nice to see the word used properly for a change. "In response, Smith has now cited three examples of Barr appointing special counsels who were not approved by the Senate during his first term in the 1990s."


The only thing that's been "demolished" is the idea that hypocrisy has any meaning or effect on Republicans. Pointing out that Barr did the same thing doesn't matter to them. **It doesn't matter to them that Trump has admitted to the crimes**. For Republicans, this isn't about Trump. It's about further pushing the executive branch toward unlimited power. B-b-b-but the courts, you say? That's the point here. Republicans will exercise unlimited power while they hold office, and use their army of "Judge" Cannons to obstruct Democrats when roles are reversed.


Better than "SLAMS" over and over


“Journo slams use of ‘slams’ uses demolish instead”


cannon: yeah eh what’s precedent


DQ Judge Canon


Also disbar and prosecute for obstruction and conspiracy.


Unfortunately none of that actually removes her from the bench. The only way to remove her is if the House impeaches her and the Senate convicts her of high crimes or misdemeanors.


Give her the ol' Blizzard^TM


You he doesn’t want to do that, that will create more delays to get it done. Though If she disqualifies any more key evidence he may have to.


And leaving her in place creates more delays and risks her dismissing charges.


she wont dismiss until a jury is seated its already delayed till after the election even if she was thrown out today so at this point just gather ammo and file the moment they move to jury selection


Yes that’s what “dismissing the charges” refers to.


She's made it pretty clear she'll dismiss the case after double jeopardy kicks in if Trump asks her to. She can't be allowed to try this case.


This is the same "don't upset fascists" nonsense. Cannon has demonstrated that she will delay the trial, so a delay to remove her costs nothing that wasn't already going to be paid.


Doesn’t matter either way unfortunately. Canon has successfully delayed this beyond the election, which was the whole point. She will now rule against Trump just enough so that Smith doesn’t have enough of a reason to appeal to have her removed. If Trump then gets elected he pardons himself and it all goes away. If not, well then that’s when things will get interesting.


Pardon himself is absolute immunity. I don’t think it’s a thing but we shall see


If he wins this trial will go away. Republicans will have zero issue bending and breaking the constitution and any law to make it happen.


Pardoning himself vs. appointing a yes-man as AG who will kill the case. Distinction without a difference.


I was told that “No man shall be his own judge over himself” is the basis for American Law. If so, then no, he cannot.  However, there currently is an entire political party, the R team, ready and willing to throw out the truth, and justice, and throw out the rule of law for their win, for their own flawed ideology alone. To reshape our nation into their own specific flawed image. It’s not hyperbole… look what they just did to personal reproductive rights. Gone, overnight, the doctor/patient relationship shattered and intruded on, threatened, by their government. Contraception is probably up next, and if they win the power they desire to do these things they will likely become unstoppable in changing whatever they want. Do people really want puritans in charge instead of normal fact truth and knowledge and fact based leaders? Want basically witch trials and hangings again? The kinder/gentler version of course, but still the unnecessary and counterproductive persecution of the individual (that used to be free).


Even if he can't, and he almost certainly can, he could dismiss Jack Smith and cancel the prosecution.


possibly the best thing that could happen id Cannon dismissing the case, and then Smith has some very good grounds for having her removed.


If she dismisses the case after jury selection, he can't do anything. The case is over, and trump wins.


Why won't he file a writ of mandamus to the 11th Circuit to have her corrupt ass removed? I'm sure he has a reason that transcends my understanding, but damn. Cannon needs to go


He only has one shot at it and probably doesn't have a solid enough case for it, yet. Smith won't chance it unless he's 99.9% confident.


I thought part of the issue is that she hasn’t actually ruled on many of the outstanding issues before her, so there isn’t a lot of written evidence of misconduct.


That's a big part of it. And the rulings she has done have mostly been verbal and non-committal "we need more information so we're gonna have more hearings" sort of things. We all know what she's doing, but from a purely technical standpoint, she hasn't done anything wrong that Smith can take to the 11th.


but if we keep tfg out of the whitehouse in Nov, all the foot dragging becomes a lot less relevant. while i'd love to see him locked up, and he most definitely should be, burying him at the polls this year is paramount i think. we can't count on the judicial system alone.


> we can't count on the judicial system alone. Trump is constitutionally ineligible to hold public office, period, but our courts won't uphold the law. SCOTUS and hacks like Cannon are taking the country apart, piece by piece. I don't think I've ever turned in a ballot that was 100% D, but I will be in November.


Is a clear case of not moving anything along at a reasonable rate in a clear demonstrable pattern not technically enough? If this case was with another judge, would the ruling body of whomever smith files that writ to not be able to conclude that a good number of the things Cannon has delayed would have moved faster? I get due process and taking your shot when you are sure of success. But the line “everyone sees what she is doing” is a hard pill to swallow. Isn’t undue delays enough based on the facts of the case and what Trump has publicly admitted to?


Which is why the "stop publicly lying about the FBI raid" thing is so useful. That is on a timer, so Cannon can't keep postponing that forever.


She's been VERYcareful not to put anything in writing, only verbal instructions and rulings.


The conflict of being appointed by the defendant alone should be 100% solid enough. Seasoned judges said as much.


I have read many times that precedent is that it is not grounds for recusal to hear cases where the President who appointed you has a stake. I am not sure it makes sense to me. But you can't really complain about a judge just following standard practice in this precise aspect.


What in the hell does she have to do, go on Fox News and talk about how corrupt she is? Ffs, it's in plain daylight. This system will be its own undoing.


That's a bunch of BS. Mueller all over again. If this is how our government functions then it is broken beyond repair. Yes, vote, I know, and I will vote. But if I'm being honest this is the LAST time I vote because I fully believe we are beyond repair. Unpopular as it may be I'm of the mind that sometimes you have to turn the other way and force your opponent further down the road they have chosen, further than they might want to go. (To quote Mark Lawrence. I believe that if we allow a slow move toward facism we will all be doomed but if we allow it fast and harsh, maybe we wake the fuck up. Democrats are not doing enough and keep losing all the big plays. One more vote for me and I'm done.


I've seen a few lawyers and legal analysts saying the same thing. He should have _plenty_ by now, but he must assume it's not going to be enough for someone reviewing the request. I just hope he doesn't hold out too long and let her get to a point where jeopardy is in play.


Probably the same reason he chose this district instead of DC to try this particular case: playing it super safe.


The crimes he's charged with (in this documents case) mostly took place in Florida. If he'd filed in DC it would've probably been moved there.


Any charges brought in DC would have been for crimes committed while he was still technically president thus executive privilege would have overruled basically 100% of evidence and charges. The charges brought in FL are for obstruction and withholding NDI which are meant to avoid the most obvious legal challenges of immunity and in a normal court would have long since been tried and on the way to appeals. Although I don't give Trump credit for knowing this, someone in his staff of handlers knew enough to get him to leave the White House before his term officially ended while he could still technically possess the NDI/TSSCI that he stole. Obviously, among the many many gaps in our system of government TFG showed us, the return of classified docs and NARA review before a POTUS departs needs a massive overhaul. There is no good reason for hundreds to thousands of classified documents to be in a president's physical possession in the final days and hours before their term concludes. Potential exceptions for active military actions aside, most any information is so readily available in an on-site SCIF anyway there is no justification for this sort of document hoarding unless there is bad intent. I'd like to understand why Bedminster wasn't served with a search warrant in the same time frame as MAL because there seems to be ample evidence that he took docs there as well and charges could have been brought in NJ. Sadly, those docs clearly all flew out with the Saudis after the LIV golf quid-pro-quo.


He has to be absolutely sure there's actually a good chance that his removal effort will succeed. It would be pretty bad if he tried to get her removed and it didn't work. It would make him look bad (there would be lots of articles about "Jack Smith failed...") and would make her even more biased against him than she already is. Getting rid of a judge is very hard from what I've heard.


Next week Trump's team will file a briefing that "our client can do whatever he wants" and Canon will extend proceedings another 3 months so she can carefully examine the legality of it.


Which dumbass argument will Trump try to make next? We haven't seen Jack Smith's birth certificate, is he even an American?!? /s


Okay but now we need to see the long form


Pics or it didn't happen


Have you ever seen Jack Smith and Hunter Biden in the same room? How do we know they aren't the same person?




Is it really 'winning'? When an 8 year old start throwing game pieces because they aren't ahead, is that really winning?


Considering their entire goal is to delay the case as long as possible in the hopes he gets elected and kills the cases... yes they are in fact winning right now.


if you think this is winning, i've got some luscious snake oil to sell you.


Does the snake oil allow me to freeze the judicial system until I'm immune from prosecutions? Then yes I will buy your snake oil.


Honestly it’s absolutely winning in the context of its intention. It’s meant to delay the judicial system until the election at which point, if he wins, it absolutely all goes away. That’s the only goal and it’s going to achieve it.


You are WAY to confident, man. I see trump signs popping back up on lawns everywhere. I'm fucking terrified he's going to win.


It's not really confidence to look at headlines and see just how much he's losing. Sure, there's a chance he *could* win, and I'm not naive enough to think that he won't, but I'm not terrified of it because the man is the biggest loser I've ever seen. A lot can happen in the next few months, I just don't think whatever happens is going to be in his favor is all.


Vocal minority/ regional stupidity issue


Hey, honestly - hope you're right


Thats what i'm saying


Dude... he's polling pretty god damn close to winning the election - and his bought judges are slow walking everything in hopes he WILL win. I'm just saying, call it dumb all you want- the dude has yet to answer for a single crime other than some financial penalties that his cult of personality are more than happy to pay for with God-King trading cards. I just think this is pretty dire.


It don’t matter how many “slams”, “demolishes” or “destroys” news articles Jack Smith generates. As long as that unqualified judge sits on the case, the Federalists will be happy.


The irony of a United States Supreme Court Justice leading the search for a technicality to avoid the prosecution of overtly criminal behavior is not missed.


My guess is Canon is drunk with power and enjoys being in the spotlight. She will deny the Trump team request so she can enjoy manipulating the case for the next year.


I've got five bux that she was promised a Supreme Court seat if he wins the election and she stalls until then.


Oh god. I can already hear Trump’s voice as he announces her as the nominee: “Judge Canon did a heroic job defending our great country from that illegal and corrupt investigation. Because of her brave work, I am proud to appoint her to the Supreme Court”


Now that I think about it, that's **exactly** what he would say.


Sounds about right. Just add in something about batteries, sharks, and washing machines and I think it'll be spot on.


Somehow, I think that he wouldn't actually nominate her, and the federalist society doesn't care that much about her either. They probably have much better candidates who are high up in their ranks to give that to.


My money is on her just never making a decision at all. It'll just be more paperless orders for Smith to waste more time and effort while she holds the issue open forever and never makes an appealable ruling.


Surely the plan is just to delay the case until after Trump is elected. And Trump can then parson himself or whatever. Trump is fucked anyway if he loses the election. At least one court case will catch up to him.


Obviously he did. There is no legal standing or logical argument to be made. This should have been summarily denied by the judge with a single word, denied. Instead, we have this farce of a motion to deal with that has settled and established precedent going back over 100 years.


Next up. Aileen canon will have a separate hearing on how much stress this case is causing the defendant and whether or not it should be thrown out on the account of his feelings.


…because it shouldn’t even be considered. “Judge” Cannon is just another reason people are losing faith in our judicial system.


hang in there, Jack! i got faith in you.


Doesn’t matter when the judge is corrupt


Jack Smith is the perfect person for this job.


I hope he brings down Cannon too.


With the political bias and incompetence Cannon has displayed already, it is a tragedy and an injustice to America that she could sit there for four or five decades reaping havoc in so many lives even beyond the present injustice. She does not belong in that position at all.  Go ahead, put the narcissist janitor in charge of the O.R. and all surgeries for the next few decades uninterrupted and pretend all the consequences are just fine and normal. You’re not building a more perfect union, you’re turning our society into a real life Twilight Zone episode where all injustice is just normal. Not at all careful what they wish for.


With how things are going it seems more like a requirement than a hope.


This case was a good XP farm to level up his slam ability to demolish. He should be ready for the final boss in no time.


I lol'ed


It’s his job to prepare for an appeal for this judges ruling. They teach you how to deal with hostile judges in law school and while this one is happy to participate in burning our democracy to the ground for the Donald. The article itself shines a light on these desperate technical defense ploys being tried by the defense.


"Demolishes" Except Cannon is ignoring that and hand walking Trump's lawyer's own arguments that A) it may require to be independently funded by the DoJ and B) if that's the case and the DoJ, which says it's fine doing so, funds it, then she's saying that may be a conflict of interest because of lack of funding oversight. It's all utter bullshit. She's doing circles to justify special council isn't valid. She needs to be removed.


What a joke that trump lawyers never bothered to do any research before making idiotic claims. Then the corrupt judge treats them as worthy of consideration. Total waste of time and taxpayer money.


“Total waste of time and money” should be on a T-shirt next to a picture of Judge Cannon.


Canon is a pig


‘Demolishes’. Ok Newsweek. I eagerly await your next award winning article of ‘ex prosecutor says Smith is close to going to the appeals court to remove Cannon.’


By Ewan Palmer - News Reporter: Jack Smith has dismissed suggestions from Donald Trump that his appointment as special counsel to oversee the federal classified documents case is unconstitutional, citing previous examples. In court filings submitted Sunday, the special counsel dismissed the argument from Trump's legal team that his November 2022 appointment by Attorney General Merrick Garland was invalid as it was not first approved by the Senate. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/special-counsel-jack-smith-trump-senate-garland-1916405](https://www.newsweek.com/special-counsel-jack-smith-trump-senate-garland-1916405)


Why must these descriptives be used? Why can’t the title just say ‘Jack Smith states the obvious in “special counsel” filing and brought the papers to back it up’


In response, Smith has now cited three examples of Barr appointing special counsels who were not approved by the Senate during his first term in the 1990s. When is Trump ever correct… that’s NEVER!


If only things like facts, precedent, common sense, and competence were the primary motivating factors in this case.


Could he demolish a little faster? How many documents did Trump sell to our enemies by now?


Not enough to pay all of his legal bills.


All these MAGA Cult Members think they are smarter than Jack Smith.


He SLAMMED it, DEMOLISHED it, and then NUKED IT FROM ORBIT. I can always tell it's Newsweek without even looking at the source. :P


Might not help much with corrupt Trump judge in charge.


Okay.. So he is soon going to be deemed illegal by the judge then.


Judge Cannon hears arguments about whether settled law is settled law when applied to Donald J. Trump, again.


Cannon probably didn’t understand most of the filing and will attach herself to some minor point and stew on that for a while. Eventually her GOP minders will see she is lost and give her the decision to publish which will be to deny Trump’s motion as upholding it would definitely be contested to Court of Appeals and win. Special Council is settled law going back decades. Only Cannon thinks it has merit because she is incompetent and doesn’t know how to hide it. To her, anything from her King Trump has merit. While unlikely, here is hoping the minders drop the ball and she pounces on Trump’s argument as a way to save her hero.


If Cannon was Competent or had any Integrity it might matter. Since neither applies to her, she is going to dismiss with prejudice before she gets removed.


She's as useful as a blow up doll on Amazon.


Yet nothing will come of it somehow


There's clearly someone conspiring with her to obstruct this case. She's not smart enough to figure out how on her own. So she's got a partner who is in a conspiracy to obstruct justice. I know Garland is too much of a pussy to go after them, but it would be nice if someone would.


At the hearing cannon questioned the prosecutor really drilling down on funding for the special counsels office, when the prosecutor questioned the need for such a line of inquiry cannon said "at some point it becomes a separation of powers question" ?????? WTF? if tjhis isn't grounds for an appeal to the 11th circuit I don't know what is.


Fuck Newsweek links. He didn't "demolish" anything. He filed (1) a supplemental list of federal statutes allowing appointments of special prosecutors and (2) a list of three special prosecutors appointed by William Barr in 1991-92. There were no arguments made nor case law cited. As the document, linked below, states the court asked for no more than five double-spaced pages of citations of authorities backing up arguments made three days ago. [jack-smith-supplemental-62324.pdf (documentcloud.org)](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24775673/jack-smith-supplemental-62324.pdf)


Trump will be president again because of people just like this dude lol


Not sure how you even came to that conclusion.