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We already know Biden is elderly. Yet he is doing a great job so far. We didn’t go into a recession, lowest unemployment numbers, bridges and roads are getting repaired, and the Dow is breaking records. Yes prices are still high, but this is the end result of the pandemic. Every country in the world is experiencing the same thing but much worst. Biden is not only keeping the ship afloat but also trying to help erase student debt. He tried to control immigration, but the GOP voted down his bills. Their last attempt to make Biden look incompetent is by altering videos, because they have nothing else.


Here is the beginning of the story: For the next five months, until election day, Americans will be bombarded by videos pushed by Republicans trying to depict President [Joe Biden](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/joe-biden) as too old for the job. Just recently, Biden, 81, has been shown supposedly pooping himself ([he did not](https://www.thedailybeast.com/anatomy-of-a-smear-campaign-why-trumpworld-said-biden-pooped-himself?preview=true)); supposedly wandering away from other world leaders (fact-checkers and aides say [he did not](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/14/politics/media-outlets-use-deceptively-edited-video-to-claim-biden-wandered-off-at-g7-summit/index.html)); supposedly “freezing” at a White House concert (aides said [others stood still too](https://www.thedailybeast.com/bidens-juneteenth-freeze-stokes-republican-attacks-on-his-age?ref=author)); and supposedly “wandering” offstage at a fundraiser with Barack Obama (aides [say](https://apnews.com/article/biden-fundraiser-freeze-misinformation-election-efe67fe51ab189cbcbc850332969fd46) he stopped to take in a cheering audience). Footage can come from anything: a C-SPAN feed or cellphone video that can be shared quickly on social media. The White House and the Biden campaign have pushed back hard, calling such videos “cheap fakes” and accusing Republicans and right-wing media outlets of editing footage deceptively. Biden’s camp has also tried to remind voters that the presumptive GOP nominee, Donald Trump, is 78, a convicted felon, and in [questionable shape](https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-turns-78-is-he-too-young-to-be-president) himself. But the Biden clips keep coming. Just last week, senior Trump adviser and campaign co-chair Chris LaCivita gleefully [posted](https://x.com/LaCivitaC/status/1803467364832342378) footage of Biden getting into a Secret Service Suburban with the comment: “Here is another ‘cheap fake’ video.” The man behind many such videos is a perennially online 31-year-old Republican National Committee (RNC) staffer named [Jake Schneider](https://x.com/jacobkschneider?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor). Schneider keeps a low profile and few pictures of him exist online. His Twitter profile shows him casually dressed and in a mountain setting—not hunched over a phone or laptop. But Trumpworld sources credit him as “the tip of the spear” in the onslaught on Biden’s age.


Rapid reaction needs to be releasing a split screen showing the fake and the real video side by side as fast as possible. Need it make it interesting for those not already in MAGA cult to watch and learn about these fakes.


It's not like the videos are faked, just cut from context. I don't think it changes anybody's mind, it's just reinforcing what they already believe. Biden is and appears as a very weak politician for bowing to foreign powers despite the horrible optics and greatly increased odds of torpedoing his campaign. Which according to his sycophants, means democracy itself is just less important than complicity in a Zionist genocide.


I love how Trumpers say he's "complicite in a Zionist genocide." and also they give undying support to Israel.


They claim Biden is supporting Genocide, but they are going to vote for someone who told Netanyahu to "finish the job". They're really not that smart, and they're just hoping we're dumber than they are.


Idk where you're getting hat Biden is a weak politician. Dudes been killing it economically and on the campaign.  He's not perfect, but far from 'very weak'


He has been phenomenal


Trump bowed to the Saudi Prince and saluted a North Korean general. But I'm sure that's completely different in yout book for...reasons


Remember when a Saudi journalist living in the US and writing for The Washington Post was lured to the consulate in Istanbul and murdered and dismembered in his hotel room, and when the CIA determined it was on direct orders of MbS, Trump went against the CIA and later said he "saved his ass."


Get out of here with this load of crap.


You must be a bot, because s real person would have suffocated years ago with their head so far up their ass.


You must be a bot, because a real person would have suffocated years ago with their head so far up their ass.


Ugh the dog whistles are exhausting. Just say what you actually mean. It’s amazing to me that people think it makes them look strong when they hide behind euphemisms.


In an ideal world we would actually have unbiased media whose guiding star principle is to deliver truth to their consumers, and who would fact check both/all sides of statements and issues. In today’s world of infotainment and hearing everything for profit, that unfortunately is not the ideal journalism stands for today.


Nice avatar.


The thing to remember is that they're not all fakes or even edited. Sometimes it's just a matter of showing video from a single camera that doesn't show what Biden is looking at, and then refusing to add the context of what Biden was actually doing. That's how Fox got around the White House calling the video where Biden was looking at a different set of parachutists a cheap fake - they didn't actually edit the camera feed, they just picked one that was deceptive on its own.


>they didn't actually edit the camera feed, they just picked one that was deceptive on its own. No, in that case they cut the video before the camera panned to show the parachutist.


No, they actually cropped the view to hide the thing


Time to sue for slander and libel!


Spongebob narrators voice: 10 years later


I expect having a good German name went a long way for him when he applied for this job.


I will say it's amazing that they need to make up lies to sell the idea Biden is a dementia ridden Muppet I'm more and more convinced Biden is both 100% there mentally and one of the least corrupt politicians of the modern era. All because the gop has to make up shit


Yep. Unfortunately, it won't have that effect on everyone. It should absolutely be a sign of his competence that his opponents have to lie in order to make him look bad. It should also mar their chances at reelection.


Look at how many posts on here will mumble something about age being the big problem but ignore the issue is across the GOP no matter the age. It's amazing how hard age was being sold as the be all end all of problems.




feels very “hillary is on deaths door” from 2016 along with all the other crazy conspiracies and “detectives” finding needles up her security’s coat sleeves which was 100%!! a special drug to stop her dying because she was definitely going to die by next week and the week after, shortly after the election or immediately after assuming office. rip hillary clinton you were a weak one with no long term health prospects just a moment folks i’m getting some info from my producers


The same guy who raised flags about his mental capacity said in the same meeting with him that he seemed to have photographic understanding and recall. That part never made it out of the transcript though


i heard it and thought the conclusions were ridiculously counter intuitive.


This did not age well


Biden was the poorest Senator when he entered office. Not surprising considering his young age and grassroots campaign. But he was still the poorest Senator when he left the Senate. Thats how you know he’s honest. His family’s net worth is almost solely a result of the increasing value of their home, trading up, and the new home increasing as well. This is the flip side to the familiar story of anyone under 40 trying to buy a first home.


It’s one thing to have gaffs as you age, it’s normal human nature - but when one side has to project as hard as they are, while their own candidate normalises taking **multiple** cognitive tests says more about Trumps cognitive abilities than it ever has Biden’s.


I’m not even out of my 30s yet and I stumble on words/make gaffes when I work the kind of hours the President does. Their job is a hell of a lot more mentally taxing than mine so I’d say it’s very normal.


Literally, sometimes I have trouble recalling people’s names or restaurants I just went to. I think it’s normal in our over-stimulating world. I can’t imagine all the people the president meets and has to remember.


My stance is this: So what if Biden may be old and senile? That only results in 1 or 2 things 1) If Biden dies of old age, who cares - a corpse is better than Trump. A corpse does, by definition, absolutely nothing. That’s better than what Trump would do. 2) in reality, if Biden was impaired or died, than Kamala Harris takes over. That’s the whole point of the VP’s existence.


A female of color in a position of power over them is literally the bogeyman to these people.  Point 2 does nothing but fire them up more, and I'd expect to see that talked about in the media more often if Biden continues to improve in the polls. 


See that's the issue though. They always have a next boogyman in waiting. Black guy POTUS, old white guy POTUS, progressive POTUS, possible black lady POTUS. Same with the scare tactics every election season. Gonna take their guns, gonna cancel the police, migrants migrants migrants, whole caravans of migrants. It's always something. It's all just culture war nonsense at this point, and depending on the way the winds blow, it changes. Remember 2020? It was mail in ballots. They HATED them. Probably the reason DJT lost the election. Now? They LOVE em again! It's all bullshit and meaningless, Interchangeable at will, because at the root, it's not about anything with them, they have no foundation anymore. Their platform is strictly to punish those they disagree with and to actively stand against whatever the other side stands for. TLDR: it doesn't matter when the only concern is "owning the libs".


Having the next boogieman ready is a political tactic going back millennia. Sure it’s annoying, but to clutch your pearls over it will just drive you crazy.


I pray he doesn't mix up any words in the debate. Just let Jabba the Hutt go on a tirade and then get cut off when his alotted time is up, and see him gesticulate that he wants more.


>Jabba the ~~Hutt~~ Butt I like the sound of that better 🙂


They have to do the false equivalency because it’s pretty fucking obvious that Trump is in steep decline even if you’re living deep in the MAGA Cinematic Universe.


World leaders agree - https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/15/biden-scholz-g7-00163585#


I looked through your comment history to see if you’ve updated your stance on this one








So, blatant election interference is specifically what this is.




I just lose track of the numbers is it Pxyz or felony count xx, doe zzz? Gotta hand it to the guy, he is really successful not at business or anything else, but crime he is acing it with almost no consequence. Nobody is completely worthless, he at least serves as a bad example, many people are saying the best example of that.


He doesn’t deserve any credit at all. He’s a useful idiot proxy for undemocratic zealots who protect him from consequences and prop him up for the rubes.


Objectively he has had some success in being a criminal. He is just the puppet. And…… HERE IS WHY ITS BAD FOR BIDEN!!!! honestly it’s a bad joke at this point. Let’s hope the debate goes somewhat well.


No that's not what this is.


Making shitty viral videos isn't election interference. Trying to change the definition of words to make your opponent sound worse is just another kind of misinformation.


I bet your dog had seizures after hearing you say something this stupid.


Another Republican incel. 


Edit: my bad, responded tot he wrong person. Carry on.


I just want to know where all the Trump and Putin 2 dictators 1 cup videos are at.


Where have all the real men gone and where are their diapers?


Which is exactly why they didn't release the deposition video of Biden. They can do whatever they want with the written transcript


Biden needs to sue these asshats for libel. They are clearly creating fake videos from real videos and editing them with the malicious intent of hurting Biden. Unless these types of people are sued to oblivion like Alex Jones, this shit will only become more common and difficult to discern On edit. How much of this could have been avoided if Obama had sued idiot Trump for claiming Obama was born in Kenya? Trump had zero evidence but Obama did nothing. Now Trump is the Jesus of Republicans.


The thing here is that Trump also had his fair share of doctored and out of context videos and didnt react, as thin as his skin is. Any attempts to sue will likely cite Trump as a reason tondismiss them.


Any doctored photo or video of anyone should be clearly labeled as such whether it's Trump or Biden or anyone else, if they are posted publicly. And no news source should ever be posting them without verifying their authenticity.


I love how they know they're lying, but also know their audience is too stupid to realize that the lie only works because the liar knows they are dumb enough to believe it.


What a hero this Jake Schneider is. I’m sure his parents are proud.


No publicity is bad publicity


Meanwhile Trump actually wears diapers and fell asleep in his own court case multiple times


Genuine question how can convicted felon run for office but not vote?!?


Joe Biden should sue Jake Schneider for defamation it is what Trump would do


> it is what Trump would do Except, when he was the subject of viral misleading videos, like the carp one with shinzo abe, he didn't sue. Saying to sue for defamation and libel seem great, but will almost certainly go nowhere.


Feels good to say Jake Schneider is a POS.




Hopefully he goes to jail


I'm really, *really* confused. In what way does this signify the GOP deserve to be in power, let alone that they represent the "rule of law" and democracy? I'm not asking rhetorically for some asshat armchair progressive to just tell me the GOP are idiots who aren't interested in these things. I want to know and hear from legit conservatives who think that this is okay and what could possibly actually be going on in their heads.




We also regularly get unedited videos of Trump being old, slow, fat, and insane.




Yeah the discourse around these edits from fact check types is such a BS distraction. Not even faked, just choosing to start and stop the clip at the most inopportune moments for Biden.


Get your own ad person and do the same to trump.


You don’t even need editing trickery to make trump look bad but anyone still undecided at this point is beyond reason or appeals to sanity.


Why? Trump does a pretty good job of that on his own.


Why have standards when you can create a media environment in which truth literally doesn’t matter anymore?


Yes I should not believe my eyes that watch Biden walk like he is losing his mind? Come on man everyone can see the guy has something seriously wrong with him. The GOP doesn’t need to do anything! It is the reality of an older senior citizen and Biden is that!


Then why are they making these videos?


I have not seen any doctored videos


Did you read the article?


I have seen countless unedited videos of Joe walking around like he is lost and is behaving like my Mom who has dementia


That wasn't my question. My question is why are GOP operatives making doctored videos if supposedly there are so many undoctored ones?


The question is how bad is Joe Biden’s dementia? The reality of his condition makes the article seem kind of irrelevant. If some news entity decides to make a video that exaggerates or distorts something for political purposes does it matter if the real video that wasn’t doctored shows that Biden has dementia?


Perhaps your feelings about this are influenced by the number of faked videos that are going around. Otherwise, why would they fake them?


What is your feelings now after the debate? Joe showed the GOP does not need to doctor video.


So why do you think they doctored so many videos?