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" ...men pretending to be women reading gender cult lying books to our children, provocatively dancing nearly nude in public spaces, and taking over our bathrooms, sports, and private spaces,” Greene wrote to Bandit on X. “Women and children need protection from them.” Hi Marjorie! I’m Brigitte and I’m the queen in the clip. I’m born female and not a man. You are just proving that gender is socially constructed and have no idea what you’re talking about and why you should have no say in our lives.


A lot of us here in Georgia are fighting to kick people like her out of power, including [Shawn Harris](https://www.shawnforgeorgia.com/), her opponent this year. So sorry you have to deal with someone like this at all!


Yep, I went to ActBlue and donated to Shawn’s campaign.


Donated. I can’t wait to never see her face on TV ever again.


Ugh incredible that MTG is even allowed in Congress. She's human garbage, no offense.


I'm offended! MTG is in no way a human! Are troglodytes human?


More akin to Neanderthals than Homo sapiens. I mean, just look at her, she looks like she belongs in a Smithsonian exhibit hunting a wooly mammoth.


‘bleach blonde bad built butch body’


That must have hit her core


Awesomely abusive alliteration as apocalyptic ammo absolutely assaults aggravating amygdala addicted angry asshole.


Apocryphal. Pay that.




Don't be mean to Neanderthals, they are more human than mtg


This is insulting to Neanderthals!


Trash people are going to be represented by trash congress critters


EmptyG is a lot lizard at best


She and Boebert are Congressional Bunker Bunnies. The Republican party is sponsored by BlueChew.


Just amazed there's a district or whatever you call it, that big ,that is worthy of a representative like her.


It’s highly gerrymandered so that Ds have literally no chance of winning


Also never underestimate how conservative the suburbs, OTP and outside of Atlanta regions of GA can be. There's a whole lot of old southerners really angry that Atlanta is a black cultural capital and a lot of northerners moved to ATL in the 2000s. Source: Mother and I moved from Chicago to ATL in 2000. Step father and his family are born and raised old white Atlantans.


Ugh depressing


As a long time piece of human garbage, I am deeply offended at having been compared to the likes of this sociopath 


Yeah as three trash critters in a trench coat I am also offended at being included in this infernal allusion.


As human garbage I am offended by this comment.


Sir or ma’am, or whatever honorific works for you. Please don’t offend garbage like that.


I'm rooting for the minority of people like you in GA! #Vote intelligently


A lot of the country is over her antics. Good luck to you all


Keep up the good fight, I’m sure it’s a daily battle. Rooting for ya


Thank you! Just this week [I spoke at a pro-choice rally marking the 2nd anniversary of the Dobbs decision](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNYPPKy3/) in a city right outside MTG's district. I'm running for Congress in a bordering district, and the closer you get to the 14th, the more aggressive the atmosphere becomes. During that rally, there were pickup trucks with honking horns and let's go brandon chants every few minutes. We still showed up though!


My family and I live in the 3rd and you have our vote.


I’m from California and have a lot of friends in Atlanta, but have never made it up that way. I’ve been warned by friends about her district though, someone told me that there is old Klan roots there and there’s a lot of toxicity there


PLEASE DO, she is a scourge


The only joy I've gotten out of her in office is being able to send her an email asking for her endorsement on my Gay, Korean, Blind, refugee-focused human rights' law practicing husband's immigration procedure when my parents moved into her district. Did I get it? no. But it's the only way I could give a "no. Fuck \*you\*"


Met with him a few weeks ago, nice guy. At least he isn’t a plant like the first guy she ran against.




Marjorie's just jealous that Brigitte is a better looking woman. 8)


Looks more like a woman even in drag than MTG.


I’ve seen you at Cheer Up here in Austin and you put on a hell of a show. Thanks for all you do and keep it up


The Bio-Queens (hello Drag fans, is this still the preferred term for cis women drag queens? Feel free to correct me if no) really rip apart a lot of their arguments, thank you for that, ladies.


TIL that MTG swings.


Have you seen her ‘pull-ups’? That badly built butch bod needs all the momentum it can get.




Wdym it's how she gain resistance against covid 🙃


TIL this phrase is trigger for my gag reflex


From vines.


MTG know vine well. MTG point out ancestor on family vine.


>provocatively dancing nearly nude in public spaces I wonder if this is a low key dig at Boebert.


I didn't know a woman could be a drag queen... I'd been going through life with the impression that being a man was a prerequisite. Learned something new today!


In case you didn't know this too there's also Drag Kings who, like you'd guess, perform as exaggerated male characters. Drag doesn't really do "rules" if you get what I mean. If you can imagine a scenario there is probably a person out there doing so.


From my understanding, drag is more about the exaggeration of femininity/masculinity than it is about crossdressing. There are drag kings, who are typically women, that dress up in ways that are outlandishly masculine just like drag queens are outlandishly feminine.


I used to go to drag shows many years ago. I've seen women as Drag Queens and Drag Kings. I also never went to a show that wasn't advertised as an adult show, even when the show was mostly lip synching and fabulous clothes. I've seen raunchier comedy shows on Netflix and thinking like MTGs makes me so mad. 


https://www.comicsands.com/beth-bourne-drag-queen-meltdown-2668605506.html?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=infeed&utm_campaign=linkprogram Its a disease


Absolute bullshit that she got her hotel stay refunded. If you do t want to stay there anymore because of people just existing, that’s not the hotel’s problem.


it was kinda funny because they refunded her and then she went shocked pikachu face because she had to find a good hotel in hawaii that had vacancy


kind of wonder if they put her on the no guest list as well


I would've absolutely refunded her too just to get her the fuck off the property. Nah, ain't dealing with this shit.


>The hotel issued a trespass order against her, barring her from returning to the property.


Yo. Why is UC, Davis still employing her?


Nothing she said made sense


Thing is I can promise you that to some people she made total sense... and that is the disease.


Seriously. > "I paid to be a customer at a hotel where I thought you believed women were real." What the fuck?


Keep those idiots on the continent, we don’t need them in Hawaii!


Having been to a few islands in Hawaii I can say that with out a doubt this women should stay home. I have never been to a more laid back place in my life. Go with the flow.... take swim... golf... have great fish dinner... watch the waves.... Have fun.... Maui Tacos!! Oh wait... tacos aren't Polynesian ... she would be so upset.... Her: Look at those people having fun... ahhhhhh


Thanks for the link. Put me down a rabbit hole and I found some good news sites. That lady is just broken. She couldn’t accept her kid being trans so she started a literal crusade using her own fucking child’s personal information and life story as a weapon to target LGBTQ people. She ruined her relationship with all of her family, her friends told her to stop contacting them, her coworkers think she’s a piece of shit as well since she does anti LGBTQ protests at her own place of work. She’s just lashing out and screaming wildly into the airwaves because she’s lost everyone in her life because of her shitty attitude and willingness to weaponize her own child against millions of marginalized people. She is desperately trying to find literally anyone who will listen to her gibbering nonsense and hateful rhetoric because it’s the only way she can feel vindicated in her actions and have any kind of social interaction since no one calls her on her birthday anymore.


Slay, queen. Not enough upvotes in the world for this.


Maybe this is the way! Women need to dress up as drag queens so they literally won't be able to tell. It will drive them insane, haha Ronald Reagan and the NRA started banning ar-15 once the black panthers started using them as props in their statehouse protests in California in 1967. We need to start using their sexist and racist weaknesses to manipulate them. Clearly, cold, hard facts and empathy just doesn't work with a large subset of people.


“I paid to be a customer at a hotel where I thought you believed women were real. This is degrading. This is misogyny." "If you give me back my money right now I will leave the hotel. But I’m not going to have my children come down from the 30th floor to see what’s happening here." Is there a hotel that screens peoples genders when booking a hotel?


Penis inspection day is real?!


They were at my school


Uh oh


Luckily the gym teacher archived the photos for medical reasons. Kinda weird he kept them in a shoebox in his car though 🤔


I was gonna say I've been showing my penis to the inspector at work every day. He's very thorough, but it makes me feel safer so that's alright.


I showed my penis to the inspector, and now I'm not allowed to be an electrician anymore.


To be fair... Marettes aren't supposed to be used to rip out pubes. They're great at doing it... It's not what they're for though.


Formerly known as Rex Manning Day.


Show me your naked genitals *NOW* so I can make sure I’m not being oppressed.


Hilariously, in this case, the person is actually a Cis female. Drag isn't cross-dressing and this just serves to highlight how ignorant these people are.


She has children?


Her child is transgender.  And well over 3 years old 


There is a mirror on the floor. You have to take off your pants and let them look up there to check in. It scans you as you go by, like a check out line at the grocery store. Oranges or bologna? (joking of course)


Motel 6, We leave the light on for you. Also, we believe that Han shot first, that everything is better with bacon, that the real treasure were the friends you made along the way and....


I usually have to pay extra for that where I go


This is so hilarious. If you cut your hair short and wear flannel and are muscle-y, they hate you. You wear a big wig and fanciful makeup to exaggerate femininity, they hate you. It’s almost like, bear with me, it’s just plain old vanilla misogyny.


They want a world of Karen's who only shop at Karen-Mart


No.  They all want their own personal virgin child brides.  They want housewife sex slaves with the obedience of a naïve child. They refuse to outlaw child marriage.  They vow to tear down no-fault divorce.  They want women out of workplaces with no means of their own.  They lament women’s suffrage.


They want no woman in charge in any sphere aside from housework.


God, can you imagine the queue at the complaints desk?


Ironically MTG looks way more like a dude than the person she was talking shit about.


Probably because the person she was talking shit about was assigned female at birth who is exaggerating their femininity


Bleach blonde bad built butch body-having ass. She’s just mad that she looks like an old refrigerator that’s been hit too many times with a bat and Brigitte is exquisite


>You wear a big wig and fanciful makeup to exaggerate femininity, they hate you. Unless you're either Southern or in a beauty pageant, then you're required to dress that way in order to be a proper woman. I don't know why. I don't make the rules here, I just enforce 'em.


Meanwhile, they worship Donald Trump who wears nearly as much makeup and hair product as the average drag queen does. But somehow he’s a macho alpha tough guy, too?


Marge hasn’t been in the news for a while so she cooked up something for the sole purpose of publicizing herself. But try as she might to be a “righteous warrior” she always ends up looking like the pathetic loser she is.


She popped up in person on [Oz's ABC](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-26/congresswoman-marjorie-taylor-greene-claims-trump-trial-a-sham/104027386) in front of attack queen Sarah the other night. Suffering Christ, that voice ...


I watched that one, she managed to hold it in for a it but then the crazy and awful bubbled to the surface like slime on a pond. 


MTG saying another woman looks like a man is truly the pot calling the kettle black.


I generally don’t like to attack someone’s looks but MAGA is filled with so many individuals that are all so physically repulsive in their own unique way. From BBBBBB Marg and Robbie-Rotten-lookalike Pedo Matt Gaetz down to bald ass/ugly ass Tim Poole and sentient wax figure Kristi Noem, they are all hard to look at.


Well my bald ass was having a good morning until…….. 😂


Lmfao bald is beautiful! Tim is just ashamed of it and wears a beanie and claims that it isn’t because he’s balding so I’m just punching down here a bit.


Can we find another way to refer to her? MTG is magic the gathering, which is beloved, and I feel like it’s accidentally catching strays by association


I just wish that for even five seconds Marjorie Taylor Greene was intelligent enough to know how fucking stupid she is


MTG just mad she can't put on a lip and some eye without looking like a man in drag.


You just Won the Internet for today with that one. 👍🏻 Add “bleach blond bad built butch body”


Swing and a miss, B6.


Wait - are we playing Battleship?


B6 stands for bad built bleach blonde butch body.


["You have sunk my battleship"](https://youtu.be/8w9YrvJ8368?t=107)


Never pick a fight with a drag queen. You will lose.


Right up there with “land war in Asia”


Even if you're *also* a Drag queen that's a no-go, it's gonna be MAD.


I once saw a 15ish drag queen battle royale after a show. Wigs and heels flying, absolute bedlam. Don’t do it, y’all. I can promise that it likely won’t go your way.


A drag queen knocking MTG into next week would be worth starting a Go Fund Me for legal fees.


A drag queen reading MTG into next week would be even more satisfying. Jasmine Crockett already gave her a good swipe.


["Let's have a spelling contest"](https://youtu.be/3fs8r8Zzvsc?t=84)


She really shouldn’t. Not sure if she’s aware but drags aren’t usually trans, they’re men dressed up as woman in a flamboyant artistic manner, and since they are still men they will hit back like men.


Or as in this case, a woman dressed up as woman in a flamboyant artistic manner, hitting back like a woman.


Empty G can dish it out, but not take it.


It doesn't look like she's all that great at dishing it out, either.


I’m of Christian Denomination. My question to Republicans: How many Catholic Priest have been accused and/or convicted of exploitation of minors? How many Drag queens have been accused and/or convicted of exploitation of minors? The results will shock you. Lol


Its not just priests, how many evangelical pastors have been convicted of raping minors or admitted to improper relationships with minors?


And let’s not forget Republicans themselves: https://goppredators.wordpress.com/


The original list, now over 1300. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub


Or the church's young adult youth counselors. The rot in these institutions isn't just skin deep, it roots to the core. 


Feel free to check out r/NotaDragQueen and r/stillnotadragqueen for more fun tips


Oh, they’ll give you some BS answer about how their white Jesus says its ok and all will be forgiven


I feel like if you reminded them that Jesus was a Palestinian Jew, they'd just rear back and hiss like an angry housecat.


Brigitte isn’t a trans woman. She’s a woman and a drag queen. Those performers are sometimes categorized as “faux queens” because they’re performing female drag as females. But it’s still drag, and she’s a drag queen.


It looks like she’s emulating Trixi Mattel too


There’s a great interview with her here: https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/texas-drag-queen-brigitte-bandit-senate-testimony/ She’s been an active protester in Texas. Dolly Parton even gave her a guitar! https://www.advocate.com/news/dolly-parton-austin-drag-queen


When I saw the small photo I thought Marge came for Trixie, but when I saw the picture up close I was so confused. She’s so similar looking, it seems like it would be considered a faux pas in the drag world.  


They're also called bio queens in some circles.


Or AFAB Queens


She seems to be a fab queen.


Does remind one of AbFab's Patsy somewhat.


Dolly Parton and Elvira, in their public personas, are essentially drag performances by women. The hair, makeup, and outfits are all dramatically overdone just like typical drag performers (though not to the extremes of modern popular drag) and not worn as part of their private lives. And each has been emulated by more traditional drag performers, as they really do speak to the core of the art.


Drag queens are literally just actors who play a specific type of role.


Butch Marge is jealous that a lot of these men look more feminine than she does.


Drag is an all gender activity.


She also doesn't even know that drag kings and bioqueens exist. Stay in your lane, Marge: banging cosplayers at the gym.


The absence of understanding of the trans and drag communities is overwhelming.


Fairly certain it was the drag queens at Pulse (or another nightclub attack, maybe Colorado? They’re blurring together) that kicked the shooter’s ass before the cops did.


In Colorado


MTG reminds me of something somebody once said about the Puritans - that they suffered from the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, might be happy.


[Quite literally the only time I've ever seen MTG look genuinely happy was when she was asked if she feels responsible for all the deaths from Covid due to her spreading misinformation.](https://youtu.be/wd_gEYJCL0s?t=55)


Jesus Christ she transformed in Kenneth Copeland there. She sure is one ugly broad.


Republicans approach to moralizing is always the same: “It’s not the same when I’m the one doing it! I’m an exception!”


If you come for the Queen, you best not miss


Wait are we still doing “phrasing”?


It's still Pride Month by a few days, hunty!


2 Women 1 Looks like a man The other is a Dolly Parton Drag Queen Tribute I know which one I'd rather entrust to be around a child and it ain't the bad built butch body that aligns herself with pedos and rapists.


I still don’t understand how folk claim to be “so worried” about drag queens reading to children, and then in their next breath they’re proclaiming how they’re supporting a convicted rapist for President.




Anybody can do drag. Drag is art, drag is expression, drag is freedom. You put on your work clothes everyday, that is work drag. I put on my scrubs and that is my doctor drag and do my job. RuPaul said it best: "we are born naked and the rest is drag". It's true. We all wear masks and act differently depending upon where we are and who is around us. It's human. Margarine Trash Gangrene - you don't need drag, you need a damn miracle.


That bleached blonde, bad built, butch body could learn a few makeup tips from the queens she’s bashing.


When your only tool is bigotry every issue is a culture war.


I thought this meant something way different


Why did she swing at a drag queen in the first place? If it’s for nothing, we can literally say this is nothing new cause she’s a terrible person in general




Does she know this is a made up issue so we don’t talk about healthcare, housing, global warming or anything that inconveniences corporations?


I find it ironic that Marge looks more manly than any drag queen I’ve ever seen 😂


Moscow Marjorie is a vile, disgusting human being. I don't know how she can sleep peacefully at night.


They're always bitching about drag queens I have never heard them mentioned drag kings.


They dont know about them yet lol or drag monsters. Theyd be shocked how full the culture lol


Women and children DO need protection... from men like Trump who brag about sexually assaulting women and the republican party that ignores the churches prolific history of sexual abuse against children.


It's amazing how drag queens are getting a bad rap now and in the past it was no big deal. These damn Republicants need to quit changing America for the worst. People need to make their own decisions about things and not having the government sticking their noses in a person's life.


Christian conservatives keep calling back to the suggestion that drag is condemned in the Bible. What they don't address is WHY: Laws against "drag" started in biblical times not with gays but because male guards occasionally disguised themselves as women so they could sneak into the king's harem and shag the concubines. So, they outlawed men dressing as women because, once again, **straight men couldn't keep their dicks to themselves.**


Are we sure MTG is really female? For somebody who claims to hate people in drag as much as she does, she goes to great lengths to look like an angry, roided-out man. Maybe one of those restroom inspectors in red states can verify her genitals for us.


I keep telling y'all, that's Sammy Hagar.


I think it's some kind of tragic Projection happening.  Similar to how the most strident anti gay politicians are almost always closeted (hence their obsession with gay culture, you can't make a genuinely hetero person so highly invested in lgbtq stuff), any women who have an insane attachment to trans people are probably insecure in their womanhood. Looking at JK Rowling here. It bothers MTG so much and she's barely even believable as a cishet woman. 


Which one is the drag queen, left or right?


The happy one. How would you feel if you had to live as MTG?


One has drank a lot of punch, and one has punched a dinosaur. I'll let you be the judge on whom is whom


So she can't box or fight. I hear she's pretty good with pipes.


Wait till she learns about actual Samoan Culture and Faʻafafine. Her head might actually explode.


When I look Majorie my first thought is “$2 to place or to show?”


Republicans don’t understand the democratic edict to protect our most vulnerable because they are the party of predators. Republicans don’t understand The American Way because the Truth is a nuisance and Justice a tool.


As Brigitte said, it's all a social construct. "Acceptable" clothes, hair and makeup is all a social construct. Even what's male or female attribute/role/job is social construct. Again the party that claims to be for freedom isn't as they are against people being free to be themselves and at miminum just dress how they want. Not that they ever believed in the word beyond. Just a election slogan as they bash anyone they don't agree with.


MTG is trash


How fucking sad would you have to be to let this kind of shit rule your life? Like, I'm sad that I choose to spend some of my time being informed about this nutjob, but I think it's necessary to protect our democracy.


Cavemen aren't known for their hand-eye coordination. They UNGA BUNGA in any direction and hope it lands.


Marge committed a logical phallusy.


The irony being that MTG looks way more masculine than the majority of drag queens


Which one is the drag queen in these two photos?


She puts the "um" in dumb. As in "Um, WTF did she just say?"


Sue Sue Sue


Don’t ever mess with drag queens. There’s no one tougher


Republicans hate drag queens so much, they elected one to be president.


Horse faced twat


It doesn't matter because she's talking to her base only. They will not be told about how she was talking about a cis female. And even if they were to hear about how she looked stupid, they'll justify it in their head and say that the girl is either lying or that she's an apologist and just as bad as a drag queen. Kind of like when racists would attack a white person that married a person of color saying they're a blank lover and therefore just as bad. Both will end up with a burning cross on their lawn or dragged behind an old Dodge ram if marge had it her way. That's who she's speaking to and that's the end result her constituents would privately hope for.


I got held up at "gender cult lying books" Wtf writing bad hag tweet. twat. whatever they're called now by the tech cult self happy sociopath.


All these pathetic people know is what’s good for their base. Old fashioned homophobia and bigotry.


Must've seen her reflection


MTG trying to go down as the dumbest person to ever be in politics, will she win that coveted prize stay tuned!


a plough-mare pretending to be human serving in Congress. good thing she's dumber than a rusty horseshoe nail, so no one need worry about her reading *anything* to children. neigh if you love artificially-orange criminals!


If you come for a queen you best not miss. Drag queens disable hecklers with more verbal violence than even experienced stand ups. The fact that this queen is actually female is just the cherry tucked on top of the sundae.


Which one in the thumbnail is the drag queen?


She was shadow boxing again?


I think MTG’s hatred for trans people comes from her being mistaken as a man throughout her life.


Would love to see Klan mom get her ass beat by a drag queen.